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G.—No. 22

Mount Albert, Mount Eden, Mount Roskill, Mount Wellington, One Tree Hill, Otahuhu, Panmure Township, Pahuranga, Papatoitoi, and Devonport. 4. The amounts saved by the deductions from the before-mentioned districts to be divided in the proportion of seven to five—the seven-twelfths to be divided equally between the whole Road Boards north of Auckland, excepting those already named; and the remaining five-twelfths equally between the whole Road Boards south of Auckland, excepting also those already named, and the Kauacranga, Waiotahi, and Parawai Boards, at the Thames. You will observe that this scheme is a slight modification of last year's scheme, which was found too give to large an amount to the wealthy suburban districts, whilst some of the poor outdistricts got very little. By the above modification it is hoped that the poorer out-districts will receive a share of the fund more in proportion to their necessities. I have, &c., Thomas B. Gillies, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 4. His Honor P. A. Carrington to the Hon. W. Gisborne. (No. 53.) Sir, — Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, 14th July, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Circular No. 34, dated 21st June, 1871, in which you request that I will forward " a scheme for the division among the Road Boards of this Province of the proportion of the £50,000 a year available for Taranaki during the financial year 1871-72." In reply, I beg leave to enclose the scheme asked for, which I trust will be approved. I have, &c, Fred. A. Carrington, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 5. His Honor W. Fitzherbert to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Wellington, 25th August, 1871. In terms of the "Payments to Provinces Act, 1870," I have the honor to forward statement showing the proposed division among the Road Boards of this Province of the sum of £5,000, allocated by the General Government for the year ending 30th June, 1872. I have &c., William Fitzherbert, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 6. His Honor J. D. Ormond to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — Superintendents Office, Napier, 30th June, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your circular letter of the 21st, requiring that a scheme should be furnished in terms of " The Payments to Provinces Act 1870," for the division among the Road Boards of the Province of Hawkc's Bay of the sum of £1,200 available for that purpose for the year 1871-72. Enclosed herewith is a scheme for the purpose, which is in accordance with the recommendation of the Provincial Council, and which I submit for favourable consideration. In the preparation of the scheme, all parts of the Province have received consideration, and provision is proposed for a number of Boards not yet in existence. When, last year, a scheme was proposed by me for the division of the £1,200 available for that yeai'j no Road Boards were in existence in the Province: but since then most of the districts for which I recommended provision should be made, have availed of the grant, and Road Boards arc now working in those districts. Some of the districts named in last year's scheme have not, however, formed Road Boards, and consequently the moneys appropriated to such districts have not been expended. On reference to you, I have been informed, that such unexpended sums must remain until Road Boards are formed in the districts to which they are appropriated; and as that is the case, the present scheme does not include any provision for districts in which last year's vote is still available. I fear a strict adherence to the rule laid down in your telegram- before referred to will, in the present year, prevent a considerable part of the Road Board grant being availed of, as I feel satisfied that many of the districts for which grants are proposed in the scheme will not avail of the same, or form Road Boards, although it is very desirable they should do so.