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W. B. Montgomery, Departmenl of Trade and Customs, Secretary of Customs, * Wellington, 17th May, 1910. Approximate Cost of Paper— Preparation, not given; printing (1,550 copies), £2 10s.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lo. Price 3d.] . [1580/5/10-6100

Coffee, Cocoa, and Chicory. Sugar. Ad Valorem roods. 'ear Total Population (including Maoris). I Lb. Per Head. B D a u e ty ° f Duty. Per Head. Per Head. *£*eol Duty. I i Per Head. Duty. Per Head. Bate of Duty. Lb. j Hb. I £ s. d. Lb. s. d. I £ s. d. £ £ s. d. 1889 662,248 495,120 0-75 /3, /5 6,207 0 2| 48,875,040 73-8 0 04 102,454 3 1 418,969 0 12 7f 1890 672,750 583,792 0-87 /3, /5 7,299 0 24 54,660,480 81-3 0 04 113,876 3 44 427,834 0 12 84 1891 675,775 567,954 0-84 /3, /5 7,108 0 24 54,508,838 80-7 0 04 113,560 3 41 448,905 0 13 34 1892 692,426 544,800 0-79 /3,'/5 6,820 0 21 58,062,240 838 0 04 ! 120,963 3 6 499,506 0 14 54; 1893 714,258 561,360 0-79 . ' /3, /5 7,021 0 2J 59,508,480 833 0 04 j 123,976 3 54 492,236 0 13 94 1894 728,121 490,864 0-67 /3, /5 , 6,145 0 2 63,515,040 87-2 0 04 j 132,323 3 74 429,594 0 11 94 1895 740,699 481,800 065 /2, /3, /5 5,677 0 If 65,568,960 88-5 0 04 j 136,602 3 8J 447,749 0 12 1 1896 754,016 524,408 0-70 I /2,/3, /5 5,495 0 If 67,395,840 89-4 0 04 j 140,408 : 3 8f 562,961 0 14 11 1897 768,910 544,288 0-70 , /2, /3, /5 5,722 0 If ; 70,799,040 92-0 0 04 ' 147,498 : 3 10 634,043 0 16 5f 1898 783,317 523,392 0-67 /2,./3, /5 5,463 0 If 73,296,960 93-6 0 04 ! 152,702 3 10| 637,506 0 16 3J 1899 796,359 640,152 0-80 /2, /3, /5 0,968 0 2 77,255,040 97-0 0 04 : 160,948 \ 4 0J 682,722 0 17 If 1900 810,536 467,008* 0-57 /2,./8,./5 5,285 0 14 80,119,200 98-8 0 04 166,915 4 1 775,649 0 19 1| 1901 830,800 371,760t 0-44 /3 4,647 0 1} 81,882,720 98-5 0 04 j 170,589 4 1 808,532 0 19 54 1902 851,072 422,962+ 0-49 /3 5,287 0 1J 87,508,006 102-8 0 04 [ 182,308 ; 4 34 867,209 1 0 4J 1903 875,648 476,080-f- 0-54 /3 5,951 0 If 91,075,200 104-0 0 04 ! 189,740 4 4 982,800 12 54 1904 900,682 550,720+ 0-61 /8 6,884 0 If 94,522,080 104-9 0 04 , 196,921 ' 4 44 1,098,387 1 4 If 1905 925,605 490,960+ 0-53 /3 6,137 0 lj 92,792,640 1002 0 04 193,318 i 4 2 1,097,968 1 3 84 1906 956,457 494,320+ 0-51 /3 6,179 0 ll 101,023,680 105-6 0 QJ 210,466 4 41 1,210,617 1 5 3f 1907 977,215 607,650f 0-62 /3 7,596 0 If ! 104,173,440 106-6 4a. & free 217,028} 4 5J 1,317,206 17 0 1908 1,008,373 553,798+ 0-55 /3 and /3f 7,370 0 1| | 105,006,496 1039 Free .. .. 1,262,656 1 5 0J 1909 1.030.657 453.690+ 0-44 /3 and /3» 6,370 0 14 i 118,274,912 114-7 I Free | .. .. 1,088,767 1 1 1J 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 662,248 672,750 675,775 692,426 714,258 728,121 740,699 495,120 583,792 567,954 544,800 561,360 490,864 481,800 Lb. 0-75 0-87 0-84 0-79 0-79 0-67 0-65 13, IS IB, IS is, is • 13, 15 /3, /5 /2, 13, 15 £ 6,207 7,299 7,108 6,820 7,021 6,145 5,677 s. d. 0 2J 0 24 0 2J 0 2i 0 2J 0 2 0 If 48,875,040 54,660,480 54,508,838 58,062,240 59,508,480 63,515,040 65,568,960 Lb. 73-8 81-3 80-7 83-8 83-3 87-2 88-5 s. d. I 0 04 0 04 0 04 0 04 ! 0 04 j 0 04 i 0 04 £ 102,454 113,876 113,560 120,963 123,976 132,323 136,602 s. d. 3 1 3 44 3 4J 3 6 3 54 3 74 3 8J £ 418,969 427,834 448,905 499,506 492,236 429,594 447,749 £ s. a. 0 12 7f 0 12 84 0 13 34 0 14 5| 0 13 94 0 11 94 0 12 1 Per cent. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 5, 10, 15, 20, 224, 25, 40 5, 10,15, 20, 224, 25,40 5,10,15, 20,224, 25,40 5,10, 15,20,224, 25,40 5,10, 15, 20, 224, i 25, 40 5,10, 15, 20, 224, 25, 40 5,10, 15, 20, 224, 25, 40 5,10,15,20,224, 25, 40 Various. Various. Various. Various. Various. Various. Various. 1896 1897 754,016 768,910 524,408 544,288 523,392 0-70 0-70 0-67 \ /2,/3,/5 /2, /3, /5 1% 13, IS 5,495 5,722 5,463 0 If 0 If 0 If 67,395,840 70,799,040 73,296,960 89-4 92-0 0 04 0 04 2 140,408 147,498 3 8f 3 10 562,961 634,043 0 14 11 0 16 5f 1898 783,317 93-6 0 04 152,702 3 lOf 637,506 0 16 S% 1899 796,359 640,152 467,008* 0-80 0-57 /2, IS, IS ! /2, /S, /5 6,968 5,285 I I 0 2 o 14 77,255,040 80,119,200 97-0 0 04 160,948 4 04 682,722 775,649 0 17 If 0 19 14 1900 810,536 i 98-8 0 04 166,915 4 1 1901 830,800 371,760t 0-44 /3 4,647 0 14 81,882,720 98-5 0 04 170,589 4 1 808,532 0 19 54 • 867,209 1 0 4J 1902 851,072 422,962+ 476,080f 550,720f 490,960+ 494,320f 607,650+ 553,798f 453,690f 0-49 0-54 0-61 0-53 0-51 0-62 0-55 0-44 IS is is is IS /3 and /,3f /3 and /3§_j_ 5,287 5,951 0,884 6,137 6,179 7,596 7,370 6,370 0 14 0 If 0 If 0 14 0 14 0 1J 0 If 0 14 I 87,508,006 91,075,200 94,522,080 92,792,640 101,023,680 104,173,440 105,006,496 118,274,912 102-8 104-0 104-9 100-2 105-6 106-6 103-9 114-7 0 04 0 04 I 0 04 0 04 0 O.i 4d. & free Free Free | 182,308 189,740 196,921 193,318 210,466 217,028} 1 34 4 4 4 44 4 2 4 4| 4 51 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 875,648 900,682 925,605 956,457 977,215 1,008,373 1,030,657 982,800 1,098,387 1,097,968 1,210,617 1,317,206 1,262,656 1,088,767 1 2 54 1 4 4f 1 3 84 1 5 3f 17 0 1 5 04 1 1 14 lyUJ ! r,UOU,OU( I | /O itllU /Q-g 0,0<U I O J-5 I I I i AJ tot. 1 I .j l , , m . , ~ a , Note.— Total revenue from Customs: 1889, £1,470,594, equal to £2 4s. 5d. per head ; 1909, £2,658,639, equal to £2 lis. 7id. per head. Increase equal to 447 per cent. * This does not include coffee, raw, admitted free under 1900 tariff, and coffee, roasted, and cocoa, ente red free between passing of first and second res olutionB, from 18th to 28th August, inclusive, include raw coffee. t Estimated. , t This does no

