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November 9th. Carnival Week. Carnival week began on Saturday, when the Canterbury Jockey Club, commenced its New Zealand Cup Meeting at Riccarton. The weather was perfect, and there was quite a record attendance of visitors. Lady Clifford wore a coat and skirt costume of royal blue corded silk, black hat with rich ostrich feathers: Miss Clifford, white satin frock, veiled with pastel blue ninon, tuscan hat with blue to match. Miss M. Clifford, shot •blue taffeta frock with hat to match; Mrs J. Grigg (Lonjfbeach>, black and white striped voile relieved with blue silk, hat en suite; Mrs Teschemaker (Otaia). gown of royal blue silk, hat trimmed with same shade of blue: Mr* AV. Bidwell (Featherstoni, white silk embroidered voile with black velvet sash, white tagel straw hat and white plumes: Miss Buddle (Auckland:, gown of pink chiffon velvet, brown chiffon toque edged with cream lace; Airs Dalgety, a draped gown of grey crepe de., chine, trimmed with guipure lace, grey hatwith plumes: Mrs Stead, blue silk gown with cream lace insertion at hem, black tagel hat with black velvet and ostrich plumes: Mrs Wilfred Stead (Hawke's Hay), white lace gown with black velvet sash, black tagel hat and white ostrich feathers: Airs Russell Grace (Wellington), blue crepe de soie with lace yoke, picture hat lined with blue, with tall cluster of shaded stocks: Mrs Gerald Stead (Brackenfield). gown of white embroidered muslin with blue sash, molecoloured straw hat with shaded feathers of mole and blue; Miss Wood, costume of shot blue taffetas, royal blue straw hat wreathed with lilies: Miss Ward (Wellington). cream net frock, large white hat lined with pale blue and wreathed with shaded sweet peas: Mrs Wigram, gown of sapphire blue cashmere de soie. black hat with ostrich plumes; Mrs Estcourt (Wellington), white silk frock veiled with blue ninon, black hat with shaded blue ostrich plumes: Mrs Arthur Rhodes, a beautiful gown of mignonette satin with Robesperre ruffles of cream lace,-large tagel hat with shaded ostrich feathers; Miss Rhodes, frock of grey crepe de chine, large grey hat and grey plumes: Mrs Algar Williams (Wellington), black taffetas costume, the panelled skirt was veiled in cream laec, black and white hat; Mrs J? Buchanan (Little River), grey and white figure! satin, with overdress of black ninon, large black hat with blue feathers; Mrs A . Elworthy (Timaru), frock of pale mole-coloured ninon with side pane! of Paisley silk, leghorn hat with plumes; Mrs Millton. gown of cobalt blue cashmere de soie. blue laee hat with blue mount; Mrs Saveli, white muslin frock with lace insertions, big white hat with sprays of blue corn; Mrs MurrayAynsley. biscuit-coloured ninon over satin of the same shade, biscuit hat with plumes: Airs E. Chapman (Timaru), brown silk costume, black hat and ostrich feathers; Airs Hamner, gown of blue taffetas, black hat with black plumes; Mrs Acland, black and white silk Striped voile, black hat; Miss Cracroft Wilson, net and lace frock with wide sash, tagel hat with black velvet daisy: Mrs J. Rutherford, gown of red and violet taffetas panelled with blue; straw hat with floral wreath of mauve and blue: Mrs E. Grigg, black and white striped costume, tagel straw hat with floral mount: Mrs Williamson, saxeJdue satin gown, coat of blue ninon with Oriental trimming, black tagel hat with blue shaded plumes; Miss Ewing (Wellington), grey ami white spotted~iniisliii. and flower trimmed hat: Miss Moore, blue silk frock with collar and cuffs of cream lace, blue hat with mount of pink roses: Miss X\ oo.lhouse (Dunedin:, frock of white broderii* Anglaise, tu*<-i:i ha: wreathed with forget-me-nots: Mi.* Wilkin, brown shantung co.i: and skirt, brown straw hat en suite: Miss P. Anderson, niaiive-eoii>ured floral silk dress, grey hat with shaded grev plumes; Miss D. Anderson, blue striped mousse line de s,,ie. grey bat and feathers; Mrs M alter Stringer, coat ami skirt cosfume of lemon coloured satin, bl tek hat with black plumes; Mrs Blunt, cream Voile with laee insertions, black hat with white plumes; Mrs E. Grigg, gow i: of black ami white .stripes, tagel straw hi l with floral mount; Miss Hay. whit.- net frock with wide insert ions of eiubroiderv, cloak, and hat of Golet chiffon; ,M>* Rich, gown of rose pink voile, black bat;

