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“ Elmstone” the Residence of Mr, & Mrs. V. J. Lamer, Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland

WHANG ... . .... Miss Alix Mackenzie returned home after playing in the Auckland tennis tournament, and we congratulate her on her success in winning the ladies' singles. o o o Miss Sheila J. East has qualified for a Senior National Scholarship, with 1394 marks. More congratulations! o 0 0 Among the many visitors who have been staying in Whangarei lately is Mrs. Corns, of New South Wales, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Corns, Mill Road. 00 0 Dr. Good left by car on a trip to Rotorua, with Miss Good, who went on to Gisborne to stay with Mrs. H. R. Wood, formerly of Whangarei. o 00. • * Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram, of Sydney, have been staying with Mrs. Ingram's mother, Mrs. Bateman, and they have also paid a holiday visit to Mrs. McDonald, who lives in James Street. ■o o o Mrs. White and her son Olcott, of Napier, spent a short holiday with her brother, Mr. C. H. Chissell, before leaving for Durban, South Africa. o o o Mrs. Norman Mcßae has been spending a short holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Kelvin Road, Remuera. o o o Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Steele, of Russell, have been spending some time in Christchurch. o o o Regret is felt that Whangarei is shortly to lose Mr. and Mrs. Lot Cooper and family, who are going to live in Auckland. o o o Mrs. Hillier and her two children have returned to their home in Devonport, after visiting her sister, Mrs. R. S. Finch, at Onerahi. o o o Mrs. Jas. Brake has returned from a visit to her daughter, who is on the staff of the Sun, in Sydney. o o o Mrs. Hobart, a former resident, has been spending a holiday here with friends. o o o Mrs. S. E. McGill has been on a holiday visit from Northcote, and was the guest of Mrs. F. Nash. o o o HAMILTON Mr. and Mrs. Daitrey Adams, of Hamilton, have been visiting Mrs. C. C. Duncan, Kelburn. o o o Mrs. De Latour has returned from Wellington. o o o Miss Joan Muirella, who will be remembered as Miss Muriel Allen, of Cambridge, has now settled in London, and has been elected a member of the new Chamber Music Club. The club has marked its appreciation of the Auckland artist's merits by asking her to undertake its next concert, the programme including the works of Verdi and Weber. 0 0 0 A very successful and happy little social was held in the Kakepuku school-house to appropriately wind up the happy occasion of the district settlers' picnic. Miss E. Harris had done great work in preparing the building for the occasion, and a good crowd assembled. Dancing was naturally the chief feature, Messrs. Ray Harris and Cecil Corboy officiating as masters of ceremonies. The floor was in admirable order, and the music by Mrs. Dalton and Mrs. Jones was also very much appreciated.

A masquerade pierrotte ball was held recently in the Hairini hall, and proved a great success, visitors from all the surrounding districts being present. The grand march was a special feature of the evening, and many beautiful costumes were worn. Leap Year, twilight and streamer dances added much enjoyment. Extras were played by Misses D. Blackwell and A. Rennie, while the duties of M.C. were ably carried out by Mr. R. Blackwell. o o o Amongst the Hamilton folk who visited Raglan during the holidays were:—Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mears, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Farrer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Chitty, Mr. and Mrs. Cray, Dr. and Mrs. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Guy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Ibbotson, Mr. and Mrs. F. McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Trythall, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bunyard, Dr. and Mrs. Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. A. Chitty, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Ranstead, ; Mr. and Mrs. Irvine, Mr. and • Mrs. McS. Murray. o o o WANGANUI . . . While visiting here, Lord Leverhulme was entertained by Mr. and Miss Cohen. o o o Mrs. Bullock and her son have been spending a holiday in Auckland and Rotorua. 0 0 0 Miss Frances Moore has been recently a visitor to Wellington. o o o Mrs. G. F. Lomas has been visiting Christchurch, and was the guest of Mrs. M. Broun, Webb Street. o o o Mrs. Darby, of Palmerston North, and Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, also of Palmerston, were recently the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Spriggens. o o o Mrs. T. C. Taylor, who has been for an extended trip to Britain and the Continent, has returned. o o o Mrs. Tancred Cooper, of Wanganui, with her daughter Joan, has been visiting in Auckland and Rotorua, and spent part of the time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornes, at Thorncourt, Parnell. o o o Mrs. Paul and Miss Paul have also been recent visitors to Auckland. o o o Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Duigan, who left on Christmas Day for a motor trip to Napier, have returned to their home, after spending some time as the guests of Mrs. C. L. Thomson. o o o Mr., Mrs., and the Misses Piper, Scotland, and the Misses Constance and Mildred Wilson, Woodville, have been visiting here. The Misses Piper and Nelson, who have been competing in the Rotorua tennis tournament, travelled by Pipiriki and visited the Waitomo Caves. o o o NEW PLYMOUTH .... Dr. and Miss Constance Leatham, who have been visiting Britain and the Continent, are returning in the near future. o o O Miss Evelyn White and Mr. J. Brodie have passed the first section of the B.A. degree. 0 O 0 Miss Mary Coleman gained 97 marks out of a possible 99 at an examination in the rudiments of music (theory) held here during November last by the Associated Board of the R.A.M. and the L.C.M.

