List of Public Schools, the Staff, etc. — continued. AUCKLAND— continued.
oi Namk of School. Names, Classification, and Status Schools are colored in the order ot the graiies in the Schedule of the g Education Amendment Act, 1908, and in alphahotical order in each grade. a Thf, letters "D.H.S." arc entered £ after the name of each District High u - H , , u Teachers on the Staff at the Part-time Schools or the several - v, ,1 ,,i ti,,.-\,. .- „ r . , i * ■ . Cr'r*i| IMC i I ■. i . parts ot one School are bracketc i i here, and reckoned asoue School, and : r inserted in the fi ade of their joint > attendance. (8.) Names, Classification, and Statu Annual Kates of Payment s of Teaohers, during lust Month oi Year. „, For Salary, g a Including Lodging j j •t __. allowances to * 9 5 - = ~o Pupil-teachers <r§'0 51 [The full rate of z ? % salary of teachers on '"Xo x '7. leave is shown, there* £ ~ Zj z. ileving teaoher being -_. 11111 iked '* Subs.'] it.1 (7.1 s of Teai ibers. Annual Hates of Payment during lust Month of Year. Gradh: 4— continued. Harrisvillo .. .. N 54 Hill, Alfred K. Whiting, Dorothy H. Herekino .. .. .. j N 37 Robertson, James .. .. McGinley, Eileen K. A. Hikutaia .. .. . . N 53 i Walters, Ernest J. .. ; Woods, Eileen I. Hobsonville .. .. .. I 67 Squire, Donald S. B. Criffiths, Gwladys I. K. HouVora .. .. .. N 44 Keid, Robert T. Gerrand, Kathleen L. £ s. d. £ D2 HM 190 0 0 .. AF 90 0 0 D2 HM 185 0 0 25 AF 90 0 0 D2 I HM 200 0 0 AF 90 0 0 Cl HM 200 0 0 25 (1 AF 95 0 0 C2 HM 200 0 0 25 AF 90 0 0 " out .° Il 42 : Stuart, Claude G .. Parakao .. .. .. N | Howick .. .. .... -50 Jodkins, Alfred J. T. Vinoent, Elizabeth M. Hukanui .. .. .. N 66 Ryan. Arabella C. .. Redgrave, Katherinc (i. Hukerenui Souih .. .. N 50 Trimmer, John H. .. j Joll, Emily S. L. Hunua .. .. .... 34 Fox, Norman S. Kenny, Kathleen E. B. Kaiwaka .. .. .... 31 Haeusler, Mrs. Emily M. L, .. Katikili No. 2 .. .. N 37 Boswell, James Goodyear, Catherine A. Katikati No. 3 .. .... 34 Leech, Joshua S. Lewis, Gwladus R. .. atui • • ' • • • N I u Boswell Charles W. .. Aranga .. ,, .. .. J Kaukapakapa .. .. N 69 Roller, Frederiok R,.. Ross, Hazel E. .. .. j Kawakawa ., N 7S Perkins, Edward Wilkins, Elsie A. .. Kawhia ., ,, .. N 50 Floyd, Alfred B. Cowern, Caroline M. I. Kilnkihi .. .. ., N 72 Perry, Arthur M. .. Ashby, Nina M. Kinpaka .. .. .. N 15 Rodgers, Thomas I Young, Edith M. Komata .. .. .... 48 Read, Thomas Page, Frances M. .. Koromatua .. .. .. I .„ --».,_,. ...u„„ n , .., r 42 Benton, Arthur Tuhikarumei .. .. .. ) Kuaotunu.. .. .... 01 Dean, William F. Vialoux, Kate V. Manawaru .. ... 06 Keaney, John J. , Grigg, Stella Mangapebi .. .. N 60 Hayson, Bertrand W. Johnson, Winifred .. Mangaroa.. .. .... 50 Mooney, Tnomas B. F. Moor, Dora E. .. Mangatete .. .. N 33 Cooper, Charles W" Mangawai Beach .. .... 39 Masson, William McLennan, Mrs. Jane A. Mangere .. .. .. N 63 Clark, Charles W. .. Ferguson, Evelyn M. C. Manurewa .. .... 74 McNaughtni, David W. Worsnop, Emily C. .. Craig, Bella Matakohe .. .. .. N 40 Dunning, Alec C. Campbell, Catherine A. Matangi .. .. .. N 62 Robinson, Ernest T. .. Jones, Florence M. D. Mauku West .. N 61 Gutry, George A. MoNnughton, Marion E. Maungakaramea .. .... 61 j Lamb, William O. Parkes, Margaret D. B. Ogden, Mary Mauugatapere .. .. N 46 j Goss, Mrs. Esther M. Norrish, Margaret E. Maungaturoto .. .... 59 i Collins, William j Grant, Annie J. Maunu .. ,. .... 36 Reynolds, Arthur E. Ferbr.iehe, Evelyn A, M 189 0 0 25 C2 HM 200 0 0 D5 AF 90 0 0 E2 HF 195 0 0 25 D4 AF 100 0 0 K2 HM . 200 0 0 AF 90 0 0 C2 HM 180 0 0 AF 90 0 0 E2 F 180 0 0 Cl HM 200 0 0 D4 AF 100 0 0 C3 HM 185 0 0 AF 90 0 0 C3 M 215 0 0 25 C2 HM 190 0 0 I) I AF 90 0 0 Cl HM 210 0 0 AF 90 0 0 C3 HM 180 0 0 AF 99 0 0 Dl HM 210 0 0 AF 108 0 0 D2 HM 200 0 0 25 AF 99 0 0 Dl HM 200 0 0 25 AF 90 0 0 C4 M 210 0 0 25 C2 HM 185 0 0 D4 AF 100 0 0 1)1 HM 210 0 0 U4 AF 95 0 0 D2 HM i Km 0 0 25 D4 AF 1 100 0 0 D3 HM I 180 0 0 25 AF 90 0 0 D2 ' M 200 0 0 25 C2 HM 200 0 0 25 E2 ' AF 90 0 0 D2 HM 200 0 0 D:) AF 110 0 0 Cl { HM 200 0 0 D3 ! AK 90 0 0 .. i FPrl 20 0 0 C2 ! HM 185 0 0 AF 90 0 0 C2 HM , 185 0 0 25 AF ! 99 0 0 D3 HM 200 0 0 D5 AF 95 0 0 Cl HM 200 0 0 Dl AF I Subs. ) W0 ° ° D2 HF 185 0 0 AF , 90 0 0 Dl HM 210 0 0 D3 AF 120 0 0 02 HM 180 0 0 D5 , AF 90 0 0