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Presented to Both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

Sir _ Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 30th June, 1949. I have the honour to submit the annual report on the settlement of Crown lands for the year ended 31st March, 1949, together with particulars of operations under the Small Farms Act, 1932-33, the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, and the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943. I have, &c., D. M. Greig, Director-General of Lands. The Hon. the Minister of Lands.

REPORT GENERAL REVIEW The year has been marked by steady progress in the acquisition and development of land for ex-servicemen settlement. Some improvement in supplies of fertilizer and an easing of the position in regard to fencing-wire have assisted in speeding up settlement, but operations have been hampered to some extent by shortages of water-piping, and the difficulty in securing expeditious erection of buildings in rural areas. In an effort to speed up settlement temporary living-accommodation is being provided in suitable cases pending the erection of housing. Although climatic conditions have not been altogether favourable in some localities, Crown tenants generally have had a successful year, and, as will be seen later in this report, there has been a marked reduction in the arrears owing by Crown tenants. As at the 31st March, 1949, tenants on the books of the Department numbered 34,265, occupying a total area of approximately 17,003,297 acres. Public demand for farm land is still at a very high level, but until full provision has been made for ex-servicemen the opportunities for civilian settlement on Crown land are necessarily limited. A Land Utilization Officer was appointed during the year, and a commencement has been made with a survey of the undeveloped land resources of the Dominion. In the meantime this work has been confined to the Rotorua - Taupo - Bay of Plenty districts, but it will be extended to other areas as soon as the requisite staff and organization have been built up. The immediate objective of the survey is to determine the


nature and extent of undeveloped lands available and suitable for either immediate or deferred development. Surveys are being carried out on a county basis, and the Department is indebted to County Councils for their co-operation in supplying details of undeveloped areas within county boundaries. From time to time the claim has been made that there are vast areas of available Crown land which are capable of easy development, but until a land-utilization survey has been completed the exact position will not be disclosed. It should be remembered also that before any worth-while effort can be made to bring further undeveloped areas into pasture, adequate supplies of fertilizer must be assured. Practically the whole of our imported supplies of phosphate are at present necessary to maintain the fertility of existing grassed lands, and it would obviously be most unwise to undertake any large-scale scheme for speedy development of our undeveloped resources without first planning for an adequate supply of fertilizer. During the year 40 applications for revaluations of Crown leases and licences in terms of section 216 of the Land Act, 1924, were finally dealt with, and reductions in capital value totalling £34,873 were approved. Applications by 11 high-country pastoral run holders for a review of their annual rentals in terms of section 277 of the Land Act, 1924, were also considered. In these cases reductions in rentals amounting to £1,595 were approved. The task of dealing with the heavy volume of applications for consent to transactions filed under the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, has meant another year of constant pressure for all concerned. Statistics covering transactions under this legislation are set out later in this report. LEGISLATION The year has been a momentous one for the Department so far as legislation is concerned, and it was most gratifying to see the planning and work of many months, indeed of years, brought to fruition. The principal measure from the departmental viewpoint was the Land Act, 1948, which consolidated and brought up to date existing laws relating to Crown land. Also of major importance was the Land Valuation Court Act, 1948, which established one Tribunal to adjudicate on all matters affecting the value of land. Besides the two principal measures, there was an amendment to the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, and the usual Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Act. Land Act, 1948 The original Land Act was enacted in 1877, and prior to 1948 new Acts consolidating the many amendments and variations in the land laws had been passed on three occasions, the last being in 1924. There had been many amendments to the land laws since the 1924 consolidation ; furthermore, the Land Act was operated in conjunction with other Acts affecting lands of the Crown—namely, the Land for Settlements Act, the Education Reserves Act, the Small Farms Act,, and other Acts of comparatively minor importance. Although amending land legislation frequently added another tenure on which Crown land could be selected it did not often abolish an existing tenure, or if it did it did not affect any lands already held under that tenure. This resulted in Crown lands being held on a multiplicity of tenures with varying conditions according to the date of selection. The resulting complexity of tenures and legislation made administration both difficult and cumbersome. The Land Act, 1948, consolidated all enactments relating to lands of the Crown and abolished the distinctions between ordinary Crown land —that is, land subject to the Land Act, 1924—settlement land, Education reserves, and small-farms land ; all these lands are now simply Crown land subject to and administered under the Land Act, 1948. The numerous tenures under which Crown land could be held (approximately forty different tenures) are replaced by four principal ones—sale for cash, sale on deferred payments, renewable lease, and pastoral lease or licence.



The Act also provides that almost all lessees may freehold the land held by them, either for cash or on deferred payments (term up to thirty years). The freeholding price is the present-day value of the Crown's interest as determined by the Land Settlement Board or by the Land Valuation Court on appeal. In the past the administration of Crown land under the Land Acts has to a large extent been in the hands of the Land Boards, there being a Board for each land district. The administration of land subject to the Small Farms Act was in the hands of the Land Settlement Board in Wellington. The Land Act, 1948, abolished Land Boards, reconstituted the Land Settlement Board with jurisdiction over all Crown land, and provided for the setting up of Land Settlement Committees (at least one for each land district) to whom the Land Settlement Board might delegate any of its powers under the Act. By having more than one Committee in each of the larger land districts it will be possible to utilize the services of persons with the knowledge and experience of local problems and the type of farming in that locality, while the general jurisdiction of the Land Settlement Board in Wellington will enable uniform administration throughout the Dominion. It stands to reason that a great number of sections in the repealed Acts have been omitted from the consolidation as unnecessary. The whole aim has been to simplify procedure and administration in terms of present-day requirements. Land Valuation Court Act, 1948 This Act establishes a Land Valuation Court to adjudicate on all matters relating to the value of land or an interest in land. Previously a Compensation Court (presided over by a Judge of the Supreme Court or a Magistrate) heard claims for compensation under the Public Works Act; the Land Sales Court dealt with applications for consent to transfer under the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act; an Assessment Court determined appeals against valuations under the Valuation of Land Act for rating purposes ; and a Magistrate heard appeals against valuations for gift duty, death duty, or stamp duty. The result of having four different Tribunals was inevitably that varying values were placed on the one piece of land. All these matters will now come before the Land Valuation Court. The establishment of one Court to deal with all matters previously heard by the four Courts is aimed at obtaining more uniformity in the values placed on the one area. The Court comprises a Judge and two other members. To be appointed a Judge of the Court a person must have the same qualifications as are required for appointment to the Supreme Court, and once appointed he can be removed from office only on the same grounds as those on which a Supreme Court Judge is removable. The other two members are appointed for terms of four years, but may be reappointed. The Act provides for the appointment of Land Valuation Committees of not more than three members. Such number of Committees may be appointed as the GovernorGeneral in Council considers necessary. Where an application, objection, or appeal against a valuation is filed in a registry, the Registrar refers it to the Land Valuation Com mitt, p.p. usually exercising jurisdiction in the district in which the land is situated, and the application is heard by that Committee in the first instance. Any party may appeal from the Committee's determination to the Land Valuation Court, but if 110 appeal is filed the Committee's order is sealed and becomes the Order of the Court. There is no appeal against an order of the Land Valuation Court. The Land Act, 1948, also provides that certain matters under that Act may be the subject of appeal to the Land Valuation Court —namely, the purchase-price on an application to acquire the fee-simple of land held under lease, or the renewal rent on the renewal of a lease, or the determination of the Land Settlement Board on an application for a revaluation. An ex-serviceman settled under the Land Act, 1948, or any former Land Act may appeal to the Land Valuation Court for a review of the disposal price. The Tenancy Act, 1948, also empowers the Land Valuation Court to adjudicate on certain matters under that Act.



A further section empowers the Court to hear any other matters affecting the value o land where all parties concerned consent to those matters being referred to the Court. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Amendment Act, 1948 This Act extended the operation of Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, to permit of Crown land held under lease or licence being taken for the settlement of discharged servicemen in the same way as privately-owned land. The lessee or licensee is entitled to compensation for his interest in the land, and where part only of the land is taken to a proportionate reduction in the rent payable under the lease or licence. Another section applies the provisions of section 51 of the principal Act to the transfer ot a Crown leasehold. Where the Land Board (as from Ist April, 1949, the Land Settlement Board) considers that the land in a Crown lease, to the transfer of which consent is asked, is suitable or adaptable for the settlement of a discharged serviceman it may refer the application to the appropriate Land Valuation Committee for an order under section 51 permitting the Minister of Lands to take that land. Section 7 of the Act clarifies the uncertainty which existed about the transfer of certain mining privileges by providing that a business-site licence, a residence-site licence, and a lease under section 45 or section 47 of the Mining Act, 1926, are deemed to be leasehold interests in land to the transfer of which the consent of the Court is required. Section 8 of the Act provides that where land is being transferred to a child of the owner, and the Land Valuation Committee is satisfied that the purchaser intends to reside personally on the land and farm it exclusively for his own benefit, section 51 of the principal Act shall not apply. Section 9 authorizes a trustee of a property to apply to have the basic value of that property fixed by the Court without his first arranging 53»16. Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Act, 1948 r^le thirty-eight sections of this Act are mainly of a machinery nature and deal with Crown land, reserves, endowments, and other lands. Section 38 relates to 438 000 acres of the Sounds (Fiordland) National Park and makes special provisions for'the protection of flora and fauna. These provisions were designed particularly to protect the notornis colonies which were recently rediscovered in this locality. RECEIPTS

receipts for the year from all sources totalled £4,762,523. The receipts for the previous year totalled £3,752,988. Details are as follows


Heading. Year Ended 31st March, 1949. Year Ended 31st March, 1948. Rents, royalties, and interest Rates and miscellaneous receipts from drainage areas Administration charges, fees, and other departmental receipts Sales of land, improvements, repayment of advances, &c. Farming receipts from development schemes Miscellaneous £ 1,073,035 60,352 119,500 1,481,283 2,028,353 £ 1,063,727 52,134 120,262 1,046,513 1,453,660 16,692 • 4,762,523 3,752,988


EXPENDITURE Summary of Expenditure Approved During the Year Ended 31st March, 1949

Advances to Crown Tenants


Name of Vote or Account. j Amount Voted. Gross Expenditure for Year Ended 31st March, 1949. Gross Expenditure for Year Ended 31st March, 1948. Voted Expenditure Vote, " Lands and Survey " — Subdivision I Subdivision II Subdivision III Total, vote " Lands and Survey " Vote, " Land for Settlements " .. Vote, " Small Farms Development " Total, voted expenditure Other Expenditure Land for Settlements Account: Expenditure from capital proceeds of sales of Crown lands, &c. Deposits Account expenditure and miscellaneous expenditure ■ £ 873,490 396,732 80,630 £ 822,786 356,289 59,549 £ 729,091 402,041 53,126 1,350,852 68,410 6,883,181 1,238,624 52,307 5,839,402 1,184,258 47,128 4,039,625 8,302,443 7,130,333 158,924* 13,714 '5,271,011 214,045 32,553 8,302,443 7,302,971 5,517,609 * Includes value of Crown lands transferred to Small Farms Account, £21,672, and interest on proceeds of sales of •drown lands under section 13 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926, £80,845.

Small Farms Act, 1932-33. — Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929. Small Farm Tenants. Waikato Land Settlement Society Tenants. Section 11, Finance Act, 1933. Total. 1 Ho. of Mortgagors. Amount. No. of Mortgagors. Amount. No. of Mortgagors. 1 Amount. No. of Mortgagors. Amount. No. of Mortgagors. Amount Amounts advanced during the year ended 31st March, 1949 — On Current Account — For improvements For stock and chattels Proceeds readvanced On instalment mortgage— For land and improvements .. 9 2 62 1 £ 1,354 184 6,860 230 17 29 203 £ 1,948 4,252 43,437 3,063 4 24 29 £ 312 4,736 10,289 £ 30 55 294 * 3 £ 3,614 9,172 60,586 3,293 Total .. 8,628 52,700 15,337 76,665 Advances outstanding at 31st March, 1949 — Current Account— Improvements .. Stock and chattels Instalment mortgage: Land and improvements 79 16 209 33,265 2,696 97,930 71 119 344 13,122 31,186 279,598 11 28 28 1,623 12,336 44,144 ' 1 i24 161 163 582 48,010 46,218 421,796 Total 133,891 323,906 58,103 124 516,024


Postponements, Remissions, and Arrears of Rent and Interest

OPERATIONS UNDER THE SERVICEMEN'S SETTLEMENT AND LAND SALES ACT, 1943 Applications The total number of applications for consent to transactions filed during the year ended 31st March, 1949, showed a small increase on the number for the previous year, being 41,761, against 41,352 for the year ending 31st March, 1948. The rural applications showed a marked reduction from 5,466 to 4,800, while the urban showed a corresponding increase from 35,886 to 36,961. Applications disposed of during the year totalled 41,596, which is 165 fewer than those received. However, that difference is very small (less than half per cent.) and indicates that the Committees are keeping the work up to date. Reduction in Consideration-moneys Reductions in consideration-moneys directed by Committees for the year ending 31st March, 1949, totalled £2,845,252, which shows an increase of £112,247 on corresponding figures for the previous year. Appeals During the year 172 appeals were lodged, as against 259 for the year ending' 31st March, 1948. Only 15 appeals had not been disposed of at the end of the year, as against 32 which were outstanding at the end of the previous year. Land Valuation Court Consequent on the passing of the Land Valuation Court Act, 1948 (see reference under " Legislation "), the Land Sales Court and Land Sales Committees have been abolished, and their functions have been taken over by the Land Valuation Court and Land Valuation Committees. As the Land Valuation Court, in addition to exercising jurisdiction under the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, while it remains in force, will exercise jurisdiction over other matters, and is a permanent body, it is only right that it should come under the Justice Department for administrative purposes. Administration matters were taken over by the Justice Department on Ist January, 1949. Pending the appointment of officers of that Department as officials of the Court, the officials of the Land Sales Court were seconded to the Justice Department, and the costs of administration were met to 31st March from the Lands Department's vote out of moneys appropriated by Parliament for the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943. The appointment of officers of the Court has now been completed.


— | Year Ended 31st March, 1949. Year Ended 31st March, 1948. (i) Postponements of rents and interest granted during the year (ii) Rents and interest the payment of which remains postponed (iii) Arrears of rents and interest (including arrears in respect of the current half-yearly charge) (iv) Remissions of rents and interest granted during the year £ 681 3,635 65,353 11,551 £ 437 4,410 123,344 5,601


The Land Valuation Court Act provided that the Judge and other two members of the Land Sales Court should be the first Judge and members of the Land Valuation ■Court. His Excellency the Governor-General in Council appointed the members of Land Sales Committees to be members of the Land Valuation Committees. The same number of Committees (16) were appointed. I should like to pay a tribute here to the efficient manner in which those members -of the Lands Department who were officials in the Land Sales Court registries performed their work. To most of these officers Court work was something new. Many of the registries were often short staffed, yet the filing and handling of applications were dealt with expeditiously, and, in spite of considerable pressure of work at times, the staff endeavoured to give legal practitioners and the general public the service which was their due. _ To those who have been transferred to the Justice Department I wish them every success in their new Department. Exercise of Crown Rights Under Part II and Part 111 (Section 51) of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943 Details of land acquired under Parts II and 111 (section 51) of the Act are given in a later section of this report under the heading of." Land Development and Settlement of Ex-servicemen."

Return of Applications for the Year Ended 31st March, 1949


Registry. Brought Forward From Previous Year. Received During Year. Granted Without Hearing. Granted After Hearing. Granted Subject to Conditions Refused or Withdrawn. Total Finalized. Action Incomplete. Farm lands— Auckland Hamilton Gisborne Napier New Plymouth Wellington Blenheim Nelson Hokitika Christchurch Dunedin Invercargill 167 143 24 37 58 62 9 28 5 75 84 72 975 789 143 227 299 404 62 227 59 721 491 403 400 414 109 167 210 238 40 135 40 456 235 219 90 23 12 4 3 2 3 1 23 2 5 441 267 20 63 83 142 16 64 14 173 173 124 66 93 6 9 24 37 6 20 2 42 75 59 997 797 147 243 317 420 64 222 57 694 485 407 145 135 20 21 40 46 7 33 7 102 90 68 Totals 764 4,800 2,663 168 1,580 439 4,850 714 •Other lands— Auckland Hamilton Gisborne Napier New Plymouth „ Wellington Blenheim Nelson Hokitika Christchurch Dunedin Invercargill 914 512 44 227 116 818 22 95 34 463 372 161 9,907 3,917 673 1,862 1,410 7,585 458 1,058 392 5,261 2,949 1,489 5,062 2,155 440 1,140 777 3,644 210 592 249 2,539 1,267 711 824 100 40 13 1 48 7 2 4 131 5 7 3,584 1,536 173 621 5.15 3,508 204 367 137 2,370 1,439 660 255 205 33 95 70 362 14 66 14 186 254 110 9,725 3,996 686 1,869 1,363 7,562 435 1,027 404 5,226 2,965 1,488 1,096 433 31 220 163 841 45 126 22 498 356 162 Totals 3,778 36,961 18,786 1,182 15,114 1,664 36,746 3,993 Grand totals .. 4,542 41,761 21,449 1,350 16,694 2,103 41,596 4,707


Return of Appeals Filed During Year Ended 31st March, 1949

Reductions in Consideration Directed by Land Sales Committees for Year Ended 31st March, 1949


Registry. Number Brought Forward Prom Previous Year. Number Lodged. Dismissed. Allowed in Part. Allowed in Pull. Withdrawn. Referred Back to Committee or Adjourned. Total Number Disposed of. t ; P*£ 3 § O-o fejhf ! ~ QAuckland 7 52 8 12 3 23 5 51 g Hamilton 2 24 5 6 3 7 1 29 4. Gisborne 3 2 1 4 Napier 2 9 1 5 5 o 11 New Plymouth 1 3 2 1 1 4 Wellington 7 59 44 4 4 9 5 66 Blenheim 2 1 1 o Nelson i 2 1 1 1 z, Q Hokitika i 1 2 Q 9 Christchurch 6 10 7 • 7 14 2 Dunedin 7 2 2 1 1 6 ' Invercargill *2 1 1 1 1 3 Totals 32 1 172 72 43 11 49 14 189 15

Registry. Farm Lands. Other Lands. Totals. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. J Amount, Auckland 427 £ 150,438 3,960 £ 562,237 4,387 £ 712,675Hamilton 257 117,779 1,528 182,381 1,785 300,160 Gisborne 21 7,745 179 19,893 200 27,638 Napier 62 27,307 621 77,652 683 104,959New Plymouth 83 40,836 515 75,716 598 116,552 Wellington 118 69,695 3,410 581,796 3,528 651,491 Blenheim 16 13,888 206 32,897 222 46,785Nelson 40 9,139 282 37,196 322 46,335Hokitika 14 3,702 136 27,212 150 30,914 Christchurch 179 65,833 2,455 289,459 2,634 355,292' Dunedin .. 174 86,232 1,441 212,583 1,615 298,815 Invercargill 127 60,050 658 93,586 785 ' 153,636Totals 1,518 652,644 15,391 2,192,608 16,909 2,845,252


LAND DEVELOPMENT AND SETTLEMENT OF EX-SERVICEMEN Tables A, B, and C appearing later in this report show details of properties purchased .and acquired during the year for development and for the settlement of ex-servicemen. Summarized, the figures for the twelve months ending 31st March, 1949, and from the inception of the ex-servicemen settlement scheme up to 31st March, 1949, are :


— Year Ended 31st March, 1949. Erom Inception to 31st March, 1949. Area (Acres). Estimated Number of Units. Area (Acres). Estimated Number of Units. Purchased by voluntary negotiation Acquired compulsorily under Part II, Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943 Acquired compulsorily under section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and- Land Sales Act, 1943 Totals Total for previous twelve months ended 31st March, 1948 ."Some of these properties or portions thereof have been utili purposes : — (a) To Maori Affairs Department for the settlement of Ma (b) To Department of Agriculture for experimental purpo (c) To State Forest Service for afforestation purpose farming.) (d) To adjoining owners to square up boundaries. (e) Requiring long-term development. "The total of these utilizations is 208,454 32,904 8,364 296 127 38 662,696 108,301 122,441 1,216 338 405 249,722 461 893,438 54,775 1,959 40 205,069* 362 zed for the following tori ex-servicemen, ses. ss. (Unsuitable for Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. Prior to the war the Department had various areas of Crown land under development for civilian settlemsnt, and those areas suitable for early settlement have been set aside for the settlement of ex-servicemen. The total set aside is .. Total area available for ex-servicemen settlement Allotments made to ex-servicemen at 31st March, 1949— (а) On fixed charges : 282,012 acres (944 units) .. .. .. (б) On wages with promise of permanent allotment on completion of )* development : 189,670 acres (333 units) J Balance, area on hand for allotment to ex-servicemen on completion of development 838,663 81,086 1,919 320 919,749 471,682 2,239 1,277 448,067 962 * After adjustments on surveys.


The number of ex-servicemen who have been established on permanent tenure or on wages or other similar basis with the promise of permanent tenure upon completion of the development programme and the area involved for the twelve months ending 31st March, 1949, and from the inception of the ex-servicemen settlement scheme up to 31st March, 1949, are :

These figures do not include ex-servicemen who have been assisted' by way of rehabilitation loans to purchase established farms on their own account. The number of allotments during the year ending 31st March, 1949, which is 338 y shows a marked increase on the previous year's figure of 248. The full effect of the year's programme will not, however, be apparent until the end of June, 1949, but the notes supplied by officers in charge of development operations show that a considerable number of additional units will be made available before the commencement of the new dairy season. It is confidently anticipated that the total allotments for the season, Ist July, 1948, to 30th June, 1949, will exceed 400. The following comments are submitted on the development and settlement operations by the officers in charge of this work in each district:— Auckland Development District An improvement in the supply of fertilizer had a beneficial effect on the pastures on blocks, and good weather conditions resulted in high production. As in the past, difficulty was again experienced in having buildings erected prior to the commencement of the dairying season. Araparera, at Kaukapakapa, 389 acres. Acquired, November, 1944. Objective : Two dairy-farms—one of 180 acres allotted on fixed charges, July, 1947, the balance of 209 acres totally undeveloped. Awaroa, at Ruawai, 461 acres. Acquired : 287 acres, February, 1945, and 174 acres, May, 1948. Objective : Five dairy-farms—three allotted on fixed charges August, 1948, and two will be allotted July, 1949. Battens, at Waipu, 1,576 acres. An abandoned Crown security comprising sheep and cattle-grazing country. The possibilities of a full-scale development programme, including a considerable amount of clearing and grassing, is under consideration to provide two sheep units.


1st April, 1948, to From Inception to 31st March, 1949. 31st March, 1949. Land District. Area. Units. Area. Units. Acres. Acres. North Auckland 3,235 33 12,899 92 Auckland 8,818 71 58,113 376 Grisborne 20,106 22 46,999 57 Hawkes Bay 9,758 26 34,139 103 Taranaki 2,201 12 11,438 75 Wellington 31,959 57 69,368 191 Marlborough 18,496 12 34,949 43 Nelson 210 4 1,379 16 Westland 1,012 2 1,012 2 Canterbury 50,639 70 124,604 189 Otago 15,109 12 52,919 66 Southland 5,661 17 23,863 67 Total 167,204 338 471,682 1,277 Total for previous twelve months ended 31st March, 1948 : 99,81 7 acres (248 units).


Bradleys, at Te Kopuru, 1,249 acres. Acquired, January, 1941. Objective : Seven -dairy units, plus run-off area. Development programme : Cultivation and regrassing practically whole area, roading, water-supplies, electric power, fencing, and the erection of new buildings. Progress: Three houses, four cow-sheds, and three implement-sheds erected, roading and regrassing practically completed, and major water-supply scheme -commenced. Six sections will be balloted with possession, July, 1949. Brooklands, at Papakura, 377 acres. Acquired, February, 1945. Objective : Two •dairy-farms, one mixed farm. Progress : Two dairy-farms already allotted on fixed charges. Pasture improvement on the remaining unit has been completed, and section will be allotted, July, 1949, to the ex-serviceman at present on wages with promise. Crosland, at Helensville, 3,170 acres. Acquired, April, 1947. Objective: Five dairy farms and two sheep-farms, but possibility of obtaining an additional unit bemg investigated. Development programme ; Erection of buildings, improving pastures, and renovating fences. Progress: Erection of buildings progressing, fencing and pasture improvement practically completed under present subdivision scheme. Five dairy units will be allotted, July, 1949. Dargaville, at Dargaville, 237 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective: Two dairy-farms. Development programme: Erection of buildings, fencing, draining, -cultivation, water-supplies, and farm tracks. Progress : Practically completed, and .sections will be allotted, July, 1949. One ex-serviceman working on wages with promise of a section. Glorit, at Kaipara Harbour, 206 acres. Acquired, January, 1949. Run-off area. Henrys, at Patumahoe, 210 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : One dairy unit and small area for amalgamation with holding of neighbouring ex-serviceman. Development programme: Erection of buildings, extension of water-supply, and •erection of fencing. Progress: Completed, and charges will be fixed' as soon as compensation assessed. One ex-serviceman working on wages, with promise of a section. Hillcrest, at Waikiekie, 661 acres. Acquired, June, 1944. Objective : Subdivision not finalized. Development programme : Owing to the nature of the country extensive •development work is necessary, and the provision of a water-supply is a major problem. Hungerford's, at Waiuku, 127 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective: One dairy unit. Development programme : Crushing scrub, grassing, installation of waterisupply, renovation of fences, planting of shelter-belts, and erection of buildings. Progress : 40 acres scrub crushed, water-supply and fencing practically completed, 1,000 shelter trees planted, but contractor not yet obtained for erection of dwelling. Kaitaia, at Kaitaia, 2,305 acres. Acquired, April, 1934. Objective : Subdivision not finally planned. Development programme : Maintenance of the grassed area was carried out during the year. Consolidation of the paddocks, particularly on the peat .areas, is still taking place, and some of these have become so rough that it is not possible to mow or harrow them. In order that reasonable control can be obtained, approximately 50 acres of the roughest paddocks were disked, levelled, oversown, and rolled. Kapiro, at Kerikeri, 550 acres. The area of Crown land totals some 12,000 acres, of which 42 acres has been used for some years as an experimental area. During the - year it was decided to proceed with development of additional 550 acres to provide one dairy unit and one sheep unit. Five hundred acres is now being ploughed and disked. Katikati, at Tauranga, 1,347 acres. Acquired: 473 acres, October, 1946, and £74 acres, June, 1948. Objective : Subdivision not finalized, but tentative scheme provides for two mixed and four dairy units. Development programme: Erection of buildings, new pasture, fencing, electric power, water-supplies, and roading. Progress : Approximately 150 acres of fern and scrub country has been brought into ■grass, 71 chains of new fences erected, and 107 chains repaired. •JO y



Kokonga, at Waikaretu, 3,713 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective : Five sheep units on 2,960 acres, for allotment in 1950, balance indefinite. Development work completed includes the sowing of 90 acres in crops, 112 acres crushed, and 60 chains of new internal fencing erected. Komiri, at Pukekohe, 167 acres. Acquired, May,'l947. Objective: Two dairy units, for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Erection of buildings,, water-supplies, electric power, new drains, and fences. Progress : Practically completed except for buildings. One ex-serviceman working on wages, with promise of a unit. Kumi, at Awanui, 347 acres. Acquired : 258 acres, September, 1946, and 89 acres October, 1948. Objective : Three dairy units. Development on 160 acres of original area practically completed and will be allotted' July, 1949, to the two ex-servicemen at present on wages ; the balance of 98 acres is poor gum land being held as a possible run-off. The area of 89 acres acquired in 1948 is not being developed until construction work on flood-gates and stop-banks is completed. Lake View, at Ahipara, 796 acres. Acquired, June, 1945. Two dairy-farms allotted r July, 1947 ; balance of 540 acres unsuitable for settlement. Littlejohns, at Hikutaia, 129 acres. Acquired, July, 1946. Objective : One dairyunit for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Draining, grassing, fencing, erection of cow-shed, and repairs to dwelling. Progress: Draining and fencing commenced. Difficulty experienced in obtaining a contractor for building work. One ex-serviceman in occupation, with promise of allotment. Mahuta, at Dargaville, 423 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Objective : Two dairy units. Development programme : Major water-supply scheme, roading, fencing,, draining, cultivation and pasture improvement, and buildings. Progress : Good progress made with grassing, fencing, and roading ; buildings are under way, but lack of materials has held up the installation of the water-supply. Mamaranui, at Dargaville, 959 acres. Acquired", May, 1945. Objective : Four dairy units —three, of 597 acres, were allotted July, 1948 ; balance, 362 acres, is totally undeveloped. Mangawai, at Mangawai, 1,862 acres. Acquired, July, 1935. Objective : Eight dairy-farms on 1,084 acres ; balance unsuitable for settlement. Complete new sets of buildings have been erected and, with the exception of some cultivation on two sections and the dredging of the main canal, development work has been completed. Charges should be fixed in July, 1949, for the eight ex-servicemen who are at present working on wages. Maraetai, at Tokoroa (Crown Land). 3,200 acres under development, but development area being extended. Subdivision not finally planned. Development programme : Clearing, cultivation, and grassing of totally undeveloped scrub country, fencing, roading, installation of water-supplies., and the erection of complete sets of new buildings. Progress : Building of cow-sheds, implement-sheds, and pump-houses commenced. Approximately 3,200 acres has been sown in permanent pasture, 560 chains of road has been formed and 2,310 chains of new fencing completed. Eight dairy sections will be allotted for the 1949-50 dairy season, and the successful applicants will be required -to supply milk to the Mangakino Township throughout the year. Efforts to obtain contractors to erect houses on this block have been unsuccessful, but temporary accommodation will be provided until such time as houses are erected. Matahuru, at Taniwha, 360 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective: Four dairy-farms for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Erection of new buildings, fencing, and installation of water-supplies. Progress : All work is under way, and the sections will be balloted June, 1949.



Matakohe, at Ruawai, 1,045 acres. Acquired, September, 1947. Objective : Four dairy-farms for allotment, June, 1949. Development programme: Regrassing, buildings, fencing, draining, and water-supply. Progress : 162 acres sown in new grass, over 640 chains of fencing repaired and renovated, and the installation of water-supplies almost completed. Matariki, at Whangarei, 334 acres. Acquired, February, 1945. Objective : Three dairy-farms—one section allotted, July, 1948, and expected that the other two will be allotted, July, 1949, to the two ex-servicemen at present working on wages. Mauku, at Patumahoe, 592 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective : Six or seven dairy-farms. Development programme : Erection of buildings, fencing, installation of water-supplies, and eradication 250 acres heavy gorse and tea-tree, and grassing. Progress : Three sets buildings completed, 200 chains fencing renovated, water-supplies completed, scrub and gorse burnt, and 150 acres pasture renovated. Three ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Motutapu (locality, Hauraki Gulf), 3,606 acres. This area is farmed by the Department on behalf of the Army Department. With the application of fertilizer, heavier stocking has been possible, and this has resulted in a reduction of the growth of ratstail. During the year a further 125 acres was sown in grass and 100 acres in crops, while 400 chains of fencing was renewed. Okahukura, at Wellsford, 9,041 acres. Acquired, March, 1945. Objective : Subdivisional scheme not finalized. Development programme : This block calls for longterm development to bring about 6,000 acres into production. Approximately 5,000 acres is in drainable swamp, and extensive roading will be necessary. Progress : Pasturerenovation has been carried out over 450 acres, and 700 acres giant-disked or rolled. Main drain completed and side drains proceeding. Approximately 20,000 ft. of pinetrees have been felled and milled for farm buildings on this block. Opou, at Ngatea, 573 acres. Acquired, June, 1947. Objective : Subdivision three dairy-farms for allotment, July, 1949, plus run-off area. Development programme : Renovation pastures, fencing, draining, water-supply, and new buildings. Progress : 138 acres pasture reconditioned, 1,030 chains fencing renovated and renewed, 66 chains new drains, 110 chains drains reconditioned, and buildings commenced. One ex-serviceman in occupation, with promise of a section. Patumahoe, at Patumahoe, 140 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective : Two dairy-farms allotted, September, 1948. Potters, at Otahuhu, 21 acres. Objective : Seven market-garden (hothouse tomato) units offered for selection without buildings, with provision for applicants to apply for rehabilitation finance for buildings. Pouarua (locality, Hauraki Plains), 12,147 acres. Acquired, October, 1937. This block is made up of the Pouarua Block proper, 10,521 acres, a deep-peat area being worked on a long-term development plan ; the Kerepeehi Block, of 1,568 acres, which is being prepared for early settlement; and a 58-acre dairy-farm which is being used for experiments in mineral deficiency. On the main block the usual reconditioning and cleaning of drains, clearing and stumping swamp, and top-dressing was carried out. Experiments by the Animal Reserach Division and the Soil Fertility Branch were continued. Two ex-servicemen on wages on Kerepeehi Block, with promises of sections, will have charges fixed, July, 1949. Pukeoware, at Waiuku, 242 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective : Two dairy units for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Erection of new buildings, renovations to existing buildings, fencing, and installation of water-supply. Progress : Practically completed except for buildings. One ex-serviceman in occupation, with promise of a section.



