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Missing Friends.

[Extract from New Zealand Gazette, No 40, August 12, 1872.] ~ , 7 ,Y;

Inquiry having been made respecting the following persons, descriptions of whom. are given below, anyone who can give any information regarding them is requested to communicate with 1 this office :

. Charles John Braithwaite, engineer, sft. sin. or 6in., light complexion, rather stout built, about 48 years old, married; employed as Road Engineer in Melbourne for 16 years, left Melbourne two years ago. James Murray, farmer, formerly of Lammerkirk, Bincardeneshire, Scotland, left there in March, 1861, for New Zealand.

G. S. COOPER, Under Secretary.

Wanted, to know the whereabouts of Sarah M Allister who arrived in Auckland per Mary Shepard, about the end of 1865 or beginning of 1866 ; removed to Nelson, and was residing at the Nelson Hotel Yin September, 1867.

A Post Office and Telepraph Station is now open at Hurunui.

(Signed) R. C. SHEARMAN, Commissioner of Police,

Name. Offence. By whom Aeeested. How Disposed op. Thomas Neill Drunk and disorderly in a licensed Const. Davis Fined 20s. John Brown Thomas Cockerell house Drunk and disorderly Drunk and indecently exposing his Const. Maclay Const. J. Wallace ... Dismissed with a caution Fined 40s. Richard Harper person Contempt of Court . Const. Brown Joseph Clinton Charles Parsons Haas Hamilton person Contempt of Court ... Drunk and disorderly Larceny ... Drunk and indecently exposing his Const. Brown Const. Brown Sergt. Wilson Const. Davis Fined 40s. Dismissed with a caution 2 months’ imprisonment Fined £5 Denis J. Buckley, alias person Drunk and disorderly Const. Davis Fined 20s. James Butler person Drunk and disorderly Const. Davis Fined 20s. Henry Cooper Drunk and disorderly Const. Eares Dismissed Alfred White Drunk and disorderly Const. Davis Fined 5s. Charles Cooper Drunk and disorderly Const. Morice Fined 60s. James Francis Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Obtaining goods by means of valueless cheque Det. Feast 12 months’ imprisonment Isaac WortleyDrunk and illegally on the railway Const. Eares Const. Davis Const. Morice Det. Feast Dismissed Fined 6s. Fined 60s. 12 months’ imprisonment Isaac Wortley Drunk and illegally on the railway Const. Eares Dismissed with a caution John Smith • premises . Drunk and disorderly and resistConst. Eares Fined 20s: ing police in execution of duty Maurice FordDrunk and disorderly; and resisting police in execution of duty Drunk and disorderly and resistConst. Morice 3 months’ imprisonment - ing and assaulting police Const. Eares Maurice Ford Const. Morice 3 months’ imprisonment _ John Baker ing and assaulting police Drunk and disorderlyConst. J. Wallace ... Const. J. Wallace ...Fined 40s. Fined 40s. James Gudsell Drunk and disorderly at railway Const. Firman Fined 20s. station John GillonDrunk and disorderly at railway Drunk and disorderly at railway Const. Eares Fined 20s. station Const. Firman Fined 20s. John Gillon Const. Eares Fined 20s. Thomas Hennessy, alias Drunk and disorderly Const. Maclay Fined 20s. Ward ■ John Campbell Drunk and creating a disturbance Const. J. Wallace ... Fined 20s. Thomas Williams in a public street Drunk and disorderly and exposing Const. Morice Fined 20s. John McDougall his person Drunk and disorderly and wilful Const. Maclay Fined 20s. | Wm. G. Sieele destruction of property Drunk and disorderly Const. Harris Dismissed with a caution Robert Wickett Drunk and disorderly Const. Maclay Fined 10s. •. John Aitken Drunk and disorderly Const. Davis Dismissed with a caution Jeremiah Corboy Drunk and disorderly Const. Davis Fined 10s. I Edward MeEvoy Drunk and disorderly Sergt. O’Connor Fined 20s. • William Jones Drunk and disorderly Const. Eares Dismissed with a caution ' John Cooney Drunk and disorderly Const. Eares Fined 20s. James Lamb ■ Drunk and disorderly Const. Davis Fined 20s. William Haywood Drunk and disorderly Const. Maclay Fined 10s. -Hugh McDonald Drunk and disorderly Const. Maclay Fined 10s. . _ William Brason, alias his person Drunk and disorderly and wilful destruction of property Drunk and disorderly ... Const. Maclay Const. Harris Fined 20s. Dismissed with a caution Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Const. Maclay Const. Davis " ... Const. Davis Sergt. O’Connor Const. Eares Const. Eares Const. Davis Const. Maclay Const. Maclay Const. Harris Fined 10s. Dismissed with a caution Fined 10s. Fined 20s. Dismissed with a caution Fined 20s. Fined 20s. Fined 10s. Fined 10s. Fined 20s. 1: Brady ; Spencer Burleigh Drunk and disorderly Const. Higgins Fined £5, or 14 days’ imJoseph James prisonment Drunk and incapable Const. Maguire Discharged with a oaution ; ; . William Booth Illegally on premises at night Const. Rutledge 24 hours’ imprisonment “' Jane Hutchinson Drunk Const. Maguire Fined 10s. John Roach Drunk and incapable Const. Davidson Fined 6s. Margaret M. B. Todd ... : Drunk and incapable Illegally on premises at night Drunk ... ... „. Drunk and incapable ..; Obtaining board and lodging by Const. Maguire Const. Rutledge Const. Maguire Const. Davidson Sergt.