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Transmitted to the House by His Excellency the Governor, April 25, 1856.

MESSAGE No. 5. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. The Governor transmits, for the information of the House of Representatives, Financial Statements* for the periods included between the First of January, 1853, and the Thirty-first December, 1855. These have been prepared in accordance with the resolution of the House of Representatives, which required the whole of the land deposits received in each period to be treated as revenue, and distributed among the several provinces as surplus revenues. The whole of the arrears of expenditure have been shown as charges on the revenues of the period when the expenses were actually incurred; and the moneys issued for the purchase of lands have been a charge on the land revenues of the period during which they were issued. The balances in the public chests, on the Ist of January, 1853, are shown at the head of the Financial Statement for the Nine Months ending 30th September, 1853, and they are charged with the arrears of expenditure belonging to the period prior to the Ist January, 1853. The excess of these arrears over the balances in hand is exhibited as a charge on the revenues of the period ending 30th September, 1853, and will be found included in the unappropriated balances of that period. Government House, Auckland, 25 th April, 1856. * Copies of 4 Statements.



No. 1.—FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the Nine Months

£ s. d. Available Balances in hand on the 1st of January, 1853 (vide Schedule No. 1) . 12,403 7 11 Balance, shown in the Statement below as defrayed out of the Unappropriated Balance of the Nine Months ending 30th September, 1853 . . . 6,225 7 0 £ 18,628 14 11 Oedinaey Revenue. G-ross Receipts. Charges. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs—Auckland ...... 22,522 6 5 1,584 17 9 New Plymouth ..... 2,431 12 4 131 3 6 Wellington 14,633 4 5 1,277 13 6 Nelson 4,016 1 9 306 0 3 Canterbury ...... 3,919 6 0 630 19 11 Otago 1,727 3 5 224 17 2 Post Office —Auckland ...... 244 4 11 New Plymouth . . . . . 84 14 10 Wellington...... 478 4 2 .... Nelson ...... 89 4 9 .... Canterbury ..... 157 18 .... Otago 39 13 9 .... Fees, Fines, &c.—Auckland ..... 2,742 5 2 .... New Plymouth .... 488 19 10 .... Wellington ..... 1,930 17 2 Nelson 831 11 6 Canterbury ..... 870 3 11 Otago. ..... 186 9 11 ! ... Agent-General . . 201 11 0 201 11 0 Totals . . . £ 57,594 16 11 4,357 3 1 Net Ordinary Revenue . . . £ Teeeitobial Revenue. Gross Receipts. Surveys, &c., &c. 1 " Land I >urcllase3 - £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Moneys issued Auckland .... 25,917 0 10 2,690 2 0 6,384 3 9 for the PurNew Plymouth . . . 847 0 0 221 11 7 211 15 3 chase of Land Wellington . . . 5,530 0 0 2,738 0 1 1,315 5 0 (vide ScheNelson .... 6,520 13 0 643 10 5 1,590 0 9 duleNo.5)— Canterbury . . . 1,251 5 2 826 1 1 35 7 6 £ s. d. Otago .... 1,083 3 6 480 17 6 270 0 10 9,598 0 7 TOTALS . . . £ 41,149 2 6 7,600 2 8 9,806 13 -1 i 9,598 0 7 RECAPITULATION OP THE TERRITORIAL RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gross Receipts 41,149 2 6 Deduct—Expenses 7,600 2 8 New Zealand Company's Fourths . . 9,806 13 1 Land Purchases ...... 9,598 0 7 27,004 16 4 i being Net Territorial Revenue, after deducting all new Land Purchases and First Charges shown in this Statement .......... £ Receipts on Account of Parliamentary Grant for period ...... Receipts from Commissariat Chest, on Account of New Zealand Company's operations Total Ordinary and Territorial Net Revenue . . . £


ending the 30th September, 1853.


£ s. d. Arrears : Expenses of 1852 paid during tlie Nine Months ending 30th September, 1853 (vide Schedule No. 2) . . . . . . . . 12,310 2 9 New Zealand Company's Fourths, due 1st January, 1853 ..... 6,318 12 2 £ 18,628 14 11 Net Bevenue, Civil List, Parliamentary G-bant, and AppeoOrdinary & Territorial. pbiation Ordinances. £ s. d. 20,937 8 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,300 8 10 13,355 10 11 Civil List for Nine Months . . 12,000 0 0 3,710 1 6 3,288 6 1 Deduct Civil List expenses, pro1,502 6 3 vided for by Parliamentary 244 4 11 Grant and Appropriation Ordi84 14 10 nances (vide Schedule No. 3) . 8,512 10 0 4£j J 2 3j487 1Q o 157 1 8 on 13 Q _. n cy Parliamentary Grant for Nine '"'488 19 10 ' Months 5,045 0 0 11 6 Deduct Services, included in Ap- „ . propriation Ordinances (vide Jj Schedule No. 4 . . . 2,473 15 0 100 y 11 000 2,571 5 0 Appropriation Ordinance —New Ulster . . 19,611 3 0 53,_37 New Munster . . 18,145 11 9 j Debenture Security Ordinance, aurthorizing the payment of priucipal, amounting during the period to ....... 282 0 0 Land Regulation Ordinance, authorizing the payment of expenses of Registration of Deeds, amounting to ...... 207 1 6 Unappropriated Balance. £ s. d. Issued to Provinces ( vide Statement on the other side) . . . 5,772 3 6 Expended in excess of provision (vide Schedule No. 6) . . . . 9,999 14 0 Arrears of 1852, in excess of the Available Balances in hand on 1st January, 1853 (vide Statement above) 6,225 7 0 Balance for distribution among the 14 144 (J 2 Provinces 13,213 13 4 4,000 0 0 35,210 17 10 8,133 9 1 79,515 9 1 Total . . . £ 79,515 9 1


