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resignations. Third-class Constables Alfred Reeve, and John Henderson.

rewards. „ To Constables employed on quarantine duty during detention of ship Northampton — Constable Maguire ... ... £lO 10 0 „ Dance ... ... 9 0 0 „ Graham ... ... 700 „ Thos. Hughes ... 610 0 To Constable Edward Hughes, for duty at Theatre Royal during stay of California Minstrels ... ... 16 8

R C. SHEARMAN, Commissioner of Police.

Name. Offence. By whom Arrested. How Disposed of. Tibbs, William ... Drunk and insulting females Const. A. Beck, King, Edward Drunk and illegally on premises Christchurch Police Const. Breen, Fined 20s. May, John Drunk and disorderly at railway Christchurch Police Const. Firman, Christchurch Police Const. E. Hughes, Christchurch Police Const. A. Beck, Christchurch Police Const. Lamb, Fined 10s. Glass, Jane Upton, Thomas Savage, James station Drunk and vagrancy Drunk and creating disturbance in a licensed house Drunk and illegally on premises 1 year’s imprisonment hard labour Fined 20s., or 48 hours imprisonment Fined 10s. Boyle, Catherine Drunk and illegally on premises Christchurch Police Const. Lamb, Fined 10s. 7 . Thompson, Robert } Illegally on premises, Christchurch Christchurch Police Const. Davis, Thompson, Andrew ) railway station > Dishnssed with a caution. Moorehead, Thomas Drunk and disorderly at railway Const. Firman, Fined 10s. Faulkner, James ... station Lunacy from drink Sergt. Kennedy, Fined 40s., or 96 hours’ imGardiner, Robert ... Larceny (2 charges) Christchurch Police Chief-Detective Feast prisonment 6 months’ imprisonment Jones, James Drunk and indecent conduct in a pubConst. A. Beck, hard labour Fined £6 Maule, Mary lie thoroughfare Christchurch Police Drunk and indecent conduct in a pubConst. A. Beck, Mcllroy, John lie thoroughfare Christchurch Police Drunk while in charge of a horse and Const. Breen, Fined 20s. Matson, Robert dray Christchurch Police Lunacy from drink Const. Wilkinson, Remanded Adams, John Christchurch Police Drunk and assaulting police in execuConst. Morrison, Fined 20s. Gilbert, William W. tion of duty Christchurch Police Attempt to commit sodomy.;. Sergt. Kennedy, 1 year’s imprisonment hard Armstrong, Matthew Christchurch Police labour under Vagrancy Act, 1866 Drunk and illegally on the premises ... Sergt. Wilson, 14 days’ imprisonment hard Christchurch Police laoour Duncan, George Jumping into railway carriage in Const Davis, Discharged with a caution motion Christchurch Police Holmes, Mary Drunk and creating disturbance in a Const. E. Hughes, Fined 20s. licensed house Christchurch Police Boyle, Catherine ... Vagrancy Const. Prew, Christchurch Police 14 days’ imprisonment hard labour Taylor, Thomas Drunk and disorderly at railway Const. Davis, Fined 10s. station Chiistchurch Police Cooper, Charles | Drunk while in charge of a horse and Const. Marley, C Fined £5, and 8s. witness Cooper, Martha ) Percy, Matthew cart Christchurch Po ice \ expenses Drunk and indecently exposing his Const. Adam, Fined 20s. person Christchurch Police Sullivan, John Drunk and disorderly, using obscene Const. E. Hughes, Fined 20s. or 48 hours’ imlanguage in a public place, and resisting police Christchurch Police prisonment Doubleday, Ered. W. Illegally on the premises Const. Sheeran, 1 month’s imprisonment Christchurch Police hard labour Falloon, W illiam J.... Violent assault Sergt. Wilson, To find two sureties of £50 Christchurch Police each to keep the peace towards his wife fur 12 months Watson, John Drunk and indecent exposure of his Const. Merrick, Fined 20s. or 48 hours’ imperson Christchurch Police prisonment Whlls, William Drunk and indecent exposure of his Const. Wilkinson, 14 days’ imprisonment hard McIntyre, Robert ... person Christchurch Police labour Drunk and incapable Mt.-Const. Loose, Fined 20s. Ashburton Police Cullen, John, alias Larceny of clothing, value £15 11s ... Sergt. Greenwood, Committed for trial Bill, alias Denny Ashburton Police O’Loughlin, Patrick Obtaining a whip by false pretences... Mt.-Const. Loose. Dismissed (On warrant) Ashburton Police Irving, John, alias Larceny in a dwelling-house, under £5 Mt.-Const. Kennedy, 6 months’ imprisonment McGuire Geraldine Police hard labour Mullarkey, John ... Breach of the peace in view of a conConst. O’Malley, Fined 10s. and costs stable Arowhenua Police Moore, Catherine ... Lunacy from drink Mt.-Const. Dorn, Discharged Timaru Police Lambert, Thomas ... Drunk and disorderly, and using obscene language in a public place Const. Johnston, Fined 15s or 3 days’ imTimaru Police prisonment hard labour Smith, Henry Drunk and disorderly and creating a Mt.-Const. Wei-don, Fined 40s. disturbance in a licensed house Waimate Police Wardle, William Drunk and disorderly and exp ising Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, Fined 5s. his person in a public place Waimate Police Fined 20s. Merdon, Richard Drunk and disorderly and exposing Sergt. O’Connor, his person in a public place W aimate Police Fined 20s. Barratt, George Drunk and disorderly and using Sergt. O’Connor, obscene language in a public place Waimate Police Fined 20s. Anderson, James Using obscene and profane language in Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, a public place Drunk and using obscene language ... Waimate Police Fined 40s. or 3 days’ imprisonment har6 labour Johnson, F. 0. Const. Rutledge, Akaroa Police Bowis, William Stealing from a dwelling Sergt. Barlow, 5 years in Industrial School (On warrant) Douglass, Robert Drunk and damaging private property Leeston Police Const. Me Gorman, Lyttelton Police To pay 10s. damages Enlund, Peter Drunk and fighting in a public Const. Maguire, Fined 10s. thoroughfare Lyttelton Police


