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An Act to Amend “ The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893.” PART IT. miscellaneous amendments of the LICENSING LAW. (1) Bellamy's. 13. Subsection five of section three of the principal Act shall be read subject to the following provisions, that is 'o Sav : — (l.) In the session of the General Assembly to be held afier the next general election of members of the House of Representatives, and thereafter i > the first session of each new Parliament, on the fourth Tuesday after the Address i" Reply has been determined by such House, the Clerk of each House shall conduct a poll, at which members of such House shall vote on the question, “ Shall liquor be sold within the precincts of the Parliament Buildings during the remainder of the present Parliament ? ” —“ Ai e ” or “ No.” (it.) The result of the poll shall in each ease be forthwith reported by the Clerk of each House to the Speaker thereof. (in.) If when the votes taken in both Houses are added together a majority of those voting record their votes ’‘No,” then no liquor shall be sold within the precincts of the Parliament Buildings during the remainder of the term of the then existing Parliament and until the poll shall be taken hereunder during the next ensuing Parliament. (iv.) The Speakers of the Houses shall thereupon meet, and, having ascertained the result of the poll, shall, in case of the majority of the votes being in the negative, give directions that no I’quor shall be sold within the precim ts oi the Parliament Buildings during the term of the then existing Parliament, and until the poll shall be taken hereunder during the next ensuing Parliament. (v.) If in like manner a majority of those voting record their votes “ Aye,” then the Speakers of both Houses shall give authority for the sale of liquor till the close of the last session of the then existing Parliament, and until the poll shall be taken hereunder during the next ensuing Parliament. The voting on this question shall be by open voting and not otherwise. (vi.) In case of equality of votes, the Clerk of the Legislative Council shall have a cast-ing-vote. (vn.) The provisions of section thirty-three shall not apply to Bellamy’s. (2.) Clubs. 14. (i.) No charter shall be granted for a club -in premises in respect of which a club charter has been revoked, or a publicans’ license has been taken away or forfeited, under the Licensing Acts. (n.) The provisions of section thirty-three shall not apply to clubs. (3) Hallway llefreshment-rooms. 15. No license to sell liquor at a railway re-freshment-room shall be granted in any district wherein the grant of licenses is prohibited as the result of a licensing poll. (4) Costs of Elections and meetings. 16. (l.) All costs and expenses incident to the election and the meetings of the Committee, including charges for printing and advertising the necessary notices relating thereto, as also the actual cost of the travelling expenses incurred by the Chairman or any member of a Committee or the Clerk thereof in attending any meeting, and the salary of such Clerk, and also such reasonable remuneration to the Clerk of the controlling authority of the district as, having regard to the additional duties imposed on him by the Licensing Acts, such local authority thinks proper, shall be paid by the controlling local authority of the district, subject to the following provisions : — («) The local authority of each district that forms a part of a licensing district and receives a portion of the license fees accruing therein is liable to contribute, in proportion to the amount so received, to the aforesaid costs and expenses : (ft) In sase no license fees are received by a local authority in any licensing district, such authority is nevertheless liable to contribute to th# aforesaid costs and ex-

