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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

Marine Department, Wellington, Bth June, 1948. Your Excellency,— I do myself the honour to transmit for Your Excellency's information the report of the Marine Department for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c., F. Hackett, Minister of Marine. His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand.

REPORT The Secretary, Marine Department, to the Hon. the Minister or Marine. Marine Department, "Wellington, 4th June, 1948. Sir, — I have the honour to submit the report of the Marine Department for the year ended 31st March, 1948. The Department is gradually getting back to the assumption of normal peacetime activities and able to devote its attention to progress prohibited during the war years. Consequent on the receipt of the report of the British engineers, Messrs. Buckton and Clarke, a committee of expert engineers—Messrs. W. L. Newnham, F. W. Furkert, and J. Wood—was set up by your predecessor in office to inspect Westport and Greymouth Harbours with a view to a report implementing the previous report of Messrs. Buckton and Clarke in an effort to decide (1) immediate necessities at those ports, and (2) longrange progress for improvements. The latter report is just to hand and is receiving the consideration of the appropriate authorities.


My report this year would not be complete without particular emphasis on the part played in industry by the Inspection of Machinery Branch of this Department. Prevention of accidents means increase in production in every phase of our industrial life, and it is interesting to note that our Inspectors of Machinery inspected 118,833 units of machines, lifts, cranes, and hoists, &c., during the current year. More interesting and pleasing is the fact that there were only 125 accidents concerned with these units and 4 deaths only, compared with 7 deaths from machinery accidents in the previous year. Apart from the factual situation emphasized by the above, our Inspectors of Machinery give valued service to owners by way of expert advice, and in general have a prestige in the community which is most satisfactory. Plans are in hand for an extension of the safety services rendered to owners and operatives in the hope that the present extremely low accident and death rates may be still further improved. Later in this report fuller details of this branch of the Department are included. The usual preliminary inquiry by the Superintendent of Mercantile Marine was carried out in regard to various casualties to shipping during the year. Seven of these required further Magisterial inquiry, these being the " Stina Rosina " collision off Cape Saunders, the loss of the m.v. " Haere " with all hands on the 28th May, 1947, the collision between the launch " lonaero " and the vessel " Towerhill" in the Auckland Harbour, the collision between the fishing-vessels " Comet" and " Daisy Bell" in Auckland, the total loss of the fishing-vessel " Cowan " at Lyttelton, the collision of the vessels " Aranui" and " Coronation "in northern waters, and the stranding of the ferry vessel " Ngoiro " in Auckland Harbour towards the end of the year. Broadly speaking, the policy of the Department is to recommend formal Magisterial investigations in cases where (1) any ship is lost or abandoned, (2) any ship is materially damaged, (3) when there is any loss of life, and (4) where serious damage to any ship has been caused by the wrongful acts or default of a certificated officer. ADMIRALTY CHARTS The Department acts as agent for the sale of Admiralty charts and publications and maintains a stock at Head Office and at the main Mercantile Marine offices in the Dominion. The stock includes all charts of the Dominion and many other parts of the world to which ships trading to or visiting the Dominion may be diverted. The stock of foreign charts is still very large, a carry-over from the war years, when a very comprehensive stock had to be carried, but as new editions of charts no longer in demand are issued, old copies will be withdrawn and the charts in question deleted from our chart list. The correction to date of all Admiralty charts, which is an important condition of the agency, still continues on a large scale, due to the re-establishment of navigational aids, the clearing of mine-fields, &c. An estimate of the magnitude of the work involved may be appreciated when it is realized that no less than 10,000 hand corrections are made annually. During the year the existing chart of Otago Harbour (No. 2411) was cancelled and replaced by one showing corrections to waterwork at harbour entrance. A request was made to the Hydrographer, Admiralty, suggesting that two new charts of New Zealand would be of great value to navigators—i.e., one of the North Island, including the Three Kings, and the other of the South Island, including Stewart Island and the Snares. The Hydrographer has agreed to the request and has intimated that the new charts should be completed in about twelve months. The Hydrographer's action is very much appreciated and will earn the grateful thanks of navigators on our coasts. The eleventh edition, 1946, of the " New Zealand Pilot" was published during the year, and copies are on sale at Mercantile Marine offices.



EXAMINATION OF MASTERS AND MATES Examinations have been held in Auckland and. Wellington on statutory days, and on occasions special examinations have been held where candidates from overseas ships are unable to attend on the regular days. The examinations have been conducted in a satisfactory manner and, in case of Foreign-going Certificates, in accordance with the requirements of the Imperial Ministry of Transport. The number of examinations, 140, is an increase of 6 on the figures for last year, and it is to be expected that the normal number will be reached in the near future. The passes and failures are as follows : Foreign-going Certificates— p er c en t. Full pass .. .. .. .. . . .. 54 Partial pass .. .. .. . .. 30 • 4 Partial failure .. .. .. .. .. 2-6 Failure .. .. .. .. .. 13 Home-trade Certificates — Full pass .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 • 1 Partial pass .. .. .. .. .. 20*9 Partial failure .. .. . . .. .. 2*3 Failure .. .. .. .. .. .. 11*7 Examinations in sight tests during the year amounted to 91, of whom 85 passed. " NEW ZEALAND NAUTICAL ALMANAC " AND TIDE TABLES This publication for 1948 (forty-sixth edition) was published in time for circulation before the beginning of the year. In co-operation with the various Harbour Boards, every effort is made to keep the port information and harbour plans up to date and to maintain it during the year by notices to mariners. New plans of Napier, Otago Harbour, Wellington, and Manukau provided by the local Boards appear in this year's edition of the Almanac. This publication is becoming increasingly popular with the general public, so much so that the entire stock was sold out in three months. RADIO REGULATIONS The revision of the Radio Regulations for ship installations has been further delayed until the deliberations of the London Conference have been finalized. COMPASSES The regulations for ships' compasses have been carefully administered, and compasses have been maintained in a good state of efficiency. AIR-SEA RESCUE SERVICE An inspection of craft covered by Wellington Control suitable for air-sea rescue service was made by the Supervisor of Small Craft and a representative of the Air Department. Owners of craft were interviewed and arrangements made for requisition should such be necessary. The area covered included Plimmerton, Paekakariki, and New Plymouth on the west coast, and Opotiki, Gisborne, Napier, Wairoa, Cape Turnagain, and Castlepoint on the east coast. The air-sea rescue can be swung into action at short notice should assistance to craft in distress be required.



SMALL CRAFT REGULATIONS As mentioned in last year's report, the Small Craft Regulations were discussed with yacht clubs. The final draft of the regulations is now almost complete. NOTICES TO MARINERS Information relative to changes in navigational aids, and to the discovery of obstructions, wreckage, or other dangers to navigation, and information of general interest to mariners, has been published in the form of notices to mariners. During the year, 59 such notices were issued. Notices of an urgent nature are sent out by radio in the form of a navigation warning " through the Post and Telegraph coast stations to vessels carrying an operator, and to other vessels through the National Broadcasting Stations. Notices to mariners from the following countries are available for inspection at the main ports: Britain, United States, Canada, Norway, Germany, Sweden, India, Siam, France, and Australia. COASTAL SURVEY It is pleasing to note a recent decision of Government to purchase a frigate from Admiralty for setting up under New Zealand Naval Board for continuing the necessary survey of our coast. This will be appreciated by navigating officers, both coastal and foreign-going. BLUFF - STEWART ISLAND FERRY SERVICE The G.s.s. " Wairua " continues to perform an excellent service to the Stewart Islanders by trips thrice-weekly in the summer months and twice-weekly in the winter. During the year the old steam plant was dismantled in the vessel and replaced by twin Diesel engines, and at the same time opportunity was taken to improve the accommodation so that, in addition to a satisfactory ferry service, the vessel would be more convenient for the conveyance of mutton-birders to the South Cape Islands and for servicing the lighthouse at Puysegur Point, at the southernmost portion of the west coast. The installation of Diesel engines has enabled the steaming-time on the ferry service to be reduced. SCHOOLS OF NAVIGATION The Schools of Navigation at Auckland and Wellington have held classes for all grades of certificates throughout the year, with the exception of a month's break to enable the Directors to have annual leave. It has been realized that, since the schools are catering for a mobile section of the community, every endeavour should be made to keep them continuous throughout the year, and this aspect has been kept in view when making recent appointments to the nautical staff. In future, both schools will remain in session throughout the whole year, and thus students will not suffer interruption to their studies as formerly. Nautical schools differ considerably from Universities and ordinary schools, in so far as there is no commencing date for classes and lectures, students enrolling to suit their own convenience, and usually on completion of their qualifying service. It will therefore be appreciated that the major portion of the teaching is devoted to individual tuition. Both schools are well equipped with textbooks and all the necessary instruments. The Wellington school has been at considerable disadvantage owing to the accommodation shortage, but I am pleased to report that a suitable home has been secured for it at the Ford Buildings, and with the added space, adequate lighting, and location in the centre of the city the efficiency of the school and its well-merited popularity will be enhanced considerably.