-Mjr. Barsham prisonment Discharged with a oaution 24 hours’ imprisonment Fined 10s. Fined 6s. 12 months’ imprisonment George Brown false representations Assaulting master of barque Sen Const. Davidson 14 days’ imprisonment Dennis Caverlev More, with intent to do bodily harm Larceny of a dog Sergt.-Mjr. Barsham 14 days’ imprisonment Abel Helps Attempt to rob a till Det. Feast 1 month’s imprisonment Glassford Scott Lunacy ... Const. Maguire Discharged Charles Wockaman Having stolen property in his pos-Sergt.-Mjr, Barsham Dismissed William Blighting false representations Assaulting master of barque Sen More, with intent to do bodily harm Larceny of a dog Const. Davidson Sergt.-Mjr. Barsham 14 days’ imprisonment 14 days’ imprisonment 1 month’s imprisonment Discharged Dismissed session Wilfully obstructing public tho-24 hours’ imprisonment Attempt to rob a till Lunacy ... . Having stolen property in his possession Wilfully obstructing public tho-Const. Davidson Det. Feast Const. Maguire Sergt.-Mjr. Barsham Const. Davidson24 hours’ imprisonment James Snoswell, senior ... roughfare Vagrancy Const. Maguire 1 month’s imprisonment Peter Conden and Ben~\ Disobeying a summons; obtaining During, alias Pat- ! rick Tobin (on f goods upon false pretences Obtaining goods upon false pre- > Sergt. Felton > Cases dismissed warrant) J fences ) ) Andrew Gregg Disobeying a summons; obtaining goods upon false pretences Obtaining goods upon false pretences Refusal of duty on board ship Sergt. Felton Sergt.-Mjr. Barsham | Cases dismissed Ordered on board Wild Suck . Charles Ocean Thompson Forgery (two charges) Det. Feast Committed for trial Edward Goodridge Ward Lunacy ... Sergt. Davies Committed to Asylum John Selbie Exposing his person ... Const. R. Wallace ... 24 hours’ imprisonment David Briggs (on warrant) Indecent assault upon a female ... Sergt. Willis Case dismissed ; Charles Cox on Drunk and disorderly Const. McDonald ... Fined 5s. Edward Williams Drunk and disorderly Sergt. O’Grady Dismissed with a caution Charles Burrows ,,, Drunk and disorderly Sergt. Willis Fined 5s., or 24 hours’ imJames McLean (on warprisonment Arson Sergt. Willis Discharged rant) ■\ Fined 6s., or 24 hours’ imrant) Drunk and creating disturbance in Michael Horrigan Slicensed house Wilful destruction of private pro- > Sergt. Willis / prisonment f Fined 5s., and 14s. damages, 3 perty 3 J or 7 days’ imprisonment . Robert Langdon (on warWild Suck Forgery (two charges) Lunacy ... Exposing his person ... Det. Feast Sergt. Davies Const. R. Wallace ... Committed for trial Committed to Asylum 24 hours’ imprisonment Case dismissed Fined 6s. Dismissed with a caution Fined 6s., or 24 hours’ imprisonment Discharged Pined 6s., or 24 hours’ im- / prisonment f Fined 6s., and 14s. damages, J or 7 days’ imprisonment Committed to Asylum Indecent assault upon a female ... Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Arson Drunk and creating disturbance in licensed house Wilful destruction of private property Lunacy ... rant) William BarrDrunkenness and contempt of Lunacy ... Const. J. Kennedy ... Committed to Asylum Drunkenness and contempt of Sergt. O’Grady Dismissed with a caution Court Violent assaultFined £5 and costs, or 2 Alexander McBeth (on Violent assault Sergt. Ramsay warrant) months’ imprisonment John DobsonLarceny ... Larceny .. Sergt. O’Grady 1 month’s imprisonment Wm. M. Stephen (on Maliciously wounding and inflictMaliciously wounding and inflictSergt. Willis Committed for trial warrant)ing grievous bodily harm ing grievous bodily harm Drunk and disorderly and expos-Fined 20s., or 48 hours’ imSergt. Willis Const. McDonald ... Sergt. O’Grady Sergt. Willis Sergt. Willis Sergt. Willis Const. J. Kennedy ... rant) William Barr Sergt. O’Grady Sergt. Ramsay Sergt. O’Grady Sergt. Willis • Const. Wildermoth... Dismissed with a caution 't*. .; Alexander McBeth (on warrant) John Dobson Wm. M. Stephen (on warrant) Alexander Lakie Fined £5 and' costs, or 2 months’ imprisonment 1 month’s imprisonment Committed for trial Fined 20s., or 48 hours’ imprisonment Alexander Lakie Drunk and disorderly and exposConst. Wildermoth... ing his person in public Peter Conden Drunk and disorderly Sergt. Pratt ... Fined 20s. and costs


