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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! t. Every Union should report. 2. Reports mu.-t be sho:t. 3. Must be in by Bth of month. 4. Don't report what you are going to do. 5. Don’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. • SAWYER’S BAY. April 28. Mrs Hudson presided, nine members present. We were pleased that Mihs Anthony was so far recovered to be able tc» eome to the meeting. Mrs Abnrn rent! a brief report of the recent Convention. Solo, Mrs Ciiispar. Arrangt im nts made to have a eomhined ineetinK next mont h. GORE. March. The infusion of fresh energy in the (tor** Branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was evident nt yesterdsv's mo it lily meeting, held In the Baptist Ctmrch. when there was n very large attendance. Mrs E. c\ Smith (President) occupied the Miss Knrnshaw, 1 *om'r.loii Organiser, had recently sj» ~t «* few days 'n the district, and ns one result of her efforts 25 new members were enrolled, several of whom were present yesterday and teieived the white ribbon badge of membership. Mrs (J. F. Milams was elected Corresponding Seer tnry, and Mrs Harjwr Recording Secretary. A Social Comm ttee was appointed, a'so a Finance Committee, to co-ope v\te witli the Treasurer. It was resolved that the April meeting take tlie form of a social, at which will be presented the reports of tlie delegates to the liotninlon Conference.

April. A social evening. An exit p- ♦ lonallv large attend'iiCe, ami Mrs E. C. Smith ( I’tv dent ) «>ecupled 11 1 .» chair. Reports of the Dominion Convention, recently held at 1 *uncdln, were given bv the President. Mcsd ones T. Rhodes and IX McAsklil. I’i m tliesi addr« 'Scs it was obvious that the salient features of the Convention had b«on of a hearty and hopeful spirit, and a stressing «>f tin* nec I for each individual branch to la* keyed up for its utmost effort this m «r, towards the end of which would come tile decisive poll. The inspiration of the Convention holied over into last night’s gathering, which was characterised bv optim'sm and thorough-going enthusiasm. During the e.erfng vocal solos were rendered by Mesd'imes J. Boyne and L. A. Day, a recitation by Mrs E. C. Smith, and pianoforte selections by Miss Cathie Johnstone, who also acted as accompanist to the vocalists New members enrolled. OAMARU. May 6. Mrs Clarke in tlie ch&ir. Miss Earnshnw gave an interesting address based on NehemJah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. We were urged to go forward in the name of Christ to tight till victor.was ours. Miss KVrr rendered a beautiful solo. One n w member wns Initiated. A vote o f sympa by was pa?sod to Mrs M. - bean and to Mrs Blair li- thf death of their fathers A vote of chunks was pnr.« d to Misses Ear tubn v and Farr. Sup re? was served. I d’NED IN CENTR AL. April 7. Rood attendance. \f n Mathewson gave an excellent report of Convention.

Mrs Macartney read the special balanee-siu-et of Convention receipts and expenditure, which showed tlie Union to be atdl financial. A discussion as to tlie special activity to be undertaken by tin* Union at tlie N.Z. and South Seas Exhibition, resulted in a motion to gather information as to a creche, and report to tlie next meeting. Mrs Macartney was deputed to enquire from Christchurch Union as to expenses, etc., of n Smilar work undertaken by then: some years urn. May 5. Three new members were admitted. Mrs Hlett gave a helpful address on the work and prayers of the prophet Nelieiniah. urging all members to have n mind to work, “for the work is great and large.** I H-eldcd to hold n prayer meeting, to which the suburban branches wi re Invit•d, on Pa . i*j Mrs Hut I p pointed to supervise the arranging of small country as well as home rum tings. RI (CARTON. April 1«. Ilespite torrential rain, there was an attendance of fifteen members to hear sin Interesting at 1 dress on ‘’Answers to Questions on Prohibition,” given 1* >- the ~ \ v .! \. made for a Bring-ami-Buy afternoon. A good stun was again handed In for Campaign Fund. W A IT A RA. March 20. Mrs Andrews presided. 