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Dear Bee, Mav 28. No pen—not mine, at any rate -can descrila- the living, moving, brilliant scene enacted by the youngest of the youth of Christchurch at the fancy dress ball given by the Mayoress at Hie Provincial Council Chambers on the Queen’s Birthday. The ages of the little people wore 14 and under, anil I saw a Cupid of 15 months and a little Kate Greenaway a few months older; one small cook was greatly taken up with his own utensils (a miniature frying pan and saucepan); another Hough Rider in uniform looked upon

the company as his bitterest enemy, and could not be induced to look at tbelli; but the majority wort* happiness “writ large** on their faces, and from our scat in the gallery, just above the .Mayor and Mrs Recce, receiving the little guests, the voice of a little maiden of 5 or 6 was heard announcing herself as “a daughter of Charles the Ist.” Then they came thick and fast from England, Scotland and Ireland, China and Japan, Turkey. America, and even from the grave; what a scene it was. and what a chatter. Mrs Reece was assisted by the Misses Cox. Ronalds. Thomas. Meares. Garrick, Merton. Drs. R. Anders ;n and Jennings when the Grund March was quickly formed, and one is dazzled for a time with the glittering pageant.. Joan of Arc, standing out conspicuously in pale blur satin and silver lleur dr lis, silver mailed hands and feet, silver helmet and white feathers; America, a very pretty dress of red while and blue, gold crown, tin* centre of red white ami blur feathers; Lord Roberts. standing about two feet high, was perfect, even to the moustache; Captain Corcoran; Robin Hood, leading’ round a fairy, probably found in the forest; Britannia and a soldier in khaki; the Belle of New York; King Henry VIII.; a Lump Shade in yellow and black, and a Penny Toy Bazaar, were well carried out; Iho most original was the War Number of the “Sketch.” a Rose Maiden ami Forget-me-not walked side by side: a Snowflake and a Poppy. Arbitration and Polly, “'The Geisha” and a Frosty Night. Maritaiia, Cricketers, Jack Tar, judge. Barrister they were all there. A halt was mud-, ami they sang “God Save the Queen,” and a flashlight photograph was taken. Dancing and musical games and Punch and Judy was thrashed out. Another Grand March, when Lord Roberts had a body-guard of six or eight soldiers in khaki, an “Absent-minded Beggar.” and a Red Cross Nurse. “Our Bobs” was carried round shoulder high and given three cheers. More dancing, many visits to the supper room, and, though an extra or two was given after 10 o’clock, the lime was over all too quickly. Mrs Recce and her assistants wore black evening dresses, powdered hail’, and patches. The girls assisting presented Mrs Reeee with a lovely shower bouquet. The names of those present ami their characters were: Misses Alice Simpson, Great Grandmother; Olive Wallace, “The Geisha”: F. Robinson, Red Riding Hood; Muriel England, Mistress Nancy Molesworth: .loan Quane. Diana Vernon: Dorothy llanmer. Early Victorian: M. Hamner, Antigone; Munirent Hamner, Ismene; Annie Williams. Powder Puff; Ruby Winny. Queen of Diamonds: Cora Wilding, Shepherdess; Alma Wells, Mme. Paysannr Franraise; Ethel Martin, Buttercups and Daisies: Cristabel Wells, a Frosty Night; Noelline Stead. Roman Singer; Olive Mcllrath. Carrier Pigeon; B. Williams. Japanese Lady: Jean Campbell, Empire Costume; Dendy (2), Japanese: Lome Martin, The Runaway Girl: Wanda Martin. “Geisha”: Violet Hobday, Folly; Alma King. Cornflower; Mab King, British Empire; Emily Barnes, Spanish Gipsy; Trissie Smith. Spring; Muriel Dudley. Lady of Ihe Empire; Hope Dudley, Gipsy: Frances Robinson, Red Riding Hood; Betty Meares. Early Victorian; Dorothy Preece, Plantation Costume; Ivy Smith. Autumn: Nellie Burns, Poppy; Millicent .Jennings, Buy a Broom; Daisy Pritchard, New Zealand’s Flag; Mary 'Trent, a Gaiety Girl; Doris 'Trent, Spanish Dancer; Kathleen Cook, () Mimosa San; Gladys Cook, Spanish Girl; Amy Rutherford. Summer; M. "Rutherford, Spring: Joyce Tonks, Folly: Helen Macdonald, Dolly Varden; Nancv Jacobs, Kate Greenaway;

