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Presented to Both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

The Hon. the Minister of Island Territories to His Excellency the Governor-General. Wellington, Bth September, 1950. I have the honour to submit to Your Excellency the report on the Administration of the Tokelau Islands for the year ended 31st March, 1950. F. W. Doidge. Minister of Island Territories, His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand.

I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Geography 1. Location and Area The Tokelau Islands consist of four atoll islands, Fakaofo, Nukunono, Atafu, and Olosega or Swain's Island. The last named was annexed to American Samoa in 1925. FakaofO, Nukunono, and Atafu, which were included within the boundaries of New Zealand by the Tokelau Islands Act, 1948, are situated between latitude 8° and 10° south and longitude 171° and 173° west. The distance from Apia to Fakaofo is about 270 miles, that from Fakaofo to Nukunono is about 40 miles, and from Nukunono to Atafu about 57 miles. All the islands are continuously inhabited.


2. Area and Population The following are the figures from the last census taken in September, 1945 :

Estimated population as at 31st March, 1950, is 1,460. A population census is planned for 1951. 3. Topography Each atoll consists of a number of small coral islets round the lagoon, varying in length from 100 yards to 4 miles, but all are fairly uniform as to width —viz., 100 to 400 yards—and, with one or two exceptions, all are approximately from 8 ft. to 10 ft. high. The size of each atoll is approximately as under :

% The largest islet in the Group is on the east of the atoll of Nukunono ; it is 4 miles long and 300 yards, wide. The reef at each island extends only a short distance from the shore, and then descends steeply into very deep water, so that the few anchorages are not good. Vessels usually land or ship their stores and personnel in the local canoes or small boats. The landing-places on the reef on each islet are difficult to negotiate, and great skill is required on the part of the people to shoot their canoes over the reef, except when the sea is very calm. All the inhabitants reside on one small coral islet on which the village is located, and which in each case is on the leeward side of the atoll—i.e., the north-west, west, or south-west. This is an advantage to vessels visiting these islands, as the prevailing trade-wind, which is from the south-east, as well as the drift of the current from the east, both tend under normal conditions to cause any vessel lying off the western shore to drift away from the reef. But from time to time heavy swells or winds from other directions make the reefs unworkable.


Population as at September, 1945. Island. Area. Males. Females. Total, Indigenous. Samoan. Total. Fakaofo Nukunono Atafu Acres. 650 1,35-0 500 268 195 - "202 297 169 ( 242 565 364 444 5 3 7 570 367 451 Totals 665 708 1,373 15 1,388

Island. Land Area. Length North to South. Width East to West. Circumference. Number of Islets. Acres. Miles. Miles. Miles., Pakaofo 650 5 16 61 Nukunono 1,350 7 24 22 Atafu 500 3 2* 8 19


