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A.—No. 2.

No. 8. His Honor 0. Curtis to the Hon. E. W. Stafford. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Nelson, 10th June, 1869. I have the honor to forward herewith the under-mentioned Acts passed by the Provincial Council of this Province, to which I have given my assent on behalf of His Excellency the Governor, viz. :— "An Act to amend 'The Education Act, 1863.'" "An Act to amend 'The Nelson Scab Act, 1868.'" " An Act to provide for the Payment of a Salary to Thomas Brunner, as Consulting Surveyor." " An Act to Appropriate the Revenue of the Province of Nelson for the year ending 31st March, 1870." I have also the honor to forward the under-mentioned Acts (in duplicate) passed by the Provincial Council, which I have reserved tor the signification of His Excellency's pleasure thereon, viz. : — " An Act to determiue the number of Members of the Provincial Council, and to appoint Electoral Districts in the Province of Nelson." " An Act to amend an Act to guarantee Interest upon the Capital to be expended in the construction of a Patent Slip or Dry Dock at the Port of Nelson." "An Act to authorize the Superintendent to appropriate part of the Public Reserve at Motueka." I also enclose copy of a Resolution adopted by a majority of the entire number of Members of the Provincial Council, and a copy of an Address from the Council, signed by the Speaker, relative to the unauthorized expenditure during the year ended 31st March, 1809, in compliance with the provisions of the 14th section of the Provincial Audit Act. I have, &c, Oswald Curtis, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, AVellington. Superintendent.

No. 9. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor O. Curtis. (No. 323.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Sir,— Wellington, 29th July, 1869. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter of the 10th ultimo, forwarding certain Acts passed by the Provincial Council of the Province of Nelson, and in reply to inform you that His Excellency the Governor has been advised to assent to "The Floating Dock Act," and "The Provincial Council Act;" and I return to you herewith a duplicate of each of those Acts, with such assent duly noted thereon. His Excellency has also not been advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of " The Appropriation Act," " The Consulting Surveyor Act;" " The Scab Act Amendment Act;" and " The Education Act Amendment Act." With respect to " The Motueka Cemetery Act," I have to inform your Honor that the Government is advised that as the land the subject of the Bill was reserved for the recreation of the public, and as the Bill vests the managemsnt in Trustees, and changes the Trust from a recreation ground to a cemetery, the Bill is inconsistent with " The Public Reserves Act, 1862," which expressly provides that the Provincial Legislature may authorize the Superintendent to vest (not itself vest) the management of lands reserved for public recreation grounds in trustees, under such restrictions as will secure the full maintenance of the purpose for which such lands were reserved. His Excellency the Governor has accordingly been advised to withhold his assent to the Bill in question. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Nelson. W. Gisborne. No. 10. His Honor D. McLean to the Hon. E. W. Stafford. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Napier, 16th June, 1869. I have the honor to transmit the accompanying Acts, and to request that you will be kind enough to advise His Excellency the Governor to assent to the same : — " Credit Act, 1809;" ' " Appropriation Act, 1869 ;" " Artesian Well Bill;" " Lighthouse Reserve Bill;" " Immigration Board Act, 1869 ;" " Ratification of Loan Expenditure Act, 1569." I have, &c., Donald McLean, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.