K. Jacobs, Priscilla the Puritan Maiden; Marion Lewis, Irish Lass; Chrystall, Swiss Peasant; A. Lewis, Red Riding Hood: Rita CracroftWilson, Belle of New York; Irene Lewin. Red, White nad Blue; Nancy Miles, Starlight; Marjorie Molineux, French Dancing Girl; E. Seerctan, Great Grandmother; O. Mather, Welsh Girl: E. Manhire. Miss MufTett; Enid Heywood, Snow; C. Prankish. Night; M. Manifold. Miss MufTett; Esme Matson. America; K. Anderson, Kate Greenaway; Dorothy Anderson. Maid Marion; Kola Simms, Titania; Phyllis Anderson, Early Victorian; Bourne, Joan of Arc; Meredith-Kaye, Roman Singer; 11. Baltes, Gipsy; Winnie Board, Scotch Lassie; Eva LawronOPi Cherry Ripe; Marjorie Glasgow, Mai<| Marion; Phyllis Boyle, Princess Vic toria; Janet Boyle. Enid; A. 11 n n» pitreys, Period of Charles !.; Eileen Bruce, Geisha; Iris Bruce. “Sketch” War Number; Violet Bird, Fatima;

Connie Bird, Little Mother Gou*e; Esina Lcvvstanc, When the Heart is Young; Doris Tribe, Grecian Maiden; Way. liol specified; Chrissie Harris, Autumn: I). Evans, a- Daisy; M. Wells, Gipsy; I). Wells, French Peasant; Eileen Jameson, Holly Queen; Mary .lameson. Rose Queen; Doreen Moore, Cupid; Janet Ogle, Scarlet and Black Poppy; Alice Burns, Snow flake; Gwyn Anderson, White Witch; Enid Amh rs in, Juliet; Leila Barker, fairy; Eleanor G< ilfrey, I Sth Century Lady; Grace .Jennings, Sea Nymph; Marjorie Marlk'.iigall. Kate Greenaway; Gladys Mellon, Music; M. and 1 >. Lake. One Hundred Years Ago; Ng.iio Marsh, Marion de Lome; Kilty M iris. Kate Greenaway; Dera .Morris, French Fisher Girl; V. Hood-Williams, Mamie Clansy; \V. Hood-Williams, Vi. Jet Gray; Mary Larkas, Portia; Helen Kelsey, Lady Butty; Marji.rie Turnbull, Pitti Sing; Mixon .Jennings, Fairy; Dorothy Barnett. Red Cn ss Nurse; Adele Marks, Maritnna; A 1 ice Sa u nders, Palka; I). S.uinders, Snow ; N. J:ik?i*>. (berry Ripe; Gella Khun. (• Mini San: M. Litchfield, Princess Hi ! Iv Ikuldx; Daisy Parsons, I'airy Queen; D. Parsons, Miss MutTett; O. \! midge, lb’d Whit*' and Blue; Gwen Thompson, Rud Riding Hood; E. Litehti.dd. Nimblewittz. from Cinderella: Eva Tliemp son. Dear Lidv Disdain; M. Rollitt. Japanese; ( . Deans, Japanese*; W. Gunderson. Spanish Lady; Kitty Bloxam, Cherrx Ripu; E. Cooper, Queen «»f the Wild flowers; Gladys \n<lerson. Grecian Ladx : Carmen Gundersoil, Norwegian J’easant; Peggy Raphael, Relle of N(*w York: Thelma Raphael, a J’osy; D. Bickerton-fisher. Lamp Shade; Maud Snow, Red Riding Hood; L. Snow, Rose Maiden; Mousie Jackson, 17th Century; Willis. When the Heart is Young; E. Harris. Winter; Connie Barns. Vanity; E. Croxton. a 8.A.; Rita Harris, Penny Toy Bazaar; Zoe W’ilkin, Ma.ritana; Bennett, a Shepherdess; Reece, 80-IVep; Irene I’eccc, I’olJy; I he Masters W’. and Guv Reece. Oid-fa-shioned Gentlemen; C. Reece. Robin Hood; Claude 'l’eiidall,