ear. Male and Female Population over Fifteen Years {including Maoris). Total Gallons consumed. Excise Duty Per Head. per Gallon. Duty. Per Head. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 392,735 398,905 407, 590 417,673 430,885 439,198 444,298 479,015 488,472 497,619 505,899 514,900 552,028 565,533 581,906 598,583 615,187 051,559 665,777 676,447 702,379 4,402,480 4,676,240 4,567,955 4,752,720 4,873,600 4,807,360 4,936,400 5,382,960 5,741,200 6,013,120 6,261,200 6,811,280 7,134,800 7,179,360 7,555,200 7,786,480 7,796,160 8,318,880 9,049,567 9,347,567 9,183,920 j Gallons. 11-2 11-7 11-2 11-4 11-3 10-9 11-1 11-2 11-7 12-1 12-3 13-2 12-9 12-7 12-9 13-0 12-6 12-7 13-6 13-8 131 [ s. d. 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 j' £ 55,031 58,453 57,099 59,409 60,920 60,092 61,705 67,287 71,765 75,164 78,265 85,141 89,185 89,742 94,440 97,331 97,452 103,986 113,120 116,845 114,799 s. d. 2 94 2 11 2 94 2 10 2 10 2 9 2 9J 2 9f 2 Hi 3 0i 3 1J 3 34 3 2f 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 21 3 4f 3 54 33J

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