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APPENDIX A —continued.

E. L. Gbeensmith, Accountant. C. J. McKenzie, Engineer-in-Chief and Under-Secretary. Examined and found correct, subject to the foregoing departmental note. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


Vote No. Name of Vote. priation. Expenditure. j Credits in Aid. Expenditure. Public Works Fund. General Purposes Account — £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 34 Public Works, Departmental .. .. 109,075 216,568 8 5 140,082 11 7 76,485 16 10 Railways— 35 Railway-construction .. .. 5,000 7,675 6 6 37,048 3 2 Cr. 29,372 16 8 36 Railways Improvements and Additions to 227,000 184,615 5 5 29,642 5 7 154,972 19 10 Open Lines Public Buildings— 37 General .. .. .. .. 33,500 30,915 3 1 113 10 0 30,801 13 1 38 Courthouses.. .. .. .. 18,000 532 18 5 .. 532 18 5 39 Education Buildings .. .. .. 150,000 62,183 4 7 10,677 6 8 51,505 17 11 40 Prison Buildings and Works .. .. 2,600 1,658 15 3 54 0 2 1,604 15 1 41 Police-stations" .. .. .. 7,500 2,797 15 1 44 0 0 2,753 15 1 42 Postal and Telegraph .. .. 133,000 109,909 14 2 9,425 12 2 100,484 2 0 43 Mental Hospital Buildings .. .. 90,000 98,713 17 0 84 5 0 98,629 12 0 44 Health and Hospital Institutions .. 4,350 656 0 2 .. 656 0 2 Lighthouses and Harbour-works — 45 Lighthouses .. .. .. .. 8,000 4,020 13 9 .. 4,020 13 9 46 Harbour-works .. .. .. 6,000 3,994 2 0 1,412 15 7 2,581 6 5 47 Development of Tourist Resorts .. 15,800 13,409 18 3 529 17 3 12,880 1 0 48 Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. 509,500 524,331 12 10152,758 15 11 371,572 16 11 49 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. 260,000 187,932 1 11 51,999 7 7 135,932 14 4 50 Lands, Miscellaneous .. .. .. 120,000 148,432 14 8 66,341 0 9 82,091 13 11 51 Irrigation, Water-supply, and Drainage .. 84,000 117,554 .19 2 26,313 18 9 91,241 0 5 52 Swamp Land Drainage .. .. 20,250 25,254 14 10 10,235 10 0 15,019 4 10 53 Plant, Material, and Services .. .. 30,000 203,532 13 10 214,046 1 3 Cr. 10,513 7 5 54 Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. 375,000 251,440 18 10 29,132 2 9 222,308 16 1 55 Native Land Settlement .. .. 140,629 230,272 12 8104,604 7 10 125,668 4 10 Unauthorized —Services not provided for .. .. 30,395 0 8 30,272 19 10 122 0 10 Totals, General Purposes Account .. 2,349,204 2,456,798 11 6914,818 11 101,541,979 19 8 W.lorWto Vkl.1l A oertii wt 56 Development of Water-power .. .. 751,250 589,969 19 9 34,450 19 2 555,519 0 7 Totals, Public Works Fund .. .. 3,100,454 3,046,768 11 3 949,269 11 0 2,097,499 0 3 Note. —This statement includes only the expenditure on works, and does not include expenditure such as interest, sinking funds, and charges and expenses of loans.