17th Century Dot-tor; H. Coster, Knave of Hearts; L. Meredith-Kaye, Jack M. Macbeth, Cook; Clarence Rugland, an Old Time Courtier; Douglas Quane, Francis Asbaldistone; John Ifanmer, Clown; J. S. Trig-gs, Maori I'hief; Claude Ferguson, Knave of Hearts; Ivan -Manning, Cinderella’s Prince; Fergus Ferguson, Night: Gibson Anderson, Son of the Sea; Pat. K. Campbell, Campbell of Kinloch; Neville Wallace, Pierrot; Stanley Winny, Neapolitan Boy; Jack Bruges, Advocate for Children's Rights; \V. Goss, •lack Tar; .1. Goss, Tennis Player; Louis Loughnan. A. IL Seaman; L. C. Barns, Greek Pirate; W. Tyree, .Jester; J. Tyree. French Dancing Master; G. Harper, Bugler; B. Murray, Page (’buries ll.'s Reign; Eric Preece, “Our Bobs”; Rex de Vries, Little Boy Blue; V. Robinson. Turk; A. Murray* Tyrol - ese Peasant; F. Fox, Toreador; Guy ’Fonks, Grosvenor, from “Patience”; <*• Macdonald, an Egyptian Syce; Spencer Collins, David Garrick; Bertie Board, Clown; N. Irving, Courtier 18th Century; Pol hi 11, Page; L. D. Worsley. a Son of the Sea; Leslie Anderson, Irishman; R. Anderson. Drummer Boy; .1. Stringer, Sailor: IF. Simins, Puck; B. Glasgow; Footballer: F. Tribe, IGth Century Courtier; 11. Manhire, Little Lord Fauntleroy; (’. Bird, King's Jester: F. Harris, Rough Rider; G. Norton, Hindoo; Bruce Norton, Stock Driver; Erie- Anderson, a Soldier of the Queen; I). Anderson, Captain Corcoran, “11.M.5. Pinafore”; L. Evans, Jack Tar; F. Meares, Chinaman: Robinson, Luck; F. Robinson. Football: Fairhurst. N.Z. Rough Rider: T. Bristle, Sailor; K. Manning, Aladdin; L. Matson. Henry VIIL; M. J. Thomas. Al i.«aniello: Ronald Barker, Egyptian Soldier; K. Macdonald. Clown; E. Currie, Cricketer; John Chrystall, a Professor; E, Currie, a Professor; H. Ch ry stall. Court Jester; Cecil Moore, ’Typical Irishman: Keith Matson. Cupid; David Godfrey, Farmer; John Godfrey, Court Jester: .J. Deacon, Page; L. Maefarlane, Rough Rider; R. Steele, French Cook; R. Deacon, Stockman; Stanley Jameson. Black anti White; IT. Hair, Cricketer; A. Pullan, Canterbury Rough Rider Bugler; Leslie Hair, Clown; Howard Barns. Jack Tar; Stuart Pullan. Mephistopheles; B. Willcox. Rough Rider; Tristram Willcocks, Cook: Alan Wilkin, 1837-1897; Ronald Turnbull. Knave of hearts: W. H. Cooper. Puritan; J. Allan, Mau-o'-warsman; L. (hiiulersen, Maori; C. Hartland, Jack Tar; Leslie Hartland, Gentleman Reign Charles !>.; Reggy Barnett: an Absent-minded Beggar: Howortb Mountfort. Chinese Flower Seller; Collin Gordon. Little Hoy Blue; Tetldie Bloxam, Knave of Ivearts: Gerald Anderson. Gentleman 19th Century: Ray Rollitt. Baker; Douglas Deans. Highlander: Alauriee Harris. Eton Boy; G. Bickerton-Fi-sher, Barrister; Naire Jackson. Gentleman 17th Century: Willis, a Turk: and Bennett. a Troubadour. The handsome Council Chamber, with its window sills piled with (Imvers and pahns, never looked prettier than at Mrs Reece's fancy dress children’s Birthday bail, and I sure it will never he forgotten by them. On Monday a very pleasant dance was given in Hobb's Rooms by a committee of young ladies ami gentlemen, ’rhe eha perones were Mexlames Mo-lt-neux, Appleby and Croxton. They are called the Geisha dances, and it is proposed to give two or three.

