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India, Egypt, the Sudan, the Union of South Africa, the Commonwealth of Australia, and certain colonies and protectorates. The grant in aid from the Imperial Treasury, is £1,000, the contribution from India £500, the Sudan £300, the Union of South Africa £300, the Commonwealth of Australia £200, and colonial and protectorate Governments sums ranging from £200 to £50. 7. 1 feel sure that your Government will recognize the excellent work of the Bureau and the value of such an institution. I have, &c, WINSTON S. CHURCHILL. Governor-General His Excellency the Righl Hon. Viscount Jellicoe, G C.8., 0.M., G.C.V.0., &c.

No. 24. New Zealand, No. 220. My Lord, — Downing Street, 23rd October, 1922. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's despatch, No. 227, of the Ist September, and to request you to convey to your Ministers the thanks of His Majesty's Government for the contribution of £1,000 which they have agreed to make to the funds of the Imperial Institute for the financial vear 1922 23. I have, &c. WINSTON S. CHURCHILL. Governor-General His Excellencv the Right Hon. Viscount Jellicoe, G.C.8., 0.M., G.C.V.0., &c.

No. 25. New Zealand, Dominions No. 390. My Lord, Downing Street, Ist November, 1922. With reference to my predecessor's despatch, Dominions No. 423, of the 13th October, 1921, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, copies of a circular issued by the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament regarding nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize lor 1923. 2. I should lie glad if your Ministers would cause the conditions of the prize to be made known to those bodies and persons who tire qualified to nominate candidates. 1 have, &c, DEVONSHIRE. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Viscount Jellicoe, G.C.8., 0.M., G.C.V.0., &c. ■ Enclosure. Nobel Committee oh the Norwegian Parliament. Nobel Peace Prize. Ai.i. proposals of candidates lor the Nobel Peace Prize, which is to be distributed 10th December, 1923, must, in order to be taken into consideration, be laid before the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliamenl by a. duly qualified person before the first February, 1023. Any one of the following persons is held to be duly qualified : (a) Members and late members of the Nobel Com mi I tee of the Norwegian Parliament, as well as the advisers appointed at the Norwegian Nobei Institute; (l>) members of Parliamenl and members of Government of the different States, as well as members of the Interparliamentary Union; (<•) members of the international Arbitration Court at. the Hague ; (il) members of the Commission of the Permanent International Peace Bureau ; (e) members and associates of the Institute of International Law ; (f) university professors of political science and of law, of history and of philosophy ; and (</) persons who have received the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize may also be accorded to institutions or associations. According to the Code of Statutes, section S the grounds upon which any proposal is made must be stated, and handed in along with such papers and other documents as may therein lie re 'erred to. According to section 3, every written work, to qualify for a prize, must have appeared in print. For particulars, qualified persons are requested to apply to the office of the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament, Drammensvei 19, Kristiania.