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Return showing all Moneys granted for and expended upon Road-works and Bridges within the Boundaries of each County during the Financial Years ended 31st March, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, and 1888, including Moneys granted and expended under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act, Subsidies paid under "The Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," The Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Act "The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886," and Rates paid under the Crown and Native Lands Rating Act.



Name of County Gross 1887-8. Total granted. Amounts granted and expended under Boads and Bridges Act. Amount of Grants cancelled. Net Total granted. Total pended. Total Amounts originally covenanted to ho repaid underloads and Bridges Construction Act. repaid in terms of Eoads and Bridges Constr'ction Act to 31st March, 1888. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1888, less Repayments. Amount still ropay'blo under Eoads & Bridges tion Act. PortioiTof Amounts originally covenanted to be repaid which have been converted into Debt under " The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1860." Subsidies paid under '• The Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," up to Slst March, 1886, and thereafter under the Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Act. I Loans to Local Bodies under " The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886." Public Works. Expenditure out of Special Votes. Survey Department. Mines Department. Total Bates paid under the Crown and Native Lands Bating Act. T^ Tota l. Expend!iiiXpouQi- ture, ture less under Amounts 1—, ■ all repaid Heads. by Local r-8, 1883-4. 1884-5. 1885-6. 1886-7. 1887-8. Total. Bodies. I I J Balances Grand of Total Grants ExpenCurrent diture under and Roads and Balauco Bridges of Construe- Grants tion Act. Current. Name of County. 1832-3. 1883-4. 1884-5. 1885-6. >tal. 'lsei' 0 1885 -6- 1886 -'- 1887 " 8 - "leSe' 0 1886-7. 1887-8. Total. 1882-3. 1883-4. 1884-5. 1885-6. 1886-7. 1887-8. I Total. 1882-3. i 1883-4. 1884-5. 1S85-6. 188&-7. 1887-8. Total. 1 1882-3. 1883-4. I I 1884-5. 1885-6. i 1886-7. 1887-8. [ Total. ! i 1883-3. 1883-4. 1884-5. 1885-C. 1886-7. 1887-8. I J J Total. £ £ 750 £ 942 £ £ £ £ 1,692 £ 235 £ 1,457 £ 1,457 £ £ £ 1,457 £ £ ' £ 27 £ 223 £ 203 £ 453 £ £ £ £ 1,883 £ 2,564 £ 4,033 £ 5,595 £ 3,116 £ 72 £ 17,263 £ 2,007 £ £ 399 £ 1,649 £ 1,076 £ 2,433 £ 7,564 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 24,827 £ 128 £ 207 £ 128 s 21 £ 10 £ 451 £ 945 £ 27,682 £ 27,682 £ £ 27,682 Mongonui. Mongonui Whangaroa, 76 76 76 76 76 Whangaroa. Hokianga 148 186 334 250 1,977 2,034 1,947 4,350 1,150 11,708 1,546 417 185 609 5,250 8,007 19,715 283 506 562 572 1,226. 3,209 23,258 23,258 23,258 Hokianga. Bay of Islands .. 759 253 1,091 2,103 2,103 2,103 2,103 314 492 806 2,087 2,718 3,011 5,724 3,627 1,840 19,007 1,480 165 1,645 20,652 202 179 174 174 3S3 1,112 24,673 24,673 24,673 Bay of Islands. Whangarei 810 1,125 1,935 1,935 1,935 1,935 75 582 727 1,384 669 2,299 8,243 5,392 5,011 21,614 1,347 1,721 1,938 245 161 1,461 6,873 28,487 505 312 317 108 00 1,060 J 2,362 34,168 34,168 34,168 Whangarei, Hobson 1,151 1,702 2,853 228 2,625 2,625 2,625 779 533 1,312 729 2,863 5,857 2,667 4,500 16,516 2,210 762 737 451 165 4,325 20,841 385 528 253 213 275 1,654 26,432 26,432 26,432 Hobson. Ofcamatea 3 3 3 121 121 124 124 124 Otamatea. Rodney 806 1,927 2,233 