Puriri, at Kaitaia, 1,403 acres. Acquired, November, 1933. Subdivision not finalized. Pastures have made a good recovery, a healthy growth of clovers being evidenced. A decrease in the number of sheep grazed and their replacement by cattle checked the growth of rushes, although there is still a heavy growth in some parts. Owing to labour shortage, the progress of clearing the area of timber suitable for fencingmaterials is behind schedule, but it is hoped to have this work completed during the coming year. Riponui, at Whangarei, 912 acres. Acquired : 301 acres, December, 1945, and 611 acres, September, 1947. Objective : Five dairy-farms. Development programme : Erection of houses, cow-sheds, and implement-sheds, fencing, draining, and the cultivation and grassing of about 480 acres. Progress : 480 acres grassed, 117 acres scrub rolled, 340 acres drained, 1,250 chains fencing, and two sets of buildings erected. Two sections will be allotted on fixed charges July, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of section. Riverside, at Tangowahine, 3,969 acres. Acquired, February, 1946. Objective: Four sheep-farms, for allotment, 1950. Development programme : Erection of buildings, fences, improvement and renewal of old pasture, and installation of water-supplies' Progress : Practically the whole of the cultivated areas sown in grass, and 400 chains fencing repaired. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Ruawai, at Ruawai, 528 acres. Acquired : 206 acres in May, 1944, and 322 acres in May, 1945. Development completed on 401 acres, and three ex-servicemen established on dairy units; balance, 127 acres, transferred to Maori Affairs Department for settlement of "Maori ex-servicemen. This block is under control of Commissioner of Crown Land, North Auckland. Te Kawau, at Helensville, 3,413 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : Thirteen dairy units for allotment in 1950 and two sheep units. Development programme: Erection of buildings, fences, installation of water-supplies and electric power, clearing, cultivation, regrassing, and draining. Progress : 50 chains of new boundary fences erected, 100 chains of drains reconditioned, and 485 acres sown in new grass. Thompsons, at Kaihere, 102 acres. Acquired, November, 1944. All development completed, and section allotted July, 1948, as one dairy unit. Tikokopu, at Helensville, 4,600 acres. Acquired, February, 1945. Objective : Seven dairy and six sheep farms. Development programme : Erection of buildings, fences, installation of water-supplies, roading, draining, and the development and renovation of pastures. Progress : 400 acres of virgin country and run-out pasture ploughed and regrassed, 800 acres renovated and oversown, and 200 acres sown in new grass, 100 acres under cultivation, and over 15 miles of fencing erected or renewed. One sheep unit alloted on fixed charges, June, 1948, and should be possible to ballot two sheep sections and five dairy units in 1950. Waikare, at Te Kauwhata, 505 acres. Acquired : 460 acres, October, 1946, and 45 acres, June, 1947. All development work completed and five dairy sections allotted September, 1948. Waipapakauri, at Waipapakauri, 589 acres. Surplus area from Waipapakauri Aerodrome taken over, January, 1948. Objective : Five dairy units. Development programme : Erection of new buildings, fencing, regrassing, stumping, draining, and installation of water-supplies. Progress : 43 acres grassed and 35 acres stumped and levelled, 62 chains fencing renewed, and 67 chains drains deepened. One ex-serviceman on wages, with promise of a section. Waitoki, at Te Aroha, 296 acres. Acquired June, 1947. All development work completed and two dairy sections allotted, September, 1948.



Watkins, at Matatoki, 93 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : One dairyunit for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Renovations to house and cow-shed, fencing, draining, and water supply. Progress : 23 chains drains and 220 chains fencing and flood-gate completed. One ex-serviceman on wages, with promise of section. Watkins, at Ngatea, 121 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : One dairy unit for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Reconditioning of house, erection of cow-shed and implement-shed, fencing, and draining. Progress: Practically completed except for buildings. One ex-serviceman on wages, with promise of section. Waynes, at Pokeno, 165 acres. Acquired, September, 1948. To be used as run-offs for Hauraki Plains areas. Whakapara, at Whakapara, 1,325 acres. Acquired, December, 1948. Objective : Six dairy units for allotment in 1950. Development programme : New buildings, watersupply, fencing, and farm tracks. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Whangapoua, at Coromandel, 2,327 acres. Acquired : 2,110 acres, February, 1946, and 217 acres, February, 1948. Objective : Ten dairy units and three mixed units. Development programme : Buildings, fencing, roading, water-supplies, and the development and renovation of pastures. Progress : Boundary fencing and draining almost completed and 1,177 acres of new grass sown, while 130 acres of manuka crushed and ready for grassing next season. Balance of original area transferred to State Forest Service. Wharekohe, at Whangarei, 965 acres (Crown land). Objective : Six dairy units for allotment in 1950. Development programme : Erection of buildings, clearing and cultivation, fencing and draining, and the installation of water-supplies. Progress : Three barns built, 200 acres scrub rolled, 600 acres giant-disked, and 30 chains of access tracks formed. Whenuanui, at Ruawai, 176 acres. Acquired : 136 acres, August, 1946, and 40 acres, September, 1947. Development work completed and two dairy units allotted in August, 1948. Whitecliffs, at Wairamarama, 1,941 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Objective : Two sheep units for allotment in 1950-51. Development programme : Buildings are required for one section, but little other work, apart from fencing and farm tracks, will be necessary. Te Kuiti Development District Aratia, at Matamata, 400 acres. Objective : Four dairy-farms for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Erection of new, and renovations existing, farm buildings, water-supply, fencing, draining, and pastures. Progress : Buildings under erection. Water-supply awaiting material. Other development nearing completion. Two ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Arohena, at Te Awamutu, balance of area, 4,378 acres. Objective ; Two sheep sections comprising a total of approximately 849 acres to be settled, July, 1949, and one sheep unit of approximately 509 acres in March, 1950. Balance indefinite. Development programme : Erection of dwellings, farm buildings, sheep-yards, fencing, water-supply, clearing, and grassing. Progress : All development and building on sections being settled nearing completion. Material-shortage delaying water-supply. Ellicott's, at Te Awamutu, balance of area, 614 acres. Objective : Two sheep units. Development practically completed, and acquisition of additional land being investigated in order to make two economic sheep-farms. Foss', at Pukeatua, 438 acres. Objective : Two mixed units for allotment in 1951. Development programme : Erection of one dwelling and necessary farm buildings, fencing, water reticulation, and pasture consolidation. Progress : 80 acres grassed.



Henderson's, at Otorohanga, balance of area, 569 acres. Objective : Three mixed units for settlement, July, 1949. Development programme: Erection of houses, farm buildings, fencing, water-suppfy, and draining. Progress : Nearing completion, but lack of material retarding completion of water-supply. Horotiu, at Hamilton, 260 acres. Acquired, February, 1949. Objective : Three dairy units for settlement in 1952. Development programme : Erection of dwelling and complete set of farm buildings for each section, water-supply, and extensive fencing and pasture improvement. Hurley's, at Cambridge, 491 acres. Acquired, February, 1949. Ultimate utilization not yet determined. Kaeaea, at Aria, 1,639 acres. Long-term development programme of extensive clearing, grassing, swamp drainage, and fencing. Scheme of subdivision and settlement proposals will not be finalized until further development is affected. Karctkariki, at Whatawhata, balance of area, 410 acres. Considerable fencing, grassing, and breaking-in of rough country required before settlement can be envisaged. During the year 168 acres of grassing completed and dwelling and store and implement shed completed. Kin, at Cambridge, 699 acres. Objective : Two dairy units for settlement in 1949, one mixed unit in 1950, and two mixed units in 1952-53. Development programme : Farm buildings on all sections, fencing, water-supply, clearing, and grassing. Progress : Buildings for sections being settled this year are under construction and other work is nearing completion, apart from water-supply, which will be delayed due to material shortages. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Kohua, at Aria, balance of area, 743 acres after disposal of one sheep unit of 358 acres to an ex-serviceman in May, 1946. 224 acres is heavy bush unsuitable for settlement, 71 acres is set aside for a scenic reserve, and balance, 448 acres, will be allotted in March, 1951, as one sheep unit. Development programme : Swamp drainage, clearing, grassing, fencing, and erection of dwelling and implement-shed. Progress : Drainage', pasture consolidation, and new grassing carried out during year. Komakorau, at Hamilton, 734 acres. Development completed and allotted as six dairy units. Kura, at Cambridge, 404 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective : To be settled in July, 1949, as four dairy-farms. Development programme : Extensive fencing, watersupply, houses, and farm buildings. Progress: Shortage of materials delaying water-supply; other development nearing completion. Ex-serviceman .manager, with promise of a section. Kuranui, at Morrinsville, 861 acres. Objective : Two dairy-farms to be settled, July, 1949, and two sheep-farms, 1950. Development programme. Erection of houses,' farm buildings, water-supply, and considerable fencing. Progress : Completed for the dairy units, and is progressing on the sheep sections. Ex-serviceman manager and two ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Langdons, at Te Awamutu, 456 acres. Development completed and allotted as two units. Maihiihi, at Otorohanga, balance of area, 215 acres. Objective : To be settled as one mixed unit in July, 1951. Development programme : House, farm buildings, fencing, water-supply, drainage, clearing, and grassing. During the year development on one dairy unit was completed and section settled, July, 1948. Mangamahoe, at Otorohanga, balance of area, 454 acres. Objective : To be settled as one mixed farm in July, 1951, and one sheep-farm 1953. Development programme : Erection of dwelling and farm buildings, water-supply, fencing, clearing, and grassing. Progress : fencing and pasture establishment was carried out during the year.



Mangaorino, at Te Kuiti, 832 acres. Objective : two sheep units —one to be settled in 1951, but early settlement of the balance not contemplated. Erection of farm buildings, permanent grassing, and fencing were carried out during the year. Mangatea, at Te Hoe, 309 acres. Development completed and allotted as three dairy units, July, 1948. Mangati, at Pirongia, balance of area, 440 acres. Objective: To be settled as one sheep unit in March, 1951. Development programme : Pasture consolidation and sowingdown of 73 acres in grass, erection of dwelling and implement shed, and one bridge. Progress : One dairy unit was settled during the year after completion of the development programme thereon. Mapara, at Te Kuiti, balance of area, 5,479 acres after disposal of one mixed unit of 199 acres to an ex-serviceman in July, 1945. 141 acres allotted to a civilian in July, 1946, and from the balance of 5,338 acres one sheep unit may be settled in 1950 and one mixed unit in 1951, with the remainder representing a long-term development programme, including considerable scrub-cutting, clearing, and grassing, fencing, internal roading, .and farm buildings. Progress : Considerable progress made with grassing, drainage, fencing, and general pasture consolidation. Maru, at Te Aroha, 567 acres. Objective : To be settled as four dairy-farms in July, 1949, and two in July, 1950., Development programme : Erection of dwellings .and farm buildings, provision of water-supply and extensive pasture reconditioning, drainage, and fencing. Progress : Development work on sections being settled in July, 1949, nearing completion. Ex-serviceman manager and two ex-servicemen on- wages, with promises of sections. Matiere, at Ohura, 957 acres. Acquired, December, 1948. Subdivision proposals not yet finalized, but property will probably be settled as one sheep unit and one mixed unit after erection of farm buildings and provision of fencing, water-supply, and pasture improvement. Maungakawa, at Cambridge, 958 acres. Objective : two sheep-farms for settlement, April, 1950. Development programme : Erection of house, wool-shed, and other farm buildings, fencing, roading, clearing, and grassing. Progress': The largest proportion of programme completed. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Newstead, at Hamilton, 1,221 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective: twelve dairy sections to be settled progressively from July, 1949, to at least 1956. Development programme : Property includes large areas of burnt-over peat land that has reverted to scrub, and in addition considerable areas of worn-out pastures requiring renewing, .fencing, and water reticulation. A large building programme is also envisaged. Progress : Sufficient progress made to anticipate the allotment of one dairy unit on a permanent tenure from July, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Ngatamahine, at Aria, balance of area, 3,353 acres. Objective : 950 acres will possibly be settled a.s two sheep and three dairy units in 1951. Settlement of remainder will require some years. Development programme Swamp drainage, scrub-cutting, clearing, grassing, and a complete building programme. Progress : Considerable drainage, fencing, and grassing completed during the year. Oniao, at Aria, 777 acres. Objective : 690 acres could probably be settled in 1950-51 as two sheep units, but if swamp-drainage scheme undertaken, three mixed units should be possible by 1952. Development programme : Erection of buildings, fencing, drainage, and pasture improvement. Progress : During the year progress was made in drainage, fencing, and grassing, but road-construction delayed buildings. Oparure, at Te Kuiti, 1,939 acres. Objective : Three or four sheep-farms. Settlement date at present indefinite. Development programme: Large fencing, clearing, and grassing in addition to a comprehensive water scheme. Progress : All development work is proceeding, and it is anticipated that after observing the effect of pasture improvement settlement intentions will be finalized next year. Two ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections.



Owaikura, at Otorohanga, balance of area. 251 acres. Objective : One dairy-farm to be settled, July, 1950, and one mixed to be settled in 1952. Development programme : Swamp drainage, clearing, grassing, water-supply, and fencing. Progress : All work was completed on two dairy-farms' settled during the year. Buildings completed. Watersupply delayed due to shortage of materials. Ex-serviceman manager with promise of a section. Pamotu, at Wharepuhunga, 1,870 acres. Objective : Five mixed and three sheepfarms—three to be settled, July, 1949, and three, July, 1950. Development programme : Considerable fencing, clearing, grassing, water-supply, and erection of buildings. Progress : During the year sufficient work was completed to enable three farms to be settled in July, 1949. Piping shortage delaying water-supply. One ex-serviceman on wages, with promise of allotment. Paratu, at Walton, balance of area, 1,303 acres. Objective: Eight or nine mixed sections —two of which should be settled July, 1949, and three or four the following year. Development programme : Extensive roading, fencing, building, water-supply, and grassing. Progress : With the exception of water-supply, satisfactory progress was made on all aspects of development during the year, and two mixed farms will be settled in July, 1949. Two ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Parau, at Oparau, 692 acres. Objective : Two sheep-farms in March, 1950. Development programme : Erecting of farm buildings, fencing, and grassing. Progress : Pasture improvement and fencing carried out during the year, and sections should be ready for settlement by March, 1950. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. PiaJco, at Morrinsville, 501 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : six dairy units in July, 1949. Development programme: Additional buildings, fencing, watersupply, and drainage. Progress : Due to lack of piping, limited water-supplies only can be provided. Apart from this, all sections should be ready for settlement jn July, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager ajid two ex-servicemen on wages with promises of sections. Piarere, at Matamata, 166 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : To be settled as two dairy-farms in July, 1949. Development programme : Erection of houses, farm buildings, fencing, and extension of water-supply, drainage, and grassing. Progress : Both sections should be settled in July, 1949, with limited water-supplies. Ex-service-man manager, with promise of a section. Piu, at Mapiu, balance of area, 5,896 acres. Early settlement not contemplated. Development work includes scrub-cutting, stumping, grassing, and fencing. Fencing, clearing, grassing, and pasture consolidation progressed during the year. Pungapunga, at Taumarunui, 617 acres. Development completed and allotted as two sheep units. Puniu, at Te Awamutu, 166 acres. Acquired, October, 1948. Objective : Two dairy-farms. Development programme : Erection of farm buildings, subdivisional fencing, and provision of water-supplies. Progress : Buildings are in course of construction and property should be ready for settlement in July, 1949, with limited water-supplies due to shortage of piping. Pururu, at Te Kuiti, balance of 1,731 acres. Objective : One mixed farm in 1951, and two sheep units in 1953 or 1954, if efforts to obtain additional land are successful. Comprises considerable rough country, some unsuitable for development. Developmentprogramme : Erection of farm buildings, fencing, water-supply, clearing, and grassing. Progress : Clearing, grassing, and fencing was proceeded with during the year. Exserviceman manager, with promise of a section. RaetiM, at Raetihi, balance of area, 1,768 acres. Objective : Five sheep-farms in July, 1949, and two in July, 1950. Development programme : Roading, fencing, buildings, water-supply, and pasture establishment. Progress : Five farms will be settled in July, 1949, although buildings may not be completed and water-supplies will be delayed until piping is available. One ex-serviceman on wages, with promise of allotment.



Rangarangai, at Tauniarunui, balance of area, 779 acres, after having settled four sheep and four mixed units. Subdivision of remaining area delayed pending acquisition of adjoining area, but in the meantime development proceeding includes .scrub-cutting, grassing, fencing, access reading, and water-supply. Rumbles, at Pukeatua, 379 acres —one mixed unit of 257 acres allotted in September, 1948. Balance area, 122 acres, which was unsuitable for inclusion in area settled, is now being taken over by the Maori Affairs Department for incorporation in the Mamakumaru Development Scheme. Tahaia, at Otorohanga, 770 acres, of which 556 acres is unimproved Crown land on which development at present has been deferred. The remainder should subdivide into two dairy-farms after completion of fencing, clearing, grassing, water-supply, and buildings. Settlement not anticipated until July, 1952. Taliuna, at Morrinsville, 220 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Objective : Two dairyfarms in July, 1949. Development programme : Buildings, fencing, drainage, watersupply, and pasture improvement. Progress : Development proceeding, and settlement in July, 1949, anticipated. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Tapuwae, at Poro-o-torao, 3,328 acres. Settlement not anticipated at present due to special management problems, mineral deficiency, and isolation. Development during the year, although delayed due to labour shortage, included clearing, grassing, and pasture improvement. Tauhei, at Morrinsville, balance of area, 101 acres. Objective : To be settled July, 1949, as one dairy-farm. Development programme : Erection of buildings, fencing, water-supply, and pasture improvement. Progress : Completed on one section which was settled during the year, and settlement of the remaining unit is anticipated in July, 1949. One ex-serviceman on wages with promise of allotment. Te Hoe, at Te Hoe, 291 acres. Development completed and allotted as two dairy units, July, 1948. Te Mimi, at Morrinsville, 789 acres. Development completed and allotted as six dairy units July, 1948, plus 23 acres to adjoining owner. Te Puninga, at Morrinsville, 784 acres. Development completed and allotted as eight dairy units, July, 1948. Te Rahu, at Te Awamutu, 269 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective : Three dairy-farms. Development programme : Buildings, water-supply, fencing, and draining. Progress : Apart from water-supply, delayed through lack of materials, development is approaching completion and settlement of all farms is anticipated in July, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Toa, at Waitoa, 336 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective : Four dairy-farms in July, 1949. Development programme : Erection and renovation of buildings, roading, water-supply, and small amount of fencing, grassing, and drainage. Progress : Property will be settled in July, 1949. Tokirima, at Ohura, 1,605 acres. Objective : Four sheep-farms in July, 1949. Development programme : Buildings, fencing, and roading. Progress : During the year progress was made with the fencing programme, but difficulty has been experienced in obtaining contractors-for houses. Ex-serviceman manager and three ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Vincents, at Otorohanga, 196 acres. Development completed and allotted as one mixed unit, July, 1948. WaiheJcau, at Te Aroha, 240 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : Three dairy-farms. Development programme : Two houses and farm buildings, fencing, roading, water-supplies, and pasture improvement. Progress : Buildings are under construction, and sufficient progress made during the year to enable one unit to be settled in July, 1949, while the remaining two farms will be settled in July, 1950. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section.



Waihuka, at A\ aiiniha, 2,539 acres, on which early settlement is not intended. Area is subject to mineral deficiency, and, in addition to pasture improvement considerable fencing, burning, clearing, and grassing is intended. During the year, in addition to ragwort, rabbit, and fern control, fair progress was made with clearing and grassing. Waihuku, at Morrinsville, 1,053 acres. Development completed and allotted as ten dairy units. Wairama, at Kiwitahi, 685 acres. Objective : Four dairy-farms and one sheepfarm. Dairy-farms to be settled from July, 1949, to July, 1951, with the sheep unit settled in March, 1952. Development programme : Roading, scrub-cutting, grassing, fencing, water-supply, and buildings. Progress : During the year roading was completed, 100 chains fencing completed, and 130 acres of the undeveloped area cleared. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Waitanguru, at Mairoa, balance of area, 11,300 acres, which should provide eight sheep-farms for settlement between 1950 and 1952. Remainder bush and broken country, settlement of which is at present indefinite. Development programme : Clearing, grassing, internal roading, fencing, and pasture improvement. Progress : Building and fencing programme progressed during the year, and two farms will be ballotted on wages in July, 1949. Walton, at Walton, 422 acres. Objective : Four dairy-farms in July, 1949Development programme : Internal roading, drainage, fencing, water-supply, and buildings. Progress : Although buildings have been delayed, construction is now under way, roading has commenced, and fencing is almost completed. Only a limited watersupply is available due to shortage of piping. All sections will be settled in July, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager with promise of a section. Wharepapa, at Te Awamutu, balance of area, 1,337 acres. Objective : Two sheep-farms in July, 1949, and one sheep-farm in 1950, as well as one mixed unit in 1952. Development programme: Clearing, grassing, fencing, water-supply, and buildings. Progress: The buildings and water-supply programme is approaching completion, while further progress was made with fencing and grassing during the year Two sheep-farms will be settled on permanent tenures in July, 1949. Three ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Whataroa, at Te Kuiti, balance of area, 489 acres, being remaining area after settlement of eight dairy sections in 1946-47. Residue is largely swamp on which extensive drainage by Mangapu Drainage Board will be required before settlement can take place. In the meantime, work will consist of maintenance of drains and fences and care of stock. Whatauri, at Te Awamutu, 566 acres. Development completed and allotted as four mixed units. Rotorua Development District The past season has been an excellent one as regards production, and the high quality of herds and flocks has been maintained. The improved supply of fertilizer and fencing-wire has speeded up settlement, but this has absorbed the available supplies of water-piping, which is now very difficult to obtain. Although there has been an improvement in the building situation, it is still far from satisfactory . During the year full-scale development of virgin land was resumed after the break occasioned by the war, and in this district 5,870 acres were sown in permanent pasture. The grassing of further areas will be undertaken on an extensive scale next year to provide not only farms for ex-servicemen and later civilians, but also to give vitallyneeded protection, by way of grassed fire-breaks, to the large State forest plantations in the Rotorua and Taupo districts.



Atiamuri, at Rotorua,. 12,236 acres. Acquired : 986 acres, May, 1947, 10,152 acres,. May, 1948, and 1,098 acres, July, 1948. Long-term-development project involving extensive clearing and grassing, fencing, and buildings. Progress : 730 acres sown in new grass and further 200 acres being cultivated. Edgecumbe, at Edgecumbe, 7,308 acres. Acquired, August, 1936. Subdivisional scheme not finalized. During the year special attention has been given to the reestablishment of pasture, which deteriorated badly during the war years owing to shortage of fertilizer. Good results have been obtained from crushing, oversowing, and top-dressing. Portions of this block are very badly watered, and a trial bore has been sunk and it is now certain that satisfactory water can be obtained on these areas. A portion (part of Orini Block) is an important ponding area and subject to floods. Fairview, at Waimana, 1,978 acres. Acquired, June, 1945. Objective : Two dairy-farms for settlement in 1950 and two sheep-farms in 1951. Development programme : Grassing, fencing, water-supply, and buildings. Progress : 90 chains fencing and access road completed and considerable area oversown with good results, and re-establishment of pasture by crushing has been continued. Galatea, at Murupara, 25,112 acres. Acquired, 1931. Fifteen civilians and thirtyeight ex-servicemen have been established. A further three ex-servicemen will be established on permanent tenure as at Ist July, 1949, five sections will be ballotted on wages in July, 1949, and twelve more sections will be ballotted in 1950. This will leave approximately 14,491 acres still to be settled, and it is expected that this will provide seventy to eighty sections. The portion of the block not yet settled is being farmed as a sheep-station, and surplus live-stock bred on the place are transferred to various other blocks under development in the district. During the year 630 acres were sown in swedes and 800 acres in permanent pasture. A further 1,000 acres are now being cultivated for sowing in permanent pasture by autumn, 1950. Development of the whole block should be completed in five to seven years. Three ex-servicemen on wages r with promises of sections. Hamurana, at Rotorua, 275 acres. Acquired : 252 acres in 1947 and 23 acres in 1948. Objective : two dairy-farms for allotment, July, 1949. Development: Completed except for buildings, for which contract let. Kaituna, at Paengaroa, 746 acres. Acquired, February, 1949. Objective : Two dairy-farms for allotment in 1950 and two sheep-farms for allotment in 1952. Contracts are being negotiated for the necessary buildings, and subdivisional fencing has been commenced. Four individual water-supplies are being installed. Matanuku, at Tokoroa, 3,440 acres. Acquired : 2,945 acres in 1940, 334 acres in 1945, and 161 acres in 1946. Twenty-one dairy units have been allotted, and the balance area of 640 acres will provide two dairy units and one mixed unit for allotment in 1949, Two ex-servicemen, with promises of sections. . Mihi, at Reporoa, 26,994 acres, of which 23,259 acres are considered suitable for development. Acquired between 1938 and 1947. A subdivision scheme has not yet been finalized, but an estimate of the number of farm units which this block will provide is 117, comprising 95 dairy and 22 mixed. This is a long-term-development block, and its major problem is the provision of a satisfactory water-supply. Approximately 8,000 acres are in grass, of which 1,200 acres have been sown during the past year to complete the development of eleven sections formerly partially grassed, together with an extension into 500 acres of virgin country. The immediate objective is to prepare for settlement twelve sections, seven of which will have individual water-supplies installed and the other five will be watered from existing reservoirs. It is hoped to complete this, work in 1951. The pasture on the twelve sections now in grass, and which can be satisfactorily watered, has received special treatment during the year so that early settlement of these can be achieved. Three trial bores have been sunk during the year, and results to date indicate that satisfactory water can be obtained on the western side.



A further 4,000 acres of the undeveloped area is to be grassed by the spring of 1950, and there will be progressive development of the remainder of the block. From 1951 onwards it is hoped, subject to availability of necessary materials, to prepare for settlement twenty to twenty-five sections each year. Murupara, at Murupara, 180 acres. Acquired, July, 1933. One hundred acres are •considered suitable for development. This block is the remaining portion of the old established Murupara Small Farm Scheme, and its final disposal has not yet been decided, as it may be required in connection with State forest proposals in this district. In the meantime, the grassed area is let on temporary tenancy to neighbouring farmers for grazing. Ngongotaha, at Rotorua, 287 acres. Acquired, August, 1948. Objective: One mixed sheep and dairy unit. This block is badly reverted, and in the course of development will be controlled and crushed out by travelling stock belonging to the Department. Ngutuwera, at Tokoroa, 1,301 acres. Acquired, March, 1941. Subdivisional scheme not finalized, but should provide six or seven units. Development programme : Grassing, fencing, buildings, and water-supply. Progress : Forty acres of new pasture established and approximately 100 acres old pasture oversown and fences repaired. Development of the remaining area now in fern and scrub will be undertaken next year. Settlement should be possible in 1951-52. Pongakawa, at Pongakawa, 1,055 acres. Crown land set aside for development, ■September, 1948. Objective : Subdivision scheme not finalized, but it is expected that this block will provide six mixed farms. Development: The whole block which has reverted to scrub, fern, and second growth, is to be regrassed and buildings, watersupplies, and roads are to be provided. Puketurua, at Putaruru, 544 acres. Acquired, April, 1946. Development completed and three ex-servicemen established on dairy units in July, 1948. Putiki, at Edgecumbe, 1,326 acres. Acquired, June, 1946. Development completed and fourteen ex-servicemen settlers were established on dairy units in July, 1948. Rerewhakaitu, at Rotorua, 12,067 acres. Acquired : 9,474 acres in 1944, and 2,593 acres in 1945. Practically all capable of development. Subdivision not yet planned. Long-term-development block. Present access is unsatisfactory, and provision for better roading must be made before settlement can be considered. This is a picturesque block of country, lying between Mount Tarawera in the north and Kaingaroa State Forest in the south. It is easy rolling country rising to peaks of 700 ft., and the lower flat area lies round Lake Rerewhakaitu. A large part of this land is covered with Rotomahana mud of varying depths and with a sprinkling of Tarawera ash, and it should after development provide a large number of high-producing farms. The immediate objective is to grass the whole area, and to date 1,500 acres have been sown and a further 1,500 acres of virgin country are now being cultivated for new grass. Apart from the value of this development for farming, the grassing of the block will provide a fire-break which will give highly desirable protection to the adjoining State forests. Tokoroa, at Tokoroa, 5,201 acres, all of which is capable of development. Acquired in 1938 and 1944. Subdivision only partially completed, but estimated that will eventually subdivide into twenty-five farms, comprising fourteen dairy, ten mixed, and one sheep. Development to the settlement stage of nine units (eight dairy and one mixed), is practically complete and will be allotted July, 1949. In addition to the full range of new buildings erected for these sections, a new community wool-shed has also been erected. A further 1,470 acres of new country has been grassed and will be consolidated. The remainder of 794 acres undeveloped lies to the west of the Putaruru-Taupo Main Highway, and work on this area will be commenced next year. The final development should be completed in four years.



Waikite, at Rotorua, 8,702 acres. Acquired : 7,536 acres in 1938 and 1,166 acresin 1947. 8,237 acres are considered suitable for development. Tentative subdivision, sixty sections. During the year development of four dairy sections on the Whirinaki sub-block has been practically completed, and four ex-servicemen settlers will be established on these in July, 1949. The immediate objective is to prepare for settlement a further five dairy sections on the main Waikite Block. It is expected that these will be completed in 1951. During the year 570 acres of virgin country were crushed, burned, cultivated, and sown in grass, and work on a further 700 acres is under way. Waitaha, at Tauranga, 168 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Objective : Subdivision into one dairy unit and a small area for amalgamation with adjoining ex-service-man uneconomic unit. Development completed, and one ex-serviceman at present on wages will be established on fixed charges, July 1949. Wharere, at Pongakawa, 4,941 acres. Acquired in 1933, 1938, and 1940. Billingsportion of 895 acres should provide six dairy farms for allotment in 1951. Seven hundred acres of this portion is in grass, and balance will be grassed in 1950. Grassed area has been heavily top-dressed, with good results. Jensens portion of 1,465 acres should provide seven mixed units for allotment in 1952. During the year 280 acres of heavy scrub and fern has been cleared, cultivated and sown, and grass has established strongly. Approximately 500 acres remain to be grassed in 1950. Original Wharere area of 2,581 acres, acquired in 1933, is a long-term-development job and further development cannot proceed until comprehensive drainage completed. During the year 490 acres was isolated,, mechanical pump installed, 175 acres cleared, cultivated, and grassed, with good results. Gisborne Land District With the present greatly improved supply position more rapid progress will be made with the development of blocks, although delay is still being experienced with the building programme.' Sixty-eight new dwellings are required, of which twenty-one have been completed, twenty are under construction, and twenty-seven are not yet started. Blocks under development are : Hakanui, at Waerenga-o-kuri, 4,827 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Objective: Five sheep units. A severed area of 1,560 acres will require a longer term for development, owing to poor pasture and scrub reversion. Three hundred acres of manuka is being cut prior to surface sowing, and 44 acres have been cropped for autumn grassing. Five dwellings will be required, and 1 mile of access road formed and metalled. Hihiroroa, at Here, 4,407 acres. Acquired, February, 1947. Objective : Five sheep units. Development programme : Erection of four dwellings, stock-yards, minor fencing repairs. Progress : Forty acres have been regrassed, and fencing and stockyards attended to ; buildings proceeding. Sections should be allotted on fixed charges for 1949-50 season for ex-serviceman manager and four ex-servicemen. Hiwinui, at Rere, 7,314 acres. Acquired, February, 1947. Development practically completed except for buildings, and sections will be allotted with some temporary accommodation in May, 1949, to the six ex-servicemen with promises of allotment. Hokoroa, at Waimata, 4,156 acres. Acquired, October, 1948. Objective : Three sheep units. Development programme : Extensive fencing, erection of two dwellings, and the formation and metalling of 3 miles of road. Huinga, at Wairoa, 1,901 acres. Acquired, February, 1948. Objective: Two sheep and one dairy unit. Development programme : .Erection of two dwellings, milking and implement sheds ; cultivation and regrassing of 220 acres, 300 chains fencing repairs, and the installation of the necessary water-supplies. Progress : Regrassing will be attended to this autumn, when buildings are expected to be completed so that allotment can be made, July, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager and ex-serviceman on wages, with promise of sections.