penses in like manner as if it received the same portion of such fees as the local authority that receives the smallest portion thereof: (c.) In case no license fees whatever are received in any district, the local authorities in such district are liable to contribute to the aforesaid costs and exoenses in proportion to the population of the di-tricts under the jurisdiction of the said local authorities respectively ■ (d.) The controlling local authority of the district is entitled to recover such con'ribution from the local authorities liable to pay the same. (II.) Section ten of “The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893,” is hereby repealed. 17. Every local authority which suffers loss of revenue from license fees under the Licensing Acts in consequence of the reduction or prohibition of licenses in the district may make good such loss by an equivalent sum to be levied and collected by an increase of the general rates in the district, anything in a- y Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. (5.) General. 18. (l ) No new bottle license shall be granted within any licensing district after the commenceof this Act. (n.) All such licenses in force at the commencement of this Act shall continue in force until their expiry on the thirteenth day of June then next ensuing. 19. (i.) The election of members of the Licensing Committee for each ordinary licensing district shall be held on such day in the month of March as the Returning Officer of the district appoints in that beh ilf; and he shall give not less than fourteen days’ notice of the day so appointed. (II.) At the first such election held after the commencement of this Act the number of members constituting such Commi tee shail he reduced to six. including therein, as Chairmaan er Officio, such -lipendary Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in the di-trict as the Governor from time to time appoints in that behalf. (in.) Subsection one of section seven of “The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893,” is hereby modified in so far as it is in any way inconsistent with the provisions <.f this section. 20. All the powers by the Licensing Acts conferred upon the Chairman or any two members of a Licensing Committee to deal with licenses shall be exercised by such Chairman and two members jointly, and not separately. 21. (l ) In case any district fails or neglects to elect a Licensing Committee at the time appointed, the Stipendiary Magistrate who, if such Committee had been duly elected, would be the Chairman thereof shall himself be deemed to constitute the Committee, and shall exercise all the powers and functions by the Licensing Acts conferred upon the Committee or on any members thereof until the time appointed for the next periodical election of the Committee. (ll.) A Committee is deemed not to be elected in any case where the whole number of such Committee is not elected. (in.) Subsection five of section seven of “The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893,” is hereby repealed : Provided that where prohibition prevails in any district it shall be unnecessary to elect a Committee. 22. The principal Act is hereby amended as follows :— (t.) As to section thirty-five, by adding at the end of that section the following proviso :—- “ Provided that no such license shall henceforth be granted, or, if already granted, shall be renewed, in any district so long as the electors therein have duly determined in manner prescribed by the Licensing Acts that no licenses be granted therein.” (ll.) As to section thirty-six, by inserting next after the word “ amusement,” the words “or at any rattle sale yards.” (in.) As to section fifty-six, by inserting the words “of issue” after the word “ days,” in line eight. (iv.) As to section ninety-seven, by repeating the words “licensing district.” in the third line of Ihe section, and inserting in lieu thereof the following words : “ undivided borough, or ward of a divided borough, or town district, or riding of a county, or road district, being in no case further than one-quarter of a mile by the nearest road from such licensed premises” : Provided, however, that this subsection shall not take effect until the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. (v.) As to section one hundred and fifty-six, by repealing that section and enacting in lieu thereof the following : — “ (cz) It shall be lawfid for, but not obligatory upon, a license to sell liquor at any time to any person being really a lodger living or staying in the licensed premises, or a bona fide traveller seeking refreshment on arriving from a journey : Provided that the liquor so sold is personally consumed on the premises by such traveller and by no other person. “ (ft) The burden of piovingany person to be a lodger or traveller shall be upon the person alleging the fact, and any person falsely alleging himself to be a lodger or traveller shall be liable on conviction to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds.”

(vi.) As to subsection three of section two hundred and one, by adding at the end of that subsection the following : “ and shall forwith send notice of such conviction to the owner or lessor of the premises occupied by the licensed person so convicted.” (vil.) As to section two hundred and six, by inserting after the words “ one hundred and sixty-sixth sections of this Act” the words “or any offence referred to in the one hundred and ninety-second section thereof,” and after the words “ supplying

children with liquor” the words “ and selling adulterated liquor.” (vm.) As to section two hundred and eight, by adding thereto the following paragraph :• — “ In any such case, provided no appeal from such conviction is duly prosecuted and allowed, and notwithstanding any covenant in any lease or other instrument, the tenant, shall be deemed to have foreitod his lease by being convicted as aforesaid ; and the owner of the premises, or the immediate landlord, by himself, or his agent or bailiff duly authorised in writing in that behalf, may forthwith under the authority of this Act enter up >n and take possession of the premises, and evict the said tenant from the premises.”

23. In every case where an application for the renewal of a license has been duly made, but is not disposed of by the Commit tee on or before the day of the expiry of the license by efituxion of time, the following provisions shall apply : — (l.) The license shall be deemed to be extended until the application for the renewal is finally disposed of : (ll.) The licensee shall pay a due proportion of the annual license fee for the period of such extension, whether the application for renewal is ultimately granted or not: (in.) If the application is ultimately granted, the renewal shall date from the aforesaid expiry by efituxion of time, and the sum paid as aforesaid shall be treated as part payment of the annual license fee. 24. If any person, — Sells any liquor to any male aboriginal native who is in the state of intoxica'ion, or sells or tn any way gives or supplies, or allows to be sold, given, or supplied, any liquor to any female aboriginal native whomsoever, — he commits an offence, and is liable to a penalty of not less than two nor more than ten pounds: Provided that this section shall not apply to any female aboriginal native being the wile of a European.