Miss Rich, white spotted muslin froek. with white hat; Mrs Selig. gown of black silk taffetas trimmed with jet. black picture hat: Miss Selig, white silk frock with overdress of eerise lace, black hat with ospreys and cerise pink*roses; Mrs If. 11. Loughnaii. gown of shot blue and gold, veiled with black ninon, black hat with pink roses; Miss Loughnan, white net over white silk, blue straw hat; Miss Cowlishaw. coat and skirt of shot blue taffetas, black hat with mole and shaded pink wings; Miss Reeves, gown of blue and white voile, tagel straw hat with blue Howers; Mrs Nanearrow, robe of old gold satin veiled with black ninon, black hat and plumes; Miss Nanearrow, white silk crepe frock, with white lace bat: Miss Murray-Aynsley, frock of grey voile, grey hat to match; Miss Denniston, cream embroidered muslin, green ; ,iid mauve hat of shaded tulle; Miss Harley, cream silk coat and skirt, tagel straw hat trimmed with blue; Mrs Oscar A-cue wore a long eoat of tussore silk, inlet with handsome insertion to match, over a gown of black satin, black hat with tall aigrettes of black and blue secured with a gold buckle; Mrs Louisson, petunia-coloured erepe de chine, black hat with mauve and blue ostrich plumes; Airs AVanklyn, grey coat and skirt, grey hat; Mrs t ourage, cream silk trimmed \ ith old gold, grey straw hat with plumes: Mrs Fenwick (Dunedin), cream striped costume, blue straw hat: Mi's Grigg. blue Hora! mousseline de soie. tagel straw hat wreathed with sulphur daisies; Miss <’. Grigg. pale mauve floral silk muslin over white silk, fawncoloured hat with floral wreath; Mrs H. Rhodes iTiinaru). coat and skirt of blue cloth, braided in black, black hat ■ini plumes; Mrs AV. Bond, gown of cream net and, lace over lemon-coloured satin, violet hat with mount of wild flowers; Mrs Onslow, satin gown of hydrangea blue, white straw hit wreathed with shaded hydrangeas; .Miss Beech i England), white froek of embroidered muslin, tuscan hat with shaded ribbon and .duster of fruit; Miss B. Pyne, frock of white silk taffetas with ruehings of *!u? same material, floral silk, sash and large white hat; Airs George Rhodes, gown of white satin veiled on black lace, black and white hat .with ostrich feathers; Mrs Allen, coat and skirt of yellow satin, tuscan and blue straw hat with blue ribbons: Miss Ogle, frock of • ream net with touches of yellow satin, large white hat "with mount of cream roses; Mi-s Kem.ber (England), pink nmon over cream shaded lace, straw hat hued with blue ami blue floral wreath: M:-s Burnett (Dunedin), ehampagne- • "loured coat and skirt, cream hat with mount: .Aliss Knight, frock of white mm.n bordered with pink embroidery, E tic straw hat with pink roses; Airs 11. Knight, black and grey striped grenadine. black and white hat; Miss X. Knight, fro- k of white ninon, white lace it: Miss Rolles', on. an embroidered white frock, large white hat wreathed w:: i wild flowers; Mrs Hugh Reeves, Hock of white embroidered muslin with in-ertimis of Zak -laee, black hat with unite ostrich plumes: Aliss Harcourt • 'Wellington), blue silk frock, and hat ' - mdi-d blue feathers; Airs Courtney Xedwiil, frock of cream aceordionple.ited voile, black hat with black lace; Airs D. Rutherford, grey satin gown, bl.o k velvet hat with lancer plume; Airs bine i. froek of satin, black and fawn hat; Aliss Royse (Dunedin),

