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August 19. Dance and Bridge PartyOn Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Buckland (the former being president of the Golf Club) entertained the Colt C lub and visiting golfers at a dance and bridge party at their home at MonaVale. It was one of the smartest functions ever given in Cambridge. Considerably over a hundred guests journeyed out, although the roads were bad and the night most uninviting. The whole of the huge varandahs had been tarpaulined in and lighted with Chinese lanterns. The large living-room and verandah on that side was used for dancing. and the hall and front verandah were converted into a drawing-room, while the other verandahs were used for ° supper-room, in which long tables ' rre arranged. The dining-room and nursery were set apart for cards, but i so were not much used, everyone preferring to dance. Upstairs was another sitting-out-room, and a smokeroom for tlie men. The whole thing went with a fwing from start to finish, and before Separating three cheers were given for the host and hostess. Mrs. Buckland looked 'ery handsome in a lovely gown of Coronation blue satin, with overdress of embroidered black net. with black satin idjlmns coming from the shoulder and caught in at the waist, and then falling ’ the hem of her skirt; Miss Barstow', a rU.inty pale blue mousseline de soie. with Silver trimming; Mrs. Gibbons, black *<<! in with silver spotted overdress of •'d ; Mrs. P. Laurence (Auckland), handsome gown of black satin, with a touch M cerise; Mrs. Huddleston looked charmmg in Wack silk and pale blue: Mrs. J. ■ McFarlane ( palest grev * ,' n charmeuse; Mrs. Hallv, black silk "nd creme Maltese lace scarf; Mrs. Cahl-«-tn' a ’ lan<^ 9Ome rmwn of cerise satin, ■ h overdress of blue ninon, decolletsvge •nd skirt, trimmed with Oriental trim"ng; Mrs. Edmunds (Auckland I. ivory " at * n with tunic of ninon : Mrs. N. Banks, " dainty frock of palest blue satin iß'ev ninon, Imdice trimmed Z"" pastel trimming; Mrs. F. Firth. rench grey satin, with overdress of

grey ninon; Mrs. Bush (Paeroa), pale blue satin; Miss Henderson (Auckland), ivory crepe de chine; Mrs. F. Kelly (Auckland), a lovely gown of pink satin, with gold sequined overdress; Mrs. Bunyard, white ninon over ivory satin; Mrs. Nelson Banks, pink chiffon taffeta with creme lace tunic; Mrs. McDermott, black silk, with gold embroidery; Miss Pierce (Auckland), white satin, with black net overdress; Miss E. Cumming (Auckland), emerald green over white satin; Miss Scott (Auckland), pale pink charmeuse; Miss Yonge (Auckland), pale blue and silver; Miss AL Taylor, creme net over ivory satin; Miss Keys, nattier blue chiffon taffeta, with white lace underdress; Miss B. Taylor, pretty pink silk with gold trimming; Miss P. Ferguson. white silk with creme insertion; Miss Brooks, white silk and silver trimming; Miss IT. Wells, black marquisette over white silk: Miss London, pretty pink silk: Mrs. N. Thompson, green velvet. bodice finished with steel trimming; Miss Wells, white crepe de chine: Mrs. A. Souter, black silk: Mrs. Noakes (Wa.ihi), old gold satin, with gold net overdress and Juliet cap of gold net; Mrs. Croxford. black silk with pearl trimming: Miss Keesing. handsome gown of white chiffon taffeta: Miss Bull, ivory silk, with pearl trimming; Miss C’amoron (Auckland), pale blue spangled not over white lace, wreath of tiny pink roses in her hair: Mrs. Mcßride looked sweet in white satin, with tunic of the same, bodice trimmed with rich white lace: Miss TT. Bloomfield (Auckland), white satin, with silver trimming. Hunt Club Ball. It speaks well for the success of the Hunt Club Ball that there was little spare room to dance in the fine large Town Hall, so great had been the anxiety to accept the invitations. The hall had been beautifully decorated with festoons of lycopodium suspended from the ceiling and part way down the walls. The front of the gallery was also beautifully decorated, and the stage was arranged as a drawingroom, lovely tree ferns and other bush greenery turning it into quite a fairy bower. The ladies with their lovely dresses and the huntsmen with their scarlet Jappels made a very gay scene. The decorating committee •vsere Mrs. Bush, Misses Al. Taylor, and Pickering, Messrs. 