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Dear Bee. May 23. TA KA Pl NA RACES. The first day of the W inter Meeting of the Takapuna Jockey Club was a most decided success. The weather was perfect, the racing good. and all arrangements made for the public were excellent ; in fact, we were in the enviable position of having “nothing whatever to grumble at.' unless we chose to cavil at the fart that we did not manage-to strike every winner. There was a very fair crowd, and it is expected that Wednesday’s attendance will be even larger. The Takapuna course is always very pretty, and I have never seen it look better than it did last Saturday. Il was a beautifully clear day, and the view from the stand was exquisite. Of course we only caught glimpses of it. being far too intent upon wisely (?) investing our half-crowns to spare much time in admiring the view. The stand was packed with a gaily dressed crowd, ami even the trees which edge f*he course bore.their burden of excited onlookers. 1 couldn't help being amused at the size of the coming “Sports'’ who had chosen the trees for t Reir vantage ground. Some very pretty dresses were worn. Amongst them 1 noticed the following : Mrs Alison wore a be ant ifulh -fitting brown face cloth costume with wide epaulettes edged with brown fringe, the V shaped vest and hip yoke was outlined with handsome Oriental motifs, black picture hat lined with folded chiffon and trimmed with black ostrich plumes; Mi*s May Alison wore a navy blue cloth tailor made gown with while vest, white felt upturned hat. trimmed with navy blue; Mi-s Ivy Alison, dirk cloth Eton costume, pretty fawn felt hat finished with quills; Mrs Pilkington Was charmingly gowned in a brown cloth jacket and skirt with crcauj vet, becoming brown hat swathed with white satin and cream lace: Mrs (Riflit hs. dark blue tailor-made costume with cream vest, large black picture hat with drooping ostrich plumes; Mrs St. ( lair, pretty bright blur cloth co-tumr, piped with white and white fac ngs, black hat. trimmed with ostrich feathers; MnT Owen wore :i smart tail rmadr costume of decked ( heviot tweed, dark green facings, white vest, a d pretty hat with touches of green; Miss Mitvhelson wore an elFcriivr creim serge coater cost nine with cream vest the coat was faced with velvet in a p'rettv F.hadr of elephant’s breath, and the skirt was finished at foot with narrow vandyke,! band of the same, and Tuscan hat. trimmed with while chiffon and ostrich feathers, beautiful white ostrich feather pelerine; Miss Fergus (Dunedin) was siiiaitly gowned in cream hopsacking, finished with bands of black and white silk braid and narrow satin strappings, white felt hat with black and white ruche, and pretty While furs; Miss Alison, dark red and Mark Recked tw<M»d toilette with cream lace vest, hat cn suite; Miss Under wore a dainty navy blue toilette with Paris, lace encrustations, prettily con11naled *with toilettes of tangerine’ l»c--coining felt hat in shades of navy and tangerine; her sister wore a very pret-

