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N.Z.W.C.T.U. Literature.

General: Mrs Horace Chisholm, 9 Palm Grove, Be rh am pore, Wellington. Badges and Tie-pins, 5/- per doz., Star of Honor, 2/- each; Hymnals (music). 3/- each; Hymn Books, 2/3 per dot.; Writing Bads, 1/- and 1/9 each; Envelopes, 6d packet; Constitutions, 4d each, or 3/6 doz ; Handy Booklet, 4d each, 3/6 doz.; Membership Pledge Cards and "Pacts About W.C.T.U./' 6d doz.; Treasurer and Transfer Slips, 6d doz.; Pledge Books. 6d each; Treasurers Receipt Book, 1/6 each; Promise Box, 1/3 each; “How We Won the Franchise," 6d doz . or 3/- per 100; "White-Robed Vestal," 6<l doz., or 3/- per 100; “What We Have Done with the Franchise,’’ 6d doz., or 3/- per 100; “Torchbearers,” 7/6 each; "Appeal to Mothers,” 6d doz.; “Frauds,’ 6d doz.; "Emergency." lid doz., or Id each; ‘‘Y’ouiig People’s Leaflet on W.C.T.U., Id each, 1/- per doz.; “Noontide Hymn” (words), for sticking in Hymnal, 6d doz.; ‘Three Reasons Why a Young Woman and a Young Man Should Abstain," 6d doz.; Service and Prayer Hook, 6d each; Social Invitation Cards, 6d doz. These prices include postage. Medical Opinions and The Danger of AU ohol in Emergency, 9<l per dozen, 2/6 per 100; Is Alcohol a Stimulant? 6d per dozen. 2/- per 100; Post Cards, 1/6 per dozen; Pencils, fid each.

L.T.1.. and Band of Mercy: Mrs Bathgate, 10(5 Somme Parade. Wanganui. Charts (with Manual of Lessons), showing th** effect* of Alcohol and Tobacco on the human body, 7/6 per set; Temperance Tales. 1/-; Al>out Ourselves, 1/-; It Is Written (Bible stories), 1/-; About Our Country. 1/-: Enemy of the Empire, l/-; Three Young Americans, 1/-; Medal Contests, 1/-; Alcohol, "A Cell Poison,” 7d; (1) Pledge Honour Roll 3/6. (2) Sunday School Honour Rolls 2/6 each; L.T.L. Buttons, 3/- per dozen; L.T.L. Badges. 4/- per dozen; Pledges, 1/- per dozen; Responsive Readings, Id each; Parliamentary Rules for Boys and Girls, free; Keep Thyself 1 ‘ure (Certificates), 1/3 per dozen; AntiCigarette Pledges, 5d per dozen; Recitations and Dialogues. 3d, 4d, 6d each; Wines of the Scripture, 2/- per 100; Mothers Day leaflets. 2/- per 100; L.T.L Year Books, free; Young <Yusader. 2/- per year (in advance); Band of Mercy Pledges. 6d per dozen; Literature, fill per packet; Catechisms, free; Little Animal’s Friend, 1/6 per year. All these prices include postage.

BAND OF HOPE. Dialogues 3d each; Leaflets. 9d per packet: Pledges (artistic). 2/- per dozen; Reciters, from 3d. Also Pledges at !/• per dozen.

Cm<!?e Roll: Mrs Phillips, Brecon Road, St tatford Cradle Rail Pledge Cards, 1/- per doz. Cradle Roll Birthday Cards. 2A per doz.

Eighth Y'ear Certificates, 2/- per doz Social and Moral Hygiene: Mrs Wilson, P.O. Box 273, Hastings. Men, Women and God, 4/6 —A discus sion of Sex Questions from the Christian standpoint; Maternity without Suffering, 3A; Way Book of Youth, IA; How I Was Born, 9d; The Story of Life, 1/6; In Her Teens, 2/-; The Charging Girl, 2/-; Answers to Tiny Tots, 2/-.

Medical Temperance: Mrs Clara Neal, {• I’ark Crescent., Auckland. Medical Temperance Leaflets at r»lce§ ranging from one penny up to sixpence per dozen. Sample Packets, I/- each. Anti Narcotic Leaflets: Sample Packe.o, 8d e.ich.

jp. I 'liable to seii< 1 h delegate to Napier; greeting* to lie wnt. Mr«« (’ole kindly presented a low seat for the Rest Room. Decided to write sympathizing with Rev. Gr I list and in his illness. Remit* to Convention were retul. I*ecided to ask Mrs Jones to represent V* at Convention. noon tea kindly provide by Mr* H Hill.

