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WEDNESDAY, Bth AUGUST, 1855. The House met pursuant to proclamation by His Excellency the Officer administering the Government, bearing date the 4th day of July, 1855, the Clerk read the said proclamation by order of the Speaker. Present :—The Honorable the Speaker, W. T. L. Travers, Esq ,J. blacky, Esq., J. O'Neill, Esq., C. J, Taylor, Esq., W. M. Crompton, Esq., L. O'Brien, Esq., R. Hart, Esq., J. T. W. Bacot, Esq., W. Lee, Esq., T. S. Forsaith, Esq., H. Sewell, Esq., Major Greenwood, F. U. Gledhill, Esq., F. \V. Merriman, Esq., W. F. Porter, Esq., H. Carleton, Esq., T. King, Esq., W. Brown, Esq., and Lieut.-Colonel Gray. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. The Speaker informed the House that he had received a copy of the Speech which had just been read to both Houses of the Legislature, by His Excellency the Officer administering the Government in the Legislative Council Chamber. The Speaker then read the following speech. Honourable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives, When I prorogued the General Assembly of New Zealand in the month of September last, I did not then entertain an expectation that it would become my duty to be present, in the same capacity, at the opening of another Session. It is however, a source of great satisfaction to me that it has pleased Her .Majesty to permit me to continue in the Government of this Colony sufficiently long to see the accomplishment of that ample measure of self-government, which this Assembly, and I believe the Colonists in general, have so ardently desired.


Whatever may have been the differences of opinion during the former Sessions of this Assembly, as to the time or the manner of introducing without reserve, "Ministerial Responsibility" in the conduct of the Legislative and Executive proceedings of the Government, we were all, I feel assured, sincerely anxious that the Colonists of New Zealand should have conferred on them, without unnecessary delay, the advantages of that form of Government in its integrity. At the close of the session it became my duty to transmit to the Secretary of State the representations which I had received praying for the establishment of Responsible Government, and it afforded me much gratification to add my earnest recommendation in favour of granting that which I believe will be highly conducive to the welfare and advancement of the Colony. On its being communicated to me that Her Majesty's Imperial Government had complied with our wishes, I took the earliest opportunity of making known that fact to the Colony, by the publication in the Government Gazette of an extract from the Secretary of State's Despatch, and since then I have placed in your hands a copy of that Despatch, in order that you might be made aware of thS preliminary measures which are required to be taken by the General Assembly, and of the views of Her Majesty's Government on the subject. Gentlemen of the Assembly,— It now rests with you to take the next step ; on my part I can assure you that whatever remains to be done by me for the complete and satisfactory establishment of Responsible Government, will, without hesitation, be most cheerfully performed. The influence of that mighty struggle which is agitating Europe, and especially our native country, has as yet been but little felt in these islands, and I am happy to be able to congratulate you that, while we have suffered nothing from foreign enemies, our domestic peace has not been seriously disturbed. Our relations with the Aborigines for the most part continue to be of the most friendly character ; indeed I am not aware that with the exception of New Plymouth, there exists, anywhere, at the present moment, any cause for anxiety in this respect. It is true that in that Province, a serious feud has arisen amongst the Natives themselves, but although there are two powerful parties arrayed in hostility against each other, yet both have hitherto been upon the most friendly terms with the settlers, and profess an anxiety to continue so. A few months ago, I thought it my duty to visit New Plymouth and personally enquire into the origin and nature of the quarrel, the means best adapted to bring about an amicable termination, and especially to make myself fully acquainted with the position of the European settlers. I regret that my efforts to establish friendly relations between the contending tribes, although productive of some advantages in mitigating for a time the spirit of hostility which existed, were not so successful as I had at one time some reason to hope they might have been. Looking at the present state of the native population in that settlement, isolated as it° is and distant from every other, the settlers possessing no efficient means of defence, and without the possibility of retreat, I feel assured that a state of things exists which requires to be carefully dealt with, to avoid what may otherwise lead to disastrous consequences. Although at present all the natives profess to be, and I believe feel, most friendly disposed towards the settlers, yet the relative position of the two races is such, that should either of the contending parties of natives seek shelter and protection in the town,it would expose the inhabitants to considerable danger of being dragged into a collision with the one party or the other. Fully impressed with the belief that at this time the Settlement of New Plymouth requires the special protection and care of the Government, I have made arrangements for stationing there, while the present necessity continues to exist, a detachment of Her Majesty's troops, of the greatest strength available under the present circumstances, and the first detachment for this service will embark in the " Duke of Portland," a transport hired for the purpose. The objects that I have in contemplation in taking this step are confined to assuming a position to insist upon the neutrality of the European population being respected, and to afford the Government an opportunity to negotiate with greater effect for the purpose of bringing about friendly relations between the parties now engaged in hostility. . In a country where the means of transport, and even of communication, are so imperfect, the lodgment of suiall bodies of troops at a great distance from each other, is highly objectionable; but the present position of New Plymouth is not an ordinary one, and I hope to receive your ready co-operation in carrying out those measures which the present circumstances appear to me imperatively to require. All the correspondence and papers affording information on this subject shall be laid before you without delay. , The revenue for the past year, ended 30th June last, will, Ido not doubt, exceed the estimates made at its commencement; tl>e amount actually received for the first


two quarters, which are all that we have 'y e ' received complete accounts of has been £110,557 4s. lid., and there is reason to expect that the half year which has since closed will be equally favourable. Should such an expectation be realised, the increase over the estimated revenue of the year will be about £21,000. There was, during the same period, a small excess of expenditure over the sum voted by the General Assembly. I shall immediately transmit a full statement of the accounts, with an explanatory Message. The great advantages derived from the steam communication which has been carried on between the Provinces for the last twelve months, cannot but cause t regret that it should have been interrupted. The engagement with the Nelson expired on the Ist May last, and I was anxious to retain her services for three months longer, but the owners were unwilling to enter into any charter, and would only negotiate for a sale ; such a proposal I did not feel myself justified to entertain, and I cannot recommend, as I very much doubt its expediency, that the Colonial Government should again become shipowners. Anxious that the communication between the Provinces should not be entirely cut off, I authorised instructions to be given to the Collector of Customs at Wellington to renew my offer of an engagement with the Nelson, and in the event of that being still declined by the agents of the owners, to negotiate with the owners of the Zingari to secure her services, if possible, to supply the place of the former vessel. The result has been that the services of the Zingari have been engaged for three months certain, with a view to enable the members of the General Assembly to attend the present Session, and at its close to return to their homes. I have also made a conditional arrangement that the engagement may be extended to twelve months, and I shall recommend to the House of Representatives to make provision for this service. I shall transmit for your consideration a communication which I have received from the Governor-General of Australia, suggesting the heads of a plan by which the establishment of a monthly line of steam packets may be secured to keep up the postal communication between Great Britain and the Australian and New Zealand Colonies. This is a subject that demands your earnest attention, and Ido not doubt that the great inconvenience which has been felt in New Zealand from the discontinuance of steam communication between England and Australia, will tend to induce you favourably to entertain any reasonable proposition for assisting in its re-establishment. Ido not anticipate that the present Session need be a protracted one. Legislation on important subjects, not at the same time urgent, will not, it appears to me, be desirable in our nresent state of transition. It has teen communicated to me by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, that I may shortly expect my successor in the Government, and it has also been intimated to me that lie has been placed in possession of the views of Her Majesty's Imperial Government on several of the most important subjects which engaged the attention of this Legislature during its former Sessions. Not only these subjects, but indeed every other involving any important question of Policy, would, I think, be more properly dealt with after the Executive Government of the Country shall have passed into the hands of those with whom will rest the responsibility of administering the laws which shall be enacted. In the present position of the affaire of the Colony, the most suitable course, as it appears to me, would be to limit the business of the Session to what is absolutely necessary to be done, and that another Session of the General Assembly should be held as soon as the Constituencies shall have had an opportunity of electing those in whom they place confidence, and the Ministry, which shall be formed, shall have been enabled to make due preparation for meeting the Legislature. Entertaining these views, it is my intention to lay before you only two measures for your consideration; the one, of the nature indicated by the Secretary of State's Despatch, with a view to the complete establishment of Responsible Government; and the other, for the appropriation of the Revenue for so long as may be deemed ne cessary to afford a Responsible Ministry time to lay their financial policy before the Assembly. I am not aware that there is any other business so urgent as to (demand immediate attention, or indeed, that would not be better left to be disposed of after the contemplated changes in the Government shall have taken place. I trust, Gentlemen of the Assembly, I need hardly assure you that, during the short time it yet remains for me to administer the Government of this Colony, I shall feel it a pleasure, as well as my duty, to afford my humble, but earnest cooperation in all measures calculated to promote the welfare and happiness of both races of Her Majesty's subjects. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government-


Moved by Mr, Sewell,—that His Excellency's speech on opening the Session be printed. Question put and passed. Ordered to be printed. The Speaker read letters from the following gentlemen resigning their seats as members of the House .—Mr. Cutten, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Weld, Hon. J. Stuart Woriley, Mr. Featherstone, and Mr. Kelham. Moved by Mr. Sewell, —that the House at its rising, do adjourn till Tuesday next, then to consider His Excellency's speech on opening the Session, when he would move an address in reply. Mr. Gledhill moved as an amendment—that Friday next be the day on which His Excellency's speech be taken into consideration. Mr. Sewell amended his motion by substituting Friday next, instead of Tuesday, as the day on which he would move an address in reply to the speech of His Excellency on opening the Session. Mr. Gledhill withdrew his amendment. On Motion of Mr. O'Neill; the House adjourned at to 4 o'clock, until Friday at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1855. ME. TRAVERS—To move that His Excellency be requested to issue new Writs for the election of Members for Dunedin Country District, in the room of W. H. Cutten, Esq., resigned, for the Hutt District, in the room of A. Ludlam, Esq., resigned, and for the Town of Nelson in the room of J. Stevens, Esq., deceased. SIR. MACKAY—To move that His Excellency be requested to issue new Writs for the election of members for the Christchurch Country, and Wairau Districts, in the room of the Honorable J. Stuart Wortley, and F. A. Weld, Esq., resigned, MR. CROMPTON—To move that His Excellency be requested to issue new Writs for the election of members for the Town of Wellington, and Whanganui and Rangitiki Districts, in the room of J. Kelham, Esq., and I. E. Featherston, Esq., resigned. MR- SEWELL —To move an Address in reply to the Speech of His Excellency the Officer administering the Government on opening the Session. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

HO, 2. sfcU> SralattDu



FRIDAY, AUGUST, 10th 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 18 members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. Mr. Crompton presented a petition from the Superintendent and Provincial Council of New Plymouth, on the subject of hostilities among the Natives in that Province. Petition received. On motion of Mr. Crompton, petition read and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hart presented a petition from certain " owners of land and others interested in the welfare of the colony, praying that a Bill may be passed to authorize the establishment of a joint stock, or co-partnership banking Company to be styled " the New Zealand Bank." Petition received. Mr. Travers pursuant to amended notice, moved " that His Excellency be requested to issue new writs for the election of members for the Dunedin Country District, in the room of W. H. Cutten, Esq., resigned, and for the Hutt District in the room of A. Ludlam, Esq., resigned." Question put and passed. Mr. Mackay pursuant to notice, moved " that His Excellency be requested to issue new writs for the election of a member for the Christchurch Country District, in the room of the Hon. J. Stuart Wortley, resigned, and for the Wairau District, in the room of F. A. Weld, Esq., resigned." Question put and passed.



Mr. Crompton pursuant to notice, moved " that His Excellency be requested to issue new writs for the election of a member for the Town of Wellington in the room of J. Kelham, Esq., resigned, and for the Whanganui and Rangitikei District in the room of I. E. Featherston, Esq., resigned." Question put and passed. Mr. Mackay with the leave of the House moved, that leave of absence be granted to A. C. Picard, Esq., member for Motueka District for one month from this date. Question put and negatived. Mr. Sewell pursuant to notice, moved the adoption of the following address in reply to the speech of His Excellency the Officer administering the Government on opening the Session. To His Excellency the Officer administering the Government of the Islands of New Zealand, <&c. We, the Commons of New Zealand assembled in their House of Representatives, have received with sentiments of high respect the Speech addressed to us by your Excellency at the opening of the present Session. We desire to convey to your Excellency our acknowledgements for the efforts made by you towards obtaining, from the Imperial Authority, the establishment of Responsible Government for this Colony. We deeply regret to hear that native disturbances have occurred at New Plymouth which threatened the peace and may endanger the safety of that settlement. We trust that the measures about to be taken by your Excellency, may produce the desired result of restoring and establishing its tranquility on a permanent basis. Until we shall have had an opportunity of examining the correspondence and information alluded to in your Excellency's address, we cannot express any opinion as to the policy there intimated, of the operations of the troops being confined to the assuming of such a position as to insist upon the neutrality of the European population being respected. This House entirely concurs with your Excellency in the importance of intercolonial Steam Communication, and will not fail to promote that object by all means in its power. Considering the small amount of business likely to be brought before us, we trust, that your Excellency will be pleased so to expedite it, that the Session may be brought to a close in time for the members for the Southern Provinces to return to their homes by the steamer, which will leave Auckland in the ensuing month of September. Debate ensued. A message from His Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency s Private Secretary was introduced, who delivered the following messages which were read by the Speaker. Message No. 1. R. H. Wynyard, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government has received an application from the Superintendent of New Plymouth, requesting from the General Government a loan of one thousand five hundred pounds. The Superintendent states the case to be one of emergency, and the Officer administering the Government believes that, in the present state of affairs in that Province, it is highly important that the Provincial authorities should not be left, as appears now to be the case, wholly destitute of funds at their command. The Officer administering the Government, therefore, recommends to the House of Representatives that provision should be made for this service, and that he should be authorised to advance the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds as a loan to the Provincial Government of New Plymouth. The re-payment will be secured by retaining the amount out ef future sums which will become payable to the Province by the General Government. As the matter is one of immediate necessity, the Officer administering the Government suggests to the House of Representatives that a resolution should be passed declaratory of its opinion that the sum required should be advanced, when steps for that purpose will be taken without delay, and the formal authority can hereafter be conveyed by the Appropriation Act of the Session. , The Officer administering the Government transmits for the information of the , House a correspondence which has taken pli.ce between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent on the subject. ' Government House, Auckland, 10th August, 1555.

Supt. N. P. to Co] Sec., 4tb Aug., 1855. Do. <io. do. 9th Aug., 1855. Statement of Audr. Cenl,, 9th Aug., 1855.


Ordered to be considered at the conclusion of the debate on the address in reply to Ilis Excellency. Message No. 2. R. H. Wynyaud, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government, in accordance with the promise conveyed in his opening address, transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of the correspondence that has taken place relative to the present Native disturbance in the Province of New Plymouth. Government House, Auckland, 10th August, 1855. Debate on the address resumed. Question put. Address adopted. Moved by Mr. Sewell—that Mr. Speaker be instructed to present the address to His Excellency accompanied by as many Members as may wish to do so. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Sewell leave of absence was granted to F. U, Gledhill, Esq., during the remainder of the Session. A message from His Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who delivered the following message which was read by the bpeaker. Message No. 3. R. H, WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Govermennt. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives, lor their consideration, the draft of a Law " tor granting Pensions to Andrew Sinclair, William Swainson, and Alexander Shepherd, on their ceasing to hold office as Colonial Secretary, Attorney-General, and Colonial Treasurer." The object of this Bill, of course, is to prepare the way for the introduction of Responsible Government, by providing for the retirement as soon as the public convenience shall require, of those gentlemen who now hold the offices of Colonial Secretary, Attorney-General, and Colonial Treasurer, and were appointed on the tacit understanding that they would be permanent. The Officer administering the Government has already caused to be placed in 1 the hands of every member of the Assembly a copy of the Secretary of State's : Despatch, dated Bth of December, 1854, in which the views of Her Majesty's Im- ( perial Government are stated in reference to the introduction of Responsible Government, and the compensation to be granted to those officers who will retire or be removed from office for political reasons. With the view to put the House in possession of the nature of the claims in question, the officer administering the Government forwards communications whicjq have, at his request, been addressed to him by the holders of those offices whi c h will be effected by the change, stating the particulars of their appointments and seivices. The House of Representatives, no doubt, will recognise at once necessity of the proposed measure, and the Officer administering the Government does not entertain any doubt they will be disposed to deal with the claims in a spirit of reasonable liberality. The Officer administering the Government does not propose any specific amounts for the pensions, but he thinks it right to indicate to the House what it appears to him will afford them the best guide for arriving at a satisfactory conclusion. Changes of a like nature to that now taking place in New Zealand have already been effected in some of the British colonies, and are in progress in others, and, in those instances, provision has been made for officers retiring from the service of the Crown. ft appears, therefore, to the Officer administering the Government, that the adoption of a scale of compensation somewhat similar to that which has been used under similar circumstances in other British Colonies, and approved of, will be suitable to the present occasion ; will make such a provision as the officers themselves may reasonably expect; will meet with the approval of Her Majesty s Imperial Government ; and will relieve himself from any difficulty in at once giving his assent to the measure.

Col. See. to Ofr. adg. th* Govt., 4th Aug. 1855. Memo, regarding Atty, Genl. 4th Aug., 1855. Col. Trer. to Ofr. ailg. the Govt., Gth Aug. 1805.


The Officer administering the Government does not propose that the officers in question should be relieved from their offices till after a dissolution of the Assembly, and a new House of Representatives shall have been elected, when Her Majesty's Representative will be enabled to select from the members of the Legislature a Responsible Ministry to take upon themselves the duties of Colonial Secretary, Attorney-General, and Colonial Treasurer. The Officer administering the Government, however, proposes to the House to pass, during the present Session, a Bill of the nature of that he has sent for their consideration, as the surest means of securing, at the earliest convenient period, the introduction of Ministerial Responsibility into the Government of the Colony. Government House, Auckland, 10th August, 1855. Moved by Mr. Forsaith—that His Excellency's message, No. 3, be taken into consideration as first order of the day on Tuesday next. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Sewell, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of His Excellency's Message No. 1. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee had agreed to the following resolution, "lhat this Committee do recommend to the House that a respectful Address be presented to His Excellency, praying him to advance to the Provincial Treasurer of New Plymouth for the use of that Province, the sum of fifteen hundred pounds (£1500) to be repaid from the Revenues of that Province for the financial year, ending 30th June, 1855, to the extent of such balance, and in case of deficiency from the future Revenues of the Province." Resolution adopted by the House. Mr. Forsaith with leave of the House, moved that His Excellency be respectfully requested to cause to be furnished to this House, authenticated copies in the Maori language, of the letters from Natives contained in His Excellency's messasre No. 2 J * Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Merriman, House adjourned at 4 o'clock, until Tuesday next at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. TUESDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1855. 1. MR. BROWN—To move for a Return of all lands purchased from the Maories since 17th January 3 853, shewing 1. In what Province situated. 2. The estimated extent in acres. 3. The consideration. 4. The sums of money paid and dates of payment. 5. The sums of money remaining due, and when payable. 6. The dates of purchase. 2. MR. BROWN—To move for a Return shewing the terms and conditions under which the New Zealand Fencibles were entitled to a pre-emptive ri<rht of purchasing a certain number of acres in the vicinitj of the Pensioner Settlements. Also, a Return of the names of those Pensioners (officers or privates) who have not obtained land under these Regulations—distinguishing those who are still entitled from those who are not entitled, to receive such land—with the reasons in either case. Also, Return of the names of those Pensioners whose cottages and acres have been forfeited, with the grounds and reasons of such forfeiture.


Also, Return of reserved lands—if any—for satisfying such pre-emption claims; 3. MR. SEWELL—To move that a Committee be appointed to consider the best method of conducting the printing of the House, with instructions to examine the Blue book and suggest such alterations in the form thereof as may appear desirable. The Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs. Merriman, Travers, Carleton and the Mover. 4. MR. SEWELL—To move that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to lay before the House copies of all correspondence between the Superintendents of Canterbury and Nelson and the General Government, respecting the distribution of the Land Fund. Also, —That a Select Committee be appointed to consider the state and management of the public finances of the Colony. The Committee to consist of Messrs. Brown, Forsaith, Hart, Travers, Crompton, and the Mover. 5. MR. MERRIMAN—To move that a Committee be appointed for the Session, to be called the Standing Orders Committee, that it be the duty of that Committee to prepare such Standing Orders as they may from time to time deem advisable to be adopted by the House, that the Committee do report from time to time as they may see occasion or be required by the House. That the Committee be authorised to communicate with any Committee appointed by the Legislative Council with a view to the adoption of Standing Orders to regulate the mode in which the House and the Legislative Council shall confer, correspond, and communicate with each other. The Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs. Sewell, Carleton, King, O'Neill, and Mover. 6. MR. MERRIMAN—To move that a Committee be appointed for the Session, to be called the Privilege Committee, to whom all questions touching the Privileges of the House and the members thereof shall "be referred, with power to report from time to time as they may see occasion or be required by the House. The Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs. Sewell, Hart, Carleton, O'Brien, and the Mover. 7- MR. PORTER—To move for a Return of the amount expended on the Queen Street Wharf at Auckland, by the General Government, stating from what fund the money was provided. Also, the value of the said Wharf and materials as handed over to the Harbour Committee, as near as it can be ascertained. 8. MR. PORTER —To move for a Committee on the whole of the Land Question, to take into consideration the best method of acquiring, as well as disposing of the same, with liberty to call for persons and papers. Committee to consist of Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Brown, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Hart, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Travers, and the Mover. 9. MR. TRAVERS—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the New Zealand Company's Land Claimants Ordinance. 10. MR. TRAVERS—To move that an humble address be presented to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to inform the House whether he has received any instructions from the Home Government on the subject of the expenses of the military defence and protection of the colony, and if so, that he will be pleased to lay the same before this House without delay. 11. MR. TRAVERS—To move that the subject of supplying vacancies which may occur in the representation of the various constituencies of the colony by the death of members of this House, be taken into consideration by this House. 12. MR. BACOT—To move that a humble address be presented to his Excellency, requesting information as to the amount and mode of expenditure of the sum voted last Session for the general Vaccination of the Native population. ORDER, OF THE DAY. 1. Consideration of His Excellency's Message No. 3. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 3. Scto Sealant*.



TUESDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present -.—The Speaker and 17 members. """SIT"bT m »5?1»» of absence b, granted a«'»8 the Country District. Session be panted to Thomas King, Esq-, member lot tbe Gre, andßell D»tnctt. frC™i"p,eSi .petitio. from the Provincial C.o.cil of N«. Pl,placed. Petition received.



On motion of Mr. Crompton, petition read and ordered to be printed. Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved for a Return of all lands purchased from the Maories since 17th January J853, shewing 1. In what Province situated. 2. The estimated extent in acres. 3. The consideration. 4. The sums of money paid and dates of payment. 5. The sums of money remaining due, and when payable. 6. The date of purchase. Question put and passed. Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved for a Return shewing the terms and conditions under which the New Zealand Fencibles were entitled to pre-emptive right of purchasing a certain number of acres in the vicinitj of the Pensioner Settlements. Also, a Return of the names of those Pensioners (officers or privates) who have not obtained land under these Regulations—distinguishing those who are still entitled from those who are not entitled, to receive such land—with the reasons in either case. Also, Return of the names of those Pensioners whose cottage and acres have been forfeited, with the grounds and reasons of such forfeiture. Also, a Return of Reserved Lands, if any, for satisfying such pre-emptive claims. Question put and passed. Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, moved that a Committee be appointed to consider the best method of conducting the printing of the House, with instructions to examine the Blue Book, and suggest such alterations in the form thereof as may appear desirable. The Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs. Merriman, Trav-ers, Carleton, and the mover. Question put and passed. Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to lay before the House copies of all correspondence between the Superintendents of Canterbury and Nelson and the General Government, respecting the distribution ofthe land fund. Question put and passed. Mr. Sewell, pursuant to amended notice, moved that a select Committee be appointed to consider the state and management of the public finances of the Colony, with power to call for persons and papers. The Committee to consist of Messrs. Brown, Forsaith, Hart, Travers, Crompton, Mackay, and the mover; Report to be brought up on the 28th inst. Question put and passed. A Message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who delivered the following Messages which were read by the Speaker:— MESSAGE No. 4. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House ot Kepresenta ives the accompanying copies of Despatches irom one of Iler Majesty s piincipal Secretaries of State, stating that the Rules and Orders of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives, and the additional Rules and Standing Orders thereof, liad been submitted to the Queen, ajd that Her Majesty had been graciously pleased to confirm and allow the same. Government House, Auckland, 10th August, 1855. ° MESSAGE No. 5. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer admininistering the Government. . „ The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives, the accompanying copy of a New Zealand Government. Gazette dated 31st July, 1855, containing a Proclamation dated the 19th of that mo»th, notifying that the undermentioned Acts passed by the General Assembly had been laid before the Queen by one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, and that Her Majesty had been graciously ■pleased to confirm and allow the same. . Session ii, No. I.—An Act for bringing into operation within the Colony certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament.


