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I regret that in the previous correspondence the fact of the inclusion of the Macquarie Island in the letters patent of the Governor of Tasmania of 1880 should have been overlooked in this department. Should the Government of New Zealand wish to come to any arrangement with that of Tasmania for the transfer of this island or group of islands, no objection would be raised on the part of Her Majesty's Government to such a course. 1 have, &c, Governor the Eight Hon. the Earl of Onslow, G.C.M.G., &c. Knutsfobd. No. 5. The Hon. E. Mitchelson to the Hon. the Peemieb, Tasmania. Sic,— Premier's Office, Wellington, 2nd June, 1890. Eeferring to the recent action of this Government, which led to the discovery that the Macquarie Islands belonged to Tasmania, I have now the honour to inform you that in a despatch from the Eight Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated the 28th February last, it is stated that, " should the Government of New Zealand wish to come to any arrangement with that of Tasmania for the transfer of this island or group of islands, no objection would be raised on the part of Her Majesty's Government to such a course." The reason which induced this Government to apply for the annexation of these islands to New Zealand was in the interest of the seal-fisheries, to prevent their being used as a centre for poaching on the Auckland and other islands now under our jurisdiction, which is known to have happened on more than one occasion. I am not aware of the circumstances under which these islands were included in the letters patent of the Governor of Tasmania in 1880, or whether the Tasmanian Government have any predilection in favour of retaining them; but, if not, and they were added to this colony, this Government would at once be in a position to take the necessary steps to put a stop to the poaching now carried on. I shall be glad to receive your views on the subject, and to learn that they are favourably disposed to the transfer. I have, &c, E. Mitchelson, The Hon. the Premier, Hobart, Tasmania. For the Premier.

No. 6. The Hon. the Peemiee, Tasmania, to the Hon. the Peemiee, New Zealand. Sic, — Premier's Office, Hobart, 19th June, 1890. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant on the subject of Macquarie Island, and its use as a base of operations for poachers on the seal-fisheries of the Auckland and other islands. This Government will be happy to meet your wishes as to the transfer of this island to New Zealand; indeed, your request anticipated my intention to address you with that object. I have referred the matter to the law officers of the Crown for their opinion as to the best course to pursue in arranging for the transfer of this island to your Government. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier of New Zealand. P. 0. Fysh.

No. 7. The Hon. B. Mitchelson to the Hon. the Pbemiee, Tasmania. Sir, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 4th July, 1890. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th June, in reply to mine of the 2nd, on the subject of the Macquarie Islands. I thank you for your courtesy, and shall wait with interest for the opinion of your legal advisers as to the best course to pursue for arranging the transfer. I have, &c, E. MITCHELSON, The Hon. the Premier, Tasmania. For the Premier. No. 8. The Hon. the Premier, Tasmania, to the Hon. the Pbemieb, New Zealand. Sib,— Premier's Office, Hobart, 7th August, 1890. In reference to our recent correspondence on the subject of the transfer of Macquarie Island, I have the honour to enclose herewith a copy of a printed paper which has been prepared for the information of Parliament in connection with an address to Her Majesty, the adoption of which I propose to move this evening in the Legislative Council, praying that the necessary steps may be taken by the Imperial authorities to effect such transfer. I will keep you informed of the progress of this matter. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier of New Zealand. P. 0. Fysh. Enclosure. Me. Fysh to move, That the following address be presented to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, praying that the necessary steps may be taken to cause Macquarie Island, now a dependency of Tasmania, to be transferred to and become part of the Colony of New Zealand, viz. : —