17 members present. Correspondence read. Letter of sympathy to Mrs McKenzie in her bereavement. April 17. President In the chair. Good attendance. Most interesting report of Convention was rend by Mrs Andrews, and was much enjoyed by all present. Agreed to prod re banner for Branch, offerings by lueinbe* s to ce ,- er the cost. Business was trnn*a«- ; In connection with the District Convention, to be held June 9th and 10th. WANGANUI EAST. May. Mrs i)*iW*ett occupied the ehair. Arrangements were mu te for the holding of prayer meetings on alternate Enduy?. eommenelng on the ITtli Inst., nt 2.3'» p in. A cordial invitation is given to all W.C.T.U. members of other Unions and to ah women to Join. Tlie Secretary read an Interesting report of tlie welcome given to Mrs Ixm and to Miss Henderson at tlie Dunedin Conventlon. The Secretary also brought the following Interesting facts before the meeting:—"The Sun Francisco N* ws” of the 3rd January, 192 f., says that figures supplied to Congress show that tlio cost of Proliibit : on enforcement in seven years has been 59,000,000 dollars. “Tin* News** says that even if this amount is correct, when ft is distributed over tlie population it amounts to seven cents per person per year. That is to «ay, it has been costing only pence per person per annum to enforce Prohibition. A vote of sympathy with Mrs V. rcoe on the death of her father was passed. Mrs McLeod reported one new member, making twenty new members she has won In eighteen months. The Secretary reported that the roll now stood at seventytwo. MOTUEKA. Tlier< were nine present. Resolved: That Mrs fdover act as Recording Secretary. Reso’ved: That 5/- be sent to Mr AN* A. Byers as donation to the Institution for the Bl'nd. Mrs Ganderton rend an excellent pnper on “AA'ork, Courag* . Trust, Unity” (W.C.T.U.). Resolved: That Mrs l w> n he invited to como to Motueka to hold n meeting. RosolVed: To hold our next meeting on Monday, May 17th. Pen e Day, and tlint Mr Penney be asked to address us on that occasion. WELLINGTON -meth. May 7... Mrs Johnson-W'right. presided. Mrs Catch pole cave an interesting account of the business part of the Convention, makin* ment’oi of two addresses given by Mrs Hiett, of Dunedin, and Mrs T. E. Taylor, of Christchurch, of the service which was held in First Church, and the after-church rally which was held in the Octagon Theatre, when Mrs Don spoke

of her wonderful experiences in America. Decided that Peace Day be observed on the day originally suggested by Convention. The method of collecting sums of money weekly for campaign work was agreed to, sc\«ial members promising ut once to contribute. As Mrs Catchpule was leaving u* to ti ke Up work w th the N.Z. Alliance, si,, was assured that our members would picy that strength would be given her to carry her through her duties. ’• ARM BIlfITl N N< •RT’i • May 1. A very appreciative audience of me tubers and visitors gat h end to listen to th«» Dominion Convention report. m.v Fergurson gave an amusing »• citation, w lio li was grenttly appreciated, and M m I Nil brock delighted those preset). with her singing. Votes ot eondoleuce ver* with I’.ev. Brown in the loss of Mr* Brown, w ln» two years ago filled the position of President, and li.ul greatly elide irad herse’f to tile members, ml also with Mrs AVatson, our present Treasurer. in he recent loss of her mother. A dainty supper w ~s handed round, and nt the rinse tli new iiieinlais were initiated. A! A HTERTON. May 7. A most suecessful ami profitable At Home me. ting was held at tlm residence of Mrs S. J. Smith, Church Street. Mrs Cocker presided over a large attendance. A lengthy report of the recent Convention was read, and gave much food for !bourn t. it should prove un incentive fur filtur. work. Decided to celebrate Poa<-e Dav on Monday, May 18th. by- holding ~ di'Utior.a) meeting. Votes of sympathy v.ere passed with Mrs Massev in tlie serioir. illness of Mr Massey, also with the Rev. .1 Dawson in hie sickness. Appreciation was expressed at the return of Miss AVlngnt. « ur Secretary. much Improved in health • al o welcome given to new member*. Musi *’« I items were rendered. Afternoon tea prov ided by hostess. C A RTERTf'N. May (I. Fair attendance. Mrs R. 11. Every presided. Thy collection fer the blind was taken un. wni>h amounted to 12 <5. Decided to have a Cradle Roil nf ternoon on May tsth for tlie