25. On application to the police officer of the district by anv relative or friend of any male aboriginal native of New Zealand who may be found by such relative or friend drinking liquor to excess in any licensed house, the police shall forthwith render such applicant every assistance in applying to the Magistrate for the district for an order under section one hundred and sixtyseven of “ The Licensing Act 1881,” to be issued against such male aboriginal native ; and such order shall remain in operation until otherwise ordered by the said Magistrate : Provided that, after the issuing of any such order any person knowingly selling, giving, or supplying liquor to such person shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds : Provided also that the foregoing application may be made by any two persons being Justices of the Peace or members of a local body or of any School Committee.

26. If anv person against whom a prohibition order has been made under section one hundred and sixty-seven of the principal Act enters or if found on any licensed premises at any time during the currency of such order, he is liable to a penalty not exceeding fi e pounds, and any licensed person who knowingly commits ~ny person against whom a prohibition order is in existance to be or to remain on his licensed premises shail be liable to a penalty of not less than five pounds and not exceeding ten pounds. 27. (r.) Every person who, knowing that any one is the subject of a prohibition order, accompanies into any licensed premises, or in any wav, directly or indirectly, procures liquor for him, or incites or assists him to procure or drink liquor, is liable Io a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. (it.) In any proceedings under this section the burden of proof shall be on defendant to show that he did not know of the existence of such prohibition order. 28. In any case where any person has neg'ected or omitted to do any act, or tiling in the precise manner or within the precise time specified therefor bv the Licensing Acts, the Committee, or the Chairman anil any two members thereof, if satisfied that such neglect or omission was not wilful, may, by certificate under the hand of the Chairman, waive the same upon such terms as they deem equitable, 29. In any ease where a tenant of any premises wrongfully neglects or refuses to make due application for the grant or renewal of a license, or do whatever is necessary for the purpose of procuring such grant of renewal,and by reasonof suchneglect or refusal serious loss may be caused, the owner or immediate landlord of the premises may himself make such application or do whatever is necessary as aforesaid, either in his name or the name of his nominee, or in the name of the defaulting tenant, as such owner or landlord thinks fit, and may recover from the defaulting tenant all the costs and expenses thereby incurred. 30. In the event of the licensed premises which a lessee is bound under his lease to keep as licensed premises being close 1 as the result of a poll of the electors of the district, or being closed as the Licensing Committee for a cause notarising from an act or default of the lessee, then the lessee may, if he desire to terminate the base, give written notice to the lessor, and on the expiration of fourteen days from the giving of such notice such lease shall be deemed to be determined as bv aflliixion of time.

31. All Certificates, orders, and other documents to be issued under the Licensing Acts by the Licensing Committee,or by a majority thereof, or by the Chairman and any two members thereof shall be signed by the Chairman and countersigned by the Clerk; and the forms set forth in the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Schedules of the principal Act, arc hereby modified in manner set forth in the fourth schedule hereto, or to that effect.

(n). In every case where the certificate

authorises the issue or renewal of license, the certificate shall specify the fee to be paid, as also the officer to whom, the place were, and the time within which the same is payable, as provided by sections sixty-nine and seventy of the principal Act.

(in.) Such fee may be paid either in manner specified in the certificate or by depositing the amount at any time before the expiration of the aforesaid period in any money-order post-office to the credit of the officer named in the certificate.

(iv.) The deposit-slip shall be in the form or to the effect set forth in the Fifth Schedule hereto. and there shall be payable in resp j ct of such deposit a poundage of sixpence in the pound. (v.) It shall be the duty of the Post Office authorities to remit the deposit to the said officer, and specify the purpose for which it is remitted. 32. Nothing in section twenty-one in “ The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893,” shall be constructed to affect of to have affected the position of the licenses, or any proceedings taken regarding them, in the Licensing Districts of Addington, Newton, and Sydenham East, which were constituted under the principal Act. 33. With respect, to every district the electors whereof have duly determined in manner prescribed by the Licensing Acts that no licenses be granted therein, and so long as, pursuant to such determination, no licenses are in force therein, the following provisions shall apply :— 1. It shall not be lawful for any person whomsoever — (a) To solicit, or receive any order for any liquor within such district; nor (ft) To sell, or expose or keep for sale, any liquor within such district; nor (r) To send (either from without or within such district) or deliver to any person residing therein, or at any place situate therein, any liquor which the person sending or delivering the same has reasonable ground to suspect is intended to be sol I, or exposed or kept for sale, therein ; nor (rZ) To send or deliver to any person residing therein or to any places situate therein any package containing liquor, unless such package bears distinctly written or printed on the outside thereof a statement that it contains liquor. Any Inspector appointed under the Licensing Acts may detain and in the presence of at least two witnesses examine the contents of any package in respect whereof a violation of this provision is reasonably suspected by him. (n.) Every person who commits any breach of any of the provisions of this section is liable for a first offence to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, and for a second or any subsequent offence to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months. (in.) In any any prosecution for the sale of liquor in breach of this section it shall not be necessary, in proving the sale, to show that any money or money’s worth passed, or that any other consideration for the sale existed, if the court is satisfied that a transaction in the nature of a sale actually took place. (iv.) In any prosecution for exposing or keeping liquor for sale in breach of this section it shall lie on the accused to show that the liquor proved to be exposed or kept was not so exposed or kept for sale. (v.) In any prosecution for sending or delivering liquor in breach of this section it shall lie on the accused to show that he had no reasonable ground to suspect that such liquor was intended to be sold; o-- exposed or kept for sale, within such district. (vi.) This section shall not apply to sales by brewers of liquor, being their own manufacture, to persons not residing or carrying on business within such district, and to be delivered beyond the limits of such district.