4. Climate The Group lies within the hurricane belt and has from time to time experienced severe gales, though none have been reported during the last few years. Atafu suffered a westerly gale in February, 1941, Fakaofo a north-easterly gale of force 8 on 14th January, 1936, and a westerly gale of force 9on the following day. Nukunono has on record a north-north-east gale in December, 1939, and a westerly gale in February, 1942, the latter being accompanied by a twenty-four-hour rainfall of 6-20 in. Regular meteorological reports are received daily from the three Tokelau Islands, the station on Atafu having been established in 1925. The summary below is taken from observations at Atafu, which is the only station to have a complete climate table for the last year. The time used in the islands is Samoan time, which is that of longitude 165 degrees west, eleven hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. The prevailing winds were from an easterly direction with a tendency to northeasterly during the wet season (November-February). Wind speed averaged 5 knots, freshening at times to 6 knots in the afternoon. The mean cloud amount (taken from 7 a.m. reports) is 4-6 eighths. The total rainfall was 100-71 in., most of which fell during the latter part of the year. The maximum daily rainfall was 5-70 in. on the Ist December. Temperatures were warm with a mean of 83-3° p. for the year. The maximum reached was 95-0° F. on the 11th November, while the minimum recorded was 71-5° F. on the Ist December. The mean humidity was again 84 per cent, in the mornings dropping to approximately 76 per cent, in the afternoons. B. History Swain's Island was probably the first of the Tokelau Group to be discovered by Europeans. The Spanish discoverer, Quiros, landed there in 1606 in search of water, and for a time the island was known as Quiros' Island. A record exists of the original inhabitants who were seen by Quiros when he visited the Group. They are reported to have been fair in colouring with golden hair, and are stated by Quiros to have used large double canoes some 60 ft. long. Abandoned taro pits, thought to have been used by these early inhabitants, are still to be seen around the shore of the land-locked lagoon on Swain's Island. By the time of the next reported visit by Europeans in 1841, this population had disappeared. Survivors had apparently existed for a period on Nukunono after being driven out by a new migration of people which, settling first at Fakaofo, conquered the whole Group over a long period of years and absorbed the earlier inhabitants. Tradition suggests that this second people came from Samoa. On 21st June, 1765, Atafu was discovered by Commodore Byron, R.N. The next visit to Atafu was on 6th June, 1791, by Captain Edwards, commanding H.M.S. " Pandora " in search of the " Bounty " mutineers. Three days later Edwards discovered Nukunono. Fakaofo was discovered in 1841 by a Frenchman, Captain Morvan, in command of the " Adolphe." In the same year Captain Hudson, of the United States Exploring Expedition, after visiting Atafu, came on Fakaofo and recorded its discovery. Sailing south from Fakaofo, Hudson rediscovered Quiros' Island and renamed it Swain's Island after his informant in Samoa. In 1856 an American, Eli Jennings, took over Swain's Island from three Frenchmen who had settled there as agents of a French trading company, and the island remained in the hands of his family until 1925, the year of its annexation to American Samoa. From accounts of early missionaries it is apparent that the numbers of inhabitants were severely reduced by the depredations of the South American, and particularly Peruvian, " blackbirders " who operated in the Group probably between 1850 and 1870.



The Rev. Newall relates that some 247 people were taken from Fakaofo in 1863, and Nukunono was raided about the same time, when all but 80 of the inhabitants were removed. Shortly before the arrival of a mission ship in 1868 the Peruvians had taken 116 men from. Fakaofo and 30 from Atafu. In 1877 the Tokelau Islands were included under the protection of Great Britain in. ,terms of an Imperial Order in Council. In 1889 Commodore Oldham, of H.M.S. " Egeria," landed at each of the three northern atolls and officially raised the Union Jack, declaring the Group to be a protectorate of Great Britain. On 29th February, 1916, the islands, at the request of the inhabitants, were formally annexed to Great Britain by an Order in Council which also extended the boundaries of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony to include the Tokelau Group (then known as the Union Islands) and their dependencies. Up to Ist October, 1925, the Group was governed by the High Commissioner for the Western Pacific and administered by the District Officer at Funafuti, in the Ellice Group. At this period the New Zealand Government, at the request of His Majesty's Government, agreed to administer the islands. By the Union Islands (No. 1) Order in Council 1925 the Group was disannexed from the Gilbert and Ellice Island Colony, and by the Union Islands (No. 2) Order in Council 1925 the Governor-General in Council of the Dominion of New Zealand was empowered to make laws for their peace, order, and good government, and authorized to delegate from time to time to the Administrator of Western Samoa so much of this power as might be considered desirable. The right was reserved to the Governor-General in Council to disallow any laws passed under this delegated power and to make any restriction deemed proper. The vesting of administrative powers in the Administrator of Western Samoa (now the High Commissioner) was a matter of convenience, the Tokelau Group having no political connection with the Territory of Western Samoa. The Tokelau Nomenclature Ordinance 1946 made by the Administrator officially fixed the name of the Group, hitherto sometimes referred to as the Union Islands, as the Tokelau Islands, or the Tokelau Islands Dependency. By the Tokelau Islands Act, 1948, which came into force on Ist January, 1949, the Tokelau Group, was included within the territorial boundaries of New Zealand ; legislative powers are now vested in the Governor-General in Council, while executive powers remain with the Administrator. C. People The Tokelau Islanders are Polynesians speaking a language which, despite its peculiarities, is closely related to Samoan as is much of the culture of the Group. The official language is Samoan as a result of the activities of the Samoan preachers in the islands and the use of the Samoan Bible. All Tokelau Islanders are virtually bi-lingual, but the true Tokelau dialect is gradually dying out. Population growth is indicated by the following figures : 1926 .. .. .. .. 1,033 1936 .. .. .. .. 1,170 1945 .. .. .. .. 1,373 1950 .. .. .. .. 1,460 The islanders are all professed Christians, the London Missionary Society and the Roman Catholic Mission being represented. The people of Atafu and the majority of those on Fakaofo are adherents of the London Missionary Society, while those on Nukunono are members of the Roman Catholic Mission. A European priest and European and Samoan sisters are stationed at Nukunono, while Catechists and Samoan pastors of the London Missionary Society are in the other islands of the Group. As with other islands in the Pacific the Missions play a considerable part in the social life of the islanders.



