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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anythng in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) GISBORNE. Sept. 24. Franchise Day. A good attendance. An excellent paper given by Mr Row lew, head master of the town school, on the subject of “Reforms in our Educational System” (address printed in full in our daily papers). The following resolution was moved by Mrs Walker, and unanimously carried :—“That this meeting of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union strongly supports the N.Z. Educational Institute in its demands from the Governmcn forcertain most necessary reforms and extensions in the educational system of New Zealand, so that this country may hold its own with other nations in the efficiency of its people. It especially desires to emphasise the immediate need for improved and up-to-date school buildings and playgrounds, and compulsory continuation classes in daylight hours.” Tea was handed round, and a collection taken up for the N.Z. Treasury. A day was appointed for a street collection on behalf of mine swec*|v rs. PAKIRL Aug. 15. Social and Sale* of Work in aid of Mine-Sweepers’ Fund. Proceeds £2B. Rev. Orchard gave an addrers. Mrs Turtley, who is leaving the district, was presented with an auto-album, and Mr Turtley, who is going into camp, with a poc k**t Testament. Supper and th»* National Anthem closed a pleasant evening. N.E. VALLEY. Sept. 26. Mrs Peart presided over a well-attended meeting. Votes of sympathy with Mrs Donald and Mr Callender. Mrs IYart gave an account of Area Council Conference. BALCLUTIIA. August 27. Mrs S. W. Currie presided, and introduced Miss Weymouth, Organising Secretary, who gave a splendid address on the work done by various branches of the W.C.T.U. A Union was formed with 14 members, and two “White Ribbon” subscribers were gained.

September 9. First meeting of the newly-formed Branch. We now number 29 members. Following officers were elected: Pres dent, Mis |as. ( lark; Vice-Presidents: *Mrs R, Stewart, Mrs Grigor, Mrs Mo(iuffog< Mrs Currie, and Miss Dallas; Tecording Secretary: Mrs McLean; Cor. Secretary: Miss Maud McKay.; Treasurer: Miss Tosh; Assistant Treasurer: Miss Me Earn; W.K. Superintendent: Mrs Boyd. Agreed to meet first Monday evening in the month at the Council Chambers. HAVVERA. September 26. Miss Maunder in the < hair. R< ported that the Y’v had raised ,£sl f°r mine-sweepers’ fund. President to arrange committee to act in conjunction with League to enrol voters. Regret expressed at Mrs (idling's departure for Auckland, and her r°signation accepted. Miss Maunder thanked for gift of five sheets of Memory Clems for schoolroom. Vote of sympathy with Mrs J. S. Voung, our President, in her re<ent sad bereavement. RIVERTON. September. Union organised here by Miss Waterman. A fair number of members joined, and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs C. A. Gray; Vice-President, Mrs J. Field, Secretary, Mi*s J. M. McGregor; Treasurer, Mrs J. Cassels. TAKAPUNA. September 5. President in chair ; 15 present. Mrs Moody, lately returned from London, spoke of her work in connection with the N.Z. War Contingent Association there. September 19. A drawing-room meeting was held at Mrs Rushbrook’s. Many members and visitors present. Mrs Naoicr gave an eloquent and forceful address. Afternoon tea was served. Five ladies were initiated. October p Mrs Hoarc, of Gisborne, opened with prayer. President in (hair; 19 present. Mrs Moody again address°d us. She spoke of her work amongst soldiers, munition workers, and of her experiences in a London air raid. Subscriptions were invited for White Ribbon Hut. INVERCARGILL DISTRICT. September 1. Mr* Baird presided. The Rev. G. Young, of Waikiwi, gav° an account of the conference held in Dunedin, which will be very helpful. Miss Waterman visited Riverton and Winton, and organised Unions. Minesweepers’ fund altogether for this year is ,£l2l 19s (>d, and ,£m 10s worth of woollen goods. Miss Dewar and Mrs Pierce to help Mrs Knuckv with the L.T.L. work in North Invercargill. Mrs Wright gave an account of her work in connection with visiting the soldiers in hospital. She will he glad of any magazines or Papers to take to the boys. A collection or 7s 51! was taken up for use in this work.