KUMKU Mar. 14 Fair attendance, Mrs Wilson »**•- cupietl the chair. Bring :»n«l Buy Sale. A goo<t tx*s|sms«'. and vvltli the small suai «»f tid. for afternoon tea as well, we realised £2 135.; very satisfactory for .i tunall number. Decided to ask Mrs Hen fell to address next meeting.

W ARK Wi 'RTH. Mar. 1. Mrs Herbert appointed Hecretary. Mr* W. Ham.ltem resigning after nearly twenty years of service. Mar. is. A farewell Social was tendered to two Vh-e-Presidents. Mrs Rjpredit and Mrs Parsons, who are isitli 'leaving *lie district.

TA UIC A KG A Mar. 23 W» are expecting a visit from Mrs T. E. Toy or in Easter week, (hit* President wad a most interesting paper on tii,. “Lih of PnurM Wttfsrd We tan welled Mr* Jordan, i lid pr« seiited her with a small c|«« k. as A slight token .d our regard. After i* n taking of a i-up of tea. tli.' members nans. "Blest In* the Tie which Hinds," Mill Mrs Jordan clf-sed tin* meeting with prayer.

N E VAI.I.EY. Mar. 22. Mrs A'l-tbe, who presided. Ran nn interestil »f address o*i "Faith, llo|s- and lane.” I .ft ter ol sympathy to Mr.* BhU.iil.ts (Treasurer) who was unable to at feint, <m iiiK to the illness of tier sister. It being “Ev :e.iyehstii Day." Ensign Bartlett gave a very interesting address on "Unionism and Heir Shi rifl< e.” Mrs Peart slid Mrs Elliott were nominated for member* ot the School ( 'oil I 111 It t IT,

M U'NC.ATPROTO Mar. tl. At Mrs Pnsley's. Pledge re-|s-ated. Remits to in- brought liefore Con vent ion were ilis-uss«Mi. Annual eolleetion of left-off elotliimt i-oiisidered. Se. retary asked to write Headquarter*, asking where • lothim! is most n«ede<l. Interesting reading by Mrs Flower on "The Effect of \\ ilte at WeddiliKs.” Se, retary asked to attend New Zealaud Alliance Confereni e at \\ liaiigarvl nn 22nd. Afternoon tee

MIRAMAR. Mar. 8. Small attendance. Business for approaching Annual Convention notices of motion dealt with—nomination of Miss C. K. Kirk. J.P., for Vice-President. Various accounts passed (delegate* expenses to CtaVtutiMi; a<lvertis'UK in IJ Wklt* ttkkoj; literature to be bouKl't »*t Convention; donation to Treasurv t to amount of f.V Uni?--prayer us-etlny for I*ea«e Ihty. May 21st, decided on. Sylahu of year’s meeting* approved.

OTAHUHU. Mar. I. The l'rosideut, Mi ? hi the <hair, gave those preeont a hoarty welcome. A ho< ml gathurinK, a l*rgw number prvuent Musical items were rendered b> Mr* Chi..-tini and Mm W. Taylor and Mina Johnaton, after which Mr» LM-Cowk took for her subject, "CPowPag’ the Seed*,” which wa* mo.- 1 interest mg and helpful. One rw-w member. Collection for Inion work. Donation of l«a was given Tor the World‘a .Missionary work. Afternoon tea was handed round.

SHEFFIELD). Mar. 16. Mrs Witheford presided, eleven present. The Rev. D. Boyd gave an tnspirInK address on ‘The Effects of Alcohol in re Kurd* to Economy and Health." De< ided to hold a Cradle 1 toII Picnic for mothers and ctdlilren on the 31st March, the Secretary to coinmuntcate with the Chairman of the Domain Board, and ask for the loan of the Pavilion for that day. Afternoon t»u handl'd round.