D. Government The Tokelau Islands were included within the boundaries of New Zealand by the Tokelau Islands Act, 1948. Since 1925 they had been administered by New Zealand on behalf of the United Kingdom Government, and were ceded to New Zealand by an Imperial Order in Council dated the 13th September, 1948. The Tokelau Islands Act, 1948, and the Imperial Order in Council came into force on the Ist January, 1949. By regulations made under the Act, the High Commissioner of Western Samoa was appointed Administrator of the Tokelau Islands. He is assisted by a District Officer for the Tokelau Islands, who is also an officer of the Government of Western Samoa. Previously the High Commissioner for Western Samoa had been empowered to make Ordinances for the peace, order, and good government of the Group, but this function has now been assumed by the Governor-General of New Zealand in Council. All the existing laws applying to the islands remain in force, and some progress has been made with the consolidation and codification of these laws but the work is not yet completed. The Tokelau Islanders are British subjects and New Zealand citizens under the provision of the British Nationality and New Zealand Citizenship Act, 1948. It has, so far, not been considered necessary to station any European staff in the Tokelau Islands. The executive administration is carried out by the following officials : Faipule and Magistrate (Fa'amasino). Pulenu'u (Mayor of the village). Failautusi (clerk and postal officer). All these appointments are made by the Administrator who visits the Group at least once each year. The Group is also visited by officers appointed by the Administrator as opportunity offers or the occasion demands. The following legislation affecting the Tokelau Islands has been enacted during the period covered by this report: The Tokelau Islands Administration Regulations 1949 (1949/69). Judiciary At present the Fa'amasino —Native Magistrates appointed by the Administrator—have limited summary jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters. Any sentence imposed by the Native Court is subject to the review of the District Officer for the Tokelau Islands, who can also conduct original hearings. The full criminal code of law was published in the annual report for the year ended 31st March, 1948. Of this, the principal crimes and their penalties are :

There is an absence of serious crime in the Group. E. Human Rights The Tokelau islands are an integral part of New Zealand, and provisions relating to human rights which apply in New Zealand apply also in the Group, without distinction between race or sex. As mentioned elsewhere, the codification and consolidation of the law relating to the Tokelau Islands made necessary by their transfer to New Zealand is as yet not complete, but, generally speaking, it is anticipated that the provisions applying to other Groups forming part of New Zealand will apply, and the alienation of land except to the Crown for public purposes will be prohibited and the taking of land in execution of debt disallowed.


Offence. Maximum Penalty. Murder Theft .. Drunkenness Malicious damage to cultivation Death. Sentence carried out only on the authority of the Governor-General of New Zealand. Six months' imprisonment or fine of £5. Where knife or other weapon has been used up to two years imprisonment. One to six months' imprisonment. Three to twelve months' imprisonment and to make good loss.


11. SOCIAL CONDITIONS A. Social Problems of Race and Cultural Relations Due to their isolation there is no problem resulting from the presence of a mixed blood section of the community. The traditional Polynesian subsistence economy assures the islanders of economic security, though as mentioned in other parts of this report the diet provided by the somewhat limited resources of these atolls gives some cause for concern, particularly with the nutrition of the younger sections of the community. The South Pacific Commission has instituted a project on coral atolls, and it is expected that the Tokelau Islands will benefit to a considerable extent as a result of these researches. Some overpopulation is apparent in one of the atolls, Fakaofo, but this situation can be met by the establishment of a village on another islet in the atoll. The matter is receiving attention. B. Labour and Employment Conditions The Tokelau Islanders are entirely dependent on their subsistence agriculture and fishing activities. Copra and some Native curios provide the islanders with sufficient cash incomes for their needs. The islanders are allowed to visit Samoa under a permit system and while there are generally cared for by the missions. C. Public Health and Sanitation Problems and Organization The incidence of disease in the Group is slight, the major medical problem being that of filariasis which is carried by the vector, aedes psuedoscutelaris. In common with other problems associated with the Group, medical administration has been hampered up to the present by the lack of a suitable vessel calling at the islands, but the threemonthly seaplane connection between Apia and the atolls has provided some means of keeping abreast of the medical position. The medical services are at present administered from Western Samoa, and the Director of Health, Western Samoa, has shown a keen interest in the problems of the area. He usually arranges to be in the atolls every three months, and is frequently accompanied by the surgical specialist, the pharmacist, or his assistant. Water-supply As in most coral atolls the problem of water storage is a fairly serious one in the Group. Water-tanks and wells are provided, and with the completion of the building programme additional catchment areas and tanks will provide improved sources of supply. Sewage Disposal Good sanitary conditions prevail and it is possible to place latrines over deep water. Expenditure Expenditure for public health for the year ended 31st March, 1950, totalled £1,660. Medical Facilities Each of the atolls has a hospital building which is not considered completely satisfactory and is being replaced with a standard type dispensary as soon as suitable transport for the materials to the atolls can be arranged.