During the year the Director of the Auckland school was appointed Nautical Adviser to the Department, and with the schools now under his control the academic side of the seafarers' education will receive every attention. The following students .attended during the year : Auckland. Wellington. Total. Master, Foreign-going .. 6 7 13 First Mate, Foreign-going .. 7 7 14 Second Mate, Foreign-going .. .. 13 12 25 Master, Home Trade .. 9 4 13 Mate, Home Trade .. .. 6 4 10 25-ton Master .. .. 2 .. 2 Fishing-vessel Master .. .... 22 River S.S. Master .. • .. 7 1 8 Yacht Master .. .. 3 2 5 Vol. Exam. Comp. Deviation .. .... 10 10 Short Course Nav. .. .. .... 1 1 53 50 103 It will be observed that there is a balance, more or less, when considering the attendance, and it is hoped that this balance will be preserved to enable the two schools to justify their existence. This can only be achieved by students domiciled in the area south of a New Plymouth-Napier line attending the Wellington school, while those domiciled north of this line should attend at Auckland. It is not the Department's desire to insist that an individual must attend a certain educational institution, but it is only by co-operation in this respect that the retention of two schools can be justified. AIDS TO NAVIGATION Good progress has been made with the establishment of the first three of the twentythree automatic lights which it is intended to erect around our coast at the rate of approximately three units per year : the first three—viz.. Slope Point, between Nugget and Waipapapa Points ; Gibson Point, between Lyttelton and Kaikoura ; and Motuara Island, at the entrance to Queen Charlotte Sound. In each instance the site has been selected, the equipment ordered, and, in the case of Motuara Island, the new unit will be functioning, it is hoped, within one month from date. It was hoped, during the past year, to have completed the reinstallation of the Fairchild Rock buoy, but conditions beyond the control of the Department have prevented this. It appears that thfc special moorings for this buoy, which were utilized very properly for war purposes, were disintegrated, and it will now require the procuration of new chain for this work, which is regarded as an urgent matter. In regard to major lighthouses, it is interesting to note that the reticulation of electric power throughout the two Islands is bringing the main power lines within reasonable distance of several of our watched lights and radio beacons. Opportunity will be taken to eleVtrify these stations direct from the main service, thus economizing in the upkeep of the present watched lights, and in the case of radio beacons thus served, releasing the generating-equipment for use at outlying stations where the general supply will not be available for many years. Preliminary work has been carried out on the establishment of the standard type of beacon for East Cape, Godley Head, Portland Island, Taiaroa Head, Dog Island, and the replacement of the present temporary beacon at Tiritiri. During the year the radio-beacon station at Moko Hinau was taken over from Navy Department and is once again in full operation. The beacon station at Tiritiri Island, for many vears operated by the Auckland Harbour Board, has been resumed by the Marine



Department and is in full operation also. The light at Kaipara Heads was relit during the past year and converted from a three-keeper watched light to a one-keeper automatic light. Our staff at lighthouses throughout New Zealand have continued to give satisfactory service throughout the year. PROSECUTIONS There were 152 prosecutions instituted by the Department under various statutes. Of these, 135 were concerned with breaches of the Fisheries Act, 1 with the Harbours Act, 1 with the Inspection of Machinery Act, and 15 in reference to the Shipping and Seamen Act. Although, in general, our patrol of fisheries is educational rather than the taking of prosecutions, the fact that prosecutions were taken in 135 cases indicates the total disregard some sections of the community have for regulations which are designed, in the long-run, for the conservation of fish for their benefit. Our fisheries patrol vessels, with faster and more suitable units, have been able to carry out a much better service. The air services have also been utilized, and it is hoped, with the improved models now available, to carry out more efficient work from the air. Part of our fisheries patrol in northern waters is carried out by an H.D.M.L. vessel under control of the New Zealand Navy. This unit has performed splendidly and has been of very great assistance to the Department. ENGAGEMENT OF SEAMEN This service has been maintained. A record of seamen applying for work is kept for the purpose of filling vacancies. SICK AND INJURED SEAMEN The total amount paid by shipowners to sick and injured seamen under the provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, and amendments was £16,765 10s. 10d., as against £17,165 lis. lid. for the previous year, a decrease of £4OO Is. Id. REGISTRATION OF SHIPPING On the 31st December, 1947, there were on the register of vessels in the Dominion 45 sailing-vessels of 3,547 net tons register, 136 steamers of 65,252 net tons register, and 297 motor-vessels of 26,290 net tons register, as compared with 44 sailing-vessels of 3,541 net tons register, 128 steamers of 61,350 net tons register, and 291 motorvessels of 20,378 net tons register at the end of the previous year. The number of seamen Employed on board was 2,691, as compared with 2,469 for the year 1946. HARBOURS The control of the harbours of Westport, Picton, and Dargaville has been the function of the Department. At Picton the duties of the Harbourmaster and his staff have included the servicing of lights in the Cook Strait area and the regular servicing of the Brothers Lighthouse. Opportunity was taken during the year to dispense with the necessity for Harbourmaster at Dargaville. The services usually provided there by the Harbourmaster are now performed by the District Inspector of Fisheries at Te Kopuru. WESTPORT HARBOUR It is customary to reiterate in my annual reports on the operation of this harbour that the success or otherwise of such operation, primarily for shipment of coal from the Buller coalfields, is dependent mainly upon satisfactory working depths on the bar at the entrance to the port.



The port itself is located on the Buller River close to its confluence with the Tasman Sea, the mouth of the river being confined and trained by heavy-rock breakwaters or training-walls forming the entrance to the port, and at this confluence the several factors of varying river flow, sea conditions, and ocean currents result in sand movement, which varies depths from even day to day, and such constitute " the bar." These depths are related to a common datum of " low-water spring tides," and the changing high-water tidal rises—that is, varying according to daily changes between neap and spring tides—results in the " working depths " ; all outward (loaded) sailings of vessels being effected on and affected by the high-water depths, Taken over the year now under review—i.e., Ist April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948 — the average for the year of the " month by month " mean of daily high-water depths was 21 ft. 2 in., which average for the year approximated closely to the average over the past six years, but was definitely not as satisfactory as the more favourable average of 22 ft. 2 in. of the immediately preceding year, 1946-47. Nevertheless, the total coal shipments from the port last year were only slightly less than the shipments during the preceding year, —viz., 382,440 tons, as against 384,800 tons. The detracting feature in respect to this past year was the very adverse bar condition which was experienced during the concluding month —March—when unusually appreciable shoaling on the bar reduced the depth to the unprecedented low-water depth of 6 ft., resulting in the mean of the high-water depths for the month reaching 16 ft. 6 in. only, as against 21 ft. the previous month and up to 24 ft. for another month during the year, a vast and most unfavourable difference. It is usual that in the late summer and/or autumn lower depths on the bar are experienced, due to reduced river flow consequent upon less rainfall in the river watershed. Concurrently, more intense south-westerly winds obtain with resultant actuation of ocean drift up the coast which sweeps sand past the mouth of the river, and these two major factors combined seemingly to a greater extent than usual, with the very adverse outcome which I have stated. Had it not been for that depreciatory circumstance, I would undoubtedly have been in the position to report a favourable improvement in the operations for the year as against the three preceding years. On the other hand, however, certain factors not necessarily governed by adverse condition of the port, such as supply of coal and availability of shipping, have at times affected the shipment output, as the port workingcondition over the year as a whole was to some extent better than during some past years, as may be appreciated from the study of tabulations which follow.

