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2. Account historically for the difference in character between Cavalier and Puritan, and analyse the elements in it that belong permanently to human nature, and trace its perpetuation in English history during the last two centuries. 3. Show how the Civil War of the seventeenth century was inevitable. 4. Why did Charles 1., with Laud and Stratford, fail in the attempt to govern England absolutely, whilst Cromwell became absolute ruler ? Outline the degeneration of the Long Parliament. 5. Sketch the great changes in the foreign policy of England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Why did France take the place of Spain as the traditional enemy ? 6. Give a brief history of the development of means of internal communication in Britain during the eighteenth century and the early part of the nineteenth; explain the new demand for them, and their effect upon English civilisation. 7. What were the chief causes that brought about the extension of the English empire during the latter part of last century and the first quarter of this ? Sketch its history during this period. 8. Give the history and meaning of (a) the Five Articles of Perth, (b) the Grand Remonstrance, (c) the Exclusion Bill, (d) the South Sea Bubble, and (c) the Manchester Massacre. 9. Sketch the life of each of the following, and determine his place in history: Wentworth, Montrose, Clarendon, Marlborough, Wilkes, Canning. 10. State chronologically the main events in the reigns of Alfred, Stephen, Henry IV., Henry VII., and Mary.

English History. — For Class E, and for Junior Civil Service. Time alloioed: '3 hours. 1. By what right did the following Sovereigns of England hold the Crown: Alfred, Stephen, Edward 111., Henry IV., Elizabeth, William 111., and George I.? 2. Give the names of the English Sovereigns whose reigns have been brought to an end by the action of their subjects, and assign the cause in each case. " 3: Describe the feudal system, its introduction into England, and the causes of its decay. 4. Give an account of Compurgation, Benevolences, Impositions, Ship-money, Dispensing Power; and explain what is meant by the Cabinet. 5. What were the causes of the Seven Years' War? State the chief events of the war and its results. 6. What were the chief improvements made during the last century and the early part of the present century in the manufacture and carriage of goods ? What have been the effects on the condition of the people ? 7. Give an account of the colonisation of Ulster, and of the condition of Ireland before the Parliamentary Union with England. 8. Sketch the career of (a) Chatham, (6) Hyde, (c) Burke. 9. Explain the purpose and show the importance of —Test Act, Toleration Act, Schism Act, Habeas Corpus Act, Reform Act of 1832. 10. Why were the following battles fought: Bannockburn, Crecy, Naseby, Boyne, Blenheim, Culloden, Plassey, Salamanca, Navarino?

History. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 8 hours. [Candidates are expected to attempt all the Questions.] 1. Was the Revolution of 1688 a mere coup d'etat? Discuss the question, and prove your answer from history. 2. Is there anything in the fact that the English ruler was a woman to account for the literary outburst in the Queen Anne age, and for the qualities of its literature ? Discuss other causes that may have contributed. 3. Trace the development of Ministerial government in England, and characterize (a) the Walpole Ministry, (b) the first Pitt Ministry, (c) the Ministry of All the Talents, and (a , ) the Grey Ministry. 4. Can you discover any unity of policy in the English wars of the eighteenth century? Give the general outline and issue of each. 5. Who were the most prominent English sympathizers with the French Eevolution (a) in its earlier stages, (b) in its later course; and how did it affect the English literature and politics of the last ten years of last century ? Did it influence England in any permanent way ? 6. Give a brief history of the development of means of internal communication in Britain during the eighteenth century, and the early part of the nineteenth, and explain the new demand for rapid transit and its effect upon English civilisation. 7. What were the chief causes that brought about the extension of the English empire during the latter part of last century and the first quarter of this ? Outline its history. 8. Sketch the history of the English navy from 1688 to 1837, and account for its growth and success during that period. 9. Briefly determine the place of the following in English history : Harley, Walpole, Wilkes, Canning, Lord Melbourne. 10. What is the historical significance of (a) the Darien Scheme, (6) the Methven Treaty, (c) Bishop Atterbury's Plot, (d) the Lord George Gordon Riots, (c) Emmett's Rebellion, (/) the Manchester Massacre, (g) the Tamworth Manifesto ?