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GEOGEAPHY. 1. What is the distinction between a plain and a table-land, a gulf and a bay, a strait and an estuary ? Give two examples of each, and say where they are to be found. 2. Draw an outline map of British India, marking on it the Presidencies, with their capitals, the chief mountains, and rivers. 3. Give as full an account as you can of the animal life and vegetable and mineral productions of New Zealand. 4. Describe the oceanic currents in the Atlantic, and account for them. 5. What are the chief causes that determine the climate of a place; and how do they severally operate ? 6. What date and hour was it in England at 10 o'clock this morning in New Zealand ? LATIN. 1. Translate— Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus Multis ille bonis flebilis occidit Tarn cari capitis ? Praecipe lugubres Nulli flebilior guam tibi, Virgili. Cantus, Melpomene, cvi liquidam pater Tv frustra pius, heu ! non ita creditum Vocem cum cithara dedit. Poscis Quintilium Deos. Ergo Quintilium perpetuus sopor Quod si Thre'icio blandius Orpheo Urget! cvi Pudor, et Justitiae soror Auditam moderere arboribus fidem ; Incorrupta Fides, nudaqua Veritas, Non vanae redeat sanguis imagini, Quanda ullum inveniet parem ? Quam virga semel horrida, Non lenis precibus fata recludere, Nigro compulerit Mercurius gregi. Durum ! Sed levius fit patientia, Quidquid corrigere est nefas. 2. Who were Melpomene, "pater," and Orpheus? Explain the allusion to the latter. 3. Translate — Ille et nefasto te posuit die, Ilium et parentis crediderim sui Quicunque primum, et sacrilega manu Fregisse cervicem, et penetralia Produxit, arbos, in nepotum Sparsisse nocturno cruore Perniciem opprobriumque pagi: Hospitis; ille venena Colcha Et quidquid usquam concipitur nefas, Tractavit, agro gui statuit meo Te, triste lignum, te caducum In domini caput immerentis. 4. Scan the first stanza in this passage (Question 3), and name the metres. 5. Translate— Fuere ea tempestate gui dicerent, Catilinam, oratione habita, quum ad jusjurandum populares sceleris sui adigeret, humani corporis sanguinem vino permixtum in pateris circumtulisse; inde quum post execrationem omnes degtistavissent, sicuti in sollemnibus sacris fieri consuevit, aperuisse consilium suum, atque co dictitare fecisse, quo inter se magis fidi forent, alius alii tanti facinoris conscii. Nonnulli ficta et haec et multa praeterea existimabant ab iis, gui Ciceronis invidiam, quae postea orta est, leniri credebant atrocitate sceleris eorum, gui poenas dederant. Nobis ea res pro magnitudine parum comperta est. 6. Parse, giving rules, all the words in the last sentence, " Nobis ea res," &c. 7. Give the rules of syntax which relate to the accusative of the object. GEEEK —XENOPHON'S CYEOPAEDIA, BOOKS I. AND 11. 1. Translate — (a.) "AvSpes <f>iXoi, eye!) -rrpoo-eiAo/x-^v /xcv tyxus, ov vvv irpurrov So/a/ndo-as, S.XX' e« -rratoW opaiv v/xas a /tev KaXb. rj 7roAis vop,i£ei, TrpoOvfj-ors ravra eKirovovvra's, a Se aio*xpd rjyeiTai, iravTeXu><s tovto>v dire-^op.h'ov's. &v S'eVeKa airds re ovk clkiov cis ToSe to TeAos Kareo-Tigv /cat tyxai TrapeKaAeo-a agXwo-ai vplv /So-yAo/xai. eyw yap Karerorjaa on ol Trpdyovoi xeipoves flhi rjfuujv ovblv iyevovro * airKovvres yow ko.ko.voi. diereXeaav direp epya dperrj's vo«.i£eTiu • o,ri jj.ivToi TrpocreKTrjcravTO towvtoi ovrcs ■g tw twv llepc*w koivw dyaObv t] airots, tout' ovk€tl iSeii/. (b.) 'E^eracrtv Se xore iravroiv roy Kt'pou iroiov/xtvov Iv rots 6-*rAo*.s ko! 0-bvro.iziv rjXOe 7rapa Ki>a£dpou dyyeAos Xeyuiv on 'Iv&Zv -Kaput) -irpecrfitia * KeAeuei ovv o*e iXBeiv (os rd^io*Ta. <-bepa> Se' <roi, €<f>rj b dyyeAos,*Kai (ttoXtiv ttjv KaXXlo-T-qv irapd£dpov * fSovXerai yap o~€ a>s Aap-.-rpoT-xTa Kai ev-coo-yxoraTa, ws 6ij/op.(voiv tS>v 'li/ Sun* 07TU)-; ay irpoo-lr]';. aKovo-as Se ravra 6 Kvpos Trapr/yyeiXe ra Trpdiroi Tcrayp.ev<o ra^tap^a) cis fxcTunrov arrival, i<j>' evos dyovra rigv rd^iv, iv Sefid e^oi-Ta eairroi', kou tv! Sevrepw eKeAei>o*e ravrb tovto -n-apayyeiAai, Kal Sia TtdvTwv ovrui -rrapaSiSoVai eKeAeucre*'. ol Se Trudo/Jitvoi ra)(y /xci/ 7raprjyyeXXov, ra^-j Se to. irapayyeAAd/xei/a iiroiovv, hi dAiycu Se xpdno iykvovro to pfzv p,€Tonrov im TpiaKocnW, toctoStoi yap r/o-av ol rai;iapy(oi, to Se ySa^os i<f> tKarov. 2. Decline dvr)p, o-v, and oari-*. w 3. Compare (piXo's, KaAds, atcr^pds, KaKo-i, and dya#ds. 4. Parse fully— irpocruX6p.rjv, Karlerr-gv, iSetr, and dipop-ivorv. 5. Write down—(a.) The various moods of Kario-rnv and tSeZv. (J.) Second aor, sub. act, of e^w. (c.) Imp. md. of Svva r tu. (d.) Pres. part of wdpei/u in its two meanings. 6. Conjugate the following : tpepia, bpdw, irpoadyoi, e^ci), io-TrjfJ.l, and ire.i6ia,

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