The number of days on which depth obtained on the bar at high-water during the years stated (ended 31st March) are set out in the following table :


Depth. 1931. 1939. 1942. j 1944. 1945. 1946. J 1947. 1948. i4'-i<r 1 2 12 le'-is' 25 ' 2 1 39 23 35 16 18'-20' 132 88 33 96 69 124 35 52 20'-22' 165 149 181 150 142 117 151 154 22'-24' 43 115 143 75 87 62 126 116 24'-26' 11 7 5. 43 24 51 13 26'-28' 1 1 2 3 Over 28' Mean for year 20' 2" 21' 3" 21' 9" 20' 8" 21' 4" 20' 8" 22' 2" 21' 2"


In respect to the same years this next table sets down the coal shipments for such years in relation to the mean of the high-water depths for the same years : —■

During this past year 247 (254) vessels aggregating 185,046 (184,493) tons net register departed from the port, the figures in parentheses being those corresponding for the previous year. "In " and " out " the totals were 491 (508) and 357,355 (368,869) tons. During the previous year two overseas vessels called at the port for bunker coal, the first since 1944, but again no vessels called within this past year under report. Shipment of timber from the port, though for some years, as with " inward " cargo, not a major trade factor, continued on the average with 1,262,000 super, feet shipped, compared to 1,229,000 and 1,500,000 super, feet during the preceding years. In direction of assistance to obtain and hold satisfactory depths on the bar the Department has continued dredging operations, the suction dredger " Eileen Ward " working consistently throughout the year, except during the referred to bad month of March, when the very poor depth on the bar, as well as restricting ship loadings, also greatly restricted operation of the dredger. Nevertheless, the " Eileen Ward " removed from the bar area some 366,400 cubic yards of sand, as against 344,700 the previous year. In addition, during the earlier part of the year the suction dredger " Rubi Seddon 5 * also lifted 66,000 cubic yards from the bar area. This dredger has only half the capacity of the " Eileen Ward," is several years older in construction, and as the certificate expired later in the year, with a new boiler required and much structural repairs and strengthening needed, the Department has decided that in relation to the limited effectiveness of the dredger it is not justified to retain the vessel in use, and as at the close of the year the machinery and internal parts had been given lay-up attention and the vessel placed out of commission. Except for a brief period at the port for overhaul attention, the Department's bucket dredger " Maui " has continued to operate at Castlecliff, on hire to the Wanganui Harbour Board, clearing heavily silted berths at the wharves at that port. lam able to report that the dredger has since returned to Westport to resume normal work at such port. Fortunately, the depths at berths for vessels at Westport remained satisfactory and there was not pressing need to recall the dredger from Castlecliff until the work there was satisfactorily completed. In all, the " Eileen Ward " and the " Rubi Seddon " during the year lifted and disposed at sea 514,400 cubic yards of dredgings—432,7oo cubic yards from the bar area and 81,700 cubic yards from the river fairway from the entrance to the wharves. During the preceding year the total dredgings lifted by four dredges (the Greymouth bucket dredge " Mawhera " supplementing the Department's three dredges for a time) was 643,500 cubic yards.


Year. Mean, of High Water Depths on Bar. Total Quantity of Coal shipped (Tons). 1931 1939 1942 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Ft. in. 20 2 21 3 21 9 20 8 21 4 20 8 22 2 21 2 513,500 426,400 487,500 401,300 402,000 385,300 384,800 382,400


Port equipment and property has been maintained in satisfactory condition throughout the year. Further new tools have been installed in the workshops, and more and valuable up-to-date machine tools are to hand. Of necessity these will have to be installed in the port's old and inadequate workshops, and full value and use will not become evident until the intended new workshops can be erected. I referred in my report of last year to the wastage and breaking-away that had occurred in the rock half-tide channel training-wall abreast of the wharves, and that necessary repair work had been put in hand. This work was completed during this past year, and the men who were employed then engaged in the removal of numerous nests of drift logs which over a period had lodged in the channel of the river in the reach extending some distance upstream from the wharves, and, of course, above the actual ship-navigation area. During the year the Department acquired from the War Assets Realization Board for the purposes of the port one of the 75 ft. steel tugs which were built at Auckland during the war under direction of the Shipbuilding Division of the Department to United States Navy specification. This craft, in effect, replaced the paddle-wheel tug " Mana," which for many years rendered valuable service and which was reduced to " scrap " for war salvage. Shortly after this new tug became effective as a unit in the equipment of the port it was called to good use in an emergency such as had not arisen at any time previously in the history of the port. The collier s.s. " Kaimiro " outward bound with a cargo of coal inadvertently grounded on the bar in shoal water, and within two hours, on a falling tide, with a tow line aboard the tug in supplementation of the " Kaimiro's " own engine, the vessel was safely away without detriment. Incidentally, I mention that as a gesture of appreciation by the Department of its late Hon. Minister, just prior to whose death the tug was acquired, the vessel was named James O'Brien." In my last report I referred to the setting-up of a committee of New Zealand engineers, under the direction of the Commissioner of Works, for the purpose of analysing several previous recent reports for effecting improvements to the harbour, and in particular with a view to gaining and more effectively maintaining satisfactory working depths on the bar, .such committee to bring down final recommendations for consideration as to implementation. The report of this committee, which comprised Mr. W. L. Newnham, Chairman, and Messrs. F. W. Furkert and J. Wood, each previously in their time Marine Engineer to the Government, has now been received, and is receiving consideration. I again express appreciation of the services voluntarily rendered to the Department by the Harbour Advisory Committee, the members of which are representative of all interests locally concerned in the successful functioning of the port. The Committee has continued to meet regularly and consider matters for the betterment of the port and its operation, and it is pleasing to note that several points which they have steadfastly advocated have received endorsement by the committee of engineers. In conclusion, I wish to refer to the loss to the Department's operating staff during the year of two long-service and valued officers, Captain L. W. Crowe, Senior Dredgemaster, and Mr. C. R. Bignell, Mechanical Engineer, both of whom very faithfully served the harbour for thirty years. Captain Crowe retired, whilst unfortunately Mr. Bignell's service was prematurely terminated by his death. EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEERS During the year, 364 candidates were examined for Marine Engineer's Certificates of Competency at the various centres throughout the Dominion. Of these, 130 were examined for First- and Second-class Certificates of Imperial validity, 95 were examined for Third-class Marine Certificates, and 30 were examined for First- and Second-class