mothers nml •.allies, invitations to be sent out. and also tlie Superintendent to i>e introduced. AVe were all very keen to liear Miss Waterpou’k report, who was our delegate recently nt Convention. She gave us a very interesting account of Convention, and brought us back some g.sxl hints and points to help our work along. Wo an going to keep our Peace Day by prayer in May, and out White Ribbon Day in June. The meeting was brought to a close with singing of a hymn and prayer. Afternoon tea was dispensed, the hostesses for the afternoon being Mrs Tyler and Mrs AA’el. h. GREYTOAVN. April 28. Thirteen members present. Miss Oates In chair. A very interesting account of Dunedin Convention rend by our d • l< goto. 11. c i'!.* i to Rend i mho ription to League of Nations. Mrs Collins appointed AVliite Ribbon agent. lVcided I<* have large afternoon tea on fitli May of 1.T.L., Cradle Roll, etc. STR AT FORD. April 24. Thirty present. Good meeting. A most Inspiring address was given bv Miss Burls, lecturer on the Field Staff of file N.Z. Alliance, subject "Woman's rower and Influence.** Tlie President announced that Stratford had won the banner for having gained the greatest, numls r of new mem her* last year. LOWER BUTT. April 22. Beautiful weather and glorious sunshine filled the Hutt Valley on Wednesday afternoon, and certainly made a difference *n the attendance ; ,t our AA'.c. T.IT. meeting. The President and Secretary looked quite sunshiny, too, for there were 22 members present. Our delegate to Conference gave a very full report, and was determined to let us know n’l things in regard to tlie Conference. Quite a bright

uplrit prevailed, and we as a Union are prep; td to fa. o the difficulties which are In fr i t of ua. Afternoon tea was dispene« One new member was initiated. R ANCHOR A. Ifr Thwaitee presided over a fair attendaiice Two new members were initiated. The President read a lengthy repJrt of Convention. A resolution was passed protesting against dancing being allowed to t.ike place In a hall on the Waluku Beach on Sunday afternoons, a copy of the resolution to be sent to the Domnin Board urging the necessity of steps being taken to put a stop to tins unseemly desecration of the Habbnth Pav. WIN^ON. At»ill 21. Very good attendance. The »*rei«l<l‘nt occupied the chair. Three new mem < rs were initiated. The chief in*.erestlof tlie afternoon centred round the pap. for the occasion, which was specially writt< n for our Branch by the grand old Isdy of Invercargill. Mrs Baird. who for a number of years lived and laboured In Wloton as the much beloved lady of the mar-* 1 . It was a beautiful little paper ‘he writer tuk'ng for fc®r abject Pie four word a of our Un. >n. viz., 'Women’s Christian Temperance Union." RAKATA. Apr'l 5. Mrs Rong presided over n good atte-t lance, and read a very Interesting report if Convention, written nnd sent by our iti*. Mrs Hopwood. Decided to ask Mrs McCombs, of Christchurch, to speak on ‘‘Bo< il Hygiene" at our meeting in May. A letter of tlinnks from Mrs Blakiston. On Hehn f of tlie members, Mrs Weaver present' 1 Mrs, the Treasurer, who is having the district, with a handsome bronze \ asc expressing regret at her departure. Mrs! Breach asked Miss to accept a case of 1 stainless tea knives, nnd wished her mud happiness in her married life. Mrs and M ss Lee suitably responded. Afternoon tea brought a plensnnt afternoon to a clO#c ' lT ITU RICHMOND. April 22. A social afternoon. Mrs crater, e, delegate, gave a very splendid necoa: of Convention, and received a very hearty vote of thanks. Peace prayer meeting [to t.e held third Monday in May. One new member received. NKW BRIGHTON. Ai ril IC. Mrs J. Bellamy In the chair. AU« id;mce poor on account of Inclemency ofKi gather. The delegate’s report of Annual Convention was excellent. Afternoon teal was served, and meeting closed w ith Ten ■ i ranee Doxology. AUCKLAND. /.pi 1 21. Mrs Cook presided. A resolution of sympathy passed to the Premie? in bis serious illness. Votes of sympath / to Mrs Reuben Bailey in the death ofil r husband, Mr Reuben Rniley, well kno ?: to many as Colonel Bailey,, of the 8a? . it ion Army, and to Rev. John Dawson JEM* continued illness. Superintendents ofp departments were appointed for the year A letter of congratulation was sent tofrl:s Dewar on the occasion of her 91st l.lrt day. Mesdames Cook, Fulljames, ami Mis.