Session 11, No. 2.—An Act for the Naturalization of certain persons in the Colony of New Zealand. Session 11, No 3.—An Act to amend the Law relating to Dower. Government House, Auckland, 13th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 6. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives, the accompanying copy of a Despatch, dated in April, 1855, from one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, intimating that the undermentioned Acts passed by the General Assembly have been submitted to Her Majesty, and that they will be left to their operation. No. 4.—To make further provision for the administration of the Nelson Trust Fund.—l4th September, 1854. No. s.—For amending an Ordinance passed by the Governor and Legislative Council of New Zealand for Regulating the sale of Fermented and Spirituous Liquors.—l4th September, 1854. No. 6.—For Regulating the Disposal of the Waste Lands of the Crown in New Zealand.—l4th September, 1854. No. 7.—For Regulating the management of certain Lands reserved for public purposes in the several Provinces of New Zealand.—l4th September, 1854. No. B.—To enable the Barristers and the Solicitors of the Supreme Court to act as General Law Practitioners.—l4th September, 1854. No. 9.—To abolish the Punishment of Transportation, and to substitute Penal Servitude within the Colony in lieu thereof.—l6th September, 1854. No. 10. —To give greater effect to Powers of Attorney.—l6th September, 1854. No. 11. —To provide for the Appropriation of the Public Revenue of New Zealand. 16th September, 1854. Government House, Auckland, 13th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 7. R. H. AVYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits, for the information of the House of Representatives, the accompanying copy of a Despatch, dated 25th March, 1855, from one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, in reply to a Despatch enclosing copy of a Resolution ot the Legislative Council on the 15th September, 1854, on the question whether that body would be justified in making any alteration in any measure of supply which had been voted by the House of Representatives, or whether by analogy to the British Constitution the Legislative Council must either wholly accept, or wholly reject any such measure. The Secretary of State, it will be seen, is of opinion that the analogy of the English Constitution ought to prevail, the reason being the same, when the Upper House is not elected by the people. Government House, Auckland, 13th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 8. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a Despatch, dated 13th March, 1855, from one of Her Majesty s Principal Secretaries oi State, in reply to a Despatch from the Officer administering the Government, dated the 18th July, 1854, forwarding an address to the Queen from the House of Representatives expressing their attachment to Her Majesty's throne and person, and their cordial sympathy with the mother-country in the war in which it is engaged. The Secretary of State intimates that he has had much gratification in laying that address before the Queen, and that Her Majesty has received with lively satisfaction these expressions of loyalty and attachment, and the assurances of her faithful subjects in New Zealand, of their earnest prayer for the success of the fleets and armies of Her Majesty and of her Allies. Government House, Auckland 13th August, 1855, MESSAGE No. 9. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accconipanying copy of a Despatch, dated 6th January, 1855, from one of Her Majesty s Principal Secretaries of State, acknowledging the receipt of an address to the


Queen from the House of Representatives, expressing their loyalty and attachment, and their gratitude to Her Majesty for having concurred with Patiament in granting to the Colony its present form of constitution. ° Her Majesty, it will be perceived, was pleased to receive that address very graciously and the Secretary of State was commanded to express the deep interest Her Majesty leels m all that concerns the welfare and prosperity of Her Majesty's loyal and attached subjects in New Zealand. Government House, Auckland, 13 th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 10. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a Despatch, dated Bth February, 1855, in reply to a Despatch dated the 7th September, 1854, enclosing an address from the House to the Queen, urging the introduction of the system of Responsible Government into the Colony, which address Her Majesty was pleased to receive very graciously. The Despatch to which the Secretary of State refers, has been published in full in the New Zealand Government Gazette, dated Ist June, 1855. Government House, Auckland, 13th August, 1855. MESSAGE No 11. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a Despatch, dated Ist March, 1855, from one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, acknowledging the receipt of two Despatches from the Officer administering the Government, dated the 7th and 14th October, 1854, covering copies of resolutions passed by the House of Representatives whojwish to be furnished with two hundred copies of each of the Acts of Parliament enumerated in the schedule of the " English Acts Act," together with a corresponding number of copies of " Jervis Acts," and the Secretary of State intimates that it is not usual to supply copies of Parliamentary Acts in the mode proposed in these Resolutions, but that the Colonial Agent-General has been instructed to procure and forward all these Acts in the usual manner to New Zealand. Government House, Auckland, 13th, August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 12. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. In accordance with the wish expressed by the House of Representatives in a Resolution dated 15th September, 1854, regarding Land Claims, the Officer Administering the Government transmits herewith the undermentioned information relative to the old land claims in New Zealand. Copy of a letter from Mr. Commissioner Gisborne to Colonial Secretary dated 31st August, 1854, with six enclosures. Copy of a letter from Mr. Commissioner Gisborne to Colonial Secretary dated 6th September, 1854. Copy of a letter from Mr. Commissioner Gisborne to Colonial Secretary dated 11th August, 1855, with two enclosures. Government House, Auckland, 13th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Merriman consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 12 ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. MESSAGE No. 13. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government forwards to the House of Representatives for their information, copies of two Despatches from the Secretary of State, dated 18th September and 22nd November, 1854, respecting the reduction of the Military Force in New Zealand. Government House, Auckland, August 14th, 1855. On motion of Mr. Travers consideration of his Excellency's Message, No. 13, ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. Mr. Merriman pursuant to amended notice moved that a Committee be appointed for the Session to be called the Standing Orders Committee, that it be the duty of that Committee to prepare such Standing Orders as they may from time to


time deem advisable to be adopted by the House, that the Committee do report from time to time as they may sec occasion or be required by the House, that the Committee be authorised to communicate with any Committee appointed by the Legislative Council, with a view to the adoption of Standing Orders to regulate the mode iR which the House and Legislative Council shall confer, correspond, and communicate with each other. The Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs. Sewell. Carleton, Hart, O'Neill, and the Mover. Question put and passed. Mr. Merriman pursuant to notice moved that a Committee be appointed for the Session to be called the Privilege Committee, to whom questions touching the Privileges of the House and the Members thereof shall be referred, with power to report from time to time as they may see occasion or be required by the House, The Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs. Sewell, Hart, Carleton, O'Brien and the Mover. Question put and passed. Mr. Porter pursuant to notice moved that a Return be called for of the amount expended on the Queen-street Wharf at Auckland by the General Government, stating from what fund the money was derived, also the value of the said Wharf and the materials as handed over to the Harbour Committee as near as it can be ascertained. Question put and passed. Mr. Porter pusuant to notice moved that a Select Committee be appointed to consider the whole of the Land Question, and the best method of acquiring as well of disposing of the same, with power to call fur persons and papers. Committee to consist of Messrs. Forsaith, Brown, Sewell, Hart, Carleton, Travers and the Mover. Question put and negatived. Mr. Travers pursuant to notice moved for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the New Zealand Company's Land Claimants' Otdinance. Leave given. On motion of Mr. Travels, Bill read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. Mr. Travers pursuant to notice moved that an humble Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to inform the House whether he has received any instructions from the Home Government on the subject of the expense of the military defences and protection of the Colony, and if so that he will be pleased to lay the same before this House without delay. Question put and passed. Mr. Travers with leave of the House withdrew the motion standing in his name, No. 11 on the notice paper ©f this day. Mr. Bacot pursuant to notice moved that an humble address be presented to his Excellency requesting information as to the amount and mode of expenditure of the sum voted last session for the general Vaccination of the Native population. Question put and passed. Moved by Mr. Mackay that the House at its rising do adjourn until two o'clock to-morrow instead of five o'clock. Question put and passed. ORDER OF THE DAY. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 3, transmitting Pensions Bill, Moved by Mr Forsaith—that the Pensions' Bill be now read a first time. Moved as an amendment by Mr. Sewell—that all the words of the foregoing motion be omitted with a view to insert the following resolution in lieu thereof '• That seeing that it is intended to defer the introduction of Responsible Government until after a dissolution of the Assembly and a re-election, this House is of opinion that it is desirable to refer the question of providing compensation for retiring officers to the next Assembly." Debate ensued. Question put—that the words proposed to be omitted stand part of the question. House divided. Ayes Noes. Messrs. Mackay Messrs. Taylor Greenwood Hart Forsaith (teller) O'Neill Carleton


Messrs- GrayO'Brien Brown Lee Merriman Travers Crompton Bacot Sewell (teller) Whereupon amendment put and carried A Message from> his Excellency the Officer administering the Governmentwas announced. His Excellency's private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following Message, which was read by the SpeakerMESSAGE No. 14. R. 11. WYNYARD, Officer Aministering the Government. The Officer Administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives together with an Appropriation Bill, the Financial Statement and the Estimates referred to in his address on opening, the present Session of the General Assembly. Government House, Auckland,. 14th August, 185.5. On motion of Mr. Sewell consideration of his Excellency's Message No- 14 referred to the Committee on Finance. On motion of Mr. Travers-the Appropriation Bill read a first time, ordered to be read a second time, and ordered to be printed. On a motion of Mr. Sewella copy of the resolution adopted by the House on the subject of the Pensions' Bill ordered to be transmitted to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government. On motion of. Mr. Mackay, House adjourned at six o'clock until two o'clock to-morrow.

< Financial Statement. Appropriation Bill, 1855. Supplementary Estimates. Estimates. Memorandum of Au-ditor-General, 4th August, 1855. Despatch from Secretary of State, 4th April, 1855. 3 manuscript financial returns. Mr. Commissioner 1 McLean's account current. Mr. District Commis- j sioner's Kemp's do. Correspondence with his Honor the Superintendent, Wellington, on the subject of Finance. Ditto ditto, Canterbury, regarding distribution of Land Fond, outside Canterbury Block.

NOTICES OF MOTION. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1855. MR, TRAVERS.—To move that an humble address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to inform this House whether the fees arising from the Registration of Deeds in the Province of Nelson, have been carried to the account of the General Government; and that copies of any correspondence on the subject which has taken place between the Superintendent of Nelson and the General Government be laid upon the table of the House.


M"R. LEE-—To move that an Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying for copies of all correspondence between the Colonial Secretary andthe present Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, on the subject of a Grant of Land as a site on which to build a Government House, together with a copy of the legal Opinion as given by the Law Officer for the time being of the same Province, bearing on the subject of the Public Reserves Act of 1854, in connexion with the above correspondence.

No. 4. Keto Scalanir.



WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1855The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 15 members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. A message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary, was introduced, who delivered the following messages, which were read by the Speaker :— MESSAGE No. 15. K. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. In reply to a resolution of the House the Officer Administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a Despatch dated 24th January, 1855, from one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State on the subjecs of the measures taken for the defence of the Port of Auckland. It will be seen that the Secretary has approved of the adoption of the measure in question, and at the same time intimates that it is not within the contemplation of Her Majesty's Government that any portion of the charge to be incurred for the defence of New Zealand should be defrayed by the Imperial Treasury. Government House, Auckland, 15th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Travers, the consideration of his Excellency's message. No. 15, ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next.



MESSAGE No. 16. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. In accordance with a Rosolution of the House, the Officer Administering the Government, transmits to the House of Representatives, the accompanying copy of a letter (dated 6th August, 1855) from the Rev. G. A. Kissling, Chairman of the Central Board of Vaccination, which was appointed by the Officer administering the Government, in the Government Gazette, dated 30th December, 1854, to carry out the recomendation contained in the report of the Committee *f the House of Representatives last session on Vaccination. This letter relates to the appropriation of the five hundred pounds voted by the House last session for defraying the expenses of carrying out a system of Vaccination amongst the Natives. Government House, Auckland, 15th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Travers, his Excellency's message No. 16 referred to the Finance Committee. MESSAGE No. 17. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government, The Officer Administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying reports (No. 1 to 6) from the Commissioner of Crown Lands at Wellington, relating to compensation in land, in respect of land orders granled by th« New Zealand Company, as called for by a resolution of the House, dated 6th of September, 1854. Government House, Auckland, 15th August, 1855. MESSAGE. No. 18. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. With reference to the charge in the Supplementary Estimates of one hundred and sixty eight pounds fifteen shillings (£l6B 155.) for a Clerk in the office of the Colonial Treasurer, the Officer administering the Government transmits a copy of the undermentioned correspondence regarding the appointment of that Officer. Colonial Treasurer to Colonial Secretary, 6th February, 1854. Minute of Executive Council, 9th February 1854. Colonial Treasurer to Colonial Secretary, 31st July, 1854. Minute of Executive Council, 22nd September, 1854. Colonial Treasurer to Colonial Secretary, 23rd September, 1854. Mr. Baylis to Colonial Secretary, 26th September, 1854. Colonial Secretary to Colonial Treasurer, 6th October, 1854, Government House, Auckland, 15th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Travers, consideration of his Excellency's message No. 18, refened to Finance Committee. MESSAGE No. 19. B. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government, The Officer Administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a Despatch, dated Bth February, 1855, from one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State in reply two Despatches enclosing Resolutions of the House of Representatives urging the propriety of reconsidering the sum which by certain Acts of Parliament has been made payable to the New Zealand Company out af the Land Revenues of the Colony, and enclosing addresses from that body to the Queen and both Houses of Parliament, praying that an Act may be passed for granting relief in this matter. The Secretary of State it will be seen has laid the address to the Queen, before Her Majesty, who was pleased to receive it very graciously, and the other addresses the Secretary of State further intimates have been duly presented and received. Government House, Auckland, 15th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Sewell, the consideration of his Excellency's message No. 19 ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. Mr. Travers presented a petition from Mr. P. A. Deck, in reference to a sum of money claimed by him as salary when master of H.M. Colonial brig "Victoria." Petition received, and referred, on motion of Mr. Travers, to the h inance ComTyjr 'Pravers, pusuant to notice, moved that an humble address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to inform


this House whether the fees arising from the Registration of Deeds in the Province of Nelson have been carried to the account of the General Government ; and that copies of any correspondence on the subject which has taken place between the Superintendent of Nelson and the General Government be laid upon the table of the House. Question put and passed. Mr. Lee, with the leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, second, on the notice paper of this day. On motion of Mr. O'Neill, House adjourned at to 3 o'clock, until ndon to-morrow.

, •* % THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1855, NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. MR. BROWN—To move for a Return of all lands in the Province of Auckland claimed by private individuals, disposed of or otherwise interfered with, in contravention of the resolutions concerning Land claims passed by the House of Representatives 14th September 1854. Also, Copies of all correspondence which may have passed between the Government and private individuals with reference to requests which may have been made by such individuals that the Government should abstain from interfering with any lands or claims, of the classes referred to in the resolutions passed by the House of Representatives on the I4th September 1854. Also, copy of the correspondence —refused to the Provincial Council—between Mr. Salmon and the Government respecting the settlementof his claim to land at Wananake. . 2. MR. HART—To move that an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty the Queen by this House, praying that steps may be taken to procure the removal of doubts affecting titles to land in the Settlements in New Zealand formed by the New Zealand Company, held under Grants from the Crown. 3. MR. MACKAY —To move that in the opinion of this House it is desirable that a Bill should be passed during the present Session to simplify the Duties of Customs at present levied in the Colony. 4. MR. J. O'NEILL—To move as a Resolution an humble Address to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government bringing under his notice the present working of the Auckland Post Office, and praying His Excellency to cause the necessary instructions to be given for putting that establishment in a thorough state of efficiency, which is so urgently required to meet the increased commerce of the Province. 5. MR. HART—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to establish a Joint Stock Bank, to be called the New Zealand Bank. 6. MR. PORTER—To move a respectful Address to the Officer administering the Government respectfully requesting his Excellency to send down a Bill to adjust the number of members for each Province in proportion to the number of electors in the same, in accordance with the Constitution Aot. And to pray that a dissolution of this Assembly may not take place until the Bill has received Her Majesty's assent, and is brought into operation here. 7. MR. TRAVERs —To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the, Government praying that he may direct that the Postmaster at Nelson shall in future attend at the Post OiTice at 10 o'clock, a.m., instead of 11, and that the same Post Office be kept open until 4 o'clock on Saturdays, instead of being closed at 2. 8. MR. TRAVERS—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying him to inform the House what arrangements have been made for extinguishing the native title to the land in the Provinces of Nelson and Canterbury, partly referred to in the Financial Statement presented to the House on the 4th September, 1854, and whether the funds originally set apart for that purpose still remain in


the hands of the Government, or if not, how the same funds have been expended, and when it is intended to complete the purchase. 9. MR. MACKAY—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting that a copy of the contract entered into between the Government and the agents of the steamer " Zingaii" for undertaking the inter-provincial steam communication of the Colony, be sent down to the House with the estimates. 10. AIR. TAYLOR—To move that an humble Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting a Return shewing the Expenditure on account of the Surveyor-General's Department for the past year, and that his Excellency will be pleased to transmit a statement of the proposed Expenditure for the ensuing year for the information of this House. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 5. |Uto Zealand.


SESSION m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 16TH, 1855. There being only nine Members present exclusive of the Speaker, on the door being opened after prayers, viz., Mr. Brown, Mr. Hart, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Porter, Mr. Crompton, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Mackay, Mr. Sewell, and Mr. Travers. The Speaker took the Chair and declared the House adjourned.

NOTICES OF MOTION. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17TH, 1855. 1. MR. BROWN —To move for the following Returns—as applicable to the Province of Auckland:— 1. A Return —as at sth July 1850—(when the New Zealand Company surrendered their charter) specifying the situation and extent of the Waste Lands of the Crown as defined in chapter 13, of the Royal Instructions accompanying the Charter of 1846. 2. Return of lands purchased from the Maories by the Government from sth July 1850, to 17th January, 1853. 3. Return of lands purchased from the Maories since the date of Proclamation of the Constitution Act, 17th January 1853, shewing—



1. Date of purchase. 2. Consideration. 3. Extent and situation of the land. 4. Whether a new purchase or completion of an old purchase, 5. Whether the land or any portion was claimed by Europeans. 4. Return showing the quantity of land (purchased since 17th January 1853) which has been sold, with the sums of money received therefor. 5. Return showing the Lands acquired and sold previous to 17th January 1853—with the sums of money obtained therefrom—and out of which the amounts claimed by the New Zealand Company under Imperial Acts of Parliament have arisen, distinguishing the lands so sold which were purchased and paid for by the Government from the lands so sold, which were purchased from the Maories by private individuals and claimed by them as their property. 6. Return shewing the sums of money which have been paid to or for behoof of the New Zealand Company, on account of land sold up to date of Return. Also, the sums of money now due and arising from such land sales. 2. MR. MERRIMAN—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to recover possession of Tenements unlawfully held over. ORDER OF THE DAY. ]. MR: MERRIMAN—To move the consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 12. 2. MR. TRAVERS—To move consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 13. 3. Land Claimants' Ordinance Amendment Bill—second reading.

No. 6. iirto Qralantr.


SESSION 111. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker aud 16 members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. Mr. Hait presented a petition from Mr P. A. Deck, Sergeant-at-Arms to the House, representing the inadequacy of his salary. The Petition received, and on motion of Mr. Hart, referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved for the following Returns—us applicable to the Province of Auckland. 1. A Return as at sth July 1850—(when the New Zealand Company surrendered their charter) specifying the situation and extent of the Waste Lands of the Ciown as defined in chapter 13, of the Royal Instructions accompanying the Charter of 1846. 2. Return of lands purchased from the Maories by the Government from sth July 1850, to 17th January, 1853. 3. Return of lands purchased from the Maories since the date of Proclamation of the Constitution Act, 17th January 1853, shewing— 1. Date of purchase. 2. Consideration. 3. Extent and situation of the land. 4. Whether a new purchase or completion of an old purchase. 5. Whether the land or any portion was claitned by Europeans.



4- Return showing the quantity of land (purchased since 17th January 1853) which has been sold, with the sums of money received therefor. 5. Return showing the Lands acquired and sold previous to 17th January 1853—with,the sums of money obtained therefrom—and out of which the amounts claimed by the New Zealand Company under Imperial Acts of Parliament have arisen, distinguishing the lands so sold which were purchased and paid for by the Government, from the lands so sold, which were purchased from the Maories by private individuals and claimed by them as their property. 6. Return shewing the sums of money which have been paid to or for behoof of the New Zealand Company, on account of land sold up to date of Return. Also, the sums of money now due and arising from such land sales^ Question put and passed. Mr. Merriman not being in his place the motion standing in his name, No. 2 on the notice paper of this day lapsed. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 12. On motion of Mr. Forsaith consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 12 postponed till Tuesday next. Moved by Mr. Sewell that the letter and memorandum of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, contained in his Excellency's Message No. 12 be ordered to be printed. Question put and passed. Ordered to be printed. 2. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 13. On motion of Mr. Travers consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 13 postponed till Tuesday next. 3. Land Claimants' Ordinance Amendment Bill—second reading. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notioe, moved that this Bill be now read a second time. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time, and ordered to be considered in Committee on Tuesday next. A Message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's private Secretary was introduced, who delivered the following Message, which was read by the Speaker. MESSAGE No. 21. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. The Officer Administering, the Government in accordance with the promise conveyed in liis address on opening the General Assembly, transmits to the House of Representa - tives for their consideration, the accompanying copy of a letter, dated 16th March last, which he has received from the Governor General of Australia, suggesting the heads of a plan by which the establishment of a Monthly line of Steam Packets may be secured to keep up the Postal Communication betwen Great Britain and the Australian and New Zealand Colonies. The Officer Administering the Government also transmits the accompanying Copy of a letter dated Ist May last, from the Post Master, Auckland, containing a statement of the number of letters and newspapers, despatched from the Province of Auckland to the United Kingdom during the year ended 31st March, 1854, also copy of a similar return dated 31st May, 1855, from the Postmaster, Nelson ; and from the Postmaster, Wellington dated 18th June, 1855; and another from the Postmaster, New Plymouth, dated 24th May, 1855, being all the Returns, as yet received on the subject. The Officer Administering the Government further trantmits the accompanying copy of the New Zealand Government Gazette containing a correspondence transmitted by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries ofSta'e on the subject of Postal Steam Communication between England and Australia. Government Ilouse, Auckland, 17th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Sewell consideration of his Excellency Message No. 21 referred to the Finance Committee.


MESSAGE No. 22. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government, With reference to Message No. 14, dated 14th August, 1855, the Officer Administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying Copy of a letter, dated the 13th inst., from Mr. Commissioner M'Lean to the Colonial Secretary together with a copy of its enclosure. Mr. Commissioner M'Lean states that the native Chief "Te Hapuku" of Hawke's Bay has come up to Auckland to receive payment for several valuable blocks of Land in the Ahuriri District, and Mr. Commissioner M'Lean requests that a sum of four thousand five hundred pounds (£4,500) may be sent to the District Commissioner at Hawke's Bay, as first instalment on aceount of the several purchasers, (No. 1 to 6) alluded to in the enclosed report. The Officer Administering the Government finds upon enquiry, that this advance cannot be made without interfering with the advance to Provinces, and thereby inconveniencing the Provincial Governments, and he accordingly subuits this subject for the consideration of the House, with a view to obtaining for his guidance, their advice and recommendation. Government House, Auckland, 17th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Sewell consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 22 referred to the Finance Committee. On motion of Mr. Merriman House adjourned at quarter to two o'clock until Tuesday next at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1855. I 1. MR. BACOT—To move for copies of any correspondence between the Provincial Government of Auckland and the Vaccination Board appointed by the General Government, regarding the best steps to be taken for introducing a general system of Vaccination of the Native population. 2. MR. O'NEILL—To move as a Resolution an humble Address to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government bringing under his notice the present working of the Auckland Post Office, and praying His Excellency to cause the necessary instructions to be given for putting that establishment in a thorough state of efficiency, which is so urgently required to meet the increased commerce of the Province. 3. MR. HART—To move that an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty the Queen by this House, praying that steps may be taken to procure the removal of doubts affecting titles to land in the Settlements in New Zealand formed by the New Zealand Company, held under Grants from the Crown. 4. MR. HART—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to establish a Joint Stock Bank, to be called the New Zealand Bank. 5. MR. TRAVERS—To move for leave to bring in a Bill for bringing into operation within the Colony certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament. 6. MR. TRAVERS—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying him to lay before this House a copy of a Despatch from the Duke of Newcastle to Sir George Grey, dated 9th June, 1853, on the general subject of the military protection to be afforded to New Zealand. 7. MR. TRAVERS—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying him to inform the House of the nature of the arrangements entered into with the natives for extinguishing their title to the lands in the Provinces of Nelson and Canterbury, partly referred to in the Financial Statement to the House on the 4th September, 1854, and whether the funds originally set apart for the purposes of the said purchase are still in the hands of the Government, and if not, how the same have been expended, and also of the probable time when the purchase will be completed. •


8. MR. TRAVERS—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying that he may direct that the Postmaster at Nelson shall in future attend at the Post Office at 10 o'clock, a.m.j instead of 11, and that the same Post Office be kept open until 4 o clock on Saturdays, instead of being closed at 2. 9. MR. CARLETON—To move for copies of all correspondence in the possession ot the General Government regarding a claim alledged by Staff-Surgeon liacot to a Grant of House and 40 Acres of Land at or near Howick. 10. MR. CARLETON—To move for copies of all correspondence between His Excellency the Officer administering the Government and Her Majesty's Secretary of State lor the Colonies on the subject of the election of Colonel \Vynyard to the Superintendency of the Province of Auckland; of his holding that office while administering the Government of New Zealand; and of his retiring from the Superintendency. U. MR. SEWELL—To move that a respectful Address be presented to His -fc/XceLency the Officer administering the Government praying him to lay before the House copies of all correspondence between the civil and military authorities of the Colony, and any of the neighbouring Colonies, relative to the proposed new Barracks at Taranaki. 12. MR. SEWELL—To move that a respectful Address be presented to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying him to lay before the House an Estimate of the Sums to be deducted from the Ordinary and Land Revenue now under appropriation as first charges, specifying in particular the Sums, if any, which will be required for the purchase of Native Lands during the currency of the period of appropriation including a Statement of all outstanding liabilities on account of the purchase of Native Lands. 13. MR. TRAVERS-To move a respectful Address to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying him to lay before the House any correspondence between the Superintendent of Nelson and the General Government on the subject of the appointment and salary of the Resident Magistrate at Nelson. 14. MR. CROMPTON—To move that a respectful Address be presented to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying that Returns be laid on the table of this House, shewing — The quantity of Bedding and Medical Stores applied for by the Colonial Surgeon at New Plymouth for the use of the Native Hospital in that Province since the month of June, 1854. The quantity supplied of each article applied for, together with an explanation csf the non-supply of such articles as may have been applied for but have not been furnished. 15. MR. CROMPTON—To move that a respectful Addiess be presented to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying that a copy of the Report of Mr. George Cooper on the Native disturbances in the Province of New Plymouth, dated in August last, be laid on the table. 16. MR. BROWN—To move for a Return of all lands in the Province of Auckland claimed by private individuals, disposed of or otherwise interfered with, in contravention of the resolutions concerning Land claims passed by the House of Representatives 14th September 1554. Also, Copies of all correspondence which may have passed between the Government and private individuals with reference to requests which may have leen made by such individuals that the Government should abstain from interlering with any lands or claims, of the classes referred to in the resolutions passed by the House of Representatives on the 14th September 1854. Also, copy of the correspondence—refused to the Provincial Council—between Mr. Salmon and the Government respecting the settlementof his claim to land at Wananake. 17. MR. TAYLOR—To move that an humble Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting a Return shewing the Expenditure on account of the Surveyor-General's Department for the past year, and that his Excellency will be pleased to transmit a statement of the proposed Expenditure for the ensuing year for the information of this House.


