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Presented to the Hous% of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.


Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, thb 11th Day of July, 1907. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all petitions from M to Z that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House ; and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House ; also to have power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum ■ the Committee to consist of Mr. Alison, Mr. Barclay, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Greenslade, Mr. Hornsby, Mr. Okey, Mr Rutherford Mr. Stallworthy, Mr. Thomson, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Fowlds.)


I—l. 2.

No. Petitioners. Page. No. Petitioners. j Para. 273 246 Ah Ming Aitkin, E. J., and 107 others (and 301 similar petitions, as per Schedule) 7 8 96 865 34 203 13 794 693 15 231 97 416 61 396 869 854 528 81 Morrison, Mrs. M. Mosley, E. D., and 13 others .. .'. Murray, W. G. Macdonald, T. K, and 1,249 others .. Macintosh, A. Mackenzie, Dr. F. W. .. . '. McCarroll Bros, and Chadwiek McDonald, K, and 104 others McDougall, J., and 268 others McGaveston, T. P., and 45 others Mcintosh, D., and 61 others McKeever, W. McKenzie, A. McLaughlin, A. M. .. McLeavey, James McLeod, N, and another McNeil, A., and 6 others 7 11 4 3 4 11 7 3 8 3 5 6 6 11 13 8 4 725 Bull, George, and 18 others (and 23 similar petitions, as per Schedule) 12 380 Eccles, H. D., and 231 others 5 824 Final Report Fisher, T., and 107 others (and 8 similar petitions, as per Sohedule) 13 12 205 Horn, J., and 188 others 8 800 Kwok Wah Sui 11 18 206 Langlands-Soott, W. .. Little, J., and 313 others 3 8 705 Nicholson, T. II 527 3 202 235 473 285 766 j Makgill, J. E., and 209 others Manning, F. W., and 10 others.. Matheson, J., and 24 others Meikle, William, and 54 others Milbank, R., and 8 others Millar, T. W., and 38 others Mookenjee, K. K 6 4 4 4 ! 6 6 8 257 72 866 627 O'Donnell, J. O'Flaherty, M. O'Leary, E., and 116 others O'Meara, Mrs. C. L. .. 5 3 11 7 808 Paull, E., and 1,048 others (and 2 similar petitions, as per Schedule) 12