Coastal Motor Certificates of New Zealand validity. Candidates sitting for First-class Imperial Validity Certificates total 37, of which 11 passed for certificates, 8 passed Part " A," 7 partly passed " A " or " B " sections, and 11 failed. Candidates sitting for Second-class Imperial Validity Certificates total 93, of which 22 passed for certificates, 8 passed Part " A," 16 partly passed " A " or " B " sections,, and 27 failed. Passes for First-class Imperial Validity Certificates issued by the Department were subdivided as follows : 4 Steam, 1 Motor, 1 Steam Endorsement, and 5 Motor Endorsement. Passes for Second-class Imperial Validity Certificates issued by the Department were subdivided as follows : 2 Combined Steam and Motor, 14 Steam, and 6 Motor, totalling 33 certificates, issued as shown in the following table :

Candidates for Third Marine Examination total 95 ; of these 67 passed and 28 failed. Fifty-nine passed at the first attempt, 4 at the second attempt, 3 at the third attempt, and 1 at the fourth attempt. Candidates sitting for the First-class Coastal Motor Certificate total 4, all of which passed at the first attempt. Candidates sitting for Secondclass Coastal Motor Certificates total 26, of these 18 passed at the first attempt, 4 at the second attempt, and 4 failed. The remaining 109 candidates were examined for River Engineer (Steam) and Restricted Limits P.V.O.S. (Oil) Certificates of Competency. Of these, 6 passed for River Engineer and 94 passed and 9 failed for Restricted Limits P.Y.O.S. examination. The report shows that there has been a further increase in the number of candidates desiring Imperial Validity Certificates, although the percentage of passes for these certificates is slightly lower. The Ministry of Transport, London, during the year 1947 increased the standard and scope of the Electro-technology and Naval Architecture Section of Part "B " of both First- and Second-class Examinations. Therefore, to apprise the Principals of schools and colleges coaching such candidates, specimen papers were typed and forwarded to them with notification that the new section would be incorporated in the New Zealand examination as from April, 1948, commencing at Wellington. SURVEY OF SHIPS Survey Certificates were issued during the year ended 31st March, 1948, for 6 steam and 8 motor foreign-going ships, 28 steam and 74 motor home-trade ships,, and 47 steam and 260 motor restricted-limits ships and launches. Equipment Certificates were issued for 12 foreign-going, 29 home-trade, and 1 restricted-limits ships, all of which carry certificates of class issued by classification societies. Survey and Equipment Certificates issued for the year ended 31st March, 1948, total 465, as compared with a total of 451 for the year ended 31st March, 1947, and 434 for 1946. Surveys were also made in 280 cases for seaworthiness, efficiency of equipment, tonnage, radio-telegraphy, &c., as against 297 such cases surveyed during the year ended 31st March, 1947, and 247 during 1946. Of these surveys made in 1947-48, 70 were in respect of overseas ships not registered nor normally surveyed in the Dominion. Shipbuilding and ship-repairing in the Dominion continue at a rate limited only by the materials and skilled labour available. The claims of overseas ships upon the pool of labour and materials and the docking facilities very properly take precedence over


Class. Combined Steam and Motor. Steam. Steam Endorsement. Motor. Motor Endorsement. Total. First Second 2 4 14 1 1 6 5 11 22


the requirements of new construction and the less important of the coastwise ships. The Central Docking Committee continues to fill a useful part in the allocation of drydock accommodation, to ensure the best use of all available facilities. Mute evidence of the world-wide shortage of steel is afforded by the " Wanganella," which, since her salvage from Barret Reef, Wellington, has been idle for twelve months awaiting the new steel plates and sections from the United Kingdom, by which alone the ship can be restored to usefulness. The " Wanganella " was dry-docked at Wellington in January, 1948, for permanent repairs, and it is anticipated that she should be fit to resume in the trans-Tasman service towards the latter part of this year. The local shipbuilding industry continues to provide a flow of well-built small ships of various classes for the Dominion's harbour and off-shore services. Principal of these ships is a 134 ft. steel ferry motor-vessel under construction at Auckland for a harbour ferry company. She will be propelled by two Diesel engines having a total output of 900 b.h.p. The hull is of all-welded construction embodying methods of fabrication developed in the wartime ship-building programme. The hull of m.v. " Coromel" has been completed at Auckland and towed to Coromandel for completion. This is an all-welded steel hull 90 ft. in length, on which a superstructure will be built of teak, mahogany, and deal salvaged from the former veteran cruiser H.M.N.Z.S. " Philomel." The " Coromel" will be engaged in the Auckland-Coromandel passenger and cargo service. The Bluff-Stewart Island ferry steamer " Wairua" has been converted at Port Chalmers from steam to Diesel propulsion and the opportunity taken to modernize and extend the accommodation for both passengers and crew, including the provision of a hospital for the transport of cot cases of sickness from Stewart Island to the mainland. The speed of " Wairua " has been increased, with a consequential important reduction in the average time of crossing of Foveaux Strait, particularly in bad weather. The two sets of Diesel engines, each of 320 b.h.p., which have been installed, together with auxiliary machinery, are surplus war material and are proving satisfactory. There has been forged, by the modernization of " Wairua," a more satisfactory link between Stewart Island and the mainland. Indigenous timbers, and particularly kauri, for shipbuilding and ship-repairing are still in extremely short supply, and permits for the use of first-class kauri, in particular, are not granted by the Timber Controller except upon the recommendation of the Marine Department. As the total demand for first-class shipbuilding kauri so much exceeds the present and prospective supply, the Department has had no option but to recommend timber permits only for the construction of new vessels and the repair of old vessels intended for or engaged upon essential services. An important contribution to the Dominion's transportation system is afforded by the many motor-launches carrying passengers and cargo in the sheltered waters along the coasts and on the lakes of New Zealand. The marine petrol-engine hitherto widely used in these vessels is rapidly giving place to the high-speed, light-weight-Diesel engine, mainly by reason of the superiority of the Diesel engine in fuel costs. The low fuel costs of the marine Diesel engine are radically affecting the powering of motor-launches, for, whereas the very high cost of petrol compelled the use of lowpower petrol-engines, owners, now not restricted by high petrol costs, are installing Diesel engines developing from two to four times as much power as the displaced petrolengines. In an extreme case a new engine of 122 b.h.p. was installed to replace an original engine of 10 b.h.p. The general benefit of increased power will be enhanced safety, by the provision of a reserve of power whereby shelter can be gained more quickly. At the same time, there is no doubt that some vessels recently re-engined have been over-powered, and ■only a relatively small increase of speed has been achieved for a heavy increase in capital and maintenance charges.



