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And 92 for drunkenness and other minor offences.. n ui v • ••* •• •• • '- '■ >•- ■■ ! if .< rr I W

Printed under the authority of the Provincial Government of Otago, by Mills, Pick & Co., of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Printers to the said Provincial Government for the time being.

NAME. OFFENCE. DECISION. BX WHOM AERE8TKD. DISTBHXT. John Leitch Violent Assault 14 day’s labor Sergeant Thomas M. Smith Beg. No. 422 Oamaru David Wilson Perjury Acquitted Do. Do. Alexander Claw Perjury 18 months’ labor . Do. Do.

DISTRICT COURT CRIMINAL SITTINGS. List of Persons Tried at the District Court, Oamaru, March Sittings, 1873.

r~ I NAMB. j lUl OFFENCE. . BY WHOM ABBESTHD. ' : - S • -1 HOW DIBP08SD OP. HOW DISPOSED OP. 1 • •' John Dupree Larceny as a bailee 1 First-Class Detective JamesFarroll, Dunedin Police 0< 1 U.g »° 329 Discharged b qul Discharged Henry Pearce alias MeerVagrancy Do do If 10 days’ labor schaumj oOli j 0*1 illl . • i ’■" .> John Lewis, alias WillisVagrancy . Do* do If UJjSig 10 days* labor schaum John Lewis, alias WillisVagrancy Do do If 10 days’ labor John Harding, alias JohnDo do Vagrancy Do do >1 10 days’ labor oU : ■ Henry Harding Kate Millar, alias JessieDo do it 10 days’ labor John Harding, alias John Vagranoy 10 days’ labor Henry Harding ' 1 - * ■ '[ Kate Millar, alias JessieVagrancy Do do If 10 days’ labor Creighton Margaret Cochrane Ellen Green Margaret Green Vagrancy Vagrancy 1 «-.**» Damaging property Being a neglected child £> (jid 10 days’ labor Do oldnlcnoO j. ’':'* • dd-Piibhm Do do Do do If If '■ ,a>‘i j 1) \i nil!Discharged if Discharged r * ■ :Sent to Industrial 8chool If Discharged * - <fj£ri * ! * Discharged Sent to Industrial : School for 7 years . 3 months’ labor Margaret BarrettRemanded to Switzers Kobert Glover Committed for trial John Lewis, alias Willis Committed for trial John Lewis, alias Willis Fined 5s or 24 hours’ Henry Francis labor Margaret BarrettStealing from a dwelling Robert GloverLarceny John Lewis, alias WillisLarceny John Lewis, alias WillisHouse breaking Henry Francis Damaging property Stealing from a dwellingDo do LarcenyDo do LarcenyDo do House breakingDo do Damaging propertyConstable William Rooney, Dunedin Police Do do If , Do do Do do II Do do ■ !> Constable William Rooney, Dunedin Police565 3 months’labor If Remanded to Switzers . !» If Committed for trial *' ; ' II Committed for trial , 565Fined 5 s or 24 hours’ : labor T John Buckley Henry Pearce, alias Meer* Larceny Obscene language Do do Do do II II 7 days’ labor Fined £5 or 1 month's 1 , labor schaum Damaging propertyFined 24s, or 3 days’ labor ' schaum Damaging propertyConstable James O’Sullivan, Dunedin Police Constable James O’Sullivan, Dunedin Police631 631-Fined 24s, or 3 days’ labor Manslaughter Sergeant James Nimon, Dunedin Police 47 Discharged John Gibb Assault with intent to Constable James Anderson, Dunedin Police 523 Committed for trial commit a rape Do doDischarged • William Durie Discharged William DurieWife desertion Wife desertionDo do 19 Robert Augustus Butterfield Mary Ferrier, alias Janet Bigamy Disorderly conduct Do do Constable John McDonald, Dunedin Police II 634 On remand Fined 40s, or 14 days’ labor o’ ) ' II 634 On remand Fined 40s, or 14 days’ labor Me E wen Henry Barry Ann Sherry Elizabeth Tassey Lunacy Disorderly conduct Vagrancy Sergeant John Bevan, Dunedin Police Do do Constable Alexander Henderson, Dunedin 430 If 617 Sent to Lunatic Asylum Fined 40s, or 14 days’ labor 7 days’ labor Police 430 If 617 Sent to Lunatic Asylum Fined 40s, or 14 days’ labor 7 days’ labor i. John McLuskey Assault Do do II Fined 20s, or 48 hours’ labor Michael McCartney Larceny Richard Snow *Lunacy LarcenyDo do LunacyConstable William Strean, West Taieri Police Do do II Constable William Strean, West Taieri Police558 Discharged If 558Sent to Lunatic Asylum Discharged Sent to Lunatic Asylum