Kareiva, at Ruatoria, 1,758 acres. Acquired, May, 1946. Objective : Two sheep .and two dairy units, following the erection of three dwellings, implement-sheds, and two milking-sheds. Two dwellings have been completed, charges fixed, and settlers have •entered into possession of the two sheep units. Sufficient progress is being made the dairy-units development to assure possession being given, July, 1949. Two with ■ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Kohanga, at Manutuke, 32 acres. Acquired, March, 1946. Development completed and four ex-servicemen established as small-fruit growers, July, 1948. Makaramea, at Tolaga Bay, 3,162 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Will require erection of one dwelling and extensive renovations to a cottage. Little new fencing or development will be required to enable three sheep units to be made available in 1950. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Mangapeka, at Tolaga Bay, 596 acres. Acquired, September, 1946. In an undeveloped state, mainly swamp, and requiring an extensive development programme, comprising drainage, cultivation, pasture establishment, and all necessary fencing and buildings to establish six dairy units. To date 150 acres have been drained, cultivated, and regrassed, the major drainage scheme is nearing completion, and cultivation has been commenced on the balance of the block. One new dwelling and implement-shed erected. Ex-serviceman manager with a promise of a section. Mangawehi, at Hangaroa, 1,348 acres. Acquired, February, 1948. Single-unit sheep-farm. The dwelling and implement-shed are practically completed, 40 chains •access road has been formed and metalled, and ex-serviceman on wages should have •charges fixed, May, 1949. Rakaukaka, at Manutuke, 1,625 acres. Acquired, February, 1948. Has been used mainly for grazing purposes, but is estimated to subdivide into ten dairy units and one fat-lamb proposition, following a fairly extensive drainage programme, considerable pasture improvement, and the erection of all necessary dwellings and farm buildings and extensive fencing. Progress : One hundred and forty acres have been cultivated and sown down in grass, 40 chains road construction commenced, and the fencing programme is making satisfactory progress. Sherbrooke, at Waerenga-o-kuri, 2,314 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Will provide two sheep units, following the erection of one dwelling, 40 chains of roading, and a •considerable amount of new fencing and repairs. St. Leger, at Hangaroa, 5,681 acres. Acquired, June, 1946. Objective : Four ■sheep units. Development programme : Construction of 4 miles access roading and one new bridge, the erection of three dwellings and implement-sheds, up to 600 acres scrubcutting, and the cultivation and regrassing of approximately 250 acres. Progress : One dwelling has been completed, two are practically completed," cultivation and grassing is completed, fencing is making good progress, and scrub-cutting is being attended to but is limited to labour force available. Slow progress with the bridge and roading contract has considerably delayed the development programme. Three ex-servicemen •on wages, with promises of allotment. Te Wera, at Matawai, 9,858 acres. Acquired, 1927. Objective: Five sheep units. Progress : Two dwellings and two wool-sheds, implement-sheds completed, two dwellings nearing completion, minor additional fencing is being attended to. Roading completed. Five ex-servicemen have been promised allotments, and final allotment .should be made, July, 1949. Waikoko, at Waerenga-o-kuri, 6,386 acres. Acquired, February, 1947. Objective : ■Seven, sheep units. Development programme : Erection of six dwellings and implementsheds, one small wool-shed, considerable fencing, renewal and repairs of up to 1,600 chains, cultivation, scrub-cutting, and regrassing of 1,000 acres. Progress : 1,000 chains ■of fencing repaired, 300 acres scrub cut and 1,000 acres of cultivation being prepared for



grassing this autumn. Fair progress with the building programme. Four ex-servicemen are working on wages and three ex-servicemen ballotees are awaiting accommodation. Allotment is expected to be made by February, 1950. Whakamaru, at Opotiki, 404 acres. Acquired, June, 1945. Development completed and allotted as four dairy units, July, 1948. Hawkes Bay Land District The progress on blocks being developed for settlement has been retarded by the shortage of certain types of materials and labour. However, logging operations at Opowehe Bush to help timber-supplies and the scheme for building prefabricated temporary accommodation to place on blocks where inability to let building contracts has delayed settlement is proving successful and will accelerate the disposal of units in the coming year. A dry summer after a mild winter had an adverse effect on the feed position in some areas ; notwithstanding this set-back production generally was maintained, and the stock carried on most blocks is in good condition. Aliuriri Lagoon, at Napier, 7,755 acres. Development of this area was commenced in 1934. The pasture programme is steadily progressing, a further 554 acres being laid down to permanent pasture and area of lucerne increased to 84 acres. Two more exservicemen have been settled on the northern end as market-gardeners, and it is anticipated that the ten servicemen settlers who are on temporary tenancies will be settled on permanent tenures at an early date. Awpaki, at Otane, 513 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective: Four dairy units and one fat-lamb unit. Development programme : Five houses, four milkingsheds, five implement-sheds, and individual water-supplies. Progress : Fencing programme is well under way, and the road into the block has been completed. An extensive area of thistle has been sprayed with hormone weedicide, with excellent results. It is anticipated that the sheep unit will be balloted in February, 1950, and the dairy units in June, 1950. Bretts, at Wanstead, 1,314 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Development on this block to provide three fat-lamb units is a]most completed, except for the erection of buildings, and the three units should be balloted at an early date with temporary accommodation. Development included 800 acres top-dressing, 250 chains new and 120 chains repairs to fencing, 10 chain tracks, bulldozing house-sites, the erection of three houses, three implement-sheds, and one wool-shed, and the provision of temporary accommodation. Bushy Rcmge, at Waipukurau, 2,511 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective : Three sheep units. Development programme : Erection of buildings, fencing, and regrassing. Progress : 165 chains new fencing, 120 chains fencing repaired, 150 acres cultivated, with 50 acres sown in grass. Two units should be available for disposal in 1950. Glenalvon, at Tikokino, 1,242 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective : Four fat-lamb units. Road completed except for a small bridge, bores sunk for water-supplies, and fencing programme is under way. Temporary accommodation has been erected for the farm-manager as the block was totally deficient in buildings. Further development consists of erection of four houses and four implement-sheds. Units should be ready for settlement in 1950. Gowrie, at Wanstead, 1,859 acres. Acquired: 1478 acres, February, 1946, and 381 acres, February, 1948. Development to four sheep units is almost completed except for buildings, but it is hoped to ballot the block in 1949 after providing temporary accommodation. An extensive fencing programme, a pumped-water supply, and 200 acres of pasture renewal have been completed. Inability to let contracts for the three dwellings and three implement-sheds has delayed settlement on this block.



HaJcowai, at Puketapu, 1,637 acres. Acquired, March, 1945. Development completed and allotted as two sheep units, July, 1948. Hampden, at Tikokino, 929 acres. Acquired, February, 1947. Objective: Two fat-lamb units. Development programme : Erection of one house, one implement-shed, installation of pumped-water supplies, and the establishment of 50 acres new pasture, 10 acres lucerne. Progress : Development is complete except for buildings, although contracts for these have been let. This property will be balloted with temporary accommodation in 1949. Hautope, at Waipawa, 4,063 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective : Seven sheep units. Four servicemen are on wages with promises of sections. Development programme : Large roading and fencing programme, the building of seven houses, seven implement-sheds, and two two-stand wool-sheds. Anticipated that charges will be fixed in 1950. Huirangi, at Patoka, 2,913 acres. Acquired, December, 1948. Long-term-development proposition, comprising mainly scrub-cutting, destruction of rabbits, establishment and renewal of pasture, erection and renovation of buildings. Scheme of subdivision not finalized, but should provide four sheep units. Kaheka, at Tutira, 10,505 acres. Acquired, February, 1938. Development this year has been mainly pasture development, scrub-cutting, and the bulldozing of access tracks. Three hundred acres of scrub have been cut, and a contract is in progress to cut a further 500 acres. A track has been formed to give access to some 500 to 700 acres of country capable of easy development by super giant-disking or heavy rolling. Rabbit-poisoning with phosphorized pollard has resulted in a marked decrease in the pest. Kakariki, at Kotemaori, 19,277 acres. Acquired : 19,213 acres in 1931 and 64 acres in 1946. Approximately 11 miles of bulldozed tracks have been formed, and pasture development is steadily progressing. One hundred and fifty acres of scrub have been giant-disked, and 250 acres of rolling country have been giant-disked and sown down in swedes, a good crop resulting. A further 130 acres have been sown down in permanent pasture. Kikowhero, at Matapiro, 886 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Objective : Three fat-lamb units for allotment in 1950. Mainly sub-clover flats. Development programme : Fencing, buildings, water-supplies, and power-installations. Kokomoko, at Waipukurau, 966 acres. Acquired, 951 acres, February, 1947, and 15 acres, September, 1948. Objective : Two fat-lamb units. Development programme, which included fencing, water-supplies, cattle-stops, and the erection of a new dwelling, is almost complete except for buildings, and sections will be allotted with temporary accommodation in 1949. Longlands, at Hastings, 25 acres. Acquired, August, 1948. Allotted without development as two orchard units in August, 1948. Makarini, at Hastings, 1,673 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective : Five fat-lamb farms. Development programme : Building three dwellings, three implementsheds, installation of a pressure-water supply from a bore, approximately 3 miles of new fencing, and establishment of 120 acres of new pasture. Progress : Almost completed, and the sections will be allotted in 1949. Mason Ridge, at Hastings, 694 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Objective : Two fat-lamb units for allotment, June, 1949. Development programme : Erecting one house and implement-shed, fencing, installation of electric power on one section, and establishing water-supplies. Progress : Building contracts have been let, and dwelling has been started. Meeanee, at Meeanee, 164 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. To be balloted as two mixed farms without development.



Mokara, at Tutira, 1,723 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective: With development this property is to provide two dairy-farms. One hundred and twenty acres have been giant-disked and sown down in permanent pasture, 6 miles of fencing have been pulled down and re-erected, 400 acres have been heavy grass harrowed and oversown with white clover. A further 80 acres of scrub has also been cut. Provided buildings can be erected in time, one section should be ready for disposal, June, 1950, Mount Cameron, at Puketapu, 2,002 acres. Acquired, August, 1946. Subdivided into three sheep units, two of which were allotted in March, 1949. The remaining section requires a further 2 miles of subdivisional fencing and a further 20 acres to be giant-disked and cropped. Twenty acres have been sown down in permanent pasture. Omarunui, at Fernhill, 1,514 acres. Acquired, February, 1948. One worker'shome was allotted, June, 1948, and balance of area will be subdivided into nine dairy sections and one sheep unit. Section boundaries have been completed on three of the dairy sections, and the fencing-repair programme is well under way. Ten bores have been sunk to provide independent water-supplies for each section. Bulldozed tracks have been formed through the hill country. Ten new houses, nine milking-sheds, and ten implement-sheds will be required. This block may be ready for settlement in June T 1950. Oringi, at Dannevirke, 343 acres. Acquired, February, 1946. Development completed and allotted as three dairy units, June, 1948. Poporangi, at Kereru, 22,538 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Approximately 15,815 acres unsuitable for farming and will be used for afforestation purposes. The remaining area of 6,723 acres will be developed to obtain five or six sheep units. This is a long-term-development proposition. Pukeatua, at Dannevirke, 4,135 acres. Acquired, July, 1945. Development completed and allotted as five sheep units in March, 1948, plus small areas to adjoining owners. Rakaiatai, at Makotuku, 1,629 acres. Acquired March, 1948. A full pasturedevelopment programme has been undertaken on this block to raise the carrying-capacity sufficient to produce four units. Three hundred and twenty-five chains of new and 85 chain repairs to fencing, 120 chain of tracks, If miles of road-formation, and 2| miles of telephone-line have been completed. Further development entails the building of houses and outbuildings, construction of an overhead bridge, four flood-gates, eight dams, and a set of stockyards. Raupare, at Hastings, 48 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Three orchard units, comprising 37 acres, have been allotted without development, and the balance of the area of 11 acres is now amalgamated with and included in Twyford Farm Settlement. Rawhiti, at Rissington, 2,113 acres. Acquired, February, 1946. Development completed and two sheep-breeding units allotted, March, 1949. Salisbury, at Maraekakaho, 1,497 acres. Subdivided into three sheep units, which were allotted, February, 1949. Sea View, at Porangahau, 2,461 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective: Five sheep units for settlement in February, 1950. Farm-worker's temporary accommodation has been erected, the fencing programme is well under way, 80 acres of new grass -have been sown down and 500 acres top-dressed. Further development will include five houses, five implement-sheds, wool-shed, yards and dip, fifteen dams, and 85 chain of track. Te Aiva, at Waipukurau, 3,869 acres. Acquired, February, 1948. This is a long-term-development proposition. The development programme is progressing favourably. Eighty chains of new fence and 220 chains of repairs have been completed. A pumpwater supply has been installed. Twelve hundred acres of scrub have been cleared and 250 acres sown down in new grass, whilst 370 acres now in crop will be sown down in permanent pasture this autumn.



Te Roto, at Takapau, 1,404 acres. Acquired, June, 1945. Development completed and allotted as two sheep units, July, 1947, and two sheep units, January, 1949. Twyford, at Hastings, 114 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. This area is being developed to provide two dairy units for allotment in 1950. Water-supply and fencing programme completed. Waiohiki, at Pakowhai, 67 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. To be disposed of immediately without development for establishment of five orchard units. Waitara, at Upper Mohaka, 18,450 acres. Acquired, November, 1948. Surrender of Crown leases accepted at request of the lessee. Development held over pending discussion with State Forest Service whether part of the area should be retained for farming or used for afforestation purposes. Taranaki Land District Ball Road, at Hawera, 442 acres. Acquired, June, 1947. Development completed and five dairy units allotted to ex-servicemen, July, 1948. Bradford s, at Pihama, 168 acres. Acquired, October, 1948, but possession not obtainable until June, 1949. Objective : Two dairy units for allotment, July, 1950. Fraser Road, at Eltham, 96 acres. Acquired, May, 1947. Development completed and allotted as one dairy unit to an ex-serviceman, July, 1948. Mangahewa, at Waitara, 264 acres. Acquired, November, 1948. Objective: Two dairy units for allotment, July, 1949, and one dairy unit for allotment, July, 1950. Development: Three sets of buildings, water-reticulation, fencing, and some pasture improvement. Mokoia, at Hawera, 467 acres. • Acquired, June, 1948. Objective: Three dairy units and one sheep unit for allotment, 1949. Development: Two new dwellings and outbuildings, renovate two dwellings and outbuildings, fencing, and water-reticulation. Progress : Completed and will be allotted, June, 1949, to four ex-servicemen, with promises of sections. Normanby, at Hawera, 174 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Development completed and two dairy units allotted to ex-servicemen, July, 1948. Okato, at Okato, 209 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Development completed and two dairy units allotted to ex-servicemen, July, 1948. Puniho, at Okato, 241 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : Two dairy units for allotment, July, 1949. Development: One new dwelling and outbuilding, renovate one dwelling and outbuildings, 70 chains fencing, and water-reticulation. Progress : All work under way and should be completed for allotment, July, 1949. Stevenson's, at Pihama, 142 acres. Acquired, November, 1948. Objective : One dairy unit for allotment in 1951. Development: One set buildings, 150 chains fencing, regrassing 60 acres, and water-reticulation. Progress : 80 chains fencing completed and 30 acres cultivated. Ex-serviceman in occupation, with promise of section. Wellington Land District Allerton, at Masterton, 549 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective : Three fatlamb units for allotment, June, 1949. Development programme : Fencing, buildings, regrassing of 71 acres, and crops for supplementary feeding. Progress : Nearly completed, one new house and one implement-shed still to be built. Two units to be settled with disabled servicemen. Final settlement of whole area in June, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager and an ex-serviceman on wages with promises of sections. Awahuri, at Awahuri, 375 acres. Acquired, February, 1949. Objective : Five dairy units for allotment, July, 1950. Development programme : Full set of buildings for each unit, 80 chains of roading, water bores and reticulation, considerable internal fencing, and farm tracking. Eoading may be started this autumn. Settlement in 1950 will depend on the buildings being started early. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section.



Awatea, at Tinui, 5,954 acres. Acquired in two portions : 3,195 acres in May, 1946, and 2,759 acres in March, 1948. Objective : Five store-sheep units ; of these, -two were settled Ist August, 1948, and the balance will be settled in 1949. Development programme : Two new houses, one implement, one wool-shed, conversion of shearers' quarters into a further dwelling, considerable fencing, 140 acres approximate in new grass, stock dams, yards, &c. Progress : Most of the work is nearing completion, the last house is under construction, but wool-shed not yet started. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Aivawaro, at Kimbolton, 5,127 acres. Acquired, April, 1947. Objective : Seven sheep units. One unit allotted without buildings in February, 1949 ; balance for allotment, autumn, 1950. Development comprises three new houses, one wool-shed, four implement-sheds, considerable fencing, and cutting of scrub over 1,500 acres. Fencing and clearing of scrub nearly completed. If buildings can be completed settlement, will be effected by 1950. Cannock, at Martinborough, 4,191 acres. Purchased, Ist April, 1948. Objective : ■Six sheep units, for allotment, 1951. Development comprises a set of buildings for -each unit, three wool-sheds, miles of roading, and considerable fencing. Progress being made with the fencing, but as the road in will not be formed before 1950 buildings on four units cannot be commenced. Difficulty in obtaining contractors may delay settlement. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Cherrybank, at Wanganui, 383 acres. Acquired, March, 1946. Development -completed and allotted as three dairy units, July, 1948. Eastwood, at Tinui, 3,199 acres. Purchased : July, 1948, and March, 1949. Objective : Three sheep units for settlement, May, 1949. Development comprises new buildings •on two units, renovate homestead, fencing, yards, farm tracking, and metalling of 2 miles of access road. Contracts have been arranged for the buildings. Settlement will be effected in 1949 by using temporary accommodation on two units. Elslea, at Waverley, 780 acres. Purchased: March, 1949. Objective: Six dairy units for allotment, July, 1951. Development will comprise a full set of buildings for four units, cow-sheds on the other two units, internal fencing, water reticulation, &c. but final scheme not yet decided. Ex-serviceman manager with promise of a section. Fairmont, at Masterton, 504 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Allotted as one sheep unit, August, 1948. Gibbs, at Taihape, 176 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Glenstrae-, at Masterton, 3,306 acres. Acquired, 16th July, 1948. Objective: Three sheep units for allotment, June, 1949. Development comprises two new dwellings, implement-sheds, one wool-shed, yards, fencing, and farm tracks. Buildings not yet started, but settlement will be effected in 1949 by using temporary accommodation. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Halcombe, at Halcombe, 873 acres. Acquired : 380 acres on Ist June, 1948. and 493 acres on March, 1949. Objective : Four fat-lamb units for allotment, June, 1949. Development comprises two new dwellings, two implement-sheds, yards, farm tracks, •and subdivisional fencing. Labour has been difficult to find ; buildings not yet started. By using temporary accommodation on two units settlement will be effected in 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Healey's, at Mangaweka, 1,061 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Will be allotted without development as one sheep unit and small area to adjoining owner. Hurepo, at Palmerston North, 1,364 acres. Acquired, February, 1947. Development completed and allotted as two sheep units, July, 1948. Ihakara, at Levin, 561 acres. Acquired, May, 1946. Development completed and .allotted as one dairy and one mixed unit, July, 1948. Jellicoes, at Grey town, 271 acres. Acquired, February, 1949. A small area to be .allotted to an adjoining ex-serviceman to make his holding economic. No development work is being undertaken.



Kahu, at Mangaweka, 358 acres. Acquired, March, 1945. Development completed and allotted as one sheep unit, October, 1948. Kaimatarau, at Rongatea, 308 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Development completed and allotted as five dairy units, July, 1948. Kainui, at Karioi, 2,097 acres. Acquired, August, 1948. Objective : Three sheep units for allotment, April, 1950. Development comprises buildings for two units, yards,, some internal fencing, and 120 chains of roading. Labour is difficult to obtain owing to isolation of this block. Settlement by 1950 will depend on completion of the roading and buildings. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Kaitieke, at Kaitieke, 2,748 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Will be allotted as it stands as one sheep unit. Karere, at Longburn, 203 acres. Acquired, July, 1946. Development completed,, and allotted as three dairy units, July, 1948. Keritone, at Wanganui, 157 acres. Acquired, September, 1948. Objective : Two' dairy units, for town milk supply, for allotment, July, 1950. Development comprises one new house, cow-shed, internal fencing, water-reticulation, approximate 20 chains of new roading, and rejuvenation of pastures. Konewa, at Pohangina Valley, 1,836 acres. Acquired, February, 1948. Objective r Two sheep units for allotment, May, 1949. Development comprises one new house, implement-shed, extension of water-supply, repairing of subdivisional and boundary fencing. Contracts let for buildings, while balance of programme nearly complete. Settlement will be effected by June, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager and an ex-service-man on wages, with promises of sections. Kotuku, at Marton, 495 acres. Acquired, January, 1946. Development completed and allotted as four dairy units, July, 1948. Makirikiri, at Marton, 1,452 acres. Acquired, 1947. Objective : Six fat-lamb units and two small areas to adjoining owners. Allotment in June, 1949. Development comprises new buildings for four units, regrassing of 800 acres, considerable fencing, mole draining, yards, dip, power-reticulation, and 40 chains of roading. Programme nearly completed with exception of two houses and two implement-sheds, while roading is under construction. Settlement will be effected in 1949 by use of temporary accommodation on two units. Ex-serviceman manager and two ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Manchester, at Feilding, 152 acres. Acquired, August, 1947. Objective: Two' dairy units for allotment, July, 1949. Development comprises full set of buildings for each unit, fencing, water-reticulation, 20 acres tile draining, and 24 chains of farm tracking. Programme complete with exception of one house and one cow-shed to be finished. Settlement will be effected in 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Mark Hall, at Waverley, 200 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective : Two dairy units. Development work comprises one new house, two cow-sheds, 1 implement-shed, internal fencing, 35 chains of farm roading, piggeries, &c. Providing buildings can be completed, most of the work will be finished by June, 1949. If there is no hold-up with the cow-sheds, settlement will be effected in June, 1949, by using temporary accommodation on one unit. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. -Matai, at Kairanga, 374 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : Five dairy units. This settlement comprises two separate areas, one of which is subject to bad flooding. This area may not be ready for allotment before 1951. The other area comprises three units for allotment in 1950. Programme for this area comprises three sets of buildings, subdivisional fencing, bridging, tracking, one artesian bore. Buildings started, and area should be ready for settlement in 1950. Mount Stewart, at Rongotea, 767 acres. Acquired 28th May, 1947. Objective : Three fat-lamb units and two dairy units for allotment, June, 1949. Development comprises two new houses, two cow-sheds, four implement-sheds, two houses renovated,.



water-reticulation, access tracks, and 500 chains of fencing. Programme will be completed in time for settlement in June, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager and two ex-service-men on wages, with promises of sections. Moutoa, at Shannon, 62 acres. Acquired, Ist October, 1948. One dairy unit. Development comprises one set of buildings, water-reticulation, and regrassing of 27 acres. Buildings under erection ; Programme will be completed for settlement in June, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Newton Lee, at Wanganui. 3,170 acres. Acquired, 4th June, 1947. Objective : Three fat-lamb and two dairy units, with a further area which after development may make a further sheep unit. Development comprises three new houses, two cow-sheds, four implement-sheds, one wool-shed, 68 chains of public road, farm tracking, mole draining, internal fencing, and water-supply. Programme is progressing well. With •completion of the road in autumn, 1949, and letting of contracts for buildings, five units should be settled in 1950. . Ngai, at Shannon, 741 acres. Acquired : 232 acres in July, 1947, and 509 acres in May, 1948. Objective : Ten dairy units with settlement completed by 1951. Development necessary is the grassing of the 232-acre portion, three sets of buildings on this area, a through road of 120 chains, five dwellings, cow-sheds, and implement-sheds on the 509-acre portion, internal fencing, water-reticulation, and drainage. This property is all reclaimed swamp with special drainage problems. The 232 acres has been grassed or is in crop, while fencing is proceeding satisfactorily. Providing buildings and roading •can be completed, settlement will be effected in 1951. Three ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Nireaha, at Eketahuna, 197 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Development completed and allotted as two dairy units, July, 1948. Nirvana, at Eketahuna, 3,088 acres. Acquired, August, 1948. Objective : Three sheep units. Development has been mainly renovations to one dwelling, some fencing, and yards. This work is Well advanced, and the three ex-servicemen now on wages will take over the farms in April, 1949. Ohingaiti, at Ohingaiti, 1,146 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1949. Objective: Two sheep units for allotment, June, 1949. Development necessary : Two new dwellings, two implement-sheds, miles of fencing, and two sets sheep-yards. Work will be Sufficiently advanced, except on buildings, to settle both units with temporary accommodation in 1949. Okapea, at Hihitahi, 3,359 acres. Acquired, March, 1947 and 1949. Objective : Six sheep units for allotment in 1949. Development necessary is four new dwellings, five implement-sheds, one new wool-shed, considerable fencing, and extension of roading. Work M r ell advanced, roading is complete, and three new houses are under construction. Delays have been experienced owing to wire shortage, also difficulty with buildings because of isolation ; settlement, however, will be effected in June, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager and four ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Otahoua, at Masterton, 568 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1949. One sheep unit. Development necessary is one new dwelling, one implement-shed, and some fencing. Buildings not yet started, but settlement will be effected by using temporary .accommodation on Ist April, 1949. Pahihikura, at Hunterville, 2,030 acres. Acquired, August, 1946. Development ■completed and allotted as three sheep units, June, 1948. Paruwai, at Martinborough, 7,724 acres. Acquired, March, 1946. Objective: ;Six sheep units for final allotment in 1950. Development necessary is houses, implementsheds for five units, two wool-sheds, 4 miles of new roading, considerable fencing, &c. Roading completed, and a start should shortly be made on four houses and sheds and the two wool-sheds. One unit will be settled in 1949, the balance will be ready for settlement in 1950.



Pokaka, at Taihape, 2,320 acres. Acquired, February, 1947. Development completed and allotted as three sheep units, July, 1948, plus an area to an adjoining owner. Pongaroa, at Pongaroa, 12,528 acres. Acquired, 4th March, 1948. Objective r Thirteen sheep units, one mixed, and one dairy. Final allotment will not be effected until 1950, but by June, 1949, it is hoped to have settled five sheep units, one mixed,, and one dairy unit. Development necessary is mainly buildings on ten units, considerable fencing, 2| miles of new roading, scrub-cutting on about 3,000 acres, and regrassing of 500 acres. Development is proceeding somewhat slowly as the isolation of this block has made it very difficult to let building contracts. Temporary accommodation is being used, in effecting settlement this year. Three ex-servicemen on wages with promises of sections. Pukehou, at Bulls, 1,220 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Development completed and allotted as two dairy and one sheep unit, August, 1948. Pukenui, at Bulls, 214 acres, previously part of the Ohakea Aerodrome. Objective : Two dairy units. Development necessary is one house, two "cow-sheds, two implementsheds, piggeries, tile and plug draining, and water-reticulation. All work nearing completion. Settlement will be effected in June, 1949, of at least one unit. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Rangitane, at Tokomaru, 260 acres. Acquired, May, 1947. Development completed and allotted as four dairy units, July, 1948. Rata, at Hunterville, 1,595 acres. Acquired in various portions since March, 1946. Objective : Seven dairy units, one fat lamb, and one store sheep. Four of the dairy units were finally settled in August, 1948, the two sheep units will be settled this year, and the balance in 1950. Development work comprises eight new houses, seven cowsheds, nine implement-sheds, 1 mile of roading, considerable fencing and draining, a large community water-supply, and grassing of 200 acres. With the exception of buildings work has progressed reasonably. Providing buildings can be completed, settlement will be effected in 1950. Five ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Raukawa, at Ashhurst, 190 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Development completed and allotted as one sheep unit, July, 1948. Reids, at Waitotara, 94 acres. Acquired, September, 1948. This is one diary unit,, and will be incorporated with adjoining land when purchased. Rewa Rewa, at Mangaweka, 1,872 acres. Acquired, 14th April, 1948. Objective : Three sheep units. Development necessary : Two houses, one implement-shed, and fencing. One house now completed, rest of work well in hand. Settlement of all three units will be effected in June, 1949, using temporary accommodation on one unit. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Riverdale, at Linton, 415 acres. Acquired, 25th March, 1948. Objective : Five dairy units. Development necessary is a full set of buildings for each unit, internal fencing, half mile of roading, and water-reticulation. Work other than buildings has progressed sufficiently to enable settlement in June. However, shortage of cement has delayed the erection of the cow-sheds and settlement will probably not be possible until June, 1950. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Rongomai, at Eketahuna, 1,463 acres. Acquired, 4th March, 1949. Two sheep units. The only work on this block has been fencing and renovations to one house. Settlement will be effected in May, 1949. Rongotea, at Rongotea, 152 acres. Acquired, 23rd March, 1949. Objective : Two> dairy units. Development necessary : One new house, two cow-sheds, internal fencing, water-reticulation, and bringing-back of pastures. It is estimated that this programme will take two years. Settlement will be effected in June, 1951. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Ruamahanga, at Greytown, 4,388 acres. Acquired part in March, 1946, part February, 1948, and part July, 1948. Objective : Two dairy units, one mixed, and six fat-lamb units. One dairy unit was settled in October, 1947, while the mixed unit



and two fat-lamb units will be settled, this year, the balance in 1950. Complete development programme comprises six new houses, six implement-sheds, three cow-sheds, one wool-shed, considerable fencing, regrassing of 700 acres, mole draining, water-supplies, and farm tracks. Programme is progressing satisfactorily. Providing buildings are completed, final settlement will be effected next year. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Santoft, at Marton, 9,632 acres. Acquired, 13th December, 1948. This is a large block with a considerable area of sandy coastal country. Schemes have not yet been finalized, but it is estimated it will subdivide into thirty dairy units, and five fat-lamb units. Complete settlement will probably take from five to seven years, but it is hoped to settle some units by 1951. Tangimoana, at Tangimoana. This is a block of Crown land at the mouth of the Rangitikei River. It is mainly sandy coastal country, with a large area in plantations. Development is proceeding on part of the area with the grassing of 500 acres, fencing, draining, and water-supply. The development is still in the initial stages. Taonui, at Kairanga, 136 acres. Acquired, Ist December, 1948. Objective : One dairy unit and two small areas for two disabled ex-servicemen. The dairy unit is to be settled in May, 1949, no development work being undertaken. A complete set of buildings, is necessary on each of the two farmlets ; work has not yet started, but they should be finally disposed of in 1950. Ex-serviceman on wages, with promise of a section. Tarapouri, at Kai Iwi, 763 acres. Acquired, Ist February, 1949. Objective : Two dairy units, one mixed, and one fat-lamb. Development programme comprises three new houses, three cow-sheds, three implement-sheds, piggeries, fencing, water-reticulation, and top-dressing to revitalize the pastures, which are in poor state. No development work has yet been commenced, but it is expected settlement will be-effected by 1951. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Taueru, at Masterton, 3,488 acres. Acquired in two portions : 2,073 acres in February, 1948, and 1,415 acres in March, 1949. Objective : Four fat-lamb units and one store-sheep unit. Development mainly full set of buildings for each unit, one woolshed, one mile of new roading, considerable fencing. Two units were settled on 31st March, 1949, while balance will be settled by 31st May, 1949. Temporary accommodation is being used on four units. Three ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. Taurao, at Pahiatua, 1,623 acres. Acquired, October, 1946, and February, 1947. Development completed and allotted as two sheep units, August, 1948. Te Horo, at Te Horo, 668 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1948. Objective : Four dairy units for town milk supply, one mixed unit. Development comprises a full range of buildings for each of the four dairy units, internal fencing, three-quarters of a mile of road, and water-reticulation. Excepting buildings, all work is progressing well. Two houses are under construction, and it is expected that buildings will be finished this year with settlement effected in February, 1950. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. TiTcitapu, at Masterton, 4,776 acres. Acquired, June, 1946, and March, 1947. Development completed and allotted as four sheep units, August, 1948. Tiraumea, at Eketahuna, 1,143 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. This is part of a settlement for ex-servicemen of the previous war. Adjustments are intended to make the remaining settlers economic. The area is being farmed only. Turakina, at Turakina, 249 acres. Acquired, April, 1946. Development completed and allotted as two dairy units, July, 1948. Upoko, at Masterton, 4,117 acres. Acquired, April, 1947, and June, 1948. Development completed and allotted as three sheep units, July, 1948, plus an area to adjoining owner. Wainuioru, at Masterton, 5,450 acres. Acquired, 1946/1948. Objective: Seven store-sheep units. Development comprises mainly houses, implement-sheds for six units, three new wool-sheds, 4 miles of new road, sheep-yards, and considerable fencing.

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Two units have been completed and were settled in July, 1948. Work on the road is progressing slowly, but, apart from buildings, other work is well ahead. Two more units will be settled in April, 1949, and the balance in June, 1949, using temporary accommodation. Three ex-servicemen on wages, with promises of sections. WaioJiine, at Greytown, 266 acres. Acquired, July, 1946. Allotted as one dairy-farm, four small-fruit farms, and one worker's home. Waipawa, at Masterton, 1,176 acres. Acquired, February, 1948. Development completed and allotted as one sheep unit, August, 1948. Wairepu, at Taihape, 1,621 acres. Acquired, 23rd February, 1948. Objective : Two store-sheep units. Development programme includes new houses and sheds for both sections, one wool-shed from salvage, sheep-yards, dip, farm tracking, fencing, and cutting of 500 acres of scrub. All work should be completed by 31st May, 1949, 'with the exception of buildings. Settlement with temporary accommodation on one unit will be effected by 31st May, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Whareroa, at Paekakariki, 2,262 acres. Purchased at various dates since 1945. No development work is being undertaken. The area is being farmed with a standard fiock of sheep and a herd of cows milked for town supply. Whitaunui, at Shannon, 965 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Objective : Thirteen dairy units. Development programme includes a full set of buildings on each unit except one house and shed, miles of new roading, all internal fencing, water-reticulation, and approximately 300 acres to be stumped, logged, and put in grass. Approximately 166 acres have now been stumped and are in crop. A further 109 acres have been stumped only. A fairly lengthy programme is necessary, and immediate settlement is not envisaged. Willowmere, at Feilding, 425 acres. Acquired, August, 1948. Objective : Two fatlamb units. Development mainly house, implement-shed for one unit, 80 chains of new fencing, sheep-yards, and water-reticulation. Work is Bearing completion, including buildings. Settlement will be effected in June, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Nelson Land District Moutere, at Upper Moutere, 306 acres. Acquired, August, 1948.' Objective : Two tobacco units. Development programme : Planting tobacco and erection of additional buildings. Progress : 9 acres Grade IV tobacco land in tobacco. An area was used for experiments with manures and varieties of leaf in conjunction with Tobacco Research Station. Building programme deferred pending results of tobacco experiments. Exserviceman manager, with promise of allotment of a section. Orinoco, at Orinoco, 827 acres. Acquired, June, 1947. Objective: Three tobacco units, balance area' poor grazing country. Development programme : Experimenting with growing of tobacco on Grade IV tobacco land to determine suitability for establishment of ex-servicemen. Progress': One set of buildings erected. Eight acres planted in tobacco, and while season's results satisfactory, suitability for commercial tobacco growing still doubtful. Pangatotara, at Pangatotara, 164 acres. Acquired, October, 1948. Allotted immediately after acquisition as three tobacco units. Saxton, at Stoke, 76 acres. Acquired, June, 1946. Approximately 1 acre allotted to disabled ex-serviceman for house-site, and balance leased for five vears to three ex-servicemen for grazing. Te Namu, at Karamea, 431 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Development completed and allotted as two dairy units, August, 1948.