A launch plying with twenty passengers on Lake Okataina was totally destroyed by fire during the year. Due to an unsuspected defect in the engine reversing-gear which caused its intense overheating, adjacent accumulations of petrol vapour and oil were ignited. Fire-extinguishers, which were applied to the fire, were sufficient to damp the fire long enough to permit the vessel to be beached and the passengers and crew safely landed. But for the presence of the fire-extinguishers and their efficient condition and application, it is probable that a serious loss of life would have arisen from this casualty. Fortunately, the gradual decline of the petrol-engine with itshighly dangerous fuel is effecting a corresponding reduction of the total fire risk. It is with satisfaction that the Department reports the year's additions to the Dominion's seagoing merchant fleet. Several notable vessels have been acquired by the Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., including the twin-screw motor-vessel " Kamo " of 1,450 gross tons. She is the former German ship " Gaarden," which was allotted to New Zealand as the Dominion's share of German shipping reparations.. " Kamo " is technically interesting in that she was built as a German supply ship with twin rudders designed to give her, as a merchant ship, exceptional ability to take evasive action. She was extensively repaired in a United Kingdom shipyard, and is now engaged in the New Zealand coastwise cargo service. " Wairata," a single-screw motor-vessel of 5,255 gross tons, is an addition to the Union Co.'s New Zealand trans-Pacific service. Built in 1943 in the United States and named " Cape Igvak," this vessel was transferred to the New Zealand register in 1947. To effect transfer of registry, " Wairata " was compeltely measured at Wellington for British tonnage by the Marine Department. This is so far the largest ship completely measured for tonnage in New Zealand. The crew's accommodation was improved at Wellington to conform to the latest requirements of the Department. The latest addition to the Union Co.'s fleet is the steamer " Koromiko," which recalls an earlier " Koromiko" celebrated as the only " turret" type ship ever registered in New Zealand. The new " Koromiko "is a steamer about 3,900 tons grossand is a sister ship of and replaces the " Komata," which fell a victim in 1942 to enemy action in the Pacific Ocean and was sunk. Two modern steam-tugs, " Tapuhi," ex " Empire Shirley," and " Taioma," ex " Empire Jane," recently arrived in New Zealand to take up duty in Wellington Harbour to succeed the Union Steam Ship Co.'s veteran tugs " Terawhiti" and " Natone." Both of the new tugs, built in Aberdeen, are of recent design and burn oil fuel. They provide an important addition to the ship-salvage and general towage facilities available to Wellington and the coast south of Wellington. The steam tug " Terawhiti " was surveyed by the Department for the last time for a voyage to Sydney,, to which port she proceeded in December, 1947, there to enter a new period of usefulness.. The future of the tug " Natone " has not yet been decided. In addition to the normal duties of the Ship Survey Branch, the consultative staff' attached to the office of the Chief Surveyor of Ships has been occupied with various design projects for the Marine Department and for other Government Departments. The work has included the design of a motor oyster-carrier for the Fisheries Branch to operate in the Auckland oyster area, a combined tug and oyster-tender for Kaipara Harbour, two modern passenger motor-vessels for the Tourist Department's lake services, an inter-Island passenger and cargo motor-vessel for the Island Territories Department converted from a Fairmile patrol vessel, and other various lifeboats, surf-boats, and small craft for the lighthouse tender " Matai" and the dredges and other ships operated by the Marine Department. Special services have also been rendered by the Ship Survey staffs at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin on local Docking Committees, in the valuation of various craft on behalf of the Rehabilitation Department, and generally in affording advice and practical assistance to other Government Departments and to private' industry concerned with shipping.



The continued shortage of certificated marine engineers has compelled the Department to issue temporary permits for engineers not holding the requisite Certificates of Competency. Each application for a permit is considered on its merits, and a permit is granted only if the Department is satisfied that the person for whom the permit is required is reasonably experienced and competent. A permit is granted only for a limited period, and is terminable as soon as a duly certificated officer is available. In present circumstances, where more positions afloat exist than certificated men are available to fill them, it is inevitable that the small and, therefore, less-comfortable ships suffer a chronic and acute shortage of properly certificated men. Owners, understanding the reasons for the dearth of engineers for small ships, continue their efforts to improve the amenities of the living-accommodation aboard ship, and a good deal of worth-while improvement in the living-quarters of small ships has resulted from this stimulus of man-power shortage. It is the invariable policy of the Department to encourage improvements in the hygiene and comfort of officers' and crews' accommodation, which will raise the standard of physical health and morale. These are indispensable factors in any efficient and contented mercantile marine. International agreement upon safety measures for merchant shipping is at present based upon the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, which was signed in London in 1929. This Convention was given early legislative effect to in most maritime countries, and in New Zealand by the Shipping and Seamen (Safety and Load Line Convention) Act, 1935. At the request of signatory Powers, the United Kingdom Government has convened a Conference in London which will revise the 1929 Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. The Conference was planned to open on the 16th April, 1948, which, appropriately enough, is the thirty-sixth anniversary of the loss of the White Star liner " Titanic " by collision with an iceberg in the Atlantic. The Marine Department, in response to the invitation of the United Kingdom Government, has submitted proposals for the consideration of the 1948 Conference, and delegates comprising representatives of the maritime unions and shipowners, as well as technical officers of the Marine Department, will attend the Conference. In the application of radar to merchant shipping, New Zealand will be represented by Dr. E. Marsden, a former Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, who is now resident in London. It will be the task of this international Conference to forge in the new Convention an instrument which shall turn to future profit the bitter experience and losses of merchant shipping at sea during the past twenty years. This Convention, if ratified by the maritime Powers, will be the modern charter of safety for all men and ships in all oceans of the world. INSPECTION OF MACHINERY Steam Boilers, Air-receivers, and other Pressure Vessels The following statement sets out the number of inspections made during the year ended 31st March, 1948, of fired boilers, air-receivers, and other unfired pressure vessels (Group "A"), and corresponding figures for 1946-47 : 1947-48. 1946-47. Fired boilers .. .. .. .. 4,583 4,593 Air-receivers .. .. .. .. 4,853 4,154 Other unfired pressure vessels .. .. 7,002 6,905 Total inspections in Group "A" .. 16,438 15,652 The inspections include 87 new power boilers, aggregating 1,399 horse-power, manufactured in the Dominion, and 6 new boilers, aggregating 555 horse-power, imported from abroad.



The inspections also include 66 new air-receivers made in the Dominion and 33 made abroad, and 514 new unfired pressure vessels, other than air-receivers, made in the Dominion and 320 made abroad. By reason of the world shortage of boiler steel, the demand for new boilers cannot be satisfied, and, in consequence, aged boilers which would otherwise be scrapped are of necessity kept in service. Chief of the possible dangerous defects of aged boilers are concealed cracks, which are invisible to ordinary methods of detection. Where a case arises in which a dangerous crack in a boiler-shell plate is suspected, it is the policy of the Department to take the boiler out of service and investigate the matter immediately. It is fortunate that many defects which at first sight indicate dangerous cracks prove, after expert investigation, to be of only minor importance. It is satisfactory to report that there has been no explosion during the year of any boiler or other pressure vessels subject to statutory inspection. Machinery The following statement shows the number of machines, machinery plants, lifts, cranes, hoists, and tractors (Group " B ") inspected during the year ended 31st March, 1948, and the corresponding figures for 1946-47 : 1947-48. 1946-47. Machines driven by steam power in 1,419 plants .. .. .. .. 7,622 7,234 (1,500 plants) Machines driven by power other than steam in 11,612 plants .. .. .. 88,136 87,074 (12,159 plants) Electric-power-supply stations .. 137 138 Lifts .. .. .. .. 3,536 3,561 Cranes .. .. .. .. 682 595 Hoists .. .. .. .. 1,985 1,999 Tractors .. .. .. .. 297 337 Total inspections in Group "B" 102,395 100,938 Total inspections in Group "A" 16,438 15,652 Grand total of inspections (Groups "A " and "B ") .. .. 118,833 116,590 There has been again an increase in the total number of inspections, the increase during 1947-48 being 2,243 over the previous year, including 24 power cranes and 21 lifts inspected for the first time, and the revenue from the machinery-inspection service again shows an increase over that for the year ended 31st March, 1947. Plans of all new boilers, air-receivers, and other unfired pressure vessels and of new cranes and lifts totalling 1,071 units have been examined and approved during the year ended 31st March, 1948. Industrial power machinery during the year under review has been the cause of a number of accidents involving human life and limb, but, despite the fact of an increase in the total number of machines inspected during the year ended 31st March, 1948, there is a reduction of the incidence of fatal accidents. The figures for machinery accidents for the past year and for the preceding year are given below : 1947-48. 1946-47. Fatal accidents .. .. 4 7 Non-fatal accidents .. .. .. 121 107 Total .. .. ..125 114



