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Table F2 .-Age and Classification of Pupils attending Registered Private Secondary and Endowed Schools as at 1st July, 1938.

7. REGULARITY OF ATTENDANCE. The attendance at primary schools and intermediate schools and departments was seriously affected during the year by the illness of pupils. During the winter term an epidemic of measles caused attendances to drop in all districts. In some education districts the regularity of attendance was the lowest recorded for many years. 8. STAFFS OF SCHOOLS. The following table shows the number of teachers in the public primary schools of the different grades.

Table H1.-Number of Teachers employed in Primary Departments of Public Schools, December, 1938.


Form III. Form IV. Form V. Form VI. Totals. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boye. Girls. - . 10 years and under 11 .. 1 . • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • 1 11 „ 12 .. 5 5 .. 1 5 6 12 13 .. 79 102 10 2 89 104 13 U 352 461 73 122 1 4 .. .. 426 587 U 15 . 301 339 331 406 82 62 3 1 717 808 15 16 162 114 293 311 227 258 18 11 700 694 ,',; 17 28 15 93 135 286 308 74 76 481 534 1 7 18 10 .. 27 25 160 119 51 116 248 260 18 19 2 . 7 3 46 14 28 34 83 51 19 20 2 .. 2 .. 11 2 5 17 5 20 ',', 21 .. 1 •• 2 3 .. 6 .. 21 and over .. • • 1 1...... 10 .. 12 Totals .. •• 944 1,036 838 1,005 814 765 189 243 2,785 3,049 Median age, in years and 14 1 13 11 15 0 14 11 16 4 16 2 17 0 17 4 months [ .

Sole Teachers. ! Head Teachers. ££££ Total Teaohers - Grade of School.* M. i F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Total. I - - I Grade I (1-8) .. 43 83 43 83 126 Grade II (9-24) .. 470 280 .. 1 ... 1 470 282 752 Grade III (25-70) .: 161 81 380 132 11 510 3 5 555 728 1,283 Grade IV (71-190) .1 1 •• 280 23 46 592 56 57 383 672 1,055 Grade V (191-350) .. .. . .. 1H 2 148 408 55 89 317 499 816 Grade VI (over 350) .... 173 .. 540 1,264 128 226 841 1,490 2,331 Totals 1938 675 444 947 158 745 2,775 242 377 2,609 3,754 6,363 Totals! 1937 .. 713 511 936 160 860 3,046 f | 2,509 3,717 6,226 Difference .. -38 -67 +11 -2 -115 -271 +242 +377 +100 +37 +137 * The o-rade of school given above is the grade in which the school is placed when all attached side schools are included, while part-time schools taught by the same teacher are counted as one school. I These figures were included under "Assistant Teachers" in 11>37.