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Due to the demand for the services of surveyors both within and outside the Service, it has not been possible to attract surveyors into the Department. The number of staff surveyors has been further reduced to twenty-six, practically all of whom are engaged on land-settlement surveys. Basic survey works such as topographical mapping, precise levelling, survey control traverses, and survey maintenance are, however, entirely at a standstill. This state of affairs will seriously handicap progress in many fields of engineering, scientific, and national development. It will be necessary to at least double field staff if any attempt is made to deal adequately with this work. Eeference will be made in the detailed report which follows to the serious position that has arisen in regard to arrears of work, staff shortage, and additional functions and responsibilities. ROUTINE ACTIVITIES The following schedule summarizes the field-work carried out by staff and contract surveyors for the year ending 31st March, 1948 :

Summary of Field-work

This summary comprises all classes of survey work carried out by staff and contract surveyors, the bulk of the expenditure being confined to three items —namely, (i) topographical surveys for land-settlement, 227,639 acres (192,563) ; (ii) rural and landsettlement title surveys, 132,271 acres (90,308); and (iii) town and housing section surveys, 2,149 lots (1,614), last year's figures being shown in parentheses. The larger expenditure under topographical mapping (1 : 63360) is an amount brought forward from previous years for topographical maps published during the year. No actual field-work was carried out under this heading during the year. The item " Extra-urban planning " covers the cost of the preparation of basic maps for various extra-urban planning requirements and includes the preparation of two schemes at Tekapo (South Canterbury) and Wanaka (Central Otago), which are nearing completion. Except for the item " Geodetic triangulation," which is dealt with later in the report, the schedule bears out the fact that essential basic control surveys are falling into serious arrears.


Class of Survey. 1 Area or Mileage, &c. Average Cost. Total Cost. Geodetic triangulation £ s. d. 3,291 7 10 Minor triangulation 1,693 square miles 13-42s. per square mile 1,135 17 9 Topographical mapping (1 : 63360) 784 square miles £5-30 per square mile 4,156 16 0 Topographical survey for settlement 227,639 acres .. 6-41d. per acre 6,081 5 7 Topographical survey for housing 566 acres 45-96s. per acre 1,300 13 9 Rural and settlement surveys 132,271 acres .. 2-66s. per acre 17,578 10 3 Village and suburban surveys 746 acres 67-87s. per acre 2,531 12 11 Town and housing section surveys 2,149 lots £4-44 per lot 9,547 9 7 Maori land surveys 1,851 acres 8-75s. per acre 810 1 5 Standard surveys 9-5 miles £50-56 per mile 480 7 8 Road and railway surveys 41-75 miles £54-66 per mile 2,282 6 1 Maintenance of survey marks 710 9 7 Inspection and investigation surveys . . 1,699 3 9 Precise levelling 64 2 9 Location of boundaries and compass 1,138 9 0 surveys Police' surveys and Court attendance .. 254 3 0 Extra-urban planning 1,253 2 4 Miscellaneous 2,751 2 6 Total cost 57,067 1 9