gown of.shut Blue taffetas, tuscan hat with pink mount. Other ladies present were: Atesdames Lowry (Hastings), Grey, Gibson, Gil.lxs, AA ood. Melmore.Blunt, Beals, Nathan, Ollivier, Cooper. Moore. Turnbull, Campbell, Wilson, Ballin, Rutherford, Fulton, Ferguson, Nedwill, Park, Lucas, Coster, Meredith and Newton. Second Day*. Races. Airs Dalgety, brown eloth coat and skirt, relieved with violet velvet musquash toque: Lady Clifford, mauve frieze coat and skirt, black hat with cluster ot green and white flowers; Aliss Clifford, dark blue serge coat and skirt, blaek beaver felt hat; Aliss AL Clifford, smoke-grey face cloth eoat and skirt, oyster strawhat: Mrs. stead, bright blue eloth coat and skirt, white hat with silk bows; Mrs. AA'. Stead, blue serge coat and skirt, small grey hat with bunch of flowers and blue grass; Mr-. G. Stead, brown tweed coat and skirt, brown tagel hat with shaded wallflowers; Airs. R. Grace, green tweed eoat ami skirt, white tagel hat with red roses; Mrs. Lowry, dark blue serge eoat and skirt. Leghorn bat with tangerine feathers: Mrs G. Rhodes, black doth eoat ami skirt, black hat with straight feathers; Miss Al. Rhodes, dark blue serge coat and skirt, white hat lined with blue; Airs. Kstcourt, dark red frieze coat and skirt, small black beaver hat; Aliss Anson, blue tweed eoat and skirt, plum coloured beaver hat: Airs. Onslow, mole cloth eoat and skirt, black and white hat with green feathers; Miss Beech, grey tweed coat and skirt, faced with green, straw hat with brown feathers; Airs. A. AA'illiams, cream blanket cloth eoat and skirt, black beaver hat; Aliss Pyne. brown tweed coat ami skirt, blue and white velour li’.t; Mrs. AA'illiamson, grey striped tweed coat and skirt, black beaver felt hat lined with white; Airs. L. Bowen, gown of mulberry eloth, straw hat with black bows; Aliss Rolleston, dark blue singe .mat ami skirt, toque of black silk; Airs. Allen, long seal eoat. dark blue and white hat, with ribbon mount ; Aliss Ogle, blue serge eoat and skirt, white hat, with mount and lining of blue and green shot ribbon; Aliss Buddle, pale grey tweed coat and skirt, small white hat with wings; Aliss Kember, blue coat and skirt, blue cloth hat lined with white; Aliss Cowlishaw, dark blue serge braided coat and skirt, blue and white hat; Airs. J. Turnbull, blue serge coat and skirt, straw hat with striped ribbon: Mrs. P. Elworthy, black satin braided coat and skirt, grey- toque and stole; Airs. AA. Bond, dark blue seige braided with black, black hat with straight feathers; Miss Knight, grey tweed coat and skirt, white hat lined with dark blue; Aliss X. Knigut, dark blue tweed coat and skirt, black beaver hat; Airs. R. Rhodes, grey tweed coat ami skirt, faced with green, black hate Mrs. Bidwill, blue eloth. musquash eoat ami toque: Ali-s Denniston, dark blue coat and skirt, black hat with red roses; Airs. Grigg, blue eoat and -kill. Tuscan hat relieved with black and red: Miss Grigg, dark blue serge coat and skirt, black velour hat; Mrs. H. AA'ood, black eloth eoat and skirt, black hat with mount: Airs. Nanearrow, blue serge eoat and skirt, black and white hat; Miss Xam arrow, mauve tweed eoat and skirt, mauve and black hat; Mrs. Millton. blue serge coat and skirt, black hat with blue wings; Miss Harley, grey and blue tweed coat ami skirt, Tuscan

