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APPENDIX G. ANNUAL REPORT ON ELECTRICAL WORK AND POWER SCHEMES, BY THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. The Elkctrical Engineer to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works, Sir.— Public Works Office, Wellington, 13th September, 1912. 1 have the honour to submit the following report on the various works entrusted to me during the past year :- — Electric Light and Power Licenses. The duly of issuing licenses authorizing local bodies and other persons to erect and use electric lines I'm- lighting and power purposes, and the preparation of the conditions prescribing the manner in which the work is to be carried out in the interest of public safety, also inspection during and after construction, has been taken over by the Public Works Department since the Ist January, 1912. Since that date the following licenses have been issued : —
In addition to the above, licenses have been or are in course of being drawn to authorize the following local bodies and others to erect new electric lines and extensions of existing lines : Napier Borough Council, Hastings Borough Council. Wellington Steam Kerry Company, Wairoa Borough Council. Featherston Motor-garage Company, (.ore Borough Council. Invercargill Borough Council. Mangaweka Town Board, Oamaru Borough Council, Thames Borough Council, Thomson-Payne Picture Company of Napier. Taihape Borough Council. Te Kuiti Borough Council. Ngaruawahia Town Board. Inspection. Inspection under licenses for electric lighting have been made for Mataura. Christchurch, Napier, and Hastings. Reports were made to the following Borough Councils: Akaroa (hydro-electric works) and Whangarei (proposed utilization of Wairua Falls for electric light and power purposes). Standards of electric pressure and frequency have been adopted as follows : Where alternating current is used the frequency to be 50 cycles per second, and where three-phase currents are used the pressure to be 400 volts between phases and 230 volts between each phase and the neutral. For direct current the pressures adopted are 230 volts and 460 volts. This standardization of pressure and frequency will result ultimately in cheapening the supplies for lighting and power purposes throughout the Dominion. Tramways. The duty of supervising the use of electricity as a motive power under the Tramways Act, 1908, has also been taken over by the Public Works Department since the 14th December, 1911. An inspection of the electrical equipment of the Invercargill Borough Tramways and rolling-stock was made, and the work was found to comply with the requirements of the authorizing Order in Council. An inspection was also made of the Hackthorne Road extension of the Christchurch Electric Tramways, which was also satisfactory. Gauging Rivers. Gauge readings are being taken of the following rivers : Kaituna. Waikato, Hutt, Northern Wairoa. and Makuri.
Name of Licensor. Purpose of License. Date of License. (Jhristchurch Tramway Board Lighting and power . . Power Jan. 23, 1912. Jan. 30, „ Feb.' 19, .' Te Aroha Borough Council Mataura Borough Council Christchurch Tramway Board jj • ■ Upper Hubt .Motion Picture Syndicate Franktoh Town Board Opotiki Borough Council lighting and power .. Power Electric lighi Lighting and power April 15, „ June 5, June 24. July 9. .. July 22. .. Aug. 19. ..