Child desertion Do do 11 Discharged 8usan Eccles Mary Ann Sutton Lunacy Constable Edward H. Bodon, Dunedin Police 636 Discharged Obscene language Constable Owen Doran, Dunedin Police 598 Fined 20s, or 48 hours’ labor ' John Wilks Obscene language Do do If Fined 20s, or 48 hours’ labor Ellen Green Disorderly conduct Special Constablo Robert Bain, Dunedin — Fined 40s, or 14 days* labor Police Do doFiued 45s, or 15 days’ labor — Fined 40s, or 14 days’ labor SameFined 40s, or 7 days’ labor Ann SherryFined 20s, or 2 days’ labor John RuddyFined 20s, or 2 days’ labor Susannah Philips James Gavin Fined 408 r J. Same Ann Sherry John Ruddy Susannah Philips \ James Gavin Ellen Grutt Edward Ravenhall Damaging property If Fined 45s, or 15 days’ labor Disorderly conduct Assault Obscene language Disorderly conduct Do do Sergeant Patrick O’Neill, Dunedin Police Do do Do do Constable James McKinlay, Dunedin Police II 374 If 609 Fined 40s, or 7 days’ labor Fined 20s, or 2 days’ labor Fined 20s, or 2 days’ labor Fined 40s Larceny Constable William Williams, Dunedin Police 635 Cautioned and discharged Obscene language Constablo Robert T. N. Beasley, Dunedin 622 Cautioned and discharged Police Do do John GrayDo do 622 Cautioned and discharged John Gray Jane McLeod Obscene language Do do II Cautioned and discharged VagrancyFined £3, or 1 month’s >1 If Cautioned and discharged Fined £3, or 1 month’s labor Vagrancy * Do do , oil i It Margaret Lewis Kate Brown Benjamin Farra Mary Jarvey Being a criminal child Lunacy Sergeant John Golder, Dunedin Police dpagduoV Do oldeiinop j do 511 Discharged Sent to Lunatic Asylum It Discharged Sent to Lunatic Asylum Damaging property Constable Thomas Graham, Dunedin Police 599 Fined 20s, or 7 days’ labor Obscene language •*Fined £5, or 1 month's it. * ' "U"labor Obscene languageConstable Samuel McWilliams, Dunedin Constable Samuel McWilliams, Dunedin H Police huiaiM JuiragroB f («°8 »•<■*) 624 Fined £5, or 1 month’s labor William George W. Yale Henry Hart Hugh Evans Playing at an unlawful game Breach of Shipping Act Constablo Robert T. N. Beasley, Dunedin Police Sergeant Thomas Neil, Poxt Chalmers Police 622 229 Cautioned and discharged 14 days’ labor Breach of Shipping Act ivol ,vhiU Do 1 do 91 14 days’ labor Mark TihhetBreach of Shipping Act Playing at an unlawful game Breach of Shipping Act Constablo Robert T. N. Beasley, Dunedin Police Sergeant Thomas Neil, Poit Chalmers Police 622 229 Cautioned and discharged 14 days’ labor Breach of Shipping Act Do do )) 14 days’ labor Breach of Shipping ActDo ! o*" 1 ' do r *i Do do 99 14 days’ labor Breach of Shipping Act Do | l!; > do - J* : II Discharged Disobeying a summons Do do If Discharged Breach of Shipping Act Constable Hugh Nickle, Port Chalmers Police 544 14 days’ labor John Crosbie ; Janet Watson Lunacy Constable Archibald Blair, Naseby|Police 600 Sent to Lunatic Asylum Vagrancy Senior-Sergeant Adam J. McLuskey, Naseby 38 Cautioned and discharged • Senior-Sergeant Adam J. McLuskey, Naseby Police dTeldiihmoOJ 33 Cautioned and diaobarged Ah Kut Alexander Thompson Thomas Moore Lunacy Do do II Discharged Disorderly conduct Disorderly conduct Do do 1 V' Constable Alexander Gray, Naseby Police V Do dohi'.fj v 621 ii Fined 40s, or 5 days’ labor Fined 40s, or 48 hours; <>(L ' ; liJillabor /[ » «r 621 ii Discharged Fined 40s, or 5 days’ labor Fined 40s, or 48 hours; labor Same Indecent exposure Job' Gleoson Manslaughter Indecent exposureDo do Do do 14 day s’ labor ManslaughterSenior-Sergeant Adam J. McLuskey, Naieby Senior-Sergeant Adam J. McLuskey, Naseby 38 Committed for trial Police »— 38 14 days’. labor_ Committed for trial Job" Gleoson Then is Grace Resisting and assaulting Constable Archibald Blair, Naseby Police 600 Fined £3, or 7 days’ labor police Same Disorderly conduct Constable Archibald Blair, Naseby Police 600 Fined £3, or 7 days’ labor police ‘"'Same Disorderly conduct Do do » Fined 40s, or 3 days’ labor


