WAY AND WORKS BRANCH. The following are the principal features connected with the operations of the Way and Works Branch during the year : — Permanent-way. —The relaying done during the year was as follows : — _ Miles. Main line and branches, 53 lb., 551b., 561b., 701b., and 1001b., relaid with 701b. and 100 lb. new material .. .. •• •• 19J Main line and branches relaid with second-hand material 55 lb., 56 lb., and 70 lb. 2^ Total • • • • 21| Branch Lines.—During the year 60 additional motor-trollies have been supplied to gangs on branch lines thus enabling further economy to be effected in the maintenance of these lines. Sleepers.—The number of new sleepers placed in the track during the year was 164,665. Ballasting.—During the year 122,494 cubic yards of ballast was placed on the track. Slips, floods.. cfec.—On the 12th and the 13th May, 1932, slips occurred at four points between Aongatete and Omokoroa (East- Coast Main Trunk line), causing interruption of traffic. On the 25th June, 1932, a large boulder fell on to the track between Piriaka and Kakahi, delaying one train for about half an hour. A slip occurred between Mangamahoe and Eketahuna on the 30th August, 1932, while a further fall occurred the following day, completely blocking the line until the 2nd September. Owing to heavy rain, portion of the Foxton Branch was flooded, necessitating the cancellation of all trains from the 30th August, to the Ist September, 1932, inclusive. On the 28th August, 1932, a flood carried away about 50 ft. of the embankment at the north end of bridge No. 49 (near Tauherenikau), blocking all traffic for six days. On the Ist September, 1932, a slip about 3 chains in length occurred near Puketeraki, filling a cutting to a depth of about 20 ft. Traffic was restored within twenty-four hours by laying a deviation over the slip. On the 18th September, 1932, the bank at north end of Kopua Viaduct slipped out towards the river on the western side of line and left about 200 ft. of track unsupported. Sleeper cribs were erected to carry a temporary track and the line was ready for traffic on the 23rd September. A slip came down between Mangamahoe and Eketahuna on the 24th October, 1932, and the following day a further slip occurred at the same place. On the latter day a small slip and washout occurred between Pahiatua and Mangatainoka causing delays to traffic. On the 12th December, 1932, a washout half a chain long occurred on the Tuatapere Branch between Tuatapere and Pikopiko. Traffic was suspended for the day. On the 9th February, 1933, a slip occurred between Ngaurukehu and Mataroa, there being several large rocks of up to 5 tons in weight amongst the debris. Traffic was disorganized for a few hours as a result. During the night of the 21st-22nd March, 1933, an exceptionally heavy downpour of rain occurred on the North Island Main Trunk line, extending from Porootarao to Karioi. This caused serious slips, washouts, and subsidences, and completely blocked the line in several places. The worst occurrences were as follow : Between Te K.oura and Okahukura the pumice filling collapsed under the weight of a train over a length of 36 ft., the engine, one car, and van being partially derailed. Between Manunui and Piriaka a large slip occurred and carried 2 chains_ of formation and track with it. Between Kakahi and Owhango the outside of an embankment slipped away for a length of 30 ft., extending to within 1 ft. of the ends of sleepers at the worst place. On the 23rd March, 1933, an embankment between Piriaka and Kakahi subsided 4 ft., and moved out of line a similar distance. Buildings.—All buildings have been maintained in good repair. The goods-shed at Marton and houses at Te Puna, Ngaurukehu, Pukerua Bay, Cliff Road, and Rakaia were totally destroyed by fire during the year. Houses at Gisborne, Kopua, Tawa Flat, Pukeuri, Mosgiel, and Invercargill were also damaged by fire. Railway Improvements—The principal works carried out during the year were as follow : New turntables (70 ft.) were installed at Frankton Junction, Taumarunui, Taihape, and Paekakariki locomotive depots, to provide facilities for turning the new class K locomotives. Yard alterations at Okahukura and Stratford were commenced in readiness for the opening of the Stratford-Main Trunk Railway. Grade-easement and deviation at Caroline Bay (Timaru) were practically completed. Bridge Reconstruction.—The work of strengthening and renewing bridges was continued during the year The strengthening of the Makohine Viaduct was completed, also the reconstruction of the Patea Bridge. The reconstruction of the Wangaehu Bridge is in hand. In the South Island the reconstruction of the Opihi and Otaio Bridges was completed and the strengthening of the piers of the Pareora Bridge is in hand. Expenditure —The Way and Works expenditure charged to working-expenses amounted to £287 per mile, as compared with £307 in 1931-32, £346 in 1930-31, £347 in 1929-30, and £340 in 1928-29. Mileage.—The mileage of track open for traffic on the 31st March, 1933, was 3,241 m. 34 ch.