Mrs. McVilly, of Wellington, has been spending a holiday in New Plymouth. . ,-.',f '; ■ . o o o .. ■- ' ■ • ' Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell are spending; a six weeks' holiday trip in Australia. o 0 . .'-'., o . . Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar Young were, specially engaged for the Dunedin Burns festival on January 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Young have also been offered the position of sole adjudicators at the Masterton competitions this year. o o o ....... Nurse E. McManus has resigned her position at the New Plymouth Hospital, having accepted a sistership at the Tauranga Hospital. oo O " Mrs. and Miss Spear, of Wellington, have been visiting New Plymouth. .: ' "..■;■,'.:'.; .'■■"; o o o .'•-.. Mrs. R. Cock gave a delightful birthday party for her little granddaughter Dorothy at "Overdale." o o o . ... A most successful fete on behalf of the organ renovation of St. Mary's Church was held at the grounds of Mr. Walter Weston, Gilbert Street, when a delightful afternoon was spent with tea, music, golf and croquet. o o o . •, Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and the Misses Campbell, who have been touring the South Island, have returned to New Plymouth. o o o ... Amongst those who have left for England are Mr. and Mrs. Newton King. o o o Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Groom, of Bell Block, Taranaki, accompanied by Sister Rosilie White, of Hawera, have also left on a holiday tour in England and Scotland, while Miss Grace Mouatt has left for Rarotonga, accompanied as far as Wellington by her sisters, Misses M. and E. Mouatt. o o o NAPIER & GISBORNE . . Mr. and Mrs. Hector Smith and family and Miss Balfour have been visiting Taupo. Miss F. Bennett has also left here on a visit to Auckland. o o o Miss Wilson, Principal of the Girls' High School, during her visit to Auckland, spent some time at Takapuna. o o o Dr. Colin Anderson, son of Mr. W. P. J. Anderson, who has accepted an important post on the staff of the Dunedin Hospital, is shortly expected from England, with his wife. o o o Mr., Mrs. and Miss Seamon spent a short time here before leaving for England. o o o Mrs. E. Morris and her two little daughters are recent visitors, and have been the guests of Mrs. F. W. Jenkins.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rathbone have returned to Waipawa after a motor trip to Taupo, while Mrs. H. L. Harston and Miss Joyce Harston are also amongst those who have visited Taupo by car. ■•o O o Mr. and Mrs. Vigor Brown and their daughters, who are visiting Melbourne, were present at a garden party given by the Governor in honour of the Japanese naval officers. They also attended the Melbourne Town ■: Hall, where films were shown of the Japanese disaster. More recent news states that Mrs. Brown has entered a private hospital in Melbourne. . ... o; o o Airs. -Lusk and her daughter, Miss Molly Lusk, have been staying in Oriental Bay with Mrs. Busk's sister, Mrs. West. They went to Wellington for the races before leaving for England. In England Mrs. Lusk will rejoin her daughter, Mrs. Singer, and Dr. Singer. Other Hawke's Bay passengers. by the Ruapehu were Mrs. John Lane, of Haveloek, and her son and her daughter. .... . , o o o Mr. and Mrs. H. Humphries, who spent Christmas in Wellington, have returned to Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Humphries were accompanied by their niece, Miss Ward, who recently arrived here from England. o o o HASTINGS ........ Miss A. M. Shearer, the Canadian teacher, who has been on the staff of the Hastings Central School throughout the current year, made a hurried tour of the South Island, prior* to her departure to her home in Winnipeg, Manitoba. O O o Mrs. J. H. Monteith is holiday-making in South Canterbury. O o o Mrs. Arkwright, of Marton, and family, have been enjoying a seaside holiday at Te Awanga. o o o Dr. and Mrs. Caro and family have been staying at Waimarama. Also Dr. and Mrs. Cornfoot, of Napier, and family, together with Mr. and Mrs. F. Donnelly, Mrs. R. Harding, Miss R. Monckton, Miss G. Raymond, all of Waipukurau. coo Mrs. W. Lunn and family have been staying at their beach house, Clive Grange, Hastings. O O o Miss Thomson, of Sydney, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Brook-Taylor. Hastings. o O o Mr. and Mrs. Lane and family have left for a trip to England. o O o _ Mrs. Brann was given a bridge afternoon by Mrs. H. Stratton, at her residence, Knight Street, Hastings. Prizes were won by Mrs. E. Dinwiddie and Mrs. J. A. Miller. A dainty afternoon tea was much enjoyed. Among those present were Mesdames T. Cunningham, T. Clarkson, E. Dinwiddie, J. Miller, F. McLeod, Thomson and Miss Brann.

