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The following statement shows the disposal of the total funds (including those of the central bodies) as at the 31st December, 1949.

Sickness The number of members sick during 1949 was 14,744, equal to 19-8 per 100 members at risk. The sickness experienced during 1949 was 321,329 weeks, equal to 21 week* 5 days per sick member and 4 weeks 2 days for each member at risk. Mortality The number of members who died during 1949 was 1,147, equal to 14-9 per 1,000 members at risk. The number of wives of members who died was 356. Sick and Funeral Funds The contributions and entrance fees paid to Sick and Funeral Funds in 1949 amounted to £160,077. Divided by the mean number of members, the average for 1949 was £2 Is. 10dL, as against £2 Is. Bd. for 1948. The interest and rent received by the lodges and central bodies amounted to £224,994 in 1949, equal to £2 18s. 9d. per member, as against £2 17s. 6d. for 1948. The amount of sickness benefit paid was £168,883 in 1949, equal to £ll 9s. Id. per member sick and £2 4s. Id. per member, as against £ll Bs. 6d. and £2 ss. 3d. respectively for Viewing the amount paid in relation to the weeks of sickness, the average benefit per week is found to be 10s. 6d. in 1949, as against 10s. lOd. for 1948. The funeral benefit paid amounted to £63,521 in 1949, equal to 16s. 7d. per member,, as compared with 16s. 9d. for 1948. The total worth of the Sick and Funeral Funds at the beginning of 1949 was £5,324,018, and at the end of the year £5,252,029. Investment of Funds The net income from investments credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1949 amounted to £224,994, the average rate being £4 6s. lid. per cent., as against £4 6s. 7d. in 1948. PART lI—TRADE-UNIONS There were three unions on the register at the end of the year.


Funds. Assets. Sick and Funeral Funds .. Surplus Appropriation Funds, &e. Management Funds, goods, &c. Distress, Benevolent Funds, &c. £ . 5,252,029 882,319 336,021 236,344 Investments at interest Value of land and buildings Cash not bearing interest .. Value of Goods Other assets Owing by Management Funds Total .. £ . 6,167,774 295,203 195,778 19,533 24,567 3,858 £6,706,713 . £6,706,713