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Otaki Sanatorium and Hospital. —These institutions, under Dr. Curtis, Medical Superintendent, continue to perform useful service. Pukeora Sanatorium. —Dr. Short's report is a record of much useful work of a professional and administrative nature. SECTION S.—BOARD OF HEALTH, Etc. Five meetings of the Board of Health were held during the year, and a large number of important matters were dealt with. On the recommendation of the Board, a committee from its members was set up to inquire and report regarding venereal diseases in New Zealand. The committee's report was adopted by the Board, and subsequently presented to Parliament. It is hoped that legislation will shortly be passed giving effect to the committee's recommendations. The report has awakened widespread interest in the subject throughout the country. Other matters dealt with by the Board during the year have been railway sanitation, maternal mortality, housing, private maternity hospitals, and the Hospitals Amendment Bill. In a number of cases the Board has exercised its coercive powers under section 22 of the Health Act, 1920, calling upon local bodies to carry out certain sanitary works. The Government owes the members of the Board a debt of gratitude for the valuable" services they have rendered during the year. Medical Practitioners Act, 1914. Four meetings of the Medical Board were held during the year under review. The following table, covering the past five years, summarizes the Board's work so far as the granting of applications by medical men for registration, &c, are concerned :—

The work of the Medical Board is largely of a confidential nature and involves inquiries into charges of misconduct which from timo to time are made against medical practitioners. A number of such cases have been dealt with during the year. The Board has under consideration at the moment some suggested amendments to the Act which, if passed into law, should improve the present statute. Plumbers Registration Act, 1912. Two meetings of the Plumbers' Board, constituted under the above Act, were held during the year. Examinations under the Act were held in June and November. At the Juno examination ninety candidates presented themselves for the theoretical portion, and eighty-three for the practical, the results being that seven candidates passed in the theoretical and sixteen in the practical, whilst nine qualified for' registration, and their names were duly placed on the register. At the November examination 130 candidates presented themselves for the theoretical part and 113 for the practical part, the result in each case being eleven and seventeen passes respectively. Seven qualified for registration, and had their names duly recorded on the register. To date the names of 1,440 plumbers have been entered in the register, and thirty-two names removed through death. During the year 1,203 pocket certificates of registration were issued. Masseurs Registration Act, 1920. Four meetings of the Masseurs' Registration Board were held, during the year. Altogether sixtyseven applications for registration were considered, and of this number six were refused. The Board also held two examinations under the Act, six candidates presenting themselves, of whom four were successful. To date 394 names have been entered on the register. T. H. A. Valintine, Director-General of Health.

1918. I 1919. 1920. 1921. 1920. Number on register on 1st January Number added during year by registration Number added during year by restoration Number removed during year on evidence of death .. Number removed during year by direction of Medical Board — Ceased to practise Letter not delivered and returned to Registrar-General Reported dead Number removed during year by direction of Supreme Court 969 30 3 17 985 48 3 20 1,015 71* 5 25 1,064 60t 4 10 1,071 33J 1 8 1 40 7 1 21 2 "2 Number on register at end of year .. 985 1,015 1,064 1,071 1,073 * Includes 36 with New Zealand qualifications. 1 with New Zealand qualifications. f Includes 28 with New Zealai id qualifici itions. J Includes