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Mebsbs. Donald Stbonach and Son report for the week ending October 22, as follows :—: — Fat Cattle.— There were 203 head yarded at Burnside to-day for the week's rrquirements, medium to good and prime quality. There was a very good attendance of buyers, and competition moderately active, but prices ruling showed no improvement on iast weed's, taking quality and weight ioto consideration. Best bullocks brought £8 7s 6d to £11 ss, extra heavy to £12 2s Gd ; medium, £6 5s to £8 2h 6d ; light, £4 7s 01 to £6 2s Gd ; best cows, £7 to £8 5s ; medium and light, £3 2s 6a to £6 7s 6i. We sold on account of Mr. Walter Blacki-% cows £6 7s Gd ; Mr. Thomas Kirk, bullocks from £5 15s to £7 2s Gd, and heifers from £4 to £4 12s Gd. Fat Sheep. — The entry tt-day waß rather a small one, ouly 1102 being penned, of which, about 250 were mennos, medium to pnme, the balance crossbred?, the greater portion wethers, the rest ewes several pens of each being very prime quality and heavy weights ; more tban three-fourths, however, were medium. Competition was very spirited, prime &heep showing an advance of 2s to 2s GJ per head ; while the medium prices obtained would be 2s 6 i to 3s above last week's. Best crossbred we'hers brought 20s to 23s ; medium, 159 to 18s Gd : best do ewes, 1/s 6i to 2ls ; one pen extra heavy 23s 3d ; medium 14s Gd to 16s Gd ; meuno wethers, best 13s to lGs ; medium 9s to 12s 3d. Lambs — There weie 204 penned. For best pens there was very good competition at from 10s to lf>s, but for light and small there was less demand, these fetching from 5s 3d to 9s Gd. Pigs. — 402 were penned, comprising all sorts. Suckers and stores were in very good demand, fetching full prices, while porkers and baconers had a very poor demand, prices ruling for these being in favour of buyers. Suckers brought 7s Gi to 13s ; slips, 14s Gd to 16s ; storey 17s to 22s ; porkers, 23s to 25s , baconers, 28s tj 355. We sold suckers on account of Mr. E. E. Johnston (Wyndham) at 9a 9d. Store Cattle. -Some business is being done in these now, and as the season advances, with favourable weather, an increased demand will ensup. when no doubt prices will be obtained which will be more comfortable to the views of sellers. During toe past week a good many have changed hands, and the market already shows a decided impiovement. Store Sheep. — The only transactions that are at present tiking place in this class of stock are occasional sales of small lots at auction. Until after shearing we do not look for any sales of any magnitude taking place, but off shears all classes should be in demand. Wool. — There is nothing of any conrequence doing in the local market, it being rather early for shearing The London SeptemberOctober sales having closed so firmly and at increased rates the prospects for tne coming season may be considered very favourable for a large business being done at the Dunedin sales, it being understood that a number of fresn buyers purpose vimting this market during ihe coming season. Growers may tnerefore safely reckon upon good competition fjr all wools they may have for sale, but at the same time if would be well to consider the heavy loses sustained by purchasers (for shipment) on last season's clips, which will ceitainly make them more cautious and probably necessitate sellers (while competition will doubtless be active in the local market unless influenced by come unforseen occurence) to have to submit to a somewhat lower range of prices. Late telegrams from Home advice that owing to the short arrivals of wool the fifth series of sales, which should take place next month in London, will probably be postponed till January. Sheepskins. — A very satisfactory demand continues to be experienced for these, and although the weather lately has been