hat with block and while daisies: Miss Cracroft Wilson, grey cloth coat ami skirt, musquash toque with osprey; Mi-s Ward, dark blue serge eoat and skirt, large white hat: Mr-. Savill, grey tweeii coat and skirt, Leghorn hat trimmed with cerise velvet; Miss Phillips, blue serge coat ami skirt, Ida. k lieaver hat; Miss Moore, green J weed coat and skirt, green felt hat; Aliss 1). Moore, brown tweed coat and skirt, bln,- felt hat. Jockey Club Ball. The Canterbury Jockey Club held their annual ball in the Art Gallery and Provincial Council chambers on Tuesday night, and wa», as usual, a great success. The decoration* were carried out in green and white art muslin, and baskets of ferns were -ii-pended from the ceiling. The supper tables were adorned with dark olue ribbons, the colours of the winner of the New Zealand Cup. Miss S.-riv-ener's band supplied the music. Airs. G. Rhodes wore a pearl-grey satin with handsome overdress of embroidered tnll* : Mrs. Dalgety wore a gown of cre.ini satin with tunic of black spangled tulle, bordered with insertion ami fringe: Lady Clifford, handsome grey satin gown veiled in net and oxidised embroidery: Mrs. Grigg, white satin veiled in black ninon: Mrs. Esteonrt, bridal gown of ivory satin and beautiful lace with pearl embroidery; Mrs. AV. Bond, beautiful gown of gobi ami white

tissue: Mrs. Williamson, vieux rose gow* with pattern of dull gold, the bodi> e relieved with net; Airs. R. Allen, black satin with corsage, and short tunic of black dewdrop ninon: Mrs. P. Elworthv. vieux rose ninon over white satin and bands of oxidised and ruby embroidery: Mrs. Alillton. gown of gold embroidered ninon over white satin; Mrs. Greenwood, black ninon over white satin, inserted with white insertion; Mrs. Onslow, gown of white and gold brocaded satin; Mrs. A. AA'illiams, putty-eoloured satin, with draped train of brocaded .ilk. the corsage of eream laee; Mrs. Bethell, emerald green ninon over satin: Mrs. Savill, violet ninon over violet and silver shot taffetas; Mrs. J. A crnott. black satin and jet gown; Mrs. E. Evans handsome gown of violet satin; Miss Harcourt (Wellington), gown of inaiive -atin and laee; Aliss Anson, peacock blue ninon fro;k; Aliss Clifford, periwinkle blue ninon tunic over white satin, veiled in tulle; Miss Al. Clifford, white ninon iro.-k bordered with silver fringe, over white satin; Airs. Xedwiil, white satin gown with panniers of ninon; Mrs. Kilian, pa-tel blue satin with short tunic of shadowed la. e: Airs. H. Reeves, pale blue satin gown veiled in gold li-sue; Mrs. .1. I’ripp. white -atin and ninon gown, relieved with laee; Mr«. F. Courage, emerald green -atin gown with corsage and tunic of black ninon and steel embroidery: Airs. L. Bowen, gow n of rose pink striped grenadine .