- l>e\\ nr gave reports of tlie recent Conven? on at Dunedin, and were thanked for thsji comprehensive and interesting accou|.t of the work transacted. Mrs DeeCow i Announced to the meeting that she was M: i t ing a Gospel Temperance Mission in lli<* East Street Mission Hall, which she haC taken for a year, and aske.l tin* assistanc' of members In distributing cards of invl ation to tlie meetings. Mesdames Con nnd T ylor were appointed to the Natl*? I < 'o’meil of Women. NORTH-EAST VALLEY. A >ril 23. Tlie President brieflv expressed syn itliv with those vho had iost friends at kin* Trout. A welcome was extended to an \tickiand member. A motion of sym-

pnthy with a member who has been bereaved was passed. The Convention delegates’ reports were received. One new member admitted. HAWERA. A pul 23. President In the chair Very good attendance. Our delegate to Convert tion gave us a very interesting report of the Convention, and urged us to get busy, for we must win the day this election. Mrs Greenwood sent the Union a vhite ribbon bow as a little memento of happy times si>ent with us. We have invited Normanby Union to Join with us in our Peace Day celebrations. Discussions on some of the speakers and the'r modes of work, whom we listened to yesterday at our Area Convention took up some time, and the resignations of sonm officers meant the election of ciners. Afternoon tea was dispensed. CHRISTCHURCH. April 11. Mrs Napier presided over a good atttendance* Correspondence was read from Mr Leadley, asking the Union to assist on Poppy Day, April 22nd. Decided to accede to the e**nu» «t Decided to take tlie iliat report from Convention, and Mrs Day, as one of the delegates, gave an interesting account of the business sessions. Mrs John-son-Wright, of Wellington, was welcomed, ulso a member from the Hawera Union. April 22. Mrs T. E. Taylor presided over a good attendance. Mrs Richards gave her report of Convention. tuklng the public meeting and entertainment, which were of a very fine eharacteer, and were attended by record audlenct3, particularly those addressed by Mrs Don and Miss Henderson, who spoke on their recent (ravels in America and the successful working of Prohibition, and the great work being done by the women for law enforcement. Reported that Union members had collected £55 on Poppy Day for the Soldiers' Unemployment Fund. GERALDINE. April 7. Mrs Neutze President) presided. Mrs Norrle, District President, and Mrs T. E. Taylor, Vice-President of Dominion Union, were present. Mrs Norrie gave a short address, and urged all members to help In every way posjible In W.C.T.U. work. Mrs Neutze spoke of tlie inspiring addresses at Convention, which she and Mrs Wallace (delegate) had attended in Dunedin. Mrs T. E. Taylor, in a stirring address, urged all present to do all in their power to gain Prohibition at the next election; to form country meetings nnd gain the help of Bible Class members, etc., to influence first voters. Fine new members Joined. A similar address wus given at a public meeting held In the evening, when there was a good attendance. Mrs Neutze presided, and after singing the hymn and introducing the speakers, a short musical programme was enjoyed. Mrs Kirk, Miss E. Ginson, and Mrs Bruce Logan each sang a solo. Mrs Madtll, Vice-President, played the accompaniments. After Mrs Norrie and Mrs Taylor’s addresses, several members joined, also two gentlemen honorary members. We were very grateful for the help of the two lady speakers. FOXTON. April 11. Special meeting. Splendid attendance. Fine address by Mrs T. E Taylor, urging members to their personal responsibility to secure the enrolment of women voters, the education of first voters in our principles, and the need of getting women to the polling booths Decided to hold Home Meetings in surrounding district. PUKEKOH E. May 5. Mrs Lee-Cowie told us of her journey round the world. Unfortunately, Mrs Lee-Cowie had to return by Mie twenty minutes to four train, and so had not very much time. However, we all felt the better for what she did say. Afternoon tea wns served, Misses Smith and Patterson being In charge.