34 (i.) All prosecutions for breach of any of the provisions of the Licensing Acts shall be heard and determin' d by the Stipendiary Magistrate alone, anything in the Licensing. Acts to the contrary not withstanding. (ll.) Any Justice or Justices of the Peace may sit in a Court with a Magistrate, but cannot in any such case act with the Magistrate, or exercise any jurisdiction whatever at such sitting. (in.) Every person who commits any breach of any of the provisions of the Licensing Acts for which no specific penalty is thereby provided is liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. (iv. Nothing in this section shall apply to offences under section one hundred and seventythree of the principal Act. 35. (i.) No covenant or agreement, condition, proviso, or stipulation, whereby any person or body corporate is purported to be bound to purchase beer, wines, spirits, or other fermented or spirituous liquors from any other person or body corporate to 'he exclusion of any other persons or bodies corporate, shall, if entered into after the passing of the Act, have any force or validity whatever. And every bond, bill of exchange, or promissory note, given after the passing of this Act for the purpose of securing the performance of any such covenant or agreement, condition provision, or stipulation shall he void. (ll.) Every deed, memorandum, or other document which shall contain any such covenant, agreement, condition, or stipulation as aforesaid shall be read and construe 1 ed us if such covenant, agreement, condition, proviso, or stipulation were omitted therefrom.

(m.) Every estate, right, title, and interest, or other benefit which shall be declared oi purport to be devested or forfeited for or on account if the non-performance or non-observance of any such covenant, agreement, condition, or stipulation shall continue as if the same were not liable to be devested or to forfeiture for such reasons as afore# said, notwithstanding the non-performance or non-observance of any such covenant, agreement, condition, or stipulation. (iv.) Every limitation, right of entry, or other estate or interest in real or personal property, or

any other benefit whatever which shall be declared or purport to take place, or effect, or to accrue, or vest on th r breach of non-performance of any such covenant, agreement, condition, or stipulation, shall be avoid. (v ) When any person shall have entered into any such' covenant or agreement, or purport to have made himself directly or collaterally liable for the performance or observance of any such covenant, agreement, condition, proviso, or stipulation as aforesaid, or shall have made, given, or entered into any bond, obligation, deed, bill of exchange, promissory note, or* other instrument of what kind soever, given for any such purpose as aforesaid, he shall be entitled to commence or prosecute a suit in any Court of competent jurisdiction to cancel or rectify such instrument as aforesaid, in such manner that he shall no longer be, or appear to be, under such obligation or liability as aforesaid.

36. The Governor may from time to time appoint a sufficient number of special Inspectors, not being officers of police, for the purpose ol preventing and detecting violations of the Licensing Act and the sale of adulterated liquor ; and all powers conferred by the said Acts upon officers of police shall be exercised by such inspectors : but nothing herein contained, and no appointment made under the provisions hereof, shall annul or diminish the duty or responsibility imposed upon officers of police by the said Acts

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume VI, Issue 288, 30 January 1896, Page 12

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ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS SALE CONTROL ACT AMENDMENT, 1895 New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume VI, Issue 288, 30 January 1896, Page 12

ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS SALE CONTROL ACT AMENDMENT, 1895 New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume VI, Issue 288, 30 January 1896, Page 12

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