Of the fatal accidents, one was caused by the victim, a sawmill worker, being caught by a revolving shaft and fatally injured ; the second fatality arose from a workman employed on a gold-dredge being caught between the belting and an elevator roller ; the third fatal accident occurred to a man employed about a drag-line winch, the victim being caught between a transmission belt and an engine pulley ; and the final fatality was caused by shafting driving a rock-crushing mill, the victim being caught by his clothing. In each of the four cases here reported the victim was alone when he met his death and therefore the precise circumstances attending these accidents can never be known ; but it is at least certain that each victim was engaged, at the moment of the accident, on some task adjacent to running machinery which it was highly dangerous to engage in whilst the machinery was in motion. Improvement of the existing safety arrangements has been effected in each case. In the category of non-fatal machinery accidents many of the victims suffered injuries to fingers, hands, and arms. Of these, five cases involved the loss of an entire hand at wrist. The problems associated with the prevention of fingers and hands being injured by rollers, cutters, conveyors, punches, &c., are often complex and admit of no fully effective solution. The Department made inquiries this year overseas into the present state of the application of the photo-electric cell ray to machine guards, and would have been prepared to approve the use of the photo-electric ray had experience elsewhere been satisfactory. This method, whilst seeming to hold out attractive possibilities, has not yet proved itself the equal of other methods of guarding. In the following table is given an analysis of the fatal and non-fatal machinery accidents which occurred during the year, indicating the principal machines and industries: —

Machine and Industry Analysis of Accidents, 1947-48


Description of Machines. Industries. Totals. Woodworking. Textile. Refrigeration. Printing. Metal-working and Engineering. Laundry. Butchery. Confectionery and Bakery. Boxmaking. Other Industries. Total Accidents (Machinery). Fatal. Non-fatal. Circular saws Planers Shapers Power press Guillotines Laundry machinery Cranes and hoists Lifts Belting Shafting Gearing Mincers and other cutting-machines Other Total accidents 18 5 7 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 8 3 1 2 6 2 1 1 3 1 2 5 2 1 1 i 3 1 1 3 5 2 2 15 21 6 7 15 3 2 1 2 5 8 10 8 37 1 1 1 1 20 6 7 15 3 2 1 2 4 7 10 8 36 35 4 7 5 23 3 5 7 4 32 125 4 121


GENERAL HARBOUR REGULATIONS For the year ended 31st March, 1948, 327 accidents were reported under Regulation 103 of the General Harbour Regulations. These accidents were suffered by persons engaged in the loading and unloading and repair of ships, and 3 of the accidents were fatal. The number of accidents for the previous year ended 31st March, 1947, was 348, of which 5 were fatal. Of the 3 fatal accidents reported during 1947-48, one was caused by the slipping of a watersider on a ship's deck and falling heavily on his head ; another death resulted from the victim being crushed by a power pole which, when being unloaded, fell out of control, due to a defective winch clutch slipping out of engagement; and the third accident, one of an unusual character, occurred on Bluff Harbour tug " Awarua," and it encompassed the death of a workman employed on board making repairs. The victim in the latter case incorrectly connected the cable of an electric grinder and thereby received an electric shock. As a result of the shock he overbalanced and fell down the engine-room, sustaining fatal injuries. The following is an analysis of the accidents, and their causes : Handling goods .. .. .. .. . . .. 108 Persons slipping or falling .. .. .. .. 47 Persons struck by swinging or falling loads .. .. .. 105 Persons stepping on or striking fixed objects .. .. .. 19 Contact with power-driven machinery Failure of gear .. .. .. .. .. 18 Not otherwise classified .. .. .. .. .. 30 Total .. .. .. .. .. ..327 Cargo gear of ships registered in New Zealand has been maintained in a safe condition throughout the year and no serious accident arising from the failure of an important component of any New Zealand ship's cargo gear has been reported. It is observed, however, that the general condition of the cargo gear of some ships registered at overseas ports and trading to New Zealand has been below the pre-war standard. In one case two steel cargo derricks, originally f inch thick, had corroded completely through over a small area. One derrick collapsed when lifting a load of about 15 cwt., although it had been certified as sound for 5 tons a few months previously at a United Kingdom port. The temporary deterioration of the standard of maintenance can be attributed to the vast arrears of repairs and replacements which confront and hamper British shipping and, indeed, all branches of the British transport system during these early post-war years. Cargo gear fitted to British ships built for the New Zealand trade since 1945 is excellent, and the now generally adopted electric winches ensure silent and safe operation, and the reduction in the noise level of cargo-working definitely deduces industrial fatigue. Attention has also been given in some new ships to providing shelter for winch-drivers and safer and more convenient types of hatch-covers. Chains used for cargo gear, and particularly chain slings, are subject to shock loading. For many years it has been the accepted practice the world over to require such chains to be made of wrought iron with forge-welded links. During the past decade or so chains made of mild steel with electric-resistance butt-welded links have been used for general purposes. Experience with this mild-steel chain is not yet extensive in New Zealand, but no unfavourable reports have come to hand of the small quantity for which provisional approval has been given by the Department. The reliability of mild-steel chain depends upon the percentages of carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus content of the steel being controlled strictly within the maxima specified. Due to the scarcity both of wrought iron and skilled chain-smiths, it is probable that hand-welded wroughtiron chains will be gradually superseded by machine-made electrically welded mild-steel



•chains. The Department's Safe Working Loads Regulations require wrought-iron chains to be periodically annealed to remove surface hardening and brittleness. On the other hand, similar annealing of mild-steel chain is definitely harmful to the metallurgical structure of mild steel and is therefore prohibited by the Department. Where both wrought-iron and mild-steel chains are used together, an efficient record of all chains must be maintained to avoid mistakes in heat-treatment. NEW ZEALAND STANDARDS INSTITUTE The Marine Department has been actively represented during the year under review on the Mechanical Engineering Divisional Committee and the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Standards Institute, and, in addition, much work has been contributed •on sub-committees to the formulation and approval of new Standard Specifications covering a wide range of engineering and ancillary items. Work of particular value in the interest of safety in transportation was initiated by the Dangerous Goods Marking 'Committee, on which the Marine Department was represented. The problems of ■establishing a New Zealand Code of Marking of Dangerous Goods is no easy one, EXAMINATION OF LAND ENGINEERS, ENGINE-DRIVERS, CABLE-TRAM DRIVERS, AND ELECTRIC-TRAM DRIVERS Examinations for certificates issued under the Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928, were conducted at intervals during the year by Inspectors of Machinery throughout the country. For the year ended 31st March, 1948, the candidates who presented themselves for •examination totalled 621 ; of these, 509 passed and 112 failed, as compared with 611 successful candidates and 94 failures of the previous year. The total number of the candidates who presented themselves for examination during 1947-48 is approximately 12 per cent, less than that of the preceding year. Many ex-servicemen were examined •during the year. In addition to the 509 certificates issued in 1947-48 to successful candidates, 149 certificates were issued as replacements, &c., under the provision of sections 53, 59, and 62 of the Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928. An analysis of the certificates issued during the year, with the corresponding figures for 1946-47, is given hereunder : Class. 1947-48. 1946-47. Service — First-class Engine-driver .. 2 3 Cable-tram driver .. .. 34 Competency — Extra First-class Stationary Engineer .... First-class Engine-driver .. 4-5 43 Second-class Engine-driver .. .. 256 259 Locomotive and Traction .... 84 89 Locomotive-engine Driver .. 6 7 Traction-engine Driver .. 11 7 Electric-tram Driver .. .. .. 185 313 Electric-tram Driver (One-man Car) 8 10 Cable-tram Driver .. .. 26 3 Steam-winding-engine Driver .. .... 1 Electric-winding-engine Driver .. 1 1 658 736



