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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette 1889, pages 537, 540, 541, and 542.) Sons of Police Officers may be enrolled in Artillery or Torpedo Corps.

(ms.) ONSLOW, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by a Proclamation dated the twelfth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eiglitvnine, published in the Nero Zealand Gazette of the seventeenth day of January last, it is provided that recruits for the Artillery and Torpedo Corps shall, with certain exceptions, be selected from the members of the Volunteer Force, as in the said Proclamation mentioned: And whereas it is expedient that a further exception should be made in favour of the sons of police officers : Now, therefore, I, William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred by “ The Defence Act, 1886,” do hereby proclaim and declare that, from and after the date of the publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette , the sons of police officers of whatever rank may be enrolled in the Artillery or Torpedo Corps of the colony without previous training in the Volunteer Force; provided the applicants be not less than five feet nine inches in height, nor more than twenty-five years of age, and do produce satisfactory certificates of character and medical certificates of fitness. Given under the hand of Llis Excellency the Right Honourable William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, of Onslow in the County of Salop ; Viscount Cranley, of Cranley in the County of Surrey; Baron Onslow, of Onslow in the County of Salop, and of West Clandon in the County of Surrey; Baron Cranley, of Imbercourt; Baronet; a Member of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same ; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at the Government House, at Wellington, this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine. Thos. FERGUS. God save the Queen !

Regulations for Fishing for Trout, tic., Waitalci and Waimate Acclimatisation District.


At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-first day of May, 1889. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council.

IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation District, which comprises the Counties of Waitaki and Waimate, and the Boroughs of Hampden, Oamaru, and Waimate, and the waters thereof; and also the waters of the sea inside a line commencing from a point in the southern boundary-line of the County of Waitaki extended a quarter of a mile to the eastward from low-water mark ordinary spring tides ; thence following the coast-line northerly at the same distance from low-water mark ordinary spring tides until it meets with the line of the northern boundary of the County of Waimate extended a quarter of a mile to the eastward beyond lowwater mark ordinary spring tides: and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publica-

tion thereof in. the New Zealand Gazette , supersede all regulations at variance therewith.

Regulations. 1. Licenses to fish for trout, perch, and tench in all the waters of the Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation District shall be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the United Council of the Counties of Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “ the said Acclimatisation Society”), at Oamaru, and for every such license a fee of one pound will be charged: Provided, however, that licenses may be issued to youths under fifteen years of age on payment of a fee of ten shillings: Provided also that it shall not be obligatory upon the said Acclimatisation Society to issue a license :

2. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish in any of the said waters from the first day of October in the year in which the license is issued to the Saturday after Easter Day in tlia year following, inclusive ; but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 3. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with one rod and line only, and with the following baits, namely: natural and artificial fly, natural and artificial minnow, silveries, bullies (Eleotris gobioides), grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, caterpillars, creepers, grubs, and worms.

4. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort (except a rod and line, and landing-net or gaff for fish taken with rod and line) whatever, for the purpose of fishing for, catching, killing, or taking trout, perch, or tench. 5. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of catching, killing, or taking trout; nor shall any of the baits above mentioned be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. G. No person shall fish without a license, and every person fishing shall, on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the said Acclimatisation Society, or other person producing a license from such society, produce and show to such ranger, constable, member, or person his license, or the contents of his creel or bag, and the baits used by him for catching, killing, or taking trout, perch, or tench, as the case may bo. 7. Every trout not exceeding eight inches in length from nose to tip of tail, taken or caught by any person, shall be immediately returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

8. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatsoever, or have in his possession, any trout, perch, or tench, except under the authority of and during the currency of a license hereunder.

9. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, within the district to which these regulations relate, any of the salmonidae or trout, or take, fish for, catch, or kill any of the salmonidse or trout in order to make sale of the same, without permission in writing under the hand of the Secretary of the said Acclimatisation Society. 10. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever ; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall be immediately returned to the water from whence they were taken. 11. No person shall have in his possession any of the