Name. Offence. By whom Aeeested. How Disposed of. Kells, Donald Drunk and creating disturbance on Const. Maguire, Lyttelton Police Fined 10s railway Detective Walker 6 months’ imprisonment Campbell, Thomas ... Larceny over £5 Lyttelton Police Sgt.-Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police hard labour Furlong, James Disobeying lawful commands of master of ship Cathcart 16 weeks’ imprisonment hard labour to date from June 24, 1874 Funk, Christian Disobeying lawful commands of master of ship Cathcart Sgt.-Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police 12 weeks’imprisonment hard labour to date from June 24, 1874 Kourke, William ... Disobeying lawful commands of master of ship Cathcart Sgt.-Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police 12 weeks’ imprisonment hard labour to date from June 24, 1874 Brown, George Disobeying lawful commands of master of ship Cathcart Sgt.- Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police 16 weeks’ imprisonment hard labour to date from June 24, 1874 Harris, Kichard Assaulting chief officer of ship Cathcart and damaging Government Detective Walker Lyttelton Police Ordered to pay 30s. dam ge to property Kundson, Berendt ... property Eefusai of duty on ship Carisbrook Const. Wallace, Ordered on board Lyttelton Police 7 days’ imprisonment hard labour Wigley, John Refusal of duty on ship Carisbrook Const. Wallace, Lyttelton Police Nicholas, George ... Refusal of duty on ship Carisbrook Const. Wallace, Lyttelton Police 7 days’ imprisonment hard labour Meade, F. M. Deserting ship Cathcart Const. McGorman, Lyttelton Police 4 weeks’ imprisonment hard labour Jonathan (a Maori) Using abusive and threatening lanSergt. Wallace, Dismissed with a caution guage to a constable Rangiora Police Dismissed with a caution Ford, Edmund Embezzling cargo on board Eastern Inspt. Rarsham, (On warrant) Monarch Kaiapoi District Committed to gaol till return McCowan, Neil Breach of Licensing Act, 1873 Const. Reilly, Timaru Police of district warrant Ogilvie, William Perjury Const. Reilly, Committed for trial Timau Police Drake, Allen Drunk and disorderly, using obscene Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 60s. language, and resisting the police Waimate Police Discharged on bail to appear Monk, George Disobeying a summons Mt.-Const. Weedon, (On warrant) Waimate Police at K.M. Court, Timaru Davis, Tom Drunk and disorderly, using obscene Mt.-Const. Kennedy, Fined 20s. Saunders, James language and.resisting the police Geraldine Police Attempting to rescue a prisoner from Mt.-Const. Kennedy, Fined 10s. legal custody Geraldine Police Graham, Jas. Forde Lunacy Sergt. Ramsay, Committed to Asylum Akaroa Police Hunter, John Drunk and disorderly at railway Const. O’Shannassy, Fined 5s. and costs Is. 6d. Matson, Henrick station Rangiora Police Refusal of duty on Carisbrook Castle Const. Wallace, 14 days’ imprisonment hard Buchanan, John ... Lyttelton Police labour Larceny under 20s Detective W r alker 3 months’ imprisonment Powell, Peter Lyttelton Police hard labour Drunk and resisting the police Const. McGorman, Fined 10s. London, James Lyttelton Police Drunk and exposing his person Const. McGorman, Fined 10s. Cameron, Daniel ... Lyttelton Police Refusal of duty on Carisbrook Castle Const. McGorman, 14 days’ imprisonment hard Jenkins, George Lyttelton Police labour Drunk at railway station Const. McGorman, Fint d 10s. Timmons, Thomas ... Lyttelton Police Bestiality Sergt. O’Connor, Committed for trial Gorman, Patrick Larceny from the person Waimate Police Special Const. Fulton 3 months’ imprisonment Foss, James Exposing his person in a public place Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, hard labour Fined 20s. Buckley, Andrew ... Drunk while in charge of a dray and Waimate Police Const. Smith, Fined 40s. Ttassett, Henry two horses Illegally on the premises South bridge Police Sergt. Kennedy, Fined 20s. or 48 hours’ imFaulkner, James ... Drunk and disorderly Christchurch Police Const. Eares, prisonmenthard labour 3 months’ imprisonment Henderson, William Lunacy Christchurch Police hard labour Sergt. Willis, Committed to Asylum Hennessey, Michael Drunk and disorderly at Christchurch Christchurch Police Const. Eares, Christchurch Police Const. Eares, Ferrick, Bridget ... railway station Drunk and disorderly prisonment 6 months’ imprisonment Thompson, Thomas... Forgery and uttering Christchurch Police Detective Benjamin hard labour Committed for trial Campbell, John Moore, Alice Violent assault Christchurch Police Sergt. Greenwood. 1 month’s imprisonment Wilful destruction of private property Ashburton Police Const. Davis, hard labour To find one surety in £25 Mitchell, Thomas Christchurch Police and self in £50 to keep Assault with intent to commit a rape Sergt. Wilson, the peace for 12 months Case dismissed Boyle, Catherine Vagrancy Drunk and disorderly Christchurch Police Knowles, Archibald Const. A. Beck, Christchurch Police Const. E. Hughes, Christchurch Police 3 months’ imprisonment hard labour 14 days’ imprisonment hard labour


Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth Chin. Remarks. rkomas Price E.M.C., April 8, 1874 Broaching cargo, 26 weeks H.L. Liverpool Seaman 1848 5ft 3in Stout Pale B own Blue Mediun a Mediun Mediun Marks : Right arm, Mermaid, flag, anchor, bracelet; left Lyttelton four charges bald arm, banners of war, two guns crossed, sailor, Thomas Price, flower pots, bracelet. Single. (By pardon). Marks : Right arm, two flags, diamond and tune dots, Thomas Clarke R.M.C., April 8, 1874 , Broaching cargo, 22 weeks H.L. Liverpool Seaman 1848 5ft 3Jin Stout Pale Brown Grey Medium Medium Medium Lyttelton two charges J.C.; left arm, small finger right hand deformed. John White R.M.C., April 8, 1874 Broaching cargo, 22 weeks H.L. Dundee, Seaman 1835 5ft 3|in Stout Pale Black Blue Medium Medium Medium Single. Marks : Cut scar left temple. Single. Marks : Cut scar on bridge of Lyttelton two charges Scotland Patrick Gallagher ... R.M.C., June 8, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 3 months H.L. Fermanagh, Cooper 1822 5ft 6in Medium Fresh Grey Blue Medium Medium Medium Lyttelton Sept. 8, 1874 and vagrancy On remand Ireland Edmund Ford R.M.C., Embezzling cargo London Seaman 1853 oft 6in Slight Sallow Dark Grey Long Small Small Marks: Middle finger left Raiapoi brown hand injured and disfigured; intelligent features. Jens Thompson R.M.C., Aug. 10, 1874 Druuk and disorderly 1 month Denmark Blacksmith 1821 5 ft 7 Jin Stout Sallow Dark Grey Medium Medium Medium Single. On bail, 9th inst. Marks: Abscess scar near Ch.Ch. brown elbow left arm; speaks English imperfectly. W illiam Ellison Burke R.M.C., Jan. 8, 1872 Forgery and uttering Penal servitude, 3 terms Channel Bailiff 1832 5ft 10 Jin Stout Fresh Brown Grey Medium Medium Medium Single. Discharged by pardon, 7th Ch Ch. Sept. 7, 1874 Unsound mind, from 4 yrs each concurrently Islands September. Marks: Cut scar top of head; James Faulkner j R. vi. C., Remanded County Labourer 1831 6ft Medium Fair Red Blue Medium Medium Medium Ch.Ch. drink Monaghan, scar under left ear; left Christian Funk R.M.C., Aug. 31, 1874 Combining with others Ireland leg scarred and disfigured, having been broken, 12 weeks HL., comHolstein, Seaman 1835 5 ft ffjin Medium Sallow Black Grey Long Small Small Marks : Right arm, Mermaid, Lyttelton to disobey puted from June 24 Germany female figure, anchor, on last ■A 1 right hand ; left arm, crucifix, I believe in German, two hearts, sail or flag, C.F.; cut scar below elbow, cut on right eye, shot wound left Lot. Single.


Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Eemabks. William Kourke E.M.C., Aug. 31, 1874 Combinin g with others 12 weeks H.L., comKingston, Seaman 1850 5ft 6Jin Stout Fresh Black Blue Medium Medium Medium Marks: Sailor, American flag, Lyttelton to disobey puted from 24th June last Dublin ship, crucifix, heart, anchor and + , tombstone in memory of my dear brother, figure underneath, on right arm; ship, French flag, tomb in memory of my father, died June 1861, Jerusalem coat of arms, female figure, M aid ofErin, star and wreath left arm ; house flag, Erin go Braigh on breast; bullet mark right side. Single. Eobert Matson E.M.C., Sept. 10, 1874 Insanity from inEemand Antrim, Shoemaker 1846 6ft 7 jin Medium Pale Brown Grey Medium Medium Medium Married. John Veigler Ch.Ch. E.M.C., Lyttelton Sept. 8, 1874 temperance Eefusing duty 1 week H.L. Ireland Greece Seaman 1852 5ft 6 jin Medium Dark Dark brown Hazel Medium Medium Medium Marks: Woman and anchor right arm; anchor between thumb and forefinger, right hand. Single. George Nichol E.M.C., Lyttelton Sept. 8, 1874 Eefusing duty 1 week H.L. Greece Seaman 1846 6ft 6Jin Medium Sallow Brown Grey Sharp Small Small dimpled Marks: Cut scar right forehead. Single. George Jolliffe E.M.C., Sept. 21, 1874 Desertion from ship 1 week H.L. London Seaman 1854 6ft 6in Medium Fresh Brown Grey Medium Medium Medium Marks: Scar over left eye. Charles Wm. McEwen Lyttelton E M.C., Sept. 16, 1874 Brunette Drunkenness requiring Eemand London Tailor 1820 5ft 8|in Medium Fresh Brown Grey Medium Medium M edium Single. Marks: Cut scar over right eye ; scar across top of head. Widower. Lyttelton Do. 22, do. medical treatment 48 hours H.L. in and bald Samuel McKinley ... EMC., Lyttelton Aug. 7, 1874 Embezzling cargo, Eastern Monarch 12 weeks H.L. Scotland Seaman 1840 5ft 6Jin Stout Pale Brown Grey Large Medium Medium Marks: Bracelet and anchor left wrist; cut scar right thumb ; little finger right i hand deformed. Single. Neil Gorginson E.M.C., Lyttelton .Aug. 6, 1874 Embezzling cargo, &c. Assault 12 weeks H.L. 14 days H.L. Norway Seaman 1852 6ft 6§in Stout Weather beaten Dark brown Grey Medium 1 Large Medium Marks : Me rmaid on left arm; ring on middle finger left hand. Single. William Donavon ... E.M.C., Lyttelton Aug. 20, 1874 Embezzling cargo 12 weeks H.L. London Seaman 1848 5 ft 1 Jin Stout Fresh Brown Hazel Large Small 1 1 Small Marks: Fish woman, bracelet on left arm and wrist; ring on middle finger left hand. Married. Frank Chatterton ... E.M.C., Lyttelton Aug. 20, 1874 Embezzling cargo 12 weeks H.L. Australia Seaman 1852 5ft 3Jin Slender Fresh Black Hazel Sharp Small Small Marks : Anchor on right arm, two dots on each thumb; cut scar on left side of nose. Single.