Marlborough Land District Avondale, at Avon Valley, 21,939 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective : Four sheep units for allotment, July, 1949. Development, comprising new sheep-yards, new fencing and fences repaired, new dams and dams repaired, regrassing, new drains, track graded, and erection of buildings, is nearing completion. Ex-serviceman manager, with right of a section. Blairich, at Awatere Valley, 18,982 acres. Acquired, 2nd April, 1948. Objective: Three sheep units. A start has been made with draining, fencing, scrub-cutting, and regrassing programmes. About three years' development. Glaverley, at Claverley, 3,738 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Development completed and allotted as four sheep units—two in 1947 and 2 in 1948. Craiglockhart, at Avon Valley, 7,915 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective: Three sheep units. Development, comprising new sheep and cattle yards, fencing, and draining, nearing completion. Building contracts let. For ballot and fixing of charges, July, 1949. Dashwood, at Awatere Valley, 6,410 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective : One sheep unit, two mixed-sheep and cropping units. Buildings, yards, sheep-dip, wells, dams, drains, and fencing are being completed. Ex-serviceman manager, with right of a section. Davidson's, at Kaikoura, 54 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Single-unit dairyfarm. Development work, comprising new cowshed, new implement-shed, draining, fencing, and water-supply, completed. New house nearing completion. For allotment on fixed charges, August, 1949. Ex-serviceman in occupation, with promise of section. Elms, at Kaikoura, 2,034 acres. Acquired, August, 1945. Objective : Two dairy units and one sheep unit. An area of 32 acres with the'old homestead and the two dairy units have been allotted. Development on the sheep unit, comprising buildings, yards, dip, drain, fences, water-supplies, and regrassing, has been completed. For allotment on fixed charges, July, 1949. Greenhills, at Lynton Downs, 4,912 acres. Acquired, March, 1944. Objective : Two sheep units. Development, comprising regrassing, renewal of fencing, buildings, yards, and water-supply nearing completion. Allotment on fixed charges, August, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Hille's, at Blenheim, 1,083 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. No development. Uneconomic and to be amalgamated with neighbouring properties under negoitation. Kenepuru, at Kenepuru Sound, 1,384 acres. Single unit. Acquired, December, 1947, and allocated from that date to an ex-serviceman who, after ten months' occupation, finally declined allotment in October, 1948. It is intended to reballot this property shortly. No development. Lakes, at Kaikoura, 362 acres. Acquired, January, 1949. Two dairy units. Start made on new buildings, water-supply, and regrassing. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. For allotment on fixed charges, June, 1950. Ludstone, at Kaikoura, 907 acres. Acquired, 30th March, 1949. Two sheep units and three dairy units. Ballot for sheep units, July, 1949. Two to three years' development on dairy units. McDonald''s, at Kaikoura, 127 acres. Acquired, October, 1947. To be amalgamated with Lakes Farm Settlement. Uneconomic. Molesworth, 239,624 acres. Favourable weather conditions have been experienced in the past twelve months ; the winter was again mild, although the seasonal thaw and spring rains caused extensive flooding in September and October, particularly in the back country. A continued improvement is evidenced in the pastures, particularly in the thickening of the tussock cover and the spread of sorrel. With the persistent reduction in the number of rabbits, the reclothing of the soil may be expected to progress. Together with the care of stock, rabbiting operations were again the chief preoccupation



of the employees, the results continuing to be satisfactory. For the trading year ended 30th June, 1948, the number of rabbits caught was 52,950, a considerable reduction on previous tallies. The stock have wintered well, and it is expected that a draft of 700 cattle—3oo bullocks and 400 fat and cull cows —will be ready for sale in April. With ample feed available and with good weather conditions, the" cattle are in good condition to go into the winter. Apart from the erection of a cottage and major repair to the cookshop, little development work was carried out in the period under review. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research have continued work on experimental plots in the homestead area. Speed, at Koromiko, 797 acres. Acquired, March, 1945. Objective : One sheep and dairy and two dairy units. Dairy units allotted on fixed charges, 1948. Development nearing completion on mixed unit, for allotment on fixed charges, August, 1949, to ex-serviceman at present on wages. Upton, at Awatere Valley, 1,628 acres. Acquired, November, 1947. Objective : One sheep unit and two sheep and cropping units. Development, comprising regrassing, fencing, new dams, and water-supplies, is proceeding. Ex-serviceman manager,' with right of a section. Probably two years' development. Wairau, at Wairau Valley, 15,978 acres. Acquired, September, 1947. Objective : Four sheep units. Stud block, 4,695 acres, taken over by ex-serviceman Ist April, 1948 ; back block, 4,713 acres, taken over by civilian (displaced purchaser), Ist June', 194 h! Development, comprising buildings, yards, water-supplies, fencing, and regrassing practically completed. For ballot on fixed charges, July, 1949. Westland Land District Kopara, at Haupiri, 2,685 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : Four sheep units for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Reconditioning of pastures and erection of fencing. Progress should be sufficiently advanced for allotment, July, 1949. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Whitcombe, at Koiterangi, 445 acres. Acquired. December, 1946. Objective : Three dairy units for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Reconditioning of pastures, erection 395 chains fencing, two new dwellings and outbuildings, and water-supply. Progress: Buildings erected. Fencing and reconditioning pastures nearing completion. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Canterbury Land District Progress with the erection of dwellings and farm buildings has improved during the year, and contracts are more readily accepted by builders. Delay in the offering on fixed charges occasioned by lack of suitable accommodation affects onlv a few blocks, and this is being overcome by the provision of suitable temporary accommodation where practicable. On blocks in the Ashburton-Lyndhurst Irrigation Scheme a further area totalling 700 acres has been bordered and sown down with permanent pasture and lucerne during the year. Two hundred and twenty-five acres has also been bordered in the Mayfield-Hinds Irrigation Scheme. Ashlyn, at Lyndhurst, 582 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Objective : Two irrigation units. In run-down condition when acquired ; requires clearing and fertility built up before bordering and sowing of permanent pasture. Four hundred acres under cultivation during the year. Twenty-nine acres of permanent pasture on dry land, 9 acres bordered and sown with lucerne, and the balance of the area sown with fodder crops. One new dwelling, one new store and implement shed, one new wool and store shed, and renovations to existing dwelling completed. Two ex-servicemen are employed, with promises of sections.



Barkerfield, at Hinds, 1,922 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective: Four irrigation units ; settlement anticipated early 1952. Light plains land in the May fieldHinds Irrigation Scheme. The preparation of paddocks for irrigation started in late spring, and 225 acres border-dyked and sown in permanent pasture, and 16 acres borderdyked and sown in lucerne. Water is available to these areas. Progress made with the erection of three new houses and sheds, and with renovations to existing homestead. Fencing-material is now coming forward, and the subdivision of the large border-dyked paddocks will be started this winter. Three ex-servicemen are employed, with promises of sections. Beckleigh, at Winchester, 377 acres. Acquired, September, 1947. Objective: One sheep and cropping unit and one dairy unit. Development completed and allotted, November, 1948. Blythebum, at Stonyhurst, 5,084 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective : Four sheep and cropping units. The building programme, which includes four new dwellings, two implement-sheds, and two wool-sheds, is progressing and should be completed by August, 1949. Roading and access tracks have been completed and electric power available. Approximately 200 acres regrassed, and further development work to be carried out comprises 500 acres regrassing, and the erection of 463 chains fencing. An ex-serviceman manager, and three ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Settlement on fixed charges anticipated for autumn of 1950. Charteris, at Diamond Harbour, 1,768 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective: Two sheep and cattle units. These units were settled on fixed charges in September' 1948, temporary accommodation being provided. The building programme, which includes two new dwellings, one implement-shed, and one wool-shed, is 'nearing completion. Work is progressing on dip and yards. Cheviot Hills, at Cheviot, 5,060 acres. Acquired, February, 1946. Objective: Four sheep units and one dairy unit. Three sheep units and one dairy unit were allotted on fixed charges in August, 1947, and the remaining sheep unit was selected on permanent tenure, April, 1948. Clarkville, at Kaiapoi, 217 acres. Acquired, June, 1947. Objective : Three town supply dairy units. The building programme, comprising two new dwellings, three new milking-sheds, two utility sheds from part salvage materials, has been completed, also formation of access tracks, sinking of two wells, approximately 30 chains drains' and grass and lucerne establishment. The erection of 201 chains fencing and the installation of 1,300 ft. piping and troughs for water-supply is well advanced. Two ex-servicemen employed on the block have promises of sections. Final allotment is anticipated, July, 1949. Cone's, at Rakaia, 266 acres. Acquired: 134 acres, 7th October, 1947, and 132 acres 16th March, 1948. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit. The existing dwelling has been renovated and 37 acres of pasture sown. When compensation fixed, section will be allotted on fixed charges to the ex-serviceman at present employed on wages. Coutts Island, at Belfast, 177 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective: Two town supply dairy units. The building programme provides for the erection of two new milking-sheds, one new barn-implement shed, and renovations to house and feedshed. Considerable regrassing is required before settlement. Owing to the dry summer retarding pastures, the ex-serviceman manager and the ex-serviceman on wages have both asked, and it has been agreed, that settlement be deferred until 1950. Craiglea, at Methven, 970 acres. Acquired : 772 acres, April, 1948, and 198 acres, March, 1949. Objective : Three sheep and cropping units. The building programme provides for. two new dwellings, two new store and implement sheds, and conversion of granary to wool-shed. Contract work has commeneed, and steady progress is being made. Two hundred acres new permanent pasture has been sown down. Further



development work comprises formation 31 chains access tracks and 30 chains fencing. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Settlement on permanent tenure is. anticipated autumn, 1950. Croftlea, at Arundel, 1,950 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective : Three sheep and cropping units. Three sections settled on fixed charges, August/September, 1948. Development work still to be completed comprises erection of wool-shed and sheep-yards. Dromore, at Ashburton, 665 acres. Acquired, December, 1941. Objective : One sheep-farm. Development completed and allotted on permanent tenure, April, 1948. Eiffeltcn, at Eiffelton, 497 acres. Acquired, 459 acres, April, 1948, and 38 acres, November, 1948. Objective : Two sheep and cropping units. The building programme comprises erection of new dwelling and renovations to existing dwelling and granary. Approximately 3 miles subdivisional fencing is required. Two ex-servicemen, with promises of sections, are employed. Allotment on fixed charges is anticipated, August,. 1949. Fighting Hill, at Rakaia Gorge, 3,319 acres. Acquired, July and August, 1946. Objective : Four sheep and fattening units. The building programme has been completed, and comprises three new dwellings, one utility shed, and two wool-sheds. 450 acres has been regrassed, and approximately 40 chains water-race and 40 chains access tracks constructed. Approximately 320 chains fencing has been completed, and the construction of further boundary and road fencing is progressing steadily. Four exservicemen employed, with promises of sections. It is anticipated that all sections will be allotted on permanent tenure by July, 1949. Findlays, at Eiffelton, 264 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit. Development completed and settled on permanent tenure, July,. 19 48. Forsyth, at Little River, 2,492 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective : 'Threesheep and cattle units. This settlement was alloted on permanent tenure in July, 1948. The only development work covering erection of new dwelling has been completed. Frasers, ,at Hakataramea, 3,461 acres. 1 sheep unit acquired and allotted in December, 1948. Grassy Hills, at Waimate, 2,893 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective : Two sheep and cattle units. Settlement of both units on permanent tenure was made in May, 1948. Hakataramea Fish Hatchery, at Hakataramea, 26 acres. Acquired from the Marine Department in July, 1947, and allotted as worker's home in August, 1948. Henleys, at Lincoln, 97 acres. Acquired, May, 1946. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit. Seventy-five acres has been regrassed and is now in permanent pasture. The block on its own is uneconomic and has been let for temporary grazing pending the acquisition of an additional area required to make an economic unit. Holme, at Timaru, balance of area, 2,605 acres. Acquired, June, 1946. Objective : Six sheep and cropping units. Settlement of all units on permanent tenure was made in July, 1948. Kelmont, at Waikari, 1,766 acres. Acquired : 429 acres, Ist May, 1947, and 1,337 acres, 31st March, 1948. Objective : Four sheep and cropping units. The building programme', which is nearing completion, comprises three new dwellings, two new sheds, and :otie wool-shed, and repairs to existing buildings. Considerable repair work to fences has been,completed ; also 210 tons lime applied to pasture. Further development work covers the erection 423 chains fencing,-400 acres regrassing, sinking of two bores, erection of sheep dip and yards. Two ex-servicemen, with promises of sections, are-employed. Final allotment is anticipated in autumn, 1950, Kings, at Timaru, 251 acres- Acquired, September, 1946. Objective :■ One,sheep and cropping -unit. This block was Settled on permanent tenure in October, 1948, with temporary accommodation- ghsep-yards and subdivisional fencing erected. The erection of a new dwelling and new .-wool-shed cpmmenced. ....



Lauriston, at Lauriston, 329 acres. Acquired, October, 1940. Objective : One irrigated unit. Irrigation water will not be available on this block for a number of years, and temporary tenancies have been granted to adjoining Crown lessees meantime. Leader, at Parnassus, 6,719 acres. Acquired: 1,210 acres, April, 1948, and 5,509 acres, March, 1949. Objective : Two store-sheep units, and one sheep and cropping unit and an area for amalgamation with neighbouring owner. The building programme provides for two new dwellings, one wool-shed, one shearers' quarters, two sheds. Approximately If miles of roading is to be formed. Provision for temporary accommodation is being made to allow of settlement, June, 1949. Levels Valley, at Timaru, 674 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective : Two sheep and cropping units. Allotted on permanent tenure, August, 1948. Longs, at Pendarves, 703 acres. Acquired, September, 1948. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit. There are no buildings on the property, and tenders have beer called for erection of new dwelling and wool and store shed. Other development work required covers 100 acres regrassing, 160 chains fencing, metalling of 71 chains access road. At the present time 484 acres of grazing land is let on temporary tenancv. Permanent settlement is dependent upon completion of building programme. Lowland Lees, at Rangiora, 670 acres. Acquired, March, 1946. Objective: Two sheep and cropping farms. The building programme has been completed and two sections allotted on fixed charges in July, 1948. Lyndale, at Lyndhurst, 599 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Objective : Two irrigated units when 100 acres additional land is acquired. Building programme provides for one new dwelling, one new wool and store shed, and one new hut. Further development work covers preparation of 310 acres for irrigated pastures, erection of 310 chains new subdivisional fencing, construction of sheep-yards. Exserviceman manager, with promise of a section. The block may be ready for settlement in 1951. Meadowvale, at Pleasant Point, 274 acres. Acquired, April, 1947. Objective: Two dairy units. The building programme provides for one new house, renovations to existing house, two new milking-sheds, two implement-sheds, two piggeries. The erection of milking-sheds and piggeries is well advanced. Two hundred and thirty-two acres of pasture has been limed, 20 chains new boundary fencing and 70 chains internal fencing has been erected. Further development work covers erection of approximately 110 chains internal fencing. An ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Settlement on fixed charges is anticipated, August, 1949. Medway, at Hanmer, 8,312 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective: Two store-sheep units. Building programme provides for two new dwellings, one new woolshed, two sheds, modified shearers' quarters, dip and yards. The construction of miles of roading has been approved, and the erection of buildings and final settlement largely depends on its construction. Approximately 1£ miles of sectional boundary fencing has been completed. An ex-serviceman manager and-an ex-serviceman on wages with promises of sections. Settlement is anticipated, autumn, 1950. Middlerigg, at Dunsandel, 523 acres. Acquired, August, 1946. Objective : Four dairy units. Buildings completed on one unit, and settlement on permanent tenure was made in November, 1948. Buildings on the other three units are nearing comp etion, and settlement on permanent tenures is anticipated, spring, 1949. Montalto, at Mayfield, 2,631 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective: Four sheep and cropping units. One unit was allotted on permanent tenure in August, 1947, and settlement on permanent tenure is now being made of the remaining three units. Building programme for three remaining units provides for two new houses, two new combined sheds, construction of sheep-yards. Settlement on fixed charges is anticipated for June, 1949.



Mount Paul, at Waiau, 19,401 acres. Acquired, March-May, 1947. Objective : Sour store-sheep units and four sheep cattle and cropping units. The building programme provides for erection of four new houses, five utility sheds. The contract for renovation of existing buildings has been completed. The construction of two new dwellings has commenced. One and three-quarter miles roading has been completed, and there is about 12 miles of fencing to be erected. A contract for erection of 82 chains fencing has been let, with 110 chains to follow. When the two dwellings now in course, of erection are completed and with steady progress being made in erection of fencing there is every possibility that the five ex-servicemen at present on wages, with promises of sections, will be settled by autumn, 1950. This will be dependent, however, on the two store-sheep units being run as a partnership until such time as a further 2 miles of sectional boundary fence is completed. Newlands, at Ashburton, 369 acres. Acquired: 299 acres in July, 1946, and 70 acres in November, 1947. Objective : One irrigated unit. Previously part of winchmore Farm Settlement and now used as a separate unit for costing and management information. Further area of 45 acres bordered and sown down this season with 30 acres permanent grass and 15 acres lucerne. The area is now fully developed as an irrigated unit. Oaklands, at Methven, 1,037 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective: Three irrigated sheep and cropping units. The building programme provides for two new dwellings, two new barn-implement sheds, and renovations to- existing dwelling and wool-shed. Two hundred acres of this block were under irrigation at time of purchase, but further development for irrigation and fencing is required. It is anticipated that one unit may be settled autumn, 1950, but the other two units will not be ready for at least two years. Pyramid, at Waikari, 5,136 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit and two store-sheep units. The only development was the erection of one wool-shed, now completed. Three units were settled on permanent tenure April 1948. Ritchies, at Geraldine, 487 acres. Acquired, September, 1948. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit (partly irrigated). The block at present provides an uneconomic unit under " dry farming," but with the Hinds-Mayfield Irrigation Scheme available a single irrigation unit will be developed. Preliminary work has been carried out, but no border-dyking has yet been done. An ex-serviceman employed on wages has promise of the unit. Settlement on permanent tenure is anticipated, autumn, 1951. Riverview, at Ealing, 546 acres. Acquired, August, 1946. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit. Water was not available to enable this property to be settled as an irrigation block. Settlement on permanent tenure was made in August, 1948, as a % dry" sheep and cropping unit. Rocklea, at Lyndhurst, 525 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective : One or two irrigated units, dependent upon acquisition of additional land up to 175-200 acres. The existing dwelling has been renovated and painted. One hundred and sixty acres now bordered and sown down in permanent pasture, and 30 acres new dry pasture sown. Part of material for the erection of 300 chains fencing is on block, and contract fencer is now employed. An ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Rokeby, at Mitcham, 659 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1949. Objective: Three sheep and cropping units. The building programme provides for two new dwellings, two new combined sheds, renovations to existing buildings. Rowallan, at Winchmore, 814 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Objective : Two irrigated sheep and cropping units. This property will require cleaning and building up before being developed for irrigation. The building programme will provide for°two new dwellings, new implement-shed, and renovations to existing buildings. Considerable subdivisional fencing will be required. An ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a unit.



Sefton, at Sefton, 508 acres. Acquired, May, 1947. Objective : Four dairy units. All development work, including the erection of buildings, is completed. Three ex-service-men employed on wages, with promises of units. All sections should be allotted on fixed charges in July, 1949. Spring Creek, at Methven, 337 acres. Acquired, December, 1946. Objective: One sheep and cropping unit. Settlement on permanent tenure was made, July, 1948. Stamford, at Makikihi, 1,049 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective : Two sheep and cropping units, plus an area for amalgamation with uneconomic unit held by an ex-serviceman. All development work nearing completion. This includes renovations to existing house and buildings, erection of new house and combined shed, erection of boundary fencing. Two units were settled on permanent tenure, September, 1948, with provision for temporary accommodation. Stonehaven, at Ruapuna, 1,285 acres. Acquired, May, 1947. Objective: Two sheep and cropping units. Two units settled on permanent tenure, July, 1948. Temporary accommodation provided for one settler. Erection of new house and shed and renovations to existing house are under way. Stormlea, at Methven, 1,017 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Objective : Three sheep and cropping units. The building programme has been completed and settlement of three units on fixed charges was made July, 1948. Stowells, at Esk Valley, 570 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit. Four hundred and ninety acres settled as one unit on permanent tenure in August, 1948, with a temporary lease of 80 acres. Efforts being made to acquire further land to add to balance area to provide a further sheep and cropping unit. Strathallan, at Fairlie, 2,469 acres. Acquired : 1,841 acres, March, 1948, and 628 acres, March, 1949. Objective: Three sheep and cropping units. The building programme provides for one new house, one new wool-shed, one new combined shed, and renovations to two houses and one wool-shed. The erection of internal fencing has yet to be carried out. Access road over the swamp on Section 3isto be formed to give access to the arable portion of farm. One ex-serviceman manager and one ex-serviceman are employed, with promises of sections. Settlement of two units on fixed charges is anticipated, August, 1949, and the remaining unit, autumn, 1950. Strathconan, at Fairlie, 497 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit. Renovations to house and shed to be carried out and erection of new barn. One ex-serviceman is employed, with promise of a section. Settlement on permanent tenure is anticipated in 1949. Templetons, at Geraldine, 184 acres. Acquired, June, 1943. Objective : One dairy unit. Settlement on permanent tenure completed, December, 1948. Trent, at Templeton, 20 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective : Three raspberrygrowing units. Settlement on permanent tenure completed, September and December, 1948. Tripp, at Geraldine, 665 acres. Acquired, May, 1940. Objective : One sheep and cropping unit. This block has been developed by tile and mole draining, and further development by way of fencing and liming will be completed in 1949. Valetta, at Ashburton, 8,815 acresi Acquired, 1940-1947. Objective: Indefinite. This block lies within the proposed Valetta-Tinwald Irrigation Scheme. No water will be available for some years, and the block is being farmed on a maintenance basis meantime. Viewbrae, at Methven, 485 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Objective: Two irrigated units. The erection of a new dwelling and wool-shed has been completed, and a further 90 acres has been bordered and sown down. Two ex-servicemen are employed, with promises of sections. Allotment on fixed charges is anticipated, August, 1949.



Waikakahi, at Waimate, 766 acres. Acquired, August, 1940. Objective: Five dairy units. Four dairy units were settled on permanent tenure, August, 1947, and the remaining unit in December, 1948. Winchmore, at Ashburton, 4,072 acres. Acquired, November, 1944, to May, 1947. Objective : Ten to twelve irrigated units. The building programme for this block has now been completed by the erection during the year of the three new houses, with store and implement sheds, and repairs to two existing dwellings. Established areas of irrigated pasture have received up to 2 ft. of water. Following the dry season, irrigated pastures have been fairly heavily stocked. Stock have done well, and lambs have fattened and killed at satisfactory weights. During the year 270 chains of fencing was erected. Fencing material is now coming to hand, and the erectipn of further fencing is proceeding as labour is available. Bight ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Four units are to be allotted on permanent tenure in 1949. Wingfield, at Rakaia, 1,500. acres. Acquired, March, 1945. Objective: Three sheep and cropping units. During the season 95 acres of new pasture has been sown," making a total of 502 acres. Two hundred and forty-six chains new fencing have been erected. Further cultivation work is necessary on the block, and it is anticipated that settlement on permanent tenure will be made, autumn, 1950. Two ex-servicemen are employed, with promises of units. Otago Land District Awamangu, at Hillend, 2,944 acres. Acquired, 1944 and 1945. Objective : Five sheep-farms fox allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 1,068 acres ; erect 85 chains fencing ; erect three dwellings, three barn-implement sheds, and one cow-byre ; repair three houses and one wool-shed ; erect new sheep-yards ; and metal road and put in culverts. Progress : Development practically completed, and five sections will be allotted on fixed charges, June, 1949. Four ex-servicemen already on the block, with promises of sections. Beacon Hill, at Wairuna, 1,487 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Objective : Three sheep units for allotment, 1952. Development programme : Erect two dwellings and one wool-shed, and repair and renovate one dwelling and convert stable to barnimplement shed ; erect 260 chains and repair 225 chains fencing ; regrass 348 acres ; install 280 chains drains ; erect sheep-yards ; erect four bridges and put in three culverts ; and eradicate gorse. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of section. Berwick, at Berwick, 393 acres. Acquired, November, 1946. Objective•: Three dairy units for allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 47 acres ; erect 40 chains fencing ; erect two dwellings, two cow-byres, remove and re-erect one implement-shed, renovate one cow-byre ; sink two bores and reticulate ; erect stock bridge ; and metal sixty chains road. Progress : 47 acres regrassed, cow-byre renovated, two bores sunk, and two new dwellings commenced. Two ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Clydevale, at Clydevale, 1,147 acres. Acquired, 1947. Objective : Two sheepfarms for allotment—one in 1949 and one in 1950. Development programme : Regrass 300 acres, erect 76 chains fencing and repair 100 chains, renovate existing dwelling and pro vide, water-supply, provide a further dwelling; and erect one barn-implement shed. Progress : 127 acres regrassed. Existing dwelling renovated. Further dwelling provided—still requires water-supply, drainage and sundry repairs, &c. Barn-implement shed almost completed. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Cranleigh, at Tuapeka Mouth, 1,911 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective : Three sheep-farms for allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 445 acres, erect 130 chains fencing and repair 200 chains fencing, erect two dwellings and one barn-implement shed, and eradicate gorse. Progress : 445 acres regrassed, 90 chains fencing repaired, area of gorse grubbed, and erection of buildings commenced. It is



proposed to allot the sections on fixed charges in June, 1949, using two old cottages for accommodation pending erection of the new dwellings. Two ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Downlands, at Palmerston, 3,183 acres. Acquired, September, 1948. Objective : Two sheep-farms or partnership proposition for allotment possibly 1949, but probably 1950. Development programme : Provide one dwelling and one barn-implement shed, erect 160 chains new fencing, and provide water-supply. . Final decision as to disposal of this property is held up pending further details regarding water-supply. Goodwood, at Palmerston, 1,720 acres. Acquired, July, 1946. Objective : Four sheep-farms for allotment, 1950. Development programme : Regrass 346 acres ; erect or repair 885 chains fencing; erect four dwellings and three barn-implement sheds , repair two cottages for temporary accommodation ; remove, renovate, and extend woolshed ; construct sheep-yards and dip ; repair stable; construct dams ; and form and metal road. Progress : Two cottages repaired ; two implement-sheds built; wool-shed moved, renovated, and extended ; stable repaired ; sheep-yards and dip constructed ; six dams constructed ; 180 chains fencing erected or repaired ; 220 acres .regrassed; road formed and metalled ; and two dwellings almost completed. This property should be ready for allotment as planned. Two ex-servicemen are employed, with promises of sections. Green Valley, at Dunback, 11,860 acres. Acquired, March, 1949. Objective: Three sheep-farms for allotment, 1951. Development programme : Erect two dwellings, one wool-shed, two sheds and loose-boxes, renovate cottage and outbuildings , erect 510 chains fences ; and erect sheep-yards and dip. Ex-serviceman manager, with the promise of'section. Invermay, at Wingatui, 1,262 acres. Acquired, February, 1946. Objective : Three dairv-farms for allotment, 1949, and one sheep-farm for allotment, 1950. Development programme: Regrass 389 acres; erect 80 chains fencing and repair 60 chains; and erect three dwellings, three cow-byres, three implement-sheds, and one wool-implement shed. Progress : 347 acres regrassed ; 58 chains fencing erected ; 80 chains fencing repaired ; and excellent progress made with erection of three dwellings, two implement-sheds, and wool-implement shed. Island Cliff, at Tokarahi, 2,465 acres. Acquired, 1944. Objective: Five sheepfarms for allotment—one in 1947 and four, in 1950. Development programme: Regrass 855 acres; erect- or rebuild 1,906 chains of fencing; erect dwellings, two implement-sheds, and one woolshed ; extend water-supply; and grade and metal 45 chains of road. Progress : 1,723 chains fences erected or rebuilt, 828 acres regrassed water-supply extended but not completed, 45 chains road graded and metalled, and progress made with erection of two implement-sheds and wool-shed. One unit was allotted in September, 1947. Difficulty is being experienced in obtaining a suitable tender for the erection of the dwellings. Three ex-servicemen are employed on wages, with promises of sections. Koau, at Inch Clutha, 411 acres. Acquired : 257 acres, July, 1948, and 154 acres, Februarv,'l949. Objective: Four dairy-farms for allotment —two in 1950 and two in 1952. Development programme : Erect three dwellings, four cow-byres, and three barn-implement sheds ; extend water-supply ; erect 200 chains fencing and repair -250 chains ; and regrass 150 acres. Progress : 50 acres regrassed and 47 chains fences repaired. It is anticipated that the building contract for this block will be let shortly, and two sections should be ready for allotment on fixed charges in 1950. The manager is an ex-serviceman, with the promise of a section. Kuriwao, at' Waiwera, 453 acres. Acquired, 1941. Objective : One sheep-farm for allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 110 acres, erect 30 chains fences and repair 400 chains, erect combined wool-implement shed, and renovate existing house. Progress : Practically completed. Property will be. allotted to the ex-serviceman manager, who has the promise of the section, as from April, 1949.



Macfarlane Downs, at Clydevale, 5,073 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Objective : Four sheep-farms for allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 400 acres, erect one dwelling and one barn-implement shed, and repair 100 chains fencing, rrogress : 115 acres regrassed. Arrangements made for lease of adjoining Wharetoa bchoolhouse pending the erection of new dwelling. One ex-serviceman is employed with the promise of a section. Matau, at Inch Clutha, 202 acres. Acquired, June, 1947. Objective : Two dairyiarms for allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 170 acres ; erect 80 chains barbed-wire fencing and repair 40 chains ; erect one dwelling, two cow-byres and one barn-implement shed ; repair flood damage by regrassing a further 105 acres • and extend water-supply. Progress : 170 acres regrassed, including area damaged by ivSr 5? i amS encmg erected and 20 chains repaired, and new dwelling commenced. Uimculty being experienced in obtaining a satisfactory tender for erection of cow-sheds and possible that allotment will have to be held over until 1950. The manager is an ex-serviceman, with the promise of a section. Moa Flat, at Heriot, 15,036 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective : Three sheep-farms for allotment, 1950. Development programme : Regrass 504 acres, erect 300 chains and repair 200-chains fencing, erect three new dwellings and three barnimplement sheds, repair existing buildings and sheep and cattle yards, and install water pumps. Progress : 251 acres regrassed, 260 chains fences repaired, sheep and cattle yards repaired, existing buildings repaired, new dwellings commenced, and pumps installed This property has actually been subdivided into four sheep-farms, but one is reserved for a member of the family from which it was acquired. It is anticipated that !nL IS6CtIOIISl S6Ctl011S f ° r ex " serviceme n settlement will be allotted on fixed charges in May 1950. lhree ex-servicemen on the property, with promises of sections. Moeraki, at Moeraki, 4,634 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective ■ Twelve sheep-farms for allotment-ten in 1951 and two in 1952. Development programme : 8 new dwellings, one wool-shed, and nine barn-implement sheds ; remove one dwelling and resite, extend, and renovate ; renovate 2 existing dwellings ; erect sheep yards and dip ; extend water-supply (major operation); form and metal 200 chains of road ; erect 850 chains and repair 200 chains fences ; and regrass 1,666 acres. Progress : 501 acres regrassed ; 50 chains fences repaired ; and erection of five dwellings, four barn-implement sheds, and one wool-shed" substantially completed. JJevelopment is delayed because there is insufficient accommodation for staff When the new dwellings are completed it will be possible to engage a further five ex-servicemen, with promises of sections. At present three ex-servicemen are employed, with promises of sections. 1 Moyola at Heriot, 973 acres. Acquired, May, 1946. Objective : Two sheep-farms allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 265 acres, erect 70 chains and repair 60 chains fencing, convert large homestead into two separate dwellings, erect one barn-implement shed, and renovate and repair men's quarters. Progress : Development completed, and the two sections will be allotted on fixed charges in June 1949. One ex-serviceman is employed, with the promise of a section. Papanui, at Cape Saunders, 1,092 acres. Acquired, March, 1934. Development completed and property allotted to two ex-servicemen and to two civilians, who had -promises of sections. Balance area, 199 acres, to be subdivided between these men. Rippleburn at Balclutha, 733 acres. Acquired, July, 1945. Objective : Two sheeplarms for allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 266 acres, erect 80 chains lencmg, erect one new dwelling and one barn-implement shed, and metal 20 chains access track. Progress : New buildings completed, 183 acres regrassed, and 20 chains access track metalled. Development has reached such a stage that the two sections can be alloted on fixed charges in June, 1949.