salmonidse, trout, or tench between the period from the Saturday after Easter Day and the thirtieth day of September in each year, which period is hereby appointed a close season for any such fish. 12. No person shall take, catch, or kill any perch under eight inches in length, nor shall perch be taken, caught, or killed at all, or had in possession of any person, between the thirty-first day of August and the thirty-first day of December in any year. 13. No person shall put, throw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, or placed, in any of the waters hereinbefore mentioned, any sawdust or sawmill refuse, dynamite, or anything of any kind or description whatever poisonous, deleterious, or noxious to fish. 14. No person shall net for salmon, salmonidse, or trout in any of the lakes, rivers, streams, or creeks in the Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation District, or in the sea in the vicinity of any river, stream, or creek which is within the said district, except for scientific or piscicultural purposes, and then only by direction or permission of the Secretary to the said Acclimatisation Society. 15. No person shall use any net for the purpose of taking fish in the Waitaki River or its tributaries, or within a radius of one mile from the middle of such river, at the place where it flows into the sea at low-water ordinary spring-tides: Provided that this regulation shall not prohibit the use of a landing-net by a person duly licensed to take trout, perch, or tench with rod and line.

16. Any person netting for indigenous fish in any hay or harbour, or near the mouth of any river, stream, or creek, which is within the said acclimatisation district, shall immediately return into the water alive any salmon, salmonidse, or trout which may be caught in their nets. This regulation shall not authorise the use of any net where prohibited by the foregoing regulation number fifteen. 17. No person shall use stake-nets in or near the mouth of any lake, river, stream, or creek in the said acclimatisation district.

18. Any person committing a breach of either or any of these regulations shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one pound and not exceeding fifty pounds. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Land temporarily reserved. HI HE following land has been temporarily reserved from 8 sale and set apart for police purposes : All that parcel of land in the Land District of Southland, containing by admeasurement 36 perches, more or less, being Section No. 1, Block V., Town of Fortrose. Bounded on the north by Marion Street, 122-9 links; on the east by Section No. 2 of said block, 176'7 links ; on the south by Section No. 3of said block, 120 links; and on the west by Moray Terrace, 203 3 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less ; as the same is delineated on the plan deposited in the office of the Chief Survej'or, Invercargill. All that parcel of land in the Land District of Southland containing by admeasurement 4 acres 1 rood, more or less, being Section No. 45, Block IV., Town of Fortrose. Bounded on the north-west by Farrar Street, 500 links ; on the northeast by Section No. 44 of said block, 850 links ; on the southeast by Section No. 48 of said block, 500 links ; and on the south-west by Sections Nos. 46 and 47 of said block, 850 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less; as the same is delineated on the plan deposited in the office of the Chief Surveyor, Invercargill.

By Authority: Geobge Didsbuby Government Printer, Wellington.—lßß9.

Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. ft. in. Lyttelton ... Thomas Mills Christchurch April 15, *889 false pretences 1 month's labour ... Guernsey... painter ... 1854 4 8 § dark dark brown hazel medium medium medium A hunchback: scar over right eye; mole on calf of left leg. Lyttelton ... Henry Marsh Rakaia Feb. 16,1889 false pretences 3 months’ labour County labourer ... 1S43 3 5! dark dark brown long, medium medium Fish tattooed on left breast and sun on iipperary straight right hand; ruptured on right side; slightly bald. Lyttelton ... James Channing BagLyttelton ... May 0, 1889 assault 7 days’ labour Bristol labourer ... 1S52 5 83 dark dark brown brown large medium medium One previous conviction. Scar on left nail leg and and on left jaw. William Boyd Lyttelton ... May 9, 1889 indecent language ... 7 days’ labour London ... seaman ... 1837 3 2i dark dark hazel medium medium medium Scar on upper right arm. Lyttelton ... John Murray Ashburton ... Feb. 18, 1889 obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... Dublin ... labourer ... Ib37 s dark dark hazel large medium medium Flagstaff and flag tattooed on right arm and two Ds on left side. Has been in the navy. Woman, ship, and flag tattooed on right Lyttelton ... William Dickson Lyttelton ... April 4, 18S9 disobedience of orders 14 days’labour (.Glasgow 0*1 fair oblique r on board ship seaman ... 1S40 s fair blue medium medium J arm ; star on right hand ; crucifix on obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... f ] upper left arm; shamrock, rose, and t cumulative) J Wiltshire... (. thistle, and WD on lower left arm. laneHaslock Lyttelton ... Feb. iS, 1889 indecent behaviour... 3 months’ labour prostitute 1S43 3 2 swarthy black dk. blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Lyttelton ... H enriclc Watson Christchurch May 11, 1S89 having no visible 7 days’ labour \V orcesterclerk 1847 5 10 fresh brown, curly blue medium medium medium means of support shire Charles Hunter Christchurch May 11,18S9 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Co. Antrim labourer ... 1834 5 7 sandy brown blue crooked large medium Four previous convictions. Lyttelton ... Michael Ryan Christchurch May 3, 1889 habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1832 5 7 sallow brown, turngrey large medium medium Twenty-one previous convictions. Lyttelton ... John McPherson Lyttelton ... Feb. 19, 1889 embezzling ship’s 3 months’ labour ... Wick, seaman ... 1865 5 9i dark black brown medium medium medium Man, woman, and “ J.McPherson ” tattooed on right arm ; mermaid and flag cargo Scotland on left hand ; bracelet, heart, and dart on left wrist. Thomas Wilson Christchurch May 14, 18S9 habitual drunkenness 7 days’labour Co. Armagh labourer ... 1S39 5 4 sallow grey brown broken medium medium One previous conviction. Lyttelton ... John Keeling, alias Christchurch April 4,1887 larceny 3 years’ penal serviNottingham labourer ... 1837 ti fresh dark grey ... grey broad medium medium Two previous convictions. Mark of scar Keelan, alias Liddle, alias Hobart Town Jack Valentine Harrison ... tude on upper lip and nose. Napier Dec. is, 1887 forgery 2 years’ labour N. Zealand printer ... iSst S 104 dark dark brown medium medium medium Has come to Wellington. M ary M oxham Christchurch May 14, 1889 habitual drunkenness 7 days’ labour Ireland .. prostitute 1839 1841 4 8 sallow brown blue pug small round Several previous convictions. Lyttelton ... James Raitt Lyttelton ... Feb. 23, 1889 obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... Arbroath, carpenter fresh brown blue medium medium medium Four previous convictions, j R tattooed Scotland on right arm. Lyttelton ... Thomas Hines Christchurch May 8,1S89 rescuing a horse that 14 days’ labour N. Zealand fisherman 1S71 43 fair fair blue large medium medium was being impounded 7 days’ labour London ... Lyttelton ... England Tyler Christchurch May 17, 1889 having no visible gardener ... 1832 3 4i fresh brown blue large large full means of support George Leach Christchurch Dec. 22, 188S 11, 1889 larceny 6 months’ labour ... Berkshire boilermaker 1847 5 f3 fresh dark brown light br. medium medium medium One previous conviction. Slightly deaf. Lyttelton ... Robert Dale Kaikoura ... May larceny 14 days’ labour Cork cook 1852 3i florid light brown blue inclined to medium medium One previous conviction. 14 days’labour London ... right side Lyttelton ... Alfred Gregory, alias Kaikoura ... May n, 1889 larceny labourer ... 