MAUNGATURC )T<>. April 30. Good attendance. Mrs Finlayson delighted us with a solo entitled "M> Task.” The Secretary was instruct d to write to Miss Henderson for hull a dozen bund kg, and also to Mi Pei ing her to make an appointment with Mrs Don to include our Union in her visiting list. Mrs Wallace was apoointed Superintendent of Cradle Roll, with Mrs 11. E. Flower assistant. Mrs Wright took notes from ti. report, nnd gave us no abihiged account of the proceedings of Convention- Miss Rownlt, the 1 ■ ITaloi at our meeting, and as she was af the Convention. she was able to give tis some I .(creating facts regarding it. NAPIER. April 1. Hastings meeting reported discussion on Women’s Welfare Work at Dunedin Exhibition. Decided to donate £1 towards the same. Letter received in regard to affiliation with Women’s National Council; discussion. Further information to be obtained, nnd Executive to deal with it. Mav 6. Eighteen preesent. Vitatlon to be sent to Mrs Don. Peace Dnv to bo observed on May 1 tli. M T-* K to give an address. Extra Convention numbers of White Ribbon bought by nu inbms. Letter of thanks nnd photograph of children received from W iCard Home, T morston North. Mrs Hull, our delegate, welcomed back from Convention. Her report much appreciated, and t< be continued in June. Agreed to start a Band of Hope at Willard Hall, Friday evening, May 15th. KATA POT. April 29. Mrs Jackson (President) n the chair. Good attendance. Mr t H. Renaldl was appointed Treasurer. As the epidemic restrictions have been raised, ar rangements were made to "art tlie L n«t o r Hope meetings on May lltli; al«o to hold a Cradle Roll social afternoon In tlie Preshyterian Sunday School on Mav 13tli. De. i<T> ' to continue tlie reading of the report of Convention at tlie social on May 13th. Result of Street Hale for Building Fund, £ s 11s 4d. Social Committee for nc\? i? ed'mr. Mesdames Smith, Barrett and Chapman. CHEVIOT. May 2. Good attendance. Mrs F< rmison presided, and one new member Joined our ranks. An account of Dutied n Convention read bv our President. Decided to nrrange with Mrs T. E. Taylor for a h'dv lecturer to visit two or three centre* ir ti district, the date to he fixed later Aft* rnoon tea was dispensed In the usual friendly manner. A R.A MOHO. Apr'l 14. Mrs Dallam in the chair. Evangelistic section and business *'■' rri* I <»n as usual. Vote of sympathy to Mr Massey. Case of distress mentioned; b-ip to ba L-ivcn. Invitation « t' t East Branch to visit us n« xt meeting Members note meetings to be bold second Tuesday, not Thursday as before. Afternoon tea. W ARK WORTH. April 28. A discussion on bunks u't Me for reading for the winter evenings proved Interesting; also the reading of the report of the Dunedin Convention. LEIGH. April. Fair attendance. President in the chair. Mrs Matheson read an extra t from “Scientific Facts on Alcohol. *’ P • u,slon to arrange a sewing meeting for making over garments for Adjutant Gordon for her poor people. Tlie President road Mrs Morrison’s paper, entitled “Pi ‘gross.' which was much appreciated. April 30. President in tlie chair Small attendance. One visitor present. Resolved to have the last Thursday In May for the sewing meeting, and t<> send imt' ••* of meeting to surrounding districts. One new member initiated.