No. 1.—Financial Statement for the Nine Months


■■1»U3U9Q-Mtipny 'JJIfJIfOI STOIVIIO f 5 61 L 0 0 MS 5 CI £tl'86 9 Z 6Pl'\P 9 81 ISZ'L I P £60'l P P\ 6PZ'6P & ' ' * S-IVI.OX 0 II I0S 0 II I0S ' ' " 0 II 103 i«iau9£) inaSy j L 01 9£0'£ * ' L 01 9£0'£ 9 8 £80'l II 6 981 6 £1 6S 5 £ LZL'X °^0 G 91 Z61'9 * " 6 91 Z6I'9 Z 5 19Z'1 11 £ 0Z8 8 I ZSI 0 9 6I6'£ imqianreo 0 II L9P'll ' ' 0 II L9P'\\ 0 £1 03S'9 9 II I£8 6 F 68 6 1 910'f? uosptf 6 £1 955'SS 0 51 51 6 5 ZlS'ZZ 0 0 0£5'5 Z LI 0£6'l Z P 81P 5 V ££9'H uo: >f u HPAV 0 Z 2S8'£ ■••01 SS8'£ 0 0 LP 8 01 61 01 PI fr8 P Zl lEP'Z Ma N p 0 ZI£'l5 0 Ll 801 P L\ 9ZP'\9 01 0 ZI6'5S Z 5 ZPL'Z 5 9 ZZ9'ZZ puuppny •p ■s & p -s & -p •s & p -s & •p -s g: -p -s gs ■p -s ge si . 0Jg 3d em ' SM ®)S J° «m -sjdiaoag; wtUO * S0 «I -sraoisriQ -saoniAOHj; jo uopjoaoja aq ? ' e9 gj B qoang ssoj£) pijox puBi 'seuitf 'sswj; J,u SSOXQ }0np3(I j •aaxYanoiTD si aoNiAoaa hovs ox ?h?iyav<i a:nN:>TA5ia sn/iaaas ao lioixaoaoaa hhx hoihav no sxaiaoaa ssoao 01 91 586'8I 9 • • ■ 01 91 586'8I 9 ' ' ' ™J.O X p £1 £IS'£I £581 Maqraajdag q}Q£ Suipna sqiuoH aq; jo no saouiAoaj o; onp aoirepsg; 9 0 985 ........ — ......... o£te>o Oi i 96i'l iinqrajoBQ — Xjmqia^uBQ Z I OXZ'Z uospfl £ 5 PlL uosptf 9 £ 19%'p uojSuqpjVY It 91 IG I'£ wojaaqp^ 9 j £p£ AVDJSI l £ OPZ M3jy[ p 8 668'6 pxroppny jo aouiAOJj 6 LI 599' 1 jo aouiAOjj ■p -s ge P '* 9 uorpurjeuog aqi jfq paxij apu aip o; StnpjoooB -pouod sin Suunp eaauiAOJj; o; spurn 'saoutAoaj snoueA oij; Suorara '-pox 'sgx 586'8I3F ' mns aAoqe jo • c • "• 01 91 S86'813? ' ' - ivxox P £1 £IZ'£1 ' apis jaq;o oqi uo oqi ni iiAvoqs sii 'nopnqu;sip joj ajqB[ii;Ai! aoirepjp 9 g iLV 5 ' £581 q;o£ Suipna ai[l Saunp saauiAOJ ( [ 0} panssi p s & -ga.iMaAaa smaans


ending the 30th September, 1858—continued.


SCHEDULE No. 1. —Balances in hand, 1st January, 1853. Available. Unavailable. | Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Colonial Chest, Auckland 6,808 2 5J 2,359 5 9 9,167 8 2£ Postmaster „ 352 5 2 ... 352 5 2 Colonial Chest, New Plymouth 95 13 10 15 9 9 111 3 7 Wellington 1,211 16 7 248 5 5 1,460 2 0 Nelson 2,978 11 1 105 8 11 3,084 0 0 Canterbury , . . • • • 455 14 3| ... 455 14 3 1 Otago 501 4 6 504 19 5 1,006 3 11 Totals ... £ 12,403 7 11 3,233 9 3 15,636 17 2 SCHEDULE No. 2.—Arrears. £ s. d. Expenses of 1852 paid during the Nine Months ending 30th September, 1853 (for particulars, vide first column of Statement in folio 30 of the Finance Committee's Statement) . . 11,760 4 6 Add refund to Commissariat Chest, Wellington, on account of Parliamentary Grant overdrawn for the year 1852 2,000 0 0 £ 13,760 4 6 Deduct Arrears of Land Fund expenses, as shown in the Financial Committee's Statement . 1,450 1 9 TOTAL . . . £ | 12,310 2 9 SCHEDULE No. 3.—Civil List. £ s. d. £ s. d. Civil List, for nine months 12,000 0 0 The whole of the following Services being fully provided for by the Parliamentary Grant and Appropriation Ordinances, namely: — Governor ' 2 i ■ Governor's Establishment 578 14 9 Chief Justice '50 0 0 Puisne Judge 600 0 0 Colonial Secretary's Department 1,087 10 0 Colonial Treasurer's Department 525 0 0 Attorney-General's Department 450 0 0 Auditor-General's Department 487 10 0 j Contingencies 396 5 3 j deduct the Amount from the Civil List for Nine Months . . *. . * | 6,750 0 0 j Deduct also the Amount provided for Native Purposes by the Appropriation , j Ordinances 1,762 10 0 j 1 8,512 10 0 TOTAL ... £ 3,487 10 0 SCHEDULE No. 4. —Parliamentary Grant. £ s. d. £ s. d. Parliamentary Grant for Nine Months . . . . j 5,045 0 0 The following Services being provided for by the Appropriation Ordinances, namely:— Lieutenant-Governor 600 0 0 Chief Justice '50 0 0 Attorney-General . 378 15 0 Clerk of Councils 286 5 0 Colonial Secretary 311 5 0 Chaplain and Schools 147 10 0 deduct the Amount from the Parliamentary Grant for Nine Months ; 2,473 15 0 Total ... £ | 2,571 5 0 SCHEDULE No. 5. —Land Purchases. £ s. d. Taid by Colonial Treasurer, Auckland 3 3 Colonial Treasurer, Wellington J™ 1 Jt Sub-Treasurer, New Plymouth of no in a Advances to C. W. Ligar 0 0 D.M'Lean 6 ' 613 10 0 £ 10,580 4 5 Less Advances refunded by D. M'Lean 3 10 Total ... £ 9,598 0 7