1829 5 93 fresh dark brown blue crooked large large Previously convicted. Sailor and two William Warner having no visible flags crossed tattooed on left arm, and cross on left wrist. Lyttelton ... Kate Tameson, alias Christchurch May 11, 1889 14 days’labour Edinburgh servant ... 1S49 4 9i dark dark blue small medium medium Two previous convictions. Jane Wilson means of support 30 days’labour Samuel Allingham ... Waimate ... April is, 1889 larceny Palmerston labourer ... 1S74 5 6 fair fair grey medium medium long One previous conviction. Scar on foreNorth head, right cheek, and left wrist; mole on right hip ; scars on both knees and calf of left leg. Waimate ... Martin Shea Waimate ... May g, 1889 obscene language ... 5 days’ labour J wilful damage to pro3 days’ labour in 1 perty default of paying 10s. fine (cumulative) ... labourer ... 1830 5 S swarthy grey hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. J Wanganui William Storey Palmerston Mar. 27,1889 vagrancy 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 183S s 7 fresh grey grey large medium small Previously convicted. Varicose veins in N orth right leg. W anganui George Dempsey Bull’s May 8,18S9 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Scotland ... driver 1861 5 sallow brown blue medium medium medium Moie on right arm, scar on left knee, and wart on neck. Wanganui Henry Webb, alias Wanganui ... May 22,1889 unlawfully pawning acquitted at District England ... bootmaker 1859 s 6i fresh brown brown snub small large Six previous convictions. Four boilMacfarlane Court marks on small of back. John James Sullivan... Auckland ... May 9, 1889 larceny 6 months’ probation Auckland tinsmith ... >874 c; 1} I fresh dark brown dark br. thick set medium medium Mole between shoulder-blades. Auckland... John Thackabury Auckland ... Feb. 15, 1889 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour England ... hair-dresser 1830 5 fresh grey blue small small medium Twenty-four previous convictions. Bald. Auckland... William Moran, alias Auckland ... Dec. 10, 18S8 receiving stolen pro6 months’ labour England ... seaman ... 1853 43 dark black dark br. thick set large medium Six previous convictions. MARGt. Moreland perty 6 months’ labour HAYES and woman tattooed on right forearm ; tombstone on left forearm ; cross-eyed. Auckland... Robert Carr, alias John Harris Letetia Hughes Auckland ... Dec. 7, 1S8S larceny England ... labourer ... 1849 5 6 sallow dark brown blue broad medium medium Five previous convictions. Lame. Auckland... Auckland ... Feb. 16,1889 larceny 3 months’ labour ... America ... J843 s 0 fresh grey It. hazel medium medium medium Fort3 r -three previous convictions.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. I Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Auckland... James AlexanderClarke Te Aroha ... April 16, 1889 disobeying an order for the support of his illegitimate child 6 months’ labour in default of sureties Thames, N.Z. drover ... 1870 S 6 fresh light brown blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Cross tattooed on left forearm; scar on bridge of nose; top of left middle finger stiffAuckland... Patrick Kavanagh ,alias Cavanagh ,alias Nolan Auckland ... Mar. 18, 1889 larceny as a bailee (2 charges) 2 months’ labour on each charge (conIreland ... labourer ... 1841 5 6 pale black light br. pointed large large jointed. Five previous convictions. Bald. current) Auckland ... John Fitzgibbon Thames Mar. 20, 1889 larceny 1 month’s labour ... r Four previous convictions. An upper front tooth out; two Ds tattooed on left side; marks of corpora! punishlarceny as a bailee 28 days’labour (3 charges) (cumulative) >-Ireland ... tailor 1843 S S pale black, turnblue broad medium medium-) J ing grey t medium ment on back ; a wart on lower lid 0 f Auckland... John Driscoll Auckland ... Feb. 2i, 1889 illegally on premises 3 months’ labour ... Thames, labourer ... 1869 5 7i fresh black lt.brown prominent medium left eye. Six previous convictions. Auckland ... Auckland ... Elizabeth Bickerton ... Alexander Angus Auckland ... Papakura ... Feb. 22, 1889 April 25, 1888 larceny damaging property... 3 months’ labour ... 1 month’s labour ... Scotland ... J 1854 5 swarthy black brown medium medium medium Twelve previous convictions. Feb. 27, 1889 threatening to kill ... 12 months’ imprisonin default of sureties (cumulative) 3 months’ labour ... 