Silver Peak, at Waikouaiti, 10,584 acres. Acquired 1948. Objective: Three sheepfarms for allotment, 1950. Development programme : Erect three dwellings, one woolshed, and men's quarters ; erect 10 miles of fences ; metal 6 miles road ; provide 20 chains farm tracks; and erect huts for temporary accommodation. Progress : 28 chains fencing erected, two huts erected, and 10 chains farm tracks formed. The settlers on this property are to be given the option of residing on or off their sections. The manager, who has the promise of a section, has indicated his intention of residing in Waikouaiti. It should be possible to allot all three sections in 1950. Spylaw, at Moa Flat, 7,389 acres. Acquired : 5955 acres, September, 1948, and 1,434 acres, March, 1949. Objective : Four sheep-farms for allotment, 1951, and one sheep-farm for allotment, 1953. Development programme : Erect four houses, four barn-implement sheds, one wool-shed, and shearers' quarters ; erect 200 chains and renew 80 chains and repair 8| miles fences ; regrass 700 acres ; renovate existing house,, wool-shed, and stable ; form and metal internal road and widen and reform existing farm track. Progress : 311 acres regrassed and one house erected. Two ex-servicemen are employed, with promises of sections. When further accommodation is provided it will be possible to employ further ex-servicemen with a speeding-up of development work. The section for allotment in 1953 is an area recently acquired, and is badly infested, with rabbits, and little development work can be done on it meantime. Taipo Hill, at Kakanui, 463 acres. Acquired, March, 1944. Development completed and allotted as two sheep units to ex-servicemen in August, 1948. Te Houka, at Waiwera, 1,462 acres. Acquired, 1941. Objective : Two sheep-farms-for allotment in 1949. Development programme : Regrass 253 acres, repair 400 chains fences and erect forty-five gates, and renovate two houses and install concrete tank. Progress : Development completed and two sections can be allotted on fixed charges in June, 1949. One ex-serviceman is employed, with the promise of a section. Thomdale, at Edievale, 1,766 acres. Acquired, April, 1946. Objective : Three sheep-farms for allotment, 1949 Development programme : Regrass 324 acres; repair 300 chains and erect 50 chains fences ; move one house to new site and renovate ; and renovate other two houses ; erect one wool-shed and rebuild dip and yards ; and plant 2,000 trees. Progress : Development completed except for wool-shed, and the three sections can be allotted in June, 1949—tw0 to ex-servicemen with promises and one by ballot. Waipori, at Henley, 440 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Objective : When further land adjoining is acquired will provide three dairy-farms for allotment —two in 1952, and one in 1953. Development programme : Erect two dwellings, three cow-sheds and three barn-implement sheds; repair and renovate existing dwelling ; regrass 320 acres • erect 270 chains fencing and repair 350 chains; and install water-supply. Progress : 55 acres regrassed, 35 chains fences erected, and minor repairs to existing dwelling carried out. Waiwera, at Waiwera, 1,763 acrgs. Acquired, 1948. Objective : Three sheep-farms for allotment, 1950. Development programme : Regrass 350 acres ; erect 300 chains and repair 725 chains fencing; move and re-erect one house and renovate two houses ; convert stable into two barn-implement sheds ; and erect wool-shed, sheep-yards, and dip. Progress : 156 acres regrassed and minor repairs to one house carried out. Two undefined sections have been offered on wages but there were no applicants. Wakatipu, at Queenstown, 1,002 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Objective: Two sheep-farms for allotment, 1950. Development programme : Regrass 152 acres, repair 60 chains fencing, erect one dwelling and one barn-implement shed, renovate existing dwelling and install septic tank, and widen creek-bed and clean. Programme is being reviewed. Progress : 65 acres regrassed, existing dwelling renovated and septic tank installed, and 6 chains creek-bed widened and cleaned. The manager is an ex-serviceman, with the promise of a section.



Wharetoa, at Clydevale, 1,440 acres. Acquired, 1948. Objective : One sheep-farm for allotment, 1949, and one for allotment, 1950. Development programme : Regrass 300 acres, erect 220 chains fencing, erect one dwelling and one barn-implement shed, and repair existing buildings. Progress : Barn-implement shed almost completed ; one house shifted and re-erected, but still requires drainage and water supply ; 181 acres regrassed; and 20 chains fences erected. One section will be ready for allotment on fixed charges in 1949. Two ex-servicemen have promises of sections. Willowburn, at Clinton, 4,694 acres. Acquired, April, 1946. Objective : Three sheep-farms for allotment, 1949. Development programme : Regrass 200 acres, erect 240 chains and repair 100 chains fences, erect one dwelling and one combined woolimplement shed, install septic tank, and provide farm tracks, replace bridges, and provide culverts. Progress : 220 acres regrassed ; one farm track formed, four culverts built, and two bridges replaced; septic tank installed; and 30 chains fences repaired. It has not been possible as yet to let a contract for the erection of new buildings. Other development, however, has reached the stage where charges can be fixed, and it is .proposed to allot the three sections by ballot with possession in June, 1949. One of the settlers will be required to accept temporary accommodation in the existing homestead pending the erection of the new house. Southland Land District Balfour, at Balfour, 1,363 acres. Acquired, January, 1946. Development: Completed and allotted as three sheep units during 1948-49. Dacre, at Dacre, 634 acres. Acquired, June, 1946. Development: Completed and allotted as two sheep units, July, 1948. Drumfern, at Dipton, 7,320 acres. Acquired, October, 1947. Objective : Three sheep farms for allotment, 1952. Development programme : 670 acres regrassing, 440 chains new fencing, 850 chains repairs to fences, 600 chains draining, three new dwellings, one wool-implement shed, two implement shed/barns, one sheep-dip, three sheep-yards, one cattle-yard, repairs and renovations to existing dwelling and outbuildings, and twenty-five stock crossings. Progress : 50 acres regrassed, 130 chains fences repaired, 400 chains drains excavated, one cattle-yard built, one cottage repaired, and seven stock crossings constructed. Eastern Bush, at Orawia, 938 acres. Acquired, December, 1945. Objective : One sheep unit of 444 acres allotted, July, 1948, and one sheep unit of 494 acres for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme (for remaining unit) : 87 acres regrassed, 88 chains fencing, and provision of water-supply. Progress : 87 acres under cultivation will be grassed in spring, 1949. Fencing programme has been held up by lack of wire and labour, but can now proceed. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of allotment. Granvue, at Otautau, 578 acres. Acquired, May, 1947. Objective : Two sheepfarms for allotment in July, 1949. Development programme : 107 acres regrassing, 110 chains new fencing, one new dwelling, and one new implement shed/barn, repairs to existing dwelling and outbuildings. Progress : Regrassing completed and one sheepyard constructed. The fencing programme has been held up by shortage of wire, but can now proceed. Ex-serviceman manager and one ex-serviceman on wages, with promise of sections. Hedgehojpe, at Hedgehope, 514 acres. Acquired, October, 1948. Objective : Two sheep-farms for allotment, 1951. Development programme : 200 acres regrassing ; 90 chains deepening and widening of channel drain; 16 chains new channel drain ; 100 chains tile drain ; 180 chains new fencing ; 305 chains repairs to fences ; cottage resited, enlarged, and renovated ; implement-shed resited ; repairs to existing dwellings ; two new sheep-yards ; water-supply ; and 5 chains of farm track. Progress : 30 acres regrassed, 8 chains tile drain, and 66 chains fences repaired. Ex-serviceman manager and one ex-serviceman on wages, with promises of sections.



Hokonui, at Balfour, 12,821 acres. Acquired : 300 acres, July, 1948, and 12,521 acres, March, 1949. Scheme of subdivision and development programme not yet finalized. Karara, at Tuatapere, 709 acres. Acquired, September, 1947. Objective : Two sheep-farms for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : 300 acres regrassing, 250 chains new fencing, 30 chains farm track, two new dwellings, one wool/implement shed, one implement shed/barn, two sheep-yards, and water-supply. Progress : 151 acres regrassed, 70 chains new fencing erected, and buildings in course of erection. Exserviceman manager and one ex-serviceman employed on wages, with promises of sections. Kenilworth, at Waimahaka, 3,055 acres. Acquired : 1,736. acres in September, 1945, and 1,319 acres in February, 1947. Objective : Seven sheep-farms for allotment —six in July, 1949, and one in July, 1950. Development programme : 1,344 acres regrassing, 700 chains new fencing, 190 chains drainage, 128 chains roading, five new dwellings, five implement shed/barns, six new sheep-yards, two sheep-dips, and repairs to existing dwellings. Development progress : 1,289 acres regrassed, 320 chains new fencing, drainage and roading programme completed, one sheep yard and dip, and existing dwelling renovated. Ex-serviceman manager and three ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Kinacraig, at Balfour, 1,187 acres. Acquired, August, 1947. Objective : Three sheep units for allotment, July, 1950. Development programme : 600 acres regrassing 400 chains drainage, 215 chains new fencing and repairs to existing fences, two new dwellings and repairs to existing dwellings, two implement shed/barns, one wool/implement shed, three sheep-yards, and provision of water-supply. Progress : 167 acres regrassed, drainage completed, 33 chains new fencing and 218 chains fences repaired, four bores sunk, three pump-houses erected, and one pump installed. Ex-serviceman manager and two ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Mararua, at Edendale, 359 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Objective : Three dairy-farms for allotment, August, 1949. ' programme : 420 chains new fencing, three new dwellings, three implement shed/barns, three cow-byres, and watersupply. Progress : 117 chains new fencing, water supply completed'except for piping to troughs, one implement shed/barn erected. Contract for three houses let. Exserviceman manager and one ex-serviceman employed on wages, with promises of sections. Oreti, at Winton, 439 acres. Acquired, December, 1948. Objective : One sheep unit for allotment in July, 1954. Development programme : 432 acres regrassing, 184 chains new fences, demolition of 119 chains of internal fence, clearing 150 chains road-line gorse, 34 chains of channel drain, 55 chains of tile drain, repairs to dwelling, one new implement shed/barn, and sheep-yards and dip. Progress: 140 acres under cultivation to be sown in 1950, 110 chains old fencing demolished, 29 chains road-line gorse cleared, draining programme awaits completion of a channel to be excavated by the Southland Catchment Board. Ex-serviceman manager employed on wages, with promise of section. Pukewao, at Waimahaka, 4,301 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Development programme and scheme of subdivision not yet been finalized, but will probably provide five sheep units. Progress : 140 acres limed and regrassed, 12 chains drain, 12 culverts, "and 30 chains of farm track. Robinhood, at Mataura Island, 1,715 acres. Acquired, April, 1945. Objective: one sheep unit allotted in *1945, one sheep unit allotted in 1948, and one sheep unit of 664 acres for allotment in 1950. Development programme (for the remaining unit) : Enlarging and renovating cottage, erecting implement shed/barn, conversion stable to wool-shed, sheep yards and dip, 34 chains new drain, 155 chains new fencing and repairs to existing fencing, and 335 acres regrassing. Progress : Enlarging and renovating cottage nearing completion, implement shed/barn completed, sheep yards and dip, 20 chains of fences repaired, and 255 acres regrassed.



Rothie, at Thornbury, 754 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Objective 50 acres sold to adjoining ex-serviceman to give him economic unit; three sheep-farms for allotment,. July, 1949. Development programme : 170 acres regrassing, 170 chains fencing, 203 chains draining, two dwellings, two implement shed/barns, two sheep-yards, and provision of water-supply. Progress : 152 acres regrassed, 122. chains new fences erected, 27b chains draining, and contract let for the erection of buildings. Ex-serviceman manager and two ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Ruahine, at Pahia, 1,195 acres. Acquired, March, 1946. Objective : two sheepfarms for allotment in 1950. Development programme : Being revised. Progress : House and cottage repaired and painted ; cattle-yards and sheep yards and dip erected ; stable and barn re-erected ; 90 chains of channel drain excavated ; 50 chains tile drains ; 382 chains fences repaired ; 25 chains farm track ; 35 acres gorse cleared ; 40 acresbush felled, burnt, and surface sown; 60 acres stumped; 228 chains new fencing. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Southdown, at Glencoe, 5,645 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Objective : Eleven sheep units—4 for allotment in July, 19.49, and seven in June, 1950. Development programme : 16J miles new fencing, 4 new dwellings, three cottages to be enlarged and renovated and one dwelling repaired, 142 chains of roading, seven sheep-yards, eight implement shed/barns, and one barn. Progress : 72 chains new fence, 34 chains of roadmg and 571 acres regrassed. Ex-serviceman manager and three ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Sjmrhead, at Dacre, 2,223 acres. Acquired, March, 1941. Objective: Six sheep units for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme: 1,716 acres regrassing, excavation of six miles channels, five new houses, one wool/implement shed, two implement shed/barns, one barn, six sheep-yards, two dips, repairs to dwelling and outbuildings, 24 miles of fencing, and water-supply. Progress : Drainage and regrassing completed, fencing progressing, water supply almost complete except for one unit, and erection of four new houses well advanced. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Te Peka, at Waimahaka, 1,145 acres. Acquired, May, 1948. Objective: Two sheep units for allotment, July, 1950. Development programme : 360 acres regrassing, 600 chains fencing, two dwellings, one implement shed/barn, one wool/implement shed, two sheep-yards, one dip, and water-supply. Progress : 55 acres regrassed, 66 chains new fences, one sheep-yard, contract for outbuildings let. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of a section. Titipua, at Dacre, 2,838 acres. Acquired : 2,128 acres, April, 1948, and 710 acres, September, 1948. Objective : Nine sheep units for allotment—five in 1950 and four m 1952-53. Development programme : 425 acres regrassing, 120 chains access road, two dwellings to be renovated, one renovated and enlarged, five new dwellings, 300 chains channel drain to be cleaned, 230 chains new channel drain, 365 chains tile drain, one shearing/implement shed, seven sheep-yards, 900 chains fencing, and one sheep-dip. Progress : 136 acres regrassed, 25 chains channel drain excavated, formation of roading commenced. Five ex-servicemen employed, with promises of sections. Titiroa, at Mataura Island, 409 acres. Acquired, August, 1948. Objective : Three dairy units for allotment, 1950. Development programme : Erection of two dwellings and renovations to existing dwellings, three new cow-byres, two implement shed/barns, 155 chains fencing, 50 chains internal fencing to be taken down and re-erected, and provision of water-supply. Development progress : Contract let for renovations to existing dwelling, 59 chains of new fencing erected. Ex-serviceman manager and one ex-serviceman employed, with promises of sections. Tokanui, at Tokanui, 484 acres. Acquired, December, 1948. Objective : One sheep unit for allotment, July, 1949. Development programme : Eepairs to existing dwelling, conversion of stable to wool-shed, repairs to fencing, and top-dressing of 330 acres. Progress : Eepairs to existing building commenced, top-dressing completed. Ex-serviceman manager, with promise of section.



Waimea, at Balfour, 2,002 acres. Acquired, June, 1948. Objective : Four sheep units for allotment June, 1950. Development programme : Provision of new subdivisional and boundary fences, repairs to existing internal fencing, 300 chains draining, three dwellings, one implement shed/barn, two barns, resiting and renovation of two implement-sheds, three sheep-yards, 500 acres regrassing, repairs to existing dwelling, and provision of water-supply. Progress : 54 chains fencing repaired, 170 chains drain widened and deepened, and 108 acres regrassed. A further 90 acres under crop will be regrassed in the spring of 1949. Ex-serviceman manager and two ex-servicemen, employed with promises of sections. Waijpango, at Riverton, 214 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Objective : One dairy unit for allotment, 1950. Development programme : 114 acres regrassing, 182 chains fencing, repairs to 110 chains boundary fences, 55 chains open drain, 92 chains tile drain, one dwelling, one cow-byre, one implement shed/barn, and provision of water-supply. Progress : 93 acres ploughed out of lea and cropped prior to regrassing, 30 chains fencing repaired, and 130 chains draining. Ex-serviceman manager employed, with promise of section. Wairoto, at Tuatapere, 5,697 acres. Acquired, April, 1948. Objective : Probably four sheep units after six to seven years development. Development programme : Not yet finalized. Progress : 440 chains repairs to fencing, 35 chains new drain, and 18 acres new grass, and dwelling repaired. Woodstock, at Dacre, 529 acres. Acquired, July, 1948. Objective : Two sheep units for allotment in July, 1949. Development programme : Erection two dwellings, two' implement shed/barns, 44 acres regrassing, 77 chains fencing, and provision of water supply. Progress : Regrassing and subdivisional fencing completed. Ex-serviceman manager and one ex-serviceman employed, with promises of sections.

Table A—Return of Properties Purchased by Negotiation and Possession Taken During Period 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Date of Possession. H. M. Wilson Estate of T. Coates W. Rose C. F. and T. S. Shipherd E. J. Curlett R. 0. Unsworth A. H. Storey Estate of Walter Hill .. Y. H. and E. E. Nolan L. W. Eggleton G. Preece Estate of E. C. Pilkington E. A. Ralph R. W. Wayne Health. Department J. Paterson and Estate of M E. W. P. and Estate of E. J. Matthews Maori Trustee Estate of P. W. Rutherford 3—C 1 North Auckland . Ruawai Kaiwaka Awanui Pukekohe Auckland Lan Waikaretu Hamurana Te Awamutu .. Rotorua Cambridge Te Aroha Waitoa Hoe-o-Tainui .. Rotorua Pokeno Te Awamutu .. Hamilton Paengaroa Te Kuiti Wairamarama Land District Part Awaroa .. Part Kumi ! Part Komiri d District Kokonga , Part Hamurana Te Rahu Part Atiamuri .. Kura Waihekau Toa Maori Sett. Ngongotaha Puniu Horotiu Kaituna Part Waitanguru Whitecliffs A. B. P 174 3 13-5 5 3 2-4 89 1 1-4 0 1 32-8 3,713 1 0 22 2 22 268 2 2 10,151 2 13-8 402 3 15 240 0 18-7 335 3 19 418 1 29-7 287 0 25 164 1 2 168 0 0 260 0 0 746 0 0 916 0 0 1,940 3-21 31/5/48 l/io/48 22/5/47* 28/4/48 29/4/48 31/5/48 :7/5/48 31/5/48 4/6/48 3/5/48 1/6/48 20/8/48 30/9/48 2/10/48 28/2/49 28/2/49 28/2/49 1/3/49


Table A —Return of Properties Purchased by Negotiation and Possession Taken During Period 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949—continued


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Date Possession. Gisborne Land District Estate of F. Hall Estate of F. Stafford F. Stafford Waimata Waerenga-o-kuri Rere Hokoroa Sherbrooke Part Hiwinui .. 4,156 2,314 6 1 3 1 3 3 18 1/10/48 10/3/49 30/12/47* Hawlces Bay Land District Estate of J. D. Goring-Johnstone Estate of W. S. F. GoringJohnstone W. T. Goring-Johnstone Estate of A. M. Williams E. A. Williams Sir G. Hunter W. T. Carlton Estate of H. J. C. Syme A. S. Bennett Estate of J. Anderson and Mary T. Munro, Eliz. Anderson, I. B. Logan, T. H. R. Gifford Estate of W. Shrimpton Mrs. E. M. Shrimpton Waipawa Otane Porangahau .. Maraekakaho Hastings Patoka 1 ]>Kereru Matapiro Pakowhai Hautope Aupaki Seaview Mason Ridge .. Longlands Huiarangi Poporangi Kikowhero Waiohiki 941 1,589 1,532 400 112 2,461 693 24 2,913 22,538 886 67 2 0 1 0 1 0 3 3 0 0 1 0 24-4 0 34 28 39 0 15 34-1 9 25 31 23 31/5/48 31/5/48 31/5/48 31/5/48 '31/5/48 30/6/48 26/7/48 31/8/48 15/12/48 31/3/49 28/3/49 28/3/49 Taranaki Land District Mrs. E. D. McEldowney C. J. Hawken 0. E. and F. M. Stewart Okato Hawera Ohura Puniho Part Mokoia Matiere .. ! 240 3 969 3 1 0 35 14-8 39-9 30/6/48 15/9/48 20/12/48 Wellington Land District L. T. McLean E. C. X. White G. H. Hawken C. H. Spiers Maori interests Public Works Department R. J. Managh W. Ritchie J. R,. O'Hara M. i). McGregor W. H. Dickens Whitaunui Ltd. Mrs. I. A. Booth Estate of W. R. Godfrey C. B. Minogue S. C. Younger C. L. and Estate of E. Bull S. A. Crichton Mrs. F. Bennett Santoft Ltd. J. F. Knight Mrs. M. Perry Estate of A. E. Russell Rawhiti Farms, Ltd. Estate of A. M. Healey Estate of C. Wybourne F. W. Bartholomew Mrs. J. Lowes R. Mace Estate of C. Managh .. J. M. B. Collier R, J. Gibbs Mangaweka .. Masterton Waverley Shannon Masterton Bulls Halcombe Masterton Tinui Shannon Carterton Eketahuna Karioi Feilding Hunterville .. Wanganui Kairanga Marton Kai Iwi Feilding Ohingaiti Masterton Mangaweka .. Waverley Tinui Eketahuna Masterton Halcombe Kaitieke Hihitahi Taihape Rewarewa Allerton Marks Hall Part Ngai Part Wainuioru Pukenui Halcombe Part Upoko 99 • * Glenstrae Eastwood Whitaunui Part Ruamahanga Nirvana Kainui Willowmere Part Rata Keritone Taonui Santoft Tarapouri Part Awahuri .. Ohingaiti Otahoua Elslea Part Eastwood Rongomai Part Taueru Part Halcombe Part Okapea .. 1,872 548 200 509 97 214 380 105 497 3,306 2,871 965 27 3,088 2,097 425 546 157 135 9,632 762 375 950 568 1,061 780 328 1,462 1,415 493 2,748 162 176 2 3 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 33 30-77 0 25-6 13-3 1-6 14-8 0 0 1-2 32 0 20 24-4 0 25 0 13 16 26 0 16 0 0 0 36 0 32 0 0 0 0 1 14/4/48 30/4/48 17/5/48 31/5/48 5/48 1/6/48 30/6/48 30/6/48 20/7/48 7/7/48 16/7/48 16/7/48 2/8/48 2/8/48 2/8/48 8/48 13/9/48 1/12/48 13/12/48 1/2/49 28/2/49 28/2/49 28/2/49 1/3/49 1/3/49 1/3/49 3/3/49 4/3/49 7/3/49 11/3/49 23/3/49


Table A —Return of Properties Purchased by Negotiation and Possession Taken During Period 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949 —continued

4—C 1


Date Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. of 1 Possession. Marlborough Land District If. 0. and H. B. Goulter Awatere Valley Blairich 18,981 3 25 2/4/48 G. M. Hugonin and Estates of Kaikoura Lakes .! 362 0 38 20/1/49 R. and F. E. Bullen J. Y. Scales and W. B. Hitt .. Ludstone 907 0 19 30/3/49 Nelson Land District P. S. Williams Upper Moutere Moutere 306 1 39 11/8/48 Hillsborough Investment Co., Ltd. Pangatotara .. Pangatotara 163 2 05 21/10/48 P. V. Kenning Nelson Part Saxton 3 3 25 1/11/48 Westland Land District Drayton Bros. Haupiri .. | Kopara .. | 2,685 1 35-2 | 31/5/48 Canterbury Land District Estate of J. N. McGowan Little River .. Forsyth 635 0 0 8/4/48 Estates of R. H. and M. Birdling • * ,, 1,853 1 3 8/4/48 P. I). Hall Waikari Pyramid 5,075 2 25 8/4/48 A. Pithie Arundel Croftlea 1,949 2 34 9/4/48 M. J. Meehan Makikihi Stamford 1,046 3 4 20/4/48 G. G. Rich and J. 0. Montgomery EifFelton EifFelton , 458 2 25 30/4/48 P. L. Alfeld .. Templeton Trent 20 0 0 31/5/48 Estate of T. H. Wilkinson Parnassus Part Leader 1,209 2 10-8 12/4/48 Ex Marine Department Hakataramea 22 0 4 7/47* Estate of Wm. Long Pendarves 709 3 0 29/9/48 J. H. Grigg Longbeach Part Eiffelton .. 38 1 32 23/11/48 W. A. Eraser • Hakataramea.. 3,461 1 22 23/12/48 Estate of J. G. Wright Lyndhurst Lyndale 599 0 0 23/3/49 A. R. R. Keith Winchmore .. j Rowallan 814 2 0 1/3/49 Estate of G. L. Rutherford and the Parnassus j Leader 5,509 0 29 23/3/49 G. L. Rutherford Trust Otago Land District A. C. Kee .. Clydevale Part Wharetoa 568 0 32 1/4/48 Buckland and Tillard Waikouaiti Silver Peak 7,899 0 12-1 1/4/48 Waiwera Farms, Ltd. Waiwera Part Waiv/era .. 605 1 0 30/6/48 R. Aitken Clydevale Macfarlane Downs 5,072 2 18 5/7/48 Alfred Hastings and Estate of Inchclutha Koau 256 2 20 19/7/48 R. Hastings W. A. and H. M. Yardley and Moa Flat Spylaw 5,955 0 0 1/9/48 A. M. Isbister, A. M. Quin G. C. and M. E. Seers Palmerston Downlands 3,183 1 16 29/9/48 J. McDiarmid Wairuna Part Beacon Hill 539 1 22 28/2/49 J. and Estate of Chas. Lawson .. Inchclutha Part Koau 154 3 24 28/2/49 F. W. D. and G. E. Bell Dunback 11,800 0 0 29/3/49 Southland Land District Titipua Ltd. Dacre Titipua 2,127 3 22 9/4/48 Miss M. Kirkpatrick Tuatapere Wairoto 1,604 0 0 1/4/48 A. Blue Balfour Waimep, 2,002 0 20 30/6/48 Estate of J. Cowie 99 Part Hokonui .. 300 0 0 31/7/48 G. A. Collis Waimahaka .. Pukewao 4,300 3 0 30/7/48 H. G..Pinckney Dacre Part Titipua .. /lO 2 31 15/9/48 J. H. Georgeson Winton Oreti 439 0 23 1/12/48 Estate of W. F. Turner Tokanui Tokanui 483 2 1-8 1/12/48 C. 0. McKellar Balfour Part Hokonui .. 6,476 3 25 30/3/49 T. G. McKellar 6,043 2 9 30/3/49 Total 208,454 3 7 * Not previously reported.


Table B—Return of Properties Acquired Under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, During the Period 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Date of Vesting. North Auckland Land District Estate of M. and M. A. Buckland 1 Helensville 1 Te Kawau 1 A * 1 3,412 R. P. 2 07 1 4/6/48 Auckland Land District P. H. Saxton and Co., Ltd. K. W. Dalrymple T. M. Smith W. J., T., and F. Marks Estate of E. R. Chudleigh H. K. Whitechurch Pollock and Duncan J. and Estate of T. Scott Morrinsville .. Matamata Walton Taniwha Te Aroha Morrinsville .. Matamata Hamilton Piako Aratia Part Paratu Matahuru Maru Tahuna Piarere Newstead 501 417 241 360 566 219 165 1,225 0 16-3 2 0 3 25 1 0 3 36 3 36 2 10 0 30 30/6/48 15/6/48 31/5/48 1/6/48 2/7/48 16/7/48 3/9/48 21/2/49 Gisborne Land District Estate of S. T. Wall Kiore Sheepfarming Co. Waer enga - o -kuri Tolaga Bay .. 1 Hakanui j Makaramea 1 4,827 3,162 0 39 1 36-8 1 14/7/48 I 7/7/48 Hawkes Bay Land District J. N. Lowry J. W. McNutt Napier High School Board Fernhill Wanstead Wairoa Part Omarunui Bretts 589 1,314 616 0 20 0 0 2 4-9 9/4/48 21/5/48 14/2/49 Taranaki Land District C. J. Hawken L. R. and E. Sarten R. M. Fleming Hawera Waitara Pungarehu Mokoia Mangahewa Cape 463 264 114 2 24-5 1 23-5 0 10 30/6/48 30/11/48 30/6/49 Wellington Land District W. H. Smith Estate of A. W. I. Cameron, F. M. Cameron, I. D. A. Cameron, and D. A. Thompson H. and E. L. M. Alder L. F. Jellicoe Estate of H. T. Hume Shannon J Rongotea Greytown Masterton Part Moutoa .. Part Awatea .. Rongotea Taueru 28 2,758 152 271 2,073 2 10 0 0-8 0 29 1 36-6 2 0 1/10/48 24/6/48 23/3/49 28/2/49 10/2/49 Marlborough Land District A. M. Pennall .. .. [ Blenheim .. j Motukawa .. | 304 1 ° I 1/4/4? Canterbury Land District Estate of D. McKendry Estate of W. H. Turner G. B. Law A. M. Stephens Estate of Thos. Nee Methven Waikari Mitcham Rakaia Methven Oaklands Kelmont Rokeby ' .. Cones Part Craiglea .. 1,037 1,332 659 132 198 0 31 3 10 1 5 2 6 0 35 7/5/48 3/6/48 31/3/49 . 23/7/48 31/3/49 Otago Land District Angus Couston .. .. 1 Estate of A. H. Smellie .. 1 Gore .. 1 Millers Flat .. 1 Beacon Hill .. I Part Spylaw .. | 947 1,434 3 20-3 1 1 35 | ■ 31/3/49 30/3/49 Southland Land District Estate of Sir W. D. H.unt A. H. Perkins Dacre Mataura Woodstock Tuturau 528 2,582 3 38-3 2 34-1 15/7/48 31/3/49 Total 32,904 2 10


Table C —Return of Properties Acquired Under Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, During the Period 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Date of Vesting. (1) Properties Capable op Subdivision North Auckland Land District Estate of A. C. J. Lupton .. | Whakapara .. I Whakapara .. i A. 1,325 R. 0 p. j 9-3 1 16/12/48 Estate of J. King .. HawJces Bay Land District Meeanee .. | Meeanee .. | 163 2 39-4 | 14/7/48 Estate of W. J. Bradford Taranaki Land District Pihama .. | • - 1 168 Q 26-7 | 22/10/48 Estate of G. Lawrence J. Carmiehael Southland Land District Hedgehope .. 1 Hedgehope Mataura Island | Titiroa 514 409 0 0 28 0 1/10/48 2/8/48 Total of properties capable of subdivision .. 2,580 0 23 L. A. GarveyA. Morley H. and R. Rouse P. E. Smith R. W. Blackburn W. Turnwald (2) Single-unit North Auckland j Titirangi Warkworth Hukerenui Manurewa Glorit Helensville Properties Land District 13 49 140 7 206 j. 428 2 0 1 0 1 0 14 0 19 20 0 19 { 5/5/48 10/8/48' 18/10/48 20/12/48 19/1/49 31/3/49 31/3/49 Estate of J.' T. Findlater T. Hurley Auckland Land District I Te Awamutu 1 Cambridge .. [ 1 10 I 490 3 2 13-06 121 1 23/11/48 | 18/2/49 M. M. Amyes Hawkes Bay Land District | Napier .. | I 7 1 32 | 9/5/49 Estate of A. M. Newland Estate of A. H. Stevenson Taranaki Land District | Midhirst .. 1 1 Pihama .. 1 | 100 I 141 0 3 0 32-7 1 21/9/48 18/11/48 H. H. Fitzsimmons Wellington Land District | Utiku .. ! | 138 1 24 | 1/12/48 Mrs. E. R. Hille D. E. and V. L. Wells A. M. Simmonds Marlborough Lt Blenheim Havelock md District 1,083 22 85 2 0 1 0 131 30 12/5/48 15/9/48 29/9/48 Estate of G. Manson E. E., M. M., and K. J. Coffey .. J. Rennie J. N. Ritchie Canterbury La Uarfield Temuka Motukarara .. Geraldine nd District 216 594 121 487 2 23 3 28 2 10 0 30 | 28/4/48 7/5/48 30/8/48 1 21/8/48


Table C —Return of Properties Acquired Under Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, During the Period 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949—continued

Return of Actual Expenditure Under Annual Appropriations on the Purchase of Land and Improvements and on Development and Farming Operations


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Date of Vesting. Otago Land District L. L. J. E. Smith .. M., J. W., and* J. H. Dunn .. W. Lucas Waiwera Balclutha Waipori F.S. .. Part Waiwera .. / 263 \ 176 281 503 2 10 2 30 3 8-2 1 23 12/8/48 12/8/48 1/12/48 20/12/48 Southland Land District F. G. Peterson .. .. | Riverton .. | Waipango F.S... 214 0 27 1/7/48 Total of single-unit properties 5,784 2 18 Total of properties capable of subdivision and single-unit properties 8,364 3 01 «

Year Ended 31st March, 1949. Total for Item. Year Ended Vote Vote 31st March, " Small Farms " Land for Total. 1948. Development." Settlements." £ £ £ £ Acquisition of land and interests therein 2,256,631 6,167 2,262,798 1,735,380 Development operations— » Chattels 152,434 313 152,747 .134,744 Materials and services 1,095,542 700 1,096,242 616,713 Development wages 160,927 231 161,158 128,280 Farming operations— Live-stock 1,040,012 1,269 1,041,281 678,265 Seasonal expenditure 674,010 3,649 677,659 388,416 Seasonal wages 361,538 4,533 366,071 283,929 Totals .. - 5,741,094 1 16,862 5,757,956 3,965,727


Return of Profits and Losses on Disposal of Blocks Ascertained During the Period From 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949

* These losses are in addition to those reported last year —viz: Manutahi, £12,162 12s. 3d., and Menzie's Ferry, £3,392 2s. 9d. The amounts represent additional expenditure on water supply for Manutahi and housing for Menzie s 1 erry incurred after the final balance-sheets were prepared, t Disposed of at cost. Note.—Profits and losses are ascertained only after a block has been fully disposed of and the accounts audited. Blocks partially settled are therefore excluded from this return. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACT, 1915 The following particulars are supplied pursuant to section 14 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 : . Total Area Proclaimed Since Inception of the Scheme Class of Land. Area (Acres). Ordinary Crown land .. .. •• •• 1,053,157 Land-for-settlements land .. .. . • ■ • 405,976 Cheviot Estate land .. .. • • • • 3,356 1,462,489


(1) m (3) (4) 1 (5) Block. Locality. Number of Profit or Loss on Disposal After Charging Interest Shown in Column (5). Interest Charged. Settled. Profit. Loss. Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland Hapuakohe Nukuhou Onewhero Morrinsville .. Taneatua Onewhero 4 2 1 £ s. d. £ s. 7,645 14 1,044 19 3,532 2 d. 4 6 10 £ s. 868 6 517 4 797 5 d. 5 11 11 Auckland McCutehan's (group settlement) Glen Murray 4 t t t Hawkes Bay Te Ohu Dannevirke .. 2 1,253 13 5 255 19 6 Taranaki Manutahi Pennington and Butler Hawera Eltham 6 2 89 0 294 8 9* 3 917 2 7 Marlborough Draper's Blenheim 1 102 7 10 223 10 0 Canterbury Anderson's Mains Kaituna Dunsandel .. 1 3 211 8 . 9 1,486 16 10 154 15 1,010 12 10 6 Otago Brockhill Oamaru 2 885 2 5 1,181 15 9 Southland Menzie's Ferry Waimumu Menzie's Ferry Waimumu .. 2 2 503 14 1,361 0 5* 11 721* 7 11 Total 32 1,198 19 0 17,211 11 3 6,648 1 4


Proclamations have been issued revoking the setting-apart of 258,143 acres'of Crown land and 108,419 acres of land-for-settlements land. From the inception of the soldier-settlement scheme in 1915 the total applications received number 15,181 and the allotments made number 4,114 covering a total area of 1,450,887 acres. The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account was abolished by section 6 of the Finance Act, 1937. STAFF This report would not be complete without some reference to the good work which has been accomplished by the staff, both office and field, during the past twleve months. The volume of work has been heavy and constant, and will continue to be so for some time yet, but with the assistance of a keen and efficient staff I am confident that the Department will be able to cope with whatever demands are made on it. STATISTICAL SCHEDULES The statistical schedules give information on the acquisition, development, farming, and disposal of blocks which were on hand at 31st March, 1948, and of blocks which were purchased or acquired and of which possession was taken during the twelve months ending 31st March, 1949. Single-unit properties acquired under section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, for immediate allotment without development are not included. In order that all these properties may be included in one schedule it is not possible to show the separate dates of acquisition of areas making up any one block or to show the individual dates of disposals, but more detailed information on these points, and on the types of units is available in the notes supplied by officers in charge of the development operations. Abbreviations used—Type of farm—D = Dairy ; S = Sheep ; 0 = Orchard ; WH = Workers' home ; MG = Market garden ; T = Tobacco ; I = Irrigation. S& C = Sheep and Crop. Eeferences : § = Acquisition price of area utilized; Z = Gallons milk ; X = City supply ; f = Balance after £60,000 recovered from vote, " Lands and Survey". Where properties were under development prior to the war for civilian settlement and have subsequently been set aside for ex-servicemen settlement the transfer between accounts was at valuation at the date of transfer. Any losses or profits on the civilian accounts will be reported to Parliament when the blocks are finally disposed of and the, final profit or loss ascertained. House cows on sheep-farms have been excluded from cows milked. Where land has been alienated on leasehold tenure the rental value has been included in the " Total Disposal Price." The " Area Farmed " is, generally speaking, the land within the ring fences including shelter-belts and small unusable areas, but excluding large areas of bush, swamp, &c., of no grazing value. Areas shown have been adjusted to agree with any surveys made subsequent to the acquisition of the properties.