Medical staff in the Group at present consists of: —

Training Staff are trained at the Central Medical School, Fiji, in the case of the assistant medical practitioners, and at Apia, Western Samoa, in the case of dressers and nurses. At present, one Tokelau Islander is being trained in Fiji, a Tokelau youth is being trained in Apia as a laboratory assistant, and three Tokelau girls have commenced their training in Apia as nurses. During the year refresher courses at Apia have been given to the three male dressers. The practice of seconding assistant medical practitioners for short periods of service in one or another of the islands has continued, and both Nukunono and Fakaofo have had the services of an assistant medical practitioner this year. A senior Samoan Staff Nurse has been seconded to Atafu and has done good work. It is intended to continue the secondment of more highly-trained nurses and other staff until the Tokelau staff have themselves been trained. No vital statistics are available for the Group. Nutrition The food of the inhabitants consists of coconut, fish, fowl, bananas, pulaka (a type of taro), the fruit of the edible pandanus, and occasionally pork. Fish is plentiful and easily caught. Fowls and pigs are kept in each village but not in sufficient numbers to provide a continuous source of fresh meat. Few bananas are grown due to the absence of humus. Ta'amu, a large member of the taro family, is grown on all three islands, and to some extent replaces taro, which cannot be grown in the Group. Pulaka, a coarse tuber similar to the Samoan wild bush taro, is cultivated on each atoll, and a variety of kumara is grown on one islet of Fakaofo. The edible pandanus fruits twice a year in May and November. The diet, although apparently deficient in some ingredients, does not seem to impair the health of the inhabitants. Medical Problems One of the major problems facing the islands is that of rodent control. The problem appears at present to be more an economic than a medical one, for while great damage is done to the coconut palms by rats, none of the rats caught have been found to carry any disease. Plans have been drawn up for an intensive campaign against this pest, and advice has been sought from the South Pacific Commission and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (New Zealand) on the problem. It is anticipated that the campaign will take place in the forthcoming year. It is also hoped to carry out an antifilarial campaign as soon as suitable transport can be arranged. The health education of the people is largely carried out by the assistant medical practitioners and staff nurses, assisted by the women's committees. This organization is most active in the Group and its activities include home nursing, maternal and infant welfare, as well as giving attention to village sanitation.


_—, S.M.P. Dressers. Staff Nurses. Nurses. Fakaofo .. .. Nukunono .. J> Atafu .. .. J Total , f 1* I 2 2 1 1 . 1 1 2 1 5 2 3 * Moves from island to island at approximately three-monthly intervals.


