other districts; and your memorialists have reason to believe that no insuperable obstacles would be raised on the part of the Native proprietors to the acquisition of the land required for carrying out the object sought for by your memorialists. 7. Your petitioners are aware that a resolution recommending the construction of a railway between the Thames District and the south terminus of the Auckland and Waikato Railway (now in course of construction) has been passed by the Provincial Council, and duly forwarded for the consideration of your Excellency's Responsible Advisers ; but your memorialists do not think that this line, as recommended by the Provincial Council, would meet the requirements either of the populations of the Thames, the Upper Waikato, or the East Coast Districts. Besides, the proposed line would pass through land wholly unfitted for agricultural settlement, whereas the line desired by your memorialists would, in effect, open up a large area of agricultural lauds calculated at nearly 2,000,000 acres. 8. Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing premises, your memorialists humbly request that your Excellency, in conjunction with your Responsible Advisers, will cause such proposals to be brought forward during the next session of the General Assembly, under the Public AVorks and Immigration Act, as will give effect to the desires of your memorialists as above set forth. And your memorialists would also respectfully suggest that, prior to the next meeting of the General Assembly, a report furnishing survey, &c, of the desired railway, should be prepared for the information of Parliament on the subject. And your memorialists will ever pray. [Signed by AY. T. Swan, M.P.C., and 1,959 other inhabitants of the Thames.]
In Cabinet, 12th February, 1873. Cabinet approved of a flying survey being made of the country between the Thames and Cambridge, with a view to the ultimate construction o£ a railway in that locality ; the surveyor at the same time to be instructed to report upon the best means of connecting Waikato with Shortland by means of the Eivers Waihou or Piako. Wm. E. E. Brown, Secretary to Cabinet. The Hon. Mr. Wateehouse to His Honor T. B. Gillies. Sie, — Colonial Secretary's 'Office, 14th February, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st January, in which you forward a memorial signed by 1,900 inhabitants of vhe Thames G-old Fields, praying for the construction of a railway through the Thames Valley to the Upper Waikato and Tauranga ; and in reply to inform your Honor that instructions have been given to have a flying survey made to the Waikato without delay. The same engineer has also been instructed to make a report on the improvements required for the better navigation of the Upper Waikato Kiver. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. Gr. M. Waterhouse.
His Honor T. B. Gillies to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic, — Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 20th February, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of your letter No. 42, dated the 14th instant, in reply to the memorial from 1,960 inhabitants of the Thames Gold Field, praying for the construction of a railway through the Thames A'alley to the Upper Waikato and Tauranga. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. T. B. Gillies.
Mr. Blackett to Mr. Simpson, C.E. Sib,— Wellington, 18th February, 1873. I am authorized to engage a surveyor to make exploration and preliminary survey of a line of railway from Shortland by Thames Valley to Upper Waikato, and to report on this, and onthe improvement of the navigation of the Upper Thames ; payment at the rate of seven guineas per week. If you are at liberty, and will undertake the work, send telegram ; and I will forward instructions. Reply free. I have, &c, Mr. Simpson, C.E. John Blackett.
D. Simpson, C.E., to Assistant Engineee-in-Chief. (Telegram.) 18th February, 1873. Thanks. Can attend to this survey, and await your instructions.—D. Simpson.
The Assistant Engineee-in-Chief to "Mr. D. Simpson, C.E. Sic,— AVellington, 22nd February, 1873. I am directed by the Hon. the Minister for Public Works to send you the necessary instructions relative to the survey of a railway line from Shortland by the Thames A 7alley to the Upper AVaikato, and the examination of the llppur Thames with a view to improving its navigation, as expressed by my telegram of the 18th instant.
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