1 J-Ireland ... farmlabourer 1856 S 81 fresh dark brown blue small large medium Irregular teeth; dot tattooed below right thumb. Auckland... George Pyke Cambridge... larceny Auckland... Gus Walters Te Kopuru... Feb. 27, 1889 cruelty to a horse ... illegally on premises 3 months’ labour ... (concurrent) 3 months’ labour j- England America ... farmlabourer cook 1871 1851 5 5 5 2i fair fresh light brown light brown blue large, medium medium medium medium medium medium Scar on left forefinger and on outside of right thigh. One previous conviction. Eagle over grey anchor tattooed on right forearm, and Invercargill Patrick Hogan Riverton ... April 20, 1889 resisting police damaging Govern14 days’ labour 7 days’ labour 1 ung on left middle finger. ment property drunk and disorderly 14 days’ labour jTreland ... J shoemaker 1848 5 6 swarthy dark brown dark br. flat, broken medium medium Five previous convictions. Scar on left eyebrow ; mark of cut on left thumb. Invercargill Oamaru ... Emily Baldwin John Lewis Invercargill Oamaru May 11, 1889 May 10, 1889 larceny assault 14 days’labour 10 days’ labour in default of paying £2 fine and 14s. costs England ... Oamaru ... groom 1864 1870 5 H S 7 sallow fail light brown black grey blue medium thick, snub medium medium square medium Birth-mark under right eye. Four previous convictions. A quartercaste Maori. Deep grum voice. Oamaru ... Stephen Moynihan ... Oamaru May 20, 1889 indecent exposure ... 6days’labour Co. Mayo labourer ... 1S44 5 7 pale brown brown Roman large medium Three previous convictions. Stoops Wellington Caroline Williams, alias Corbett Wellington April 20,1889 having no visible means of support i month's labour ... N. Zealand prostitute 1862 5 0 fresh light brown blue pug small small when walking. Wellington Wellington Joseph Clifford Henry Hastings Wellington Blenheim ... April 20,1889 April 8, 1889 larceny having no visible 1 months’ labour ... 6 weeks’ labour England ... England ... sailor ... ... i860 1840 5 6 1 dark 5 7! sallow brown turning grey hazel blue medium medium medium large medium medium Scar on forehead. Wellington John Augustus Denis Strange, alias Burke O’Brien Wellington Mar. 22, 1889 wilful damage 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer and boot-clinker 1833 S 2! sallow grey hazel large medium medium Several previous convictions. Scar under left eye : burn-marks on jaw, on lower hp, and botharmsabove elbows : lower Wellington William Agnew Wellington Nov. 23, 1888 insulting language ... 6 months’ imprisonment in default of Ireland ... labourer ... 1852 5 ml fair brown brown oblique large large lip very thick. Previously convicted. Wellington Elizabeth Agnew Wellington Nov. 23, 1888 insulting language ... 6 months’ imprisonment in default of bail 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... 1849 S 4 fresh grey blue small small round Wellington John Berry Wellington April 24, 1889 larceny England ... sailor 1855 5 61 fresh brown brown medium large full Scar on bridge of nose ; crucifix tattooed on right arm, and sailor and bracelet Wellington John Robinson, alias Nelson April 21, 1887 forgery and uttering 3 years’ penal servitude N. Zealand labourer ... 1857 5 10 fair brown It. blue large large small on left arm. Front teeth irregular; faint scar on Smith right thumb; boil-mark on left hip; mole on back of neck; mark of bite from a horse below right nipple; scar Wellington Joseph Milne Wellington Feb. 15, 1889 having no visible 3 months’ labour ... Scotland ... engineer ... 1850 S ml dark dark brown medium medium medium on right shin. Has gone to Picton. Une previous conviction. Wellington Edwin Baldock Blenheim ... Dec. 12, 1888 maliciously wounding 6 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1869 S 9 fair fair grey medium large medium Wellington Mary Curry Wellington May 9, 1889 larceny 7 day’s labour England ... 1837 5 7 sallow light brown, blue large, pug small small Has gone to Blenheim. Wellington James Alsford, alias Wellington April 18, 1889 illegally on premises 1 month’s labour ... England ... tinsmith ... 1839 S 4 fresh turning grey brown blue small, small small Four previous convictions. TK tattooed Wellington Josephine Alice Ah Ting Wellington May 11,1889 being the occupier of a house frequented 7 days’ labour England ... prostitute 1863 5 1 fresh brown blue broken pug small small on right arm; female and BD on left arm. by persons having no means of support