A letter of sympathy to be written to Mrs James Hunter regretting her continued illness. Mrs Stuck and Mrs Lillictap appointed Superintendents of Literature. Rest and refreshment rooms are to be run at the Summer Show as usual. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. October 3. Mrs Houlder presided. Mrs Wright gave an interesting account of the Provincial Convention, for which she received a hearty vote of thanks. Decided that the hooks which were used as a circulating library for the mothers’ meeting should he given to Mrs Boxall in connection with h"r meetings. Mesdames Wright and Webb were appointed delegates to the N.Z. Alliance Conference. Resolved that the proceeds of Madame Mueller’s concert be devoted to the minc-swccpcrs’ fund. Those present expressed pleasure and satisfaction that the hotel bars were closed while the hospital and troopships were in the harbour. PAHIATUA. September 9. Special meeting. Mrs Neal in the chair. The Mayoress, Mrs J. I). C. Crewe, welcomed Mrs Don, Dominion President. Afternoon tea dispensed. Mrs Don gave an inspiring address on “Women as Citizens. Eleven new members. Collection for White Ribbon Hutment Fund. September 12. Business mect’ng. Campaign matters discussed. October v Monti \ meeting. Mrs Neal in the chair. Arrangements made for the visit of Mrs Crabb, District President. Mrs Neal read the* Provincial President s address and gave a report of the ( onvention. NEW BRIGHTON. Aug. 15. Attendance good. Interesting paper read by Mrs Walker, and newspaper report of great Prohibition meeting in ( hristchurch read b\ Mrs Thompson. Reported that £2 l had been forwarded to N.Z. Treasurer for \.MC A. Hutment bund, and 20s for Lady Liverpool I - mid. Sept. 2. Social evening at residence of President to bid farewell to Mrs Smith (now removed to Blenheim). Small presentation by members as token of esteem and appreciation of four years’ loyal service as Secretary. Sept. i<). Good attendance. Repot t of Provincial ( onvention be Mrs Hall. Successful Jumble Sale' resulted in X-U being to Mrs Nirnmo for Mine-Sweepers Fund. Ihe collections for month for Lady Liverpool Fund 18s 6d. DUNEDIN. Oct. 7. A fair attendance. Mrs Hiett presided. Mrs Lee-Cowie received a warm welcome after her severe illness. Two new members were initiated. The following resolutions were carried unanimously : (1) “In view of th“ overcrowding that obtains in many of the public schools

of the Dominion, and in the interests of the menial and physical requirements of the children, the Dunedin District Women’s Christian Temperance Union the immediate adoption of the single adjustable desk.” (2) “Seeing that there is a shortage of teachers, and that the lot of those in charge of small schools is extremely unattractive, we urge the necessity for the consolidation of these schools. It two or more were grouped, it would set free a number of teac hers and allow of better staffing and better equipment for the schools, and improved accommodation for teachers.” WANGANUI EAST. Sept. 28. The President occupied the chair. Silent votes of sympathy were passed to Mrs Ambury in the sac! loss of her husband, the Rev. Ray Ambury, killed in action, and also Rev. Aberncthy, Christchurch, who has given two -ons for King and Empire. Mine* Swee pe rs’ Day was celebrated, when cash and woollen articles were handed in. Mrs Andrew, Secretary, read some most interesting letters received by Mrs Nirnmo from sailors and e»ther recipients for last year’s donations. Decided that a pay-up social be held. Donors having gifts for mine swec'MTs are asked to leave same with Mr Andrew at the school. A cup of tea and musical items. LOWER HUTT. Sept. 1. Weather very bad, only nine present. Sympathy expressed for our Sec retary in her sickness, and hopes for speedy recovery. Mrs Ballantyne read report of Masterton Convention. TAURANGA. Sept. 25. Quarterly social. President in the* chair. Address by Pastor Weston, for which he was heartily thanked. Mrs Cha.opcll gave an instructive reading, followed by musical items and ret itation. Competitions and afternoon t°a. EDEN. Aug. 21. Mrs Pirritt in the chair. Most successful day at the Soldiers’ Club reported. Two new members received. Mrs Napier gave an interesting and fascinating address. £\ voted to th rt Hutment Fund. Sept. 18. Miss Wilson in the chair, and spoke of Franchise Day and privileges and responsibilities of women. Resolved to hold pay-up social on November 20th. Two delegates to District Convention appointed. Resolved to send a letter of ‘hanks and appreciation to Mrs Pirritt far acting President for three months. Two new members. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Oct 1. An “At Home” held under nusnUfs rf Wesley Church Lad’es’ Guild. Guests were invited by Mrs S Evans, the hostess, and Rev. T. G. Chapman. Mr Bailey, of Canada, delivered an address on the effects of Prohibition in Canada, and read e*.