1. Taylor, Gleeson, Jifford, J. Martyn, A. Richardson, K. Browne. The music was provided by Healey’s band from Auckland. A large committee of ladies with Mrs. Taylor at the head of affairs, were responsible for the supper, which did them the greatest credit. The committee were: Mesdames Taylor. Lundon, Hally, E. E. Roberts, R. J. Roberts, Caldwell, Banks, (.’larkin, Hunter, McCullagh, Crowther, N. Banks, Wynn-Brown. Edmonds, A. Bell, and J. Fisher. The table decorations were in the able hands of Mrs. W. Hunter and Mrs. 11. Nixon. Mr. Innes Taylor made a most indefatigable secretary, seeing to every ones comfort. Mrs. Taylor was hostess and received the guests in rich black brocade trimmed with black passementerie and carried a lovely bouquet of violets tied with mauve ribbons; Mrs. N. Taylor (Te Awamutu), handsome gown of black satin channeuse with handsome berthe of white worked with gold and silver; Mrs. Lundon, black pailette with creme lace vest and handsome pale green coat; Mrs. Hally, handsome gown of mauve satin with tunic of mauve ninon with silk fringe, bodice trimmed with creme Maltese lace; Mrs. (Dr.) J. Roberts, black crepe de chine with spray of violets on corsage; Mrs. E. E. Roberts, lovely gown of mauve pailette, 'bodice trimmed with white, opal and silver trimming, and mauve silk k inion a coat embroidered with westeria; Mrs. Norman Banks, a sweet little frock of palest bine satin with tunic of grey ninon, decolletage finished with pastel and silver trimming; Mrs. ('larkin, creme silk; Mrs. Crowther looked sweet in oyster white satin with tunic of satin striped ninon the same shade; Mrs. J. Fisher, black silk with •creme vest; Mrs. Bush (Paeroa), black silk with lace sleeves and touches of blue; Miss Taylor, a lovely gown of grey ninon over silk, with cut steel trimming; Mrs. Caldwell, a lovely gown of ivory satin, d©collet age finished with white bugle trimming; Mrs. W. Hunter, white silk trimmed with lace; Mrs. H. Nixon, a becoming gown of pale green silk with overdress of embroidered ninon, the upper part of the bodice 'being of white ninon embroidered in green; Miss Veale, silver ninon over crimson silk; Miss .E. Cumming (Auckland) was much admired in reddy brown ninon over satin the same shade; Miss JI. Bloomfield looked charming in a lovely maize satin with tunic of ninon the

same shade, and gold in her hair, and gold shoes; Miss G. Gorrie looked very smart in white crepe de chine, the skirt made in three parts, each edged with handsome lace; Mrs. F. Kelly (Auckland) was muvh admired in a lovely gown of pale blue satin with a lovely overdress of embroidered brown ninon trimmed with brown fringe; Mrs. Edmunds (Auckland), a becoming gown of mauve satin charm«*use, with tunic of a deeper shade of ninon, trimmed with a deep silk fringe; Mrs. P. Laurence (Auckland) looked handsome in white sathi bodice, trimmed with point lace; Mrs. Mcßride looked sweet in white satin with tunic of the same, bodice trimmed with lace; Mrs. Nicoll. a becoming gown of white satin, with overdress of Indian embroidered muslin, sash of satin, with fringed ends; there were two debutantes. Miss Myra Taylor looked sweet and girlish in a simple white muslin