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. H eight Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Wellington Sarah Clark Wellington May ii, 1889 having no visible 7 days’ labour Ireland .. prostitute 1866 ft 5 in. 1 sallow brown blue medium large small Wellington Uriah James Williams Wellington Dec. 19, 1887 means of support breach of the peace... 7 days’ labour XWales ... labourer .„ 1856 s 2j fresh light brown blue flat, large medium Wellington William Middleton ... Blenheim ... Jan. Aug. 4, 1888 22, 1888 indecent assault larceny 2 years iabour 12 months’ labour ... J England ... fellmonger 1845 5 5 fresh brown hazel broken sharp medium medium Previously convicted. Has gone to Blenheim. Wellington William McGregor ... Napier Dec. 15, 1887 horse-stealing 2 years’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1859 S 9i dark dark brown hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. A slight scar on forehead. Has gone to Napier. Wellington John Sheehan Wellington April 18, 1889 drunk and disorderly wilful damage 1 month’s labour 7 days’ labour (cumulative) (Ireland ... butcher ... 1844 S 5 fresh brown It. blue small medium medium J Previously convicted. Heart and arrow, harp, female’s face, 1874, ERIN, and leaves tattooed on left arm, and crucij l fix with female at foot on breast. Wellington Thomas Connelly Wellington 4, t88S horse-stealing 2 years’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1866 5 Si dark dark, curly dk. blue medium medium medium Previously convicted. Nine previous convictions. Woman tattooed on right arm, RS on left hand, and ring on middle finger of same hand. Picton Robert Sullivan Picton April 23, 1889 obscene language ... breach of the peace... 1 month’s labour 7 days’ labour j- Ireland... labourer ... 1841 5 2 dark dark, turning grey It. hazel straight small medium Napier Michael Burke Napier Mar. 14, 1889 larceny 2 months’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1842 5 7 J swarthy grey grey large medium medium Three previous convictions, hull-rigged ship tattooed on breast. Napier James Mannix Napier Mar. 18,1889 exposing his person 2 months’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1861 5 9i fresh brown blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Scar under left eye; mark of boil on left leg. Napier Napier James Thompson Richard Harris Napier Napier Mar. April 20, 1889 24, 1889 obscene language ... assault larceny 2 months’ labour 2 months’ labour (concurrent) 1 month’s labour j-Australia America ... labourer cook 1861 1869 5 5 8 4i fair fair brown fair blue large blue medium medium medium medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Two spots of grey hair on back of head; left wrist broken and hand crippled. Mark of cut on right cheek ; small mole on chin and back of neck; R. HARRIS tattooed on left arm ; small anchor on right arm; and mark on inside of wrist. • . . . . , Three previous convictions. Anchor and MJ tattooed on left arm. Cross, square, and compass and man tattooed on left arm, and ring on right Napier Napier William Campbell, alias Smith William Sinclair ... Woodville ... Wairoa May Mar. 11, 1889 8, 1889 larceny wife-desertion 14 days’ labour 4 months’ labour Scotland ... Australia... cook coach1830 1866 5 s 4l 81 fair dark grey dark brown grey grey medium large medium medium medium medium tight-rope little finger. Part of sentence remitted. Hokitika ... Michael Brennan Greymouth... Feb. 18, 1889 larceny 3 months’ labour Auckland... walker sailor and labourer 1869 S 94 pale fair grey prominent large small Four previous convictions. Scar on back of right hand near thumb; three moles on lower left arm, two on hack of right arm, and two on top of right shoulder ; short thick lips. Has gone to Auckland. Hokitika ... Hokitika ... Henry Connors Hannah McIntyre ... Ahaura Hokitika ... Feb. Feb. 21, 1889 1, 1889 riotous behaviour ... obscene language ... obscene language ... 1 month’s labour 2 months’ labour 4 months’ labour | Ireland ... X Ireland ... miner matron ... 1842 1846 5 5 s 3 dark fresh black dark brown blue grey large large medium large medium medium An upper front tooth out; heavy eyebrows ; scar on muscle of left arm. Repeatedly convicted. habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour J fresh blue medium medium medium Timaru William Aldridge Timaru April 25, 1889 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour England ... labourer ... 1838 5 74 grey Reefton ... John Sweetman Reefton May 13, 18S9 threatening language hound over in £20 and two sureties in £10 England ... miner 1841 s 7 fresh light brown blue medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Impediment in speech; left forefinger stiff-jointed. each to keep the Dunedin ... Martin Smith Dunedin May 7, 1889 larceny peace ror 2 months 7 days’ labour Dunedin ... newspaper1874 4 8 fresh dark brown blue medium medium broad Deaf; round scar on right hip. Dunedin ... John Gillison Dunedin April 15, 1889 having insufficient t month’s labour England ... runner labourer ... 1848 5 64 fresh light brown hazel large medium long Sixteen previous convictions. Scar on nose ; blue mark on both arms. Dunedin ... Thomas Jerome, alias Dunedin May 9, i88g habitual drunkenness 7 davs’ labour England ... labourer ... 1853 64 florid sandy hazel medium medium medium Thirteen previous convictions. Pockpitted. One previous conviction. Scar on bridge of nose; large scar on inside of right leg. Dunedin ... Smalley Conrad Basan Dunedin May 8, 1889 larceny 14 days’ labour Dunedin ... ship’s boy 1874 4 9 fresh light brown blue medium medium medium


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 12, 5 June 1889, Page 110

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 12, 5 June 1889, Page 110

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 12, 5 June 1889, Page 110

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