tracts from letters by Governors of Provinces, schools teachers, and bv a woman Magistrate bearing testimom to the great improvement socially and financially under Prohibition. Hearty vote of thanks to Mr Hailey. OXFORD. Sept. 25. Resolutions of sympathy with Mrs Hawke, senr., in the death of her nephew, and with Mrs Ivory, whose son has been wounded. President thanked all those who had helped to make tlv recent Convention a success. Secretary to send th.inks to hostesses, and to those who had lent motor cars. Mrs Don gave an address on “Women’s Work,” urging members to use every opportunity for service. Y Branch entertained Mrs Don at tea, and an evening meeting followed, at which Mrs Don delivered an address, for which she was most heartily thanked. CHRISTCHURCH. Sept. 11. President in chair. Good attendance. Decid 'd to assist Red Cross in the “Our Day” appeal. Mrs Blythe gave an account of the Oxford Convention. Secretary to thank Oxford for kindness to dele gates. Sept. 18. President presided. Good attendance. Decided to celebrate Franchise Day on October 2nd. Decided to accede to a request from Lady Liverpool Committee that the Union dispense tea in W.C.T.U. rooms at Show Grounds on Saturday, October sth, at a Carnival for Soldiers’ Christmas panels. Oct. 2. Franchise Day celebrated in Art Gallery. Mrs T. K. Taylor presided. Airs Don gave a most inspiring address on many reforms gained since the franchise was granted to women. Fight new members initiated. Oct. 3. Suburban meeting addressed by Mrs Don, who spoke on Deborah, and urged all to come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Four n *w members. KAIAPOI. Sept. 25. Mrs Brighting presided. Mrs Barnard, delegate to the recent District Convention, held at Oxford, gave a very interesting report. We learned that th/? delegates were especially interested in the account of how the Kaiapoi Band of Hope was conducted, and some intended introducing some of the methods in connection with their own organisations. Mrs Brighting rend an extract from a paper entitled “The Woman’s Part: What of Ourselves?” by F.lsic M. Morton. HENDERSON. Sept. 17. Mrs Gilbert presided over fair at endance. Business: Packing and despatching minesweepers’ parrel, 76 articles, including 21 articles and £\ ns od from young ladies of Presbyterian Church; approximate value, 5s and £\ 13s

