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Sess. 11.—1879. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by command of Sis Excellency.

Sheep Inspector's Office, Napier. _. , , . . ~ , ' . . Sib,-I hare the honor to forward my report for present depressed state of the wool market, the year 187S, and enclose the sheep returns, which n, nd 1:ltk ?i money accommodation, is exercising a show aa increase of 119,611 sheep over the previous deterrent influence on the hitherto marked[improvement or station properties m the way ot fencing, The enclosed returns comprise 510,550 ewes, and sowin S of E»S lish S rassesGG8.780 wethers, and 16,438 rams, or a total of I llave aSam much pleasure in reporting all the 1,495,768 sheep over six months old in the Hawke's nocks in this district free from scab, and otherwise Bay Sheep District on Ist May, 1878, as against healthy. 713,600 ewes, 648,246 wethers, and 14,311 rams, or I have already reported the damage done by the a total of 1,376,157 sheep in May, 1877. recent extensive bush fires to the protective fences Although feed is now showing up in lightly- at the southern boundary, and will report further as stocked country, the past season has been charac- to the necessary repairs required so soon as I can terized by extreme drought, both sheep and cattle make an inspection of the locality, having suffered in a degree formerly unknown here, Whilst regretting, in consequence of the new law and an unusually high rate of mortality has been the prohibiting Inspectors from being sheepowners, my consequence. enforced relinquishment of the position I have so Notwithstanding that the sheep returns of next i ong held, it will be a source of some satisfaction month will embrace about 100,000 sheep in the Patea to me to hand over to my successor this the country, recently annexed to this sheep district, still, most important and only clean sheep district in beyond this addition, no very material increase can t h e North Island; and in concluding this report be expected. I have great pleasure in testifying to the uniform Since the date of my last report no sheep have kindness I have received from the sheepowners been introduced overland for this district. The j n the performance of my duties, and to their imports by sea have been limited to sheep for stud ever-ready assistance and cordial co-operation in. purpose?, and comprise 393 long-wool rams, 53 long- carrying out the provisions of the various Acts is to ■wool ewes, 530 merino rams, and 620 merino ewes, De a " scr jb e d in no small degree the immunity from or a total of 1,590 sheep. The exports during the sca b w hich our flocks have so long enjoyed, same period, coastwise and overland to neighbouring sheep districts, amount to about 70,000; and about I have, &c, 200,000 have been absorbed by provincial consump- 'q. Peacock tion and boiling down. Chief Inspector of Sheep. The lambing of last season was under tho average, and the clip light, but generally sound. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary.