enclosing a copy of the .reply returned by the Due Decazes to the note in which Her Majesty's Ambassador in Paris drew attention to the objections entertained by the Australian Colonies to the resort to their territory of pardoned convicts from the penal settlement of New Caledonia. Her Majesty's Government have received with great satisfaction the assurance of the Due Decazes that it is the desire and intention of the French Government to endeavour to meet the wishes of the Australian Colonies on a matter of much interest to them. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government of Queensland. Caenabyon.
Sub-Enclosure No. 1. The Foreign Office to the Colonial Office. Sic, — Foreign Office, 19th February, 1877. "With reference to my letter of the 18th of last December, I am directed by the Earl of Derby to transmit to you, for the information of the Earl of Carnarvon, a copy of the reply which has been returned by the Due Decazes to the note in which Lord Lyons pressed upon the French Government the remonstrances of the Australian authorities against the resort to their territory of pardoned convicts from New Caledonia. The Due Decazes states that the French Government will do all it can to deter these released convicts from going to Australia, but that it has not the power to control their movements by force. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. Tenteeden.
Sub-Enclosure No. 2. The Due Decazes to Lord Lyons. Monsieur l'Ambassadeub, — Versailles, 13 Fevrier, 1877. Votre Excellence ma fait l'honnenr de m'ecrire le 13 Decembre dernier, pour appeler Fattention dv Gouvernement Francais sur les objections elevees par les autoritos et la population de l'Australie contre l'arrivee dans cc pays d'individus gui, ayant etc deportes a la Nouvelle Caledonie, obtiennent leur grace. J'ai fait part de cette communication a mon collegue, M. le Ministre de la Marine et dcs Colonies, en le priant d'examiner dans quelle mesure il lvi serait possible de proter son concours aux vues indiquees par votre Excellence. M. l'Amiral Fourichon est dispose a prendre toutes les precautions afin d'eviter, autant qu'il dependra de lvi, les fuissements dontvous m'avez entrctenus. D'apres cc qu'il ma ecrit, il se proposerait de recommander aux autorites de la Nouvelle Caledonie de veiller a cc que les individus dont il s'agit soient prevenus a l'avance dcs dispositions qu'ils sont exposes a rencontrer en Australie, de maniere a les detourner de se rendre dans cc pays. II est naturellement impossible d'user de mesures de coercition pour determiner dcs personnes devenues libres de leurs mouvements a prendre une direction autre que celle gui leur convient, mais dv moms les autorites Coloniales Francaises s'abstiendront soigneusement de faciliter aux individus vises par votre communication dcs embarquements gui les conduiraient dans les ports Anstraliens. Agreez, &c, Son Excellence Lord Lyons, &c. Decazes.
Enclosure No. 3. A Bill to prevent the Influx of Foreign and other Criminals into Queensland. [Eecommended by His Excellency the Governor, 14th May, 1879. Introduced in Committee 20th May, 1879. Mr. Palmer.] Preamble. Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Queensland in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : — Offenders illegally at large. 1. The following persons shall be deemed to be offenders illegally at large within the meaning of this Act, that is to say : — Any person in Queensland who, having been found guilty of felony by a Court of competent jurisdiction in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland or any British possession other than Queensland, shall have escaped from custody within three years of his arrival in Queensland. Any person in Queensland having been found guilty as aforesaid whose sentence shall have expired within three years previous to his arrival in Queensland. Any person in Queensland who, having been transported or imprisoned under the authority of any foreign State for any crime, shall have escaped from custody. Any person who, having served a sentence of transportation or imprisonment under the authority of any foreign State, shall come into Queensland within three years after the expiration of such sentence. Offenders may be arrested. 2. It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace or any constable at any time after the passing of this Act having reasonable cause to suspect that any person is an offender illegally at large within the meaning of this Act, forthwith and without any warrant for such, purpose to arrest or cause such suspected person to be apprehended and taken before any two Justices of the Peace, to be dealt with as hereinafter mentioned. It shall be lawful for any Justice to take bail for the appearance of any person charged with being an offender illegally at large, to answer the charge before two such Justices, in such sum and with or without such sureties as such Justice may deem expedient. Punishment of offenders illegally at large. 3. It shall be lawful for any two Justices of the Peace before whom any person shall be brought
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