rather changeable, and somewhat unfavourable for felimoneeriDg operations, there is no time lost in dißposing of the full catal^gnes weekly presented. On Tuesday, the regular weekly sil.> day at the Chamber of Commerce Hall, Crawford street, the attendance as U3ual was large and competition keen, all descriptions being in good request , and very full prices secured for all offered. Butchers' gre^n oro*sbreds (nest), brought 7s, 6s 9i, (is 7d, 6s 6d, 6s 51, Gs 3 1, 6s 2d, G-i, 5s lOd, 5* 8 1 : good to me<lium and inferior, 5s 6 1, m 4 1, Tm 2<V ss' 4s lid. 4s lOd, 43 9d ; green merinos, 5s 9d, 53 7d, 5s SJ, 5s 3d, :>l id', 4* 10 1, 4s Bd, 4s sd, 4s 2d, 3s lid, 3s M ; country dry crossbreds (inferior to medium), la '.) I to 3a 101 ; do do merino, Is 8d to 3s 5d ; full-woolled croisbreua, os to 7s 91 ; do do mm a nn\ 4-i 9d to 6s 3d ; dry pelts, 4 J to Is 7d ; lambskins, Is, la Id, Is 2J, lg 31, la 4 ( }. Kabbttskms. — Moderate catalogues were submitted for the auction sale on Tuesday, when most ot the buyers were in attendaace, who competed with some spirit for the few good skini presei'edwhile there was lees animation displayed for inferior and medium quality. Prices realised for thes Q wore hardly so satisfactory when compared with those obtaining lately, which will be accounted for by the advices to hand in connection with the sales held last week in London, when best skins had a good demand, prices being firm and sligh'ly higher, but for ordinary there was less demand at somewhat ower rates. Hides. — There is no quotable alteration to note in values, the position of the market being about Ihe same hs when we laßt reported. The demand coDtioues fairly active, but very little show for any improvement. Quotations : for best dry sake 1 , 2^d to 2' I • extra heavy, 3d ; medium, 2d to :ij \ ; light. I ', i tj l;"l ; inferior and slippy, Id to lid. 'lallow.— lhe. market continues steady and very firm, the supply being hardly sufficient for the requirements ot both shippers and local manufacturers. There are no stocks in first hands, and all consignments coming forward are place,! immediately for shipment when suitable ; if not, for local consumption. Quotations : For prime rendered muttoa, 20a to 21s ; medium to good, 17s to 19s ; inferior and mixed, 13s to 15s 6d. Rough fat has good attention, and is easily placed at. for best mutton caul, 13a to 14s ; inferior to medium and good, i)s 6d to 12s 9d per cwt. Grain. — Wheat : A fair demand continues to be experienced for best velvet and Tuscan. Suitable lines of these offering do not fail to attract buyers prepared to pay about equal to late quotations. There is no demand for shipment, partly owing to the fact that very few suitable lines could now be securtd ; but the main caus • is due to the uncertainty of the course of ttie market at Home, which at the moment would almost seem to be displaying a weaker tendency. The business transacted in the meantime, however, and which is only to a moderate extent, is almost entirely confintd to the fcuppiying of locil millets' requirements. Second-cUss wheat has very little attention, except upon raie occasions. Fowls' wheat has a very good demand,' but nearly all the wheat unsold being considered by the growers' quite fit for milling, which is hardly the case— prices demanded do not permit of much being disposed of to dealers in fowl food. Quotations tor prime milliny, velvet and Tuscan 3s 9J to 33 lOd ; medium to good, 3s 5i to 3s 81 ; best red wheat (nominal), 3d 6d to 3d 8d ; medium, 3s 4d to 3* 6d '; inferior 3d 3d to 3s 4d (ex store, sacks included). Oats : The market for these continues steady, but there is no improvement in the tone, A few salts have been effected during the we^k, both privately and at auction, chiefly stout, bright sorts, at equal to last week's quotations ; but ttereis no demand lor medium sores. Danish or bldck which are unsaleable except at prices holders feel reluctant to accept, in the meantime, at any rate, in the hope that a little more may be secured tre long, although the prospect is not by any means encouraging. Ihe Australian markets still seem to be independent of us, and in the absence ol suitable tonnage for the Home market clearances are not easily effected. Quotations for stout, bright milling, Is 3£d to Is I i ; best short, bright feed, Is 3J to Is 3}& ■ medium, Is 2d to Is '2\S ; black, Is 2d to Is 2^-1 ; musty and inferior', Is to Is 21 (..'X store, Hdckx extra, net cash). Barley Tne quantity remaining in agents' hauds is not very extensive, but lacks iv quality being for the most part only fit for feeding purposes, and, with the price i f oats continuing so low, sales are almost impossible to effect except at a sacrifice 'Ihere is no demand of any consequence for malting. Quotations are merely nominal, siy, for best inaluug, 2s G t to 2s 9d ; medium, 2s 3d to 2s Gd ; feed and milling, Is Gi to 2s 'ex store). v Gvaas Seed.— There is very little demand now for ryegrass seed, but the stocks held over ate light, and any sales still made are on the basis of late quotations ; but it would ba difficult to place whole lines at the same rates, which may be again quoted : For local grown, farmers' dressed, 4s to 4s Gd ; best machine dressed, ss.']s .'] Ito 5d 9d (ex store). Cocksfoot seed is in the same position, very little being j place i, and we quo>e 3Jd to 44! d4 4 ! d per lb. Potatoes.— These are being disposed of now for the most part in retail lots at aim jst any price tuat can be got for them, ranging from 10s to 30s per ton (sacks included), and very few sold at the°latter price. Chaff. — Fewer consignments came forward during the past week, but most dealers having big stocks on hand, the demand has not materially improved. An occasional truck is disposed of at from 39s to 42s 6 1 ; but the bulk of the sales are from 30s to 37s Ga ; inferior 10s to 15s per ton less. ' Dairy Produce.— Factory made cheese is niw almost out of the marke-, and has some slight iuquiry at 4J to 4|d for large, and 4£d to Ud for loaf. Butter has wo demand, and large quautities now coming into the market without any outlet. Messrs. Donald Reid and Co., Dunedin, report for the week ending October 7, as follows :—: — Sheepskins.— At our auction sale on Tuesday we offered a ca'alozue comprising about 2,000 skins. Green crossbreis told at 4a 3d to 6s 1 j ; do half breds, 4s stl to Gs 8d ; dry ciossbreds, 2s Id to 5s 1 Id • do halfbreds, 2s 3d to 6s 3d. Hides.— There is no improvement in this market to report. We