MOSGIEL. Attendance very fair. Husi|t hmd agreed unanimously to forward on to Knrclkry £1 Id to help on tin* fund r«* Women's Ih-at Room at Exhibition. An we an- affiliated with t»»•* League of Nut mm id. it mh* agreed that the Bc< rvtnry \»rtte to ask a speaker to roinv out ail* dress our mootlna W Juno 16th. Mrs Bedford then gave n moat inspiring addresa, w htch wan thorouhly enjoyed by all present. April. Attendance ex* client. A letter from I #i‘ii a u* - of Nat lona Union saying Mr* llanan would address Juno mot ting. Rei*ort of Convention given by dolegate* x*>lo by Midd M<l*eod, "Jesus Understands, wki n*u<h enjoyed J<Ml NF* »WII.LK. April Ji. A la i it o number of mo in bora ami friends aaaambltd to hoar the Secretary's report of Contention, t<> wh > li ahe hnd Ik*»*ii a delegate. Resolved to aaa Ira Peryman for an address for next meeting, to tako tin* form «f !’«•** «• inaatinc; alto resolved to aak for Mr* ln*n to address a publlo meeting bore on In r tour of Kort'i latand Our meeting* In future are to be hold on the third Thursday in month, ultornate Hi Presbyterian and Motliod at H> hool rooma. Mrs Husking gave a abort adilroa on Temperance and Advancement, follow inK up report of Contention. Mrs Holiday sang a aolo, anti aftornoen tea wa* provided OTAHI HI . May 7th Mia Williania, our District Hn ret ary. from Auckland, kmdiy eame out and gave un th«* report of Convention which mm neid In I »unodin; tt waa very interestin', ami helpful to all those who were preeettl PETONK. April 7tl». Mrs Murimtroyd, tPresident> in chair. Pair attendance; one im inker trnnsferred. Arrangements were made for •■roundup” of nieiidiera who do not attend the meetings. A supply of “White Ribbons” to la* obtained, ami diatrlbuleil for this purpose. April 1 Sth Ho, ml afternoon given by MeMtaiur* Thoms and Bowie; lira Mtirgatroyd. presided A vote of sympathy was passed with our Premier in his illnc-s. also to Mrs Massey, who is iNisainv through a trying ordeal, and to a member who haw recently lost lor mother. Miss Aviaon inive p M it of her Convention Report • (insisting e hie fly of rt'ininuM-m ea of Mrs IW* ami Miss Henderson's tr:n<> Miss Aviron elao iepi»rted that (Hiring Convention, mention was made of the increase of tlrliißlng anmnrat women and young people. Uolo by Miss l*a\ s; Pianoforte solo. Miss Burrows; afternoon tea was served. I.lteraturo distributed. I ANNEVI HKK. Mar. Usual <wn»Mi«*n atn were followed by dismission re-fumla for our Current inhl niush-nl eveninr. held March lltli. with e> cellent iiu i, etc., -it'rred tile interest of mir folk Mr:- IVry man's atltlress on \V c T !'. Indue me n oknl enthusiastic admiration a au*ie sful evenll g-- for u* April. Uusual meeting sui**rsed*Hl by a I* h tl • form of it Hoc. ptton to Envoy Hwartz, U.H A. Iter eloquent devotional a I dress was well rei *• ved he a crowd of over a hundred —mostly ladies. Into her discourse she skillfully wove a thread of plesdng, m k iik the med f„ r ( » l4 r best effort* to be utilised in every* i lunar member, band***! M'«* Swart* n bunch of flowers composed of lilooir* from Individual mendiei * of the Union, and entwined with our emblem—White Ribbon and expressed our welcome in a nyreetllttl* sis*. ■< h. Afternoon tea added « tom h of heartiness to a successful gathering. Miss Hwarlz’s Prnhdct'on address at n gilt was all elisniem trl’.ute to tli *»n« • ■*••* of ' I'l \ t»es.«'' ill USA. •la\ Ith. 1* i ember*: I vislturft. A busv m etina l!« |s»rt of Knvov Pwarta meeting, i* irrvs| >ondenct* res*e (, ed from our lost rut | T ,.lon Sei retarv. Quest«onuire considered. It. solved: tl> To old in information reNat*©H'Vl Council of Women isdoie voting for nr iiKiiinst affiliation; (?i To Invite l»iatri« t Union to held Convention In iNtunevlrke; IP |*n,. ee l with amttigmnenta for Miss