No. 1. —Financial Statement for the Nine Months

0 u m 0 t 88 0 0 a o f 99 ; ; ; ; ; ; ! ! 0 OX 16 0 0 98 0 0 S3 0 0 19 eraentreqo 0 0 091 X 21 SZf 6 Zl 88 f 61 'X88 • 0 0 SS3 f 91 983 _ t _ o c FT sMimraqafl; pusi 0 91 88 4 21 81 Z 4 X 9 i uo isaaapij 0 0 084 0 <5 f89 01 0 ff Z X ejooqag 0 0 949 o 0 946 0 0 9lf X ' ' n a nnT nimduqo pnuojoo pun doqsig 0 0 09X 0 0 008 0 0 00S 0 0. 00X ■ , llJ row) piw jjuoqg 0 0 Xf4 f 9 t64 t 6 4 9fZ 4 4X qI% t 0}BJ)SISB'PJ; 9 8 ffZ'l 0 0 llf X S 9X X88 4 920 X epaa'a jo .nsa^stSag; 0 0 9ZZ 8 f ZIZ 8 9 8XX 0 8X 89X jaanjn 0 OX 498 0 0 948 0 0 93X 0 0 093 raroipnp 0 0 980'X 0 0 OZO X 0 0 OfS 0 0 089 | ra ,pa W 6 8X ZXO'X 8 8X 480 X X Z 48X Z XX 096 aaqoj 8 9X 9f9'Z 4 OX ZOd'Z XX XX X09 8 8X 466 X m0 qn£ 0 8 898 4 6X 469 0 8X 49X 4 X 089 stao^stiQ P X 9X4'X ... ... ... g i 8 X 9X4 X eoigo 0 0 ZfS Z f 843 XX 6 f8 8 XX 86X (1 uobj\[„ 0 OX 9XX ... ijuaaqJEdaQ; pBO|j; 8 "XX 086 ' „ „ onqnj 0 8 8t8 f 6X 968 X 8 OX 48f 8 8 60X X atissT io X tIE !I .0 0 09X 0 0 09X 0 0 09 0 0 00X ?jpny 0 9X 488 9 X 298 4 4X 88X OX 8 8X5 (juaaq-redaa PF°I°0 0 91 849 9 8X 469 0 9X 88S n /t 87/ e l £ra»aj09g pmioioo 6 9 696 0 6X 090 X 0 Z ZZS 0 4X 8|4 ■ • spoimoo jo V o IO 0 OX 48 I 0 OX 48 0 OX Zl 0 0 93 ipiauqiBdaa; e.ireqaaoag 9AR«tI 9 XX 898 8 OX 9X8 Z 6X XX9 . . . puB 0 0 964 4 61 408 4 6X 408 + i •" ■p -s g -p -s gf -p s 3 f 'P '* ff I 'P '* & _ 'P ' s g p I "898X •euoipnjdojddy ., m -gaouBmpjo I qTO8 pooripnn "Wl H A !0 I -pouad -pouad ? xau oq? 2«TP« 8 •THimiayaafT sa&reqO " 1il d aqijo Vnoooyuo Suunp inanxaraaa ' sosuadxg; mox pred sjBaary aqt Suunp " ' pred aan^ipuadxg; •gniKOjti aKijst aHi aoa snoiiyxaaoajay 0 fl 666'6 & ' ' ' KOHTiaaoajay ao ssaoxa hi aaxixiasa<ixjf f fl X99 8X eeouBuipao I Ba0 1 V UB Ka3 - lB H0 0 g [l9 ' z XjBiuouiBiiitJa; C ao;'/Q • • • uoxjBu'<foaddy— (Mopq apia) uoi^udoiddy f 8 X99'89 • ■ • • • (Mopq t>pm) 8S8X Smpua sq,no M auija jo lunoaay uo IB?o X •p s "P '* ff ■NOixviudcmady mhx jo ssaoxa ni aaaxiaNaaxg 3hx oniavohs 'XNawaxvxg "9 SHIQSIIOS


ending the 30th September, 1853—continued.


4 f 9f8't 0 2 142*2 0 01 m'e 6 fX 924*48 f 8 199*82 01 Z 222*8 9 2 9SX*02 3f ' ' ' itioj 8 I 86G'l IT SI 989 0 8 288*2 0 8 II9'6I 8 f 2F6*22 2 91 244*9 8 8 241*02 SF * ■ jioisiAid hhshmoji iyioi aay f 8 8f8'Z I 6 280*2 0 4 299 6 II 8 8 914*28 9 9 22f'*2 8 41 892*08 3P ' ' " koisiaiq naaHxaog 'ivj.oj. 9 41 69f 9 II iXf ... 9 XX llf uospvj 'xTOpiraxiraadng 0 01 49'X ... 0 01 49t uoi^aStraaij 0 4 229 ... X" 9 212*8 ... x 9 212*8 noi^ianpjj 0 0 091 0 0 091 f 81 91 8 9 SSI meiduqo jbtuojoq I 61 !4 ... ... 01 II 988*1 I 9 281 6 9 121*1 Sug; xuauiiwaAO-Q 0 01 ZS 8 9 Si ... S 9 Si jouojoo 0 0 091 8 8 648 ... 8 g 6^ g Sin^tiuj 01 41 411*1 2 9 962 8 II 128 satuSuoqy 0 0 091 9 4 881 f 81 If Z 'TT 911 £n*)M09g 9Apojj 0 0 008 II 81 001 4 8 8f X 2 22 eajnxugqaQ no qsajajuj 0 II 102 ... ... ... 0 II 102 " " 0 II 106 sjosuoo jod ao.tqx 0 2 168*1 8 8 946'l 9 II 468 8 Zl 449'l enoauBftooeij^ 8 61 684*2 4 II 696*2 ... 4 II 696*2 sfOM. aqqnj 01 I 249*1 I fl 68f-*I 0 Zl ZZX X Z 418*1 a>e.t)Si8epi xurapissy; Z 8 269 8 8 S88 0 8 61 8 21 898 JffF^g 9 I 40S ... ... ... 9 £ 0g 9 x 402 epoo(x jo .re.qsiSoy Z 8 '109 01 f f89 ... ox x X89 [Bjout3£)-.roj'}ai3a}j 6 9 288*1 6 21 088 I I 281 8 T'l 869 l- m0 3 aumdng 0 21 808 Z 61 882 ... 2 61 882 pj-raua-Q-XaiuoMy 01 01 ... ... ... 01 01 ' ' ' 01 01 68f-*2 eino^snQ 9 91 110*1 6 81 9!)X*I 2 0 922 f 81 0X2*1 xuauijjBdaa; psaipopi 9 21 289 6 61 099 9 4 4 8 21 8>9 eagfO 9 f 924 f 01 812*1 I 81 6SI 8 41 840*1 jnoqjsjj 1 61 192*2 0 41 421*2 9 6 ff 9 4 801*2 8 I 482 4 4 99 ... 4 4 99 epDutioo 0 2 26 9 2 101 01 81 91 8 9 <™gsi J° 3[««a 0 01 488 II 4 4 I OS . f 9 918 qnatax-redaa ;;ptiy 0 2 182 2 61 249 4 SI 28 01 9 OCX iirattqjBcIoa; IBIUOIOQ 0 0 114 8 I ffti 01 I 2X1 01 61 109 <}uauq.reda(j s/jBpjaag jbiuoioo 2 6 ... z 6 9gx xuauq.iBdaQ s,£re?ajaag jiaiq S II 821*1 S 0 1>8I ... £ 0 >X8X .loujaAOQ-^uBua^uoiq 0 01 296*1 ... oi 91 98X*2 4 81 062 8 81 961*2 puB JOIU3AOJJ ! ! 8 I 866*1 | II 91 989 0 S 988*2 0 8 119*61 8 f 9W5*92 2 91 244*2 8 8 241*02 3f ' ' ' koisiaiq; jraanraovi aiu aoa tyiox II 0 22f 0 6 218 ... 8 I 248 01 81 01 4 028 eaS-reqo puaua*) 0 fX 1X6*1 0 01 484 | 4 6 S8X*S 8 8 248 II 0 119*2 uoiisonpg; sauiSuoqy 0 01 082*2 2 2 1X9 0 8 62 2 I I I8t 0 0 282 ... ... ... 0 Q ... 0 0 jrgj, qsBQ ut pred saanjuaqafl 0 0 021 8 I 108*1 9 0 488 Z I XI 6 snoauBjposrj^ 0 21 88 ... 0 0 24 ... ... amrauBj 0 01 22 0 4 48 9 81 01 9 8 92 Jauojoo 0 0 922 J 9 f 9Zf ... 9 n.. ggf ...... -ay ox sfnasa.ij; 0 0 94 9 II 29 ... 9 XI 22 pooMo.iij