quote :— Prime heavies, 2\ i to 3d ; medium to good, 2±d to 2id • light, Ifi to 21 j bulls, slippy, and cut, I^l to l£d per lb. Tallow.— There is a brisk demand tor all descriptions, and the smal quantity arriv ng meets a ready sale. Our sales have been mostly in country parcels, which we have sold at 16s for medium rendered, and 13s to 11s for rough fat. Wbeat.-The market is very quiet indeed. Fowl wheat is very scarce, and commands rtady sab at prices almost eq-ial to medium quality. We quote— Milling, prime to extra prme, 3,8 dtoSi 9J ; do medium, 3- 4d to 3* 61 ; fowl wheat, 3s to Si 3J. Oats.— A considerable amount of businew. has been done during the week We quote :-Prime to extra prime, Is 3J to Is 4d ; disColoured and medium, Is to Is 2\ i. Barley. — No enquiry. Potatoes.— B.Bt unpicked are selling at 20j ; inferior, 10a. If picked a trifle more can be obtained. Chaff —Moderate Bupply forward and prices are firm. We quote— Prime oataheaf, 37a 6d to 42* 6d ; medium and wheaten, 30s to 355. Mr. F. Mbenan, King Btreet, reports : —Wholesale prices:— Oa^ Id to Is 4d (bags extra), dull. Wheat : milling, 3s 6d to 4s ; fowls, 3s 3d— both firm, packs included. Chaff: Very dull— £1 10s to £2 ; hay, oaten, £2 10s ; best rye-grass, £3. Bran, £2 10s, Pollard, £3 10s. Potatoes, old, best, 20s to 30s per ton. Flour : roller, £10 to £10 15s ; stone, £9 5s to £9 15s. Fresh butter, viry plentiful, value from 4d to 8d ; salt, nominal, for prme, 7d. Bees, good demand, 6d. » r > sb .

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 5, 31 October 1890, Page 13

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Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 5, 31 October 1890, Page 13

Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 5, 31 October 1890, Page 13

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