Ladies' Mirror masthead

Ladies' Mirror



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Also published as:
The Mirror : the home journal of New Zealand

The Ladies’ Mirror was published monthly from 1922-1926 by the Mirror Publishing Company. It then became The Mirror : the home journal of New Zealand, which continued to be published until 1963.

As outlined in the first Forward in July 1922, ‘…with the appearance of The Ladies’ Mirror a new avenue is open to all womankind to get into print. Every woman alive has at least one story to tell, even if it be but the plain unvarnished tale of her own emergence from the chrysalis’.(p.3)

‘Established in 1922, the monthly Mirror followed the New Zealand Graphic and Ladies’ Journal (published from 1890 to 1908) as a periodical aimed at middle-class women. Its content was royal tours, society weddings and Māori maidens; overt political comment was avoided. The Mirror’s literary standards were deeply conservative. It carried genre fiction – courtship, romance, adventure and mystery – from popular writers like Dorothy Eden and Essie Summers. By the early 1960s the Mirror had lost ground to other magazines. It folded in 1963.

Ben Schrader. 'Magazines and periodicals - Popular magazines, 1920 to 1939', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 24-Sep-14.