D. Housing Conditions and Programmes With the exception of the Administration and mission buildings the buildings in the Group are of Native type. These buildings are adequate, and supplies of materials for their construction are available. The villages are well laid out and maintained. E. Welfare and Relief In the absence of resident European officers the problem of welfare is in the hands of the assistant medical practitioner and a Tokelau staff nurse, assisted in Nukunono by the Roman Catholic priest and sisters. Women's committees exist and in some of the atolls are very active. The organization of Tokelau society in common with that of the rest of Polynesia is such that the need for relief in the European sense of the term does not arise. F. Crime Statistics As stated elsewhere in the report there is an absence of serious crime in the Group, and most convictions are for offences of a minor nature. G. Penal Administration There is a Chief of Police on each island, and in addition, three constables at Atafu, two at Nukunono, and three at Fakaofo. There is also a wardress on the police establishment. 111. EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS A. Educational Policy, Objectives, and Special Problems The educational policy in the Tokelau Islands provides a type of education sufficient for the existing agricultural and economic resources of the Group. At present, all the schools in the Group are conducted by the various missions, and the Administration is confining its activities to the provision of certain teaching aids and equipment. Until such time as trained teachers are available it would appear that this position must continue. A student from Atafu is at the Teachers' Training College in Western Samoa and will be available to organize the schools in Atafu at the end of this year. A male student, also from Atafu, will be available next year. It is planned to increase the number of Tokelau teacher trainees attending the Teachers' Training College in Western Samoa during the next few years, and by 1954 it should be possible to provide adequate trained staff for service in Atafu and Fakaofo. B. Organization of Educational Administration As has been stated educational organization is, at present, in the hands of the various missions. Assistance by way of equipment and teaching-aids is made available, and visits by the Director of Education, Western Samoa, provide an opportunity to obtain assistance with problems such as the syllabus. On Nukunono the Roman Catholic Mission maintains a school under the control of a priest and a sister who are assisted by one male and two female assistants. On Atafu a small school is maintained by the London Missionary Society's pastor and his wife, as is also the case on Fakaofo. In addition, in Fakaofo a small school is maintained by the Roman Catholic catechist. The following statistics in regard to these schools are given : School. Roll. Nukunono Catholic .. .. .. .. 168 Atafu .. .. .. .. .. .. 175 Fakaofo .. .. .. .. .. 138 Fakaofo Catholic ~ ~ ~ ~ Not available. .



C. School Buildings and Other Facilities The buildings and equipment at Nukunono are excellent, but those at Atafu and Fakaofo are typical Native-style buildings. Radio-sets and other aids have been supplied to each school and are greatly appreciated. D. Curriculum and Language op Instruction The language of instruction is Samoan, but English is taught at Nukunono. Endeavours are made by all teachers to follow the lessons given in the Samoan Teachers 7 Guide and those broadcast from Apia. A lack of training prevents some of the Tokelau teachers from making full use of this material, but, in the main, they are performing a very creditable service. At Nukunono, woodwork is taught the boys with equipmentsupplied by the Administration, and the girls are taught dressmaking. It is realized, however, that a substantial improvement in the curriculum cannot be expected until trained teachers are available, though the work performed at Nukunono is of high standard. E. Opportunities por Higher Educatton In common with the peoples of other territories administered by New ZealancL the Tokelau Islanders are eligible for participation in the scholarship scheme. To date no suitable student has been forthcoming, but it is possible that a Tokelau Island boy, educated in Western Samoa, will be included in the group of students coming to New Zealand next year. F. Adult Education No facilities for adult education exist, though students up to the age of twenty attend the schools in the islands. IY. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS A. Natural Resources The natural resources of the Tokelau Islands are limited by the lack of fertility of the soil, which permits an agricultural subsistence economy and the production annually of a certain amount of copra for export. There are no known mineral resources. Coconut palms are a characteristic feature of the landscape. Kanava or tauanave (Cordia subcordata) is the only timber-tree of importance ; this is used for canoes, houses, and domestic utensils. The trees are short and stubby and the trunks of good specimens rarely exceed 2 ft. in diameter. Another useful tree is fala, the edible pandanus, the timber of which is also sometimes used in house-building. One island in each atoll is usually reserved for timber-plantations. The preservation of good supplies of kanava is vital to the islanders in view of their widespread use in canoe-building. B. Agriculture No agricultural administration exists, and the predominant type of agricultural organization is that of subsistence farming with the production of cash crops as a means of supplementing income. With the limited resources existing in the Tokelau Islands it is difficult to improve the present agricultural methods, but the South Pacific Commission has instituted a research project dealing with the problem of development of coral atolls and some assistance is anticipated from this source.