frock trimmed with allover embroidery, and carried a bouquet of white spring flowers; the other debutante was Miss Dorothy Aikin. who looked very pretty and dainty in white crepe de chine trimmed with silk embroidery ; Miss J. Barnard (Auckland) looked pretty in white silk and silver and blue bow in her hair; Mrs. Milnes (Auckland), pink silk and handsome green and black coat; Mrs. E. Firth looked very smart in silver grey ninon over satin with side panels of (lowered ninon, black velvet snood in her coiffure; Miss Banks, a becoming gown of creme satin, with tunic of lace edged with fringe; Miss Pickering, a becoming frock of pale blue satin; Mrs. Stewart (Hamilton), spangled pink crepe de chine over satin; Miss Ring a lovely frock of pale pink crepe with overdress of embroidered pink ninon and bugle and pastel trimming on the bodice; Miss Dorothy Ring (Hinuera), white satin, with tunic of silver striped ninon edged with swansdown; Miss Empson (Rotorua), emerald green tunic over white silk; Miss Yonge (Auckland), pale blue and silver; Miss Molly Taylor, nattier blue satin, with overdress of spangled net; Miss B. Taylor, white satin with overdress of white ninon; Mrs. Martyn, black velvet; Miss Whyte, pink sathi; Miss Lundon, vioux rose silk; Miss E. Hill, palest pink silk piped with dark crimson; Mrs. Main, black silk, pink rose in her coiffure; Miss J. Browne, mauve silk; Miss E. Browne, crimson and silver; Mrs. A. Souter, creme voile and satin; Miss 1. Pickering, a becoming frock of white crepe de chine with deep hem of satin; Airs. Huddleston looked very pretty in pink silk: Miss G. Hill, white ninon over silk: Miss ('. Kill, white silk and silver; Airs. Jim Fisher, creme silk; Miss Alillar (Devonport), pink silk with pink ninon tunic; Airs. J. C. Alack ay (Devonport), black silk and black brocaded silk coat; ADss Att field, a dainty white satin frock trimmed with handsome lace; Airs. Richardson, black brocaded gown; AFrs. Russell (W'aihi), black silk with black passementerie trimmings; Airs. Bunyard, ivory satin, with tunic of ninon: AFrs. McDermott, black silk, with trimming of gold lace; Alias Gwynneth. grey satin channeuse; Airs. Simms (Hamilton), black silk; Mrs. Oliver, black silk; Alisa Dunne, creme crepe de chine, trimmed with mauve; Alias Mitchell (Auckland), white silk, blue scarf; Alias Roberts, pale blue satin; Alisa Willis, pale green, with tunic of ninon edged with fringe; AFrs. J. B. McFarlane (Auckland), a smart gown of pale green, with tunic of black jetted net; Miss K. Willis, pale pink crystalline; Alias Bollard, white satin and silver; Alias Hally, vleux rose silk, with overdress of spangled net; AFrs. Gibbons, pale pink crepe, trimmed with creme silk embroidery: Alias Wells, white satin: Alias (’ox, pink silk: Mrs. Greenslade, crimson velvet, with upperpart of bodice of white lace: AFrs. Murrell, white satin, with Indian embroidery hi shades of mauve on the front of skirt: Alias Hunt, green velvet, with steel trimmings; Miss AL Richardson, white silk, with silver trimmings; Mrs. €'. Peake, black silk: Alias A. Bovcc. pink silk; Miss O’Toole, mauve silk: Miss King, pink silk: Miss Bell, pink silk; AFrs Marshall (Morrinsville). pale green ; Alia. Foster, white satin, bodice trimmed with white jet ; Alias F. Bell, black silk; Alisa Nixon, pink silk: Alias Mullins, white silk: Mrs. Ferguson (Hamilton), white satin and silver: Mrs. Noakes (Waihi), old gold satin, with overdress of spangled net and Juliet cap of gold net; Miss Robertson (Auckland), white satin and ninon tunic: Miss Vosper, white satin; Alisa — Vospor, pink fdlk: Mias IT. Wells. white Jananesp satin, with white ninon tunic edged with silver, the same trimming the bodice; Miss Rcott (Auckland), pale pink silk.