18. MR. PORTER—To move a respectful Address to the Officer administering the Government respectfully requesting his Excellency to send down a Bill to adjust the number of members for each Province in proportion to the number of electors in the same, in accordance with the Constitution Aot. And to pray that a dissolution of this Assembly may not take place until the Bill has received Her Majesty's assent, and is brought into operation here. OjIDERS OF THE DAY. ]. MR: MERRIMAN—To move the consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 12. 2. MR. TRAVERS —To move consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 13. 3. MR. TRAVERS—To move consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 15. 4. MR. SEWELL—To move consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 19. 5. Land Claimants' Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 7. Keto Scalanfcu



TUESDAY AUGUST 21st, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 15 members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. Mr. Sewell presented a petition from certain enrolled pensioners, eomplaining of unjust treatment in having been deprived of their pensions and holdings, and praying for redress. Mr. Carleton presented a petition having a similar prayer from Henry Deery, ail enrolled pensioner. Petitions received. Mr. Carleton presented a petition from Mr. James John Piercy, Clerk of the Legislative Council, praying the interference of the House ; half his salary as Clgrk and Interpret to the Resident Magistrate at Auckland having been stopped by the General Government. Petition received and read. Mcved by Mr. Mackay, that the House, at its rising, do adjourn till 12 o'cloek to-morrow instead of 5 o'clock. Question put and passed. Mr. JBacot, pursuant to amended notice, moved that his Excellency the Officer administering the Government be requested to obtain copies of any correspondence between the Provincial Government of Auckland and the Vaccination Board, ap«



pointed by the General Government, regarding the best steps to be taken for introducing a general system of Vaccination of the Native population. Question put and passed. Mr. O'Neill, pursuant to notice, moved that an humble address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, bringing under his notice the present working of the Auckland Post Office, and praying his Excellency to cause the necessary instructions to be given for putting that establishment in a thorough state of efficiency, which is so urgently required, to meet the increased commerce of the Province. Question put and passed. A message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following message, which was read by the Speaker:— MESSAGE No. 20. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. With reference to the item of seventy five pounds (-£7-5) shown on the Supplementary Estimates (forwarded with Messaga No. 14 dated 14th August 1855) as an increase of salary to the Resident Magistrate at Auckland, the Officer Administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of correspondence that has taken place with regard to that officer and his department, Government House, Auckland, 17th August, 1855. His Excellency's message, No. 20, referred, on motion of Mr. Travers, to Finance Committee. MESSAGE No. 23. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. In reference to Resolution No. 6 of the House of Representatives dated the 14th August 1855 relative to the Queen-street Wharf, Auckland, the Officer Administering the Government, transmits to that House the subjoined information regarding that wharf. The amount expended on the Qneen-street wharf was £4957 15 1. The late Governor Sir George Grey, states he sanctioned the execution of that work, partly to meet the wishes of the Legislature, and under their guarantee, to supply any deficiency which might take place in the Funds requsite for its execution ; and it was his intention that the whole cost of the proposed work should in the first instance, be defrayed from the Land Fund, and that the sum so advanced as a loan from the Land Fund should be made good again from the proceeds of the sale of the land which would be recovered from the sea, by the erection of the proposed wharves, and which land from its position would undoubtedly be of great value. Government House, Auckland, 17th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 24. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. . With reference to the item of Six Hundred Pounds (£600) both in the Supplementary and the other Estimates, (forwarded in Message N0.14, dated 14th Aucust 1855,) as the salary of the Bishop ot New Zealand, the Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copv of a Despatch, dated Ist July, 1854, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, instructing the Officer administering the Government to take the earliest opportunity of applying to the General Assembly to provide for the salary ot six Hundred Pounds heretofore voted to the Bishop by Parliament. Government House, Auckland, 20th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Forsaith, his Excellency's message No. 24, with its enclosures, ordered to be printed; and the consideration of it ordered to stand an order of the da* for Friday next. 7 } MESSAGE No. 25. R. H. WYNYARD, KM 14th Augugt, ,8.55, to—.* tb. Financial statement and covering certain correspondence between the General Government and the Provincial Government of Wellington on the subject of the payment of £6,7 JU


due to that Province, and also between the General Government and the Provincial Government of Canterbury regarding an overpayment of Land Revenue to that Province, the Officer Administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives, Supplementary to what has already been forwarded, the accompanying of a letter, dated 31st July, 1855, from the Superintendent of Wellington on the subject of the correspondence first referred to. Also copy of a letter dated 23rd July 1855, from the Superintendent of Canterbery on the subject of the other correspondence. Government House, Auckland, 21st August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Mackay, consideration of his Excellency's message, No. 25, referred to Finance Committee. MESSAGE No. 26. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer admininistering the Government. In compliance with the wish expressed in resolution No. 5. (14th August 1855) the Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copies of correspondence that has passed between the Superintendents of Canterbury and Nelson and the General Government respecting the distribution of the Land Fund. .... . , ~ „ The remainder of the correspondence on this subject between the General Government and the Provincial Government of Canterbury, has already been forwarded in Message No. 14, dated 14th August, 1855, and in Message No. 25, dated 21st August, 1855. Government House, Auckland, 21st August, 1855. His Excellency's message, No. 26, referred, on motion of Mr. Travers, to the Finance Committee. MESSAGE No. 27. R. H. "WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. _ The Officer administering the Government, transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying abstract of the probable Receipts, and Disbursements of the Government of New Zealand for the Financial year 1855-6. The detailed accounts of this statement will be furnished to the House as soon as possible. Government House, Auckland, 21st August, 1855. His Excellency's message, No. 27, referred, on motion of Mr. Forsaith to Finance Committee. MESSAGE No. 28. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. With reference to the item of (£7,000), seven thousand pounds for Barracks at kew Plymouth in the estimates forwarded in Message No. 14, dated 14th August, 1855, transmitting the Financial statement, the Officer administering the Government encloses for the information of the House of Representatives, copy of the correspondence as specified in the margin which has taken place on the subject of those Barracks. Government House, Auckland, 21st August, 1855. His Excellency's message, No. 28, referred, on motion of Mr. Sewell, to Finance Committee. Mr, Hart, pursuant to notice, moved that an humble address be presented to to her Majesty th Queen by this House, praying that steps may be taken to procure the removal of doubts affecting titles to land in the Settlements in New Zealand formed by the New Zealand Company, held under Grants from the Crown. Question put and passed. Mr. Hart to move the address on Thursday next. Mr. Hart, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to establish a Joint-stock Bank, to be called the New Zealand Bank. Leave given—and, on motion of Mr. Hart, Bill read a first time. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to bring into operation within the Colony certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament. Leave given—and, on motion of Mr. Travers, Bill read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next.


, . Travers, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to lav before this House a copy of a Despatch from the Duke of Newcastle to Sir George Grey, dated 9th June, 1853, on the general subject of Military protection to be afforded to New Zealand. Question put and passed. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to inform the House of the nature of the arrangements entered into with the natives for extinguishing their titles to land in the Provinces of Nelson and Canterbury, jsartly referred to in the Financial Statement presented the the House on the 4th September, 1854, and whether the funds originally set apart for the purpose of the said purchase are still in the hands of the Government; and if not, how the same have been expended; and also of the probable time when the purchase will be completed. Question put and passed. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that he may direct that the Postmaster of Nelson shall in future attend at the Post Office at 10 o clock, a.m., instead of ] 1 o'clock, and that the same Post Office be kept open until 4 o clock on Saturday's, instead of being closed at 2 o'clock. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved that copies of all correspondence in the possession of the General Government regarding a claim alleged by Staff Surgeon Bacot to a grant of a house and 40 acres of land at or near Howick, be laid on the table of this House. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying for copies of all correspondence between his Excellency and her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies on the subject of the election of Colonel Wynyard to the Superintendency of the Province of Auckland ; of his holding that' office while administering the Government of New Zealand ; and of his retiring from the buperintendency. Question put and passed. It being now 3 o'clock, the House proceeded to the consideration of the orders of the day. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's message, No. 12. Moved by Mr. Merriman—that his Excellency's message, No. 12, be referred to a Select Committee, to consist of Messrs. Porter, Carleton, Brown, Forsaith, Sewed, and the mover. The Committee to have power to call for persons, and papers and documents, and to report on Tuesday next. Question put and passed. 2 and 3. Consideration of his Excellency's messages, No. 13 and 15, postponed, on motion of Mr. Travers, till Tuesday next. 4. Consideration of his Excellency's message, No. 19, postponed, on motion of Mr. Sewell, till Tuesday next. 5 Land Claimant's Ordinance Amendment Bill. On motion of Mr. Travers, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Land Claimant's Ordinance Amendment Bill. On the Speaker resuming the Chair the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments. Report adopted by the House. On motion of Mr. Travers Bill as amended ordered to be printed, and the third reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. House resumed considetation of the notices of motion on this day's paper. Mr. Sewell with leave of the House withdrew the motion standing in his name, No. 11 oa the notice paper of this day,


Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be preseented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying him to lay before the House, an estimate of the sums to be deducted from the ordinary and land revenue now under appropriation as irst charges, specifying in particular the sums, if any, which will be required for the purchase of native = lands during the currency of the period of appiopriation, including a statement of all outstanding liabilities on account of the purchase of native lands. Question put and passed. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying him to lay before the House copies of any correspondence between the Superintendent of Nelson and the General Government on the subject of the appointment and salary of the Resident Magistrate at Nelson. Question put and passed. Mr. Grompton, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that Returns be laid upon tht table of this House shewing the quantity of Bedding and Medical Stores applied for by the Colonial Surgeon of New Plymouth for the use of the native hospital in that Province, since the month of June, 1854, the quantity supplied of each article applied for, together with au explanation of the non-supply of such articles as may have been applied for but have not been furnished. Question put and passed. Mr. Crompton, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be preeented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a copy of the report of Mr. George Cooper, on the native disturbances in the Province of New Plymouth, dated in August last, be laid on the table. Question put and passed. ' • Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, raovod for a Return of all Lands in the Province af Auckland claimed by private individuals disposed of, or otherwise interfered with, in contravention of the resolutions concerning hnd claims passed by the House of Representatives 14th September, 1854. Also copies of all correspondence which may have passed between the Government and private individuals with reference to requests which may have been made by such individuals, that the Government should abstain from interfering with any land or claims of the classes referred to in the Resolutions passed by the House of Representatives 14th September, 1854. Also copy of the correspondence—refused to the Provincial Council—between Mr. Salmon and the Government respecting the settlement of his claim to land at Wananake. Question put and passed. Mr. Taylor, pursuant to notice, moved that an humble address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting a Return shewing the Expenditure on account of the Surveyor-General,s Department for the past year, and that his Excellency will be pleased to transmit a statement of the proposed Expenditure for the ensuing year. Question put and passed. Mr. Porter, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting his Excellency to send down a Bill to adjust the number of Members for each Province in proportion to the number of Electors in the same, in accordance with the Constitution Act, and to pray that a dissolution of this Assembly may not take place until the Bill has received Her Majesty's assent and is brought into operation here. Debate ensued. Moved by Mr. Porter that he be allowed to amend his motion by omitting all the words after the words " Constitution Act," in the 4th line. Question put. House divided. On the division lists being handed to the Speaker it was found that there was not a quorum in the House, the following Members only being present, Messrs. Brown, O'Brien, Carleton, Merriman, Greewood, Forsaith, Taylor, Lee, O'Neill, Porter, and bacot. The Speaker accordingly quitted the Chair, and the House stood prorogued at quarter past six o'clock until noon to- morrow.


NOTICES OF MOTION. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1855. 1. MR. CARLETON—To move an address to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting Returns of all papers concerning tha case of the Widow Meurant, together with all minutes endorsed thereon. 2. MR. CARLETON—To move that the Petition of James John Piercy, received by this House, be referred to the Finance Committee. 3. MH. MACKAY—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting that a Return may be furnished the House, exhibiting the title of every office of trust and emolumeut held under the General Government down to the latest date, with the date of appointment, the amount of salary or other emolument, distinguishing those which have been increased, with the date of such increase. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 8. TScto CcaUnS.


SESSION 111. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1855. There being only eleven Members present, exclusive of the Speaker, on the door being opened after prayers, viz.:—Messrs. Carleton, Brown, Sewell, Forsaith, Taylor, Travers, O'Brien, Lee, Hart, Porter, and Mackay, the Speaker took the Cliair, and declared the House adjourned.

NOTICE OF MOTION. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1855. 1. MR. HART—To move that a Committee be appointed to consider and report upon the steps to be taken, to follow up and give effect to the proceedings of the House during the former Session relative to the New Zealand Company's Debt. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Sew ell, Mr. Crompton,Mr. Travers, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Forsaith, and the Mover. The Report to be 'brought up on the 29th August. 2. MR. PORTER —To move for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the Constitution Act, and the appropriation of the surplus revenue, by dividing it among the



several Provinces in the like proportion as the net proceeds of the sa.revenue shall have arisen, the amount of the civil list being first taken trow the revenue in proportion to the gross amount contributed by each Province. 3. MR. CARLETON—To move that an Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting Returns of all correspondence with the General Government concerning Mr. Parker, of Waiheke, who was stripped by the natives in consequence of a letter written by Mr, C. O. Davis, the interpreter. 4. MR. MERRIMAN —To move for leave to bring in a Bill to recover possession of tenements improperly held over. 5. MR. HART—To move that the New Zealand Bank Bill be referred to a select Committee, to consist of Mr. Sewell, Mr. Travers, Mr. Memman, Mr. Brown, Mr. Crompton , and the Mover. _ . ( 6. MR. HART—To move an Address to Her Majesty the Queen in terms of his motion of Tuesday last. CHARLES CLIFFORD,,

Nt. 9. Jlctu Scalattfc.


SESSION 111. I , THURSDAY, AUGUST 23RD, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present *. —The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. A Message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government WiS Excellency's private Secretary was introduced, who delivered the following Messages, which were read by the Speaker. MESSAGE No. 29. E. H. WYNYARD, in accordance with th. wiak d in bj the House of Reprcnt.tivc. last s.snon transits to th. House the undermentioned returns. . . have been Returns (from the Provinces named m the Margin) of all lands which have Dee granted without payment for Religious Educational or other Public purposes on account o n fpubHcservke s g ho h e sums of money paid since the year 1848 forßeligiousand Educational purposes has not yet been completed but it will be /urnished as soon at possible. Government House, Auckland, 22nd August, 1855,

Aueklaod, Nelson, Wellington Canterbury Otago.



MESSAGE No. 30. i R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government, forwards to the House of Representative# the accompanying application of Rebecca Taylor, the widow of a deserving officer of th« Customs in Auckland lately deceased, for the favorable consideration of the House. Government House, Auckland, 22nd August, 1855. Referred, on motion of Mr. Mackay, to Committee of Supply. MESSAGE No. 31. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. With reference to Message No. 24, transmitting a copy of a Despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies on the subject of the payment of the salary of the Bishop of New Zealand. The officer administering the Government, forwards to the House the accompanying copy of a despatch from the Secretary of State, for the Colonies dated 30th November, 1841, regarding the erection of a Bishoprick in New Zealand and the appointment of the Reverend G. O. Selwyn to be the first Bishop of that see. Government House, Auckland, 23rd, August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 32. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. In accordance with the wish expressed in Resolution No. 17, passed by the House of Representatives last session but one, the Officer administering the Government transmits to the House the accompanying copy of a return showing from what land sales in the Province of Auckland up to the 30th June, 1854, the sums of money claimed under Imperial Acts, by the New Zealand Company have arisen, distinguishing the lands so sold which were purchased and paid for by the Government, from the lands so sold, which wer» purchased by private parties, from the original native owners, and have been claimed by the said parties as their property. Government House, Auckland, 23rd August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 33. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government, transmits to the House of Representatives, in accordance with the wish expressed in Resolution, No. 14, passed this session, the accompanying copy of a Despatch, from the Duke of Newcastle, to Sir George Grey, dated 9th June, 1853, on the general subject of the military protection, to be afforded to New Zealand. Government House, Auckland, 23rd August, 1855. MESSAGE No 34. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government With reference to the item of two hundred pounds, placed on the estimates (forwarded in Message No. 14,) as salary for a Resident Magistrate, at the East Cape, the Officer administering the Government, transmits to the House of Representatives, the accompanying copies of the undermentioned letters, pointing out the urgent necessity of such an appointment. Mr. Commissioner M'Lean to Colonial Secretary 20th February, 1851. Archdeacon Williams, to Colonial Secretary 18th January, 1855. Mr. Commissioner M'Lean to Colonial Secretary 17th May, 1855. Mr. Commissioner M'Lean to Colonial Secretary 21st May, 1855. Government House, Auckland, 23rd August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 35. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government, transmits to the House of Representatives, for their favourable consideration the accompanying copy of letters from his Honor Judge Stephen, requesting that an increase may be made to his present salary. The Officer administering the Government, has received numerous applications from prsons who are employed under the General Government, for increase of pay, in consequence of the present greatly enhanced, cost of all the necessaries of life. The Officer administering the Government, would recommend for the favourable consideration of the House that in order to meet the pressure of the times, some general per centage of increase of salary, should be granted, and the Officer administering the Govern-


ment thinks that those salaries, which from being i.i the Civil List are not submitted in the estimates before the House, should, under the sanction of the House partake equally with others of such an increase. Government House, Auckland 23rd August, 1855. Mr. Travers to move consideration of his Excellency's message, No. 35, in Committee of Supply. Mr. Hart, pursuant to notice, moved that a Committee be appointed to consider and report upon the steps to be taken to follow up and give effect to the proceedings of the House dur'ng the former Session, relative to the New Zealand Company's Debt. Such Committee to consist of Messrs. Sewell, Crompton, Travers, O'Neill, Forsaith, and the Mover. The report to be brought up on the 29th of August. Question put and passed. Mr. Porter, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, second, on the notice paper of this day. Mr. Carleton, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, third, on the notice paper of this day. Mr- Merriman, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to recover possession of tenements improperly held over. Leave given; and, on motion of Mr. Merriman, read a first time, ordered to be printed, and ordered for a second reading. Mr. Hart, pursuant to notice, moved that the new Zealand Bank Bill, be referred to a Select Committee, to consist of Messrs. Sewell, Travers, Merriman, Brown, Crompton, and the Mover. Mr. Travers moved the following amendment, that all the words of the original question be omitted with a view to insert the following,—" That this House, whilst it approves of the object of the proposed New Zealand Bank Bill, is of opinion, having regard to the probable duration of the present Session, that its further discussion should be postponed." Question that the words proposed to be admitted do stand part of the question ■ —put and negatived. Whereupon, amendment put and passed. Mr. Hart, with leave of the House, postponed the motion standing in hi» name, sixth, on the notice paper of this day, until Tuesday next. On motion of Mr. Mackay, House adjourned at quarter past one o'clock, until noon, to-morrow.

NOTICES OF MOTION. FRIDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1855. 1. MR. SEWELL —To move consideration of a Petition of Pensioners, presented by him on the 2lst inst. 2. MR, CARLETON—To move that the Petition of James John Piercy, received by this Houie, be referred to the Finance Committee. 3. MR. CARLETON —To move an address to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting Returns of all papers concerning the case of the Widow Meuraut, together with all minutes endorsed thereon. 4. MK. MACKAY —To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting that a Return may be furnished the House, exhibiting the title of every office of trust and einolumeut held under the General Government down to the latest date, with the date of appointment, the amount of salary or other emolument, distinguishing those which have been increased, with the date of such increase. 5. MR. FORSAITH —To move as a resolution—that while fully recognising the zeal and energy of his Lordship the Bishop of New Zealand, and acknowledging the valuable services rendered by him on various occasions to the colony, this House cannot adopt the recommendation of the Secretary of State, communicated in a


Message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, No. 24, of voting a salary to his Lordship, without departing from the principle of perfect civil equality of all the religious denominations, a principle which this House has already affirmed, and to the maintenance of which it stands pledged. vOEDERS OF THE DAY. ■ 1. English Acts Bill—second reading. 2. Land Claimants' Ordinance Amendment Bill—third reading. 3. Appropriation Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 10. IZeto Sealant?.


SESSION m FRIDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. Mr. Forsaith presented a petition from certain inhabitants of the City of Auckland, praying that the House will refuse to vote a sum of 1200 Z. placed *n the estimates as the salary of the Bishop of New Zealand. Petition received and read. A message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following Messages, which were read by the Speaker. MESSAGE No. 36. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. With reference to the address passed by the House of Representatives on the 15th September, 1854, praying the Officer administering the Government to carry into effect the recommendation of a Select Committee, that a sum of live hundred pounds should be placed on the estimates to be distributed among the officers and crew of Her Majesty's surveying ship " Pandora," the Officer administering the Government, transmits, as this sum has been expended under the sanction of that address, without it having been placed on last years estimates, a supplementary estimate as follows: — Supplementary Estimate. For distribution amongst the officers and crew of H.M.S. " Pandora" in such manner as the Governor and Capt. Drury, may direct. ... £500



fnllnux C fn°- 1 !h Cr adm "? lster! ?S Government, also transmits an additional estimate, as iollows for this year for a similar amount for the same purpose. „ Additional Estimate. * or distribution amongst the officers and crew of H.M.S. " Pandora" in such manner as the Governor and Capt. Drury, may direct. #500 Government House, Auckland, 24th August, 1855. Mr. Travers to move consideration of his Excellency's message, No. 36, in Committee of Supply. MESSAGE No. 37. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the undermentioned Supplementary Estimates for sixty pounds sterling. Supplementary Estimate. Colonial Treasurer 1 » Department— Colonial Treasurer, extra salary; January to April 1854, £10 per annum; i?rom May 1854 to April 1855, £20 per annum; May and June 1855, £30 per annum. 6 8 Prom July 1855 to April 185(5, £30 per annum; May and June 1856, £40 per annum. £31 j 3 4 The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy ot the correspondence that will explain the point in question. Government House, Auckland, 24th August, 1855. Mr. Travers to move consideration of his Excellency's messsage, No. 37, in Committee af Supply. MESSAGE No. 38. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits for the consideration of the House of Representatives the accompanying copies of the undermentioned correspondence between the Commissioner of Crown Lands at Wellington and the Colonial Secretary regarding the preparation and issue of Crown Grants, in certain cases, under the Land Regulations, of 4th March, 1853. The point in question is whether it would not be advisable to declare by an act of the Legislature, that when a Crown Grant is issued the legal estate became vested in the purchaser from the Crown from the day of sale. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington to Colonial Secretary, 20th June, 1855. Colonial Secretary, to Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington, 7th July, 1855. Government House, Auckland, 24th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 39. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government, The Officer Administering the Government, in accordance with 62 and 65 clauses of the New Zealand Constitution Act, transmits for the information of the House of Representatives the undermentioned accounts of disbursments. Sums paid for defraying the expenses of the services mentioned in the Schedule to the New Zealand Constitution Act, for the nine months, ended the 31st March, 1855, as far as accounts have been received. Sums paid on account of the Survey of land and the collection of the Revenue arising from the sale of the Crown Lands, for the nine months, ended 31st March, 1855, as far as the accounts have been received. Sums paid 011 account of the collection of Customs Revenue of New Zealand, for the nine months ended 31st March, 1855, as far as accounts have been received. These returns are accompanied by a Return, showing the offices, names of officers, rates of salaries &c., for the financial year, 1854—5. The other two returns alluded to in the (!2 clause of the Constitution Act, shewing the disbursements on account of purchases of land from aboriginal Natives and on account of the debts due to the New Zealand Company, will be forwarded to the House by the Officer Administering the Government, in an early message. Government House, Auckland, 21th August, 1855. MESSAGE. No. 40. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government, in compliance with the wish expressed in resolutions Nos. 3 and 11 passed by the House of Representatives, 14th and 17tli of


transmits three returns, from Mr. Commissioner McLean, exhibiting the purchase of land from the natives up to the 30th June, 1855. Also a similar return from the Surveyor General, the other returns shall be forwarded as soon as it is possible to have them prepared Government House, Auckland, 24th August, 1855. His Excellency's message, No. 40, referred, on motion of Mr. Travers, to the Finance Committee. MESSAGE No. 41. R. H. WYX YARD, Officer Administering the Government. , T , . _ ... The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copies of the unedrmentioned Documents relative to intercolonia Postal Communication. Postmaster Auckland to Colonial Secretary, 21st March, 1805. Colonial Secretary, New South Wales to Colonial Secretary, New Zealand, 19th CohmiafSecretary, New South Wales to Civil Secretary, New Zealand, 3 November, Colonial Secretary, New South Wales, to Civil Secretary, New Zealand, 3rd November, 1853. Government House, Auckland, 15th August, 1855. Mr. Sewell, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved that the consideration of the petition of certain pensioners, presented by him on the 21st inst., be referred to a Select Committee, consisting of Messrs. Forsaith, Carleton, Taylor, Mackay, and the Mover; that the Committee have authority to call for persons and papers. Report to be brought up on 31st inst. . , ... Mr. Travers moved as an amendment, that all the words of the original question be omitted, with a view to insert the following resolution,—'- 1 hat this House has no power to entertain the questions involved in the petition. Question that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question put and carried. „ , . . lL . . , • Further amendment proposed by Dr. Lee, that all the words in the original question be omitted with a view to insert the following,—" That an humble address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying hirm to appoint a Civil Commission of at least five Commissioners, to enquire into pensioner grievances, with authority to call for any available evidence and papers likely to their proper investigation, and to report thereon, with the object of awarding compensation in land, in any case that they may report on as meriting coinPel2S Question—that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, —put and carried. Whereupon original question put and passed. Moved by Mr. Mackay, that the House, at its rising, do adjourn until Monday next, at noon. Question put and passed. , . Mr. Mackay, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, fourth, on t;ie notice paper of this day. n f On motion of Mi. Sewell, the remaining notices of motion, and the orders ot the day for the second reading of the English Acts Bill, third reading of the Land Claimants Ordinance Amendment Bill, and consideration of his Exctl.en y Message, No. 24, ordered to be placed on the notice paper for Monday next. Moved by Mr. Sewell,—that the Appropriation Bill be now read a second time. Question put and passed. Q Whereupon Bill read a second time, and consideration in Committee of Supply ot the accompanying estimates ot expenditure for the year commencing Ist July, 1855, and of the Supplementary Estimates, for the year ended 30th June, 1855, oidered to stand an order of the day lor Monday next On motion of Mr. Forsaith, House adjourned at half-past one o clock, until Monday next, at noon.