qd: total, £lB 18s qd. Scarf knitted by little boy much appreciated. Vote of thanks to Mr H. Platt for his help m packing and forwarding parcel. Three new members were initiated in August, and one in September. VYAIHI. Aug. 0. President in chair. Resolved to endorse heartily the Educational Campaign asking for improved buildings and playgrounds, turthcr medical inspection, additional staffing, etc. Resolution passed and sent to Minister of Justice re ‘ equal moral responsibility’’ of both men and women in social evils, and fairness of similar treatment by Magistrates. Sept. 5. Address by Rev. J. 01phert. Reported that social evening for mine-sweepers resulted in total of £5 1 os. Reported that the W.C.I.U. suggestion of holding monthly united intercession meetings had resulted in the first of the series being held on September 12th, arranged by Ministers’ Association. Three new members received. Oct. 3. Special thanks given to Sister Moody-Bell and Mrs Brown (Secretary) for their co-operation in successful effort for mine sweepers. Resolutions passed to secure empty shop window for display of cartoons, diagrams, and temperance cuttings, to impress “the man in the street”; to collect business coupons and used postage stamps (to be sent to Mr T. K. Whitton, Secretary Baptist Children’s Home, Manurewa, Auckland). Decided to re-commcnte a Cradle Roll department; also to order “American Motherhood” for passing systematically round to members and others. One new member. PALMERSTON NORTH. Oct. 4. Mrs Crabb presided. Matters in connection with “Willard Home” discussed. The Home has b°en opened a year, and has proved a great convenience to the soldiers’ wives and next of kin. The balancesheet was read, and showed a credit balance of £',4 iqs Bd. A letter was received frfom Colonel Gabites, of Awapuni Camp, in praise of the Home and management, and the object of its establishment. Letters were also received from soldiers now on active service, returning thanks for the attention given in the Home. ASHBURTON. Sept. q. Union provided the “send-off” luncheon to the South Cantrrbuiv men of the 47th Reinforcement, going into camp. Over ioo soldiers and friends sat down to a bountiful ami tempting repast. His Worship the Mayor (Mr R. Galbraith) presided, and brief but appropriate s|>cerhes were delivered bv Sirs W. T. Till, Rev. G. Miller. Mr W. Nosworthv, M.P., and Mr H. M. Jone.;, Chairman of the Second Division League. On leaving, each reservist was presented with packets of chocolate and fruit, the gift of the Union,

Sept. 19. Celebrated the 25th anniversary of Women’s Franchise in New Zealand by holding a public drawing-room meeting. Mrs Dow congratulated the large audience present on their “political birthday,” and referred to the efforts made to secure that privilege for our sex. and the responsibilities attached thereto. This was followed by an inspiring talk on the work of the present campaign. On behalf of the Union, she extended to Nurse Byers, St. Helen’s district nurse, a public welcome to Ashburton, and congratulated all on the wisdom of such an appointment. Musical items and refreshments. Collection £\ 14s 6d. Votes of thanks to speakers and performers were carried. Oct. Mrs W. T. Lill presided. Votes of sympathy were passed with mcm!)°rs having relatives killed in action or wounded, also with members who are sick. Decided that a minesweepers’ afternoon he held on Thursday, October 17ill, Mrs G. Bowman to be in charge. Delegate’s report to Convention was adopted, and hearty votes of thanks were accorded Mesdames Thompson and Amos. HAMILTON. Oct. 3. The President (Mrs T. Home) presided. The President apologised for Mrs Napier’s absence. Mrs Jones stated that permission had been given to the ( nion to hang two copies of the Ten ( ommandmems in the Hamilton Fast Public School. Satisfaction was expressed by all at the success which attended our efforts for the mine-sweepers; £42 odd was handed in. Great pleasure was expressed at the grand total of over 8000 names on the efficiency list, w ith more still to come for Waikato. Last evangelical meeting was held at Mrs Bailey’s, Claudelands. TIMARU. Sept. 24. Mrs Trott presided. Votes of sympathy to the families of Mrs Cowan and Mrs Raitt, two of our oldest members, also to Mrs Rule. Related 50 visitors paid 110 visits to Sailors’ Rest. D* ep regret expressed that Mrs Rule, who had served the Union most capably as President for nine years, was compelled to resign owing to continued ill-health of her husband. Members then adjourned to a social given for men from a big boat in port. Members of V Union helped with programme. GREYTOWN. Sept. 12. Special meeting at Mrs Whincop’s. Vote of sympathy to Mrs Bower and family. Letter of appreciation sent to Mrs Banks for her faithful services as Secretary. LEIGH. Sept. 7. President in the chair. Eight members present; one visitor. Suggested, in the event of licensing poll being granted, members should see that all those who came of age since last election should be enrolled.