Amateur Theatricals. lhe newly formed Cambridge Comedy Company gave their initial performance in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, when they staged "The Pickpocket. lhe ball was tilled with a large and appreciative audience. The whole play went with a swing, and there was an absence of the little failings usually noticeable amongst amateurs, lhe various characters were well sustained, ami did credit to the careful training of Mr. G. Warren. lhe east of characters was as follow-: Fred Hope (a jealous husband, Mr. T. Reynold-: Gregory Grumbledon (a hypochondriac), Mr. j. Banks; Osmond Hewett (in love with Miss Grumbledon). Mr. C. Meredith; Dr. Shaw, Mr. .A. Nieoll: Inspector Townsend, Mr. A. Richardson: Mr. Walter Johnson (suffering from delusions), Mr. Harold Speight; Andrew (a waiter), Mr. G. Warren; James (Johnson's servant), Mr. J. Hursthouse; policeman. Mr. Ken Browne; page Bov. Master Douglas Banks; Mabel Hope (Mrs. Frederick Hope), Mrs. Arthur Nieoll; Miss Maria Trumper (Mabel's airnt), Miss Hill; Miss Grumbledon (old Grunibledon's niece). Miss J.undon; An nette (French maid), Airs. Huddleston. On the Links. On Friday afternoon there was a large gathering on the golf links to see the for the South Auckland championship match between Air. A. H. Nieoll and .Mr. Seifert, of Palmerston North, which resulted in a win for the latter by 6 Up ami 5 to play. A most enjoyable afternoon tea was provided by the lady members of the club. Amongst those 1 noticed were: Mr. and Mrs. P. Lawrence, Air. and Airs. 11. Tonks. Air. and Airs. F. Kelly. Air. and Mrs. Walker. Mr. and Airs. J. B. McFarlane. Air. ami Mrs. C. Buckland. Mr. and Airs. Milnes, Dr. and Mrs. Roberts, Airs. J. C. Alaeky, Afiss Attfield. Miss Gwynneth, Airs. E. Firth. Air. and Airs. N. Banks, Airs. Edmunds, Airs. Gillies, Mrs. Crowther. Airs. Foster, All’s. Stewart. Airs. Nieoll. Air. and Airs. Caldwell. Aliss Caldwell, Alisses K. AVilfis, G. Gorrie, E. Cumming, N. Cameron. IT. Bloomfield. Yonge. Scott, Roberts (2), Al'llar. Mells (2). Hally (2). Dunne. Airs. Aleßrido. Misses Barstow, Brooks, Aliddleton, Robertson, and many others. Personal. Air. and Airs. Taylor, of "Bardowie,” have been entertaining a large party during golf week, amongst the number being Airs. Bush (of Paeroa), Aliss J. Barnard, Afiss IT. Bloomfield, and Aliss E. Cumming (all of Auckland), and Air. J. Meredith. Airs. Wells, of “Oakleigh,” has had Airs. Edmunds (Auckland). Aliss Beale (Cambridge), and Messrs. J. Burns and Upton (of Auckland) as guests during golf week. Air. and Airs. IL Tonks. of Auckland, have been the gm -,- of Air. and Mrs. Caldwell. Air. and Airs. Russell, of Waihi, have been staying with Air. and Airs. Bunyard. Air. and Airs. Alilnes, principal of the Auckland Training College, were up for the golf, and will remain on for a fortnight. Airs. J. C. Alaeky, of Devonport, is slaying with Dr. and Airs. Roberts. "Miss Alillar, of Devonport, is staying with Airs. R. J. Roberts. Dr. Dudley is staving with Archdeacon and Mrs. Willis.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 8, 23 August 1911, Page 63

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CAMBRIDGE. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 8, 23 August 1911, Page 63

CAMBRIDGE. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 8, 23 August 1911, Page 63

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