Appended to this report is a statement of the number of candidates examined at each examination centre for the year ended 31st March, 1948, showing the number of successful and unsuccessful candidates. There is a general shortage of certificated engine-drivers, and difficulty arises in obtaining certificated engine-drivers for certain steam plants, particularly those situated in isolated back-country districts. The Department has met the shortage by granting temporary permits to uncertificated engine-drivers whose competency to take charge is vouched for by the district Inspectors of Machinery as a result of private inquiry and personal interview and in consultation with local Engine-drivers' Union officials. It isindicative of the short supply of certificated engine-drivers in a manufacturing town, and the public-spirited willingness of the citizens to do something to relieve the shortage, to cite a case of a Justice of the Peace, a retired iron- worker, aged seventy-two, who successfully presented himself this year for the examination for a Second-class Enginedriver's Certificate with the object of acting as a temporary engine-driver whilst permanent engine-drivers are absent on holiday leave. EXAMINATION OF LAND ENGINEERS, ENGINE-DRIVERS, AND ELECTRIC TRAM-DRIYERS These examinations were held during the year at the various offices of the Inspectors of Machinery throughout the Dominion at the regular intervals provided for in the regulations. In addition, a few special examinations were granted, but the holding of special examinations is not encouraged, as it is considered that the regular examinations are of sufficient frequency, and, except in very exceptional circumstances, candidates are expected to arrange that they may attend the scheduled examinations. The full list of places where the examinations were held is shown in an appended return, as also is the number of candidates examined at each place. The classes of certificates for which examinations are held are : Extra First-class Stationary Engineer. First-class Engine-driver. Second-class Engine-driver. Steam-winding-engine Driver. Electric-winding-engine Driver. Locomotive-engine Driver. Traction-engine Driver. Locomotive- and Traction-engine Driver. Electric-tram Driver. Electric-tram Driver (One-man Car). Cable-tram Driver. The total number of candidates examined was 621. Of this number, 509 were successful and 112 failed in their examinations. Six hundred and fifty-eight certificates were issued, which includes 509 to successful candidates, the remainder being replacements and issues under the provisions of sections 53, 59, and 62 of the Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928.



STAFF The Department has been inconvenienced, as in the case of most other Government Departments, by the shortage of trained personnel, particularly typists. The organization and management of the Department has been carefully watched and advantage taken of any improvement in organization which could cut down the work of the staff commensurate with the full functioning of the Department and the providing of the requisite services to the public. During the year the Nautical Adviser to the Department, Captain W. Whiteford, retired on superannuation, his post being assumed by Captain W. W. Stuart. Captain Gr. P. Evans, Superintendent of Mercantile Marine at Lyttelton, has also retired on superannuation, likewise Captain A. Davies, who occupied a similar position at Auckland and who carried out many war duties in addition to his usual responsibilities. Mr. C. W. Peterson, Chief Engineer of the Government vessel " Matai " for a great number of years, has also retired on superannuation. To all these officer s go the best wishes of the Marine Department staff for their enjoyment of health and prosperity for the rest of their years. FISHERIES An abridged report on the working of the Fisheries Branch of the Department follows hereon, together with a report on the operations of the Marine Biological Station at Portobello. I have, &c., W. C. Smith, Secretary for Marine.



REPORT ON FISHERIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1948 Attention is drawn to the fact that all fisheries statistical data in this report is for the calendar year ended 31st December, 1947. The estimated total quantity and value of the principal classes of fishery products marketed in the year 1947 are as follows: — „ ... Value. Quantity. g Wet fish .. .. .. .. 438,300 cwt. 802,496 Whitebait .. .. .. .. 7,056 cwt. 79,027 Oysters — Dredged .. .. .. 81,518 sacks 61,138 Rock .. .. .. .. 5,280 sacks 9,240 Mussels .. .. .. .. 16,261 sacks 5,563 Crayfish .. .. .. .. 18,052 cwt. 42,134 Toheroa (canned products) .. .. 43,4001b. 2,871 Whale-oil .. .. .. .. 640 tons 25,000 Total values .. .. £1,027,469 The detailed landings are summarized in Tables I to IX (pp. 36 to 46). The total landings of wet fish show an increase of 57,979 cwt. over the previous, year's total of 380,321 cwt., while the total value has increased by £142,400. The quantity of oysters dredged from Foveaux Strait has decreased by 7,838 sacks, but there is a slight increase of 177 sacks of rock oysters. The crayfish total is up by 1,286 cwt., and the quantity of mussels is up by 5,693 sacks. In the most important group, the "wet fish" —i.e., all the ordinary fishes caught by all methods of sea fishing—the annual totals for successive years are as follows: — Total Quantity. Total Value. cwt. £ 1934-35 .. .. .. 331,415 294,267 1935-36 .. .. ..363,448 313,106 1936-37 .. .. .. 363,128 360,406 1937-38 .. .. .. 355,687 413,516 1938-39 .. .. .. 356,114 424,643 1939-40 .. .. ..339,231 416,480 1940-41 .. .. ..328,594 440,308 1941-42 .. .. ..326,863 458,393 1942-43 .. .. ..311,971 442,976 1943-44 .. .. ..294,445 489,268 1944 .. .. .. 308,237 522,954 1945 .. .. .. 331,773 558,404 1946 .. .. .. 380,321 660,096 1947 .. .. .. 438,300 802,496 The total weight of wet fish, 438,300 cwt., is the highest recorded total and represents a continuation of the rise shown last year. It is the cumulative result of the three principal factors listed last year —viz., (1) the return of several large catching units after war service; (2) re-engining and replacement of many vessels after the war; (3) exceptionally fine weather prevailing in most of the fishing-grounds, especially during the period of seasonal congregation of some of the more important types of fish, coupled with the comparative rest period imposed by the war years. It is a result that was expected and is a normal reaction in a fishing industry at this phase of getting into its stride after war years. The same result has been shown in other fishing-grounds elsewhere, and in some cases the peak has been reached in a much shorter period.



Fishing-vessels and Personnel The number of licensed fishing-vessels operating in 1947 was 758, a reduction of 39 units, but this is offset by the fact that the catching-power of some of the remaining units has been increased. The details of the rearrangement of the fleet in respect of the various classes of fishing-vessels operating at each of the ports is shown in Table I, and the effect of the changes is dealt with in the text covering operations at the main ports. Fish Landings The total landings of fish and shell-fish landed at the various ports are shown in Table 11. A table showing the total quantity and value of each kind of fish is set out below. Snapper is the most abundant species, and the other species, headed by tarakihi, remain almost in the same proportion :