2,233 2,233 2,233 69 455 782 1,306 965 2,234 5,589 6,079 4,191 19,058 100 160 430 250 940 j 19,998 212 300 228 219 24 347 1,239 24,776 24,776 24,776 Rodney. Waitemata 716 4,026 4,742 4,742 4,742 3,375 1,383 225 4,517 8,150 277 2,138 2,198 4,613 3,334 3,080 5,869 6,509 4,650 1 23,443 1,114 1,082 488 180 200 3,064 26,507 261 248 127 213 749 1,598 87,460 37,235 37,235 Waitemata. Eden 338 2,105 1,488 3,931 600 3,331 3,167 309 ■2,858 1,015 69 3,758 5,553 5,483 14,794 5,500 5,500 204 112 6 1,635 1,091 8,048 15 15 3,063 12 548 547 547 771 926 8,351 29,875 29,566 164 29,730 Eden. Manukau 2,892 1,402 1,587 5,881 150 5,725 5,725 1,437 366 5,359 300 771 1,630 2,217 3,126 6,973 098 698 385 7,362 2,221 188 457 15 10,628 101 745 846 11,474 94 109 93 78 22 188 579 25,449 25,083 25,083 Manukau. Coromandel 2,179 1,476 3,655 632 3,023 3,023 3,023 288 409 697 518 777 1,295 350 850 650 621 638 717 1,236 1,333 5,195 6,840 107 213 212 212 140 291 1,175 11,735 11,735 11,735 Coromandel. Thames 11,534 1,000 2,752 15,286 45 15,241 15,241 3,587 985 14,256 1,052 tab q rH 'g CO .2 CO CO Pk O I 810 801 504 2,175 t 1 $ CO < I § 5,400 5,400 1,437 1,095 1,177 173 3,882 1,499 166 50 13 793 2,521 1,521 1,288 1,494 1,432 976 1,510 8,221 14,624 365 554 4S8 513 31 1,951 39,391 38,406 38,406 Thames. Ohinemuri 1,550* 208 122 330 158 1,633 367 2,158 81 81 320 200 520 2,759 86 371 457 3,546 3,546 3,546 Ohinomuri. Piako 7,873 1,640 3,622 13,135 3,500 9,635 9,471 5,284 905 8,566 2,825 1,554 309 2,496 504 3,309 1,650 1,650 2,050 412 292 277 417 179 3,627 1,749 167 708 125 363 534 3,646 2,000 7,000 4,332 227 13,559 20,832 113 158 42 266 51 115 745 36,007 35,102 164 35,266 Piako. Waikato 4,687 563 1,882 7,132 200 6,932 6,932 5,004 1,002 5,930 4,002 527 1,318 1,792 3,637 2,083 414 40 432 2,969 293 303 1,369 1,965 4,934 226 233 206 127 97 167 1,056 16,559 15,557 15,557 Waikato. Waipa 1,363 842 1,954 4,159 4,159 4,159 1,644 309 3,850 238 1,097 517 828 1,091 2,436 8,734 81 25 257 2 9,099 9,099 54 83 75 78 73 199 562 16,256 15,947 15,847 Waipa. Kaglan .. 367 110 3 480 480 480 495 99 381 896 120 127 130 383 500 500 51 2,270 1,567 123 574 165 4,750 2,835 270 949 872 1,825 153 6,904 11,654 58 57 63 48 18 106 350 13,367 13,268 13,268 Raglan. Kawhia 1,086 1,086 854 5,338 1,710 2,486 1,538 162 10,550 11,636 11,036 11,636 11,636 Kawhia. Taranaki 2,650 3,550 1,236 7,436 2,600 4,836 4,836 1,869 422 4,414 193 1,254 748 1,616 2,213 4,577 5,740 5,740 5,542 6,356 1,683 13,581 790 842 1,161 2,951 7,282 20,863 1,440 1,728 1,785 1,386 81 1,605 8,025 44,041 43,019 43,619 Taranaki. Clifton .. 264 264 264 264 66 7 257 59 282 280 562 255; 390 177 822 S22 205 387 513 1,105 2,753 2,746 2,746 Clifton. Patea 1,096 S17 42 1,455 1,455 1,455 1,180 233 1,222 947 867 290 553 1,710 204 630 834 2,769 284 130 442 ! 150 I 785 4,560 5,394 423 800 262 283 181 253 1,708 10,267 10,034 10,034 Patea. Hawera 3,301 2,534 1,069 7,504 7,504 7,225 1,350 180 7,045 1,170 463 926 1,676 3,065 90 478 1,646 1 2,215 5,028 8,583 3,692 2,946 i 5,141 2,183 27,573 29,788 975 595 567 575 16 704 3,432 43,510 43,330 279 43,609 Hawera. Tauranga 5,000 2,550 7,550 7,550 7,550 1,887 313 7,237 1,574 843 1,082 98 2,023 8,150 8,778 3,657 2,554 1,889 1,503 26,631 4,561 3,275 942 1,571 ! 