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SCHEDULE of Papers laid upon the table of the House of Representatives during the Fourth Session, 1856.

Votes papers , r , Laid on the Ordered to be d p PAPERS - Moved for by. Table by. printed. ceedings . Pa P er ' PAGE. NO. Adderley, C. B., Esq., M.P. Mr. Speaker. In the 245. Letter from, relative to New Zealand Company's Augusta. Journas Debt. August 5. Agent-General for the Colony in London. The Colonial 69. Despatch from Secretary of Stata respecting. cret g,!T' Berlowitz Lazarus, Mr. Fitzherbert. The Colonial Correspondence and evidence ill the case of. April 28. Secretary. Further correspondence from Nelson in the case Colonial Q f Secretary. July 9. Bishop of New Zealand. The Colonial By Printing 69. A.—No. 6. Despatch from Secretary of State respecting salary Secretary. Committee. of. (In continuation of papers laid on the table May 2/. 21st August, 1855.) Brittan, William Guise— late Registrar of Deeds at The Colonial 69. Canterbury. Secretary. Application of, for arrears of sala-y due to him. May 27. Campbell, Lieutenant-Colonel. The Colonial ®9. Application of, for a pension. re 'o^' Canterbury—Land Office. Mr. Hall. The Colonial *'4. Correspondence respecting the re-payment of the June 11. Secretary. cost of the Survey Instruments and Maps of June 18. the. Canterbury—Provincial Council. Mr. Speaker. By Printing 5. A.—InO. 2. Land Fund—Letter from Speaker enclosing reso- April 17. Committee. lution of, respecting an alleged over-payment on account of the Land Fund. _ Supreme Court—Letter from Speaker enclosing Mr. Speaker. June 30. 151. A. No. II. resolution of, respecting the inconvenience sus- June 30. tained by the Province in not having a session of the Supreme Court held there. Chatham Islands, British authority at. Mr. Macandrew. The Colonial By Printing 73. C. No. 5. Correspondence relative to the establishment of; May 15. Secretary. Committee. and copies of all correspondence with Mr. May 28. Shand since his official appointment at. Constitution Act. The Colonial By Printing 34. A.—No. 3, Extract of Despatch from his Excellency to the Secretary. Committee. Secretary of State for the Colonies dated 25th May 8. September, 185>, relative to the power of the General Assembly to make alterations in the. Customs, Deputy-Collector of —Wellington. Mr. Fitzherbert. The Colonial 4-2. Captain Sharpe, correspondence relative to the a y Secretary. appointment of. May 13. Customs. Mr. Hall. Mr. Stafford. August 9. 155- C.—No. 14. Return of the Estimated Receipts and Expendi- June 20. July 1. ture on account of the Customs department for the year ending 30th June, 1856 ; also, return of probable Receipts from Duties of Customs at each of the various Ports of the Colony during the same period. Estimated Revenue for the year ending 30th June, Mr. Hall. The Colonial August 8. 260. C. No. 1-3. 1857, under " Customs Duties Act, 1856," of August 6. Secretary. 5th August. August 8. Auckland, Return of all Spirits, &c., taken out of Mr. Fox. The Colonial August 8. 260. C. jSo.10. bond during four weeks ending 7th August, August 7. Secretary. 1856. August 8. Auckland, Return of Gross Receipts for the Pro- Mr. Sewell. The Colonial 1"^. vince of Auckland for the four months ending May 26. Secretary. 30th April, 1855, 1856. June 14. Suppa, George. Mr. Fox. The Colonial July 9. 147. C.—No. 6. Decision of Mr. Justice Stephen relative to a land June 24. Secretary. claim in the matter of. June 27. Electoral Rolls. In reply to Mr. Stafford. July 22. 203. A.—No. 9. Scrutiny of. Mr. Merriman. July 22. Finance. The Colonial June 10. 91. A.—No. 1. Assets and Liabilities of the General Gorernment Treasurer. returns of. June 10.


SCHEDULE of Papers—continued.