NOTICE OF MOTION. MONDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1855. 1. MR. CARLETON—To move that the Petition of James John Piercy, received by this House, be referred to the Finance Committee. 2. MR. CARLETON—To move an address to His Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting Returns of all papers concerning the case of the Widow Meurant, together with all minutes endorsed thereon. 3. MR. CARLETON—To move an Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting him to place upon the estimates a sum of £100, additional to the sum appropriated to such purpose, upon the Civil list, towards the salary of the Resident Magistrate sitting in Auckland. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. English Acts Bill—second reading. 2. Land Claimants' Ordinance Amendment Bill—third reading. 3. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 24. MR. FORSAITH—On consideration of His Excellency's Message No. 24, to move as a resolution—that while fully recognising the zeal and eneroy of his Lordship the Bishop of New Zealand, and acknowledging the valuable services rendered by him on various occasions to the Colony, this House cannot adopt the recommendation of the Secretary of State, communicated in a Message from His Excellency the Officer administering the Government, No. 24, of voting a salary to his Lordship, without departing from the principle of perfect civil equality of all the religious denominations —a principle which this House has already affirmed, and to the maintenance of which it stands pledged. 4. Appropriation Bill —to be considered in Committee. MR. MACKAY—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 30. MR. TRAVERS—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 35, 36, 37. CHAKLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No, 11. Ifeto Ccalanfr.


SESSION m. MONDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1855. There being only thirteen members present, exclusive of the Speaker, on the door being opened after prayers, viz.,—Messrs. Carleton, O'Brien, Brown, Sewell, Hart, Forsaith, Travers, Crompton, Taylor, Mackay, Merriman, Lee, and LieutCol. Gray, the Speaker took the Chair, and declared the House adjourned.

NOTICE OF MOTION. TUSEDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1855. 6. MR. HART—To move an Address to Her Majesty the Queen in terms of his motion of Tuesday, 21st inst. 2. MR. BACOT—To move that an humble Address be presented to his Excellency requesting him to place a sum of money on the Estimates for the purpose of conducting a scientific enquiry into the plans of Baron de Ih.cny and other individuals, for the cultivation and preparation of the New Zealau Flay.



3. MR. PORTER—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to prevent one portion of the community imposing taxes or levying rates from which they are themselves exempt. 4. MR. TRAVERS —To move—that in the opinion of this House it is expedient that copies of all Acts of the General Assembly should be forwarded to Justices of the Peace and other Public Officers throughout the Colony. 5. MR. TRAVERS—To move the following Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government in reply to his Excellency's Messages numbered 2, 13, 15, 28, and 33. To his Excellency the Officer administering the Government of New Zealand— We, the Commons of New Zealand, in the House of Representatives assembled, respectfully beg leave to address your Excellency in reply to Messages numbered 2, 13, 15, 28, and 33, presented to this House on the subject of the disturbed state of the Natives of New PJymouth, of the steps taken by your Excellency in relation thereto, and of the provision to be made for defraying the expenses to be incurred in affording military protection to the European population of that Province, and more particularly, of the cost of erecting barracks, and otherwise providing accommodation for the troops. We thank your Excellency for the information conveyed to us by these Messages, and assure your Excellency that we have given to the matters referred to in them the most careful and anxious consideration. We beg to renew to your Excellency the expression of our deep regret at the unhappy occurrences detailed in your Excellency's message numbered 2, but we feel that in the present position of this House, having regard more particularly to the fact, that the control of the Executive proceedings of the Government is still withheld from the Legislature, we should not be justified is expressing any opinion as to the course of policy to be pursued by the Government in dealing with them. We are the further induced to refrain from expressing any such opinion in consequence of the absence, duiing the present Session, of the great majority of the Representatives of the Southern Provinces. Whilst we admit the absolute necessity of providing for the defence of the Province of New Plymouth, we feel ourselves compelled respectfully to deciine foe the reasons above submitted, to appropriate any portion of the public revenue towards the expenses to be incurred in the erection of barracks for the troops, or otherwise in affording military protection to the European population of that Province. We sincerely trust, however, that the measures taken by your Excellency will lead to the beneficial results mentioned in the Address by which your Excellency was pleased to open the present Session. 6. MR. MERRIMAN—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the retirement of Officers in the Civil service of the Government, and for granting assistance to the Widows and Children of Officers dying whilst in such service. 7. MR. HART —To move that the Message ot his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, No. 38, be taken into consideration with a view to address his Excellency, praying that a Bill may be sent down to remedy the evil mentioned in the correspondence referred to in that Message. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 13, 15, and 19. 2. Report of Finance Committed. 3. Report of Committee on his Excellency's Message No. 12. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

NO. 12. Sscto StalattS.


SESSION 111. TUESDAY, AUGUST 28th, 185 S. The Home met pursuant to adjournment. Present -.—The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. . ~ , Mr Merriman brought to the notice of the Speaker an error in the printed votes and proceedings of the House, in the omission of his name in division on the first reading of the Pensions Bill, on the 14th instant, he Having been in the House at the time, and having voted with the " Noes. Mr. Speaker referred to the original lists in which the ™ rae 0 i J ; Merriman does not appear ; but the tellers being agreed as to the mistake, it was ordered to be corrected in the journals# , , « , A Message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was gP o g°^jj enc y, s p r i vate Secretary was introduced, who presented the following Messages, which were read by the Speaker. MESSAGE No. 42. R. H. WYNYARD, ""S.'SKffiKS?ITS,—, in accordance in Resolution No. 15, dated the 21st August, 1855 transmits to the> House of' tatives, the accompanying copy of a communication fiom ilr. C



showing the nature of the arrangement entered into with the natives for extinguishing their title to certain lands in the Provinces of Nelson and Canterbury. Government House, Auckland, 27th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Sewell consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 42 referred to Finance Committee. MESSAGE No. 43. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government in accordance with the request expressed in Resolution No. 22, passed on the 21st August, 1855, transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a report, dated 7th August, 1854, of Mr. George Cooper on the native disturbances in the Province of New Plymouth. Government House, Auckland, 27tli August, 1855. MESSAGE No 44. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives in conformity with the wish expressed in Resolution No. 38, passed on the 12th September, 1854, the enclosed information specified in the margin that has been received relative to the administration of native reserves. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Nelson, to Colonial Secretary, 7th December, 1854. Return of Native Trust Property, to Commissioner Mac Lean. Commissioner Crown Lands, Nelson, to Colonial Secretary, 6th July, 1854 Ditto ditto ditto ditto Bth February, 1855. Land Commissioner Auckland, to Colonial Secretary, 29th July, 1854. Surveyor-General to Colonial Secretary, 10th November, 1854. Return of Native Reserves by Surveyor-General. Government House, Auckland, 27th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 45. R. 11. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. In compliance with the wish expressed in Resolution No. 12, dated 21st August, 1855, the Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of correspondence between the Provincial Government of Auckland and the Vaccination Board, appointed by the General Government, regarding the best steps to be taken for introducing a general system of Vaccination of the Native population. Government House, Auckland, 28th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 4G. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer admininistering the Government. In reference to a resolution of the House of Representatives, No. 17, dated 21st August, 1855, calling for copies of all the correspondence in the possession of the General Government, regarding a claim, alleged by Staff Surgeon Bacot to a grant of land at or near Howick. The Officer administering the Government informs the House that copies of the documents relating thereto, have been forwarded as usual to the Secretary of VV ar, with whom the decision of the question at present rests for his consideration, and so soon as that decision has been received, the whole correspondence will be laid on the table of the House. Government House, Auckland, 28th August, 1855. MESSAGE No. 47. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. With reference to the resulution passed by the House of Representatives on the 21 <t August, 1855, moving for copies of all correspondence between the Officer administering the Government and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, on the subject of the Election of Colonel Wynyard to the Superintendency of the Province of Auckland; of his holding that office whilst administering the Government of New Zealand, and of his retiring from the Super! > tendency ; the officer administering the Government begs to inform the House, that he lias not yet received replies to the Despatches written by him in reference to liis resignation of the office of Superintendent oi Auckland, and he deems that it would bo


unusual and improper for li'm to forward copies of a portion of that correspondence, before it shall have been brought to a conclusion. Government House, Auckland, 28th August, 1355. Mr. Hart, with the leave of the House, postponed the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day, until Friday next. Mr- Bacot, pursuant to notice, moved that an humble Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting him to place a sum of money upon the estimates for the purpose of conducting a scientific enquiry into the plans of Baron de Thierry and other individuals for the cultivation and preparation of the New Zealand Flax. Question put and negatived. v % Mr. Porter, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in hi 3 name, third on the notice paper of this day. Mr. Travers, pursuant to amended notice, moved, that in the opinion of this House it is expedient that copies of all Acts of the General Assembly should be forwarded to Justices of the Peace and other public officers tlironghont the colony, and that the same should be prepared and so forwarded by the Colonial Secretary. Question put and passed. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved the adoption of the following Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, in reply to his Excellency's Messages numbered 2, 13, 15, 28, and 33. To his Excellency the Officer administering the Government of New Zealand. We, the Commons of New Zealand, assembled in their House of Representatives, respectfully beg leave to address your Excellency in reply to Messages numbered 2, 13, 15, <>8, and-33, presented to this House on the subject of the disturbed state of the Natives at New Plymouth ; of the steps taken by your Excellency in relation thereto ; and of the provision to be made for defraying the expenses to be incurred in affording military protection to the European population o( that Province, and more particularly, of the cost of erecting barracks, and otherwise providing accommodation for the troops. We thank your Excellency for the information conveyed to us by these Messages, and assure your Excellency that we have given to the matters referted to in them the most careful and anxious consideration. We beg to renew to your Excellency the expression of our deep regret at the unhappy occurrences detailed in your Excellency's message number 2, but we feel that in the present position of this House having regarded more particularly to the fact, that the power of exercising constitutional control of the Executive proceedings of the Government has not yet been conceded to the Legislature, we should not be justified in expressing an opinion as to the course of policy to he pursued by the Government in dealing with them. We are further induced to refrain from expressing any such opinion in consequence of the absence, during the piesent Session, of the great majority of the Representatives of the Southern Provinces. Whilst we admit the absolute necessity of providing for the defence of the Province of New Plymouth, we feel ourselves ccmpelled respectfully to decline for the reasons above submitted, to appropriate any portion of the public revenue towards the expenses to be incurred in the erection of barracks for the troops, or otherwise in affording military protection to the European population of that Province. We sincerely trust, however, that the measures taken by your Excellency will lead to the beneficial results mentioned in the Address by which your Excellency was pleased to open the present Session. Debate ensued. Mr. Forsaith moved as an amendment that the words, " that the power of exercising constitutional control of the Executive proceedings of the Government has not yet been conceeded to the Legislature "in the third paragraph of the Address be omitted, with a view to insert the following, " that it is not competent for this House to exercise a control over the Executive proceedings of the Government." Question —that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question—put and carried. Whereupon original question put and passed. A Message from the Legislative Council was announced. The Hon. Major Kenny was introduced who presented to the Speaker the Naturalization Bill as passed by the Legislative Council.


On motion of Mr. Travers, Naturalization Bill read a first time and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. The House proceeded to the consideration of the orders of the day. O n j motion of Mr. Merriman the order of the day for consideration of his Excellency s Messages No. 13 and 15 discharged from the notice paper. On motion of Mr. Sewell consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 19 postponed till to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Sewell. Chairman of the Finance Committee, leave as given to that Committee to postpone their report until to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Merriman, Chairman of the Committee appointed to consider his Excellency's Message No. 12, leave was given to that Committee to postpone their report until Friday next. English Acts Bill. On motion of Mr. Travers Bill read a second time and ordered to be considered in Committee to-morrow. Land Claimants' Ordinance Amendment Bill.—On motion of Mr. Travers Bill read a third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Travers that the following be the title of the Bill, " A Bill to amend the New Zealand Company's Land Claimant's Ordinance, Session 2, No. 15." Question put and passed. Mr. Travers and Mr. Hart deputed to present the Bill to to the Legislative Council. Moved by Mr. Merriman—that the House at its rising do adjourn till twelve o'clock to-morrow instead of five o'clock. Question put and passed. Moved by Mr. Merriman—that the Speaker do now leave the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of his Excellency's Message 24. Mr. Forsaith moved as an amendment that all the words of the question be omitted with a view to insert the following resolution— " That while fully recognising the zeal and energy of his Lordship the Bishop of New Zealand, and acknowledging that valuable services rendered by him on various occasions to the Colony, this House cannot adopt the recommendation of the Secretary of State, communicated in a Message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, No. 24, of voting a salary to his Lordship, without departing from the principle of perfect civil equality of all the religious denominations —a principle which this House has already affirmed, and to the maintenance of which it stands pledged." Question —that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question —put and negatived. Question —that the words proposed lo be inserted do stand part of the question —put and passed. Mr. O'Neill moved as an amendment that all the words after the word " Lordship " in the fifth line be omitted. Question —that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question —put and carried. Whereupon question put and passed. Moved by Mr. Forsaith —that a copy of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government. Question put and passed House proceeded to the consideration of the iemaining notices of motion on this day's paper. Mr. Merriman, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the retirement of Officers in the Civil service of the Government, and for granting assistance to the Widows and Children ol Officers dying whilst in such service. . Leave given, and on motion of Mr. Merriman Bill read a first time, ordered to be read a second time, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hart, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a Bill may be sent down to remedy the evil mentioned in the correspondence contained in his Excellency's Message No. 38. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Mackay, House adjourned at half-past five o'clock until to-morrow at noon.


NOTICES OF MOTION. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29m, 1855. 1. DR. LEE—To move that an Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying for a copy of the names of those Pensioners who have either paid, or are paying, their passages from England to this Colony, together with the amounts already paid ; and whether the sums so paid become funds of the Colonial or of the Imperial Treasury. 2. MR. PORTER —To move for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the Constitution Act, and after deducting the first charges from the revenue as directed by the Act, and all general charges paid, to distribute the net surplus revenue, unappropriated by the General Assembly, among the Provinces, in proportion as the same shall have arisen in each Province. 3. MR. CROMPTON —To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a sum of five thousand pounds be placed on the estimates for the purpose of improving the present Trunk line of communication between Auckland and Wellington, through Whaingaroa, Kawhia, and New Plymouth. 4. MR. CROMPTON—To move that a respectful Address be presenred to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a sum of five hundred pounds be placed on the estimates for the purpose of laying down moorings in the roadstead of New Plymouth. 5. MR. SEWELL—To move an Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, for copies of the correspondence between the Oriental Bank Corporation and the Government respecting the introduction of a branch or branches of that establishment into this colony. 6. MR. MERRIMAN —To move that a Standing Committee be appointed to confer with any Committee which may have been or may be appointed by the Legislative Council, with a view to arrangements for the joint comfort and convenience of the membets of both Houses. The Committee to consist of same members as the Standing Orders Committee, and that the Committee report to the House from time to time, as they may think fit, or the House require. 7. MR. CARLETON—To move that the Petition of James John Piercy, received by this House, be referred to the Finance Committee. 8. MR. CARLETON—To move an Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting him to place upon the estimates a sum of £100, additional to the sum appropriated to such purpose, upon the Civil list, towards the salary of the Resident Magistrate sitting in Auckland. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Finance Committee. 2. Appropriation Bill —to be considered in Committee. 3. English Acts Bill—to be considered in Committee. 3. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 19. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speak?r.

' Nt. 13. Ilfb) Sralattijr.


SESSION m, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. The Speaker announced to the House that he had presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government the address which was adopted by the House yesterday; and that his Excellency had been pleased graciously to receive the same, and had expressed his intention of referring the subject of that address to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and to the Secretary of War. Dr. Lee, pursuant to notice, moved that an address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying for a return of the names of those Pensioners who have either paid or are paying their passage from England to this Colony, together with the amounts already paid, and whether the sums so paid become funds of the Colonial or of the Imperial Treasury. Question put and passed. Mr. Porter, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the Constitution Act, and after deducting the first charges from the Revenue directed by the Act,, and all general charges paid, to distribute the net surplus revenue, un - appropriated by the General Assembly, among the Provinces in proportion as th<s same shall have arisen in each Province. Mr. Crompton, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, third and fourth, on the notice paper of this day, with a view of moving them in Committee of Supply.



Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, moved that an address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, for copies of the «orrespondence between the Oriental Bank Corporation and the Government respecting the introduction of a branch or branches of that establishment into the Colony." Question put and passed. Mr. Merriman, pursuant to notice, moved that a Standing Committee be appointed to confer with any Committee which may have been or may be appointed by the Legislative Council, with a view to arrangements for the joint comfort and convenience of members of both Houses. The Committee to consist of the same members as the Standing Orders Committee ; and that the Committee report to the House from time to time as they may think fit, or the House require. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing, seventh and eighth, on the notice paper of this day. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Finance Committee. Mr. Sewell, Chairman of the Committee, brought up the report, which was ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Sewell, leave was given to the Committee to sit again. On motion of Mr. Merriman, House adjourned for half an hour. House met pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker took the Chair. A Message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following message, which was read by the Speaker:— MESSAGE No. 48. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. In accordance with the promised contained in the last paragraph of Message, No. 39 dated 24tli August, 1855. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives as required by the 62nd clause of the New Zealand Constitution Act, the accompanying detailed accounts of the purchase of lands from the Natives, and of the payment to the New Zealand Company for the nine months ended the 31st March, 1855. Government House, Auckland, 29 th August, 1855. On motion of Mr. Travers, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee on Ways and Means. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. On Motion of Mr. O'Neill, House adjourned at quarter past five o'clock, until to-morrow, at coon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1855. 1. MR. MERRIMAN—To move that in determining the number and extent of the Electoral Districts for the election of Members of the House of Representatives, and the number of Members for each District, sufficient regard was not had to the number of electors within the same, so that the number of Members to be assigned to any one District might bear to the whole number of the Members of the House of Representatives, the same proportion as the number oi electors within such Districts might bear to the whole number of electors in New Zealand.


That it is desirable that the said Districts and the number of Members to be returned by each should be readjusted. That with a view to enable the House at its next meeting to adopt such measures as may be deemed necessary to carry out such readjustment, his Excellency the Officer administering the Government be respectfully requested to place upon the estimates such a sum as he may deem sufficient to enable the Executive Government to appoint fit and proper persons to scrutinize the Electoral Rolls of the several Districts, and in particular to report the number of bona fide electors, irrespective of the existing Electoral Rolls. 2. MR. CARLETON —To move an address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government requesting Returns of all papers concerning the case of the Widow Meurant, together with all minutes endorsed thereon. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Appropriation Bill —to be considered iu Committee. MR. CROMPTON—■ In Committee of Supply, to move that the House be recommended to address his Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying that a sum of five thousand pounds be placed on the estimates for the purpose of improving the present Trunk line of communication between Auckland and Wellington, through Whaingaroa, Kawhia, and JNew MR P CRO°MPTON—In Committee of Supply, to move that the House be recom'mended to address his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a sum of five hundred pounds be placed on the estimates for the purpose of laying down moorings in the roadstead of New Plymout . MR HART—In Committee of Supply, to move that the House be recommended to address his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, suggesting that a supplementary estimate be sent down for additional salary to Mr. Justice Stephen. MR. MACKAY—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of ins Excellency's Message No. 30. . MR. TRAVERS—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 35, 36, 37. 2. Naturalization Bill—second reading. 3. English Acts Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

NO. 14. Ketu Sralani*.


SESSION 111. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present:—The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. Mr. Taylor presented a petition from E. Hynes, late messenger to the Legislative Council, praying that his salary might be placed on the same footing as that of the messengers of this House. Petition received, —and, on motion of Mr. Taylor, referred to Committee of Supply. Mr. Merriman, pursuant to notice, moved —that in determining the number and extent of the electoral districts for the election of members of the House of Representatives, and the number of members for each district, due regard was not had to the number of electors within the same, so that the number of members to be assigned to any one district, might bear to the whole number of the members of the House of Representatives, the same proportion as the number of electors within such district, might bear to the whole number of electors in New Zealand. Mr. Sewell moved as an amendment —that all the words of the foregoing resolution be omitted with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof, —" that the House do now proceed to the orders of the day." Debate ensued. Question put —that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question.



House divided. Ayes. Noes. Mtssrs. Brown Messrs. Mackay Carleton Hart Merriman Cromptoti Porter Travers O'Neill Sewell (teller) Taylor O'Brien Greenwood Bacot Lee Forsaith (teller) Mr. Merriman, with leave of the House, withdrew the original resolution as moved by him, together with the remaining resolutions standing in his name on the notice paper of this day, and substituted the following in lieu thereof. That in order to enable the House in its next Session to ascertain whether the representation be fairly apportioned among the various Provinces, his Excellency the Officer administering the Government be respectfully requested to place upon the estimates such a sum as may be deemed sufficient to enable the Executive Government to appoint fit and proper persons to scrutiny the electoral rolls of the several Districts, and in particular to report the number of bond fide electors, irrespective of the existing electoral rolls, and also to furnish rough outline maps of the present electoral District, together with comparative returns of population, revenue, imports, and exports, and extent of acreage of the several Provinces. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved —that an Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting returns of all papers concerning the case of the Widow Meurant, together with all minutes endorsed thereon. Question put and passed. A message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following message, which was read by the Speaker. MESSAGE No. 49. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a Petition dated 26th April, J 855, forwarded in a letter from the Superintendent of New Plymouth dated Bth August, 1855, and recommending it forfavourable consideration to the Officer administering the Government, from the Provincial Council of that Province, on the subject of the distribution of the Surplus Revenue as at present provided by the Constitution Act, and alledging that the Province of New Plymouth, from its peculiar circumstances, is deprived of an equitable share of that Revenue. Government House, Auckland, 30th August, 1855. Mr. Potter, pursuant to leave granted yesterday, brought in a " Bill to appropriate the Surplus Revenues," which was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. ORDER OF THE DAY. Moved by Mr. Travers —that the consideration of order of the day No. 1 be postponed until the remaining orders of the day be disposed of. Question put and passed. 2. Naturalization Bill—second reading. On motion of Mr. Travers Bill read a second time. Moved by Mr. Travers—that the Speaker do now leave the Chair and the House resolve' itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Naturalization Bill. Question put and passed.


On the Speaker resuming the Chair the Chairman reported the Bill Avithout amendment. Report adopted ; and on motion of Mr. Travers, Bill read a third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Travers that the following be the title of the Bill, " A Rill for the Naturalization of certain persons in the Lolony of New Zealand." Question put and passed. Mr. Travers was deputed to inform the Legislative Council that the House had agreed to the Naturalization Bill without amendment 3. English Acts Bill—to be considered in Committee. The third order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the English Acts Bill. " On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported the Bill without amendment. Report adopted, and on motion of Mr. Travers, Bill read a third time awl passed. Moved by Mr. Ttavers, that the folloiving be the title of the Bill, " A Bill for bringing into operation witiiin the Colony certain Acts of the Impeiial Parliament." Question put and passed. Mr. Travers, Mr. Hart, and Mr, Merriroan deputed to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. The first order of the day having been read the Speaker left the Chair and the House resolved into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. On motion of Mr. O'Neill, House adjourned at quarter to six o'clock until tomorrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. FRIDAY, 31st AUGUST, 1855. ] HART —To move an Address to Her Majesty the Queen in terras of his motion of Tuesday, 21st instant. ORDER; OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee on Pensioners' Petition. •2. Report of Committee on New Zealand Company's Debt. 3. Appropriation 13ill—to be considered in Committee. MR. CROxMPTON—In Committee of Supply, to move that the House be reconvened to address his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a sum of five thousand pounds be placed on the estimates for the purpose of improving the present trunk line of communication between Auckland and Wellington 0 through Whaingaroa, Kawhia, and New Plymouth. MR. CROMPTON—In Committee of Supply, to move that the House be recommended to address his Excellency the Ofliicer administering the Government, praying that a sun of live hundred pounds be placed on the estimates for the purpose <>f layinj; down mooiings in the roadstead of New Plymouth. MR. CARLEToN —To move an Address to his Excellency the Officer administerina the Government, requesting him to place upon the estimates a sum of £100 additional to the sum apnropiiated to such purpose upon the Civil list, towards the saUiy of the Resident Magistrate sitiing in Auckland. MR. HART —In Committee of supply, to move that the House be recommended io addres his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, suggesting that a supplementary estimate to be sent down for additional salary io Mr. Justice Stephen. MR. MACKAY —In Committe of Supply, to more consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 30. MR. "TRAVERS —In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his Excellences Message i\os. 3«), 36, 3/. 4 Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 19. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 15. iieto SealattTr.



FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. Moved by Mr. Sewell—that the House at its rising do adjourn until to-morrow at noon. Question put and passed. Mr. Hart, with leave of the House, postponed the motion standing in his name first, on the notice paper of this day. On motion of Mr. Merriman, leave was given to the Committee on Pensioners' Petition to postpone their report until Wednesday next. Moved by Mr. Hart, that leave be given to the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt to postpone their report until Thursday next, and that the Committee be empowered to confer with any Committee of the Legislative Council appointed for a similar purpose. Question put and passed. The third order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. .... , ~ A message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government having been announced the Speaker resumed the Chair.



The Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following Message, which was read by the Speaker:— MESSAGE No. 50. R. 11. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. With reference to the sum of six hundred pounds sterling placed on the Estimates for this year for schools under the management of the Church of Rome, and the sum of seven hundred pounds for schools under the management of Wesleyans, the Officer administering the Government, begs to inform the House that these sums have been placed on the Estimates in accordance with engagements made by the late Governor Sir Georo-e Grey, the principles of which are explained in the accompanying copy of a letter dated 18th May, 1853, from that Governor to the Roman Catholic Bishop, letters to a similar purport having been addressed t# the Bishop of New Zealand and to the Superintendent of the Weslevan Church; on the faith of those ennagements, arrangements appear to have been made by the Churches in question for augmenting their educational establishments, and for incurring increased expenditure on that account, especially as those sums were voted last year by the House of Representatives, The share due to the Church of England for this purpose is wholly provided for in the Civil list. Government House Auckland, 31st August, 1855. His Excellency's message No. .50 referred, on motion of Mr. Mackay, to the Committee of Supply. The Speaker left the Chair, and the House again resolved itself into a Ccmmittee of the whole for consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for the adoption of the House: "That an address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a sum of five hundred pounds be placed upon the Estimates for the purpose of laying down moorings in the roadstead of New Plymouth." Question put and passed. The Speaker left the Chair, and the House again resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the consideration of the Estimates. A message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government having been announced, the Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to ait againHis Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who delivered the following message, which was read by the Speaker. MESSAGE No. 51. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. In compliance with the request contained in Resolution No. 19, dated 21st August, 1855, (he Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Renresentatives the accompanying copies of an Estimate of the sums to be deducted from the ordinary and land Revenue now under appropriation as first charges, specifying in particular the sums, if any, which will be required for the purchase of native land during the currency of the period of appropriation including a statement of all outstanding liabilities on account of the purchase of native lands. Government House, Auckland, 31st August, 1855. The Speaker left the Chair, and the House again r&solved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progreess and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Mackay, House adjourned at past 5 o'clock, until tomorrow at noon.


