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Section XVTT.—New Zealand Centennial Celebrations. 76. It had been decided that H.M. ships on the New Zealand station would visit various ports in New Zealand during local Centennial celebrations. On the outbreak of hostilities these proposals were cancelled. H.M.S. " Leander," however, visited Waitangi during the celebrations connected with the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, when the landing of Captain Hobson was re-enacted. 77. A naval display was also arranged in the Government Court of the New Zealand Centennial Exhibition at Wellington. Preparations had been made some considerable time in advance of the actual opening date of the Exhibition, but on the outbreak of hostilities the original display had to be considerably curtailed as stafi and time were not available to prepare many of the exhibits. Models of ships, together with other items of naval interest, were obtained from England. W. E. Parry, Commodore, Chief of the Naval Staff.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (012 copies), £9 10a.

Authority: E, V, Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1940,

Price fid.]