Reading by Mrs J. Torkington. Duet (Mrs D. A. Matheson nad Miss E. Matheson). Afternoon tea. NAPIER. Aug. 7. Mrs Venables in the chair. Decided to hold Mine-Sweepers’ Day in Red Cross shop September 7th. Arrangements made to entertain the “Y” Branch at social on August 16th. Vote of sympathy passed to Mrs Mens in the death of h*r father. Aug. 15. Mrs Venables in chair. Fair attendance. Miss Collison appointed “Y” Superintendent. Vote of sympathy passed to Mrs Tarrant in the death of her son, killed in action. Vote of sympathy passed to Mrs L o cCowic in her illness. Aug. 28. Prior to Mrs Don’s public lecture on Prohibition, 47 members of the Union met Mrs Don at tea. Mrs Don gave a most inspiring talk. The public meeting address°d by Mrs Don was largely attended. Mrs Venables took the chair, and was supported on the platform by the Mayoress and offi< ers of the Union. WANGANUI EAST. Aug. 30. Mrs Andrew presided A silent vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Duxfield (President) on the snd occasion of the loss of her mother, Mrs Wilson. Members Prohibition canvassing reports received, which showed excellent results. Decided to devote next meeting day (September 27th) to a gift afternoon for minesweepers. Minesweepers' literature distributed. AVONDALE. Sept. 17. Mrs Stevens presided. Small attendance of members. A motion of protest was passed against a ration of rum being served to men in camp in New Zealand. Articles from the “Vanguard’’ and “A\hite Ribbon were read by two members of the Branch. Decided to ask Mrs Kincton Parkes to give one of her lectures in Avondale. Votes of svmnathy with Mr and Mrs Abel and Mr and Mrs I.res on their sad losses were passed. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Sept. 11. Mrs Garroway presid' d. Just befor° the meeting the sad news was received of the sudden passing away of our Vice-President, Mrs Mason, who for many years had been an active member of our Union. A vote of sympathy was passed *o the members of her family in their great sorrow. Sympathy was also expressed with several of our members who had suffered bereavement in their families. A very impressive address was givn by Mrs Reuben Bailey. Iwo new members joined. BLENHEIM. Aug. 6. Attendance fair. Mrs Litchfield presided. Decided to ask permission to display copy of 1 *'n Commandments in State schools of Marlborough, to be repeated once a month in the interest of character building.

Sept. 6. Mrs Litchfield presided. Attendance good. Names and donations towards appeal for Mine-sweep-ers’ Fund were read out. An invitation to attend Provincial Conference in Nelson, commencing on October was received. POUTO. Hepetema 2b. Toru torn nei e n°i kupu kinga tuahine i roto i te ropu. Kotahi tena koutou e nga tuahine i runga i tenei pa kanga nui. Kia nui ano te inoi kite matua nui kia tiakina o tatou tuakana e riii nei i tenei Pakanga nui kia riro mai ano te Wikitoria. I a ratou. Kati me tetahi kite waipiro kia kaha ano te Turaki Pooti tia nga Pitihana luraki Waipiro kia kaha te pooti, kia hinga ai tenei kai kino te waipiro no reira e nga tuahine te tumanako o toku whnkaaro. Kia hinga tenei taniwha te waipiro koia nei e tahi atua whakahaehae otc iwi nei ote Maori. Kia ora ano i raro ite roopu karaitiara. IToi ano na to koutou Tungane. 1 roto ite roonu. KAWHT KEN A.

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White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 280, 18 October 1918, Page 12

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 280, 18 October 1918, Page 12

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 280, 18 October 1918, Page 12

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