Iturl's visit; (4) To ask to he included iu Min Ihiiim itinerary. TIM A HU. April 23rd Special meeting I Ha uled that Mi< Nome, an President ol Ihatrlct Union, v;o to tnnual MeetuiK of New Zealand Miiam e. and that Tiniaiu Branch would pay e\|tenses. Mrs Nome explained that the meeting had been called to urge the women to vote for women standinx for different public posit tone Arrangements were made foi Pay - up So, mi, Tuesday, 2kth, w hen the > mrls would be gucsta of the Union Apr. 2*t i. Pay Up Social—great success; Ha tor’s Heat tilled. Mr Woodward entertained several seamen in drawing room up--tan s till supper tune when they Joined the coiiipauy. Several musical items were given and much enjoyed; ami Mrs Nome and Mi 4 Hague, reported on Convention. TAKAPUNA Apr 7th Pair attendance. Miss Mills \ is elected to the Immigration Committee. A motion of sympathy wan passed with a member who is lying seriously ill, also one tu i, >.it ions of the late Mr Mactier. Mrs Uuiljames gave a most interesting report on the 4fttli Convention, lately held in Imnedin. for which ahe was passed a very heartv vote of thanks. AHHBUKTON. Apr. ti. Mrs Ldl presided. Good attendance Fifteen minutes were spent in pruver iu,l intercession for that's bleaoing on the work of the coming Campairn, and a helpful Inn* win* experienc'd, 'lecldnl that a letter of sympathy la* forwarded Mrs G. M \l ater. in her unfortunate accident. A cordial welco ne was extended to Mrs X. \. g Ply mouth. W hu h was irr . oualv acknowledged. A very helpful and insp ring address was given OB "Prayer, nd the necessity of keeping in vital touch w ith Jesus Christ,” by Rev. A. G. Irvine A hearty vote of thanks was Recorded the speaker May sth. Owing to the Inclemency of the weather, Mrs 1,111 presided over a small attendance of members The President ex-plain*-.I that the ”IM-awiiig Room” gathering uri anged for April Hith, was postponed owing t<» the heavy rains Bedded that a i II D l‘* rrymaii. OX pr. -s ng the heartfelt sympathy of the members n lli her, in her present in |ia|M»aitlon.. I lit** t .-at; ng icportH of Bunedln Convention d 1 \ 11 . M I Thompson, who were heartily thanked. Tl •• t‘ inks of the I'gion were accorded Mis II lit one, and Mrs J. Thompson, for wreaths placed on th* Soldiers’ graves, and Troopers* Memorial, on Anzac l>a.v. SUMNER May sth (lood meeting in spite of the rain. Mrs McCombs, in the chair. Two special meeting** were reported as having t i ken place sin* ** last ordinary meeting Tiie first, in April, to hear Mrs William’s in , ount of work of Convention, when there ~ a large attendance and keen interest; and the second was a very successful drawing room meeting at Mrs Peek’s residence. The Spur. Hi ilcliffs, whoa Mrs Williams gave in a,ldr, >* on May Ist. Mrs Ogier reported in-w silt,.-*' rile is to the White Ribbon, congratulattons offered One new member Inl- \ ■! ■ wort rnadt far ■ put. - be meeting on May 7th In Town Hall, also for proposed tlrawlng room meeting Himl- , tiffs about May Jtith. Hub-Committee of fl\«- x,*t up to <lraw up programme for Young People* meeting next month. CHEVIOT \pril 1 A small but enthusiastic, meeting Mrs Ferguson presiding Mrs Itowen's r**x Ljimtion of Treasurer rece'ved with regret’ Pr, -clent read letters from Miss Henderson, which Were listened to with great interest Tb ■ meeting <dosed With the Benediction, after which afternoon tea was served. PONHONBY. \t»ril It. Mrs ls-e f’ow’ie presided over a good attendance Hpaeial prayers for our work end workers throughout the Itoiiiinion offared t*v members and our President. Reported that the HH Union Hulldlßg Fund table nales were so far a great success, the • v l ie sales Peng lU* An appreciative . tt< r from M* Massey** Secretary was read

