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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from, the Journal* of the House of Representatives. . Thursday, the 11th Day op July, 1040. Ordered, " That a Select Committee bo appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all Bills containing provisions of a technical legal character which may be referred to it, with power to confer and sit together with any similar Committee appointed by the Legislative Council: the Committee to consist of the Hon. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Bodkin, Mr. Broadfoot, Mr. Endean, Mr. Macfarlane, Mr. Munro, the Rev. Mr. Nordmever, Mr. Richards, Mr. Schramm, and the Mover." —(Right Hon. Mr. Fraser, for Hon. Mr. Mason.) Ordered, " That during the present session all Select Committees appointed by the House have leave to sit on days on which the House is not sitting, provided that when it is proposed to sit on any such day at least three days' notice shall be given to each member of the Committee of the date of the sitting."—(Right Hon. Mr. Eraser.) Wednesday, the 31st Day of July, 1940. Ordered, " That the Insurance Companies Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Nash.) Friday, the 23rd Day of August, 1940. Ordered, " That the Statutes Amendment Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Mason.) Ordered, "That the Carriage by Air Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."—(Hon. Mr. .Tones.) Tuesday, the 26th Day of November, 1940. Ordered, "That the Sea Carriage of Goods Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."—(Right Hon. Mr. Eraser.)

REPORTS. Carriage by Atr Bill. I/have the honour to report that the Statutes Revision Committee has carefully considered the Carriage by Air Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 28th August, 1940.

Statutes Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Statutes Revision Committee has carefully considered the Statutes Amendment Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 28th August, 1940.