Votes PAPFRS *w if Laid on the Ordered to be and Pro- n PAI ERS - Moved for by. TaUe by _ printed _ Paper. PAGE. NO. Estimates for 1856-7, with proposed application The Colonial 61. of Civil List for same period. Treasurer. May 23. Estimated Ordinary Revenue and Expenditure Mr. Hall. The Colonial A'tgust 8. 260. C.—No. 17 for 1856-7. Estimated Expenditure for 1856-7 August 6. Secretary. chargeable on the Temporary Loan. Additional August 8. Estimates for 1856-7 chargeable on the Ordinary Revenue. Expenditure ineomparative statements on account Mr. Elliott. The Colonial By Printing 57. C.—No. 3. of each branch of the public service from 1st May 9. Secretary. Committee. January, 1855. May 21. The Colonial By Printing 42. B.—No. 4. Memorandum of Auditor-General relative to the Secretary. Committee. financial returns transmitted in his Excellency's May 13. Message No. 5, 25th April, 1856. Printing and returns to the Houses of Assembly, Mr. Hall. The Colonial By Printing 55. C.—No. 2. cost of. May 14. Secretary. Committee. May 20. Gold at Nelson. The Colonial 69. Correspondence relative to discovery of. Secretary. May 27. Government House—Auckland. In answer to The Colonial By Printing 117. A.—No. 8. Correspondence relative to cost of erection of. Mr. Hall. Treasurer. Committee. June 19. Grammar School—Auckland. Mr. Daldy. Mr. Stafford. 199. Copies of Trust Deeds, and returns showing June 26. July 17. present position of Trusts. Grimstone, S. 25, The Colonial 69. Correspondence relative to his claim for com- Secretary. pensation. May 27. Gunpowder, Storage of. Mr. Fox. Mr Stafford. 159. Correspondence between Provincial Authorities June 27. July 2. of Auckland and the General Government respecting. Immigration. Mr. Fox. Mr. Stafford. By Printing 139. C.—No. 8. Correspondence relative to proposed immigration June 18. June 25. Committee. from Canada and Nova Scotia; and correspondence relative to the purchase of Victoria Valley, Mongonui. Correspondence relative to immigration from Mr. Fox. Mr. Stafford. By Printing 199. q No. 9. Victoria (Melbourne) in continuation of fore- June 18. July 17. Committee. going paper. Letter from Dr. Stratford to Mr. Graham on the Mr. Graham. Mr. Graham. 251. matter of. August 6. August 6. Intestate Estates. Mr. Brodie. The Colonial 216. Return of fees received from, for the Northern May 16. Secretary. Division of the Colony. July 25. Johnstone, J. C., Captain. Mr. Merrimari, The Colonial 216. Correspondence with General Government res- July 23. Secretary. pecting his land purchase at "VYhangaroa. July 25. Judges, Salaries of. The Colonial 81. Correspondence relative to increase of. Secretary. June 14 Mr. Justice Stephen's Memorandum on the subject In reply to Mr. Stafford. 227. of his salary. Mr. Merriman. July 29. Justices of the Peace. Mr. Williamson. Mr. Stafford. 113. Circular to Superintendents of Provinces, and lists June 18. in answer, of persons, recommended by them to be placed on the Commission of the Peace. Land Purchase Department. Mr. Stafford. The Colonial June 27. 114. C.—No. 4. Return of all lands purchased from the Natives April 25. Secrtlaiy. between 5th July, 1850, and 31st March, 1856. " June 18. Return shewing the expenditure of Mr. McLean Mr. Brodie. Mr. Stafford. July 29. 228. C.—No. 7. in the purchase of lands. June 27. August 6. July 29. Return showing the probable amounts required The Colonial By Printing A. No. 12. for completing Native land purchases for the Treasurer. Committee. year ending 30th June, 1857. Return showing the detailed e-timate of expendi- The Colonial July 22. 203. A No. 12. ture on account of the Land Purchase Depart- Treasurer. ment for the year 1856-57.—(Appendix to the July 22. foregoing )


SCHEDULE of Papers—continued.