No. 2.—FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the Nine Months

Charges and Expenses of Ordinary Revenue. Gross Receipts. ouTSeGross^ecdpts by the Constitution Act. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs—Auckland ...... 31,963 2 11 2,433 13 0 New Plymouth ..... 2,278 4 8 270 4 11 Wellington ...... 21,172 18 7 1,601 8 5 Nelson 5,782 6 11| 524 12 01 Canterbury ...... 5,460 1 6 771 15 2 Otago 2,718 11 5 602 15 9 Post Office—Auckland ....•• 362 13 8 New Plymouth . 75 3 8 .... Wellington ....•• 395 11 4 Nelson ....•• 97 17 1 .... Canterbury. . . . • • 176172 Otago 37 7 6 .... Fees, Fines, &c.—Auckland . 1,354 6 5 .... New Plymouth .... 168 3 8 .... Wellington ..... 67 12 3 .... Nelson 179 8 6 . 1 . Canterbury ..... 65 1 0 .... Otago ...... 1729 .... Agent-General ....... 400 15 11 207 9 11 Totals . . . £ 72,773 6 111 6,411 19 2£ Net Ordinary Revenue . . . £ Gross Receipts, Expenses, &c., New Zealand Com- T i Territorial Revenue. deducting Surveys. pany's Fourths. Land P chas all Refunds. J 1 J £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Moneyg isgued Auckland .... 40,676 5 5 4,762 1 9 10,029 9 11 for the PurNew Plymouth . . . 3,930 5 0 880 9 01 982 11 3 chase of Land Wellington . . . 28,307 14 6 3,580 6 5 7,011 8 7 (vide ScheNelson .... 16,869 11 9 921 12 4 3,951 4 1 duleNo.2)— Canterbury . . . 34,447 3 1 1,750 10 3 8,224 10 0 £ s. d. Otago .... 5,316 5 9 713 0 8 1,303 2 6 38,567 10 2 Totals . . . £ 129,547 5 6 12,608 0 5 31,502 6 4 38,567 10 2 RECAPITULATION OE THE TERRITORIAL RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ «• dGross Receipts 129,547 5 6 Deduct —Surveys, &c. . . . . . • 12,608 0 5 New Zealand Company's Fourths . . 31,502 6 4 Land Purchases ...... 38,567 10 2 82,677 16 11 being Net Territorial Revenue, after deducting all new Land Purchases and First Charges shown in this Statement £ Total Ordinary and Territorial Revenue . . . £


ending the 30th June, 1854.


. I Net Revenue, Civil List. Appbopbiations, &c. Ordinary & Territorial. £ s. d. £ s , d. 29 529 9 11 2,007 19 9 Civil List 12,000 0 0 19,571 10 2 5 25 7 14 11 Appropriations by Local Ordinances (viae last column 4,688 6 4 of Schedule No. 1) 3,831 2 10 2,115 15 8 362 13 8 75 3 8 395 11 4 97 17 1 176 17 2 37 7 6 1,354 6 5 168 3 8 67 12 3 179 8 6 65 1 0 17 2 9 193 6 0 66,361 7 9 ■ Unappropriated Balance. £ s. d. Issued to Provinces . . • 64,999 16 4 j Expenditure in excess of Provision (vide Schedule No. 1) . . . 15,309 3 2 Balance for distribution among the Provinces ..... 17,090 14 0 1 1 97,399 13 6 46,869 8 7 113,230 16 4 Total . . . £ 113,230 16 4


No. 2.—Financial Statement for the Nine Months


7oaauap-Mtipny 'XHQINM gaiHYHQ ft I PZL'lQZ P S 98S tS 21 028*202 9 S ZfrS'62I 9 01 2S2*2 S 01 SH'l fO 9 SZ8'69 * * * sivxox ; II SI OOF II SI 00I 7 ' ' " 11 S I OOf 7 ... ......... pjjgngr) juaSy S L 680*8 ' S L 680*8 6 S 9I8*S 6 Z L\ 9 L 12 S II 81 L'Z O3B*O C Z I'Of' ' ' C Z 6Pl'0P I 8 £PP'P2 0 I 69 Z L\ 9ZI 9 I 09fr*S iCitiqjaiireQ t8 P 6Z6'ZZ ■ ■ • t2 P 6Z6'ZZ 6 II 698*91 9 8 6ZI I L\ Z6 fll 9 28Z*S uospfl 8 91 2P6'6P ' * 8 91 2P6'6P 9 PI Z08*82 8 21 Z9 P II S68 Z 81 2ZI*12 uo^SmipAV. 0 ZI \9P'9 . * - 0 ZI 0 S 086*8 8 8 891 8 8 SZ 8 P 8Z2*2 Aiajsj 0 61 Oll'Pl S 6 581 S 8 9SS'K S S 9l9'0P S 9 KS'I 8 81 298 II Z 896'18 pireppny 'P '* & 'P '» 3= 'P '» & -p s g? -p •s gr -p •» ge -p •s ge SI . onnoAo-g; smdmg °V oy } o WSdoid aq, 83JO}g jo •stfieoag; -qdw»a w . OOIHn 1S0 , -mnoMin •saoKiAoa.T troitrM uo ' bsox0 pioj putlog; prarj 0J ©O ' so <* smajmo gaoniAoaa •sudiaaa-g; SSOXQ ? on P°CI 'aaxYanoiyo si aoKiAcraj nova ox aiaYAyx axiKaAaa smaans ao uoiiaoaoaa anx iioiiiay ko sxaiaoaa ssoao P 01 060*28 y • • • ivxox p 01 060'68 3 ' * * iv^oj, 0 H 060'ZI K8I * 8nn r V08 Suipna sq}uoj\[ aq:) jo uo saouiAOjj 0} anp aoirepg; s o 162*8 8 8 Z20'Z ' ' * ' '' * ' ' ' • oStj^q 0 Z 888*91 ' XmqjajtreQ g 91 [£l'g ........ /.mqja^tniQ 8 I 188*6 ........ J { i ........ uosp^ 9 Z £Z2'0Z u<nSni[PAV P SI PZ0'2l no}§mip^ 8 0 S29*2 95 iZZ'Z [ qjnoraXkj Ma^ 9 8 281*08 ••••••.. pmippny jo aoniAcuj g i\ 886*92 •••••'••• puBjjpny jo aouuojj 'P ' s & p "•» g? ' ■?oy uorpurjsuoo Xq paxrj: a[ru fun oi SmpaooaB „ . 'eaoniAOjj biioi.iba Suouib '-pp -sqi 060'S83F 'mns aAoqt! jo uOTjjodojj -pouad aq} Suunp saoniAojj 0} e^uaraAej P 01 - ' • ivxox 0 f 7 ! 060 *Z I ' apis iaq;o aq; no aq; ni nAioqs sb aoj aouBpg P 91 ' f-S8I 'aunf qiog Suipua sqjuoj\[ aqj Saunp saoniAOJj panssi p s & 'saiiKaAaa snuans