Names. Country. Offence. Sentence. Date of Discharge. Age. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Bemabks. Margaret ... ... Ireland Stealing cattle 2 months July 27, 1872 36 5ft 3in Stout Buddy Brown Grey .... Math IrelandPrussia ■ ' cattleStealing 2 months hours July 3635 Sin 6ft 3£in StoutMedium BuddyFresh BrownDo. Grey — Prussia Drunkenness 24 hours July 23, 1872 36 6ft 3fin Medium Fresh : Do. Blue • >'■ Frederick ... England Indecent exposure days July 26, 24 Jin 6 Do. Pale brown L. grey — Frank Lawton America a Larceny months 1872 28 5ft 6fin Stout Fresh Black blue L. Barman ;• James Senior Snoswell, England disorderly 96 1872 29, July 34 lljin Do. Do. Brown Blue Fisherman Bathurst George Do. Vagrancy 1 July 25 2fin Do. Swarthy Black Do. Labourer Brown Scotland disorderly Drunk hours July 31, 47 7|in Slight Fresh Dark Do. Carpenter James Caffery Ireland Do. 1 week Aug. 3, 1872 44 6ft 7in Do. Pale Brown Do. Labourer Thomas Price IrelandEngland Larceny 6 months Aug. 3, 1872 38 5ft 6-2-in Medium Do. Light Hazel Clerk England Do. Do. Larceny 1 week 6 months Aug. 3, 1872 Aug. 3, 1872 Aug. 3, 1872 . 44 V 38 5ft; 7inf 6ft 6Jin Do. Medium Pale D6;i: r Brown Light; Grey V Do.. Hazel Labourer Clerk V John Wilfully exposing his person Do. 64 6ft 7Jin Stout Do. Brown. Labourer Do. Wilfully exposing his person to females Do. Aug. 3, 1872 54 6ft 7|in Stout Do. Grey Brown Labourer ' to females • \ ‘ " • • Long Do. language Using and disorderly, v 14 days July 29, 1872 60 5ft 6in Do. Fresh Brown Do. Bootmaker using obscene language 14 days July 29, 1872 50 5ft 6in Do. Fresh Brown Do. Bootmaker John Ireland Do. July 34 7in Do. Dark Black Grey Labourer using obscene language Assault . . i; . . ■ ' Patrick Do. : 1 month July 28, 1872 37 5ft 7Jin : Slight Do. D. brown Brown — Assault 1 month July 28, 1872 37 6ft 7f in Slight Do. D. brown Brown — Bichard Harper England and 48 1872 Aug. 42 6in Stout Fresh Sandy Blue Fisherman Thomas Do. exposing Drunk 96 1872 Aug. 63 7in Do., Pale Grey Brown Labourer. Alfred Do. and 24 Aug. 30 9in Slight Do. Light Grey Labourer John ... Scotland Exposing person Do. Aug. 1872 27 7in Stout Fresh Fair Do. Labourer Mary Ireland Drunkenness 48 1872 24 lin. Do. Dark brown Brown — waiter, Seaman, , J J Bead, ohnny America Obtaining money by 9 months ' Aug. 12,1872 29 6ft 3Jin Medium Pale Brown Hazel pretences Iron grey and cook 9 months