Mr and Mrs Haydon, of Papauui Road, gave a very eujox.ible dance on Tuesday evening in Hobbs’ Rooms, a large number of guests being present. Mrs Haydon received in a handsome black satin relieved with pink; Miss Haydon wore white: Miss (’. Hargreaves, pale can de Nil surah finished with velvet, a breast knot of

black sequin net with long ends to the foot: Misses Howland (2), pretty white silk gowns; Mrs Hobbs, black silk ami lace; Mrs F. Graham, black silk ami lurmlsome cloak.

On Friday, Mrs (Dr.) Thacker. Latimer Sqi*are, gave a euchre party, which was much enjoyed by all present. There were seven tables. Mrs Hays (Pigeon Bay) ami Mr Joynt, junr., won the first prizes. Others there were I>r. and Mrs Thomas. Dr. anti Mrs Morton Anderson, Mr .Jim and Miss Williams, Mr Jnvnt. senr., Mr Guy etc. A charming supper brought the evening to a close.

A golf match of considerable interest and much merit was played on the Queen's Birthday on the IJnks. HagIcy Park. The day being Unf, the members ufx'emffed for luncheon on ike grounds, and afternoon tea was jrrwvided by Mrs Heaton Rhodes and Mrs O Rorke who, with several Lady had a very busy t ime Among the players were * Messrs

<FRorke, Hnrnj*. Duncan (WeMingttm), I’binan, Harman. Perry. Boyle. (Arbeit. Krlto, Rutehelor. Tornlnrlß CainplteH, Fox. Grahare, Sants, Wood, and several more. Among the ladies present were Mesdames Heaton Rhodes, O’Rorke. Stead, Boyle, Vernon, Archer, Pyne, Wardrop. Wigrain, the Misses Ainger. Cowlishaw, Tabart, Kitto, Campbell, Reeves. Ronalds, CoteriH, Nedwill, Harley, etc. Mrs J. C. Palmer, Gloucester-street West, gave a very enjoyable afternoon tea to a> few of her friends on Wednesday afternoon. Among the guests were Mrs Wardrop, Mrs Ogie, Mrs H. Besw ick, Mrs W. IL Cow lishaw, Mrs L. Harley, Mrs 11. Cotterill. Mrs Fox. the Misses Reeves, Ronalds, Wynn-Williams, Helmore, Malet, and others.

The Caledonian Society gave a very successful concert on the Queen's Birthday for their Scholarship Fund, and I am pleased to hear the financial part was as successful as the musical. Among the vocalists were Miss Moir, Miss Alice Gray, Mrs Ale Dona Id, Messrs Collier and Alillar; while the Society was fortunate in securing two such good pianists in Mrs Donald McLean. of Ashburton, who played some of her own compositions, and Mrs J. H. Beswick (nee Miss F. Mil's). 1 he ladies ail wore handsome white gowns of satin or silk, and some a tartan sash. ’There were dances, and strathspeys, with a Highland fling, in which the President (Mr Pat. Campbell) himself joined. The Tuam St. Hall was quite filled with an enthusiastic audience.

I nvirations are out for the marriage of Miss Minnie March and Air Tacon, of the West Coast, on the 6th -June. Miss March’s father is well-known throughout New Zealand in eonnevI ion with the village settlements scheme.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue XXIII, 9 June 1900, Page 1093

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CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue XXIII, 9 June 1900, Page 1093

CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue XXIII, 9 June 1900, Page 1093

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