ending the 30th June, 1854—continued.


SCHEDULE No. 1. £ s. d. Total Expenditure on Account Nine Months ending 30th June, 1854* (for particulars, vide Statement below) 37,552 5 2| •Deduct — & *• d. Appropriations —Civil List 12,000 0 0 First Charges and Local Appropriations .... 10,243 2 0| 22,243 2 0i Expenditttbe in excess oe Peovision . . . £ 15,309 3 2 Current E 5P en^ ur ® for Arrears paid First Charges Department. JNineMontus during Total. Civil List. and Local 30th June le next period. Appropriations. 1854. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Governor and Establishment . 1,890 1 4 328 12 4 2,218 13 8 2,453 14 9 Clerk of Councils . . . 12 10 0 19 19 4 32 9 4 • Colonial Secretary's Department .... 1,169 5 6 137. 6 8 1,306 12 2 1,087 10 0 Colonial Treasurer's Department . . . . 607 18 7 77 10 0 685 8 7 525 0 0 Auditor-General'sDepartment 546 16 6 61 1 4 607 17 10 487 10 0 Bank of Issue . . . 255 19 4 64 11 8 320 11 0 Post Office .... 1,465 3 8 608 13 11 2,073 17 7 ... 1,145 10 5 Native Secretary's Department 144 9 8 467 2 7 611 12 3 Armed Police . . . 20 2 6 132 15 0 152 17 6 Gold Fields .... 63 5 6 63 5 6 Miscellaneous . . . 754 19 8 1,190 7 6 1,945 7 2 396 5 3 41 4 6 Supreme Court . . . 1,200 0 0 565 15 6 1,765 15 6 1,350 0 0 Attorney-General . . . 375 0 0 50 0 0 425 0 0 450 0 0 Registrar of Deeds . . 225 3 3 43 7 8 268 10 11 . . . 268 10 11 Births, &c., &c. . 73 6 8 9 3 4 82 10 0 Resident Magistrates' Department .... 1,291 6 8 242 18 2 1,534 4 10 750 0 0 Public Works . . . 387 4 10 . . . 387 4 10 Harbour .... 45 0 0 ... 45 0 0 Bishop of New Zealand . 150 0 0 . . . 150 0 0 Charitable Aid ... 780 ... 780 Medical .... 801 8 5 266 17 8 1,068 6 1 Aborigines .... 6,811 2 6 1,882 18 4 8,694 0 10 4,425 0 0 Pensions . . . . 65 3 0 42 11 0 107 14 0 75 0 0 Interest on Debentures. . 2,156 14 10 37 1 6 2,193 16 4 . . . 2,180 6 0 „ „ Land . 229 6 3 229 6 3 45 11 0 Government Brig . . . 1,024 16 1 ... 1,024 16 1 General Assembly . . 1,448 14 4 1,539 5 5 2,987 19 9 Walker Nene ... 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 Customs .... 6,204 9 3i . . 6,204 9 3J . . . 6,204 9 3i Three per Cent. Consols . 207 9 11 . . . 207 9 11 . . . 207 9 11 Totals ... £ 29,784 6 3i 7,767 18 11 37,552 5 2J- 12,000 0 0 10,243 2 Oi SCHEDULE No. 2. —Land Purchases. £ s. d. Paid by Colonial Treasurer, Auckland 500 15 8 Surveyor-General „ 30 0 0 Commissioner Crown Lands, Wellington 162 0 8 Otago .......... 2,021 0 0 Advances issued to C. W. Ligar 6,616 0 0 D. M'Lean 29,237 13 10 £ 38,567 10 2 Less Advances refunded TOTAL . . . £ 38,567 10 2 4



Charges and Expenses of _ f~j t* • x Management payable OBDINABY Revenue. Gross Receipts. outofthe Gross Receipts : by the Constitution Act. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs—Auckland ...... 52,424 2 5 4,836 13 8 New Plymouth ..... 4,641 5 5 428 6 2 Wellington 30,103 9 11 2,983 17 6 Nelson 10,588 10 4 1,234 7 7| Canterbury 8,613 17 10 1,034 18 0 Otago . 5,874 12 7 718 5 10 Post Office —Auckland ...... 1,188 16 4 New Plymouth . . . • • 113 1 2 Wellington 670 12 6 The expenses Nelson 167 18 2 of these DepartCanterbury 283 13 2 ments are paid Otago . . . . • • 78 7 10 .under the autho- J Fees, Fines, &c.—Auckland 1,994 6 5 frityof the Ap-1 New Plymouth . . . . 100 4 0 propriation Act Wellington 546 4 10 (vide Schedule Nelson ..... 57 18 4 No. 1). Canterbury . . . . . 7 14 5 Otago ...... 119 6 J Receipts of the Agent-General. .... 438 411 237165 Totals . . . £ 117,895 0 1 11,474 5 1\ Net Ordinary Revenue . . . £ i Gross Receipts, m x> less Refunds Expenses, New Zealand Com- r«ral Tebbitobiaii Revenue. of Deposits and Surveys, &c. pany's Fourths. Land Purchases. Refunds of Purchase Money. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland* . . . 61,261 8 2 6,097 15 0 15,027 17 2 Moneys issued New Plymouth . . . 3,043 10 0 1,627 5 3 760 17 6 for the PurWellington f . . . 15,335 5 0 4,350 14 8 3,803 0 0 chase of Land Nelson . . . . 19,188 3 9 2,434 0 7 4,397 3 0 (vide ScheCanterbury . . . 8,721 13 0 3,709 5 0 1,175 17 4 duleNo. 2) — Otago .... 1,910 10 7 600 15 7 399 0 2 £ s. d. Agent-General ...... 161 12 4 35,902 13 7\ Totals ... £ 109,460 10 6 18,981 8 5 25,563 15 2 35,902 13 7\ * The sum of £78 15s. 6cZ. (which is included in the Statement published in the Government Gazette, on the 6th instant, among the " Miscellaneous Disbursements," instead of appearing as a Refund of Purchase Money) has been deducted from the Gross Receipts, together with the other Refunds of Deposits and of Purchase Money shown in the published Statement referred to. t This amount includes the sum of £760, being "Land Deposits received" which were included, by error of the Clerk who compared the Statement above referred to, under the head of "Deposits, Intestate Estates." RECAPITULATION OP THE TERRITORIAL RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gross Receipts ........... 109,460 10 6 Deduct—Expenses . . . . . . . 18,981 8 5 New Zealand Company's Fourths . . . 25,563 15 2 Land Purchases ...... 35,902 13 7\ 80,447 17 2i 1 being Net Territorial Revenue, after deducting all new Land Purchases and First Charges shown in this Statement Total Ordinary and Territorial Net Revenue . . £


