D.—No. 16
Enclosure in No. 6. Copy of Crown Grant of Eesera7e for Industrial Schools. Victoria, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting : AVhereas a School is about to be established at Wanganui, in the Province of New Munster, New Zealand, under the superintendence of the Eight Eeverend George Augustus, Lord Bishop of Ne\v Zealand, for the education of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean. And Avhereas it Avould promote the objects of the said Institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for the use and towards the maintenance and support of the same: Now knoAV ye that Aye, for us, our heirs, and successors, do hereby grant unto the said George Augustus, Bishop of New Zealand, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being in the District of Wanganui, in the Province of New Munster, New Zealand, and bounded towards the north-Avest by London Street five thousand three hundred (5300) links, towards the northeast by Victoria Avenue five thousand four hundred (5400) links, towards the south-east by Ingestre Street three thousand two hundred (3200) links, and towards the south and south-west by Asylum Eoad two thousand (2000) links, and four thousand (4000) links respectively, the contents being two hundred and fifty (250) acres and thirty-two (32) perches or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated on the plan draAvn in the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said George Augustus, Bishop of New Zealand, and his successors, in trust, nevertheless, and for the use and towards the maintenance of the said School, so long as religious educatiou, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the youth educated therein, or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof we have caused this our grant to be sealed with the Seal of our Province of New Munster in our said territory. Witness our trusty and Avell-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of tho Bath, Governor-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief of our said Territory and its Dependencies, and Governor of our Province of NeAV Munster, at AVellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this thirteenth day of October, in the sixteenth year of our Eeign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. G. Grey. (No. 45.) —Entered on record this sixteenth day of October, 1852, in Eegister 1., folio 52. Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar.
No. 7. Messrs. Bryce and AVatt to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Wellington, 6th September, 1866. We have the honor to call the attention of the Government to a matter which is causing considerable agitation and excitement in the mind of the public at present in Wanganui. In 1852 His Excellency the Governor granted a large portion —viz., 250 acres of the Township of Wanganui, to the Lord Bishop of NeAV Zealand, in trust for educational purposes. It is the feeling of the inhabitants of AVanganui that a great injury has been done to the district in thus handing over, virtually for Denominational purposes, nearly one-half of the toAvn, including streets and reserves ; and this feeling is not diminished, by their knoAvledge of the fact that the condition of the Trust has not been fulfilled, and that, with the exception of a very feeble attempt some ten years ago to maintain a school for a short time, at which a few Native children attended, no educational benefits of any kind whatever have resulted from this magnificent grant of half a town. Public meetings have recently been held in Wanganui, and resolutions passed to the effect that the Trust ought to be placed on a more satisfactory basis. We beg, therefore, to draAv your attention to the circumstances of the Trust, and would be glad if the Government would examine the subject, which is one of importance, aud advise us through the Hon. the Attorney-General or otherwise as to the proper course Avhich ought to be adopted under all the circumstances of the case. We may further state that the legality of the grant has been much questioned by men of high authority, officially and otherwise, and upon various grounds, the principal one being that to give away one-half of the ToAvnship of Wanganui, including streets and reserves, was a breach of faith Av-ith the land purchasers from the NeAV Zealand Company, inasmuch as they were induced by its agent to select their land in the AVanganui District on the faith and understanding that the township would be laid out for them, with the exception of the Company reserving to itself the right of alternate selection with the land purchasers. Eespectfully urging this matter on your consideration. We have, &c, ♦ John Bryce, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. AY. H. Watt.
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