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Ellesmere Domain. Reserve No. 1630, Southbridge Survey District. Area, 213 acres. Work done during year : Twelve acres fenced and sown down in grass and clover, trees planted, others topped, and windmill repaired. Improvements now on domain: Building, grandstand, windmill and concrete trough, fences, racing-track, and trees. Used for sports, races, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Topping trees. Fairlie Domain. Reserve No. 2755, Tengawai Survey District. Area, 29 acres 2 roods. Work done during year: Protective works erected to prevent encroachment of Opihi River. Improvements now on domain : Ninety-five chains standard and wire fence, 34 chains willow protective works and bank, swimming-pond, and lj acres of forest and ornamental trees. Used for general recreation; 25 acres leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erecting gate and general maintenance. Geraldine Domain. Reserves Nos. 305, 306, 1624, and 2716, Town of Geraldine. Area, 94 acres 1 rood 21 perches. Work done during year: Fences repaired, two gates erected, cricket-ground, flower-bed and shrubbery kept in order, 200 ornamental trees and shrubs planted, water-supply laid on to cricket-ground, some unsightly trees removed, and swimming-bath repaired. Improvements now on domain : Fences, gates, drives, paths, pavilion, dressing-rooms, bath, bicycle-track, cricketground, and plantations. Used for athletic sports, cricket, football, picnics, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Top-dressing asphalt track, clearing blackberry, and general maintenance. A caretaker is employed. Glentunnel Domain. Reserve No. 2407, Hororata Survey District. Area, 100 acres. Work done during year : Hedges trimmed, gorse grubbed, 11 chains of gorse hedge removed and replaced by a standard and wire fence, additional seats provided, 200 trees planted, and two gates erected. Improvements now on domain : Fences, plantations, pump, building and coppers for use of picnic parties, and seats. Used for picnics, sports, cricket, football, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Removing gorse hedge and replacing it with a standard and wire fence, planting ornamental shrubs and trees, trimming hedges, and grubbing gorse. Governor's Bat Domain. Reserve No. 3060, Block VII, Halswell Survey District. Area, 6 acres 2 roods 3 perches. Work done during year: Dwellinghouse and outbuildings repaired and painted, supper-room in hall and portion of the main hall lined, borders dug out and planted with flowers and shrubs, fences repaired, and drains cleaned. Improvements now on domain : Hall, supper-room and ladies' room, dwellinghouse with outbuildings, fences, drains, flowers, and shrubs. Used for sports, cricket, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Painting hall. Greendale Domain. Reserve No. 1565, Hawkins Survey District. Area, 8 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fences and small plantation. Used for cricket. Leased for grazing. Hanmer Domain. Section No. 3656, formerly Section No. 3ft, Block 11, Lyndon Survey District. Area, 64 acres 2 roods 10 perches. This domain is under the control of the Tourist Department. Work done during year : Installation of water-supply commenced and almost completed, new park formed, artificial lake and drain constructed, trees planted, fences, rustic bridges, and seats erected, baths, bath-build-ings, and tea-house improved, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain: " Spa," baths, and tea-house buildings, cottages, gardens, plantations, and water-supply. Used as scenic and health resort. Hororata Domain. Reserves Nos. 1589 and 2217, Hororata Survey District. Area, 227 acres. Work done during year : Trees planted where others had failed, soil around shrubs cultivated, and gorse eradicated. Improvements now on domain : Two hundred and fifty chains fences, 40 chains gorse hedge, buildings, grandstand, stables, offices, racecourse, artificial lake, grassing, 30 acres plantation, and 40 chains footpath. Used for races and sports. Hurunui Domain. Reserve No. 2598, Waipara and Waikari Survey Districts. Area, 85 acres 2 roods. No improvements effected during year. Improvements now on domain: Fences, racing-track, well, concrete tank, and grassing. Used for races. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting new gates.