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4. It is proposed at present to send ten free copies of each issue to the New Zealand Government, but if this number either exceeds or falls short of their actual requirements they will no doubt communicate with Dr. Butler direct, and at the same time will inform him of the address to which they wish the copies of the journal to be forwarded. The copies will in the meantime be transmitted to you. 1 have, &c, WINSTON S. CHURCHILL. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Viscount Jellicoe, GOB., 0.M., G.C.V.0., &c.

Enclosure. * L Review of Applied Mycology." The Imperial Bureau of Mycology has undertaken the publication of a monthly abstracting journal, the Review of Applied Mycology, for trie purpose of supplying, month by month, a. summary of the work published in all countries on the diseases of plants and various other aspects of economic mycology. The first number will lie issued in January, 1922, and it is hoped to complete a volume of between four and five hundred pages annually. Mycologists and plant pathologists often find it difficult to keep themselves informed of the progress of work in other countries. The publications in which an account of current work is given are, very numerous and are scattered through a very large number of journals, many of which only occasionally contain an article of interest. There are few, if any, libraries in which all these publications can be found, while the working mycologists in the overseas parts of the British Empire often have access to only a small proportion of them. The Committee of the Imperial Bureau of Mycology have accordingly felt that it is in the highest degree desirable to start the publication of a compact yet comprehensive survey of current literature dealing with the various aspects of applied mycology, on the lines of the Review of Applied Entomology published by the Imperial Bureau of Entomology. This survey will be in the form of abstracts in which special attention will be given to the diseases of tropical crops and similar matters of interest to mycologists in the overseas parts of the British Empire. It is fully recognized that the success of the Renew will depend largely on the co-operation of all those interested in the practical applications of mycology and plant pathology, and the committee earnestly appeal to all such persons to aid liy the prompt supply of local pub] cations and by keeping the Bureau advised of developments likely to be of interest to workers in other parts of the Empire, such as the outbreak of new diseases or the spread of old ones. Though the chief object of the new journal is to give an up-to-date summary of the current work bearing on the practical application of the study of plant-diseases to the reduction of the wastage due to such diseases in agriculture, the fundamental researches on which most, progress in this direction is based have a wider appeal. The Review will enable all those who are interested in the progress of science to follow the development of one of its younger branches. The pure scientist will, it is hoped, find many sidelights on the wider problems on which he is engaged, while the practical grower will be able to learn the experience in other countries with improved methods for controlling plant-diseases. E. J. Butler.

No. 9. New Zealand, Dominions No. 47. My Lord, — Downing Street, 9th February, 1922. 1 have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have decided that the service pensions of Royal Navy pensioners who served in Dominion navies during the war shall be reassessed on the same scale as would have been proper had they served in the Royal Navy during the same period. 2. Under this ruling pensioner service to the 31st March, 1919, only will be taken into consideration. The concession is subject to the condition that pension contribution at the rate of £18 a year shall be paid by the pensioner for the period of service in respect of which the reassessment is made. If desired, the pension contribution will be recovered from pensions by suitable instalments. 3. This decision will not apply to pensioners who were serving in a civilian capacity. I have, &c, WINSTON S. CHURCHILL. Governor-General His Excellency The Right Hon. Viscount Jellicoe, G.C.8., 0.M., G.C.V.0., &c,