ty gown of forget mt 1 not blue Impsacking with wide folded Empire belt and facings of smoky blue velvet, white vest and dainty white felt bat With satin ribbon ruelic; Miss Edith Percival, tabac brown gown with folded ceintnre, cream lace straw upturned toque; Miss Garret wore a smart navy serge gown, becoming red straw mushroom hat; Mrs Clem Lawford, navy cloth tailor-made coat and skirt with white satin collar, veiled in cream applique, cream net and laee vest, black hat, finished with cluster of crimson ros<>s; Mrs R. Lecky was daintily gowned in a pale grey coat and skirt, white vest with pointed crimson ceintnre, pale grey felt hat with crimson wing at one side; Mrs Ansenne, dark stonegrey costume with pretty pale blue felt toreador toque: Miss Ireland, dirk blue serge Inverness coat and skirt, smart blue straw hat to match: Miss J. Ireland. navy blue sue eoat and skirt with white vest, pale grey felt hat with tan suede strap and buckle ; Mrs Lyons wore a lovely gown of biscuit coloured elrffon voile, elaborately inserted with bands of Paris laee. dust coat of almost the same shade, and dainty cream toque with touches of green; Mrs Roberts, navy serge toilette with dark blue straw hat swathed with navy silk ruche; Mrs Sladden (New Plymouth), was in a blaek toilette with Recoiling blaek hat; Mrs Williams, handsome black costume, da intv blaek bonnet finished with cluster of tiny yellow roses; Mrs W. Bell wore a beauti-fully-fitting black costume. smart blaek polo toque swathed with folded chiffon; Mrs Ujril Bell. llavannah brown cloth gown trimmed with brown galoon. dainty brown hat to match; Mrs I burton, navy' serge gown and pretty blue and white hat. to match; Mrs Martelli, dark blue cloth tailormade gown w’th white vest, smart soft felt hat in brown and white; Mrs Copeland Savage wore a brown Eton coat and skirt, cream vest ami becoming violet hat swathed with silk a shade lighter; Miss May' Dawson was gowned in a navy cloth Eton coat and .skirt with white vest, picture hat to match; Miss Ciss e Bell, black gown finished with tiny gold buttons, the collar laced with blaek ribbon, large black plumed hat; Mrs Farnall, bl ck. with small black lyit; Mrs Boydie Moss Davis, checked silk taffetas, American gown and dainty brown hat to match; Mrs I’lriek, navy bine serge sac coat and skirt, small black hat; .Miss Els e Walk er. navy skirt, with cream flannel blouse, blue straw hat swathed with ribbon; Miss Nora Walker, smart crimson decked tweed coat and skirt with cream vest, Tuscan hat wreathed with roses; Miss Lusk, dark brown Russian costume with Par s net and laee vest, hat to match; Miss Olive Lusk, black voile costume with yoke of blaek laee transparencies, white toque edged with fur and finished with brown bird: .Mrs Alahoney was smartly gowned in black canvas with glace silk bolero opening over a beaut : ful white glace silk tucked. vest, white felt of the new French sailor shape; Miss Amy Walker (1 hames) looked remarkably well in a blaek and white shepherd’s plaid costume. with red eeintme and touches of led in her hat; Mrs Johnstone wore a lovely pale grey voile over glaee foundation, wide folded silk belt and prettv hat to correspond: Mrs Uambley. navv coat and skirt, with bra'ded bull facings, blue hat to match. CHILDREN’S FANCY DRESS DAXCE. A very enjoyable little dame was held in the Remiiera Hall lust Wednesday night in aid of St. Aidan's organ fund. It was a plain and fancy dress dance, but most of Hie children chose the latter. How many stories of hours pleasantly wiled away could not the little hall tell, and one feels quite sorrv that it has to give way before the progress of the district, and within a few weeks it will bo a thing of the past. The evening of Wednesday last added to Hie store of pleasant memories in connection with this history of the hall. The little hall was delightfully decoratisl with greenery’ and flowers. The young people in their varied garb and pretty costumes had n very enjoyable time. The hostesses. Mesdames Payton, Hanna, Misses Bent, Crowther. Cotter, and Jackson were most assiduous in attention to the comfort of their little guests and niay be congratulated on the success of their efforts to render the evening a pleasant one. Amongst those present -were: Misses Sybil Payton. Isabel Clark, Gutheridge, T. Hanna, E. Hanna, M. Payton. Eva Cumming,

Nancy Hanna. Keeping, R. Gorrie, P. Abbott. Barstow (2), Headdy, Smith, Kingswell, Masters Hanna, A. Htiinc, Rutherford, Walker, Gorrie. Clark (2), Gutheridge, Shipherd, Binney, and Abbott.