PALMERSTON NORTH . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bennett are leaving on a visit to England. They anticipate being away for twelve months. o o o Mrs. C. E. Shortt and Miss Lillian Shortt, well known in Palmerston North for their long connection with the Municipal Library, have also left on a visit to England and America. They expect to remain away for about two years. ; ■■■■.■. .".:.■: O O .0 Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wild, of Feilding, and their children, spent the holidays at Island Bay, Wellington. COO Mi-s. M. Andrews, of Feilding, was among the recent callers at the High Commissioner's Office, London. o o o MASTERTON Mrs. Guy Mace lias been staying at Island Bay, while Mrs. C. C. Ramsden and family have been staying at Seatoun. o o o • . Sir Kenneth Douglas, of Wellington, visited Masterton during the holidays, and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Donald. O 0 O Mr. and Mrs. Martin Elgar, of Featherston, have returned from Sydney. O o O Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morrison, "Awatoitoi," Masterton, have left en route for a visit to Great Britain. Before leaving Mr. Morrison was farewelled at the Municipal Social Hall by the Wairarapa Farmers' Union, the Wairarapa R.S.A., the Wairarapa. Patriotic Association, and the Masterton A. and P. Association, about 250 farmers, commercial men and citizens. Mr. Morrison was presented by the chairman with an illuminated address, bearing the signatures of about 300 members of the farming and commercial community, and Mr. Morrison was also asked to accept for Mrs. Morrison a gold travelling clock, upon which was inscribed her name. o o o According to letters received from Mr. Maurice D'Oisly by Mr. 0. N. C. Pragnell, the Mayor of Masterton, and chairman of the committee which organised the Miss Peggy Ford Advancement Fund, the young Masterton contralto, whose arrival in England is announced, made a successful debut, and within a few days settled down to assiduous training. Mr. D'Oisly, writing on November 8, says:—"Peggy Ford arrived in London safely just a week ago, and we brought her straight, here to our home. On Sunday last I took her to my own old singing master, Mr. Frederic King. He consented to take her as his pupil, in spite of the fact that he was quite full up and had a waiting list. Needless to say we were delighted about this. To-day we went to the Royal Academy of Music, introduced her to Sir Alexander Mackenzie, Avho accepted her as a student of the institution. She will commence her studies at once. We have planted her foot firmly on the bottom rung of the ladder, and now it is up to her to work hard and climb." o o o NELSON Mrs. Evans, Kelburn, her mother, Mrs. Kelsey, and Miss Kelsey, have been recent visitors here. O O c Miss Speed, Hobson Crescent, Wellington, has returned from a visit to Marlborough. o o o Miss Lorimer, principal of Nelson Girls' College, who has been for a trip to Britain and the Continent, has returned to the Dominion, and before resuming her duties, paid a visit to her sister in Christchurch. O O o Mr. and Mrs. William Rout have been visiting their son, Dr. Rout, of Devonport, Auckland. o o o Mr. and Mrs. E. F. J. Grigg and family, of Christchureh, have come to Marlborough, where they will in future reside. Mrs. G. A. E. Ross and the Misses Ross have taken their house on the Cashmere Hills for a few weeks. 000 Archdeacon and Mrs. F. W. Chatterton, of Rotorua, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Laurenson, their son-in-law and daughter respectively, left Rotorua by motor car en route to Nelson for the Archdeacon's annual holiday. During Archdeacon Chatterton's absence, Archdeacon Simpkin, of Napier, acted as his locum tcnens. o O o Miss Clifford, who has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Joseph Studholme, Fendalton, has returned.