;ir ° th >•' 'be ■ • cL^r^'yerflx^H^S'-area' a^W— "" Ae^Sf"" 1 *.*£?£ ea .

1 Totally uud First farming 2 3 Not all pai( i veloped land. 2 Run-off area. 3 First farming accounts will be for year ei iccounts will be for year ended 30th June, 1949. 15 Block disposed of prior i. J June 1949. 4 Undeveloped land. 5 Unsuitable for development. 8 Farmed on behalf of Defence Department. 7 Transferred from Air Department, to 30th June, 1948. Allotted mimediately after acquisition. 17 To be allotted immediately after acquisition. 18 Chargés not yet fixed. Tobacco area 8 Part payment. 9 Bonus, allocated immediately after 0r disposal decjded. 11 Transferred to Atiamuri. 12 Area leased until subdivision completed . acquisition. Previously part of Ohakea Aerodrome. 2 0 Held on five-year grazing liceilces by three ex-servicemen. 13 Not pa 21 tid. 1 * 15,815 acres to go to State Forest Service. Allocated at date of acquisition. 2 2 Grazing. Details of J Lcquisition to 3Ist \farch, 1 949. Details of Aliec lations to 31st March, 1949. Areas Still Under Development at 31st March, 1949. Stock Carried at 30th June, 1948. Stock and Produce Såles for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Expenditure for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Trading Results for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Capital Costs to 3Ist March, 1949. Units to Ex-servicemen. Other Disposals. Grand Total Probable Number o: Units and Type of Farm. Develo ?- Farm Settlement. Locality. Date. Area (Acres). Date. Number and Type. Total Area (Acres). Total Disposa Price (£) Date. . Purpose. Area (Acres) Total Disposal Price (£) Disposa Price tc Date (£ Area ' (Acres) Acres Farmed Dairy Cows. Dairy Heifers and Calves Pigs Breeding ewes. Dry Sheep. Lambs and Hogget Breedinj cows and * Heifers Dry Run Cattle. Cows Milked. Butterfat Sold. lb. I £ Wool Sold. lb. I £ Sheep Sold. No. I £ Dairy Cattle Sold. No. I £ Run Cattle Sold. 1 No. I £ Pigs Sold. No. 1 £ Cash Crops. Miscellaneous Receipt Dairy Cattle Bought. Sheep Bought. Rur Bc Cattle ught. Farm Workin Expens Depre- | ciation Gross Proflt Gross Loss. Interes Chargec t Net 1. Proflt. Net Loss. Acquis tion. Develo] ment t 30th June, 1948. > Nine Months Ist Jul 1948, to 31st March 1949. , V, Total. Araparera Awaroa Battens Bradleys Brooklands Crosland Dargaville Glorit» Henrys 3 Hillerest Hungerfords 3 .. Kaitaia Kapiro 4 Katikati Kokonga Komiri Kumi Lake View Littlejohns Mahuta Mamaranui Mangawai Maraetai Matahuru 3 Matakohe Matariki Mauku Motutapu 6 Okahukura Opou Patumahoe Potters Pouarua Pukeoware Puriri Riponui Riverside Ruawai Te Kawau Thompsons Tikokopu Waikare Waipapakauri 7 Waitoki Watkins Watkins 3 Waynes 23 Whakapara 3 .. Whangapoua Wharekohe 3 .. Whenuanui Whitecliffs 3 Kaukapakaka Ruawai Waipu Te Kopuru Papakura Helensville Dargaville Kaipara Harbou Patumahoe Waikiekie Waiuku Kaitaia Kerikeri Tauranga Waikaretu Pukekohe Awanui Ahipara Hikutaia Dargaville Dargaville Mangawai Tokoroa Taniwha Ruawai Whangarei Patumahoe Hauraki Gulf Wellsford Ngatea Patumahoe .. Otahuhu Hauraki Plains Waiuku Kaitaia Whangarei Tangowahine .. Ruawai Helensville Kaihere Helensville Te Kauwhata.. Waipapakauri Te Aroha Matatoki Ngatea Pokeno Whakapara Coromandel .. Whangarei Ruawai Wairamarama 11/44 45/48 3/38 1/41 2/45 4/47 5/48 1/49 6/48 6/44 5/48 4/34 Crown land 46/48 4/48 5/47 46/48 6/45 7/46 10/46 5/45 7/35 8/46 6/48 9/47 2/45 4/48 3/45 6/47 3/47 7/34 10/37 5/48 11/33 45/47 2/46 44/45 6/48 11/44 2/45 46/47 1/48 6/47 6/48 6/48 9/48 12/48 46/48 Crown land 46/47 3/49 389 461 1,576 1,249 377 3,170 237 206 210 661 127 2,305 550 1,347 3,713 167 347 796 129 423 959 1,862 3,200 360 1,045 334 592 3,606 9,041 573 140 21 12,147 242 1,403 912 3,969 528 3,413 102 4,600 505 589 296 93 121 165 1,325 2,327 965 176 1,941 6/47 8/48 45/47 7/47 8/48 7/48 9/48 •/48 47/48 7/48 6/48 9/48 9/48 8/48 1, D 3, D 2, D 2, D 3, D & S 1, D 2,b 5, M, G 3, D 1, D 1, s 5, D 2, D 2, D 180 287 219 256 *597 101 HO 16 401 102 424 505 296 176 3,890 12,420 9,050 9 j 780 13j 820 4,850 9 j 400 2,380 12* i40 4,950 27,380 10,460 8,100 37/41 1939 8/45 Adj. owners Adj. owner Maori Sett. ' 14 *49 i27 i65 éo5 3475 3,890 12,420 9^050 165 9,780 13 j 820 4,850 9,400 2,380 305 15 315 4,950 27,380 10,460 8,100 209 174 1,576 1,249 158 3,170 237 206 210 661 127 2,291 550 1,347 3,713 167 347 540 129 423 362 1,862 3,200 360 1,045 233 592 3,606 9,041 573 5 12.098 242 1,403 912 3,969 3 j 413 4^76 589 93 121 165 1,325 2,327 965 1,941 i 2, D 2, S 7, D 1, 1) & S 5, D ; 2, S 2, D 1,D Indefinite 1, D Indefinite 1, D ; 1, S 6, D 7, S 2, D 3, D i 1, D 2, D 1, D & S 8, D 21, D 4, D 4, D 2, D 6, D Indefinite 3, D 2, M,' G Indefinite 2, D 2, S 5, D 4, S 13, D V 2,8 7, D ; *5, S 5,'D i, "i> 1, D 6,'D 13, D & 8 6, D 2, S 461 1,400 1,249 158 3,100 237 260 1, i 62 602 3,400 167 262 io6 423 597 1,084 2,000 1 334 592 3,606 7,000 573 140 8,000 242 1,350 912 3,900 126 3,000 102 4,000 505 589 296 93 2,il5 176 ' *45 1 30 5 72 64 290 1 5 ' 40 ' 66 1 1 74 3 5 1 63 1 66 5 36 47 5 12 90 69 4 149 4 5 241 46 20 i30 ' 59 40 *30 310 175 371 1 106 ' 14 192 i99 35 54 54 27 "l2 3 296 108 71 40 2 134 *• 1 "l8 ioo 3 ' 01 19 19 12 ' 28 23 - 802 1,088 1,597 4,998 58 323 7 ' 86 2,263 3,171 2,049 1,049 2^085 2,836 1^860 32 202 34 213 493 7 2,591 968 224 1 864 1 i82 '337 1,569 1,038 1,410 274 317 1,552 3^239 1,457 1 j 155 ' 87 63 210 260 153 38 585 266 398 220 96 302 297 il7 64 84 340 ' 87 160 ' 78 287 313 153 240 2jiso i27 223 504 515 365 10 ' *77 AU 45 ' 30 64 280 40 69 87 50 66 ' 59 54 ' 90 65 CKLAN1 8,233 4,553 13ji45 60^928 17,549 15^326 10,377 14,530 7,522 10,954 11,854 D DEV 910 494 6,735 626 li 076 1^784 1i64 854 1,221 1,454 1,320 ELOPME 10,234 8,932 25,609 1,448 41,722 i,isi 2,963 47j 628 39,405 2,784 42,751 18^336 33*153 43,934 257 18i 733 NT DIS *857 780 1,944 124 3,742 ' 93 378 205 2,887 3,100 229 3,600 1^425 2,999 3,'964 19 2,065 >TRICT 468 3,580 439 4,295 "i80 712 1,493 570 409 2,364 945 1,741 1,559 10 1,481 2 7 1,766 2,926 612 5,267 585 6,776 270 977 2,054 967 702 2,'364 3,109 1,890 3/298 2,'i92 11 2,249 1 7 2,080 3,120 ' 60 25 88 5 i66 212 152 27 156 50 353 276 9 5 55 338 ' 85 ' 96 178 ' 58 62 2 210 102 54 199 i82 213 880 44 1,253 353 2,i22 59 1,509 62 3,138 3,390 71 "25 374 3^245 706 864 1,814 441 il3 19 1,866 233 60 2,469 82 47 263 177 122 174 i67 234 318 703 872 ' 89 454 331 455 911 281 33 340 i58 434 i44 190 554 534 3,352 2,046 1,068 3^075 2,004 2,944 5,981 10^599 3,552 3,389 7,909 16^632 1,907 419 4,719 2,'ilO 5,752 2,156 1,084 23 13 35 139 8 34 466 59 47 *21 ' 22 15 23 89 58 215 656 ' 29 62 2,772 214 i47 ' 97 io3 ' *56 95 1 x 74 39 68 28 75 ' 10 335 13 5 22 *52 38 27 23 2 ' 30 65 84 40 27 745 *26 18 39 32 "26 119 110 66 47 i48 22 217 3 12 262 118 56 2 1 5 225 87 ' 99 532 365 363 6 58 ' 16 445 237 35 14 108 ' *17 1 318 110 65 42 2 325 1 ~ 2^690 ' 32 149 2,088 1,348 471 *22 13 60 2,302 767 1,225 3,772 3,271 4,187 ' 47 591 254 5,044 2,784 446 28 829 251 12 4,144 785 995 643 19 3,824 733 10 1,615 1,048 5,325 *894 1,054 *60 976 ' 88 33 396 497 2^200 349 1,158 3,249 *809 320 1,569 1 " 1,'iafi 94 2,29.^ 1,546 11,629 936 1,692 60 1^484 i7i 550 996 849 3^846 414 1,944 5,007 2,026 1 212 2,633 85 301 177 ' 87 134 420 48 ' 57 140 117 816 1^316 440 i50 311 648 103 354 346 516 i31 230 201 105 369 90 3,102 2,562 656 1,005 4,657 692 401 1,473 1,070 6,329 13^236 6,887 1,261 5,395 8^435 1,150 2,397 3,457 5418 1,630 3,668 2^283 553 *• 1,843 696 3,617 953 4,584 35 1,869 19 7,500 599 204 585 1,486 205 289 1,326 1,334 2,988 1,107 1,222 2,156 48 2,970 6,113 733 999 24 2,727 3,343 5,922 1,261 86 720 7,530 2,287 1,643 1,393 4,824 1,141 106 31 399 72 264 8 165 2 471 5 ' 16 32 114 42 27 83 221 326 ' 26 128 4 365 263 13 8 969 ' 80 122 247 12 2 42 385 36 56 78 258 13 £ I,'i07 885 441 1,576 488 1,367 394 399 499 3,'983 1,182 ' *90 1,742 1,620 *593 £ 428 '847 49 21 537 9,010 1493 635 4 j 385 1,709 2,'711 286 3,606 '857 331 2,'ilO 435 364 6,679 315 1,931 671 534 449 1,956 1,424 £ 1,042 206 841 653 1,287 30 447 6 962 57 327 274 150 200 244 239 516 1,989 1,144 351 766 122 384 1,762 296 268 19 623 567 1,370 414 205 266 2,590 1,158 93 268 1445 398 £ 901 44 *289 1,217 394 155 3,599 997 327 1 £ 1,470 212 *877 496 27 474 57 864 9,284 1,393 874 17 6,374 2,853 3,062 1,052 3,728 '580 1,153 178 2,310 350 2,677 1,805 778 6,884 3,089 764 802 449 3,401 1,822 £ 3,400 10,540 3,510 9,500 9,000 34,000 4,550 1,075 Not flxe 5,800 Not flxe 2,796 8,527 32,400 7,010 6,374 6,372 6,195 3,850 8,638 466 Notflxec 16,500 8,250 8,600 1 25,000 11,849 8,332 865 10,575 10,889 3,009 10,400 16,183 11,473 Not flxec 1,722 27,750 20,163 9jo50 3,200 2 4,180 2 2,464 18,194 2 15,541 2,185 7,424 17,468 £ 1,229 17,031 3,207 10,070 8,338 5,858 8 15 d ' 85 4,899 d 240 50,869 1,467 2,919 526 643 2,935 8,499 74 1,540 3,666 68,917 38,704 1,902 9,062 3 478 7,770 10,833 1,768 1,687 84 24,766 7,565 8,931 11,587 4,586 24,537 5,138 3,489 776 18,'087 6 2,784 £ 1,513 1 8,066 383 5,322 614 1,503 290 1,013 496 516 1,842 1,041 875 3,309 "l3 6,720 2,250 4,968 13,310 3,932 4,864 1,497 8,138 3,010 5,000 1,477 1,730 884 2,175 5,146 2,658 4^052 70 3,451 11,665 735 2,863 420 147 4 10,676 1,464 2,242 71 £ 4,629 29,084 6,718 27,636 17,721 45,180 5,179 1,075 1,588 10,989 1,253 54,161 1,983 13,288 33,967 8,528 12,618 14,871 6,282 12.110 14,554 74,351 52,014 3,932 23,266 18,809 17,216 10,780 40,833 15,094 11,749 865 158,692 11,857 29,950 23.111 27,772 23,060 4,052 6,378 55,738 36,966 4,224 12,689 3,620 4,327 2,464 18,198 44,304 3,655 12,450 17,539 Arafcia 3 Arohena Ellicotfs FOS8 ' . . Henderson's Horotiu » Hurley's » Kaeaea Karakariki Kiri Kohua Komakorau Kura Kuranui Langdons Maihiihi Mangomahoe . . Mangaorino Mangatea Mangati Mapara Maru Matiere 3 Maungakawa .. Newstead Ngatamahine .. Oniao Oparure Owaikura Pamotu Paratu Parau Piako Piarere Piu Pungapunga Puniu • Pururu Raetihi Rangarangai .. Rumbles' Tahaia Tahuna Tapuwae Tauhei Te Hoe Te Mimi Te Puninga Te Rahu Toa Tokirima Vincenfs Waihekau Waihuka Waikuku Wairama Waitanguru Walton Wharepapa Whataroa Whatauri Matamata Te Awamutu .. Te Awamutu .. Pukeatua Otorohanga Hamilton Cambridge Aria Whatawhata .. Cambridge Aria Hamilton Cambridge Morrinsville .. Te Awamutu .. Otorohanga .. Otorohanga .. Te Kuiti Te Hoe Pirongia Te Kuiti Te Aroha Ohura Cambridge Hamilton Aria Aria Te Kuiti Otorohanga .. Wharepuhunga Walton Oparau Morrinsville .. Matamata Mapiu Taumarunui .. Te Awamutu . . Te Kuiti Raetihi Taumarunui .. Pukeatua Otorohanga .. Morrinsville .. Poro-o-tarao .. Morrinsville Te Hoe Morrinsville .. Morrinsville .. Te Awamutu .. Waitoa Ohura Otorohanga .. Te Aroha Waimiha Morrinsville .. Kiwitahi Mairoa Walton Te Awamutu .. Te Kuiti Te Awamutu .. 6/48 33/48 11/33 9/33 4/35 2/49 2/49 37/40 38/39 3/48 35/48 2/45 5/48 1/47 11/33 36/37 34/47 11/39 6/47 33/38 36/48 6/48 12/48 10/46 6/48 34/43 4/46 3/47 8/47 3/48 43/48 1947 6/48 6/48 35/41 8/47 10/48 33/37 36/41 46/48 5/36 38/47 7/48 8/38 6/45 11/45 5/46 6/47 5/48 6/48 4/47 5/36 6/48 38/41 4/46 3/48 33/49 3/48 6/38 4/44 3/44 400 4,743 2,871 438 786 260 491 1,639 2,150 699 743 734 404 861 456 443 562 832 309 641 5,479 567 957 958 1,221 4,661 777 1,939 447 1,870 2,271 692 501 166 6,131 617 166 3,045 3,133 3,158 379 770 220 3,328 200 291 789 784 269 336 1,605 196 240 2,539 1,053 685 11,382 422 3,675 1,256 566 45/48 7/46 46/48 7/48 7/48 5/46 7/48 47/48 48/49 45/47 7/46 46/47 9/48 7/48 7/48 47/48 7/48 7/48 46/48 7/47 46/47 46/48 4, D ; 5, S 2, D 6, D 3, i) 1, D 3, S 2, D 8, D 2, S 10, D & S 5, D & S 8, D <fe S 1, D & S 1, D 2, D 6, D 8, D 1, D & S io, i> 5,3 8, D & 8 4, D & S 2',252 207 *734 309 102 980 i96 968 617 1,314 1,084 2,240 257 ' 99 291 766 775 196 1,048 1,525 767 557 35,443 7," 600 26^970 12,940 3,170 12,935 9,950 37^650 11j 150 34 310 22,220 32,275 5,030 3,950 9,230 34,250 41,960 4,700 48,550 18,520 29,625 14,465 7/48 7/47 12/40 10/40 4/48 3/47 46/48 45/48 44/48 7/47 7/46 7/46 46/48 5/47 9/48 7/48 7/48 10/46 41/47 6/47 • -4 1, Civ. School Road 9, Civ. Reserve Reserve 2, Civ. 2, Civ. 2, Civ. 1, Civ. 1, Civ. 4 civ. dj. owners dj. owners Ldj. owner Road Road Reserve Sdy. 365 5 10 tt5\ 1,025/ 71 456 228 108 *99 141 328 2 235 281 23 9 5 ' 82 813 9 56 17,026 ' 71 8,358 5,075 2,000 2,960 2,330 5 2,234 1,550 400 ' *63 15,806 4,960 35,499 7^600 17j 026 71 26,970 8,358 5,075 2,000 6,130 2,330 19,'i75 9^950 37j 650 5 2,234 11,150 34,310 23,770 32,275 5,030 3,950 9,230 34,650 41,960 4," 700 48,550 63 34.'326 29,625 1 14,465 . 400 4,378 614 438 569 260 491 1,639 410 699 672 404 861 215 454 832 440 5,338 567 957 958 1,221 3,353 777 1,939 251 1,870 1,303 690 501 166 5,896 i66 1,731 1,768 918 122 770 220 3,328 101 269 336 1,605 240 2,539 685 11,300 422 1,337 489 4, D Indefinite 2, S 2, D & S 3, D & S 3, D i, s Indefinite 1, S 5. D & S ' 1, S 4, b 2. D ; 2 S 1 ,b 2, S 2, S 1,S 6, S; 2, D&S 6, D 2, S 2, S 12, D 6,S; 3,D&S 2, S 4, S 2, D 5, D & S; 3, S 9, D&S 2, S 6, D 2, D 7, S 2, b Indefinite 7, S 2, S S Indefinite 2, D S 1, D 8, D 4, D 4, S 3, D 2, S 4, D ; 1, S Indefinite 4, D 3,S; 1, D&S Swamp 400 2,800 614 438 569 750 410 699 448 118 404 861 202 272 454 400 309 542 2,700 567 958 1,221 1,600 700 1,827 447 1,870 1,303 690 501 166 3,155 617 1,032 1,768 663 257 214 220 3,000 200 291 130 775 269 336 1,578 196 240 560 118 685 6,000 422 1,282 489 249 13 2 3 5 1 2 54 3 33 28 2 3 155 30 9 106 " 3 27 14 4 4 1 26 323 5 85 103 4 2 7 6 5 37 2 110 3 46 98 40 345 217 1 57 2 1 13 1 7 58 1 *351 1 65 28 75 77 19 19 1 ' 58 21 1 44 3 78 12 145 31 516 ' *18 10 10 10 50 ' *30 1 26 62 47 82 97 83 62 38 76 1 i70 1 41 24 18 32 132 23 12 181 19 56 4,025 1,221 904 619 902 1 1,200 611 326 1,473 197 307 803 506 687 2,225 1,500 2,006 861 2,530 2,902 2,230 1,304 2,265 1,249 1 2,658 256 354 256 3 474 2,752 303 920 i 966 4,584 972 1,462 304 1,343 12 4 *12 309 10 3 183 1,388 5 1 j 555 1,271 495 9 1 3,210 3 791 3 9 2 3 j 741 1 342 377 3 j 764 841 26 199 662 426 51 270 361 4 1,342 1,133 1 i 613 568 1,046 164 360 2,070 212 589 1,823 io9 1^782 545 546 1 5,158 270 7 264 112 80 104 62 62 65 214 i31 239 99 198 i35 105 43 i25 84 ' *77 268 2 347 278 "47 ! '567 65 416 143 1 ' 55 25 40 61 107 19 28 111 59 243 ioi 100 275 67 333 50 44 251 ' '96 59 78 22 22 284 31 195 45 80 958 26 90 TE ' *58 38 37 i65 38 ' *28 298 ' 38 ' 58 96 48 400 60 KUITI :: 8,693 6,400 36,310 6,625 1,047 44,631 6^230 11,558 16,793 8,690 92,138 DEVEL 856 885 702 3,609 831 7 104 4,643 215» 619 1,393 1,661 1,228 9,824 136" 1,043 OPMEN 75,291 16,614 10,038 9,081 3,381 11,211 124 2,832 11,540 7,564 8,'237 39,238 14^991 17,016 32,345 1,915 48,i67 20,763 70,822 11,626 13,629 38,759 7,731 2,995 2,342 44,832 31j 445 6,335 14^762 107 j 695 15,353 r DIST] 5,858 1.362 754 665 i,'ioi 343 820 1,849 7 224 754 634 514 2,928 1,058 4,046 1,213 2,872 184 4,033 1,778 1,019 1,029 2,768 582 178 204 3^723 403 1^259 9^464 1,145 3,691 1,111 978 582 1 338 413 4,301 408 375 1,205 179 1,030 2,135 507 2,389 1,123 2.038 812 1,876 5,288 2,172 3,052 889 1,393 2,219 1,737 391 157 2,752 543 334 1,142 1.039 820 204 19 5,205 19 4,010 496 5,903 1,608 1,506 664 1,395 687 531 6,074 749 455 1,433 264 3,217 1,017 4/238 1,470 2,844 1,318 2,839 7.209 2,626 805 3,469 3,214 597 239 3," 484 815 593 1 1,362 1,15S 372 14 9,354 12 7,910 682 1 62 1 160 196 307 97 164 4 i37 114 5 48 50 161 6 406 3 70 2 199 43 1 30 "ioi 184 443 523 60 638 108 6 ' 63 71 "l2 648 6 2,308 1^647 1,875 794 1,014 32 324 924 21 307 400 38 3,004 16 *763 19 2,032 211 3 210 '857 864 4,872 1,856 712 9,012 1,458 36 '759 786 ! *203 170 70 114 46 54 65 335 iso 15 12 74 i04 il2 242 351 51 15 70 "i05 109 48 158 64 144 19 i33 192 il2 112 30 4 ios 49 584 596 178 2,090 1,687 344 839 365 621 348 4ji06 1,357 118 96 698 1,056 1,235 1,687 5,029 960 99 868 1,096 606 337 1,313 462 1,478 324 i,éi3 2,526 1,498 1,498 76 20 536 821 6,798 5,610 2,662 ' 22 ' 62 10 ' *58 33 2 201 20 23 ' 82 33 89 i82 52 *273 130 11 502 ' 74 78 235 ' 96 '• 281 164 38 92 ' 18 4 11 26 1 36 45 54 39 44 *41 200 1 ' 35 1 287 36 90 28 20 230 57 303 26 ' 89 158 49 109 26 *29 46 108 123 2 128 29 43 214 6 322 3 266 249 1 1 341 1 1 237 ' 18 75 8 30 88 2 1 119 26 5 150 " 51 105 11 4 «> 311 64 412 5 85 121 7 2 11 50 170 2 30 139 63 178 97 310 i24 95 247 109 2 174 1 1 3,696 12 12 3,'923 12 8 3,122 271 608 193 375 688 25 10 1,818 364 60 2,227 *352 1,349 85 47 24 2,507 707 4,586 52 1,303 1,777 78 24 83 463 2,450 25 738 1,177 790 2,454 1,402 4,259 1,414 1,472 26 1,258 9 2,397 836 138 204 110 1,233 176 334 546 405 152 550 6 408 175 522 1,042 9 2,185 1,324 4,923 273 892 341 1,411 215 30 897 172 187 ' 30 550 334 1,212 554 10 33 1,030 2,996 1,017 782 882 4,068 1,335 326 194 322 2,362 34<j 593 817 674 246 847 62} 921 507 lji09 1,535 94 3,296 1,807 8,064 311 1,824 673 2,915 501 314 1,362 280 355 314 758 572 2,532 827 ios 258 1,781 4,082 1,591 1,417 1,236 258 115 30 1 25 29 61 114 169 3 41 2 ' *32 100 91 2 517 51 185 3 45 3 131 io5 5 3 97 15 2 225 "il2 112 i84 ' 32 46 80 189 26 309 145 2,788 1,198 180 "32 235 256 943 1,393 1,501 48 353 ' 65 343 1,521 667 65 6,074 815 1,582 30 422 ' 97 1,122 674 137 8 945 120 65 2,844 1,498 1,458 1^829 396 703 1,072 1,284 379 2,912 2,103 1 8,278 2,749 1,205 2,113 1,856 694 849 990 507 3,873 984 1,403 1,163 990 3,348 1,767 7,326 17 3,'475 12 5,328 1,795 4,550 1,856 1,198 12,096 2.227 1 6,929 1.228 2,788 4,023 1,947 1,163 514 7,860 1,232 1,472 949 7,436 120 67 2,806 734 16 2,215 1,103 203 15,400 434 4,314 150 426 348 117 155 "i58 31 2 95 102 6 87 182 94 76 43 235 360 ' 92 723 53 8 3 5 210 41 406 20 219 440 144 130 59 210 3 22 335 183 ' 25 112 120 397 5 565 1 347 *840 281 118 398 1,549 4,964 204 209 ' 97 1 i 932 1,722 1,352 715 2,944 2,702 466 153 24 94 477 2,223 1,429 204 1,759 3,973 2^667 100 163 2,223 18 381 2,778 2,288 1^355 'i88 ' 40 556 1,573 1,465 1466 1,814 841 1,783 4,480 809 1,112 *953 398 i27 1,500 1413 2,835 1,612 354 939 ljéll 2,323 2,521 840 319 608 936 110 672 1,261 53 1,196 502 320 320 344 618 904 2,048 5 778 6 2,639 616 1,269 660 522 3,158 587 2 2,423 495 704 1,514 738 241 245 1,293 470 619 1,222 1,859 35 75 1,190 192 45 891 2,152 27 4,031 22 1,791 521 il8 288 3," 768 1406 i28 521 1,188 1,001 *876 2,223 2,539 1,221 3^386 655 2,398 274 1,408 298 508 111 384 1,174 807 3,621 1,470 1,944 1,820 707 2,'ilO 2,443 5,002 1,806 809 1,114 1,448 1402 *272 88 372 1,500 1,269 376 142 430 1,148 2,910 2,802 546 984 687 393 1,638 58 2,345 i41 479 Not fixed 7,138 33,926 811 16,345 4,500 8 16,250 1,612 13,652 12,579 1,010 17,840 14,800 8 22,398 1,433 1,572 6,214 2,333 10,752 789 8,337 15,850 8 9,948 12,750 Not flxed 14,293 9,342 17,450 12,650 34,594 37,669 8 11,439 N otfixed 4,850 8 11,213 11,130 Not fixed 6,090 20,332 28,638 489 1,336 9,375 19,211 6,653 5,000 32,000 32,916 10,180 20,656 19,256 3,462 12,726 1,928 44,754 15,050 19,732 8,500 8 19,592 17,870 5,660 88,858 13,318 17,519 3,447 36474 21,847 1,168 39,618 25,997 3,248 19,186 11,933 787 7,252 4,775 25,964 72,890 291 141,513 3,996 9,878 7,162 336 53,111 1,698 81,927 1,718 97 j 504 149,144 17,457 7,293 7,629 30,807 4,881 10,402 12,495 14,261 241 41 4,379 1,084 35,948 34,763 525 41,047 768 67,897 2,066 5,903 959 721 5,310 4 1,524 2,190 2,814 368 218 4,980 4,419 410 773 326 1,142 2,392 465 5,110 5,054 3 5,307 6,238 5,003 1,462 4,114 5,073 6,627 14,954 727 3,214 2,512 3,503 1,012 528 1,712 3,250 1,321 105 1,040 1,785 188 777 486 771 8,149 5,130 483 6,478 593 1,907 1,710 2,799 1,450 8,758 1,392 3,450 2,066 101,899 48,203 19,051 25,102 4,504 16 250 39,910 37,689 16,561 40,996 44,055 19,780 30,065 21,029 14,278 7,327 10,727 17,919 27,218 86,337 20,904 9,951 21.325 6,529 160,809 14,800 31,442 24,885 41,557 105,734 13,864 3,214 7,362 96,643 13,860 528 105,306 172,726 47,416 7,887 10,005 11,160 50,206 12,311 15,888 45,266 55.326 15,551 21,180 30,113 5,139 14,633 39,586 82,316 17,025 69.537 10,660 90,939 F 124 ©94 " 1 43 1 141 1 70 30 412 226 341 ( 1,489 45 642 25,027 17,635 42,897 23,295 Atiamuri Edgecumbe Fairview Galatea Hamurana Kaituna 3 Matanuku Mihi .. Murupara 10 Ngongotaha» . . Ngutuwera Pongokawa * Puketurua Putiki Rerewhakaitu .. Tokoroa Waikite Waitaha 12 Wharere Rotorua Edgecumbe Waimana Murupara Rotorua Paengaroa Tokoroa Reporoa Murupara Rotorua Tokoroa Pongokawa . Putaruru Edgecumbe Rotorua Tokoroa Rotorua Tauranga Pongokawa . 47/48 8/36 6/45 1931 47/48 2/49 5/40 38/47 7/33 8/48 3/41 9/48 4/46 6/46 44/45 38/44 38/47 10/46 33/40 12,236 7,308 1,978 25,112 275 746 3,440 26,994 180 287 1,301 1,055 544 1,326 12,067 5,201 9,688 168 4,941 45/48 7/47 7/48 7/48 38, D 21, D 3, D 14, D 5,780 2^800 544 1,267 33495 86j 784 65,230 9/44 1937 8/47 1947 10/47 1937 1, Civ. 15, Civ. 1, Civ. teserve 1, Civ. r, Civ. i64 1,841 5 13 186 986 1 *527 ' 1 1442 20.346 i85 750 12,478 1, i 42 53^541 86,784 185 15j 680 65,230 750 12478 12,236 7,144 1,978 17,491 275 746 640 26,989 180 287 1,301 1,055 NU 46 12,067 5,015 8,702 i 168 4,414 Indefinite Indefinite 2, D ; 2, S Indefinite 2, D 2, S ; 2, D 1, M ; 2, D Indefinite 1, D 1, S 6, D 6, M Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite 1, D Indefinite 3,000 5,444 1,978 15,000 275 640 8,000 385 544 1,326 1,000 2,790 2,275 2^650 7 12 767 1 73 1 6 5 •• 6 1 1 225 339 133 629 75 35 49 206 1,020 6 44 5 3 520 5 21 11 570 1,335 2,397 48 6,152 913 5,236 638 1,871 1,852 2,222 497 671 2,680 258 223 236 ;; 1,018 9 ' '28 i 509 5 4,579 503 2,017 547 664 916 1,462 1^281 778 82 1,322 688 59 305 297 10 i,i2i 194 1,561 120 M61 ' 88 431 302 , 1 ROI 104 700 1 50 58 60 1,050 2 rORUA 10,940 37,557 2 j 765 14,829 18,993 DEVEL 1,122 15,349 1 306 1,464 245 22,862 3PMEh 22,763 25,564 05,018 86,152 5^423 7^931 41,607 40,140 38,962 T DISTR 1,415 1,694 9,435 895 7,311 323 609 1 j 644 3,024 2,669 3^017 ICT 3 4,453 1,493 3.268 1,615 4,683 340 2,258 415 1,497 2,217 1^448 4 7,901 3,029 4,587 791 6,689 711 3ji77 864 2,668 4,102 2^438 286 192 1,185 1 j 928 31 110 1 321 99 3,868 1,452 8,495 58 1 jo60 5,642 1,571 549 147 1,078 2 682 ' 67 256 106 50 298 401 7.526 1,879 9,296 30 8,293 670 3,142 1,298 546 2,295 6^970 92 630 89 75 1 567 300 1,996 676 268 14 2,711 15 83 61 1,143 7 95 976 129 33 235 35 62 93 196 235 236 527 104 376 ioi 7 70 217 277 2 51 1 1 3,327 3,746 803 3,806 1,268 116 423 2 j 595 4,048 28 474 9 10 2,378 2,249 1,248 45 12 50 1 j 042 706 1 joi6 386 543 379 4,621 J 4,093 2,032 514 21 716 1,225 1^326 1.843 864 787 855 i93 65 225 120 "2 5 :: 1 5 ! 204 644 2,318 828 1,255 1,020 28 i 295 j 172 2,533 7^952 99 I 13,744 4,433 39.502 450 4481 13,281 575 3 j 351 17,643 4,867 5,683 4,392 148 6,688 328 97 2,758 3 87 1,228 22 1 60 649 180 286 429 34 554 :: 1 220 2,017 9,009 9,027 107 689 7,608 1', 024 1,372 14 5,009 2,970 1 i 240 1,227 2.262 1^627 1 79 2,692 1,020 12,382 117 4,471 5,059 81 257 810 3,854 1,640 1,436 1,668 315 1,957 4,538 3,968 26 432 3454 5,088 5,662 800 10,365 1,357 2,037 412 296 301 3,584 >1,567»» 5,237 14,500 13,747 4,106 I,900 2 3 44,599 51,728 90 695» 3 5,250 fot flxed II,978 65,911 18,414 4,761 1,787 7,493 4,950 107 82,912 4,777 53,885 257 Nil 89,044 71,448 2,375 Nil 1,175 Nil 5,229 18,922 12,821 44,016 50,766 267 74,261 2,305 3,562 1,838 40,248 763 Nil 8,454 38,597 Nil Nil 1,206 Nil 6,241 21,094 1 2,549 24,979 5,766 >. 183 3,872 53,979 91,711 21,115 07,880 5,126 11,900 42,097 61,773 2,465 695 7,631 Nil 23,448 05,927 33,784 73,756 58,319 7,577 83,083 Hakanui » .. Hibiroroa Hiwinui Hokoroa 3 Huinga Karewa Kohanga Makaramea * Mangapeka Mangawehi Sherbrooke 3 St. Leger Te Wera Waikoko Whakamaru W aerenga-o- kuri ttere Elere Waimata Wairoa Etuatoria Manutuke Tolaga Bay . Tolaga Bay iangaroa Manutuke W aerenga-o-kur j Elangaroa Matawai Waerenga-o-kuri Opotiki 7/48 2/47 2/47 10/48 2/48 5/46 3/46 7/48 9/46 2/48 2/48 3/49 6/46 3/27 2/47 6/45 4,827 4,407 7,314 4,156 1,901 1,758 32 3,162 596 1,348 1,625 2,314 5,681 9,858 6,386 404 7/48 7/48 7/48 2, S 4, O 4, b li 518 32 404 17,'i95 11,310 16480 Av j. owner 200 1^257 17.195 11,310 16.780 4,827 4,407 7,314 4,156 1.901 240 3462 596 1,348 1,625 2,314 5,681 9,858 6.186 5, S il 5, S 6. S 3, S 2. S : ID 2, D 3,'8 6, D 1, S 0, D ; 1,8 ! 2. S 4, 8 5, S 7, S .. 4,407 7.314 1 901 1.758 32 596 1.348 1,625 5.681 7,978 6,186 404 " 2| 3 i 2 i 2 i 6 5 5 1 ?\ 6 i 1 1 j 219 34 4,i06 5,788 1,599 1,830 1^223 5,425 4,444 234 102 1,047 145 17 217 1.404 193 2,521 4,008 570 885 442 2,696 2,937 2,349 11 490 1,038 235 238 232 28 7 750 388 730 732 182 170 113 288 908 153 2 3 2 2 9 5 5 128 GISB0 23,938 RNE LAJ :: 1 2,526 ND DL 81 ,*798 21,787 990 30,581 75.589 92.665 69,586 3,333 3TRICT 9,028 62 2,289 ijm 4.99?s 4,896 213 3! 982 4,301 10 1,585 3j 613 2,958 3,104 579 5,985 6,641 8 2,326 4." 454 4,015 4,138 723 5 1 2 1 22 6 6 282 '488 595 65 50 560 510 624 3,843 4,717 671 375 2,947 4,516 53 311 32 130 7 i2i 205 125 86 80 9 67 6 8 10 176 150 149 116 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 92 ' 35 47 24 12 40 31 37 1.461 46 40 2,407 16 1^723 40 35 102 438 38*1 168 2,865 • • 140 305 461 274 6 424 397 6 7 13 75 3^209 2,639 277 327 559 4,118 682 1,870 623 1,786 85 50 4,792 5,164 7,298 3.428 340 233 65 26 50 2 5 63 147 236 171 15,312 3,i»7 7466 7.199 4.692 4.246 546 2,715 40 1,343 678 1,944 152 1.208 314 239 37 1 3,372 2.268 1,081 13,368 1.949 5,540 3.827 2,424 4,398 860 1,814 2,752 I 41 2,424 Vot fixed 52,000 70,095 11,622 15.000 26,700 2,134 0,000 13 7,920» ot fixed 11,870» 19,676 29,810 66,922 35.000 9,822 1,249 8,860 123 2,078 7,102 263 19,246 «.644 15,461 452 2,126 6,228 1.696 3,864 2,895 1,203 6,821 1,284 1,158 8,430 8,75# 4.908 319 452 55,375 85,183 11,622 16,819 32,642 12,131 41,203 16,765 1,547 13,028 19,676 42,808 94,924 48.552 25,598