NOTICES OP MOTION. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, 1855. 1. MR- TRAVERS—To move that a Committee be appointed to enquire into the 1 advisability of appointing an officer to take charge of the House during the recess, and as to the appointment of Messengers; to report on Tuesday next. Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs. O'Neill, Greenwood, Merriman, and the Mover. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered in Committee. MR. CARLETON —To move an Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting him to place upon the estimates a sum of £100, additional to the sum appropriated to such purpose, upon the Civil list, towards the salary of the Resident Magistrate sitting in Auckland. MR. MACKAY—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 30. . MR. TRAVERS—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his .Excellency's Message No. 35, 36, 37. 2. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 19. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 16. 2scto Scalane.


SESSION 111. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. Moved by Mr. Travers—that the House at its rising do adjourn until Monday next, at 4 o'clock. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Sew ell, his Excellency's message No. 51, received yesterday, ordered to be referred to the Committee of Supply. Mr. Hart for Mr. Travers, and pursuant to notice moved—that a Committee be appointed to'enquire into the advisability of appointing an officer to take charge of the house diring the recess; and as to the appointment of messengers; to reporc on Tuesday next. Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs. O'Neill, Greenwood, Merriman, and the Mover. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Sewell, Mr. Forsaith's name was added to the Committee appointed to consider the best method of conducting the printing of the House. The first order of the day having been read, the speaker left the Chair, and tbe House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. , . . , . A message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government haviDg been announced, the Speaker resumed the Chair.



The Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. His Excellency's private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following messages, which were read by the Speaker. MESSAGE No. 52. E. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government begs to call the attention of the House of Representatives to the statement enclosed in Message 51, dated 31st August, 1855, in which it is purposed to deduct from the gross revenues for the current financial year the sum of thirteen thousand one hundred and fifty pounds (£13,150) for land purchases this amount being only for the completion of contracts. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House, at the same time the accompanying copy of two letters, dated 30th and 31st August, 1855, from Mr. Commissioner McLean, pointing out the great importance of the speedy purchase of large tracts of native lands, and the serious difficulties likely to arise from a sudden interruption in the course of negotiations for that purpose. The Officer administering the Government, fully sensible of the great importance of speedy purchase by the Crown of large and fertile districts, which the Natives do not require, and which they are willing to sell, would submit, for the consideration of the House, the expediency of the House authorising the Governor to raise loans to a limited amount, by debentures or otherwise, for the object in view. Government House, Auckland Ist Sept., 1855. His Excellency's message No. 52, with its enclosures, ordered to be printed, anil consideration thereof referred to Committee of Ways and Means. MESSAGE No. 53. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. In accordance with the request contained in Resolution No. 29, dated the 29th August, 1855, the Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copies of the correspondence between the Oriental Bank Corporation and the Government, respecting the introduction of a Branch or Branches of that Establishment into this Colony. Government House, Auckland, Ist Sept., 1855. MESSAGE No. 54. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. With reference to Message No. 43, dated 27th August, 1855, transmitting, at the request of the House A' Representatives, copy of a Report, dated 7th August, "1854, from Mr. George Cooper, relative to the Native disturbances at New Plymouth, the Officer administering the Government transmits to the House copy of another Report on the same subject from Mr. Cooper, dated the Bth August, 1854, which had been accidentally omitted in the correspondence previously transmitted to the House. Government House, Auckland, Ist Sept., 1855. On motion of Mr. Sewell, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman repotted that the Committee recommended the following Resolution for the adoption of the House :— " That this House, deeply impressed with the importance of continuing the purchase of Naiive lands, is nevertheless sensible of the great difficulties which at this moment surround the question, proposed to it by his Excellency, viz., of borrowing money for that purpose. If, however, his Excellency shall be pleased to transmit to the House a Bill /or that object, the House will give to such a measure the utmost consideration which time and circumstances will permit." Question —that the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House, —put and passed. Moved by Mr. Sewell—that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, embodying the foregoing resolution. Question put and passed. The Speaker left the Chair, and the House again resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for the adoption of the House. —


"That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to place on the Estimates for the Resident Magistrate at Canterbury £300 0 0 Cletk to ditto ditto 75 0 0 £375 0 0 For Resident Magistrate's Department, Wellington .. 819 5 0 Clerk to Resident Magistrate at Nelson 100 O 0 Question—that the foregoing resolution be adopted—put and passed. Mr. Sewell, Chairman of the Finance Committe, brought up the following resolution by way of report, in reference to the petition of Mr. P. A. Deck, late Commander of H. M. Colonial Brig "Victoria," which resolution the Committee recommend for adoption by the House :— " That a declaration having been received by Mr. P. A. Deck, late Commander of the Colonial brig " Victoria," on the subject of detention of pay, on account of non-rendering of certain accounts, the Committee agreed to report that in their opinion such declaration may be properly received, as discharging Captaia Deck from all liability." Question—tha the foregoing resolution be adopted—put and passed. Moved by Mr. Sewell—that a respectful address be presented to bis Excellency embodying the forgoing resolution. Put and passed. Moved by Mr. Merriman, that the House be counted. The Clerk having counted the House, by order of the Speaker, it was found that there were only nine members present, viz., Messrs. Merriman, Sewell, Forsaith, Brown, Crompton, Hart, Lee, Taylor, and Mackay. The Speaker accordingly quitted the Chair, and the House stood adjourned until Monday next, at 4 o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1855. 1. MR. TAYLOR—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting him to send down a supplementary estimate of £23, for additional salary for the Messenger of the Legislative Council, for his services during the last two Sessions of the General Assembly. 2. MR. CARLETON—To move that as the Legislative Council, through being debarred from interfering with details of Appropriation, axe unable to entertain the question of adequate provision for their own officers, it becomes incumbent upon the Representatives to affirm, with respect to the Council also, a resolution which was passed in favour of the officers of this House during the second Session of the Assembly, namely, " That it is of the greatest public importance that the services of officers of this House should be secured by the payment of their salaries, irrespective of any questions arising out of other duties or services." ORDER OF THE DAY. I. Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered iu Committee. MR. CARLETON—To move an Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting him to place upon the estimates a sum of £100, additional to the sum appropriated to such purpose upon the Civil list, tup ardS the salar y t ' le Resident Magistrate sitting in Auckland. MR. MACKAY—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his Excellency s M:ssage No. 30.


MR. TRAVERS—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 35, 36, 37. MR. SEWELL—To move in Committee of Supply, that the Committee do recommend to the House the adoption of the following Resolutions —That on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 51 a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to place upon the estimates the sum of £91,014, for the service of the several Provinces in New Zealand. Such sum of £91,014 to he divided amongst such several Provinces in the like proportion as the gross proceeds of the revenue of the Colony shall arise therein respectively, and to be paid over to the respective Treasurers of such Provinces for the public uses thereof; and to be subject to the appropriation of the respective Provincial Councils thereof. That in order to supply the Provincial Governments with funds for current purposes, it is desirable that the present system of advances be continued, subject to general adjustment at the termination of the financial year. And that in order that the finances of the Provinces may rest on a secure basis, the above arrangements ought under no circumstances to be disturbed. 2. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 19. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 17. SeaianSr*



MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. A message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who preseatea the tollovfing messages, which were read by the Speaker: — MESSAGE No. 55. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. With reference to Message No. 21, dated 17th August, 1855, regarding the purchase of certain lands from the Native Chief Te Hapuku, the Officer administering the Government transmits, for the information and consideration of the House of Representatives, the copy of a letter, dated the 31st August, 1855, from Te Hapuku, and copy of a letter of the same date from Mr. Commissioner McLean on that subject. Government House, Auckland, 3rd Sept., 1855. On motion of Mr. Forsaith, consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 55 ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrovv.



R. H. WYNYARD, N °' * Officer Administering the Government. co m m™Ltt? nCe t0 No 22 dated 17th August, 1855, transmitting copies of up the IWn?Po^ ga ?ng r ent ° f a raontllI >" line of Steam Packets to keep landCnlonJpi T nSi" ° n .ibetween Great Britain and the Australian and New Zea- / a i ministenn S the Government transmits to the House of Representatives a copy of a Return from the Province of Canterbury similar to the ' P dis P atched from that during the year Government House, Auckland, 3rd September,. 1855. t, tt MESSAGE No. 57. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer admininistering the Government. i Wlth the .request contained in Resolution No. 33, dated Ist September, liloo, the Officer administering the Government, transmits to the House of Reprethe accompanying copy of a Loan Act, 1855, for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of lands from the natives. Government House, Auckland 3rd September. 1855. On motion of Mr. Travers, Loan Bill read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. MESSAGE No. 58. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Auditor General having called the attention of the Officer administering the Government to certain remarks in the printed report of the Finance Committee, the officer administering the Government thinks it right in justice to that officer and to the public service generally, to transmit to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of Memorandum dated 3rd September, 1855, from the Auditor General on that subject. Government House, Auckland, 3rd September, 1855. On motion of Mr. Sewell, consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 58 referred to Finance Committee. MESSAGE No 59. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the enclosed additional estimates for the undermentioned services. _ £ s. d. Extra Clerical assistance in the Colonial Secretary's office. ... 205 6 3 Pensions, ... ... ... ... ... 105 0 0 Resident Magistrates ... ... ... ... 1294 5 0 The extra clerical aid is required to furnish returns desired by the House some of which viz., the correspondences are very volaminous. The Pensions are sums which have already been plaeed in the Supplementary Estimates, excepting that of Bernard Gapper which was authorised by the House last year. The Resident Magistrates departments are placed on the Estimates in compliance with the request contained in resolution of the House, dated Ist September, 1855. Government House, Auckland, 3rd September, 1855. On motion of Mr. Mackay, consideration of his Excellency's Message No, 52 referred to Committee of Supply. Moved by Dr. Lee—that his Excellency's Message No. 58, with its enclosures, be ordered to be printed. Question put and passed. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Taylor, with leave of the House, postponed the motion standing in his name, first, on the notice paper of this day, with a view of moving it in Committee of Supply. Mr. Merriman, for Mr. Carleton, and pursuant to notice, moved—that as the Legislative Council, through being debarred from interfering with details of appropriation, is unable to entertain the question of adequate provision for its own


officers, it becomes incumbent upon the Representatives to affirm, with respect to the Council, a resolution which was passed in favour of the officers of this House during the second Session of the Assembly, namely,— " That it is of the greatest public importance that the services of officers of this Houite should be secured by the payment of their salaries, irrespective of any question arising cut of other duties or services.' Question put and passed. Moved by Mr. Merriman—that a respectful address be presented to his Excelency, embodying the foregoing resolution. Question put and passed. The first order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the further consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Mackay, House adjourned at a quarter to six o'clock, until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICE OF MOTION. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1855. 1. MR. PORTER—To move a resolution of tliis House declaring—that in all dealings with the Natives it is the duty of the Government to carry out the treaty of Waitangi faithfully, honestly, and liberally, in accordance with the sense ivhich they (the Natives) ur.deistocd it,and not according to any interpretation the Government may put upon it which they did not understand. And that the discussion take place in a Committee of the whole House. 2. MR. TRAVERS —To move a respectful Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to inform the House whether any correspondence has taken place between the Government of this C olony and the Government of the Colony of New South Wales, on the subject of the exportation from New South Wales, of Gunpowder and other warlike stores to this Colony, and if so, to lay such correspondence on the table of the Honse. 3. MR. SEWELL—To move the following Resolutions,— That in providing supplies for the public service for the current year, this House has proceeded without having had before it the detailed particulars of the proposed expenditure of the civil list, and of the cost of collecting and management of the Customs and the Land Revenue, nor has it been furnished with complete detailed particulars of the expenditure of last year oa those services. That this House attributes the omission of the Government to supply such particulars, to unavoidable circumstances, but nevertheless it feels itself bound to record its protest against such omission being drawn into precedent. That in the opinion of this House the public expenditure of the Colony iS on a scale too large in proportion to its revenues. And this House earnestly trusts that his Excellency the new Governor, amongst the first acts of his Government, will institute a searching enquiry into such expenditure with a view to its retrenchment. That although this House has voted supplies for the service of the full period of a year, yet looking to the financial state of the colony, and particularly to butstanding liabilities, for which it appears that no provision has been or is being made, this House considers it indispensably necessary that a new Session et' the Assembly should be held at the earliest possible period after the intentlsd »: dissolution.


That this House reitirales its opinion that the cost of the Surveyin]; Department does not fuim part of the cost of collection and management of the Land Revenue, and that this Department of the public service ought as far as possible to he placed under the control of the respective Provincial Governments. 4. MR. BROWN —To move that, inasmuch as the "statement of the Surplus Revenue Account estimated for the year ending 30th June, 1855," furnished to the House of Representatives by the Auditor-General, is not made out in accordance with the Constitution Act, and being otherwise imaginary and fallacious; that a lespectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a statement may be laid before the House, showing the actual receipts of the Revenue (including land deposits) for the year ending 30th June, 1855, with the expenditure as authorized by the Constitution Act, and by the Appropriation Act of the General Assembly. Also—A statement for same period, showing the estimated receipts and expenditure for such portions of the year for which the actual receipts and expenditure may, at present, remain unascertained. Also —An account showing the surplus revenue for distribution among the Provinces for the year ending 30th June, 1855, with the sum accruing to each Province, and sums paid to each on account thereof. 5. MR- FORSAITH—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government praying that whenever Messages embodying correspondence with the natives are forwarded to the House, certified copies of the Maori letters may accompany the translations of the same. 3. MR. TRAVERS—-To move the consideration of certain Resolutions of this House, passed the 12th September, 1854, in relation to persons holding the offices of Registrar of Deeds and Resident Magistrate. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee appointed to consider the advisability of appointing a Housekeeper and Messengers. 2. Estimates of Expenditure —to be further considered in Committee. MR. CARL ETON—To move an Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting him to place upon the estimates a sum of £100, additional to the sum appropriated to such purpose, upon the Civil list, towards the salary of the Resident Magistrate sitting in Aucklind. MR. TRAVERS—In Committee of Supply, to move consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 37. MR. SEYVELL—To move in Committee of Supply, that the Committee do recommend to the House the adoptiou of the following resolutions— That on consideration-of his Excellency's Message No. 51, a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to place upon the estimates the sum of £91,014 for the service of the several Provinces in New Zealand. Such sum of £91,014 to be divided amongst such several Provinces in the like proportion as the gross proceeds of the revenue of the Colony shall arise therein sespectively, and to be paid over to the respective Treasurers of such Provinces for the public uses thereof; and to be subject to the appropriation of the respective Provincial Cocncils thereof. That in order to supply the Provincial Governments with funds for certain purposes, it is desirable that the present system of advances be continued, subject to general adjustment at the termination of the financial year. And that in order that the finances of the Provinces may rest on a secure basis, the above arrangements ought under no circumstances to be disturbed. MB, FORSAITH—To move as an amendment to the foregoing reso!utions—that the system of advances to the respective Provincial Governments should be continued, and the amount of such advances should be equal to the estimated surplus revenue for the current year; and that in the event of such estimated surplus not being actually realized, the deficiency shall net be


surcharged against the Provinces as a debt to be repaid, but shall be con« sidered a debt for which provision shall be made by the General Government. S. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 19. and 55. 4. Loan Bill —Second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 18. Xcto DcalanSr.



TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present: —The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. Moved by Mr. Travers—that the House, at its rising, do adjourn until tomorrow at noon. Question put and passed. Mr. Porter, with leave of the House, withdrew the latter part of the motion standing in his name, first, on the notice paper of this day; that the discussion thereof take place in Committee of the whole House ; and, in pursuance of notice, moved that a resolution be adopted by this House, declaring that in all dealings with the Natives, it is the duty of the Government to carry out the treaty of Waitainga faithfully, honestly, and liberally, in accordance with the sense in which they (the Natives) understood it, and not according to any inteipretation the Government may put upon it, which they did not understand. Mr. Travers moved as an amendment —that all the words of the foregoing resolution be omitted, with a view to insert the following :—That the consideration of the questions involved in the motion be postponed until the formation of a responsible executive. Question —that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, —put and negatived. Whereupon amendment put and passed.



Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved—that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to inform the House whether any correspondence has taken place between the Government of this Colony and the Government of New South Wales, on the subject of the exportation from New South Wales of gunpowder, and other warlike stores to this Colony ; and if so, that he will cause copies of such correspondence to be laid on the table of this House. Question put and passed. Mr. Sewell, with leave of the House, postponed the motion standing in his name, third, on the notice paper of this day, until Thursday next. Mr. Brown, pursuant to amended notice, moved—that inasmuch as the " Statement of the Surplus Revenue Account, estimated for the year ended 30th June, 1855," furnished to the House of Representatives by the Auditor-General, is not made out in accordance with the Constitution Act: that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a Statement may be laid before the House, showing the actual receipts of the Revenue (including land deposits) for the year ended 30th June, 1855, with the Expenditure, as authorised by the Constitution Act, and by the Appropriation Act of the General Assembly. Also, a Statement for same period, showing the estimated receipts and expenditure for such portions of the year for which the actual receipts and expenditure may at present remain unascertained. Also, an Account shewing the Surplus Revenue for distribution among the Pro\inces, for the year ended 30th June, 1855, with the sum accruing to each Province and the sums paid to each on account thereof. Question put and passed. Mr. Forsaith, pursuant to notice, moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that whenever Messages, embodying correspondence with the natives, are forwuided to the House, certified copies of the maori letters may accompany the translations of the same. Question put and passed. Mr. Travers, with leave of the House, postponed the motiou standing in his name, sixth, on the notice paper of this day, until Thursday next. Mr, Travers, Chairman of the Committee appointed to consider the advisability of appointing a house-keeper and messenger, brought up the report of the Committee, which, on motion of Mr. Travers, was read and ordered to be referred to the Committee of Supply. The second order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. A message from his Excellency having been announced, the Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. His Excellency's private Secretary having been introduced, presented the following messages, which were read by tne Speaker. MESSAGE No. 00. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer Administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the undermentioned additional Estimates for the current 1' iriancial year. Vaccinating-of the Natives, ... ••• 0 0 To lay down Moorings in the roadstead of New Plymouth For the scrutiny of the Electoral Roll of the several districts and to prepare certain returns in connexion therewith ® The first item, vaccination, is placed on the Estimates, as a similar service was voted for by the House Inst year. The last two servicies are placed on the Estimates m compliance with the requests contained in Resolution of the House, Nos. 00 and 31, dated ;>otn August, 1855. , r ~. The Officer administering the Governmept would observe with reference to tiie crutiny of the Electoral Roll, that until the best mode of carrying into effect the wishes of


the House in this respect, has been decided upon, the expense is a matter of uncertainty, but it is hoped that one thousand pounds will be amply sufficient. Government House, Auckland, 4th Sept., 1855, MESSAGE No. 61. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The officer administering the Government, transmits to the House of Representatives the undermentioned additional Estimate —• The repair of Government House at Wellington £300 0 0 This sum will be required for the completion of the repairs of the Government House at Welllington, and for putting it into a state fit to receive the Governor. Government House, Auckland, 4th Sept. 1855. MESSAGE No. 62. R. H. "WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. With reference to the item in the Estimates of eighty seven pounds ten shillings, (£B7 10s. Od.) for Registrar of Deeds, Canterbury, for seven months arrears o 1853, the Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Reprasentatives the accompanying copy of the correspondence between Mr. Commissioner Britain, who claims these arrears, and the Colonial Secretary on this subject. Government House, Auckland 4th Sept., 1855. His Excellency's Messages No. 60, 61, and 62 referred to Committee of Supply. MESSAGE No. 63. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer admin! tering the Government, transmits to the House of Representatives, in accordance with the desire expressed in the resolution of the House, No. 26, dated 28th August, 1855, the accompanying copy of a proposed " Crown Land purchasers' Legal Estate Act." Government House, Auckland, 4th Sept., 1855. On motion of Mr. Mackay, Bill read a first time, ordered to be printed, and second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. MESSAGE No. 64. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives a statement of the expenditure of the Civil list as at present appropriated. Government House, Auckland. 4th Sept., 1855. MESSAGE No. 65. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer administering the Government. The Officer administering the Government transmits to the House of Representatives the undermentioned additional Estimates for the Post Office department. Postage labels press and freight, £550 0 0 Government House, Auckland, 4th September, 1855. MESSAGE No. 66. R. H. WYNYARD, Officer admininistering the Government. In accordance wich the desire expressed in Resolution No. 21 dated 21st August, 1855, the Officer administering the Government, transmits to the House of Representatives, the enclosed correspondence relative to the Hospital at New Plymouth. Government House, Auckland, 4th September, 1855. On motion of Mr. Mackay, consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 64, 65, and 66, referred to Committee of Supply. The Speaker left the Chair, and the House again resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates,


On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progress, aad obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. The Chairman of Committee also reported that the Committee recommended the following resolutions for adoption by the House :— " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting him to place upon the Estimates a sum of IOOi. additional to the sum appropriated to such purpose upon the Civil List towards the salary of the Resident Magistrate sitting in Auckland." Also, " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting him to place on the Estimates the sum of 100/. as the salary of a housekeeper in the buildings belonging to the General Assembly, and that a copy of the report of the Select Committee appointed to consider this subject be transmitted to his Excellency." Resolutions adopted by the House. On motion of Mr. Sewell consideration of order of the day No. 3 postponed until to-morrow. 4. Loan Bill—second reading. On motion of Mr. Travers, Bill read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. On motion of Mr. O'Neill, House adjourned at \ to 6 o'clock until to-morrow at noun.

NOTICES OF MOTION. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER sth, 1855. 1, SIR. FORSAITH—To move, as a resolution—that some of the statements and conclusions of the Report of the Finance Committee are objectionable, because apparently at variance with the Statements of Accounts furnished by the Auditor-General; that the general tone and spirit of the Report is further objectionable, because it appears to warrant the belief that the financial position of the Colony is one of actual insolvency, and because facts and figures, in a certain sense quite true, are stated in such a manner and in such combinations as necessarily to convey an erroneous impression to the public mind. 2. MR. TRAVERS—To move that during the financial year commencing on the Ist July last, an account should be kept shewing in detail the quarterly Receipts and Expenditure within each Province in respect of each distinctive branch of the public service. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee on Pensioner's Petition. 2. Estimates of Expenditure —to be further considered in Committee. MR. SEWELL—To move in Committee of Supply, that the Committee do recommend to the House the adoption of the following Resolutions —That on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 51 a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to place upon the estimates the sum of £91,014, for the service of the several Provinces in New Zealand. Such sum of £91,014 to he divided amongst such several Provinces in the like proportion as the gross proceeds of the revenue of the Colony shall arise therein respectively, and to be paid over to the respective Treasurers of such Provinces for the public uses thereof; and to be subject to the appropriation of the respective Provincial Councils thereof. That in orderto supply the Provincial Governments with funds for current purposes, it is desirable that the present system of advances be continued, subject to general adjustment at the termination of the financial year. And that in order that the finances of the Provinces may rest on a secure basis, the above arrangements ought under no circumstances to be disturbed.


MT? TTTIRSAITH To move as an amendment to the foregoing motion that thl ™i«n> " .a™nc« S to .h« respective Provincial M.WI. continued, and the amount of such advances should be equal to the estimated surplus revenue for the current year; and that in the event of such estimated surplus not being actually realized, the deficiency shall not be surcharged against the Provinces as a debt to be repaid, but shall be considered a debt for which provision shall be made by the General Government. 3. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 19 and 55. 4. Crown Land Purchasers' Legal Estate Bill —second reading. 5. Loan Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 19. fUto SealaitU.


SESSION ni, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER sth, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and ] 6 members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. Mr. Forsaith, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, first, on the notice paper of this day. Mr. Travers, pursuant to amended notice, moved—that during the financial year, commencing on the Ist July last, it is expedient that an account should be kept showing in detail the quarterly receipts and expenditure within each Province, in respect of each distinctive branch of the public service, and that a respectful address be presented lo his Excellency embodying the foregoing resolution. Question put and passed. ORDERS OF THE DAY. J. Report of Committee on Pensioners' Petition. On motion of Mr. Sewell, this report postponed until friday next. 2. The next order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported that a division having taken place in the Committee, he had ascertained that there was not a quorum in the House.