ending the 30th June, 1855.


Net Revenue, . Ordinary & Territorial. Appeopbxation. £ s. d. 47,587 8 9 £ s. cl. 4,212 19 3 27,119 12 5 Civil List 16,000 0 0 9,354 2 7,578 19 10 Appropriation Act ....... 36,497 7 0 5,156 6 9 1,188 16 4 113 1 2 670 12 6 167 18 2 283 13 2 78 7 10 1,994 6 5 100 4 0 546 4 10 57 18 4 7 14 5 1 19 6 200 8 6 106,420 14 10J \ Balance for distribution among the Provinces (vide Statement on the next page) .... 82,936 1 2 29,012 13 3| 135,433 8 2 Total . . . £ 135,433 8 2


No. 3.—Financial Statement for the Year


CO IM ~* © <N f o" SO PL, H g H3 53 •OOOOOO —• '5 ijj -J £ £ Co' in (M O TJ< o CO •—I ,-H r-H r-. r-H r-1 oo go <m <n oo o o P3 £ § n o mm a o oo TfcrsfMr-MOOO co K fi P — -o rr W iO 00 H o 00 g ofl^ u ~ of c<r *c <© of tc-odKK to .s TT 00 & £ * r—I CO -H -+■> m — C<1 — . X a O § H <g -jf -gOOO g ®gS<i . 5 rg • Q-Sa-g =3 Cl )-''^oot^oo5oS I . s II 3 3 5 5 d fil w . . - * 43 J rr> 02 •§ £ S w b» " * O J=} Ph Hp. o § 1-2 go'coocnoqootto c > 6 •§< "* ~ ~"" ~ g g Or-jS CCOOiQCHOiflOO «5 u o pa .2 to cue; o w o co ki P3 plj ° m EH c"N<O"O"NN IC j£ 3 — oo — c<« CL, 0 3 <! ca H >>»<n©©O>©(>.«© • O o a ."£•••• EH g _g tj 0! O «5 W « O o '■§ § a fc> a ,-. ri —< S nsco ~ 3 rj g — eo in oo —i o © En £ fr _§ . 5 S 9 © Tt- O0 00 <M -- © 8 i S c a ■£ „ 9 5P3 N ® c0 „' Ht^ c l "* P-, ;S ° -2 ?n 2 ihcoboiXm , c: u S S jS ? 3 1 f* © —i I-I © -< —< <! £ £ O O —— ; : %-H zn ~ io O Ho " 8 g jj wtoTfTroc'rciTt'ca •e H ts ** "" j£ t> fir Tr©tot^t-~.^HOOO £ ry 53 8 ?!i » © -«r «S £2 Cj S on T< OS —< Ifs TT S 1 00 _ 02 pq <n in P p lO ffi § S is to © cq 00 « -H OC <N ->j Tt< <N © <N <N © <N —— > _y- I—H ,_, • I « I | 15 H 02 © '- H 2 ®r?SSS S S o ° oc cc © oo oc ' im (SJ t 1 " o * - • «" S % H 0 § Ph ; — o in iO H rl< O N o fcJD lo" • I I « i 2 « I i I oi*n©<N. - g H I 1 tS B 3-1 " s o =1, N r . EH (MTTOOXiO.C<l ® o>x 1co -r — -h -m m co r-H ■gsg«£ •«.<» o g . 0 2 M o " ' m 2 I I » « a eJ S «« . d • o o t> § C, H o O S QQ • § u • • ••••• y r—I m ■ < S » t ..... S | jS | \> 2 CQ PH g p O § m B I S fc* H Cj "TjSob S.S 5S c >>-K. ' 5 • - P o ° a i>t n -o o csE £P a -2 r5° b 5 h 3 ** .S § « P PH ofe^JSa?- 0 - b c 3 S o g « <!Z^OCg B *8 ! % I qj G5 rh Ph O O O d g 0 % £ G £ ci aPH pq | <


ending the 30th June, 1855—continued.


SCHEDULE No. 1.—Extract from the Appropriation Act, 1854. The sum of ,£30,497 7s. Od. to be paid out of Land and General Revenue for support of Civil Establishment, &c., of the General Government: that is to say— £ s. d. Land Purchase Department ........ 1,373 15 0 Post Office ........... 4,076 0 0 Interest on Debentures ......... 2,225 17 0 Pensions ........... 250 0 0 Governor's Establishment ........ 643 16 0 General Assembly, Building, &c. ....... 8,995 0 0 Colonial Secretary's Department, Colonial Treasury, and Bank of Issue 565 0 0 Supreme Court .......... 1,590 0 0 Native Secretary's Department, Auckland; Native Assessors, and Policemen, at New Plymouth ....... 1,037 0 0 Hospitals ........... 2,070 0 0 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . 4,160 19 0 Schools—Church of Rome ........ 600 0 0 Wesleyan body ........ 700 0 0 Service—Chatham Islands . . . . . . . . 500 0 0 Vaccination ........... 500 0 0 Donation to the Family of the late Mr. Coates, late Clerk to the House of Representatives ......... 200 0 0 Inter-Provincial Postal Communication by Steam .... 6,000 0 0 TOTAL £ 36,497 7 0 SCHEDULE No. 2.—Land Purchases. £ s. d. Paid by Colonial Treasurer . . . . . . . . - . 359 15 0 Sub-Treasurer, Wellington . . . . . . . . 1000 Commissioner of Crown Lands, Otago ...... 632 13 7\ Advances to Mr. M'Lean, Auckland ........ 12,950 0 0 Mr. Kemp, Auckland ........ 3,500 0 0 Mr. M'Lean, New Plymouth . . . . . . . 51850 „ "Wellington ....... 17,432 0 0 ,, Hawke's Bay ....... 400 0 0 Nelson 100 0 0 £ 35,902 13 7\ Less Advances refunded .......... — Total £ 35,902 13 7\ Note. —The advance of £400 to Mr. M'Lean, at Hawke's Bay, is not shown in the Account Current printed with the " Yotes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives," on the 29th August, 1855 ; the Hawke's Bay Land Fund account for the Quarter ending 30th June, 1855, not having reached the Audit Office until the month of October following.