NAME. OFFENCE. * l’ L' ! ’ i i ’ ' • ' .* • \ /•*-. BY WHOM ARRESTED, HOW DISPOSED OF. (Tames Stack Disorderly conduct SergeantLin Ward Smyth, Tokomairiro Police Keg. No 121 Fined 20s, or i 48 hours’ labor Adolph Weber Assault Do do labor Bound over in £50 to keep it Bound over in £50 to keep George Gannell Ship desertion Do do the peace for 12 months 3 months’ labor Ah Tong •; ! r Assault Do do Fined 30s, or 8 days’ labor John Jay Assault Constable Samuel Hughes, Tokomairiro 308 Fined 20s James Smith ; : ! .Police Police Threatening language Do do Fined 40s, or 4 days’ labor Felix Foot Obscene language Do do Fined 20s, or 48 hours’ » Fined 20s, or 48 hours’ Frank Hilstone ' Ship desertion Do do labor 3 months’ labor James Grant Ship desertion 7, ri Constable Alexander Aitcheson, Tokomairiro 395 3 months’ labor Henry Hunter Police Arson Sergeant Michael O'Keeffe, Waikouaiti , — Discharged Robert Symonds ■ i.. '.r«; if Police Police Assaulting police Constable antes Morkane, Palmerston Police 410 Fined 20s, or 48 hours’ John B. Pirn labor Obscene language Constable James A. Townsend, Oamaru 618 Fined 40s, or 7 days’ labor Police Alexander McLaughlan, Indecent exposure Police Do do 1 month’s labor alias Colin Clarke John Allan Lunacy Do do Discharged John Collins Lunacy (remand case) Do do Discharged David Wilson Perjury Sergeant Thomas M. Smith, Oamaru Police 422 Committed for trial Alexander Gow > c. • Perjury Do do Elizabeth Campbell, alias Johnston Vagrancy . r Do > do » Fined 20s i ■ X 1 * 1 )) Fined 20s Maurice O’Connell, alias Stealing from a dwelling Do do Committed for trial George Green (remand case) .-.i- . " ' /. 7 .... -n James Kelly Disorderly conduct Constable John Neil Clarke, Oamaru Police 596 . . 48 hours’ labor Bichard Adams Assaulting police Do do Fined 20s, or 7 days’ labor Joseph Miller Lunacy Constable Charles Roper, Oamaru Police 592 On remand Samuel Adams Obscene language Do do Fined 40s, or 14 days’ labor Charles Witting Threatening language Sub-Inspector William G. Fox, Invercargill Police Do do — Discharged Same Lunacy Constable Peter McDonald, Invercargill626 - Discharged Same Sent to Lunatic Asylum Patrick Diggings Lunacy Stealing from a dwelling a Constable Peter McDonald, Invercargill626 Sent to Lunatic Asylum Discharged John Parnell Obscene language Do do Cautioned and discharged Charles Walker Drunk in a railway 623 Cautioned and discharged Charles WalkerCoustablo George Brewer, Invercargill Police Drunk in a railway 623 Constable George Brewer, Invercargill Police Fined £3 Fined £3 James Gregg John Leonard carriage Stealing from a shop Stealing from a shop Constable John Boyce, Invercargill Police Do do 588 Cautioned and discharged Cautioned and discharged William Brown, alias Evans carriage ...... 