The Clerk having counted the House, by order of the Speaker, it was found that there were only twelve members present—viz., Messrs. O'Brien, Lee, Mackay, Forsaith. 0 Neill, Bacot, Tiavers, Sewell, Crompton Merriman Carleton, and Biown, the Speaker accordingly quitted the Chair, and the House stood adjourned until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICE OF MOTION. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1855. ]. MR. HART—To move an Address to Her Majesty the Queen ia terras of his motion of Tuesdav, August 21st. 2. MR. BEWELL—To move the following Resolutions,-— That in providing supplies for the public service for the current year, this House has proceeded without having had before it the detailed particulars of the proposed expenditure of the civil list, and of the cost of collecting and management of the Customs and the Land Revenue, nor has it been furnished with complete detailed particulars of the expenditure of last year on those services. That this House attributes the omission of the Government to supply such particulars, to unavoidable circumstances, but nevertheless it feels itself bound to record its protest against such omission being drawn into precedent. That in the opinion of this House the public expenditure of the Colony is on a scale too in proportion to its revenues. And this House earnestly trusts that his Excellency the new Governor, amongst the first acts of his Government, will institute a searching enquiry into such expenditure with a view to its retrenchment. That although this House has voted supplies for the service of the full period of a year, yet looking to the financial state of the colony, and particularly to outstanding liabilities, for which it appears that no provision has been or is being made, this House considers it indispensably necessary that a new Session of the Assembly should be held at the earliest possible period after the intended dissolution. That this House reitirates its opinion that the cost of the Surveying Department does not fotm part of the cost of collection and management of the Land Revenue, and that this Department of the public service ought as far as possible to be placed under the control of the respective Provincial Governments. 3. MR. TRAVERS—To move the consideration of certain Resolutions of this House, passed the 12th September, 1854, in relation to persons holding the offices of Registrar of Deeds and Resident Magistrate. 4. MR. SEWELL—To move an Address of congratulation to his Excellency the Governor upon his arrival in the Colony. ORDERS OF THE DAY. ]. Report of Committee on New Zealand Company's Debt. '2. Report of Committee on Pensioner's Petition. 3. Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered in Committee. MR. SEWELL—To move in Committee of Supply, that the Committee do recommend to the House the adoptiou of the following resolutions—'l hat on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 51, a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to place upon the estimates the sum of £91,014 for the service of the several Provinces in New Zealand. Such sum of £91,014 to he divided amongst such several Provinces in the like proportion as the gross proceeds of the revenue of the Colony shall arise therein and to be paid over to the respective Treasurers of such Provinces for the public uses thereof ; and to be subject to the appropriation of the lespective Provincial Cocncils theteof. That in order to supply the Provincial Governments with funds for certain purposes, it is desirable that the present system of advances be continued, subject


to general adjustment at the termination of the financial year. And that in order that the finances of the Provinces may rest on a secure basis, the above arrangements ought under no circumstances to be disturbed. MR. FORSAITH—To move as an amendment to the foregoing resolutions—that the system of advances to the respective Provincial Governments should be continued, and the amount of such advances should be equal to the estimated surplus revenue for the current year; and that in the event of such estimated surplus not being actually realized, the deficiency shall not be surcharged against the Provinces as a debt to be repaid, but shall be considered a debt for which provision shall be made by the General Government. 4. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 19. and 55. 5. Crown Land Purchasers' Legal Estate Bill—second reading. 6. Loan Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No, 20. Neb Sealant


SESSION 111. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present: —The Speaker and 16 members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. Mr. Sewell, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day, in older that Mr. Brown might more the House to go into Committee of the whole, for the purpose of considering an address to his Excellency the Governor. On motion of Mr. Merriman, House adjourned until one o'clock, in order to enable Members to attend the ceremony of administering the oaths of office to his Excellency Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, C.8., as Governor of the Colony. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker took the Chair. A message from the Legislative Council was announced. The Hon. R. Richardson, Esq., was introduced who presented to the Speaker the Land Claimants Ordinance Amendment Bill with an amendment, to which amendment the Council prayed the assent of the House. On motion of Mr, Travers, the amendment of the Legislative Council read a®d adopted by the House, Mr. Travers and Mr. Hart deputed to notify the same to the Legislative Coun-



A message from his Excellency the Governor was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following message, which was read by the Speaker :— MESSAGE No. 1. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. The Governor takes the first opportunity, on assuming the government of the Islands of New Zealand, to forward to the House of Representatives the accompanying correspondence with the Secretary of State, having reference to the subject of the despatch addressed by the Secretary of State to the Officer administering the Government, dated Bth December, 1854, and published in the " New Zealand Government Gazette" of the Ist June, 1855, regarding the future Executive Government of New Zealand, in which despatch the Secretary of State intimates that the views of Her Majesty's Government on the points referred to therein will be communicated to the Governor. Government House, Auckland, 6th Sept., 1855. On motion of Mr. O'Neill, his Excellency's Message No. 1, with its enclosures, ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Travers, the previous notices of motion postponed, until after the consideration of (No. 4.) an address (o his Excellency the Governor, On motion of Mr. Brown, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the purpose of considering an address to his Excellency the Governor, congratulating him on his arrival in the Colony. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommended to the House the adoption of the following address :— To his Excellency the Governor of New Zealand, — We, the Commons of New Zealand, assembled in their House of Representatives, approach your Excellency with the expression of our sincere congratulation, on your safe arrival in this colony. Your Excellency will be gratified to learn that the general interests of the colony, taken as a whole, are in a state of high prosperity and advancement. We dare not flatter your Excellency with the assurance that the task you have undertaken will be free from difficulties. Grave and important questions, which have perplexed the Government of this colony from its earliest foundation, and others arising out of the introduction of a new and hitherto untried form of Constitution, are still unsettled. The solution of these questions remains for your Excellency, acting in conjunction with the people of the colony, through their Representative Legislature. In whatever measures may tend to the removal ot existing or future difficulties, or to the advancement of the interests of the colony, your Excellency may rely with confidence on the hearty support and co-operation of this House. Question —that the address be adopted by the House—put and passed. Mr. Hart, pursuant to notice, moved the adoption of the following address to her Majesty the Queen :— May it please your Majesty,— We, your Majesty's loyal and faithful subjects, the Commons of New Zealand, in their House of Representatives assembled, desire to approach your Majesty to e e w the assurance of our devoted attachment to your Majesty's Crown and person. We are desirous of laying before your Majesty the statement of doubts seriously affecting titles to land in the settlements formed by the New Zealand Company, originally purchased from the Company, held under grants from your Majesty, and for the removal whereof the action of the Imperial Parliament is required. By two Acts of the Imperial Parliament—namely, " An Act to grant certain powers to the New Zealand Company," passed in the Session of the ninth and tenth years of vour Majesty's reign, chapter 382, s. 51, and "An Act to regulate the affairs of certain Settlements "established by the New Zealand Company in New Zealand, passed in the Session of the fourteenth and fifteenth years of your Majesty's reign, chap. 84, sec. 10— the titles to land originally purchased of the New Zealand Company, and now held or to be held under grants from your Majesty, are rendered doubtful, and those lands are subjected to any undisclosed equitable estates, charges, and liens created by the purchaser or purchasers named in the land orders or contracts to which such grants relate. Though apparently just, this qualification of the grants is unjust. It allows of the existence of undisclosed equitable estates, charges, and liens against which no precaution ■whatever on the part of purchasers will enable them effectually to guard, and perpetuate, the difficulties on the part of vendors of disproving the existence of any such equitable estates, charges, and liens.


We venture to assure your Majesty that no conveyances were accepted from the New Zealand Company under the first mentioned Act, because the title to be created by such conveyances was not a fulfilment of the contract entered into by the Company with their land purchasers. Crown Grants have been accepted in the belief that they created valid indefeasible titles. We are deeply sensible of the anxieties which weigh upon the Councils of your Majesty during the momentous contest in which the nations of Europe are engaged; but we trust that the subject of this address—affecting, as it does, all confidence in titles to lands purchased of the Company in the Southern Settlements—will meet with the attention which its importance to the interests of a large class of your Majesty's subjects requires. Debate ensued. On motion of Mr. Merriman, debate on the address to her Majesty adjourned until Tuesday next. Mr. Sewell, with leave of the House, postposed the resolutions standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day, with a view of moving them in Committee of Supply. Mr. Travers, pursuant to amended notice, moved—that upon consideration of the resolution passed by the House on the 12th September, 1854, in relation to persons holding the offices of Registrar of Deeds and Resident Magistrate, this House is of opinion that it is desirable that the attention of his Excellency the Governor be called thereto. Question put and passed. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee on New Zealand Company's Debt. On motion of Mr. Hart, Chairman of the Committee, report postponed until Tuesday next. 2. Report of Committee on Pensioners Petition. On motion of Mr. Sewell, Chairman of the Committee, report postponed until tomorrow. 3. Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered in Committee. The third order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, for further consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. He also brought up the following resolution, which the Committee recommended for adoption by the House :— " That the system of advances to the respective Provincial Governments should be continued, and the amount of such advances should be equal to the estimated surplus revenue for the current year, when the actual appropriation of this House, together with the other first charges mentioned in his Excellency's message No. 51, are deducted from the estimated amount of the receipts shewn in that message, and that in the event of such estimated surplus, not being actually realized, the deficiency shall be considered a debt for which provision shall be made by the General Government." Question—that the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House—put and passed. ' On motion of Mr. O'Neill, House adjourned at six o'clock unvil to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1855 1. MR. TRAVERS —To move that it be an instruction to the Committee on the New Zealand Comnany's Debt to inquire and report to the House what


means could, consistently with the provisions contained in the Constitution, be adopted for the practically relieving the Land Funds of the colony from the o » C T ) l4 I AT^ot Up r the ™ m favour of the New Zealand Company . y' lA fI m ° Ve I<>r f kaVe t0 b " ng iQ a BIU t0 a PP°»'t an agent in England to take certain steps for relieving the Colony of New Zealand from the NevvZealand Company's Debt. 3. MR. TR A VERS—To move that inasmuch as this House has been called upon to make provision by way of loan for the extinguishment of the Native title to lands in the Provinces of the Northern Island, and to charge the payment of the amount so to be provided upon the general revenues or the Colony it is just and expedient that the proportion of the Laud Fund now in course'of being retained by the Government in repayment of alleged overpayments to the Provinces of Canterbury and Nelson, should again be paid over to the Provincial Treasurers of these Provinces for the public uses thereof, according to the present system of advances to Provinces; and that the question of the repayment of such alleged over-payments should remain open until a final adjustment of the public accounts, and be subject to such arrangements for liquidation as may then be deemed necessary. That a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the Governor praying that instructions may be issueu to the proper officers to carry out the foregoing resolution. 4. MR. PORTE R—-To move that a respectful Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor showing that all the disputes and differences between the Government and the inhabitants of this Colony have originated in the Land Question, and that it has been the cause of the Native wars; and praying His Excellency to give that question his most serious consideration at the earliest possible period, with a view of doing substantial justice to the Natives and at the same time supplying a sufficient quantity of land for settlers of all classes, thereby preventing future dissatisfaction, preventing Native wars, and promoting the prosperity of this Colony. 5. MR. TAYLOR—To move that a respectful Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor requesting that a Supplementary Estimate be sent down to this House providing for the salaries of all Resident Magistrates in the Province of Auckland. 6. MR. O'NKILL—To move that a respectful Address be presented to His Excellency praying him to place on the Supplementary Estimates the amount of money necessary for defraying the expenses of erecting the new Government House at Auckland, 7. MR. SEVVELL—To move the following Resolutions, — That in providing supplies for the public service for the current year, this House has proceeded without having had before it the detailed particulars of the proposed expenditure of the civil list, and of the cost of collecting and management of the Customs and the Land Revenue, nor has it been furnished with complete detailed particulars of the expenditure of last year on those services. That this House attributes the omission of the Government to supply such particulars, to unavoidable circumstances, but nevertheless it feels itself bound to record its protest against such omission being drawn into precedent. That in the opinion of this House the public expenditure of the Colony is on a scale too large in proportion to its revenues. And this House earnestly trusts that bis Excellency the new Governor, amongst the first acts of his Government, will institute a searching enquiry into such expenditure with a view to its retrenchment. That although this House has voted supplies for the service of the full period of a year, yet looking to the financial state of the colony, and particularly to outstanding liabilities, for which it appears that no provision has been or is being made, this House considers it indispensably necessary that a new Session of the Assembly should be held at the earliest possible period after the intended dissolution. That this House reitirates its opinion that the cost of the Surveying Department does not foim part of the cost of collection and management of the I.and Revenue, and that this Department of the public service ought as far as possible to ]be placed under the control of the respective Provincial Governments.


ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee on Pensioner's Petition. 2. Estimates of Expenditure—to be farther considered in Committee. MR. MACK.AY —To move that a respectful Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor praying him to send down to this House a Supplementary Estimate for the sum of 10(K to meet the expenses for an Interpretor and contingencies for the department of the Resident Magistrate at Nelson for th* year 1855-56. MR. TRAVERS—In Committee of Supply, to move that whilst this Committee has agreed to make provision for certain services mentioned in_ the Supplementary Estimates for the financial year ending 30th June, 1855, it desires to record its opinion th*t the practice of exceeding the appropriation made by the House, except in cases of great and unavoidable urgency, is extremely injudicious, and is calculated to introduce serious confusion and derangement into th< financial system of the Colony. _ 3. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 19 and 55. 4> Crown Land Puichaseis' Legal Estate Bill—second reading, 5, Loan Bill—to be considered in Committee. CIIAKLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 21. flrb) Dc.ilantr.



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present :—The Speaker and 15 members. The Speaker read prayers, and look the Chair. The Speaker read the following letter from C. B. Adderley Esq., M.P. — "House oi Commons, May 11th, 1855. " Sir,—My object has been, since I received copies of resolutions from the House of Representatives of New Zealand, requesting me to act on their behalf in taking lor the settlement of the New Zealand Company's Debt, to induce the Government to offer facilities to the Colony to raise a loan to pay off at once, or in a few years, such a reduced amount of the Company's claim as they might be willing, in consideration of secure and prompt pa)ment to take in composition. " I have, with this view, seen Lord John Russell on the paH of the Government, and Mr. Abel Smith and Mr. Wangles on the part of the Company. " The Government has expressed a willingness both to me and to the Company, to act on my suggestion; but the Company stand out for no less a sum, by way of such composition, than £220,C00. " This I conceive to be unreasonable. I stated to Lord John Russell that I thought £150,000 would be a right and fair composition, ar.d that the Government should enable the Colony to raise such a sum cheaply by the guaranree of the Impel iaiPrliament.



view thanTfT nP? ■ Company's shareh.ldars will take a raor. reasonable Iffll Directors, when it is laid before them, that the saving of yearly office expenses and of a cont.uned dispute, might be so easily attained. I have high authority, and have no doubt that the clause in the Act of 1852 cannot be repealed, and covers all previous questions which cannot therefore be raised again with any practical effect. I am also sure that the Imperial Parliament will not undertake any part of the payment. 3 " I can only hope, and shall be happy to continue every effort, that the Company may see it to be their interest to make such terms as the Colony will be inclined and able to meet, with the aid of the imperial credit, that this vexed and troublesome question may be finally set at rest, and be put out of the way of the peace, prosperity, and good government of New Zealand. " I am, obediently, tc 'PL tt . i « i _ t Bi AdderleTi 1 he J ion. the Speaker of the House of Representatives." On motion of Mr. Travers, Mr. Adderley's letter ordered to be printed, and entered on the journals of the House. Moved by Mr. Mackay—that this House, at its rising, do adjourn until tomorrow at noon. Question put and passed. A message from his Excellency the Governor was announced. His Excellency s Private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following messages, which were read by the Speaker THOMAS GORE BROWNE, MESSiGE Xo - 2 * Governor. „ -njf' 1 ® ?°;f n , 0 1 r ,' r f ,1 f nit r , to * he , House of Representatives the accompanying; copy of - I n ' n om oae of Her Ma J e3t r' s principal Secretaries of State, notifying that the Queen in Council, had been pleased bv order to confirm the Provincial Waste Lands Act, 1854' paBsed by the General Assembly last Session, and reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure therein. . fi As the original IJespatch containing the Order referred to has not yet arrived, the notification in the New Zealand Government Gazette" of the Royal assent to this Act mustbe deferred until such order has been received. Government House, Auckland, 7th September, 1856. MESSAGE No. 3. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor, The Governor transmits to the House, of Representatives the accompanying copy of a Despatch dated 14th April 1855, from one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, notifying that the "Marriage Act, 1854," passed last Session by the General Assembly, had been submitted to Her Majesty, and that the Act will beleft to its operation. Government House, Auckland, 7th September, 1855. MESSAGE No. 4. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a Despatch dated 4th May 1855, (together with its enclosures) from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, covering the copy of a letter from the Assistant Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, with a Minute of their Lordships upon that subject. Government House, Auckland, 7th September, 1855. On motion of Mr. Mackay, his Excellency's Messages Nos. 2, 3, and 4, with their enclosures, ordered to be printed. Mi. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved—that it be an instruction to the Committee on the New Zealand Company's debt to enquire and report to the Honse what means could, consistently with the provisions contained in the Constitution' Act, be adoption for the practically relieving the land funds of the Colony from the charge imposed upon them in favour of the New Zealand Company. Question put and passed.


On motion of Mr. Mackay, House adjourned at half-past one o'clock until 3 o'clock. House met pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker took the Chair. The Speaker informed the House that he had presented to his Excellency the Governor the address adopted by the House yesterday, that his Excellency had received the same very gracio«sly, and had been pleased to make the following reply,— Gentlemsn of the House of Representatives,— I beg to offer you my best thanks for your congratulations on my arrival in "this Colony, lam indeed much gratified to learn from you til it the general interests of the colony are in a state of prosperity. In conjunction with, and by the assistance of the two Houses of Parliament, I am ■prepared to encounter any difficulties which may arise from the introduction ot Constitutional Government, and relying on the good sense of the inhabitants of New Zealand, I have no doubt of success. I am grateful to you for the assurance you give me of your valuable assistance • in return, I be? to assure you that I shall not weary in endeavouring to promote the w'el - fare of the Colony, and disregarding all personal and party interests, I shall be guided solely by an earnest endeavour to decide justly in all cases and questions which may come under my consideration. Confident in the honesty of my own intentions, and trusting in the patriotism and integrity of the Representatives of the people, I am satisfied that all difficulties will be met in such a spirit of fairness and determination, as will, under God's blessing, ensure success. T. Gore Browne, Auckland, New Zealand, Governor Sept. 6, 1855. Mr. Travers postponed the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day, nntil to-morrow. Mr. Travers, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his ■name, third on the notice paper of this day. Mr. Porter, pursuant to notice, moved —that a respectful address be presented to his Excellncy the Governor shewing that most of the disputes and differences between the Government and the inhabitants of the Colony have originated in the land question, and that it has been the cause of the native wars, and praying his Excellency to give that question his most serious consideration at the earliest possible period, with a view of doing substantial justice to the natives, and at the same time supplying a sufficieut quantity of land for settlers of all classes, thereby preventing future dissatisfaction, preventing native wars, and promoting the prosperity of this Colony. Question put and negatived. Mr. Taylor, pursuant to notice, moved—that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that a Supplementary Estimate be sent down to this House, providing for the salaries of all Resident Magistrates in the Province of Auckland, not included in the Civil List. Question put and passed. Mr. O'Neill, with the leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, sixth on the notice paper of this day. Mr. Sewell, with leave of the House, postponed the motion standing in his name, seventh on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. Mr. Sewell, Chairman of the Finance Committee, brought up an ad interim report of the Committee which was ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Sewell, leave was given to the Committee to sit again, and to report on Tuesday next. Mr. Travers, with leave of the House, postponed the motion standing in his name on the orders of the day, until to-morrow. Moved by Mr. Travers—that Monday next be a sitting day of the House, and that the House do meet at 12 o'clock. Question put and passed.


ORDERS OF THE DAY. I. Report of Committee on Pensioner' Petition. Tuesday"nexf. 11 S6Wel1 ' Chairman of the Committee, report postponed until 2 Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered ic Committee. it Seco " d order of A* da Y having been read, Mr. Sewell moved' that the House proceed to the consideration of the next order of the day. Question put and passed. .3. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 19 and 55. On motion of Mr. Sewell, consideration of Message No. 19 postponed. On motion of Mr. I ravers Message No. 55, with enclosuies, read. .Uebate ensued tit Alov ' d J?y Mr. Travers—that the further consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 5b be postponed. s ho „I!h J" 1 """ 1 -" 3n amendn;,ent -that all the words of the foregoing motion «" a Vlew t0 lnsert following in lieu thereof:— " hat if his I-xcellency the Governor be satisfied that the contract for purt JTkI rr aD -M r . f!ferred . l ° in the ! e "erof the Chief Te Hapuku, enclosed in Mesbe paid "°° " earned out, this House is of opinion that the money should Question that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question —put and negatived. Question—that the words proposed to be inserted in lieu thereof do stand part of the question — put and passed. Moved by Mr. Sewell that all the words of the question be omitted, with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof: FvJ'i Tha ' th ' S H °, USe *2 P re P ared t0 favourable consideration to his - cellency s proposal to effect a loan for the purpose of enabling additional purchases of of native lands to be made;, and assuming such loan to be effected, the means will b ? supplied of enabling his Excellency to complete the purchase of land in the Ahi.nrl, referred to in his Excellency's Message No. 55. Kut 'his House feels it incumbent upon it to add, that in tt.eir opinion itis highly inexpedient that any monies should be paid, either by way of instalment or m final hquidation, for any lands over which there may exist rival claims, which ma) ieaa to native disturbances/' Uebate continued. Moved by Mr. Porsaith—that the debate on consideration of his Excellency's message No. So, be now adjourned, and do stand an order of the day for to-morrow Question put and passed. On motion of Mr.. .Uerriman, House adjourned at i past 5. o'clock until tomorrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth, 1855. J. MR. TRAVERS—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to appoint an agent in > ngland to take certain steps for relieving the Colony of New Zealand from the NevvZealand Company's Debt. '2. MR. bEWELL—To move the following Resolutions, — lhat in providing supplies for the public service for the current year, this House has proceeded without having had before it the detailed particulars of the proposed expenditure of the civil list, and of the cost of collecting and management of the Customs and the Land Revenue, nor has it been furiiished with complete detailed particulars of the expenditure of last year on those services. That this House attributes the omission of the Government to supply such particulars, to unavoidable circumstances, but nevertheless it feels itself bound t» record its protest against such omission being drawn into precedent.


That in the opinion of this House the public expenditure of the Colony is on a scale too in proportion to its revenues. And this House earnestly trusts . that his Excellency the n;w Governor, amongst the first acts of his Government, will institute a searching enquiry into such expenditure with a view to its retrenchment. „,, . , . That although this House has voted supplies for the service of the full period of a year, yet looking to the financial state of the colony, and particularly to outstanding liabilities, for which it appears that no provision has been or is being made, this House considers it indispensably necessary that a new Session of the Assembly should be held at the earliest possible period after the intended dissolution. „ , That this House reitirates its opinion that the cost of the Surveying Department does not form part of the cost of collection and management of the Land Revenue, and that this Department of the public service ought as far as possible to be placed under the control of the respective Provincial Governments. 3 MR TRAVERS—To move that pending a final adjustment of the public accounts of the Colony, it is just and expedient that the proportion of the Land Fund now in course of being retained by the General Government, in repayment of alleged over-payments to the Provinces of Canterbury and Nelson, should again be paid over to the Provincial Treasurers of those Provinces for the public uses thereof, according to the present system of advances to Provinces, and that the question of the repayment oi such alleged overpayments should remain open until such final adjustment, and be subject to such arrangements for liquidation as may then be deemed necessary. That a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that instructions may be issued to the proper officers to carry out the foregoing 4 MR °TRAVERS To move that whilst this House has agreed fo make provi- ' sion for certain services mentioned in the Supplementary Estimates for the financial year ending 30th June, 1855, it desires to record its opinion that the practice of exceeding the Appropriation made by the House, except m cases of great and unavoidable urgency, is extremely injudicious, and is calculated to iutroduce serious confusion and derangement in the financial system of the Colony. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1 Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered in Committee. 2 Adjourned debate on consideration of bis Excellency's Messages No. 55. MR. SEWELL —To move that this House is prepared to give its favourable consideration to his Excellency's proposal to effect a loan for the purpose of enabling additional purchases to be mace of native lands. And, assuming such loan to be effected, the means will be supplied for enabling his Excellency to complete the purchase of lands in the Ahuriri, referred to in his Excellency's Message No. 55. . , . But this House feels it incumbent upon it to add that, in their opinion, it is highly in exoedientthat any moneys should be paid, either by way of instalment > or in final liquidation, for any lands over which there may exist rival claims, which may lead to native disturbances. 3. Crown Land Purchasers' Legal Estate Bill—second reading. 4. Loan jji'il—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

NO. 22. Neb) SralanU.



SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth, 1855. There being only three Members present, exclusive of the Speaker, on the doors being opened after prayers —viz., Messrs. Crompton, Forsaith, and Mackay — the Speaker took the Chair, and declared the House adjourned until Monday next, at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1855. 1. MR. TRAVERS—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to appoint an ag»nt in England to take certain steps for relieving the Colony of New Zealand from the New Zealand Company's Debt. 2. MR. SEWELL —To move the following Resolutions, — That in providing supplies for the public service for the current year, this House has proceeded without having had before it the detailed particulars of the proposed expenditure of the civil list, and of the cost o£ collecting and



management of the Customs and the Land Revenue, nor has it been furnished with complete detailed particulars of the expenditure of last -year on those services. That this House attributes the omission of the Government to supply such particulars, to unavoidable circumstances, but nevertheless it feels itself bound to record its protest against such omission being drawn into precedent. That in the opinion of this House the public expenditure of the Colony is on a scale too large in proportion to its revenues. And this House earnestly trusts that his Excellency the new Governor, amongst the first acts of his Government, will institute a searching enquiry into such expenditure with a view to its retrenchment. That although this House has voted supplies for the service of the full period of a year, yet looking to the financial stale of the colony, and particularly to outstanding liabilities, for which it appears that no provision has been or is being made, this House considers it indispensably necessary that anew Session of the Assembly should be held at the earliest possible period after the intended dissolution. That this House reitirates its opinion that the cost of the Surveying Department does not foira part of the cost of collection and management "of the Hand Revenue, and that this Department of the public service ought as far as possible to be placed under the control of the respective Provincial Governments. 3. MR. TRAVERS—To move that pending a final adjustment of the public accounts of the Colony, it is just and expedient that the proportion of the Land Fund now in course of being retained by the General Government, in repayment of alleged over-payments to the Provinces of Canterbury and Nelson, should again be paid over to the Provincial Treasurers of those Provinces for the public uses thereof, according to the present system of advances to Provinces, and that the question of the repayment of such alleged overpayments should remain open until such final adjustment, and be subject to such arrangements for liquidation as may then be deemed necessary. That a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that instructions may be issued to the proper officers to carry out the foregoing resolution. 4. MR. TRAVERS—To move that whilst this House has agreed fo make provision for certain services mentioned in the Supplementary Estimates for the financial year ending :10tli June, 1855, it desires to record its opinion that the practice of exceeding the Appropriation made by the House, except in cases of great and unavoidable urgency, is extremely injudicious, and is calculated to mtroduce serious confusion and derangement in the financial system of the Colony. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered in Committee. MR. MACK AY—To move in Committee of Supply—that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying him to send down to this House a Supplementary Estimate for the following sums, viz.— For the salary of the Clerk in the Resident Magistrate's Department at Nelson from the Ist July, 1854, to the 30th June, 1855.... 150?. For an Interpreter 50Z., Contingencies 50Z., for the year 1555-56, the same Department 100 Z. 2501. 2. Adjourned debate on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 55. MR. SEWELL —To move that this House is prepared to give its favourable consideration to his Excellency's pioposal to effect a loan for the purpose of enabling additional purchases to be mace of native lands. And, assuming such loan to be effected, the means will be supplied for enabling his Excellency to complete the purchase of lands in the Ahuriri, referred to in his Excellency's Message No. 55.


