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25. ENDOWED SCHOOLS AND REGISTERED PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The following table summarizes the returns furnished by endowed schools and registered private secondary schools with respect to the years 1937 and 1938 : —

Table T.

26. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. On the Ist July, 1938, there were 1,793 primary pupils and 949 secondary pupils on the roll of the Correspondence School. These figures represent an increase of 92 and a decrease of 12 respectively when compared with the figures for the previous year. When the roll at Ist December is considered, however, an increase of 76 pupils is recorded over that of the previous year. The work of the school proceeded satisfactorily during the year, and the school continues to bring to its pupils the benefits of instruction in subjects of a varied curriculum. 27. KINDERGARTEN SCHOOLS. The number of schools, pupils on the roll, average attendance and average weekly roll at schools conducted in 1938 by recognized kindergarten associations were as follows : —

Table U.

28. CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS. The consolidation of small schools on a central school was continued during the year As stated in the Introduction to this report, 113 small schools were consolidated on seventy-three centres, which represents considerably increased progress when compared with the number of schemes for consolidation approved in previous years.


1937. 1938. Number of schools .. .. • • • • 57 57 Roll at 1st July 5,«9 Average attendance .. •■ •• •• 5,167 o,«W0 Teachers (inclusive of head teachers)— Men •■ ■• •• •• 154 1B7 Women '. »* 215 Totals 358 72

Pupila on Roll at Average Attendance, Average Weekly Association. Number of Schools. End of 1938> 193 8. Roll, 1938. Auckland .... 11 «7 380 475 Hastings .... 1 « f % Hutt Valley .. 1 & ![ J^ Wellington".. .. 7 299 257 300 Christchurch .. 7 4)1 306 384 Dunedin .... 6 314 249 307 Invercargill .. •• 4 149 Totals, 1938 ~ ~37 _ 1,756 1,380 1,697 Totals, 1937 36 1,687 1,323 Difierence.. +1 +69 +57 +.1W