7- ' *■ . ; _ \ /, 7 ; ( Stealing from a shop Stealing from a shop Stealing from a dwelling Constable John Boyce, Invercargill Police Do do Constable Alfred A. Pennefather, Iuvercar588 it 542 Cautioned and discharged Cautioned and discharged On remand James Kennish gill Police Disorderly conduct Constable Michael James Geerin, Invercar620 Fined 403 or 7 days’ labor 7 r/;{, ; «. . . ,1 5, ; ■ VM-'.'IV:.-] Jilt'gill Police • Robert Usher gill Police • Vagrancy Constable Alexander; II. Hiscox, Lawrence 614 ■1.1 1 month’s labor Ah Hang Police Breach of Gold Fields Do do : 7 ;< Fined £5, or 1 month’s Fined £5, or 1 month’s Ah Thea Act ' ** Breach of Gold Fields Do do Fined £5, or 1 month’s Michael Roughan Act Obscene language - 777 ■ r. ■■ -j [ ■ Do do labor Fined 20s ° . William Neill Disorderly conduct Sergeant Edward Morton, Lawrence Police Fined 20s Same Damaging police uniDo do John Crawley form Disorderly conduct Do do Ordered to pay £3 damages James Tobin Vagrancy Do do » 7 days’ labor Arthur E. Hastings False pretences;,'; f , Constable Henry Green, Lawrence Police' 625On remand John Symes Illegally on premises Constable John Youngson, Tapanui Police 538 6 months’ labor Robert Currie. Illegally on promises G . Do do 14 days’ labor Emily Hunter . Vagrancy [ , ; Sergeant John McNally, Switzers Police 39 6 weeks’ labor Robert Illingworth Assault (two charges) Sergeant Michael Hunt, Arrow Police 291 3 months’ and 1 week’s James Willis Henry Leach. .. < ' | rdDemiCf (VckMll Larceny Resisting the police iK 'T ixsdoll otchflfihoO • InV.vnlm.''nn Jn> Do do » St 7 7: - Do T . it ’ i-.-f. do 7. yy labor Discharged Discharged , (l .,' Fined £5 Henry Smith Obscene language Sergeant James Daly, Teviot Police 222 Henry Rees . *. j.• j>. Obscene language Sergeant James Daly, Teviot Police 222 Neglecting to pay for the • Jbagiadoeifsupport of his child in N eglecting to pay for theDo do support of his child in yy Do 1 doDischarged on payment of • c-Cf- . i MA To arrears 11 Discharged on payment of arrears ;i , the Industrial School Henry Smith Disorderly conduct ■, ri : Do:’ ; -iojL do : :'. ■ ■ ■ ■ r 1 Theresa Goss > ;| J!irr ./f ( Assault *onno t /lT<T<j8i!K Sergeant John Cassells, Cromwell Police 311 14 days’ labor / , t( [ u Discharged Robert Lettt ■„„ - Lunacy.. Constable James Pierpoint, Alexandra Police 581 1 Duncan McSwain Furious riding Constable Thomas M‘Gann, Blacks Police 420 Same i . Disorderly conduct Do do Edward Callanan Lani'* Same , ,, ' Vagrancy , ; / .77 Disorderly conduct Constable Patrick Gantly, Queenstown Police Do do. 481 Discharged , • >[, Maurice Sullivan Assaulting police Do do t )} Fined £5. ..1 oh oCl |. •■•usr.cvza it: ml 7 ' . • wit