1,083 1,583 13,615 40,146 345 345 359 350 121 554 2,074 51,798 51,480 51,480 Tauranga. Rotorua 589 492 1,081 1,081 1,081 1,081 1,081 Eotorua. Whakafcane 287 11 383 681 958 191 1,241 1,160 1,957 1,544 7,051 3,090 1,913 2,000 3,741 1,746 1,334 13,824 20,875 67 67 245 51 25 338 793 22,349 22,349 22,349 Whakatane. Cook 10,701 2,500 2,490 15,691 15,691 15,691 3,349 928 14,763 2,421 1,538 893 2,724 5,155 1,414 74 43 1,531 5,555 5,723 4,006 7,032 4,179 811 27,306 28,837 1,186 1,292 1,179 1,158 496 1,828 7,139 56,822 55,894 55,894 Cook. Wairoa 2,335 3,879 3,894 4,753 14,861 1,003 13,858 12,108 1,095 73 12,035 1,022 795 1,057 658 2,510 824 944 355 685 825 3,133 3,006 1,599 1,068 1,368 i 50 11 7,102 10,235 335 227 477 619 199 243 2,100 26,95S 26,880 1,750 28,630 Wairoa. Hawke's Bay 3,234 750 1,755 5,739 5,739 5,739 5,739 3,666 1,470 3,077 8,213 9,000 9,000 4,094 835 500 1,393 787 319 7,928 1,004 430 1,434 9,362 1,000 1,019 750 1,204 238 1,358 5,629 37,943 37,943 37,943 Hawke's Bay. Patangata 468t 1,867 1,444 3,311 8,000 500 5,500 49 127 211 387 9,198 9,198 9,198 Patarjgata. Wanganui 1,600 2,242 3,842 3,842 3,842 900 232 3,610 728 1,294 1,581 604 3,479 3,100 3,100 17,000 1 17,001 2,883 157 1,106 181 1,541 I 5,868 22,869 334 355 169 202 823 1,883 35,17334,941 34,941 Wanganui. Waitotara 777 1,008 905 2,690 96 95 28 64 283 2,973 2,973 2,973 Waitotara. West Taupo West Taupo. East Taupo 663 262 45 863 787 •574 3,194 61 2,647 1,902 1,691 3,820 2,031 12,152 15,346 15,346 15,346 15,346 East Taupo. Eangitikei 0,255 2,218 2,023 413 10,909 10,909 10,909 2,649 719 10,190 1,930 1,273 1,659 922 3,854 400 400 150 500 500 1,150 79 801 590 600 500' 352 2,922 4,072 343 383 321 383 64 529 2,028 21,258 qq r;on 20,539 Eangitikei. Manawatu 15,229 1,240 1,500 149 18,118 300 17,818 17,818 8,157 1,927 15,891 6,230 401 1,366 147 1,914 2,000 2,000 1,639 990 330 1 1 2,901 350 350 3,311 1,016 949 781 121 42 57 2,960 28,009 26,082 26,082 Manawatu. Oroua 24,724 5,023 11,130 2,404 44,181 3,974 40,207 40,207 41,236 8,310 31,897 4,975 27,951 1,449 1,264 1,802 4,505 4,908 4,968 740 471 138 256 1,611 1,101 50 1,000 1,176 1,526 2,039 6,892 8,503 584 620 710 645 969 1,318 4,840 63,029 54,719 54,719 Oroua. Horowhenua 212 1,013 1,225 727 370 871 1,908 3,103 3,193 3,193 Horowhenua. Waipawa 6,333 1,610 3,039 750 11,732 500 11,232 11,232 540 72 11,160 2,364 2,185 2,013 6,562 3,500 11,300 14,800 2,068 1,808 1,053 492 220 100 5,741 1,303 2,078 2,408 7,594 4,464 3,987 22,494 28,235 1,037 821 901 926 155 773 4,613 65,442 65,370 65,370 Wa ; pawa. Hutt 914 454 432 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,267 1,952 2,166 6,385 153 97 31 6 287 115 231 346 124 107 118 349 982 941 859 853 720 816 783 4,972 14,139 14,139 14,139 Hutt. Wairarapa South 2,930 3,005 4,890 651 11,470 119 11,357 11,857 7,296 1,112 10,245 6,184 1,820 1,637 1,380 4,837 600 2,750 3,350 3,092 1 66 3,159 3 159 245 203 198 257 111 366 1,440 24,143 23,031 23,031 Wairarapa South. Wairarapa North 16,832 4,155 8,349 29,836 3,1.36 26,200 20,200 20,383 3,771 22,429 2,659 13,053 1,295 1,803 1,021 4,119 4,170 2,250 6,420 3,100 1,613 1,667 680 171 7,231 5,532 3,466 1,455 1,570 4,589 6,093 23,305 30,536 851 1,170 1,149 1,305 886 1,485 6,856 74,131 70,360 70,360 Wairarapa North. I ! Carried forward 124,884 53,598 73,404 9,165 261,111 17,228 243,883 241,526 114,226 22,499 219,027 14,276 77,451 30,560 42,398 43,361 116,319 15,270 53,756 69,026 72,152 55,790 53,273 44,222 42,017 9,920 277,374 47,944 39,958 30,392 38,957 39,289 40,588 ! 237,128 4,295 8,909 2,132 6,588 2,892 3,043 27,859 542,361 14,187 15,203 14,522 14,892 6,227 21,753 86,784 1,056,016 1,033,517 2,357 1,035,874 Carried forward. * Debentui Jβ issued dginally by Thames County. t Dt jbentures issued oh; finally by Waipawa County. t Debt, £4GS, transferred to Patangata County,

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