m reply to h letter of sympathy from our Branch. The Importance of securing the immigrants for Church and Prohibition was again brought before us, anti every member is ui g,*d to do all they can to meet and encourage those strangers when tlie> coma to Atn kland. <*ui President gave us a very beautiful and helpful addresa on ’Purity.” A most helpful mooting closed with prayer. BAHT INCH April 23. President (Mrs Harper) in the chair. Fair attendance. Mrs Boshier, Convention delegate, presented repo-t, anil answered questions relative to Convention. She also gave report of interview with Nurse Maude, of Christ' hurch, relative to establishing a district nurse hero. I*ecid••d t° vote surplus from "At Home to start a "Banner Fund.” Plana for Peace Bay discussed, next meeting to be held on that day. Mrs Harper entertained th** Union at afternoon tea. SOUTH INVEKCAHOII.L. April 14. Fair attendance of members and Executive. Mrs Fairbairn (President) In chair. Most of meeting occupied by full and comprehensive account of Mimh McCallurn's report (as delegate of above Branch) on work of Convention. Bhe gave an account of work general, new and Important items brought up and discussed by the various s|s-Hkers, eloquent speeches of visiting lady delegates, the grand reception given Mrs iJon (New Zealand President) and Miss Henderson on their return from travels, and Mrs Don's oratorial account of her • xperieii< es during those travels. Mrs J. L). Campbell sang a pleasing solo artistically. The meeting closed b> according Hie representative a hearty vote of thanks for her worthy report, ami to Mrs Cnmpl,e|| for her favour. Afternoon tea served. TAUHANGA. April 2t>. Taurunga was visited by Miss Jessie Hurls in April. Hhe was ’net on arrival by Rev. Frost, Mrs Carlton Smith, and several of our White Hibbou numbers, and. i.eediess to say, she worked very hard indeed while here in «.„**tiertton with the various churches An “At Home” was also given tier In tin* supper room of tile Town Hall b> the ladies of Tauruuga, for which our White Ribbon members were directly responsible. HENDERSON. April 1 *». We held our (list meeting of the year to-day. cam* liom Beiensville W.C.T.U. m the morning t<* spend tin* da> with us. At 2.J0 we had our meeting in the Presbyterian Church, when Mrs LeeCow ie gave a very interesting hut brief account of tier world tour. We had a good laugh at some of the things she told us, at others our hearts \»en* deeply stirred; specially was t .mt so w lu-ii we beard of tin* baby girl** r.nd widow women of India ami (’eylon. We pray that some of our young l*eopl<* limy feel called to the work. Mrs also asked for our prayers ami sympathy on behalf of the mission she m taking at East Street, Auckland, to commence next month. \\> do pray i*o,t w,*. greatly bless her efforts. Du** Secretary was asked to writ** letters of sjmpathy to Mrs Greenwood, who has recently lost her husband, Mrs Grainger and Mra Coop, whose children are suffering from infantile paralysis, and Min Hartnell, who is sick herself. Thrtw new members were enrolled. Afternoon tea brought a very happy day to a dose. We thank all our fr ends for their vie t. OPOTIKI. April 9. Fair attendance. Mrs Thompson presided. S, retary read a lett*T acknowledging. with (hanks, a donattlon given by the Union towards s|*c, iai expenses in connection with the forthcoming Exhibition at Imnedin. The meeting decided to hold a stall for Br. Barnardo's Homes. Mesdames T. and C. 11. Fleming supplied afternoon tea. Benediction elos*-«| a profitable meeting

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White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 357, 18 May 1925, Page 10

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 357, 18 May 1925, Page 10

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 357, 18 May 1925, Page 10

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