Apprehensions continued.

Name. When tried. tried. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Eyes. Hair. Remarks. • G. 1873 ft. in. j alias 1873Mar. • \; ;• ft in. Dunedin Yagrancy 10 days’ labor England laborer 1833 5 10* fresh grey black Small thin hands ; very 1873, page 16 long fingers Mar. 12 Dunedin Vagrancy 10 days’ labor England laborer 1833 5 10k fresh grey black Small thin hands ; very 1873, page 16 Kitchens long fingers Feby. 24Dunedin Breaking days’ England labourer 1843 5 7 dark hazel brown George Thompson Mar. 20 Tokomairiro Lareenv months’ labor England laborer 1840 5 9* fresh hazel blacx alias 20 Tokomairiro Sending a threatening labor 12 England clerk 1849 5 6* fresh hazel sandy 1872, page 19 - r ‘ 1872, page 19 Geo. Cavaner letter George Humphreys Feby. 22 Dunedin Inciting conlabor 1 England laborer 1S4S 5 7 pale hazel dark stable 1 Charles stable Feby. 22 Dunedin Do l England laborer 1848 5 6 fresh hazel red Henry alias 20 Dunedin Occupying a labor England laborer 1822 5 fresh grey sandy Inclined to bo bald; upper 1S73, pago 16 4* fresh grey sandy Inclined to bo bald; upper 1S73, page 16 schaum by tooth and in their company John Beckley and in their company Mar. Dunedin Larceny days’ England laborer 1837 5 6 fresh grey black Currie Feby. Tapauui premises on labor" 14 Scotland laborer 1842 5 11 fresh blue brown Robert Illingworth Jan. Queenstown Assault vagrancy labor England miner 1835 5 7 sallow brown brown of 1873, page right on ; upper left arm ; birds tattoed J: left arm ; birds tattoed 1872 wrists Mildred Robinson 9 Invercargill Habitual 3 England prostitute 1839 4 ruddy grey brown 14 1873 ’ / ' - 1 ' John McLeod 13 Invercargill Larceny labor England sailor 1832 5 Si fresh grey brown 1873, 6 page James Mar. 13 Invercargill conduct 7 Scotland bootmaker 1838 5 11 swarthy hazel black 1872, Alexander Pentland 20Feby. Oam am Indecent labor 1 Scotland carpenter 1841 5 8 fresh grey brown Richard Mar. Oamaru police days’ England laborer 1853 5 3* fresh grey brown Samuel Mar. 11 Oamaru Obscene labor 14 days’ England laborer 1849 5 •7* sallow grey black 1 month’s labor England laborer 1849 5 •7i sallow grey black Alexander McLaughlin, Feby. 27 Oamaru Indecent exposure Scotland sailor 1845 5 7 swarthy brown black Anchor on left hand, near * 1 month’s labor Scotland sailor 1845 5 h i swarthy brown black Anchor on left hand, near Colin thumb • ' thumb • alias , McGregor, Jan. 20 Naseby Larceny 14 days’ labor Scotland laborer 1835 6 s* swarthy grey brown McDonald . Jan. 2C Naseby Larceny 14 days’ labor Scotland laborer 1835 5 8i swarthy grey brown Thomas Moore Feby. 24 Naseby Indecent exposure 14 days’ labor Ireland miner 1842 5 7 sallow grey black Two front teeth in upper jaw wanting Peter Fotheringham 24Feby. Jan. 24 NasebyDunedin Indecent exposure Disorderly days’ months’ IrelandScotland minersteward 18421842 5 11* fair light 1872, page 57; Canterbury Gazette, 1873 page 2 T. K. Weldon, Commissioner of Polija. 7 sallow grey black Two front teeth in upper jaw wanting '5 Dunedin Disorderly conduct 2 months’ labor Scotland steward 1842 5 lli fair light 1872, page 57 ; . * Canterbury Gazette, 1873 page 2 T. K. Wf.idon, Commissioner of Polija. Jan. 24

Return of Prisoners Discharged from H.M. Gaols, Dunedin, Lawrence, Queenstown, Invercargill, Oamaru, and Naseby, during the Month of March, 1873. FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE POLICE ONLY.

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Otago Police Gazette, Volume IV, Issue 3, 31 March 1873, Page 22

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Untitled Otago Police Gazette, Volume IV, Issue 3, 31 March 1873, Page 22

Untitled Otago Police Gazette, Volume IV, Issue 3, 31 March 1873, Page 22

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