The attendance of the general publie at the annual soiree of the St. John Ambulance Association was better than in some former years, but still left much to be desired. Society seems hopelessly' thoughtless or selfish with regard to its duty in several affairs such as tnfs. but I suppose it’s hopeless to complain. The Choral Hall was about half filled, whereas it should have been overcrowded. However, those who were present had a pleasant and instructive evening. The Mayor (Mr Arthur Myers) made a happy little speech, and Mr Holland deplored the apathy of Aucklanders with regard to the work of the association. Wellingtonians were far more rcspon-ive, he pointed out. He had been making the same appeal for funds and increased interest for thirteen years, he said, and still fruitlessly. Mrs Arthur Myers, in presenting the medallions, made a kindly and felicitous remark to every recipient. and her violin solos and the organ solos of Mr W. Impett added much to the enjoyment of the evening. Of course, there were numbers of people I did not know, and others that I did not see. but I noticed the following: Airs Arthur Afycrs. who wore a charming evening gown of blaek spangled net over glaee foundation, lovely white cloth opera coat with violet velvet facings. she wore threaded through hrr hair a narrow band of turquoise blue velvet ribbon: Mrs Louis Myers was handsomely gowned in a black and white sprigged eolienno with encrustations of laee; Mrs Wertheimer looked very pretty in black, the Victorian yoke filled in with black laee transparencies, exquisite white ostrich feather boa; Miss Cohen (Sydney), who wore while. Others present were Mr and Mrs Cumming, Air and Mrs Wm. Rattray, Mrs. Hardie, Miss Rattray, Mrs and Miss I’ieree, Air and Mrs Holland, Miss Eames, Air and Mrs Thornes, Misses Lewis and I’osseneskie. Mrs and Miss Jones. Airs (Dr.) and Miss Dawson, Air and Miss Savage, Mr and Airs Bodie, Airs and Miss Izo White, Misses Richmond (2). Miss llesketli. Miss Stevenson. Miss Bagnall, Mr and Mrs Reed, Air F. E. Baume, M.H.11.


The • Autumn Dance” arranged by Mrs Alaleolmson Boult for her pupils and their friends proved i'i highly enjoyable function, 'There were some 200 young people present, and they all appeared to have an exceedingly enjoyable time. .Marriage’s band provided excellent music, and the door was in capital condition for dancing. The hull itself was not decorated, and really I think that it was rather an agreeable change. The labour lavished on this work is usually prodigious, and quite out of proportion to the results achieved. In the supperroom, however. Airs Boult’s usual artistic taste was seen in the beautiful table decorations of autumn leaves, cactus dahlias, and green and red “crinkly” art paper. The supper was dainty, and exquisitely set forth. The next dance of the series will be eagerly looked forward to. Mrs Boult received in a handsome blaek silk gown, the skirt inset with bands of black Chantilly lice, the bodice had a double berthe of gold era broidered laee outlining the deeolletage. and was finished with soft touches of chiffon and jetted lice; Miss Queenie Boult ably assisted Ijer mother, wearing a pretty and effective gown of soft white silk, contrasted with crimson, wide crimson folded velvet ceintnre and spray of autumn leaves in coiffure.


A real musical treat, as well as ft most delightful gathering, was the second choral concert of the season on Tuesday evening of hist week in the Choral Hall. The work chosen was the sacred musical drama, “The Martyr of Antioch,” the music composed by Sir Arthur Sullivan and the words selected and arranged from Milman’s sympathetic poem. The hall was crowded iu every part with a most appreciative audience. Madame Tree, who undertook the soprano parts, was robed in black chiffon, with corsage and front panel of skirt of embroidered sequined net; Mrs Sutherland's handsome black taffeta gown had a point lace tucker round decolletage, caught in front with a large crush tangerine rose; Mrs S. Jackson wore a black toilette, relieved with white'duchess lace; Mrs Brett was attired in blaek striped chiffon, with touches of white, mounted over blaek silk, black and white ostrich boa; Mrs W. E. Thomas looked exceedingly well in a black crepe de chine evening frock, with sunray pleated chiffon berthe and sleeves, and white ostrich feather stole; the Misses Thomas wore white silk frocks; Mrs W. Rainger, pretty white voile, trimmed with silk chiffon laee insertion, and stylish pale blue coat; Mrs D. 'W. Out hie* lovely Dresden blue silk evening blouse, with ecru Vandyke lace, black crepe de chine skirt, inset with ecru lace, and smart blue silk coat with lace; Mrs (Dr.) Keith, ivory silk and laee blouse, and black skirt; Mrs Louis Myers, blaek crepe, de chine, with superb ecru lace on corsage: Mrs Cotter, black taffetas gown, with handsome cream laee; Miss Millie Cotter was charmingly f rocked in crimson- with cream lace yoke; Mrs J. Black, pretty cream voile; Mrs Macrea (Wellington), black toilette, •■with