No. 4. —FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the Six Months

Charges and Expenses _ „ . . of Management Obdinabt Revenue. Gross Receipts. payable out of the Gross Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs—Auckland ...... 23,122 2 8 3,007 19 6 New Plymouth ..... 3,510 2 5 244 12 II Wellington ....-• 12,/83 10 o 1,5/3 8 4 Nelson 4,314 12 5 741 1 7 Canterbury ...... 4,552 19 8 640 6 10 Otago . 2,418 18 4 528 2 10 Post Office —Auckland ....•• 609 8 11 New Plymouth . . . • • 90 14 10 Wellington | 'J For actual exkelson . . . . • • pendit.ure, vide Canterbury 2o6 .4 11 Abstract of ReOtago ' A >ceipts and Dis-< Fees, Fines, &c. Auckland . . . . . / _ bursements for New Plymouth . . . . - ( corresponding peWelUngton 169 lo 5 . , Nelson 493 8 2 Canterbury . . . . . 16 12 6 Otago ...... — J L Totals ... £ 53,536 10 1 j 6,735 12 0 Net Ordinary Revenue . . . £ Gross Receipts, Teebitoeial Revenue. of Deposits and Ex P en ses, Surveys, NewZeaLand Purchases. Refunds of pany s J! ourtns. , Purchase Money. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Moneys issued Auckland .... 13,499 13 11 4,173 11 0 3,310 2 2 for the PurNew Plymouth . . . 191 15 0 635 19 4 46 8 9 chaseof Land Wellington . . . 3,914 7 3 2,776 5 1 969 11 10 (vide ScheNelson .... 6,038 6 4 1,155 0 8 1,431 17 5 dule No. 1)— Canterbury . . . 9,566 14 3 1,602 19 5 1,655 2 11 £ s. d. Otago .... 1,102 18 1 345 18 220 16 10 5,424 18 5 Totals . . . £ 34,313 14 10 10,689 13 7,633 19 11 5,424 18 5 RECAPITULATION OF THE TERRITORIAL RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gross Receipts ........... 34,313 14 10 Deduct —Expenses ....... 10,689 13 8^ New Zealand Company's Fourths . . 7,633 19 11 Land Purchases ...... 5,424 18 5 23,748 12 0£ being Net Territorial Revenue, after deducting all new Land Purchases and First Charges shown in this Statement * Surcharges, Recoveries, &c.— 8 - dAuckland . . . • • • • • • • • 11638 New Plymouth . . . • . . . . • • 1115 Wellington . . . • • • • • • • • 191187 Canterbury 20 1 2 Total Ordinary and Territorial Net Revenue . . . £


I] -No. 4 c Payments

ending the 31st December, 1855.

Ordfna^& E Morial. ClvIL LlST > Association, &c. £ s. d. 20,114 3 2 £ s. d. 3,265 9 6 11,210 2 1 Civil List for six months ..... 8,000 0 0 3,573 10 10 3,912 12 10 Appropriation Act for six months .... 22,281 18 8 1,890 15 6 009 8 11 90 14 10 409 4 10 90 19 0 256 14 11 67 8 0 617 10 1 12 7 0 169 15 5 493 8 2 16 12 6 46,800 18 1 Balance for distribution among the Provinces . 27,425 7 Of . 10,565 2 9i 341 4 10 57,707 5 8| Total . . . £ 57,707 5 8f


No. 4. —Financial Statement for the Six Months


rl |N H|« O 73 ® O *T t X t GO OS S J O .g <? r-J g ■i -iClC:fNNX t) ®t e § o o h r* K K CO T CO C rH £ g « g WD <w w -g0CmC5(NC5 i—i a rf «o k w cs O •! " 00 PH 2 <v TOKCOC1CO O 0 -mVcc-f--" oo sill § <« ®. a l e, . , * e0 . , » ® jS i - H <Not! &-§ 3 KolKOf CO t-» i — —«r § -i»i "■,"r * < "P H ilS o — r -1 *H n i-H Ph (£J « -g g r^-<©C0T)<C0~©b' g ,3 e « o "g ' *H g _» f "o -'r-T—(^H^r-H 3 £ <2 13 8 CJrtTJ-GOtOINCoSS 2 w cS ,, oo-co to © — &• -a 0 H s& <)j n hJ si HO co co to oi —< -r Pi § p « C § |-l I—I 3 K fc» I—I s So o fe o « : C4_ pH 3 ° M ■3 -g R » "e I- <o IP, IN c • 00 & § .5 . m g H • OK»!OOfl CO =~ u - 05 ~ ~ . -< o cs O c r a FH 05 S <N CTi CO to oi 5 S o o •43 2 s H S to -. re CO 3 p o £ g » (= 3 m, _= . 3 « g 5< * " S| Sag H 2 5 ,5? T5 § .2 * t*-< O &Q O -fc> H O t> § S cs jz; Eg sioo-^f-^OTrooo •= s- p 0 „ 2 2 S "£ a, "* ft* |X S o iooiooi«no IN 1-1 W to IN m : = ; .___ m f-H g £2 O W g fcc!S ts ~< co -h to to to Ol P o a r-H cj m v ,-£ rH M O 01 tLr— 5 H-J ,• Ci -I lO (N H iC lO Jga<B_g Hj03>15ir,UiXf - X N N h N Ol t>» § N « H «) IO IO -H o <t (NINOINOl® «« ~ ® ®„ - » szj a Ui 5 --H-HtO-^ , 1 , '-i Oj O -g (NOCO^flNOO F> gMm <N M § NHXmiOH (N (S h « g O ® g CO CO (N rr N „ O CM r-H O &0 f? g s . o "S — OOO <Mco ? . ... = gj pH — c3 ® 5 'C . . ®i o.2 W -> - - a »Wh fl fi (!) to N. to H «S to M floBO.j K ® H (M if) ■ lO CO g § M,n"P4 CM" C-f CO (N -T M C .S« - « CO M I 4 'gS . u * g p w — — j ° H S O! O S H 'g £3 a" P h S O w o 5 s .£..... S g .3 . • . • t> 1® 3 P3 2 p §S s^b Isfc* QjPH r-jfio 5- ijM r^SOb « S i? fn • I . < ° c 2> • ob p'2 h PM «fL?s, HCO 3 PH .P g g o o 3 3 1§ o « P„ ho Sa>Krort-S S t3 O O 8 « O Pho o <i .9 .2 p> k o o o SH tH P-l P-<


ending the 31st December, 1855—continued.