Name. Where | Tried, i When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remakes. 'emple Cameron R.M.C., ' Sept. 24, 1874 Drunk on railway / 24 hours H.L. New York Seaman 1827 5ft 3fin Slight Sal'ow Brown Hazel Medium Medium Medium Marks: Scar across back of Lyttelton premises Seaman 1857 5ft 4m left hand. Single. Villiam McDonald ... R.M.C., Aug. 20, 1874 Embezzling cargo 12 weeks H.L. Manchester Medium Fair Slight Grey Long Small Small Marks: Scar under right ear. Lyttelton Pembroke Seaman 1854 5ft 3^m brown Single. Tdward Lloyd R.M.C., 1 Aug. 20, 1874 Embezzling cargo 12 weeks H.L. Stout Pale Auburn Grey Medium Medium Medium Single. Lyttelton R.M.C., Lyttelton Embezzling cargo 12 weeks H.L. Manchester Seaman 1856 5ft 4|in Medium Fresh Brown Hazel Medium Medium Medium l ames Dempsey Aug. 20, 1874 Marks : Anchor on left arm, ring on third finger left hand. Single. \rchibald Knowles ... R.M.C., ; Ch Ch. Sept. 5, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. England Labourer 1820 6ft 4Jin Stout Pale Light Blue Medium Medium Medium William Holmes R.M.C., Ch Ch. Aug. 31, 1874 Illegally on premises" 14 days H.L. Ireland Labourer 1850 5ft lin Stout Fresh Brown Blue Large Medium Medium Tohanna Connor R.M.C., July 14, 1874 Keeping a house of 2 months H.L. Ireland Cook 1844 5ft 4in Stout Pale Dark Brown Medium Medium Medi urn Marks: Cut scar on left Lvttelton j ill fame temple. Catherine Boyle R.M.C., ; Sept. 9, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 96 hours H.L. Ireland Prostitute 1839 5ft l|in Stout Pale Brown Dark Medium Medium Medium Marks: Blister scar on left Ch.Ch. and grey blue side of neck. Tohn Butler R.M.C., June 15, 1874 Violent assault 3 months H.L.andto be England Tailor 1822 5 ft 4in Stout Pale Grey Blue Medium Medium Bearded Ch.Ch. bound over for 9 months George Mahoney R.M.C., Ch.Ch. June 15,1874 Stealing boots 3 months England Baker 1832 5ft 9in Stout E resh Dark Grey Large Large Bearded Margaret Ellison R.M.C., Sept. 14, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L., in deIreland Servant 1850 5ft 4|in Stout Sallow Dark Brown Medium Medium Medium Ch.Ch. fault of 40s. fine Tames Faulkner R.M.C., Sept. 15, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 96 hours H.L., in deIreland Labourer 1831 ' 6ft Stout Freckled Sandy Blue Large Large Bearded Marks : Left shin scarred Ch.Ch. 1 R.M.C., / / fault of 40-. fine from a break; left leg shorter than the right; walks lame. Hamilton Shaw 1 Ch.Ch. Aug. 17, 1874 Illegally on premises 1 month H.L. Ireland Labourer 1844 5ft 8f in Stout Fresh Sandy Blue Large Medium Bearded Matthew Percy R.MC, Sept. 16, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L., in deIreland Seaman 1841 5ft 8in Stout Pale Brown Blue Large Medium Bearded Marks: Large Mermaid on Tohn Sullivan I Ch.Ch. i R.M.C., Sept. 16, 1874 Drunk and using obfault of 10s. fine left arm; cut scar on right eyebrow. 48 hours H L., in deEngland Labourer 1842 •5ft 9in Medium Pale Brown Grey Medium Medium Medium Marks: Anchor on back of Ch.Ch. scene language fault of 20s. fine right hand: star on back ot left band. Tesse Green R.M.C., Sept. 19, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L., in deEngland Labourer 1830 5ft 6|in Stout Fresh Dark Grey Large Large Bearded Marks: Cut scar on left Ch.Ch. fault of 10s. fine brown elbow ; do. between third and fourth fingers of left hand. Henry William Derry R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Sept. 16, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 96 hours H.L. England Blacksmith 1829 5ft 8|in Stout Pale Grey Grey Large Medium Bearded Tohn Watson j R.M.C., i Ch.Ch. Sept. 19, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. Ireland Labourer 1808 5ft lOJin Stout Fresh Grey Brown Large Medium Bearded


I Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. N 'se. Mouth. Chin. Remarks. I Mathew Smith R.M.C., Sept. 21, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Scotland Baker 1847 5ft 8|in Slight Pale Dark Blue Medium Medium Medium Marks: Bracelet on left wrist, I Edward Barrows Ch.Ch. E.M.C., Sept. 21, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Ireland Clerk 1852 5ft 7in Medium Fresh Sandy Hazel Long Medium Long ring on middle finger. j Marks: E.B. on le!t arm; jj Ch.Ch. dots on each hand be- j tween thumb and first j, I WillianfTaylor E.M.C., Sept. 21. 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Scotland Baker 1850 6ft 2in Slight Pale Dark Dark Long Medium Bearded finger. Marks: Long cut sear on first Ch.Ch. Drunk and disorderly brown blue finger of the left hand. 1 Henry Hassett E.MC, Sept. 21, 1874 48 hours H.L. Victoria Printer 1840 5ft 8in Medium Pale Dark Hazel Medium Medium Medium Ch.Ch. brown 1 Beter Fletcher E.M.C., Sept. 22, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Scotland Seaman 1847 5ft 7in Slight Pale Dark Brown Sharp Medium Bearded Marks: Crown, shield and Ch.Ch. four flags on the right arm; Scotch thistles and | P.E. on left arm; rings on first and third fingers of left hand ; bi acelets on I Michael Hennessey ... both wrists. R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Sept, 22, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Ireland Labourer 1843 5ft 6in Slight Pale Dark Grey Medium Medium Medium I Annie Morgan E.M.C., Sept. 22, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. England Servant 1845 4ft l'iin Stout Pale Dark Grey Large Medium Large Marks: Cut scar on bridge of [ Ch.Ch. nose. I William Clark R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Sept. 23, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Ireland Blacksmith 1840 5ft 4-in Slight Swarthy Black I >ark Large Large Bearded Mathew Armstrong ... R.M.C., Sept. 12, 1874 111 gaily on premises 14 days H.L. England Labourer 1845 6ft 4in Medium Pale Light Grey Medium M edium Medium Catherine Boyle Ch.Ch. brown E.M.C., Sept. 14, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 14 days H.L. Ireland Servant 1839 5ft Hin Stout Pale Grey Blue Medium Medium Medium Marks: Mark of blister on Mary Donavan Ch.Ch. left side of neck. R.M.C., Sept. 9, 1874 Vagrancy Eemanded Ireland Domestic 1846 4ft llin Stout Dark Black Brown Long Large Eound James Johnstone Timaru E.M.C., Aug. 19, 1874 Usingobscene language Fined 40s., in default Scotland servant Shepherd 1841 5ft 7in Slender Fair Dark Brown Flat Ordinary Marks : Tattooed on right Large dSTeil MeCowan Timaru 1 month H.L. arm female; left arm, Tree of Life. R.M.C., Sept. 11, 1874 Sly grog selling In safe keeping till Scotland Storekeeper 1829 5ft Sin Stout Fresh Da> k Grey Medium Ordinary Beardec Timaru distress warrant is turning Samuel Parks executed grey E.M.C., Sept. 21, 1874 Drunk and di orderly Fined 5s., in default Liverpool Mariner 1829 5ft 2m Stout Sallow Dark Grey Broad Large Bearded Marks: Tattooed on breast Timaru 24 hours H.L. England turning s? r «y coarse crucifix; on right arm Angel blowing trumpet, mom and stars, Hope under anchor and AmeriX can flag, female and harp ; back of hand two hearts, S p.m. ; left arm, eagle i and American Coat of Arms, J.H., ship, eross and stars ; back of hand, American flying eagle. Annie Justice S.M.C., Sept. 21, 1874 Drunk and disorderly Fined 60s., in default Ireland Domestic 1843 5ft 4in Medium Pale Dark Blue Sharp Large Round Marks: Face pock-marked. Timaru 7 days H.L. servant . thin


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 19, 1 October 1874, Page 136

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Miscellaneous. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 19, 1 October 1874, Page 136

Miscellaneous. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 19, 1 October 1874, Page 136

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