pa pin? g 71 r if 7 Laid on the Ordered to be find Pm n PAPERS. Moved for by. TMe by _ printed. "edings. PAGE. NO. Lands Sold. Mr. Hall. The Colonial August 7. 104,255. C.—No. 12. Return of the number of acres of land sold in all April 29. Secretary. the Provinces, in each quarter, from 5th July, June 14. Aug. 7. 1850, to 31st Maich, 1856. Return of acres sold in all the Provinces for the Mr. Bell. Mr. Stafford. 139. twelve months ending 31st December, 1855, June 20. June2o. distinguishing the quantities respectively sold for cash and scrip. Land Revenue, disposal of. The Colonial 184. Circular letter respecting the disposal of the land Secretary. fund, and transfer of Crown lands to Provincial July 1 '• authorities. Land, disposal of, at Wellington. Mr. Bell. Mr. Stafford. 139. Report of the Commission appointed by the Go- June 18. Jnne25. vernor to enquire into certain subjects connected with the disposal of land. Light Houses. Mr. Ludlam. The Colonial By Printing 133. C.— No. 10. Despatch from Secretary of State, with enclosures, June 23. Secretary. Committee. relative to the erection of Colonial Light June 24. Houses, Magistrates. Mr. Fitzherbert. The Colonial 99. Nominal list of Magistrates throughout the Co- May 23. Secretary lony, specifyingthe dates of their appointments. June 12. Memorandum of the Colonial Secretary with re- The Colonial 114. ference to the foregoing, distinguishing such as Secretary. are included in the Commission of the Peace. June 18. Magistrates, not Justices of the Peace. Mr. Fitzherbert. The Colonial j July 3. 147. C.—No. 11. Opinion of Mr. Attorney-General as to the vali- June 14. Secretary. dity of such appointments. June 27. I Maori Messenger, file of. The Colonial 133. Secretary. June 24. Ministerial Government. The Colonial By Printing 33 A.—No. 13. Minute of his Excellency as to the relations be- Secretary. Committee. tween himself and his responsible advisers. Natives, Education of. In the last The Colonial By Printing 75. A.—No. 7. Correspondence relative to the distribution of Session. Secretary. Committee. money grants for the above object in ihe Ma y 29Northern Division, and report of the appropriation of the same, including— Report of the Church of England Board for N ative Education in the Northern Division. Ditto, in continuation of the foregoing, for the In the last The Colonial By Printing' i7<! i 7, Wellington District. Session. Secretary. Committee. a.-jno./-July 8. Natives, outstanding Loans to. Mr. Stafford. 139 Return of outstanding loans in the Province of J une 25. Auckland. Natives, Vaccination of. The Colonial By Printing 177. A.-No. 10. Iveport of Central Board of. Secretary. Commiitee. July 9. Natives, Wairarapa. ,, , . , c, „ . Colonial py Printing 69. —No 5. Statement of d per cent, due to them on proceeds Secretary. Committee of certain land sales. May 27. Naval Officers, allowance to. TIl . n t> • ! „ , lne Colonial By Printing s Q , . Correspondence respecting pecuniary allowance Secretary. Committed A - _iNo - *• to, similar to that given to Military Officers in May 27. New Zealand. Nelson Defalcation. ,. T . ,r o „ . ,, , . , . Mr. Fox. Mr. Stafford. Papers relative thereto, in continuation of former June 4. June 4 8l - papers transmitted in his Excellency's Message No. 13, 8th Mav 1856. ° Further correspondence in continuation of fore- M r. Fox. The Colonial June 6. Secretary. Nelson. —Registration at the Wairau. tu n ■ Ct £ y ° fa i let,er^ rom Superintendent of Nelson to Secrecy." 104, Colonial Secretary on the subject. ! une 11. June 14.


SCHEDULE of Papers—continued.

Votes PAP FH<5 ,, , , , Laid on the Ordered to be ard Pr0 _ PAPEHS. Moved for by. Table by. printed. ceedings. PAGE. NO. Otago.—Colonial Surgeon. The Colonial 69. Correspondence, salary of that officer. J 11 Otago Provincial Council Ordinance, 1856." Mr. Travers. The Colonial 99. ■\Vith opinion of Mr. Auditor-General upon it. June 11. Secretaiy. Copy of an unsigned memorandum referring to the Mr. Travers. Colonial foregoing, and in continuation thereof. June 11. Secretary. June 14. Pensioners.—Staff Officers, 8fc. Mr. Hall. The Colonial 133. Correspondence respecting conditions of service of June 11. Secretary. above, in relation to claims to grants of land. i> n o Copy of a letter from Officer commanding Pen- The Colonial sioners, relative to leasing their cottages. Treasurer. July 22. Piercy, Mr. J. J., arrears of salary to. Mr. Brodie. Mr. Stafford. ! Petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, transmitted to the June 27. July 2. Colonial Secretary by the Resident Magistrate at Auckland, 9th April, 1856, with correspondence and minutes. Memorandum of the Auditor-General upon pre- Mr. Stafford. 187. cedents involved in the foregoing. July 12. Returning Officer, Bay of Islands. Mr. Carleton. The Colonial 63. Correspondence with the General Government, May 21. Secretary. concerning the Proceedings of that officer at the 26. late elections. Voting Papers rejected. Mr Carleton. The Colonial 21G. Return of all voting papers rejected by Returning June 6. Secretary. Officers in the Province of Auckland, during July 25. late elections for the Superintendency, the Provincial Council,and the House of Representatives. Returns in continuation of the foregoing. Mr. Carleton. The Colonial 255. June 6. Secretary. Wynyard, Colonel R. H., C. B. The Colonial 69. Correspondence relative to his lodging allowance Secretary. while Lieut.-Governor of New Ulster. May 27. Correspondence relative tc.the disallowance of Major Greenw0 od. The Colonial 177. Military emoluments to him, while in the exe- J T , „ cution of those civil duties, which his position ' July 9 entailed upon him. ' j

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SCHEDULE of Papers laid upon the table of the House of Representatives during the Fourth Session, 1856., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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SCHEDULE of Papers laid upon the table of the House of Representatives during the Fourth Session, 1856. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

SCHEDULE of Papers laid upon the table of the House of Representatives during the Fourth Session, 1856. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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