SCHEDULE No. 1. —Land Purchases. £ s. cl. Amount paid by Sub-Treasurer, New Plymouth ...... 26 0 6 „ Commissioner Crown Lands, Wellington . . . . 19 10 0 „ „ „ Nelson . . . . . 86 2 11 Advances issued to D. M'Lean ......... 5,400 0 0 * £ 5,531 13 5 Less Advances refunded . . . . . • . . • . j 106 15 0 Total . . . £ 5,424 18 5


STATEMENT, showing the Amounts issued to the Provinces from the 1st January, 1853, to the 31st December, 1855, and the Amounts due to the Provinces on Account of the Revenues of the same period

•inMU3Q-M}ipny 'xhoinm saiaviio •, S0TI0 proopo aq ? ux oi H uto.ij pansst -p\i * S X gic'gff P™ '2281 '.laqraoaaa ? s Xe no '«!FW jo V'f! ™iu a aq* mMupMAO scja pg -s 6 i 8Zl'6S J° ranB 8l W ra °I * *t4 fX 5524*4X9 " ' ' saouiAoaj ox sitraKiYJ-rraAO . „ T pT [ q 2281 'Jaqraaaaa I s 18 ' 0} otip 'junoray lanpaQ; fS 6 f88*Z3 228 L '.ioqiuao,)(X 'saamAOJj; 0} s"(uara,ftfd-.raAO ■P s 3P 4 H XSl'9 \Z 6 fS8*SS 0 OX 06l'62S 0 6 981*09 Z I ESo*86 f 9X 9 8 E44* 2 if 21 48**1X8 iO 4 98**48 8 I 986*88 * 01 060*88 01 91 286'8T Sf ' ■ nraoi 9 I 442 8 flS&P'S 8 4X 284*1 * 8 204'* 8 8 880*8 • • ' 8 SI 988*4 * 2 081*1 0 0X 988*8 2 0 168*8 9 0 682 ' ' o3b *0 2 41 26**4 0X 4 066-28 9 X 490** XX 6 124*98 2 9X 141=2 • • • 9 OX *6**88 * 4 S6*'* X 0 89**9 0 8 888*91 0 X 261*1 * X»q«»«D 6 81 6X8*8 | * XX 988**8 9 81 192 '9 8 XX 968*11 XX X *19*21 8 2 *14 4 81 996*28 8 * flf'S 8 OX 8X0*11 8 X 188*6 X 8 608*8 " ' ""PS j 6 0 288*2 1 0 4 fZf'Z9 XX 2X 846*61 OX 81 898*91 * 2X *80*81 XX 91 I2l'S 8 9 681*4* * 6 868*2 8 OX 881*41 9 Z 888*08 Z * 028 * uo^aqia^ tOX 9X 9X8*1 Is 0 604*8 8 1X 608*8 0X 8 9S**8 4 9X 888*8 4 S WZ if 8 82**4 if Z 48I ! I X 0 868*8 8 0 289*8 8 0 8*4 ' «JI 4 *1 X X8X'2 | ' " • XX 8 9X8*68 Z OX 8*0**8 4 S 849*98 2 41 886*92 6 41 299*1 9 S 8**'*6 0 X 4X8*XX 4 OX 8* 2*8* 9 8 881*08 2 8 006 6 puBRany ■p , s -p 's ff -p ; g -P •» S -P ■* 9 'P " s Sf 'P 3? P s S -P '* 3F -P ** SF 'P ■* 5 ¥ '• 9 •coot 'TP jaqniaaafr , ' SS8 J T28X *08 . Q g .go 8T « X8 Jqmaaaa "228X *08 *08 f l^ da S •saauiAOjji •eaamAOJj *X8- = a ««« TtijaAas aq, 0, 'jJ-fU Suun'a a v8uun a 9 V Suun a 0 q,Suun a *X^™ f mofl aq, J 3 j saauiAOJj; aqi [ , saauiAOj j aq'l v . / anp}tmoray ,uam.fed-.iaA 0 , o,pi«d?unouiy ( ot , od aq? J0J , notua , B , g Tyiox° (spouad aqt .ioj ?S FP™UM | jmomu m apm) eaamAoaj 1B i,Aas ax n o; pwd ;unoray opto) saamAO-ij puaAae o, anp jmoi^odojj J '



Laid on the Table of the House, May 13th, 1856, and ordered to be printed. MEMORANDUM. With reference to the "Financial Statements" which show the partnership accounts between the Provinces, it seems desirable that the following remarks should be brought under the consideration of the Government. In the " Financial Statement" for the six months ending 31st December last, the net Revenue is charged with the Civil List, and the Votes of Appropriation for six months ; and the surplus remaining is divided among the Provinces. The Votes of Appropriation however will, it is supposed, be generally in excess of the actual Expenditure ; because the supplementary votes for the expenses which are incurred without the authority of the Act of Appropriation, have borne no reference to the savings of those services where the expenditure has been less than the provision,—for the very obvious reason that the amount of savings cannot be determined until the accounts for at least six months after the Financial year have come in. In the forthcoming Estimates it is proposed to continue the previous arrangement by bringing all expenses of the years 1855-6, which were unprovided for into a Supplementary Estimate, and at the same time, as a part set oft', to shew, as portion of the Revenue, the savings of the preceding years. This appears to the Auditor General to get rid of a difficulty with respect to the " savings," and does not break through the great principle that the expenditure on every service should be included in a vote of the i iouse ; —and it gets rid of the technical difficulty of " what is to become of monies which, having been duly appropriated by vote, have not been expended"—by subjecting such savings again to the appropriation of the House. For under the Constitution Act, they would not perhaps be distributable among the Provinces. To illustrate what is meant, it may be stated, that it is found that the savings on account of the year ending 30th June, 1855, amount to £5,008 18s. 4d., while the expenditure in excess for the same period is £3,174 18s. sd.—lt is proposed to take a vote for the latter, and to bring the former sum into the Estimated Revenue. If the Government concur in this view, it will be necessary to recite the amount of savings in the Appropriation Bill, as part of the available revenues of the year. (Signed) Charles Knight, Auditor-General. May 10th, 1856.

B.—No. 4.

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FINANCIAL STATEMENTS., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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If you’ve used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don’t already have a username and password, just click Log in and you can choose to create one.

Log in again to continue your work

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Log in again with RealMe®