RIOCARTON. Mar. lw. Monthly meeting. Oood attendance, (>resided over by Mrs C. Harrell, who welcomed a number of visitors. Bring and Huy Afternoon. realixing about £2 10s. Mrs Here us gave .mi interesting address on "Missionary Work in Peru, Chile, and the Argentine Republic." Apr. 3. A pleasant afternoon given by Mn» W. Lovell-Smith at her residence, "Midway,* Uiec&rton. to enable members to hear Miss Henderson, H.A., apeak on "Prohibition. an International Movement." The address was most interesting and educative, showing the great strides made in Scientific Tempemuce during the iast twenty or thirty years. Musical item* were rendered by Misses LowJl-Bmith and Stephenson. A dainty afternoon tea. Mrs C. Barrel! thanked Mrs Ixnell-Smitli for so pleasantly entertaining them. Collection was taken up for New Zealand Organizing Fund. Temperance leaflets distributed. Two new subscribers to "White Ribbon.’'

NEW BRIGHTON. Mb’ - . 16. Well-attended; Mrs Hall in the chai. Reported a successful Home meeting at Mrs rt. Hooker's residence. Decided that letters of congratulations be sent to Misses 0. Henderson and B. M. llarhand, on their appointment as Justices of the Peace. An IM| presented CO Mrs R. Rame. who is leaving the district. Member* spoke eulogistic-ally of the recipient's good service to the I nion. Mrs Itnlne suitably responded. Miss Thelma Buxton contributed songs, and afternoon tea was served. Two new members.

PANNE VIRKE. Mar. IS. A So. ial re union. Itev. Daniel In chair. Afternoon tea and social intercourse Mr Itaiiaoni, Ml’, s>nke nn the “Licensing Bill In Parliament,’ md he said the Bill would undoubtedly ! introduced am In next Session. The audience listened with great appreciation. lllra Heaton s|»oke it few words, and a hearty vote of thanks it. corded to Mr Ransom.

1.1 NCOHN-aPRINGBTf »N Mar. 20. Annual meeting, preaided over hv Mrs Kitne Vote of sympathy to Mrs Currie In her continued 111-hea’th. Ele*-tioii of offlc-re:— Pres., Mrs Klme; Hoc., Mrs KimberTreas.. Mnc Marshall; W.R. Agent, Mrs Holme*; Cmdie Roll Supt., Miss Mutton, w-lth assistants. Ha lance-<heet with a credit balance was read and adopted. Ke|*ort of White Ribbon Arent quite satisfactory. The t'radle Roll started this last month; car boast of several babies already. Afternoon ten

OTAKI. Mar. <5. A meeting rf those interested in the work of the Women’s Christian T»‘inperati'e Union. was held at Mrs Barclay's residence. Miss MrUv Dominion Organiser, addressed the meeting I»ec|ded that the t>taki hrnne h of this Union should be revived, and that a further meeting to re-organise and elect officers for same he held on the following Friday afternoon This meeting wns well-attcrcb 1. Mrs I.iddell presided and Introduced the speaker. Miss Melee's Interesting nr.d Inspiring addreno. backed bv

compelling figures that more than justif'ed the oxistence and activities of the Union, wad listened to with the closest attention. The keen Interest ahowxi by everyone present waa most encouraging. The election of officers resulted a* follows:—President, Mish 8. M l.e«; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Swabwy mk'i Mrs Grant; Reo. Secretary, Mrs W. CJ. Taylor; Cor. Secretary, Mias Grant; Treasurer, Miss Graufield. Meetings on the first Wednesday In the month. Mrs la**, President, was elected delegate to Convention Afternoon tea was dispensed.

GRE YTOWN. Mar. Six members present. Miss Oates occupied the chair. Mrs (Villier and M'ss Oates rejiorted having sent parr-el of clothing to Willard Ihmie at their own expense, fo** which they were thanked. The fact read by Miss Oates was on the "Drug Traffic.’*

PAPANVI. Mir. 8. Mrs Marshall presided over a good attendance Mrs Bond was elected Superintendent of the recently-formed V. Brunch, and Mrs Hawker Superintendent of "Scientific Temperance." Letter received from Miss Blackwell re arranging Home meetings. Mrs Hunpsou delegate to Convention. A Bring and Buy effort resulted in the sum of fifteen shillings being raise d.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 393, 18 April 1928, Page 13

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N.Z.W.C.T.U. Literature. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 393, 18 April 1928, Page 13

N.Z.W.C.T.U. Literature. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 393, 18 April 1928, Page 13