But this House feels it incumbent upon it to add that, in their opinion, it is highly in expedient that any mooey s should be paid, either by way of instalment, or in final liquidation, for any lands over which there may exist rival claims, which may lead to native disturbances. 3. Crown Land Purchasers' Legal Estate Bill—second reading. 4. Loan Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 23. Sett) SraUn&r.



MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1855. There being only twelve members present, exclusive of the Speaker, on the doors being opened after prayers—viz., Messrs. Taylor, Carletoa, Hart, Crompton, Travers, Mackay, O'Brien, Brown, Seweli, Porter, Forsaith, and Merriman—the Speaker took the Chair, and declared the House adjourned until to-morrow, at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1855. 1. MR. TRAVERS —To move certain resolutions on the subject of th* New Zealand Company's Debt. 2. MAJOR GREENWOOD—To move that this House being of opinion that all expenses incurred in the support of Establishments of Resident Magistrates throughout the Colony (not already provided for on the Civil List) should be borne by the General Government, that his Excellency the Governor be requested to place the necessary sums on the Supplementary Estimates, in order to give practical effect to the above principle.



3. MAJOR GREENWOOD—To move, that this House fully recognising the principle of equal religious liberty, is of opinion that any sum which may be provided for educational purposes on the Civil List should be fairly apportioned among the various Religious Bodies with whom a contract for such aid has been made by the General Government. 4. MAJOR GREENWOOD—To move, that His Excellency the Governor be requested to place the sum of £100 on the Supplementary Estimates, for the purpose of affording medical assistance to the Natives at the Bay of Islands. 5. MAJOR GREENWOOD—To move, that His Excellency the Governor be requested to place the sum of I6OZ. on the Supplementary Estimates, for the salary «f an Interpreter on the Establishment of the Land Purchase' Department. 6. MAJOR GREENWOOD—-To move, that His Excellency the Governor be rtquested to place the sum of 5001, on the Supplementary Estimates for the purchase of furniture, in lieu of that destroyed by fire in the latg Government House. MR. 1 RAVERS 1o move for leave to bring in a Bill to appoint an agent in England to take certain steps for relieving the Colony of New Zealand from the New Zealand Company's Debt. 8. MR. SEWELL—To move the following Resolutions, —■ lhat in providing supplies for the public service for the current year, this House has proceeded without having had before it the detailed particulars of the proposed expenditure of the civil list, and of the cost of collecting and, management of the Customs and the Land Revenue, nor has it been furnished with complete detailed particulars of the expenditure of last year on those services. lhat this House attributes the omission of the Government to supply such particulars, to unavoidable circumstances, but nevertheless it feels itself bound to record its protest against such omission being drawn into precedent. That in the opinion of this House the public expenditure of the Colony is on a scale too large in proportion to its revenues. And this House earnestly trusts that his Excellency the nsw Governor, amongst the first acts of his Government, will institute a searching enquiry into such expenditure with a view to its retrenchment. That although this House has voted supplies for the service of the full period of a year, yet looking to the financial state of the colony, and particularly to outstanding liabilities, for which it appears that no provision has been or is being made, this House considers it indispensably necessary that a new Session of the Assembly should be held at the earliest possible period after the intended dissolution. That this House reitirates its opinion that the cost of the Surveying Department does not foim part of the cost of collection and management of the Land Revenue, and that this Department of the public service ought as far as possible to be placed under the control of the respective Provincial Governments. 3. MR. TRAVERS—To move that pending a final adjustment of the public accounts of the Colony, it is just and expedient that the proportion of the Land Fund now in course of being retained by the General Government, in repayment of alleged over-payments to the Provinces of Canterbury and Nelson, should again be paid over to the Provincial Treasurers of those Provinces for the public uses thereof, according to the present system of advances to Provinces, and that the question of the repayment of such alleged overpayments should remain open until such final adjustment, and be subject to such arrangements for liquidation as may then be deemed necessary. That a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that instructions may be issued to the proper officers to carry out the foregoing resolution. 4. MR. TRAVERS'—To move that whilst this House has agreed to make provision for certain services mentioned in the Supplementary Estimates for the financial year ending 30th June, 1855, it desires to record its opinion that the practice of exceeding the Appropriation made by the House, except in cases of great and unavoidable urgency, is extremely injudicious, and is calculated to iutroduce serious confusion and derangement in the financial system of the Colony.


ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee on New Zealand Company's Debt. 2. Report of Finance Committee. 3. Report of Committee on Pensioners' Petition. 4. Adjourned Debate on the Address to Her Majesty the Queen as moved by Mr: Hart on Thursday, September 6th. 5. Adjourned Debate on his Excellency's Message No. 55. MR. SEWELL —To move that this House is prepared to give its favourable consideration to his Excellency's pioposal to effect a loan lor the purpose of enabling additional purchases to be maae of native lands. And, assuming such loan to be effected, the means will be supplied for enabling his Excellency to complete the purchase of lands in the Ahuriri, referred to in his Excellency s Message No. 55. But this House feels it incumbent upon it to add that, in their opinion, it is highly in expedient that any moneys should be paid, either by way of instalment, ot in final liquidation, for any lands over which there may exist rival claims, which may lead to native disturbances. 6. Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered in Committee. MR. M ACKAY—To move in Committee of Supply—that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying him to send down to this House a Supplementary Estimate for the following sums, viz. For the salary of the Clerk in the Resident Magistrate's Department at Nelson from the Ist July, 1854, to the 30th June, 1855.... 150 Z. For an Interpreter 50Z., Contingencies 50Z., for the year 1555-56, the same Department 2501. 7. Crown Land Purchasers' Legal Estate Bill—second reading. 8. Loan Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 24. jltb) Zcirtanii.


SESSION 111. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present -.—The Speaker and 15 Members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. Moved by Dir. Mackay—that at its rising, the House do adjourn until tomorrow, at 12 o'clock, instead of 5 o'clock. Question put and passed. Mr. Traveri postponed the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day, until after the report of the New Zealand Company's Debt Committee has been brought up. Major Greenwood, pursuant to notice, moved—that the House being of opinion that all expenses incurred in support of establishments of Resident Magistrate* throughout the Colony (not already provided for on the Civil List) should be borne by the General Government, and that his Excellency the Governor be requested to place the necessary sums upon the Supplementary Estimates, in order to give practical effect to the above principle. Question put and passed. Major Greenwood, pursuant to amended notice, moved—that this House, fully recognising the principle of equal civil rights of all denominations, is of opinion that any sum which may be provided for educational purposes on the Civil List,should be fairly apportioned among the various religious bodies with whom arrangements for such aid have been made by the General Government, and that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the Governor, embodying the forgoing resolution.



Question put and passed. Major Greenwood, pursuant to notice, moved—that his Excellency the Go vernor be requested to place upon the Supplementary Estimates the sum of £100* for the purpose of affording medical assistance to the Natives of the Bav of Island/ Question put and passed. Major Greenwood, pursuant to notice, moved—that a respectful address be pre senied to his Excellency the Governor, requesting him to place upon the Supplementary Estimates the sum of £150 for the salary of an Interpreter in the Land Purchase Department. Question put and passed. M ajor Greenwood, pursuant to notice, moved—that a respectful address be piesented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting him to place upon the Supplementary Estimates the sum of £500 for the purchase of furniture in lieu of that destroyed by fire in the late Government House. Question put and passed. A Message from the Legislative Council was announced. The Honorable R. Kichardson, Esq., was intioduced, who informed the Speaker that the English Acts Bill had passed the Legislative Council without amendment. A Message from his Excellency the Governor was announced. Ilis Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following Message, which was read by the Speaker: — MESSAGE No. 6. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. In compliance with the wish expressed in Resolution No. 20, dated 21st August 1855, the Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copies of correspondence on the subject of the appointment and salary of the Resident Magistrate at Nelson. Government House, Auckland, lltli Sept., 1855. Mr. Travers postponed the motion standing in his name, seventh on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. Mr. Seweli postponed consideration of the resolutions standing in his name, eighth on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. Mr. Travers postponed the motions standing in his name, ninth and tenth on the notice paper of this day, until Thursday next. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee on New Zealand Company's Debt. Mr. Hart, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was read. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved the adoption of the following resolution : — " That this House, having considered the report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt, is of opinion that the suggestions contained in that report should be adopted as a resolution of this House." Debate ensued. On motion of Mr. Merriman, debate adjourned until to-morrow, and the report of the Committee, and the resolution, as moved by Mr. Travers, ordered to be placed upon the notice paper. 2. Keport of Finance Committee. Cn motion of Mr. Seweli, Chairman of the Committee, report postponed until Friday next. 3. Report of Committee on Pensioners' Petition. Mr. Seweli, Chairman of this Committee, biought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed, togteher with the appendix and reported evidence. 4. Adjourned debate on address to her Majesty the Queen as moved bv Mr. Hart, on Thursday, September 6th Mr. Hart, with leave of the House, withdrew the address. 5. Adjourned debate on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 55. On motion of Mr. Sen ell, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 55.


On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman -eported that the Commttee recommended the followiug resolution for adoption by th» House :— " That this House is not in a position to offi-r any suggestion as to the necessity or mode of completing the arrangements entered into with Te Hapuku ; and that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, embodying the foregoing resolution." Question —that the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House—put aud passed. On motion of Mr. Travers, House adjourned at half-past 5 o'clock, until to-mor-row at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 1855. 1. MAJOR GREENWOOD —To move that his Excellency the Governor be requested to place the sum of 300/. on the supplementary estimates in aid of the erection of a Pier at Onehunga to accommodate passengers proceeding by steam to and from that port and the Southern Settlements. 2. MR. HART—To move that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that the sum of 8001, be placed upon the estimates for the erection of a Pier at Wellington for the accommodation of passengers arriving from other settlements in New Zealand. 3. MR. CARLETON —To move that the supplementary estimates be recommitted, for the purpose of reconsidering the following item, namely, " Bishop of New Zealand 600 Z." 4. MR. TR A VERS—To move that in case his Excellency the Governor should consider it desirable to visit the various Provinces of the Colony previous to the next Session of the General Assembly, this House would authorize the expenditure of a sufficient sum of money to enable an arrangement to be made with the " Zingari," steamer, lor that purpose. 5. MR. SEWELL —To move that the report of the Committee on the Pensioners, Petition be considered ; and then to move the following resolution— That in cases in which Pensioners may have been deprivtd of their cottages and land for alledged breaches of military discipline, such as non-attendance at parade, it would, in the opinion of this House, be dangerous to re-open questions of this nature decided by the proper military authorities, even were it competent to this House to do so. 6. MR. TRAVERS—To move for leave to bring in a Bill to appoint an agent iti England to take certain steps for relieving the Colony of New Zealand from the New Zealand Company's Debt. 7. MR. SEWELL —To move the following Resolutions, — That in providing supplies for the public service for the current year, this House has proceeded without having had before it the detailed particulars of the proposed expenditure of the civil list, and of the cost of collecting and management of the Customs and the Land Revenue, nor has it been furnished with complete detailed particulars of the expenditure of last year on those services. That this House attributes the omission of the Government to supply such particulars, to unavoidable circumstances, but nevertheless it feels itself bound to record its protest against such omission being drawn into precedent. That in the opinion of this House the public expenditure, of the Colony is on a scale too large in proportion to its revenues. And this House earnestly trusts that his Excellency the ntw Governor, amongst the first acts of his Government, will institute a searching enquiry into such expenditure with a view to its retrenchment.


ful address be piesented to his Excellency the Governor, embodying the foregoing resolution. That although this House has voted supplies for the Jervictf of the full period of a year, yet looking to the financial state of the colony, and particularly to outstanding liabilities, for which it appears that no provision has been or is being made, this House considers it indispensably necessary that a new Session of the Assembly should be held at the earliest possible period after the intended dissolution. That this House reitirates its opinion that the cost of the Surveying Department does not foim part of the cost of collection and management of the Land Revenue, and that this Department of the public service ought as far as possible to be placed under the control of the respective Provincial Governments. 8. MR. TRAVERS—To move consideration of the following :— REPORT OF THE COMMIT TEE ON THE NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S DEBT. The Committee appointed to consider and report upon the steps to be taken to follow up and give effect to the proceedings of the House during the former Sessions, relative to the New Zealand Company's debt, having considered the matters referred to them, and having conferred with a Committee of the Legislative Council appointsd for the like purpose, have agreed to the following Report : Further investigation has satisfied your Committee that the deDt imposed upon the Colony was unjust, and they conceive it to be the duty of the House acain to record its protest against that debt. They are also of opinion that the Legislature would be justified in adopting any means within its power, having regard to the provisions of the Constitution Act, for practically relieviug the Colony from the charge, but before recommending the House to adopt such a course, they conceive it would be desirable to offer to the Company fair and reasonable terms of compromise. Many modes have presented themselves to your Committee by which the Land Fund could practically be relieved from the burthen imposed upon it, but they conceive it would be inexpedient, until the ultimatum of the Company, in rtference to terms of compromise, has been ascertained, to offer to the House any specific suggestion for effecting such a purpose. The amount to be offered to the Company by way of such compromise has been'much discussed by your Committee, and they are of opinion that it ought not to exceed the sum of £150,000. In agreeing to recommend this sum to the House, your Committee were in fluenced simply by the hope that it would be at once accepted, and thus prevent the necessity of resorting to measures which would practically rendef valueless the present security of the Company. They are further of opinion that the above-mentioned sum should be secured (by way of Debentures) upon the General Revenues of the Colony, and that the ultimate payment should be guaranteed by the Imperial Government. Such a guarantee would enable the Colony to obtain the money at a fair and reasonable late of interest. The details of any such arrangement ought to be left as much as possible to the agent of the Colony. Your Committee conceive that it would be desirable, if practicable, to pass an Act during the present Session to enable the suggested compromise to be effected. It also appears to your Committee to be essential that a further sum of £500 should be at once appropriated for the expenses of the Agency, and that Mr. Adderley should be requested to avail himselof the services of Mr. Seuell in any negociations or arrangements with the Company, ROBERT HART, Chaiiman. 9. MR. TRAVERS —To move that this House, having considered the report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt, is of opinion that the suggestion contained in that report should be adopted as a resolution of this House. *


ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Estimates of Expenditure— to be further considered in Committee. MR. MACKAY-—To move in Committee of Supply—that a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Governor j praying him to send down to this House a Supplementary Estimate for the following sums, viz.— For the salary of the Clerk in the Resident Magistrate's Department at Nelson from the Ist July, 1854, to the 30th June, 1855 1501. For an Interpreter 501, Contingencies 501., for the year 1555-56, the same Department 100 Z. 2501. 2. Crown Land Purchasers' Legal Estate Bill—second reading. 3. Loan Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No, 25. iscto Sealant*.



WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 12th, 1855 The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present -.—The Speaker and 15 Members. The Speaker lead prayers, and took the Chair. „ Maior Greenwood, pursuant to notice, moved —that his Excellency the Governor, be requested to place the sum of £300 on the Supplementary Estimates m aid of the erection of a pier at Onehunga to accommodate passengers proceeding by steam to and from that port and the Southern Settlements. Question put and negatived. Mr. Halt withdrew the motion standing in his name, second on the notice Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved that the Supplementary Estimates be re-committed for the purpose of re-considering the following item, namely, " Bishop of New Zealand £600 Question put. House divided. Ayes, 7. Noes, 8. Messrs. Brown Messrs. Ciompton Greenwood Hart O'Neill O'Brien Taylor Mackay Bacot Forsaith Porter Lee Carleton (teller.) Sewell Travers (teller.)



Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved-that in case his Excellency the Grovernor should consider it desirable to visit the various Provinces of the cJlonv the Expenditure ***7" 1 Xssemh] y' this would author^ , • , SUm ° f , mo " ey ' toenable a " arrangement to be made with the Zingari, steamer, or any other vessel for that purpose. Question put and passed. A Message from his Excellency the Governor was announced. * ho I""°,"Uh'MTHOMAS GORE BROWNE, MESSIGE Governor. In compliance with Resolutions Nos. 40 and 41 dated the 4Hi Qmfpmi,.. ioc< and with Resolution No. 4.5, dated the Bth September, ! 83 l the GovernorTran Jts to the House of Representatives the following additional Estimates : Additional Salary to the Resident Magistrate, Auckland (one hundred pounds) • ... ... £ 100 0 0 Salary of a house-keeper in the buildings belonging to the General Assembly (one hundred pounds) ... 100 0 0 Tince T of P Auckdand ) t yiz S '- larieS ° f undermentioned Resident Magistrates in the ProRussell (one hundred and fifty pounds) ... ... 150 0 0 Howick (seventy-five pounds) ... ... 75 0 0 Onehunga (seventy-five pounds) ... ... 75 0 0 Mongonui (seventy-live pounds) ... ... 75 0 0 Pernor algo transmits to the House the accompanying correspondence, conned with an account for twenty-eight pounds fifteen shillings and sixpence (£2B 'f P" nt . ln ff of a Pamphlet in the Native language, in order that the House may sanction the discharge of the same. Government House, Auckland, lltli Sept., 1855, Mr. Seovell, pursuant to notice, moved consideration of the report of the Committee on the Pensioners' Petition, and also the adoption of the following resolu- '• That in cases in which Pensioners may have been deprived of their cottages and land, for alleged breaches of military discipline, such as non-attendance°at parade, it would, in the opinion of this House, be dingereus to re-open questions ot this nature, decided by the proper military authorities, even were it competent to this House to do so." Dr. Bacot, moved as an amendment—that all the words of the foregoing question be omitted, with a view to insert the following in lieu theeeof: That in cases in which Pensioners may have been deprived of their cottages and land, solely for breaches of military discipline, when under arms, it would,°in the opinion of this House, be incompetent to the House to investigate questions of this nature." Question—that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question put and negatived. . Question that the words proposed to be inserted do stand part of the question —put and pa^seJ. Moved by Mr. Iravers—that all the words of the question be omitted, with a view to insert th' following in lieu thereof: 1 hat this House is not at present in a position to form any opinion upon any of the questions referred to the Committee on the Pensioners' Petition." Debate ensued. On motion of Mr. Merriman, debate adjourned until to-morrow. Mr. 1 ravers withdrew the motion standing in his name, sixth on the notice paper of this day. Mr. Jewell withdrew the resolutions standing in his name, seventh on the notice paper of this day. Mr. 1 ra\ers, pursuant to notice, moved the consideration of the report of the Committee 011 the New Zealand Company's Debt, and also the adoption of the following resolution :


"That this House, having considered the report of the Cjunittee on the Njw Zealand Company's Debt, is of opinion tha* sug jestio a contained hi thit report should be adopted as a resolution of this House. Debate ensued. Moved by Mr. Merriman—that the debit® be adjjurned until to-morrow. Question put. House divided. Ayes, 13. No, 1. Messrs, Merriman Mr. Travers (teller), Bacot Brown Greenwood O'Brien Lee Forsaith Sewell Crompton Hart Porter Mackay O'Neill (teller.) ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. The first order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committe of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman- reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 2- Crown Lind Purchasers Legal Estate Bill—second reading. On motion of Mr. Hart, Bill read a second time, and consideration thereof in Committee ordereu to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 3. Loan Bill—to be considered in Committee. The third order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of tbe Bill On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progress. On motion of Mr Mackay, House adjourned for half an hour. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker took the Chair. On motion of Mr. Travers, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House lesolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the consideration of the Appropriation Bill, On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Mackay, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Supply, for consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 65. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. He also reported that the Committee recommended the following resolution for adoption, by the House :— "That this House, not having before it sufficient information relative to the item of postage labels, press, and freight, mentioned in the Message of his Excellency the Officer administering the Governrnment, No. 65, must decline entertaining it this Session." Question —that the foregoing resolution be adopted—put and passed. Moved by Mr. O'Neill—that to-motrow the House shall proceed to consideration of the orders of the day at one o'clock instead of three o'clock. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. O'Neill, House adjourned at five o'clock until to-morrow at noon.


NOTICES OF MOTION. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1855. 1. MR. TRAVERS—To move that pending a final adjustment of the public accounts of the Colony, it is just and expedient that the proportion of the Land Fund now in course of being retained by the General Government, in repayment of alleged over-payments to the Provinces of Canterbury and Nelson, should again be paid over to the Provincial Treasurers of those Provinces for the public uses thereof, according to the present system of advances to Provinces, and that the question of the repayment oi such alleged overpayments should remain open until such final adjustment, and be subject to such arrangements for liquidation as may then be deemed necessary. That a respectful Address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that instructions may be issued to the proper officers to carry out the foregoing resolution. 2. MR. FORSAITH—To move that the proposed Loan Bill having been declined it is the opinion of this House, that his Excellency the Governor is not to be considered as bound by any message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, and resolution of the House, in relation to the amounnt to be expended in the purchase of native land, ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Estimates of Expenditure—to be further considered in Committee. 2. Appropriation Bill—to be considered in Committee. 3. Crown Land Purchasers' Legal Estate Bill—to be considered in Committee, 4. Adjourned Debate on the Report of the Committee on Pensioners' Petition. 5. Adjourned Debate on the Report of the Committee on New Zealand Company's Debt. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

No. 36. 12th) Sealant*.



THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1555. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present:—The Speaker and 16 Members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved —that pending a final adjustment of the public accounts of the Colony, it is just and expedient that the proportion of the Land Fund, now in course of being retained by the General Government, in repayment of alleged overpayments to the Provinces of Canterbury and Nelson, should again be paid over to the Provincial Treasurers of those Provinces, for the public uses thereof, according to the present system of advances to Provinces; and that the question of the repayment of such alleged overpayments, should remain open until such final adjustment, and be subject to such arrangements for liquidation as may then be deemed necessary ; and that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that instructions may be issued to the proper officers, to carry out the foregoing resolution. Debate ensued. On motion of Mr. Porter, debate adjourned until after consideration of the orders of the day.



ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Estimates of Expenditure— to be further considered in Committee. The first order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman of Committees brought up the report of the Committee of Supply, together with the Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th Jtine, 18£6, and the Supplementary Estimates for theyear ended 30th June, 1855. Report adopted by the House, and the Estimates ordered to be printed as amended. 2. Appropriation Bill—to be considered in Committee. The second order of the day having been read, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Appropriation Bill. On the Spjaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments; and that the Committee, having gone through the various items contained in the Estimates for the year ending 30th June, as laid before the House, together with the additional Estimates for the year ending at the same period, and the Supplementary Estimates for the year ended 30th June, 1855, had agreed to the following resolutions, which they recommend to the House tor adoption : lsily. Resolved—that the sum of £5,423 9s. 6d. be appropriated to defray excess of expenditure for the salaries, allowances, and contingencies of the Civil Establishments of the General Government of New Zealand, beyond the grants for the year ending 30th June, 1855 ; that is to say,— Governor's Deportment, £39 135.; Resident Magistrate's Department, Auckland, £775 55.; Colonial Secretary's Department, £85 19s. 6d.; Colonial Treasurer's De| artment, £168 las. ; Auditor-General's Department, £175 125.-, Deputy-Regis-trar, Wellington, £187 10s.; Post Office, Auckland, £67 10s.; Post Office Hawke's Bay, £5; Native Secretary's Department, £361 ss. ; Land Purchase Department, £(>5O lis,; Hospital, New Plymouth, £09 175.; Hospital, YVanganui, *244 los.; Ass stant Native Secretary, New Plymouth, £50 ; Resident Magistrate, Nelson, £100; Registrar-General's Auckland, towards the expenses of the department, £156 ; Registrar of Deeds, New Plymouth, £33 6s. Bd. ; Resident Magistrate's Department, Russell, £145 10s.; Resident Magistrate Department, Wanganui, £345 175.; Pensions, £80 ; Interest on D-bentures, £l 10 ss. 6d. ; Miscellaneous, £1070 17s. lOd ; Sum voted for 11.M.5. ".Pandora," £500. 2ndly. To defray the salaries, allowances, and contingencies of the Civil Establishments of the General Government of New Zealand for the period commencing on the first day of July, 1855, and snding on the 30th day of June, 1856, the sum of £33,7f)0 16s. 6d. that is to say—Land Purchase Department, of 2190; Post Office, £3511 ; Postal Interprovincial, £Csoo Interest on Debentures, 12225 175.; Tensions, J 225; Governor's Establishment, £653 16s. ; Geneial Assembly, £3185 ; Colonial Secretary's Department, (lolonial Treasury, Auditor-General's Department, and Batik of Issue, £1165; Supreme Court, £1845; Registrar General's Department, £212; Native Secretary's Department, and Native Assessors and Po'icemen at New Plymouth, £1/99 155.; Resident Magistrate's Department, £1829 12s. 6d.; Hospitals, £2294 45.; Miscellaneous, £4530 12s. ; Interest on Debentures, £294; Schools, £1300. 3rdly. To defray the charges of the several workj and services hereinafter named, 1()90/.; that is to say,—Auckland—Post Office : Building New Post Office, 1090?. to be repaired from the proceeds of the sale of the site of the present Post Office Buildings, &c., as far as the same will extend. 4ihly. To defray the charges of the several services hereinafter named, the sum of 42891. 1 Is. 3d. ; that is to say, —Grant to H.M.S. " Pandora," 500 Z. ; Colonial Secretary's Office—three clerks at 7s. 6d. per day i'lotn July last, 205?. 6s. 3d.; Pensions, 105/.; Resident Magistrates Departments —Wellington Bl9£. 55., Canterbury 375/.. Nelson 150/., Auckland (additional to Civil List) I GO/., Russell 150/., Howick 75/., Onehunga, 7»1., Mongonui 75/.; Vaccination of Natives, 200/. New Plymouth Moorings, 500/.; Scrutiny of Electoral Roll, 000/. Colonial Treasurer's Extra Salary, CO/.; Repairs of Government House, Wellington, 300/. ; llouse of Assembly—Housekeeper and Messenger, 100/.