jet; Mrs Friend, yellow silk frock, inset with white lace;- Miss Mowbray, white and pale blue blouse, and dark 'skirt; Mrs Leatham, ecru point d’esprit blouse, over white silk, and a black skirt; Mrs J. M. Brigham, graceful black toilette, and white brocaded cape; Miss Brigham, dainty white silk frock and a becoming white evening coat, faced with pale blue and white striped silk; Mrs Tibbs, black gown, with touches of ecru lace; Miss Tibbs, pretty white crinkled silk frock, with crossover blouse; Mrs St. Clair, effective black crepe de chine, with white sun-ray pleated chiffon frills on corsage; Mrs Wastell (Melbourne), handsome rose pink moire evening frock, with white chiffon flounces: Mrs Benjamin, pale blue Oriental silk blouse, with eream lace and cape, and black skirt; Miss Sanders (Melbourne), ivory silk and lacc; Mrs Alfred Jones, white silk with lace; Miss .Bagnall white silk; Mrs Archdale Taylor. smart black net evening frock, embroidered with jet; Miss Gorric, white silk, with transparent lace yoke; Miss Pearl Gorrie, pretty rose pink silk, with cream lace yoke; Mrs Shakespear, black toilette, with touches of cream Maltese lace; Miss K. Devore, tangerine . silk, with white lace yoke; Mrs. Schwartz Kissling, black toilette, with dainty cream and black disc spotted net vest; Miss Nora Kissling, blaek skirt, charming blouse of white Oriental satin; Miss Halliday, black skirt, and ‘pretty floral silk blouse, with white opera coat; Mrs. John Beale, black toilette. the pretty square cut bodice cutlined with black lace encrustations, elbow sleeves of black transparent net; Mrs. Palmer, black gown, relieved with touches of white; Mrs. Ashley Hunter wore a smart black toilette, with square cut j oke, filled in with cream lace transparencies; Mrs. Upfil also wore black; the bodice opening over a pretty white chiffon V shaped vest; Miss Florence Walker, black skirt and dainty white liberty satin blouse with herringboned stitched yoke; Miss Kent, pretty white frock, finished with lace, white