pink .-a tin: Mr*. T. Barker, pale pink ninon gown with drape of cream lace: Mrs. G. Mating, bridal frock of white satin and shadow lace: Mrs. Knight, gown of dark blue velvet and Oriental embroidery: Mr*. F. Fryer, white striped brocaded -sitin gown: Sli.-s Beech (England). emerald gre* n ninon, veiling white satin; Mi — M. Rhodes, frock of cream ninon and cry .-tai embroidery over lemon yellow satin: Mi — B. Pyne, pale blue and gold spotteti ninon frock: Miss Ogle, pale green -atin with a drape of deep . rerm lace: Mi-* Kember, Coronation blue ninon over white satin, and inserted with lave: Miss Buddle (Auckland). pale maize satin veiled in tnlle; Miss Ewen (Wellington), ivory satin gown with panel of cream lace: Miss Knight, black -at in with ninon tunic: Miss M. Knight, save blue satin with panel tunic of silver-fringed ninon: Miss Holiest on. white satin and ninon: Miss Grigg, white satin veiled in ninon and silver embroidery: Miss — Grigg, rosepink taffetas: Miss Oa croft Wilson, ivory figured crepe de chine over satin, touches of old gold: Miss I*. Anderson, apricot ninon over satin of same shade: Miss Moore, cream lace frock over pale pink satin, with drape of emerald green ninon: Miss D. Moore, pale blue satin and ninon: Miss G. Moore, white satin veiled in cerise ninon : Miss Phillips, pale pink and mauve satin frock, veiled in ninon: Mis.- M. Phillips, pink satin with short ninon tunic: Mi-s G. Merton, black satin and deep fringe; Miss Ward (Wellington). white satin with tunic silk net; Miss Wood, white satin and ninon; Mis* J. Fulton, pale fawn and blue ninon over satin to match. Others present were:- Misses Wilkin. Lyon. Westenra. I a meson (2*. Hope. Park, Cooke i2>. Hamner (2). CChristie. Greenwood. Rich. Murray, Ch ry stall. Dennistoun. Prins i2i. Campbel!. Messrs. Akdand. Btrt kley. Dalgety. Alien (2). Macdonald (2>. Hudson, Rhodes (2), Bowen. Kilian. Lance. Elworthy. Bond. Mating. Tripp. Barker. Courage, Westenra, Woodhou-.-. Grigg, Wi-liainson, Fryer. Millton. s-tvill, Vernon. Moore, Brandon. Bullock. Turnbull. Deans (2f, Denniston. Dr. NedwiH. Captains Estcourt. Onslow. Salmondson and Evans. Liedertaf el Concert. The Liedertafel concert, which also took place on Tur-day evening, was. as is always the case on a ladies* night, largely attended. and a most enjoyable function. The only lady who took part in the performance was Miss Irene Morris (violinist). She was gowned in white silk with pale blue overdress. Amongst the ladic- present were: Mr-. W. Thomas, Miss Thoma-. Mr-. P. Acton-Adams, Mrs. Stringer. Mrs. Brittan. Miss Campbell. Miss P»>ult“ii. Mr-. Monteith. Mrs. Olhvier, Mi-. W. I*. l*»wnsend. Mi-s Warner, Mi— Wrght. Mi-- Heywood. Mi-s Latter. Dr. »n»i Mr-. Irving. Dr. and Mrs. Alorton Anderson. Mr.. Mrs. and Miss Hobbs. Mr.. Mr-, and Mi—es Manning, Airs, and Mi— Rloxam. A Delightful Dance. On \\ rd re-da v evening Mrs. M< ArthurOnslow gave a delightful dance at the

Art Gallery. The ballroom and drawingroom were tastefully decorated with green and white art muslin and baskets of ferns were suspended from the roof, palms and pot plants also being grouped about the room. The hostess, Airs. Onslow, wore a handsome gown of black and blue sequined net with sleeves of handsome lace; Alias Beech (England), gown of creamy lace over pale pink with draped train of pink and gold stamped crepe de chine; Mrs. Pyne, rose-pink satin gown relieved with beautiful lace; Airs. Estcourt, black pin-spot ninon frock with sash of blue crepe de chine: Airs. I. Deans, white satin with tunic of ninon; Mrs. Grigg, •‘beautiful gown or pearl grey satin with touches of brocade and lace: Airs. AV. Bond, vieux rose satin with overdress of heavily-embroi-dered net to match; Airs. G. Rhodes, mauve satin with corsage and drape of mauve sequined tulle; Airs. H. Knight, dark blue velvet gown; Airs. Dalgety. pale pink satin with tunic of sequined ninon; Mrs. Bethell, gown of corn-eol-oured satin with paniers of gold-spangled ninon; Airs. H. Reeves, white satin gown with insertions of wide cream lace: Mrs. L. Bowen, grey satin relieved with touches of cerise; Airs. Blunt, pale apricot satin with tunic of cream shadowlace ; Airs. Thomas, gown of black net and lace over white satin: Airs. Al. Rich, lemon yellow satin gown relieved with cream lace; Aliss Clifford, pale pink ninon -over satin with sash of black velvet: Miss M. Clifford, frock of shadow lace over pale pink satin; Aliss Denniston, mauve satin frock with draped paniers of lemon-yellow ninon; Aliss Ogle, pale blue satin frock with cream laee paniers: Aliss Kember. white satin with short tunic of green ninon: Aliss Buddle (Auckland), frock of pale pink satin veiled in cream lace: Aliss Anson, mauve crepe de chine frock with blue sash; Aliss Rhodes, corslet gown of pale blue satin with corsage of rainbow tulle; Aliss Grigg, sky-blue satin with paniers of blue ninon ; Aliss Grigg, white satin and ninon with crystal embroidery; Aliss Ewen (Wellington), frock of blaek ninon over satin; Aliss Craeroft Wilson, white taffetas froek with fichu of blond net and lace; Aliss Pyne, shell-pink satin and touches of cream laee: Aliss Alona Pyne, pale pink ninon with tunic of shadowlace: Aliss Knight, white satin veiled in white marquisette: Miss N. Knight, tangerine taffetas veiled in cream ninon and lace; Aliss Hope, grey ninon frock over satin; Aliss Dennistoun, frock of pink and white floral chiffon over satin: Aliss Rich, ciel bine satin: Miss Burns, gown of blaek sequined net over silk: Aliss Rolleston. reseda green ninon over pale blue satin and lace; Aliss Burnett, frock of blue satin and silver embroidery: Aliss Al. Hanmer, white satin with paniers of mauve ninon: Colonel Beech. Alajor Pinwill. Captains Salmondson. Estcourt and Cornwall. Messrs. €. Campbell. Acland, Grigg (2). Onslow, Rhodes (2). Deans (3), Lance. Bond (2), Bowen. Blunt, Thomas. Clifford, Alien. Kember. Williams (2). Dalgety, Wright. Brittain. Barns. Bovs. Hope. Turnbull. Bullock, Dunean. Dennistoun, Macdonald (2),