Areas Still Under Dctails of Acquisition to 31st Maren, 1949. : Det&ils of Alienations to 31st Maren, 1949. Development at 31st March, 1949. Stock Carried at 30th June, 1948. Stock and Produce Såles for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Expenditure for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Trading Results for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Capital Costs to 31st March, 1949. Unite to Ex-servicemen. Other Disposals. Grand Total Development for Disposal Probable Number of Units and Type of Farm. Miscellaneous Receipts. DevelopNine Farm Settlement. Loeality. Date. Area (Acres). Date. Number and Type. Total Area (Acres). Total Disposal Price (£) Date. Purpose. Area (Acres). Total Disposal Price (£). Price to Date (£). Area (Acres). Acres Farmed. Dairy Cows. Dairy Heifers and Calves. Pigs. Breedingewes. Dry Sheep. Lanibs and Hoggets. Breedingcows , and Heifers. Dry Run Cattle. Cows Milked. Butterfat Sold. Wool Sold. Sheep Sold. Dairy Cattle Sold. Run Cattle Sold. Pigs Sold. Cash Crops. Dairy Cattle Bought. Sheep Bought. Run Cattle Bought. Farm Working Expenses Depreciation. Gross Proflt. Gross Loss. Interest Charged. Net Proflt. Net Loss. Acquisition. ment to 30th June, 1948. Months, Ist July, 1948, to 3Ist March, 1949. Total. lb. £ lb. £ No. | £ No. £ No. | £ No. £ Acres. \ £ £ No. | £ No. £ No. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ HAWKES BAY LAND DISTRICT Ahurlri Lagoon Napier 3/34 7,755 / 4/47 \2/49 10, W, H 2, M, G 92 20 Not flxed 1,035 1,035 7,643 7,643 2 13 4,168 7,800 7 147 166,464 13,476 15,240 28,172 2 68 53 638 237 1,432 1,035 12 77 10,786 18,080 198 1,611 12,927 940 10,749 2,255 8,494 1,717 76,085 2,070 78,872 Aupaki * Otane 5/48 513 513 4, D; 1, S 513 17,432 22,528 24,250 882 1,646 1,797 18,314 24,388 26,058 Bretta Bushy Range .. Chambers * Wanstead Waipukurau .. Wairoa 5/48 3/48 2/49 1,314 2,511 617 1,314 2,511 617 3, S 3, S 1, S 1,314 2,511 " 2 1,823 2,399 499 297 i49 50 944 ' *85 500 557 ioo 432 2 *25 3,286 6,278 300 li 975 214 173 14 9 1,983 4,114 *20 129 2,003 4,243 214 11 Glenalvon Gowrie Hakowhai Hampden Hautope Huirangi 3 Tikokino Wanstead Puketapu Tikokino Waipawa Patoka 3/48 46/48 3/45 2/47 5/48 12/48 1,242 1,859 1,637 929 4,063 2,913 7/48 2, S 1 i 637 16,240 20/9/48 Reserve 2 42 16,240 42 1,242 1,859 *927 4,063 2,913 4, S 4, S 2," 8 7, S 4, S 1,242 1,859 1,637 927 4,063 2 4 2 1,923 3,029 1,943 1,928 4,404 5 1 2 135 270 28 22 1,755 ' 53 126 35 75 ioi 92 188 i34 35,ioo 16,705 22,366 3,269 1,153 1,886 3,339 2,043 3,476 5,534 2,895 5,462 2 24 201 340 147 1478 3,635 1,751 50 40 44 56 ill 88 61 1 1 2 *17 8 21 1,995 1,435 1,231 1,787 6,350 3,985 3,030 1,962 2,781 10,552 305 439 283 38 210 3,724 3,073 421 1,825 795 3,003 1,624 2,947 107 "67 21 82 8 3,548 78 1,189 3,537 6,251 204 1,102 1,013 910 109 2,446 279 3441 935 6,360 4,007® 24,240 28,660 14,702 17,718 53,024 8,500 38,010 24,123 13,400 8 14,970 i94 2,923 4,533 1,116 145 645 1,919 Cr 50 137 1,781 4,007 25,079 33,502 19,185 18,971 54,950 8,988 63,475 87,025 Kaheka Kakariki Kikowhero 3 Tutira Kotemaori Matapiro 2/38 3/31 3/49 10,505 19,277 886 School-site 4 35 *35 10,505 19,273 886 lndeflnite Indeflnite 3, 8 10,505 19,209 4 8 2 4 2,727 3,432 3,053 814 2, i97 1,773 310 256 541 453 81,098 60,030 6,768 5,039 1,873 5 ,'i64 2,606 1 2 306 373 4,237 2,717 ies 290 ' 25 30 300 310 544 328 .">,'857 3,758 8,' 074 7,206 293 251 1^918 228 2,618 3,344 700 3,572 23,265 62,199 488 2,200 703 Kokomoko Longlands 1 • Waipukurau . . Hastings 2/47 8/48 966 25 8/48 2, 6 ' 25 2400 2400 966 2, S 966 2 1 li 524 21 63 *56 15,932 1^277 2,459 3^650 361 2^571 ' 98 1,256 2^392 i38 1,051 1,593 ' 19 1 j 836 467 1^369 410 396 13,400 15,776 2,696 48,073 Makarini Mason Ridge 3 .. Hastings Hastings 3/47 7/48 1,673 694 li 673 694 5,'8 2, S 1,673 5 3 i 541 *67 946 165 144 59,657 5^360 4,822 7,742 4 6 216 2^913 172 ' 88 i70 1 j 305 2^670 7 232 3,625 ' 92 8^324 1,299 7^025 42 ,'955 2,'757 2,361 Meeanee 11 Meeanee 3/49 164 i 164 2, D & C 17,346 12,900 6,275 19,850 38,525 8 10,344 39,382 39,144 161 17,507 12,900 8,786 25,562 39,848 20,982 39,669 52,765 Mokara Mt. Cameron Omarunui Oringi Poporangi 14 Pukeatua 15 Tutira Puketapu Fernhill Dannevirke Kereru Dannevirke 3/48 8/46 2/48 2/46 3/49 7/45 1,723 2,002 1,514 343 22,538 4,135 3/49 6/48 6/48 3/48 2, S 1, w, H 3, D 5.'8 1,002 13 343 3 j 043 15,355 1,180 12,245 39j 630 /li/46 \ 11/48 Såles to adj. owners i70 22 500 \ 120/ 15 * 355 1,180 12,245 40j 250 1,723 1,000 1,501 6,723 2, D 1, s 9, D ; 1, S 5, S 1,723 2,002 1,501 343 6,723 " 2 2 1 2 i29 ' 30 2,263 2,766 5 630 700 31 ' 59 91 199 69 433 37ji33 1,090 51,'i33 3,227 103 4454 24 105 8446 34 162 14,285 1 4 16 42 253 35 393 641 2 460 617 6,607 5^827 " 7 63 291 228 2 io6 ' 22 1,742 695 17 2,864 152 823 1 148 4,935 73 1^938 61 2 667 371 i25 478 37 7,360 5,099 1,588 730 2,820 273 904 4,943 ' 24 27 6 4 *93 4,292 10^335 1,831 5,853 893 ' *97 935 304 628 1,782 3,357 8,553 1,928 6,i57 1,521 l,'io8 1,055 39 8,823 5^992 1403 4,657 1,284 1,815 287 7,629 Rakaiatai Raupare 1 • Makotuku Hastings 3/48 6/48 1,629 48 7/48 3,0 "37 4^990 6/48 Twyford Farm Sett. Reserve 11 l,'i70 6,'ieo 1,629 4, S 1,629 1,666 518 87 13 97 337 2,232 3,719 150 980 451 9 2,542 156 '* 2,698 25,257 6,159 915 1,556 27,728 6,159 Rawhitl Salisbury Sea View 8 Rissington Maraekakaho Porangahau 2/46 8/46 6/48 2,113 1,497 2,461 3/49 2/49 2, S 3, S 2,090 1,497 16,475 21,275 3/49 23 420 16,895 21,275 2461 5, S 2,113 1,497 3 2 1 2,016 2,789 13 40 34 555 72 77 46 94 i 28,748 35,619 2,580 2,782 2,758 2,643 3,909 3,850 2 10 21 61 206 934 92 88 2 1 5 15 37 1,015 331 1,709 60 861 3,099 3,092 55 115 2,753 2,272 772 990 1,981 1,282 17,152 19,504 34,603 30,000 25,660 10,820 1,035 2,180 5,098 1,361 2,227 2,538 1,490 537 23,285 23,045 Te Awa Te Roto Twyford Waiohiki 3 Waipukurau .. Takapau Hastings Pakowhai 2/48 6/45 47/48 3/49 3,869 1,404 114 67 47/49 4, S 1,398 26,480 4/47 Railway 6 ' 59 26,539 3,869 114 67 5, S 2, I) 5, O 3,869 726 114 " 3 1 1 2,'MS 1,514 558 * 46 2 19 1 jo65 17 233 16 i62 42 35 ;; 16j 191 5,813 1458 516 4,043 1,976 1,' 352 6,982 3,938 2 2 ' 28 10 147 250 4 2,420 62 ioo 35 "i68 352 * 38 73 37 3 4 2 37 48 2 1,771 1,988 2,961 4,080 460 104 39 4,791 1,275 564 1,828 735 ' 80 76 6 3486 298 9487 743 1,350 272 1,836 26 10 j 230 2,005 10,180 302 36,830 34,543 37,330 11,659 Waitara 3 Upper Mohaka 11/48 18,450 18,450 Uncertain 6,500 1,035 6,500 1,035 TARANAKI LAND DISTRICT Ball Road Bradfords 9 Hawera Pihama 6/47 10/48 442 168 7/48 5, D 441 28,245 12/48 Adj. owner 1 36 28,281 i68 2, D 440 175 140 173 32,355 3,442 •• 162 233 91 337 4,190 3,207 83 2,338 225 2,563 21,685 7,615 3,175 Not flxed 24,177 9,158 8,757 6,482 10,305 38,472 7,615 9,922 118 Fraser Road Mangahewa 3 .. Eltham Waitara 5/47 11/48 96 264 7/48 i, i> 96 5 i 070 5,070 *264 3,'b *96 50 11 50 8,877 938 59 i04 21 ' 69 949 563 "26 i38 ios 246 ljési 5,396 118 Mokoia 3 Hawera 6/48 467 467 3, D ; 1, S Normanby Okato Puniho 3 Hawera Okato Okato 7/47 7/47 6/48 174 209 241 7/48 7/48 2, i) 2, D 171 209 9410 9,370 Reserve 3 9 j 710 9,370 241 2, D i74 209 *79 81 7 20 7 92 89 20,338 lj 491 1,881 i26 74 498 209 ' 53 66 227 249 iso 93 1424 1,358 1410 1,813 20 29 560 379 '220 211 780 590 '372 433 8,920 3,519 1,557 33,097 13,049 10,747 Stevensons' .. Pihama 11/48 142 142 1, D 8,434 2,850 827 710 9,261 3,560 WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Allerton Awahuri • Masterton Awahuri 4/48 2/49 549 375 549 375 3, S 5, D 549 53 763 ! 66 170 :: ! 53 581 767 577 236 6»1 234 881 81 I 962 22,507 18,017 47,984 48,695 56,588 13,500 54 1,231 23,792 18,022 53,675 54,531 59,210 27,493 Awatea Awawaro Cannoek Cherrybank Eastwood• Tinui Kimboltou Martinborough Wanganui Tinui 46/48 47/48 4/48 3/46 48/49 5,954 5,127 4,191 383 3,199 8/48 2/49 7/48 2, S 1, S 3, i) 2,737 842 383 21,540 5,069 16,130 21,540 5,069 16j i30 3,217 4,275 4,191 3,199 3, S 6, S 6, S 3, S 5,954 5,127 4,191 383 7 7 8 143 3 2 40 5,062 4,869 4,754 155 270 1,395 93 1,976 1,560 2,510 6 467 298 ' 83 697 289 i63 48982 3,530 37,563 70,912 2," 976 6,421 i94 3,065 7,099 29 698 3,616 9,768 20 1,039 1 i67 1 540 264 310 286 1,425 3,861 1,451 *il5 82 6 93 2 2 11 25 ' *23 36 111 368 4,375 2,414 7,529 253 6,494 5,065 13,032 432 335 701 896 1,621 7,742 5,4'i2 3,062 3,028 768 2,618 97 88 i38 655 6,025 1,471 9^046 1,247 2,648 376 1,152 2,377 319 592 9422 2,697 2,875 510 13,431 5 2,994 2,961 2,112 562 Elslea 3 Waverley 3/49 780 780 6, D 22,018 Not flxed 8,833 2,596 34,716 36,214 14,767 19,090 12,000 Not flxed 5,385 558 22,576 Fairmont Gibbs 3 Masterton Taihape 3/48 3/49 504 176 8/48 1,8 504 10i 600 10i600 176 1, M 504 967 5 . . 70 1 1,631 "*70 945 io7 1,208 76 1,284 i93 42 9i068 2,596 35,424 36,776 14,767 24,590 17,859 Glenstrae 1 Masterton 7/48 3,306 3,306 3, S 708 562 Halcombe Healey 3 Halcombe Mangaweka 48/49 3/49 873 1,061 873 1,061 4, S 1, s 380 9 470 ' *80 62 16 202 26 310 551 801 339 30 369 Hurepo Ihakara Jellieoes 3 Palmerston Nth. Levin Greytown 2/47 5/46 2/49 1,364 561 271 7/48 7/48 2, S 2, M 1,364 561 19,720 12,605 19420 12,605 *271 s' 1 j 364 561 3 48 ' 48 ' 40 1,672 194 46 309 651 209 48 ' 82 11^870 1^397 4,712 420 1414 671 1435 1,032 2 101 4 384 i71 135 1,953 1,672 46 i21 65 20 44 479 210 521 455 950 339 185 3j 502 2,181 M71 1,920 73 68 770 469 683 691 ' 87 1460 3,589 4,139 li 911 1,720 Kahu Kainiatai-U Mangaweka Rongotea 3/45 10/46 358 308 10/48 7/48 i,'s 5. D 336 304 Not flxed 21.980 7/48 Reserve R. of W. 22 4 21 i 980 358 308 3 78 150 62 672 60 ioi 17^261 1^901 7,444 593 2 912 987 io6 519 "l8 252 234 4,292 ' '88 é30 '25 120 25 OQ 1 143 16 2,025 422 810 3 30 201 2'50 3,J k ') 449 •! 026 13 131 232 410 'i78 4488 211 10,084 Kainui 3 .. Karioi . . 8/48 3/49 2,097 2,748 2,097 2,748 3, S 1, s ' • »o W8 3 104 1,020 916 14,475 11,822 4,670 30,967 Kaitieke 3 Kaitieke ;J3,566 6,000 14,769 6,000 21,750 17,050 40,975 7,302 8,400 15,345 8 38,383 1,300 8 46,500 266 33,812 6,001 24,992 6,488 23,442 33,073 60,296 10,436 9,333 17,806 48,290 1,522 50,723 Karere Kerltone 3 Longburn Wanganui 7/46 9/48 203 157 7/48 3, i) 203 18i 550 18j 550 i57 2, D 203 ' 66 io7 3 « 66 14,921 1,856 1,813 i26 765 1415 248 2,990 T 1^364 145 291 4,037 *777 965 ios 1,357 2^049 ' 35 506 822 1 328 4478 5,445 488 1,499 2,779 9,126 2,019 933 2,461 7,146 222 2,671 Konewa Kotuku Makirikiri Manchester Mark Hall Matai Mount Stewart.. Moutoa 3 Pohangina Mar ton Marton Feilding Waverley Kairanga Rongotea Shannon 2/48 1/46 ~/47 8/47 5/48 6/48 5/47 10/48 1,836 495 1,452 152 200 374 767 62 7/48 4, i) 495 22 i 430 3/48 Adj. owners 24 3 i 300 22i 430 3,300 1,836 li 328 152 200 374 767 62 2, S 6," 8 2, D 2, D 5, D 2, D ; 3, 8 1, D 1,836 495 1,452 152 200 374 767 4 73 6 4 45 "3 35 40 1,752 448 1,789 592 2,624 i95 15 118 960 5 566 46 9 254 82 1 434 ioi ' *70 81 3 ' 82 13^569 1,454 9,689 15,498 5,711 29 j 864 806 1,277 441 2," 650 529 2,625 2,952 3,533 254 452 6,486 659 4,028 5,099 5,147 318 1,074 9,579 1 239 124 125 52 29 1 2,035 1,522 2,002 702 331 1 369 44 38 633 34 472 404 7^231 61 i56 Hay 150 i59 639 468 10 114 390 8 2 ' 95 10 214 124 179 52 ' '58 ' 98 2,752 1,495 3,351 702 415 3,i43 1,420 2,353 2,974 864 1,666 4,280 2,164 4,345 4,704 1,067 3,326 6,630 448 247 44 128 81 488 3^999 2,735 468 1,091 1,106 6,349 445 3,244 4,332 533 33 2 3,250 ' *41 48 1 ' 73 i31 337 3427 6^508 ' 93 454 2,036 218 1,236 2,024 175 17 1458 162 U969 6426 1,105 2,117 *471 2,036 i93 13,244 10,195 1,115 2461 Newton Lee Ngai Nireaha Nirvana 3 Wanganui Shannon Eketahuna Eketahuna 6/47 47/48 10/46 8/48 3,170 741 197 3,088 3,170 2, D ; 4, 8 3470 " 7 157 11 ioe 3 445 13 *24 8 345 33^817 3^216 5^538 7^599 il5 1415 ia* 1^368 349 ii5 1^385 1 j 862 3,852 301 2^580 2416 45 3,780 308 3,472 1,552 7/48 2, D " 197 8^40 8440 741 3 i 088 10, D 3,'8 741 197 188 49 4 471 20 52 133 ' *86 15,007 1^653 1,767 51 3,136 62 104 116 769 686 4^5 5,945 17 t'n hay is4 42 452 4,905 2,275 57 3,959 65 594 8,133 341 1,407 7 32 *600 4^684 179 410 i90 4,863 41,028 7,112 33,203 13 14,322 13 51,983 7,100 31,376 62,260 34,374 84,628 24,353 3,472 2,177 3,112 1,585 47,612 10,874 34,400 14,697 56,516 7,687 41,298 72,148 36,976 89,589 25,380 Ohingaiti 3 Ohingaiti 2/49 1,146 ,. 1,146 2, 8 ;:j 1,197 375 2,030 587 3,737 6,023 56 2,003 58 Okapea Otahoua 3 Hihitahi Masterton 47/49 2/49 3,359 568 3,359 568 6, S 1, 8 3497 7 3 4,44t> 135 1,401 ' 79 426 75,971 5408 5432 7^301 642 5423 "i53 5 "73 666 2^043 337 3^615 2^811 ' *47 9^638 2,595 7^043 2,' 503 Pakihikura Hunterville .. 8/46 2,030 6/48 3, 8* 2 i 030 3liil0 3ljil0 7,724 10,828 2 i 030 5 2,628 i35 1^312 ' 64 357 390 38 46^577 4^371 2,002 2^696 5)9 5^815 il4 30 *382 343 3473 2^036 62 7,272 1^697 5,575 6485 3,865 2,546 2,958 969 Paruwai Pokaka Pongaroa Pukehou Pukenui 1 • Rangitane Rata Raukawa Reids 3 Martinborough Taihape Pongaroa Bulls Bulls Tokomaru Hunterville .. Ashhurst Waitotara 3/46 2/47 3/48 7/47 7,724 2,320 12,528 1,220 214 260 1,595 190 94 7/48 2/49 8/48 3, S 1, S 2, D ; 1, S 2,081 1,700 1,220 31,910 5,100 24,350 7/48 Adj. owner 39 2 i 489 34 i 399 5,100 24,350 6, 8 13,8 ; 1, D 2, D 3, D ; 2, S 1,"D 7,724 2,320 12,528 1,220 10 5 9 102 2 3 1 91 2 ' *37 5,794 3,153 8,779 1,215 480 968 3,638 1,133 4,780 14 494 95 865 3 367 320 1,209 96 io2 17^815 1,958 78,987 52,502 11445 7,352 4,273 1 3,898 2,725 501 3,558 5,426 3,789 349 6,799 "il2 723 359 547 14J4 2,903 6,132 4,455 9,858 5 ' 52 20 isi 205 171 ' 60 4 10 232 64 78 2,883 46 492 15,404 4,842 439 1,083 27,356 9,107 4 640 2,915 1,283 107 6,787 23,493 10,361 4,116 2,398 1,780 2,167 47 70 74 10,542 4,228 27 444 1,448 2,972 1,869 687 124 7,570 2,359 1,572 5/47 46/48 3/47 3/48 7/48 8/48 7/48 4, b 4, D 1, S 259 417 190 18 i 525 Not flxed 11,000 7/48 Sdy. 1 140 18,665 11 i000 214 1478 ' 94 214 260 1,035 190 39 2 12 175 213 5 631 414 588 •• 3 l 267 ' 78 ' 56 lojiu 1 ,* i57 5,268 7,339 13.595 6,330 379 604 1,199 549 877 1,849 4,368 1,014 1,294 3,617 6,343 1.322 110 114 23 165 1,353 591 225 2,243 3|6 45 2,533 6,095 210 653 39 75 ioo 187 299 5 684 2 50 32 101 72 217 232 103 761 2,718 2,729 1,317 873 1,077 2,722 462 1,458 1,935 3,914 762 186 298 78 45 1,845 4,606 1,006 662 727 1,277 1,937 620 20 105 28 24 932 1,003 447 282 89 846 1,475 527 '843 157 1457 80 Not flxed 15,558 38,481 11,000 4,750 30,431 24,331 13,000 6,165* 60,729 75,765* 239 9,650 26,679 Not flxed 20,613 2,245 4,168 13,735 509 1,277 3,812 12,570 410 3,522 23,538 64,786 11,919 4,750 31,580 27,268 13,012 6,165 75,231 75,773 5,908 Rewa Rewa Riverdale Rongomai 3 Mangaweka Linton Eketahuna 4/48 3/48 3/49 1,872 415 1,463 1,872 415 1,463 3, S 5, D 2, 8 1,872 398 1 1 1 2 i 534 1,201 787 2 465 178 :: 456 965 411 2,222 'j 1,132 4 1 2 16 4 2,173 7] 341 4,121 568 244 3,732 290 111 3 2,632 215 20 7488 2,652 9 682 li i40 2,255 12 Rongotea 3 Rongotea 3/49 152 152 2, D Ruamahanga . . Santoft 3 Greytown Marton 46/48 12/48 4,388 9,632 10/47 1, D 143 4^900 21 690 5 i 590 4,224 9,632 6, 8 ; 2, D 30, D; 5, S 4 i 209 19 41 3j 950 160 454 190 110 23,691 1,986 4474 6,535 iei 1474 141 1 i 355 "67 45 422 4^822 7^676 207 1 jo28 3^682 i87 310 1^924 1^614 10,211 4 i 291 8 3,065 86 Tangimoana Taonui 3 Tangimoana .. Kairanga 12/45 12/48 500 136 500 136 1,D; 2, WH 500 97 336 481 i64 1404 lt7 1432 ' 88 557 340 403 i87 1460 "i38 20 ios ' 58 50 2^604 Tarapouri" Kai Iwi 2/49 763 763 3, D ; 1, S 9,736 26,684 2,664 23,754 1,969 49,663 7,279 15,965 37,695 86,073 11,557 Taueru Tauroa Masterton Pahiatua Te Horo Masterton Eketahuna Turakina 48/49 40/47 3,488 1,623 8/48 2,6 1,623 20i 605 20 i 605 1 3,488 5, 8 1,623 2 6 2 3430 1,650 38 663 204 177 ' 31 127 21,761 1,727 5 835 4 1,115 "•2 ♦6 *470 982 "27 " 2 "28 3,228 12 6,il9 132 317 6 66 217 982 39 2428 3406 42 1,104 1,624 3448 503 2,969 501 5,800 70 2,180 1,003 4,627 38 2,161 172 1,468 1,519 36 3,657 158 8,073 19 Te Horo Tikitapu Tiraumea Turakina 2/48 46/47 3/48 4/46 668 4,776 1,143 249 8/48 7/48 4,'8 2, b 4,776 242 42i 350 10i 980 7/48 Domain 7 *276 42,350 11i 256 668 1,143 1, 8 ; 4, D 668 4,776 1,143 249 2 6 1 "78 * 23 1,848 3,706 39 275 993 715 2,128 l« 320 116 360 150 54 j 907 6^642 5,702 557 668 1,676 673 604 860 2,576 1,346 936 3 80 9 866 75 3#2 J6 571 2,331 411 8 170 1 111 2 1 153 21 11 1^645 2,591 25 1,452 14 4,329 266 2,530 21 191 2 150 2,292 59 1,654 279 2,816 57 1,154 12 11 3 24 7," 748 2495 1,342 154 31 2,139 16 542 5^609 2^826 1,358 696 709 Not flxed 42,344 7,173 10,128 36,534 73,373 11,500 Upoko Wainuioru Waiohine 3 * Masterton Masterton Greytown 47/48 46/48 7/46 4,117 5,450 266 7/48 7/48 9/48 3, 8 2, 8 1, D; 4,F; 1, WH 4,049 1,230 266 37,240 21,200 11,540 7/48 Adj. owner 68 620 37,860 21,200 11,540 4,22,0 7, S 4,117 5.442 266 1 16 1 44 3,120 6,633 ' 43 233 648 1,951 336 624 218 166 25,202 86,729 2,059 8,600 1,560 4,162 1,889 5,361 721 3 j 980 35 52 800 1 2 44 16 32 332 1,290 1,334 2,544 2,836 i26 3 936 81 1,622 3,662 3 13 145 991 11,690 532 1,700 3,114 418 114 Waipawa Masterton 2/48 1,176 8/48 1, s 1,176 10,985 10,985 1,621 2,262 965 2,8 Reserve 13, D 1,176 1 1,402 239 1,399 144 1,327 2,418 .. 1 17 2,757 4,705 144 1,440 87 1,778 113 1,891 9,412 18,236 26,992f 34,740 17,857 300 1,046 12,167 297 2,443 1,196 10,009 21,725 40,355 Wairepu Whareroa Whitaunui 3 Taihape Paekakariki . >haiuJon 2/48 12/45 7/48 1,621 2,262 965 1.621 2,262 1 80 52 1,670 1,283 1 370 92 80 13,408 2,343 16400 1^242 211 1,498 m 2,998 ioo 223 419 112 1445 2,781 226 2 35 17 357 2,173 3,321 4.719 6,158 793 78 6,038 1,045 256 2,446 266 891 5,747 190 2,502 5,937 L ,611 Willowmere 3 .. Feilding 8/48 425 •• 425 2,8 •• - 2,327 790 37,067 18,647 MARLBOROUGH LAND DISTRICT Avondale Blairich Claverley 15 Av on V aley .. Awatere Valley Claverley 3/48 4/48 3/47 21,939 18,982 3,738 47/48 4, S 3430 30i 295 4/48 Reserve " 8 60 30,355 21,939 18,982 4, S 3, S 9,919 11,716 2 2 2,600 3,145 2,180 2,489 957 1,779 190 105 21!259 2,209 22 609 6,722 11 1,092 9,556 6 72 203 1^864 3 13 6 5 43 2 3 1 27 30 14 5,881 8,174 9,476 8,124 303 2 2,889 56 633 286 2,201 :: :: 5,822 1,406 1^842 7,266 1,132 385 273 1,304 4,518 7,651 1,405 25,181 19,150 33,391 27,000 19,616 2,870 15,932 8,750 4,000 10,715 6,500 22,500 570 12,075 § 7,000 16,893 36,000 392 55 1,334 1,492 632 620 7,456 11,447 2,027 1,534 27,600 20,739 34,725 30,471 22,697 3,790 Craiglochart Dashwood Davidsons Kims .. Avon Valley . . Awatere Valley Kaikoura Kaikoura 3/47 3/48 10/46 8/45 7,915 6,410 54 2,034 8/47 2, b 393 8470 47/48 Sundry 244 2 i 073 10i 843 6,410 54 1,397 3, 8 3, S 1, D 1, S 7 i 915 6,410 54 1,397 5 1 15 26 2 i 699 2,765 1,048 690 532 3 890 992 283 105 52 88 131 104 47 15 4,934 445 27,425 14^078 4,116 1^255 2,410 34 602 2,471 305 869 '22 93 58 1,195 55 81 24 836 630 338 30 20 148 i20 73 84 1 1 41 16 8 609 1403 4,419 7,336 83 215 708 1,719 4,132 1,125 419 1,621 50 12 88 370 1,479 663 145 835 1,019 1 73 5,618 515 li 979 2,449 300 1,122 990 Greenhills Hilles 3 Lynton Downs Blenheim 3/44 7/48 4,912 1,083 4,912 1,083 2, 8 8 4,912 4 2,222 138 948 100 102 23,863 2,157 1,033 1,160 1 2 17 100 102 1 16 15 25 4,430 84 631 1^650 24,510 21,187 Kenepnru Lakes 3 Kenepuru Sound Kaikoura 12/47 1/49 1,384 362 1, 384 362 1, 8 2, D 1^384 2 1^085 168 486 8,580 842 679 767 11 67 " 2 30 2,440 4,549 11 ' *77 279 1427 2*8 2^015 86 8 4,000 10,809 Ludstone* Kaikoura 3/4» 907 907 2, 8 ; 3, D 716 7,216 MeDonalds Kaikoura 10/47 127 Adj. owner 32 200 200 95 * * * * 22,500 Molesworth Speed Koromiko 4/40 4/45 239,624 797 9/48 2, b 305 8^485 8 i 485 239,624 492 1, D & S 120i000 797 7 86 25 1 50 1^768 1,295 ' 86 20 j 697 2.343 i46 109 80 240 *i65 1^958 34 78 46 25 159 139 4^213 2,492 i59 94 828 10 3,323 1488 811 546 821 3,869 8456 10,976 820 1,649 762 2,547 2,004 2,248 570 21,593 Upton Ywatere Valley 11/47 1,628 4/48 4,770 14,700 6/48 1, Civ. 1,628 3, 8 1,628 1 3 802 41 735 4 5 10497 1406 1,319 812 1 6 105 836 2 10 7 19 24 5 38 3,057 4,536 iio 498 2,055 36 20,523 Wairau Wairau Valley 9/47 15,978 1,8 4^691 7,200 21 i 900 6,517 2, 8 6,510 5 3 2,032 3,531 1,462 122 81,550 13,995 5,443 11,933 2 20 159 1,119 46 287 90 12 98 10,328 16,032 203 1,729 5,250 62 10,i3S 1,196 8^942 19,717 39,897 NELSON LAND DISTRICT Moutere * Upper Moutere 1 8/48 I 306 1 1 306 I 2, T 1 .. .. ! 3,000 3,500 12,500 4.960 5,700 Orinoco Orinoco 6/47 827 11/48 827 3, T A 8 827 22 8 6 261 96 13 16 22 I 2^775 261 2442 i72 200 208 6 9 ** 1 10 2 6 8 277 26 1 22 3 24 1^242 97 526 251 ;; 777 1^576 799 3,799 Pangatotara 1 • .. Pangatotara . 10/48 164 3, T 60 104 37 5,113 Saxton s • Stoke 6/46 76 3/47 1. WH 1 23 23 75 Indeflnite 75 266 22 104 151 175 258 24 283 12,500 Te Namu Karamea 7/47 431 8/48 2, D 307 6,780 6,780 124 Bush 307 68 65 34 68 12,505 1,041 87 37 * 4 20 24 114 119 1411 •• 4 16 679 73 25 56 33 4,960 5,789 WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT Kopara" i Haupiri 1 6/48 1 2,685 i 1 1 1" •* I l •• | 2,685 4,8 1 .. .. .. .. 1 1 1 I 15,500 6,600 Whitcombe Kuiterangi 12/46 445 1 " - 3,D 21 98 6 •• 6,219 608 1,830 118 411 683 56 229 13 43 17 89 616 1,248 •• 283 348 #31 779 226 5,723 15,726 13,102 For iot«« SM pag* 67.