BLENHEIM . . . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Scantlebury, of Blenheim, have been visiting Wellington. O O O miss x 1 ranees Morrison, the possessor of a beautiful contralto voice, has made good in the musical circles of the United States. Entering this field of ambition a few months ago, she immediately found favour, and has already won applause in several cities of the States. She is at present residing at Chicago, and some weeks ago she had booked up engagements for practically the whole of the concert season. O O O A most enjoyable day was spent at Okukari, the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenny, at Tory Channel, Picton, at a farewell picnic given by the friends of Dr. and Mrs. G. Watson Hill, who have left for England. ' The party included Dr. and Mrs. Watson Hill and their little daughters, Geraldine and Esme, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenny, Miss Marjorie Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe, Mrs. W. Western, Mrs. H. Western, Mrs. Madsen, Miss H. Madsen, Miss A. Swanwick, Mr. Ashwin (Auckland), Mr. and Mrs. Riddel!, Mr. and Mrs: A. Scott, Miss Joan Scott, Miss Western, Mrs. Conolly, Miss Philpotts, the Misses A. and M. Philpotts, Mrs. V. L. Powell, Miss Harris, and Mr. and Mrs. Oldham. o o o Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wilkin have gone to make their home in Christchurch. O o O GREYMOUTH Miss Mina Ward has been a recent visitor to this town. 000 Mr. and Mrs. George Moss have been spending a month in Christchurch, where they are staying with their daughter at Fendalton. O 0 O Miss Alice Hannan has been visiting friends in Christchurch and Redcliffs. 000 Mrs. F. C. Penhalluriack and family, of Christchurch, are amongst those who have recently been visiting the West Coast. They included the Westland Glaciers in their trip. 000 Mr. and Mrs. T. Jones have returned from a visit to England and Wales. 000 Mr. and Mrs. Irvine, of Hokitika, gave an enjoyable dance at their home in honour of their guests, Misses J. Mansell, of Christchurch, and G. Grant, of Temuka. The decorations were carried out in rose shades, the drawing-room and wide verandah being used for dancing, which was kept up until the early hours of the morning. Mrs. Irvine ' received the guests wearing a frock of kingfish blue georgette and sequined net; Miss Mansell, a pretty frock of cherry charmeuse trimmed with rosebuds. 000 ASHBURTON Mr. W. Foster, a school teacher of Samoa, and formerly on the staff of the Ashburton East School, has been a recent visitor to Ashburton. Mr. Foster will return to Samoa at the beginning of this month. 0 0 0 Miss L. Oakley has returned home after spending a holiday in Auckland. 0 0 0 Miss Colleen Orbell has been visiting Martinborough, where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. Chapman. 000 Miss .Joan Jennings has returned to Dunedin, accompanied by her sister. Miss M. Jennings. o o O TIMARU Miss Aitken, of Wellington, has been a recent visitor here, and was the guest of Mrs. J. McCaskill. 0 o 0 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar-Jones and the Misses Edgar-Jones motored back to Timaru after a few weeks spent at The Hermitage. ••"> o o Mr. A. J. Hay and Miss Dorothy Hay have been spending a holiday in Christchurch. 000 Among the many enthusiastic travellers to Mount Cook this season were Professors Wall and Stewart and Dr. Fritz Bevan-Brown, who travelled with Mr. Wigley over the Hooker Pass on to the Welcome Hut. On the return to Timaru Sir John Findlay and Mr. Justice Sim and Mrs. Sim joined the party, leaving Professor Wall's party still at The Hermitage, with Professor Algie ami Mrs. Algie and Messrs. Chambers, Purler, and Barker, well known in mountaineering circles.

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Ladies' Mirror, Volume 2, Issue 9, 1 March 1924, Page 15

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A NEW ZEALAND HOME Ladies' Mirror, Volume 2, Issue 9, 1 March 1924, Page 15

A NEW ZEALAND HOME Ladies' Mirror, Volume 2, Issue 9, 1 March 1924, Page 15

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