Afontgomery. Anderson. Wilding. Bruce, and Ren nick. Afternoon Tea. On Tuesday Airs. G. Merton gave a small afternoon tea for Miss Christie (Wanganui). The guests included Mrs. Pollen. Mrs. <*. Cooper, Airs. G. Ronalds, Airs. T. Barker. Alisses Hanmer. Wilson, Nancarrow, Anderson (2). Ewen. Denniston, Bowden, Raine, Cfllivier, Burns (2), and Chrystall. The Canterbury Show. The Canterbury Show is, as usual, proving an immense attraction, although for the two first days the weather was not- all it might have been. The attendance was very large. On “The People’s Day” the weather was fine, consequently there was a record attendance. lady Islington and Aliss Stapleton Cotton, with Air. ami Mrs. A. E. G. Rhodes, were present. Personal. Lady Islington, accompanied bv Miss Stapleton Cotton, arrived in Christchurch on Thursday, November 7. They are the guests of Airs Arthur Rhodes, Te Koraha, Merivale. A isitors to Christchurch include: Air. and Airs. Lowry (Hastings), Air. and Mrs. M. Bidwell (Featherston), Air. and Aliss Harcourt (Wellington). Aliss Anson (Wellington), the guest of Airs. Wigram; Airs. Algar Williams (Wellington), the guest of Airs. Pyne : Airs. Kussell Grace I Wellington), the guest of Airs. Stead; Miss Chapman (Wellington), the guest of Airs. Stead; Miss Buddie (Auckland), the guest of Airs. R. Allen; Air. and Airs. W. Bond (Otago), are staying with Mrs. G. Rhodes: Captain and Airs. Estcourt (Wellington), the guests of Airs. Wigram; Mr. and Airs. Barker (Woodbury): Aliss Royse (Dunedin), the guest of Airs. C. Reid; Air. and Airs. J. Grigg iLongbeaeh) and the Alisses Grigg; Miss Ewing (Wellington), the guest of Airs. J. Anderson; Air. and Airs. K. Knight and the Alisses Knight (Racecourse Hill). Air. and Airs. W. Turnbull (Wellington), Air., Airs, and Aliss Turnbull (Wellington), Mr, Mrs. and Aliss Turner (Timaru), Air. and Airs. Alelville Jameson (Timaru), Air. and Airs. Percy Ell worthy (Timaru). Mr and Airs. E. J. Le Cren (Timaru), Airs. Cartwright- (-Timaru), Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Alonckton (Otaki).

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 20, 13 November 1912, Page 66

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CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 20, 13 November 1912, Page 66

CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 20, 13 November 1912, Page 66

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