Fm naMe an mi ST. Apt ii«m i«u OoM qf Paftr.—rnpmtUioo, not gtv; prating iT» oopuu. OOt.

By Authority: B. E. Owxn, Government Printer, Wellington.—l94#.

Pnee I*. 3d.]

C—l Details of Acquisition to 31st March, 1 >49. Details of Alien ttions to 31st March, 1949. Areas Still Under Development at 31st March, 1949. Stock Carried at 30th June, 1948. Stock and Produce Sales for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Expenditure for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Trading Results for Year Ended 30th June, 1948. Capital Costs to 31st March, 1949. Units to Ex-servicemen. Other Disposals. Grand Total Disposal Price to Date (£) Probable Number of Units and Type of Farm. Develo PFarm Settlement. Locality. Date. Area (Acres). Date. Number and Type. Total Area (Acres). Total Disposal Price (£) Date. Purpose. Area (Acres). Total Disposal Price (£). Area (Acres). Acres Farmed Dairy . Cows. Dairy Heifers and Calves. Pigs. Breeding ewes. - Dry Sheep. Lambs and Hoggets Breeding cows and ' Heifers " Dry Run Cattle. Cows Milked. Butterfat Sold. lb. I £ Wool Sold. lb. I £ Sheep Sold. No. I £ Dairy Cattle Sold. No. I £ Run Cattle Sold. No. I £ Pigs Sold. No. I £ Cash Crops. Miscellaneous Receipt 1 £ Dairy Cattle Bought. Sheep Bought. Rui B Cattle jught. Farm WorkiE Expens Depres | ciation Gross Profit Gross Loss. Intereg Charge t Net d. Profit Net Loss. Acquis tion. Develo ment t 30th June, 1948. p- Nine 0 Month 1st Jul 1948, to 31s March 1949. 9, y, Total. Ashlyn Barkerfleld Beckleigh Blytheburn Charteris Cheviot Hills 15 Clarkville Cones Coutts Island .. Craiglea Croftlea Dromore 15 Eiffelton Fighting Hill . . Findlays Forsyth Frasers 21 Grassy Hill 1 * Hakataramea Fish Hatchery Henleys Holme Kelmont Kings Lauriston Leader Levels Valley .. Longs s Lowland Lees .. Lyndale 3 Meadowvale Medway Middlerigg Montalto Mount Paul Newlands Oaklands Pyramid 11 Ritchies * Riverview Rocklea Rokeby• Rowallan" Sefton Spring Creek Stamford Stonehaven Stormlea Stowells Strathallan Strathconan Templeton Trent Viewbrae Waikakahi Winchmore Wingfleld Lyndhurst Hinds Winchester Stonyhurst Diamond Harbou Cheviot Kaiapoi Rakaia Belfast Methven Arundel Ashburton Eiffelton Rakaia Gor«_'<-. . Eiffelton Little River . . Hakataramea Waimate Hakataramea Lincoln Timaru Waikari Timaru Lauriston Parnassus Timaru Pendarves Rangiora Lyndhurst Pleasant Point Hanmer Dunsandel Mayfleld Waiau Ashburton Methven Waikari Geraldine Ealing Lyndhurst Mitcham Winchmore Sefton Methven Makikihi Ruapuna Methven Esk Valley Fairlie Fairlie Geraldine Templeton Geraldine Ashburton Methven Waimate Ashburton Rakaia 7/47 3/47 9/47 3/48 3/48 2/46 6/47 47/48 4/48 48/49 4/48 12/41 1948 1946 3/47 4/48 12/48 5/48 7/47 5/46 6/46 47/48 9/46 10/40 48/49 3/47 9/48 3/46 3/49 4/47 3/48 8/46 3/47 1947 46/47 4/48 4/48 9/48 8/46 3/48 3/49 3/49 5/47 12/46 4/48 5/47 10/46 7/47 48/49 3/48 6/43 5/48 5/40 40/47 10/46 8/40 44/47 3/45 582 1,922 377 5,084 1,768 5,060 217 266 177 970 1,950 665 497 3,319 264 2,492 3,461 2,893 26 97 3,172 1,766 251 329 6,719 674 703 670 599 274 8,312 523 2,631 19,401 369 1,037 5,136 487 546 525 659 814 508 337 1,049 1,285 1,017 570 2,469 497 184 20 665 8,815 485 766 5,203 1,500 11/48 9/48 8/47 9/48 4/48 7/48 7/48 12/48 5/48 8/48 7/48 11/48 8/48 7/48 11/48 8/47 4/48 8/48 7/48 9/48 7/48 7/48 8/48 12/48 9/48 47/48 .. 2, D & S 2, S 4, S ; 1, D 3, s i C 1, S 1, S& C 3, S 1, S 2, S 1, WH 6, S & C 1, 8 6 C 2, 8 6 C 2, S& C 1, D 1, S 3, S*& C 1, 8 6 C 1, 8 6 C 2, S & C 2, S & C 3, S & C 1, s & c 1, D 3, R 5, D 377 1,768 4,920 665 264 2,492 3,461 2,893 26 2,529 251 635 670 120 556 546 337 832 1,285 1,012 490 184 20 766 14,'i70 22 j 550 39,530 22,680 5,450 7,250 31,770 9,519 22,370 850 39,210 7,'ioo 12,340 15,960 4,900 6,320 5^330 9," 500 15,590 16,120 24,480 8,750 1,005 27 j 580 10/48 4/48 47/49 9/48 4/47 3/49 9/48 2/48 f 9/46 1 46/47 Reserves Irrigation Sundry Amal. Amal. Boundary Adjustment Amal. Irrigation Agriculture Dept. Newlands Farm Sett. i40 9 583 *872 39 26 217 " 5 762 369 3^680 4^672 220 654 43 2,990 ios 10 ,*820 2,073 14^170 22,550 43,210 22,680 5,450 7,250 31,770 9,519 22,370 850 43,882 7,'ioo 220 12,994 15,'960 ' 43 4,900 6,320 31,'400 5^330 9," 500 18,580 16,120 24,588 8,750 3," 580 1,005 27 y580 | 12,893 582 1,922 5,084 *217 266 177 970 497 3,319 97 60 1,766 329 5,847 703 599 274 8,286 403 2,075 19,401 369 1,037 487 525 659 814 508 80 2,469 497 :: 665 8,815 485 4,072 1,500 2,1 4, I 4, S & C 3, D 1, S & C 2, D 3, S & C 2, S & C 4, S 1,S & C 4, S & C i, i 2, S; 1,S6C 1, S*6 C 1, i 2, D 2, S 3, D 3, S 4, S & C ; 4, S 1, 1 3, I 1, i 2, i 3, S & C 2, I 4, D 3, S 6 C 1, S 1, s 6 c Indefinite 2, 1 12, I 3, S <fe C 582 1,922 377 5,084 1,768 217 266 177 772 1,941 459 3,319 264 2,492 97 2,604 1,766 251 329 338 635 670 274 8,286 523 2,075 19,401 369 1,037 546 525 508 337 1,049 1,285 1,017 570 1,841 497 184 665 8,815 485 155 4,072 1,500 1 2 2 2 5 7 10 2 2 1 5 2 4 6 3 1 . .• 1 1 9 2 5 3 25 3 11 1 47 18 7 3 1 5 6 3 1 12 6 2 1 1 ' 29 5 10 2 18 1 472 1,889 833 3,014 2,278 *395 i39 914 2,303 isi 3,585 2', 463 3 j 384 1,567 415 568 1,017 755 115 872 2,379 8,796 744 991 616 649 720 477 1,825 1,862 1,346 850 1,974 600 8 1,052 2,572 750 5 4,474 1,393 70 47 23 7 *67 2 15 18 17 22 i37 3,197 5 6 94 7 12 6 1 33 54 16 1 44 69 2 193 14 860 105 980 1,157 l,'i87 1,078 l,'il9 429 110 20 285 15 617 23 959 2,689 225 30 12 i47 139 650 237 243 585 232 1 387 1,248 189 1,375 396 ' *34 82 58 5 ' *13 ' 68 *71 *26 15 199 13 *20 6 2 " 8 29 1 1 ' *77 23 *33 ' *83 ' *81 *10 4 20 1 ' *78 64 46 195 3 37 23 2 ""23 1 27 41 3 *13 CANTE 1 j 785 RBURY l • • 166 •• LAND 20,273 9,214 13,443 2,'i44 7,318 105 40,464 48 ,*857 2,053 4,079 13,501 8,' 661 1,436 8,831 19,887 84,221 5,055 6^78 7,293 3,543 15,045 11,168 233 41,849 7,680 540 45,268 13,275 DISTRI 3,398 819 1^878 i30 803 6 5,247 4^283 *i92 477 1,342 1^309 i34 772 2,284 10,193 636 *726 *936 474 1 j 655 1,476 1,023 14 *899 3,917 915 42 5,045 1,491 CT 203 2,011 1,542 5,709 1,903 2,873 377 880 995 1,682 1^552 364 3 1,482 2,109 5,331 1,088 3 3,659 902 2 2,330 437 1 j 233 2,778 1,508 131 247 605 *640 2,985 1,051 288 5,215 1,742 • 275 3,115 2,539 2 10,680 6 3,' 228 4,652 688 1,487 1,384 2,417 2,654 756 3 2,502 1,265 7,748 1,812 4 1,018 1, 466 2 , 064 766 <,092 1,658 .,410 146 389 ,046 *938 ,534 ,816 490 ,885 ,847 ' *39 1 ' *12 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 19 1 240 6 *512 1 ' 88 *17 10 1 *12 13 " 8 20 18 7 i28 13 3,065 60 " 45 *i86 243 33 58 1 9 i50 36 63 4 *74 ' *91 "25 1 1 107 51 *982 1,927 2 j 871 170 473 15 69 2^665 760 1 j 315 91 M08 1 j 335 *496 5 *10 2,161 582 1 :: .. 90 7 37 i67 i31 23 196 34 37 159 155 14 66 20 45 *25 168 ' *63 178 67 18 92 85 25 684 673 134 332 1,469 *899 206 3,021 *334 361 1,434 1,512 *208 790 164 676 196 1,596 581 3,671 329 209 627 951 752 4,556 1 93 24 2 *285 80 28 ' *46 16 ' *58 95 142 228 4 219 161 *53 *24 8 217 92 151 i42 i21 16 *40 85 11 2 *25 79 50 117 226 93 8 2 2 1 9 2 1 2 1 5 5 1 2 8 1 2 7 *24 io7 15 2 1 - 17 110 28 ' 28 21 71 • 19 "l8 20 13 56 30 20 "l2 "i20 7 29 63 275 1,512 186 38 764 12 1,559 4,108 2,328 8 409 *i42 953 3,520 938 154 22 3,'602 21 2,445 726 600 861 276 *370 3,942 397 648 1,158 1,004 1,054 3,659 275 671 2,066 417 1,885 1,248 1,423 1,767 2,740 1,096 300 il3 38 343 3,385 694 1 1,355 127 3,054 7,581 3,605 85 544 *213 1,525 6,991 1,352 251 254 6," 740 *237 4,312 1,124 *777 1.345 509 *513 6.346 619 1,304 3,387 1,606 1,652 6,020 407 1,234 2,820 730 4,017 1,832 2,001 3,120 5,044 2,188 375 378 383 579 6,064 1,046 7S) 159 81 26 5 33 ' *97 iso 1 37 1 *29 i67 64 *59 108 2 *13 ' *55 54 15 68 66 1 962 1,232 711 155 40 *i70 737 M00 18 187 14 325 2,464 673 607 1,058 6 *248 536 495 i43 1 j066 458 719 3,144 1,555 729 105 1,783 817 685 288 1,042 940 2,355 901 3,607 1,816 169 112 118 5,541 890 1,031 559 240 2,819 2.493 *892 168 1,122 4,477 7,018 1,419 552 143 1,807 397 1,691 2,337 683 2,184 3.494 1,957 372 659 731 6,138 1,957 1 *900 11,938 3,035 £ 29 108 41 16 *63 34 " 8 7 71 5 150 283 18 29 22 16 94 *46 ' *89 10 107 115 377 51 41 90 27 *55 42 3 103 113 62 3 62 i63 231 75 171 795 158 £ 3,643 8,il6 1,212 5,959 229 8,329 388 1,281 1,003 2,i63 2,750 9,'325 679 783 1,616 4,144 2,036 1,149 955 1,714 168 £ 1,209 i30 5,397 1,749 948 325 506 1,603 5,280 *991 *823 4,661 il2 2,'631 650 ' *87 4,245 607 i28 1,178 145 972 ' *55 2,709 *279 2,872 1,704 200 201 £ 244 912 236 164 255 1,565 568 116 31 210 281 188 107 1,498 274 351 174 1,998 24 287 251 27 599 754 522 277 863 1,284 3,536 353 17 323 92 838 456 161 775 1,151 455 23 11 320 564 1,693 566 807 2,803 1,043 1 £ 2," 731 6,'551 1,024 4," 461 55 6,331 ioi 1,030 404 1,409 1,887 5,'789 356 *841 2,993 343 583 148 £ 1,453 *366 5,561 2,004 1,516 441 537 1,813 5,561 1,098 1,097 5,012 ii2 2,655 677 609 4,522 1,891 *481 1,195 145 1,064 *55 511 2,870 734 2,895 1,715 520 765 1,089 875 £ I 5,678 17,179 13,160 33,786' 18,916 40,012 12,110 7,773 9,408 17,940 22,665 2,870 15,704 30,921 6,077 31,095 9,519 22,000 850 4,180 43,316 18,434 5,263 4,825 29,410 11,787 4,383 16,821 8,386 10,549 19,341 18,455 26,413 88,517 2,073 12,877 1 31,147 4,850 5,708 5,670 Not fixed 7,350 17,049 9,932 17,272 14,778 23,696 9,467 Not Fxd. 7,170 1 • 1,788 1,000 5,609 27,504 12,303 15,331 49,836 16,000 1 £ 898 900 265 3 263 11,379 1,364 64 14 8 108 1*982 6," 290 412 318 5,126 383 836 1,889 680 1,347 *680 817 683 1,753 5,610 1 *572 903 3 * i21 351 *484 2,419 337 8 32 3,839 7,030 8,739 1,579 17,839 22,083 10,058 £ 5,475 2,057 823 2,808 2,379 1,320 6,184 307 464 657 74 910 391 10,858 457 2,682 176 8,993 5,458 267 *94 2,843 741 2,645 535 277 6,036 1,054 3,358 462 1,072 803 294 763 1 189 37 3,535 *786 324 147 53 3,411 3,428 14,891 1,372 £ 12,051 20,136 14,248 36,857 21,295 52,711 19,658 8,144 9,886 18,705 22,739 5,762 16,095 48,069 6,946 33,777 9,519 22,000 850 4,674 57,435 24,275 6,366 6,714 29,504 15,310 5,124 20,813 8,386 11,764 19,618 25,308 28,150 93,628 8,145 13,950 31,950 5,144 6,280 7,336 7,350 29,119 10,284 17,461 15,299 29,650 9,804 794 7,526 5,774 1,053 12,639 36,243 17,293 36,598 86,810 27,430 Awamangu Beacon Hill» Berwick Clydevale Cranleigh Downlands a Goodwood Green Valley 3 .. Invermay Island Cliff Koau * Kuriwao Macfarlane Downs 1 Maryhill Matau Moa Flat Moeraki Moyola Papanui Rippleburn Silver Peak Spylaw • Taipo Hill Te Hooka Thorndale Waipori * Waiwera Wakatipu Wharetoa Willow burn Hillend Wairuna Berwick Clydevale Tuapeka Mouth Palmerston Palmerston Dunback Wingatui Tokarahi Inch Clutha .. Waiwera Clydevale Berwick Inch Clutha .. Heriot Moeraki Heriot Cape Saunders Balclutha Waikouaiti Moa Flat Kakanui Waiwera Edievalr Henley Waiwera Queenstown .. Clydevale Clinton 44/45 3/49 11/46 9/47 3/47 9/48 7/46 3/49 2/46 /44 48/49 1941 7/48 8/46 6/47 3/47 3/47 5/46 3/34 7/45 3/48 48/49 3/44 1941 4/46 7/48 /48 3/48 3/48 4/46 2,944 1,487 393 1,147 1,911 3,183 1,720 11,860 1,262 2,465 411 453 5,073 1,179 202 15,036 4,634 973 1,092 733 10,584 7,389 46:{ 1,462 1,766 440 1,763 1,002 1,440 4,694 9/47 7/48 5/46 8/48 1, S 1,8 2, S 2, 8 393 M79 475 463 5,900 3^850 10 j 960 40/46 2, Civ. 384 7^245 3^850 10,960 2,944 1,487 393 1,147 1,911 3,183 1,720 11,860 1,262 2.072 411 453 5.073 202 15,036 4,634 973 199 738 10,584 7,389 1,462 1,766 440 1,763 1,002 1,440 4,694 5, S 3, S 3, D 2, S 3, S 2, S 4, S 3, S 3, D ; 1, S 4, S 4, D 1, S 4, S 2, D 4, S 12, S 2, S S 2, S 3, S 5, S 2, S 3, S 2, D 3, S 2, S 2, S 3, S 2,924 393 1,147 1,796 1,604 1,232 2,037 453 i;i74 202 15,016 4,624 940 199 733 10,584 463 1,457 1.766 1,744 976 1,440 4,694 7 ' *13 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 5 14 5 4 3 5 7 3 3 2 7 2 ' 68 6 2 1 4 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 1 5 3 10 3,168 *383 896 2,482 ljeoi 492 1,953 458 i;i2o 60 4,671 2,707 1,201 5,007 956 1,974 2,403 923 1,039 3,119 73 249 1 71 278 113 367 8 5 1,719 810 54 30 3 380 20 103 10 24 96 1,321 314 239 887 542 il4 625 i97 404 1,214 410 335 1,485 1 545 922 774 297 1,278 7 1 4 6 12 13 58 222 2 20 i.22 il4 82 ' '47 10 62 i43 42 30 1 36 50 330 9 28 4 65 4 3 42 ' *85 6 OTA 237 GO LAN 23 D DIST 42,939 721 4,192 33,021 14^231 4,961 26,051 3^429 11,040 340 54,620 39,007 16,160 12,857 3,000 17,466 32,170 90 35 j 573 RICT 3,709 794 374 2,718 1^207 424 2,109 317 891 34 5,306 3.787 1,537 1 150 690 1,700 2.788 5 3 *i87 2,374 811 1,968 2^301 2,829 2,505 458 560 195 1,271 5,344 1,296 790 3 1,181 2,104 2,224 90 304 83 1,848 * I 4 7 4 1 II 2 1 1 4 3 5 ,330 ,423 ,390 392 ,035 ,382 849 904 304 ,629 ,403 ,363 3 ,898 ,936 ,473 264 454 67 ,188 12 11 4 2 10 1 2 1 102 i21 62 16 i.45 15 12 19 56 21 188 497 103 244 749 1 43 2 40 72 39 644 585 8^642 1,734 5^661 10 455 22 223 1, i.29 375 58 14 30 41 2 53 2 197 *30 60 2 65 189 210 508 419 31 1,031 14 2^232 1,083 1,171 33 i40 127 *41 19 50 27 33 94 37 ' *35 29 82 160 86 15 75 6 50 82 71 7 5 76 2 ' *77 9 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 6 1 4 6 6 8 34 617 68 34 29 11 30 *18 32 42 67 11 46 60 67 68 297 685 2,000 149 2,061 2," 927 1,087 938 15 232 20 4,719 57 " 8 6,617 444 3,679 327 1,264 1,471 20 803 i,'ioo 3,201 232 3,583 5,772 1,552 1^517 158 251 127 8,522 227 59 12,748 801 7,650 742 2,502 3,273 211 72 ' *47 14 57 527 33 30 *i32 409 ' *47 227 *29 3 40 925 602 100 810 402 240 6 jen 393 1^553 373 34 695 4,584 2,042 1,576 3,990 3,048 4,029 1^423 2,282 1,145 6,005 6,182 1,949 45 1,288 317 3,822 3,969 *609 424 594 3,027 140 69 39 175 il2 *76 120 i»i * 183 53 194 247 115 14 59 60 226 128 50 79 40 202 2,737 2,040 1^918 1,1S4 2,910 2,il4 1,442 11,052 1,672 1,225 1^670 3 j 946 422 1,540 656 22 7^549 1,242 5.559 1.560 2,586 1,946 *450 239 1,048 *570 *826 1,333 i29 390 377 1,584 1,746 547 524 133 549 338 785 34 98 84 1,006 791 992 1,348 *308 1,577 1^737 9,306 1,125 701 691 '885 2^940 •I *872 1,779 •t M46 1,046 i42 22 7,682 1^580 5,593 1,658 2,670 29,620 3,750® 8,056 7,284 16,228 15,000 23,657 13,505" 17,100 29,750 12,075 3,097 25,335 4,080 6,934 27,761 66,433 9,729 13,554 9,175 30,553 26,798* 8,458 9,862 13,986 4,208 11,381 9,979 11,125 15,163 14,812 *775 2,912 1,701 2^864 1,784 7,277 234 640 694 2,064 1,502 1,549 12,178 1,999 53 1,252 4,537 1,316 2,191 ' *86 248 368 1,760 3,448 147 1,012 742 1,362 210 4,486 843 3,019 398 1,023 2,374 Cr. 30 653 2,654 2,329 2,715 2,'356 545 4,126 2,701 1,010 2,405 444 673 1,199 2,525 1,622 47,880 3,897 9,843 10,938 19,291 15,210 31,007 13,505 19,727 40,046 12,473 4,354 27,709 4,690 8,281 32,479 70,264 13,993 25,732 13,530 31,151 32,176 15,696 12,188 18,582 4,652 12,140 11,426 14,018 18,545 Balfour Dacre Drumfern Eastern Bush .. Granvue Hedgehope * Hokonui ■ Karara Kenil worth Kinacraig Mararua Oreti 3 Pukewao * Robinhood Rothie Ruahine Southdown Spur Head Te Peka» Titipua Titiroa" Tokanui' Waimea * Wairoto Waipango* Woodstock * Balfour ,. Dacre Dipton Orawia Otautau Hedgehope Balfour Tuatapere Waimahaka Balfour Edendale Winton Waimahaka Mataura Island Thornbury Pahia Glencoe Dacre Waimahaka Dacre Mataura Island Tokanui Balfour Tuatapere Riverton Dacre 1/46 6/46 10/47 12/45 5/47 10/48 48/49 9/47 45/47 8/47 7/47 12/48 7/48 4/45 7/47 3/46 3/47 3/41 5/48 48 8/48 12/48 6/48 4/48 7/48 7/48 1,363 634 7,320 938 578 514 12,821 709 3,055 1,187 359 439 4,301 1,715 754 1,195 5,645 2,223 1,145 2,838 409 484 2,002 5,697 214 529 48/49 7/48 7/48 45/48 3, S 2, S 1, S 2, S 1,363 634 444 1 14,650 12,220 6,000 9^945 7/48 12/48 Adj. owner Adj. owner 7 50 35 i 500 14,650 12,220 6,000 35 500 494 578 514 12,821 709 3,048 1,187 359 439 4,301 664 704 1,195 5,645 2,223 1,145 2,838 409 484 2,002 5,697 214 529 3, S 1, S 2, S 2,S 8, S 2, S 7, S 3, S 3, D 1, s 5, S 1, S 3, S 2,8 11, S 6, S 2, S 9, S 3, D 1, s 4, S 4, S 1,D 2, 8 1,363 I 600 7,320 938 537 679 3,055 1,187 439 1,208 617 897 5,645 2,223 2,838 5,' 677 3 4 2 2 3 9 2 5 3 2 26 11 4 2 1 3 3 1 28 5 20 6 1 1,827 1 1,319 1 3,310 1,054 1,629 .. 895 3,503 1,567 1,123 1 j 405 1,857 UM50 4,108 4,6*8 :: 2,040 43 | 5 52 25 120 8 156 1 17 287 1,105 33 28 32 26 577 350 1,016 767 194 392 1,277 838 : . 21 | 425 30 156 4,049 1,195 1 i 189 616 155 3 54 5 22 4 76 245 35 168 108 60 75 80 86 36 77 302 177 125 107 •• SOUTH! LAND L .'! AND D1 23,450 I 13,328 28,111 8,789 18,414 7,880 30,668 15,730 6,143 15j 084 18,645 5,920 29,120 43,199 [STRICT 2,130 1,270 2,625 870 | 1,610 656 2,670 1,478 511 1,610 535 11,955 3,979 1,687 1,079 2,220 1,149 1,842 1^614 2.995 953 1,527 906 2,085 994 8,056 2,577 3 344 3,026 1,846 3,079 1,903 2,841 2,653 5.404 1,641 2,608 1 j 655 3,285 2,617 14,072 4,841 2 540 3 " 9 2 15 iu 39 22 60 43 89 96 26 i48 5 213 3 *242 485 512 1,110 1^817 167 55 5,610 ' 88 H 20 5 ' 16 15 7 38 15 100 128 291 78 221 202 100 512 196 *274 194 183 23 55 38 31 242 102 108 70 120 136 1,089 * 2 686 *28 9 2 4 1 4 3 28 17 2 5 2 4 2 :: 1 38 15 20 66 28 242 93 34 77 29 43 28 184 39 4,177 1,400 803 1,910 2,254 2,067 346 2,797 1,281 1,024 1,173 3,243 402 323 7,738 2,658 1,989 3,647 4,565 3,664 587 5,632 2,431 2,521 3,176 14,053 6^482 214 *i21 67 188 30 127 46 277 *296 215 1,893 907 615 2^289 369 1,300 710 4,148 2,747 1^722 3,543 1 2,829 2,225 2,882 2,928 7,506 2,721 1,703 3,490 2,011 14,745 8,593 '788 576 220 168 211 260 248 130 304 169 165 i89 226 223 1,090 346 68 | 49 1,313 282 *i48 9,'307 668 1,322 2,155 83 2,108 1,936 1,708 571 11', 297 4,958 895 I 645 374 761 730 228 1,658 313 354 695 613 727 4,144 1,898 229 89 418 5^63 363 1,696 2,016 813 3,766 2,249 2,062 *547 2,474 1,298 1*230 11j 526 5,047 11,733 7,300 17,500 6,325 11,165 7,350 36,511 8,400 26,164 11,273 11,460 5,095 18,500 11,321 11,749 9,564 64,919 13,805 5,000 s 41,450 14,720 5,735 15,000 10,054 2,200 12,700 7,807 7,676 526 9,755 639 782 13,309 2,645 1,676 7,766 1,962 4,531 4,420 27,764 317 115 2,473 3,635 3,792 1,641 1,097 57 23 2,309 7,491 2,867 1,436 300 2,011 3,452 1,846 2,240 7,939 8,735 2,125 1,660 265 14 2,515 1,504 1,413 552 22,013 18,611 21,818 17,721 12,901 7,407 36,534 11,491 46,964 16,785 14,572 5,395 20,511 22,539 15,557 16,335 77,278 50,304 7,125 43,427 14,985 5,749 17,515 11,673 3,613 18,252

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DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1949 Session I, C-01

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DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1949 Session I, C-01

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1949 Session I, C-01

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