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for as much as 400 or even 600 cubic feet per child. Assuming that ample means of ventilation by means of sufficient and suitable inlets and outlets are provided, and that all rooms are emptied and thoroughly flushed with fresh air at intervals not greater than one hour and a half or two hours, the following seems for New Zealand schools a reasonable allowance and one quite within practicable limits in the case of new schools : For each child in average attendance a minimum floor-space (exclusive of that occupied by suoh furniture as cupboards) of 12 square feet, and an allowance of cubical space not less than '200 cubic feet, the height of each class-room from floor to wall-plate being at least 14 feet. The dimensions could be adjusted in each particular case to provide the minimum allowances named, it being borne in mind that any height of a room over 15 ft. or 16 ft. should not properly be taken into account in calculating the cubic space available for securing sufficiency of air-supply. The lighting of schools is generally well provided for in the colony ; but even in our clear climate no ordinary class-room should be lighted from one side only, and no child should be set to read or write, much less draw, at a greater distance than 22 ft. from a fully lighted window. SCHOLAESHIPS. Table B shows the number of Education Board scholarships held in December, 1901, with their tenure and annual value. The total expenditure of the Boards under this head amounted to ,£8,331 10s. sd. ; the total paid to the Boards for scholarship purposes by the Department was ,£8,075 Bs.

TABLE R.—Scholarships.

In some districts holders of Education Board scholarships are received into the secondary schools without payment of fees; in other districts they have to pay school fees out of their scholarship-money. District High Schools. The number of district high schools in the colony has increased from 13 in existence in December, 1900, to 37, including those now established (29) and those sanctioned but not yet established (8). As the special grants made on account of pupils in the secondary classes in these schools are sufficiently liberal to enable the Boards to abolish fees and to pay the additional staff required, it may be said that the problem of providing some degree of free secondary education to boys and girls in a large number of country districts is practically solved. Such districts have now, indeed, an advantage over the towns in which secondary schools exist, as in the latter all except holders of Education Board scholarships and a few others admitted free by the secondary schools have still to pay fees. But it would, generally speaking, be a mistake to establish district high schools by the side of the fully constituted secondary

Education Districts. Number held in Dec, 1901. Ppriorl Boards' n nva ' ftirl« ™ ocl Expenditure Boys. ; Girls. of on Scuolarehips 1 enure. in 1901. I [ I Annual Value, &c. Auckland Taranaki 79 13 Years £ s. d. 49 30 3 1,716 0 6 8 5 , 2 295 15 9 3 at £30; 22 at £25 ; 22 at £20; 32 at £15. 2 at £35; 1 at £17 ; 1 at £16; 2 at £14 ; 6 at £10 ; 1 at £7 6s. 11 at £40 ; 1 at £32 ; 5 at £15. 13 at £35 ; 31 at £15. 9 at £30 4s. ; 1 at £16 4s. ; 2 at £13 4s.; 1 at £12 4s.; 10 at £10 4s. 2 at £40; £1 at £35; 7 at £10. 6 at £50 10s. ; 2 at £25. 4 at £35 ; 8 at £10. 1 at £23 ; 2 at £17 10s.; 4 at £8. 21 at £40; 17 at £20. Varies from £22 10s. to £2 10s. 13 at £40 ; 3 at £35 ; 2 at £24 ; 1 at £22 ; 15 at £20 ; 2 at £17 ; 16 at £15. 13 at £35 ; 3 at £20 ; 5 at £15. Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay 17 44 23 8 9 i Varies 622 13 3 25 I 19 2 958 1 5 9 14 2 471 0 3 Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago 10 8 12 7 38 34 52 2 8 2 139 0 0 4 4 I Varies 371 9 0 6 6 3 77 2 0 3 4 2 100 10 0 20 18 2 1,317 0 4 18 16 2 326 15 11 35 17 Varies 1,332 0 9 Southland 21 14 7 Varies 604 1 3 Totals, 1901.. Totals, 1900.. 358 349 201 197 157 152 8,331 10 5 8,142 10 9

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