2—A 6



C. Industries Apart from the small-scale private manufacture of handicrafts there are no secondary industries in the Group. D. Standard of Living Though the standard of living in these islands in common with that in the lessdeveloped areas in Polynesia is described as " subsistence economy," the standard is much higher than the usual meaning ascribed to that term would suggest. All of the Tokelau Islanders have access to land which can produce sufficient quantities of a limited range of foodstuffs and raw materials for their requirements. The chief disadvantage is, however, that the diet tends to be rather restricted. E. Communications and Shipping Latterly the principal communications with the Group have been maintained by means of Government-chartered shipping or aircraft. Mission ships also make occasional calls, and units of the Royal New Zealand Navy have resumed the annual visits which were interrupted by the war. On the above visits the Administrator takes the opportunity of inspecting the Group. Modern wireless transmitting and receiving sets have now been installed on each atoll in charge of operators trained at Apia on their new equipment. Until the war years made it dangerous to do so, the islanders occasionally made voyages from one atoll to another in their own canoes. From Fakaofo to Nukunono is approximately 40 miles, and the distance between Nukunono and Atafu is 57 miles. With the re-establishment of wireless-stations in the Group such voyages are now permitted, subject to certain conditions such as the reporting to Apia by wireless both of departure and arrival of the canoe. A motor-launch is being provided by the Catholic Mission at Nukunono for communication with the other islands of the Group. The Tokelau Islands are removed from normal Pacific . shipping routes ; this lack of communication is in part made up by visits by flying-boats of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, which carry urgently required supplies or personnel. Aircraft moorings have been" laid down at Nukunono atoll where visiting aircraft usually spend the night. A regular three-monthly air service to the Tokelau Islands by Catalina flying-boats of the Royal New Zealand Air Force is now being operated: In view of the difficulty which has been experienced in chartering ships to make trading and official visits to the Group, inquiries are being made by the New Zealand Government with a view to the purchase of a suitable vessel. F. Public Finance The currency employed in the Tokelau Islands consists of New Zealand silver coins add New Zealand and Samoan currency notes as legal tender. Government expenditure and revenue for the year under review is given below :


Year. Revenue Obtained in the Territory. Expenditure of the Territory. Amount Spent on Education. Health. Public Works. 1949-50 £ 4,550 £ 4,471 £ 52 £ i,660 £ 119


The islands accounts had a credit balance amounting to £6,443 as at 31st March, 1950. A formal budget has not up to the present been prepared but a more formal method of accounting is being introduced. Capital development is financed substantially by grants-in-aid from the New Zealand Government. At present taxation is levied in copra, the amount of the tax being expressed as 18 tons of copra which is distributed between the islands in the following manner: — Fakaofo .. .. .. .. 9 tons. Nukunono .. .. .. 7 tons. Atafu .. .. .. .. 2 tons. There is no public debt in the Tokelau Islands. G. Banking and Credit No banking facilities exist in the Group although deposits are made to the credit of the islanders at the Post Office Savings-bank in Apia, Western Samoa. H. Trade The trade of the Group is composed of copra and handicrafts. During the year under review 240 tons of copra were exported. It is anticipated that increased shipping, improved water supplies, and rodent control will enable 400 tons to be exported during 1950-51. Prior to the late war copra was purchased and goods sold in the Group by a firm of Apia merchants operating with its own schooner. Later, when this service was discontinued, the Administrator arranged for the Tokelau Group to be visited in small launches to supply food and other urgent requirements, and this means of communication has been developed with the use of larger chartered vessels at regular intervals. Arrangements have been made for these operations to be passed over to the New Zealand Reparation Estates in Samoa. I. Information on Development Programme In a community such as the Tokelau Islands any development programme must be limited by the availability of suitable resources, and on present indications there seems little prospect of introducing any products other than copra and handicrafts of the curio type. New Zealand is, however, concerned to see that within these natural limitations the Tokelau Islands are developed as far as possible. Medical and education facilities adequate to the requirements of the people are to be maintained, and every encouragement will be given to the development of the production of copra and handicrafts. y. visits The Administrator, accompanied by members of his staff, paid an official visit in July, 1949, to all atolls in the Group. Other officers have made administrative visits from time to time by Catalina flying boat. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,074 copies), £33.

By Authority: E. E. Owen, Government Printer, Wellington.—1950.

price 6i.]


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DEPARTMENT OF ISLAND TERRITORIES TOKELAU ISLANDS ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 21st MARCH, 1950, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1950 Session I, A-06

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DEPARTMENT OF ISLAND TERRITORIES TOKELAU ISLANDS ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 21st MARCH, 1950 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1950 Session I, A-06

DEPARTMENT OF ISLAND TERRITORIES TOKELAU ISLANDS ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 21st MARCH, 1950 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1950 Session I, A-06

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