accordion-pleated opera cloak with white coque feather collar: her sister also wore a pretty white frock; Madame Wiekiert. dainty white silk and lace evening blouse, blaek skirt, and white cape; Airs. Lusher, white silk; Miss Holland, white tucked silk, with cream lace yoke and blue sash; Miss Essie Holland, pretty pale blue silk trimmed with cent lace; Mrs. Ambrose Millar, white silk blouse, dark skirt, and white ?ape; Mrs. Mackay, black satin gown, and sapphire blue coat edged with sable; Mrs. Henry Wilson, white voile and silk; Miss B. Whitelaw. blaek evening gown, relieved with cream laee and tang, vine silk; Mrs. J. Gray, black, with cern lace; Mrs. Keesing, white tucked silk, and ecru lace collar; Miss Caro, lovely blue figured silk and lace; Miss Langsford, pretty pale pink silk blouse, with lattice chenille yoke, and blaek skirt; Miss Sloane, white and blaek figured silk blouse, outlined with blue, black skirt and becoming azure blue cloak; Miss Pilcher, cream evening gown, and long French grey eoat; Ali-s Keesing, blush pink silk blouse, with laee yoke, blaek skirt; Airs. Reid, pale grey gown, relieved with white; Miss Moir, white silk frock, and dove grey theatre jacket; Miss L. Butters, dainty white silk gown, and long grey opera coat: Miss Bach, white silk frock, with blue ribbons; Miss Thompson, pretty turquoise bine silk blouse, with transparent laee yoke and berthe. blaek skirt. AN AT HOME. The West End Tennis Club wound up their season this year with a really delightful euchre party and dance. The Ponsonby Hall was seemed for the occasion, and that somewhat sombre building looked quite gay with the Hags which festooned the walls. The committee and secretary, Mr. H. Morpeth, had spared no trouble in eanying out the arrangements. Tile forty tables in use with the ehairs, occupied nearly the whole of the floor space. The games were well contested, and resulted in Miss A. Caldwell and Mr. J. Patterson carrying off the prizes. At the conclusion of the games, the hall was quickly cleared by many willing hands, and dancing was carried on with great zest until about half-past twelve. A dainty supper, spread on the stage, formed a welcome interlude between the excitements of the games ami the dance. The table decorations consisted chiefly of yellow chrysanthemums. Everyone enjoyed the evening so much that is is safe to predict that similar socials will form part of the attractions of this popular club. The committee, to which great credit is due, consisted of Mrs. 11. Jones. Misses Patterson, Rothschild, Tibbs. Upton, and Messrs. Morpeth, Hickson, and Burton. Miss Caldwell was in a dainty white chiffon blouse over white satin, and blaek trained skirt, blaek velvet butterfly bow in coiffure; Miss Violet Tibbs, soft ivory white silk blouse and black skirt; Aliss N. Upton wore a pretty white silk; Miss Roths child, eharming white silk gown prettily gauged with duster of pink flowers on corsage; Miss Ella Rothschild, white silk; Miss Foote wore a charming gown of buttercup silk with white laee berthe caught with large crush damask yose; Mrs. Littler, handsome white point d’esprit over yellow silk; Miss Morrin wore a pretty white silk frock witn touches of blue and pink; Miss Eva Beale, white silk; Airs. Harry Airey, white silk and chiffon blouse and blaek skirt; Miss Thompson, very pretty blush rose pink silk blouse with laee yoke embroidered with pink roses, black skirt: her sister wore white silk and led bow in coiffure: Airs. Wilfred Manning wore a very pretty white brocade with transparent yoke and corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds; Mrs. N. Burton, smart blaek evening toilette with duster of bright roses on corsage; Aliss Burton was in white silk; Aliss Langsford, lovely pale pink silk with lai tie."' work of pink chenille on bodie.?; Miss L, Langsford, dainty white silk: Miss Auriol Gittos, charming black evening frock with berthe of white point laee and cluster of red roses; Aliss Hosking was in white silk; Miss A. AleKenzie, azure blue silk and white laee; Miss Tapper (Dunedin), white silk gown with touches of turquoise blue; Airs 11. Jones, turquoise blue silk blouse softened with chiffon, blaek silk skirt; Airs (Gentles, becoming blaek evening gown strapped with cherry-coloured velvet; Mrs I’alethorpe, black evening gown •with white accordion chiffon berthe and sleeves; Aliss Billington wore a pretty white silk frock with dusters of crimson roses; Alls Arthur Goldie, handirr.:- h 'l> '.i ■ sunr y pleated chiffon

blouse with lace entredciix and black silk skirt ; Miss Nelson, pule Idue silk and white jaw; Mrs Mervyn Rylance, smart black and white (‘veiling gown wilh a cluster of roses on bodice; Misses Oswald were in pale pink and white respectively; Miss Nellie Thorne, white silk frock with blue sash: Miss liellaby wore a black Louisine silk with galloon bert he; Miss Patterson, very pretty vieux rose silk blouse and darker skirt ; Miss J. Patterson, cream silk with rose pink chou; Miss Aickin, white silk and pink roses; Mrs Ifwerscn. rich ivory silk and lace gown; Miss R. Hanna, white silk and lace; Miss T. Sloane was dainty in a pale blue and pink blouse with transparent yoke, black skirt; Miss Ross, white silk and lace; Mrs Tudehope. black silk evening gown with corsage bouquet of natural Howers; Miss Margaret Sloane looked pretty in white silk with blue belt; Mrs 11. Cooke wore a becoming rose pink glace silk blouse softened with lace and black silk skirt : Miss Connolly, dainty white silk : Miss Ada Owen was gowned in an opaltinted silk with lace. Among the gentlemen were Messrs. C. J. Parr, Patterson. Cooke, Morpeth, Tibbs, Ipt on, Hickson. Foote, Jones. 11 anna, (lent les. Gardener, Rylance, Littler, Burton, Owen, Manning. Le Quesne, Connolly, Tudehope. Gohlie, Gittos, Airey. Christie, Caro, Darby, McKenzie, and Dr. Jones.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 21, 27 May 1905, Page 44

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 21, 27 May 1905, Page 44

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 21, 27 May 1905, Page 44

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