Aug. 12,1872 29 5ft 3^in Medium Pale Brown Hazel Seaman, waiter, barman, and cook John England Vagrancy 12 17,Aug. 69 4in Stout Fresh Blue Cook Iron grey Blue Cook Michael ... Ireland language, 6 months and 48 Aug. 17,1872 66 6ft 4in' Medium Do. Grey Do. Gardener disorderly and 48hours (By pardon) hours Aug. 17,1872 (By pardon) 56 5ft 4in Medium Do. Grey Do. Gardener ClarkMargaret Do. Vagrancy months 1872 36 2in Slight Pale Dark Grey Prostitute John England Drunk and 48 hours 1872 36 8in 5ft Stout Fair Brown Do. Labourer John Baker Do. Do. hours 96 14,Aug. 39 5ft Do. Fresh Do. Blue Labourer Michael ... Horrigan Ireland and destruction Fined 10s. Aug. 16,1872 28 :6ft 8in Do. Dark Do. Grey Labourer of property Fined 10s. Aug. 15,1872 28 5ft 8in Do. Dark Do. Grey Labourer Scott Scotland Mental derangement On remand Aug. 21,1872 33 6ft 4in Slender Pale Sprinkl’d with grey Do. Teacher Mental derangement On remand Aug. 21,1872 33 6ft 4in ; Slender Pale Sprinkl’c with grej Do. Teacher George Brown 5ft 6Jin France Assault 14 24,Aug. 26. Stout Fresh Black Brown Sailor 5ft 6|-in Stout Fresh Black Brown Sailor Tindall Scotland Vagrancy 6 Aug. 35 Jin Do. Do. Dark Blue Labourer Martin .... Do. Do. 1 21,1872 -Aug. 28 5ft Do. Pale Brown Do. Prostitute John England and disorderly 48 hours 1872 Aug. 60 Sin Do. Do. Dark Brown Cook George, alias ... Do. conduct 1 1872 Aug. 31 8Jin Medium Do. Do. Dark Butcher Joseph Widby Jamaica Vagrancy months 1872 42 8in Stout Coloured Black Black — ■ Dennis England Stealing 14 1872 22 6Jin Do. Swarthy Brown Grey Sailor James Do. Larceny months 1872 26,Aug. 23 4in 6ft Do. Fresh Sandy Blue Labourer Sullivan Do. Do. months 3 1872 Aug. 70 4in Do. Pale Grey Do. Labourer alias Do. Do. 6 1872 29,Aug. 67 6ft 3in Do. Do. Dark Hazel Labourer (By pardon) Aug. 30,1872 . 67 6ft 3in Do. Do. Dark Hazel Labourer Edward McEvoy 1Scotland Drunk disorderly hours 48 60 6ft 6Jin Do. Fresh Grey Blue Labourer (By pardon) Aug. 30, 1872 50 5ft 6Jin Do. Fresh Grey Blue Labourer


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 9, 2 September 1872, Page 35

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Missing Friends. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 9, 2 September 1872, Page 35

Missing Friends. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 9, 2 September 1872, Page 35

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