Question —that the foregoing resolutions be adopted—put and passed; and the 3rd reading of the Bill ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 3, Crown Land Fuichaseis' Legal Estate Bill—to be considered in Committee. On motion of Mr. Hart, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the consideration of the Bill. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments. Report adopted ; and on motion of Mr. Hart, third reading of the Bill ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. A message from his Excellency the Governor was announced. His Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who presented the following messages, which were read by the Speaker:— MESSAGE No. 7. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. In compliance with Resolutions, Nos. 46, 48, 49, and •"> 0, dated the 11th September, 1855, the Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the following additional Estimates; ADDITIONAL ESTIMATES. RESIDENT MAGISTRATES DEPARTMENTS. Russell— ■£ S. d. £ s. d. Interpreter ... ... ... ... ... 127 15 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 15 0 0 142 15 0 Mongonui— Contingencies ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 5 0 0 llowick — Clerk 54 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ••• 10 0 0 04 0 0 Onehunqa— Clerk ... 75 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 15 0 0 90 0 0 New Plymouth— Clerk 100 0 0 Contingencies ... ~. ... ... ... 25 0 0 125 0 0 Nelson — Intrepreter ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 100 0 0 Aharoa— Resident Magistrate ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 155 0 0 Vtago— Resident Magistrate ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 15 0 0 290 0 0 LAND PURCHASB DEPARTMENT. Interpreter ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 150 0 0 Furniture for Government House ... ... ... 500 0 0 Medical attendance for Natives at the Bay of Islands ... 100 0 0 £1,721 15 0 Government House, Auckland, 13th Sept., 1853, His Excellency's message No. 7 ordered to be considered in Committee of Supply, to-morrow.


MESSAGE No. 8. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. The Governor observes that the House of Representatives has rejected the Bill to raise a Loan, sent down, at the request of the Mouse, in Message No. 57, dated 3rd September, 1855. As the proposed loan had especial reference to the purchase of Native Lands, the Governor now thinks it desirable again to direct attention to this subject. The House is aware that the Constitution Act vests in the Governor, the power to appropriate such sums as lie may think fit, for the purpose of extinguishing the Native title. It appears; however, that the matter has been brought before the House by the Officer administering the Government in an earlier part of this Session ; and from Message No. 51, dated 31st August, 1855, it seems the House was furnished with an Estimate amounting to the sum of thirteen thousand one hundred and fifty pounds (£13,150) to be expended in completing land purchases already contracted for. Without foregoing the right invested in the Governor by the Constitution Act, the Governor thinks it would be desirable that, looking at the matter as it now stands, the House should, for his information, give expression to its opinion, whether it considers that no new purchases of Native lands should be made during the curront financial year. The Governor would, at the same time observe, that it appears to him that the question of the purchase of Native lands by the Crown, should not only be viewed with reference to the acquisition of land for re-sail, but with reference to its political bearing on both races. Government House, Auckland, 13th Sept. 1855. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 8, on motion of Mr. Sewell, ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. MESSAGE No. 9. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the undermentioned additional Estimate : For prov : sions for natives, and expense of swearing in Special Constables (fifty pounds) £50 0 0 The accompanying copy of a letter, dated 18th August 1855, will show the circumstances under which this expense was incurred by the Resident Magistrate at New Plymouth. Government House, Auckland, 13th September, 1855. His Excellency's Message No. 9 ordered to be considered in Committee of Supply to-morrow. MESSAGE. No. 10. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. In reference to the Resolution of the [louse of Representatives No. 44, dated Gtli September, 1855, the Governor observes that the House desires that the system of advances to the Provinces should be continued, and that any overpayment, _ng frotn any deficiency in the Revenue not centemplated, should not be surcharged risiinst the Provinces, but should be considered a debt for which provision should be made by the General Government. As this Resolution does not suggest to the Governor the mode in which the House contemplates that this provision can be made, he is anxious that the House should convey to him a more distinct expression of its views on this point. Government House, Auckland, 13th September, 1855. On motion of Mr. Sewell, consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 10 ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 4. Adjourned debate on report of Committee on Pensioners' Petition. On motion or Mr. Merriman, debate resumed. Question put —that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. House divided.


Ayes, 11. Noes, 5. Messrs. Carleton Messrs. Hart Brown Crompton Gra y J»ewell O.Neill Mackay Forsaith Travers (teller.) Taylor O'Brien Porter Lee Merriman Bacot (teller.) On the original question being put, Mr. Forsaith moved that the question be amended by the addition of the following words : " It is the opinion of this House that the Government of this Colony, except in a few isolated cases, failed to fulfil one of the most important and valuable conditions of the regulations under which the Pensioners were enrolled fi>r service in ihis Colony. That whilst on the one hand Sir George Grey, the late Governor of the Coiony, relaxed in various particulars the stringency of the Regulations affecting the services to be rendered by the Pensioners, the War Office, on the other hand, disregarded those arrangements, and on completion of the stipulated term of seven years, demanded a strict fulfilment of the original conditions. 2. " That in several instances Pensioners have been deprived of their cottages and acres, and subjected to other penalties in consequence of non-attendance at parade, notwithstanding that they claimed exemption from that duty in virtue of medical certificates. 3 " That in consideration of the above circumstaces, it is the opinion of this Hone that cases of those Pensioners who have bpen subjected to these penalties, should recieve the lenient consideration of the Execvtive Government.'' Question—that the woids proposed to be added do stand part of the question —put and negatived. Whereupon original question put and passed. 5. Adjourned debate on the report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's debt. On motion of Mr. Travers, debate resumed. Mr. Tuvers, with leave of the House, withdrew the resolution as moved by him yesterday, and moved the adoption ot the following resolutions in lieu thereof: " i'bat this House having considered the report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company s Debt, desires to reiterate its opinion that the charge imposed i pon the Revenues of the Colony in favour of the New Zealand Company was unjust and impolitic "That whilst this House is nevertheless prepared to entertain any reasonable terms for compromising that charge, it deems it inexpedient in the circumstances of the present session to offer any specific suggestion for effecting such an object. " I hat the thanks of the House are due to Mr. Adderley for his exertions on behalf of the Colony, and that he be requested to continue those exertions with the view of obtaining from the Company, some definite proposal for compromising the Debt, in order that the same may be brought under the consideration of the Legislature during the next session. • £ I hat Mr. Adderley be also requested to avail himself of the services of Mr. Sewell, in carrying on any negotiations with the Company. " lhat it will be one of the earliest and most important duties of the Legislature during the next session to adopt some one of the various measures which present themselves, for practically relieving the Colony from the charge, but that such measure should not be deemed to prejudice the completion of any negociations then in progress with the Company. "That his Excellency the Governor be respectfully requested to communicate these resolutions to Mr. Adderley, and to acquaint him that he is authorised to expend a further sum, not exceeding £500, in defraying the expenses of the agency. That in any final arrangement for the liquidation or compromise of the Debt, regard shall be had to the resolution of the House of tile sth Septfmber .1854, for relieving the Province of Auckland from bearing any portion of the charge."


Question put and passed. House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Travers, No. 1, on the notice paper of this day. Question put. House dividedAyes, 10, Noes 5. Messrs. Mackay Messrs. Forsaith G ™y Merriman O'Neill Porter 0 Brien Crompton 1 aylor Hart <teller) Sevvell Brown, Catleton Bacot Travers (teller) Mr. Forsaith postponed consideration of the resolution standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow, with leave of the House to amend the same. Moved by Mr. Hart—that the orders of the day do take precedence of all other business to-morrow. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Hart, House adjourned at half-past five o'clock until tomorrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th, ]855. 1. MR. SEWELL—To move that a respectful Address te presented to his Excellency, embodying the following Resolutions,— 1. 1 hat in the judgment of this House, all monies held by the Treasury on Deposit accounts in the nature of Trusts, as for Intestate Estates lund, &c., should be treated as unavailable and removed from the general account, and placed to a separate account under proper Regulation. 2. That all monies held by the Treasury, properly payable to the New Zealand Company ought to be treated as unavailable,"and should be remitted or set apart in a separate account. 3. That all monies due to the Provinces up to the 30th June last, ought to ! be paid over without delay, and without regard to the alleged fact of some Provinces having received advances in excess of their distributive share of Revenue. 4. That proper accounts based on the provisions of the Constitution Act, shewing the distributable surplus available for the Provinces to the 30th June last, oupht to be made up without delay, and that in case of unavoidable delay in completing the entire accounts, the same ought to be completed by estimate as far as possible. 5. That in estimating the distributable surplus available for the Provinces for the year ending 3Cth June 1855, the sum of £32,89(5 os. Od. held by the Treasurer on account of land purchases upon the Land deposit account, on that day, ought to be brought into account and treated as available, subject to a deduction of one-tenth for possible refunds, to be carried over to a separate deposit account, and to a further deduction of one-twentieth, the estimated cost of surveys. fi. That pending the final adjustment of the Provincial accounts, the system of advances to the I'rovinces for current purposes ought to be continued upon its pn sent footing • and that the proportions of such advances ought not to be disturbed during the current year, leaving the final settlement of accounts open for adjustment at the termination of the financial period.


7. That in appropriating the Revenue for the current year, this House has, in general, proceeded upon very imperfect and insufficient data, and holds itself in no way responsible for the proposed expenditure. 8. That this House has made provision for certain excess of expenditure incurred during the last year beyond the amount appropriated by Act of the Assembly, opon the assumption that such excess of expenditure has been actually incurred, and with a view to relieve the Executive Government from liability. But nevertheless this House records its emphatic protest against the system of exceeding the appropriation and estimates, the effect of which is to derange the finances of the Colony, as well as to take from the General Assembly its legitimate control over the public expenditure. 9. That in appropriating the Revenue for the current year, this House has proceeded, without having before it full accounts of the expenditure of last year, and detailed estimates of the proposed expenditure for the collection and management of the Customs and Land Revenues, and this House records its protest against such omission being drawn into precedent. 10. That the Estimated cost of the Land and Survey Department for the current year, exceeds the Estimate of last year by no less a sum that £6622 13s. 6d. This House not having before it any details of the proposed expenditure, is unable to discover in what particulars such increased expenditure arises ; but it feels bound to express its dissatisfaction at such increased expenditure. It reiterates the opinion affirmed by the Resolution of last Session, that the charges of the Survey Department do not properly form part of the cost of collection and management of the Land Revenue, and that the Survey Depai tment ought, as far as possible, to be placed under the control of the Provincial Governments, and the charges of Survey ought to be borne by each Province out of its Revenue. 11. That in the opinion of this House, the ptovision for the current year has been estimated by the Government at an amount, which as far as this House can judge from evidence before it, is not likely to be realised. 12. That in making its appropriation, this House, having been compelled to proceed without direction on the part of the Executive Government, cannot but express its apprehension, that the total sum appropriated, including the Surplus Revenue applicable to the Provinces, will be found to exceed the actual Revenue; under these circumstances the House earnestly trusts that His Excellency will be pleased to use the utmost degree of economy and discretion in the application of the funds placed at his disposa', so as if possible to bring the current expenditure of the year within the limits of the actual Revenue. 2 MR. SEWELL —To move that 'he House do now go into Committee of Ways and Means, to consider the following resolution : " That in case his Excellency should find it necessary for the exigencies of the public service, before the next meeting of the Assembly, to borrow a sum not exceeding £25,000, this House undertakes to sanction and make provision for the amount which may be so borrowed." 3. MR. CARLETON —To move an Address to his Excellency the Governor, requesting him to direct that such returns as may have been ordered, but may not be compiled in time to be sent down before the termination of the present Session, shall be transmitted to the Clerk of the House, for the purpose of reference during the recess. 4. MAJOR GREENWOOD —To move in reference to a Resolution passed by this House on the 11th instant, That His Excellency the Governor be respectfully requested to place the following sums on the Supplementary Estimates, for necessary expences connected with the establishments of Resident Magistrates. S £ s. d. Howick—Clerk 75 0 0 Contingencies 10 0 0 Onthunga—Clerk 75 0 O Contingencies 16 0 O Russell-^lnterpreter 127 15 0


ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Appropriation Bill—third reading. 2. Land Claimants' Ordinance Amendment Bill—third reading. 3. Consideiation of Messages from his Excellency the Governor Nos. 8 and 10. MR. FORJ-AlTH—Tomove thatthe proposed Loan Bill having been declined it is the opinion of this House that his Excellency the Governor is not to be considered as bound by any message from his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, and resolution of the House, in relation to the amount to be expended in the purchase of native lands, but the House, while recommending a strict economy, is nevertheless convinced that purchases of land could not be entirely suspended without serious detriment to the three Northern Provinces of the Colony. 4. Consideration in Committee of Supply of Messages from his Excellency the Governor Nos. 7 and 9. 5. Report of Finance Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

No. 27. Keto Scalane.



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present -.—The Speaker and 16 Members. The Speaker read prayers, and took the Chair. Moved by Mr. Carleton— that the House, at its rising, do adjourn until tomorrow, at one o'clock. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton presented a petition from fourteen Land Claimants under the New Zealand Company in the Province of New Plymouth, praying the House to interfere to protect their interests, stated to be compromised by the proposed Land Regulations for the Province of New Plymouth, approved by the Provincial Council and Superintendent, dated 4th June, 1855. Petition received. ORDERS OF THE DAT. Moved by Mr. Merriman —that the House do now proceed to the consideration of the second order of the day. Question put and passed. 2. Crown Land Purchasers' Legal Estate Bill—third reading. Moved by Mr. Hart—that this Bill be now read a third time. Moved by Mr. Merriman—that the question be amended by the omission of the word " now," with a view to add at the end thereof, the words '' this day six months."



Question-that the word proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question ■—put and negatived. r Hueaiore -pu?a U nTpa"^cl liatthe W ° rds I )ro P osed to ** added do stand part of the questioa Whereupon question put and passed'. 1. Appropriation Bill—third reading. On motion of Mr. Travers, Bill read a third time and passed Moved by Mr. Travers—that the following be the title of the' Bill « A Bill to provide for the Appropriation of the public Revenues of New Zealand." Question put and passed. O* "notion of Mr. Travers, Mr. Crompton and Mr. Mackay were deputed to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. On motion of Mr. Travers, House proceeded to consideration of the order of the day No. 5. 5. Report of Finance Committee. Mr. Sewell, Chairman of the Committee, brought up the final report of the Committee, which was read and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sewell, with the leave of the House, brought up a report of the Printing Commutee, which was ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Sewell, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the consideration of his Excellency's Messages Ncs. 7. 8. 9, and 10. 1 On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again, and also reported the following resolutions which the Committee recommended for adoption by the House. 1. " lhat this House, having considered his Excellency's Message No. 8, reaffirms the geneial principle contained in the Resolution ol this House of the 6lh September instant, virtually guaranteeing to the Provinces, as far as possible the Surplus Revenues. ' 2. " If the current advances to the Provinces shouM not be equal to such estimated surplus, the balance will become a debt due to the Provinces, for which piovision will be requiied to be made out of future Revenue of the General Government either by loan or currei.t appropriation. 3. ''With reference to the question proposed to this House by bis Excellency as to the expediency of continuing the purchase of Native Lands, this House is' sensible of the political as well as economical advantages of acquiring by purchase, as speedily as possible, tl?e possession of Native Lands. 4. " But the present system of makrng Native land purchases, appears to this House to present in many points such grave obj ctions, that this House respectfully declines to take on itself the responsibility of approving its continuance. 5. "In the opinion of this House, it will be desirable to continue to make purchases of Native lands, if favourable opportunities should present themselves upon a prudent and well arranged system, but the extent of these purchases ought not to be such as to derange the ordinary financial arrangements of the General or Provincial Governments. 6. "Should bis Excellency exceed in making such purchases, the sum estimated in the Message of his Excellency the Officer administering the Government No. 52, viz., 13,150/., such excess of expenditure ought not, in the judgment of this House, to disturb the financial arrangements with the Provinces; and in particular, ought not to interfere with the current advances to them, or with the amount of surplus revenue ultimately guaranteed to them, lor the service of the current year; but such excess ought to be provided for by extraordinary means, such as loan." Question—that the foregoing Resolutions be adopted —put and passed. On motion of Mr. Sewell the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommended the following resolution for adoption by the House :— " That in case his Excellency should find it necessary for the exigencies of the public service before, the next n eeting of the General Assembly, to borrow a sum not exceeding 30,000/., this House undertakes to sanction and make provision for the amount which may be so borrowed.'' Question—that the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House—put and passed.


On motion of Mr. Mackay, the Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Supply, for the consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 7 and 9. On the Speaker resuming the Chair, the Chairman reported the following Resolution, which the Committee recommended for adoption by the House: " That the House do address his Excellency, informing him that a sum of £1771 155., not included in the Appropriation Bill, has been voted for the several services detailed in his Excellency's Messages Nos. 7 and 9, and that this House undertakes to make provision for the same." Question —that the foregoing Resolution be adopted by the House—put and passed. NOTICES OF MOTION. Mr. Sewell, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved—that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, embodying the following Resolutions ; 1. That in the judgment of this House, all monies held by the Treasury on Deposit accounts, in th£ nature of Trusts, as forlntesiate Estates Fund, &c., should be treated as unavailable. '2. That all monies held by the Treasury, properly payable to the New Zealand Company, ought to be treated as unavailable. 3. That all monies due to the Provinces up to the 80th June last, ought to be paid over without delay i 4. That proper accounts, based on the provisions of the Conssitution Act, shewing the distributable surplus available for the provinces to the 30th Jnne last, ought to be made up without delay, and that in case of unavoidable delay in completing the entire accounts, the same ought to be completed by estimate as far as possible. 5. That in estimating the distributable surplus available for the Provinces for the year ending 30 h June, 1855, the sum of 32,896 Z. os. Od. held on that day by the Treasurer on account of land purchases upon the so called land deposit account, Ought to be brought into account and treated as available, subject to to a deduction of one-tenth for possible refunds, to be carried over to a separate deposit account, and to a further deduction of one-twentieth, the estimated cost of surveys. 6. That pending the final adjustment of the Provincial accounts, the sy.tem of advances to the Provinces for current purposes ought to be continued on its present footing : and that the proportions of such advances ought not to be disturbed during the current year, leaving the final settlement of accounts open for adjustment at the termination of the financial period. 7. That this House having been compelled to appropriate the Revenue without the information and guidance of responsible members of the Government, cannot be held justly answerable for the propriety of the proposed expenditure. 8. That this House has made provision for certain excess of expenditure incurred during the last year beyond the amount appropriated by Act of the Assembly, upon the assumption that such excess of expenditure has been actually incurred, and with a view to relieve the Executive Government from liability. But nevertheless this House records its emphatic protest against the system of exceeding the appropriation and estimates, except in cases of absolute necessity, the effect of which is to derange the finances of the Colony as well as to take from the General Assembly its legitimate control over the public expenditure. 9. That in appropriating the revenue for the current year, this House has proceeded, without having before it full accounts of the expenditure of last year, and detailed estimates of the proposed expenditure for the collection and management of the Customs and Land Revenue, and this House records its protest against such omission being drawn inio precedent. JO. That the estimated cost of the Land and Survey Department for the current year, exceeds the estimate of last year by no less a sum than £6622 13s. 6d. This House not having before it any details of the proposed expenditure is unable to discover in what particulars such increased expenditure arises; but it feels bound to express its dissatisfaction at such increased expenditure without explanation.


Question —tliat the foregoing Resolutions be adopted—put and passed . Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved—that an address be presented to Hi s Excellency the Governor, requesting him to direct that such returns as may have been ordered by the House, but may not be completed in time to be sei.t down before the termination of the present session, shall be transmitted to the Clerk of the House for the purpose of reference during the recess. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr, Merriman House adjourned at five o'clock until to-morrow at one o'clock. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

Do. 28. Jlch) Scalantr.



SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 1855. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present: —The Speaker and 16 Members. The Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. A Message from the Legislative Council was announced. The Honorable R. Richardson Esq. was introduced, who presented to the 'Speaker the Appropriation Bill, which he informed the Speaker had passed the Legislative Council. A Message from his Excellency the Governor was announced, His Excellency's private Secretary was introduced, who preseated the following message, which was read by the Speaker. MESSAGE No. 1L THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. The Governor begs to inform the House of Representatives that he intends to prorogue the General Assembly this day, Saturday the 15th September, 1855, at three o'clock, p.m. in the Legislative Council Chamber. Government House, Auckland, 15th September, 1855. The Speaker read to the House the following letter from Mr. Adderley, M.P., which, on motion of Mr. Travers, was ordered to be entered in the Journals of the House,



giR _ House of Commons, March 31st, 1855. I beg to acknowledge the resolutions and copies of petitions wbich you have' done me the honour to send me. The former expressed the wish of the House of Representatives of New Zealand, that I should be authorised to represent their views and interests in an attempt at a more satisfactory arrangement at home, of questions relating to the New Zealand Company's Debt, and further that I should be furnished with means to defray any necessary le e al exnense* in so doing. 1 Your letter stated that I might expect further communications to be transmitted to Hie through the medium of Colonel Wynyard, the acting Governor of the colony. I have however received no such communication up to the present date and I therefore do not feel myself as yet authorised to take any step, even in the' way of consulting with those who represent the Government or the Company I will not, however, lose the opportunity of this post to acknowledge your letter, and to say, that though I do not see much prospect of that sort of composition being made with the Company which seems the sole remaining mode of arriving at such an arrangement, yet, if any such authority is placed in my hands, I shall be happy to take any trouble, without raising legal questions, which are rendered impracticable by the over-riding clause of the Constitution Act, to test the possibility of such an amicable settlement, and to acquaint you with the result. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, C. B. Adderley. To the Honourable The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Travers, with leave of the House, moved the adoption of the following Resoution :— " That the House has learnt with regret that the Resolutions of this House on the subject of the New Zealand Company's Debt, passed on the 16th -September, 1854, should not have reached Mr. Adderley through the proper official channels, seeing how important it was for the interests of the colony, that he should have received official intimation of the views of this House at the earliest possible moment, and this House trusts that those Resolutions, together with the further Resolutions of the House of the 13th of September, 1855, will be transmitted to Mr. Adderley, without delay. "And that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the Governor embodying the foregoing Resolution" :— Question put and passed. The Speaker announced to the House that a Member had asserted that it was not the intention of the House that the sum of £300, voted for the expenses of Members, should be appropriated in the same manner as the sum voted for the same purpose last year, arid he wished to take the sense of the House upon the subject. Moved by Mr. Forsaith—That the sum of £300, voted this session for the expenses of Members be divided in equal shares amongst all those Members ■who, on account of their public duties, were compelled to leave their usual places of abode during the session Amendment moved by Merriman—That all the words of the foregoing question be omitted, with a view to insert the following, in lieu thereof, —that the sum of £300 placed on the Estimates for the expenses of Members be apportioned as follows—the Members from the fiiouihern Provinces 11 per diem, the balance to be equally divided amongst those Members of the Province of Auckland, who are entitled to an allowance. Question —that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the ques tion—put and passed.


Amendment moved by Mr. O'Neill—That all the words of the question be 'omitted, with a view to inseit the following, in lieu thereof, —that the payment of Members shall be on the same scale, and in the same manner as last session. Question —that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question—put and negatived. Whereupon Amendment put and passed. The Speaker and Members adjourned to the Chamber of the Legislative Council to meet His Excellency the Governor. His Excellency having arrived at the Council Chamber, proceeded to an elevated seat near the Speaker's Chair. His Excellency declared his assent, in Her Majesty's name, to the following Bills. 1. Naturalization Bill. 2. Land Claimant's Ordinance Amendment Bill. 3. English Acts Bill. 4. Appropriation Bill. His Excellency then read the following address :— Htntrable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives, — I consider myself fortunate in having arrived in New Zealand at a time when the General Assembly is in Session, as it affords me an opportunity of stating the views I entertain on certain subjects. Before entering on other matter, I desire to announce my intention to continue the policy hitherto adopted towards the Aborigines, in maintaining inviolate their light to their land, and securing to them an impartial administration of justice. The communication, which I took the earliest opportunity of laying before the two Houses, will have satisfied you that it is the desire of her Majesty's Government that this Colony shall enjoy the fullest measure of self-government which is consistent with, its allegiance to the British Crown. Nor are these sentiments confined to any particular party in the Imperial Parliament, but are shared in by those who differ oa most other subjects. Animated by the same feeling, I am prepared to carry out in its integrity the principle of Ministerial Responsibility, being convinced that any other arrangement would be ineffective to preserve that harmony between the Legislative and Executive branches of the Government, which is so essential to the successful conduct of public affairs. Entertaining these views, it will be my object to secure, as early as possible, the introduction of this form of Government, which has been so earnestly solicited by the popularly constituted legislature of this Colony. Indeed, the public interest demands that the present state of transition should be allowed to continue no longer than circumstances require. As soon as the necessary arrangements have been made, I shall be prepared to give my confidence to those gentlemen who possess that of the Legislature, and whenever changes may become necessary, I shall permit neither private interests nor private friendships to influence my public conduct. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,— I have much pleasure in thanking you for the liberal provision you have made for the public service, and you may rest assured that the supplies voted shall be expended with the utmost economy consistent with efficiency. Gentlemen of the Assembly,— Under the peculiar circumstances of the present Session, legislation has not been of an important character. Questions of great public interest have not been dealt with ; these have been rightly deferred until they can be considered by a Legislature more fully attended, and assisted in their deliberations by a responsible Ministry. All the Bills which have been passed by the Assembly I had much pleasure in assenting to on behalf of Her Majesty, and I trust these measures will be found to effect beneficial changes in the Law. In the position in which I now am, it would be impossible to deal satisfactorily with many subjects of importance, I shall therefore defer all such matters, not requiring immediate attention, until the contemplated change in the Government shall have taken place. In the exercise of the power conferred upon me by the Constitution Act, it is my intention to dissolve this Assembly without delay. In the absence of any measures on the part of the General Assembly, determining otherwise, the next Session will be convened and held in Auckland, as soon as it may be convenient to the Members from the distant Provinces to leave their private affairs.


It is my earnest hope and belief, that the several Constituencies of the Colony, duly appreciating their responsibility, and guided by an All-wise Providence, will exercise their important functions in the manner best calculated to secure the services of Representatives who will efficiently aid me in my endeavours to develope the resources of the country, to elevate the moral and social condition of its inhabitants, to preserve that perfect civil freedom and religious equality, which is now enjoyed by all classes of Her Majesty's subjects, and by these means to promote the happiness and increaso the prosperity of this favored Colony. 1 now prorogue this Assembly until the first day of October, 1855. THOMAS GORE BROWNE. Auckland New Zealand, 15th September, 1855, His Excelleney then retired, and the House stood prorogued to Monday, the first day of October, 1855. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1855 Session I

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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1855 Session I

MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1855 Session I

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