D.—IMMIGEATION and public woeks. D.—l. PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT by the Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Minister for Public Works, 16th November, 1903. D.—2. RAILWAYS STATEMENT by the Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, Minister for Railways (including Annual Report of the General Manager of Railways), Ist July, 1903. D.—3. MEMBERS OP THE RAILWAY DEPARTMENT. —List setting out in order of Classification the Name, Status, and Pay of each Member, and the Number of Years he has been in the service of the Department on the Ist April, 1903. D.— i. RAILWAY PROPERTY—Particulars of Leases of. D.—s. GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND—Report ana Balance-sheet of the. D.—6. ENGINE-TRIALS BETWEEN INVERCARGILL AND GORE—Details of. D.—7. NIGHTCAPS COAL COMPANY'S RAILWAY BETWEEN WAIRIO AND NlGHTCAPS—Agreement for working. D.—B. NEW STATION AND RECLAMATION-WORKS AT MERCER—Amounts spent in connection with. D.— 9. NORTH ISLAND MAIN TRUNK RAILWAY LlNE—Return and Map showing particulars relative to. D.—lo. IMPORTED AND NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY SLEEPERS—Particulars relative to. D. —10a. Further Particulars relative to. D.—ll. RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION.—MiIeage-cost of, up to 31st March, 1891, and between Ist April, 1891, and 31st March, 1903. D.-12. WELLINGTON AND MANAWATU RAILWAY COMPANY (LlMlTED)—Agreement for interchange of Traffic with.
E.— EDUCATION. E.—l. TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OP THE MINISTER OP EDUCATION. E.—la. TEACHERS' AND CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. (In continuation of E.-IA, 1902.) E.—lb. REPORTS OP INSPECTORS OP SCHOOLS. (In continuation of E.-18, 1902.) E.—lo. SCHOOL BUILDINGS—Return of, in 1903. E.—ld. PUBLIC-SCHOOL CADETS—Report on the. (In continuation of E.-Id, 1902.) E.—ln. SCHOOL BUILDINGS—Return of Grants for, in 1903. E.—2. NATIVE SCHOOLS. (In continuation of E.-2, 1902.) E.—3. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. (In continuation of E.-3, 1902.) E.—3a. THE COSTLEY TRAINING INSTITUTION. (In continuation of E.-3a, 1902.) E.—4. SCHOOL POR DEAP-MUTES. (In continuation of E.-4, 1902.) E.—S. MANUAL AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. (In continuation of E.-5, 1902.) E.—6. UNIVERSITY OP NEW ZEALAND. (In continuation of E.-6, 1902.) E.-r-7. UNIVERSITY OP OTAGO. (In continuation of E.-7, 1902.) E.—B. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. (In continuation of E.-8, 1902.) E.—9. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. (In continuation of E.-9, 1902.) E.—lo. VICTORIA COLLEGE. (In continuation of E.-10, 1902.) E.—ll. CANTERBURY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (In continuation of E.-11, 1902.) E.—l2. SECONDARY EDUCATION. (In continuation of E.-12, 1902.) E.—l2a. SECONDARY SCHOOLS—PupiIs attending, at end of Year 1902. E.—l2b. Return of for Year, 1902, showing number of Pupils; Income from Pees, Endowments, and all souroes; Staff and Salaries ; Office-expenses and Maintenance ; also Inoome and Cost per Head. E.—l2c. ■ Pree Eduoation in. E.—l3. SUBSIDIES TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES. (In continuation of E.-13, 1902.) E—l4. TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION.—Reports of the Acting Actuary of the Government Insuranoe Department on the proposed soheme.
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