Kind or Class of Fish. Quantity. Value. Cwt. Percentage of Total. £ Percentage of Total. 1947. 1946. 1947. 1946. 1947. 1946. 1947. 1946. Snapper 129,482 116,832 29-54 30 72 180,553 158,973 22-50 24-08 Tarakihi 91,692 77,927 20-92 20 49 157,723 127,589 19-65 19-33 Hapuku 32,154 27,522 7-34 7 24 101,815 82,156 12-68 12-45 Blue cod 29,513 21,036 6-73 5 53 74,459 51,366 9-27 7-78 Sole 25,354 22,434 5-78 5 90 76,276 65,558 9-50 9-93 Gurnard 21,291 24,168 4-86 6 36 21,294 25,003 2-64 3-79 Flounder 19,723 14,442 4-50 3 80 63,045 47,010 7-85 7-12 Barracouta 16,670 11,440 3-80 3 01 8,117 6,999 1-01 1-06 Ling.. " Mixed rounds " 15,683 11,584 3-58 3 05 34,900 25,317 4-35 3-84 11,330 7,478 2-58 1 97 11,200 8,467 1-39 1-28 Red cod 8,212 9,796 1-87 2 58 7,833 8,754 0-97 1-33 Trevally " Mixed flats " 6,969 6,819 1-59 1 80 6,115 6,075 0-76 0-92 4,790 1,873 1-09 0 49 17,356 6,097 2-16 0-92 Elephant-fish. 3,718 4,639 0-85 1 22 7,185 8,266 0-90 1-25 Pioki 3,522 2,247 0-80 0 59 4,422 2,851 0-55 0-43 Mullet 2,967 2,786 0-68 0 73 4,386 4,026 0-55 0-61 Hake 2,554 1,737 0-58 0 46 7,484 4,909 0-98 0-74 Butterfish 1,896 1,920 0-43 0 50 5,351 5,040 0-67 0-76 Moki 1,763 1,975 0-40 0 52 3,104 3,536 0-39 0-54 Herring 1,326 1,307 0-30 0 35 1,049 994 0-13 0-15 Kahawai 1,160 2,092 0-27 0 55 951 1,743 0-12 0-27 Swordfish 1,131 449 0-26 0 12 1,100 483 0-14 O-OT Shark 1,129 2,041 0-26 0 54 1,311 2,181 0-16 0-33 John-dory 965 730 0-22 0 19 1,387 1,020 0-17 0-16 Parori 621 1,574 0-14 0 41 393 1,212 0-05 0-18 Warehou 613 443 0-14 0 12 1,238 931 0-15 0-14 Whiting 377 316 0-09 0 08 264 223 0-03 0-03 Mackerel 350 195 0-09 0 05 302 201 0-04 0-03 Kingfish 295 330 0-07 0 09 413 387 0-05 0-06 Whiptail 267 289 0-06 0 07 234 352 0-03 0-05 Trumpeter 248 310 0-06 0 08 694 872 0-09 0-13 Conger-eel 199 173 0-05 0 04 148 135 0-02 0-02 Sardine 97 1,197 0-02 0 31 90 988 0-01 0-15 Frost-fish 69 4 0-02 53 4 0-01 Skate 50 70 0-01 0 02 41 56 0-01 0-01 Perch 49 50 0-01 0 01 33 42 0-01 0-01 Garfish 43 49 0-01 0 01 113 168 0-01 0-03 Maomao 11 10 16 13 Brill 10 20 30 56 . , 0-01 Bonita 7 17 18 43 0-01 Totals 438,300 380,321 802,496 660,096 ..


Methods of Capture Of the total catch (438,300 cwt.), 93,721 cwt. (21*38 per cent.) was landed from steam-trawlers, 110,933 cwt. (25*31 per cent.) from motor-trawlers, 96,715 cwt. (22*07 per cent.) from Danish-seine boats, while motor-vessels (line and net fishing) accounted for 134,288 cwt. (30*64 per cent.) and row-boats 2,643 cwt. (o*6o per cent.). The total quantity of wet fish caught by each of the common methods of fishing is shown below (the figures in parentheses represent the 1946 quantities and values) :

Landings at Ports Of the total quantity of wet fish, 32-47 per cent, was landed at Auckland, 10-23 per cent, at Port Chalmers, 10-11 per cent, at Wellington, 5-37 per cent, at Napier, 4-84 per cent, at Timaru, 4-45 per cent, at Bluff and Stewart Island, and 3-97 per cent, •at Lyttelton.

In the following statement the total weights and values are given for some of the main ports alongside those for the previous two years, 1946 and 1945 :


Method of Fishing. Quantity. Value. Cwt. Percentage of Total. £ Percentage of Total. Trawl Danish seine .. Long and hand lines Set and drag nets Totals.. 204,654 (159,431) 96,715 (103,203) 102,452 (84,006) 34,479 (33,681) 46-69 (41-92) 22-07 (27-14) 23-37 (22-09) 7-87 (8-85) 376,738 (286,908) 131,915 (133,191) 231,397 (184,450) 62,446 (55,547) 46-95 (43-46) 16-44(20-18) 28-83 (27-94) 7-78 (8-42) 438,300 (380,321) 802,496 (660,096)

Port. Quantity. Value. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1945. 1946. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. £ £ £ Russell 4,194 5,032 4,115 5,093 6,027 5,751 Whangarei 1,766 2,325 1,930 2,264 2,886 2,928 Auckland 122,789 141,406 142,304 156,979 179,341 186,504 Thames district 17,245 10,824 13,035 25,746 17,589 22,200 Tauranga district 7,459 6,416 7,086 7,745 7,853 9,178 <Gisborne 8,236 10,052 10,926 9,160 13,309 17,356 Napier 19,194 22,249 23,525 29,186 36,979 46,099 Wellington 31,554 39,744 44,291 63,445 87,462 96,784 Manukau Harbour 1,229 1,215 1,401 2,217 2,426 2,607 Picton 4,358 4,913 3,774 8,522 9,616 9,225 Lyttelton Timaru 11,430 15,400 17,387 26,764 33,670 37,695 11,386 21,223 21,216 33,106 49,870 55,016 Moeraki 2,017 1,964 2,499 5,551 4,870 7,193 Nuggets district 4,250 4,565 6,177 10,969 12,945 17,480 Port Chalmers 25,533 23,250 44,849 36,225 36,853 70,583 Waikawa 2,610 2,964 4,456 6,757 8,371 12,759 Bluff, with Stewart Island 13,649 15,161 19,523 32,802 38,571 50,624 Westport 738 527 2,346 2,103 1,416 5,856 Motueka 1,097 1,653 4,918 1,979 2,691 7,310 Nelson 6,372 7,078 10,040 13,603 14,194 19,429 French Pass 3,278 2,749 3,293 9,188 7,143 9,174 Chatham Islands 2,078 3,586 5,565 1,868 3,278 6,948


Auckland#. —A total of 142,304 cwt. of wet fish was landed at Auckland. This represents a very slight increase of 898 cwt. over the 1946 total of 141,406 cwt. The 37 Danish-seine boats accounted for almost two-thirds of the total, their catch being 90,824 cwt., which was a slight drop from their total last year of 96,990 cwt. The proportion of snapper landed by this method was very close to that of last year, the weight this year being 67,757 cwt., and last year 70,964 cwt. Two steam-trawlers operated the whole year, and a third commenced fishing in September. These three vessels landed a total amount of 45,309 cwt. Last year, with only two steam-trawlers-operating, the total amount landed was 36,964 cwt. Motor line-fishing boats landed 2,998 cwt., compared with 3,097 cwt. for the previous year, and the netting boats. 3,050 cwt., compared with 4,125 cwt. in 1946. The annual totals and the annual quantities of the four main varieties landed at Auckland over the past five years are given below :

Thames. —-The total this year, 13,035 cwt., shows recovery from the declining totals since 1944, the increase this year being 2,211 cwt. over last year's figure. Netting boats landed 12,152 cwt., of which 5,030 cwt. was snapper and 4,307 cwt. flounder. The methods of capture and the annual totals landed at Thames during the past five years are given below

Tauranga.—An increase of 670 cwt. is shown by this year's total (7,086 cwt.) compared with 1946 (6,416 cwt.). The one Danish-seine vessel fished for nine months and landed 1,526 cwt., as against 364 cwt. for four months' fishing last year. The total catch for motor-trawlers decreased from 2,579 to 1,817 cwt. The tables below summarize the methods of capture and kinds of fish respectively during the past five years :—-


— 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed 103,882 111,078 122,789 141,406 142,304 Snapper 75,153 79,844 81,706 93,792 101,470 Tarakihi 12,128 18,289 23,965 27,788 22,285 Flounder 5,489 1,857 2,047 1,457 3,036 Gurnard 1,361 3,206 5,570 7,370 6,199

Method of Fishing. 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Danish seine .. .. Set-nets and drag-nets .. Other methods .. .. Totals .. .. .. 1 2,229 15,545 528 1,273 18,361 57 582 16,483 180 9,552 1,272 12,152 883 18,302 19,691 17,245 10,824 13,035

Method of Fishing. 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Danish seine Motor-trawl Set-nets and lines Cwt. 2,518 7*028 Cwt. 2,907 7,578 Cwt. 418 1,783 5,258 Cwt. 364 2,579 3,473 Cwt. 1,526 1,817 3,743 Totals .. 9,546 10,485 7,459 6,416 7,086 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Total quantity landed Snapper .. .. ... Tarakihi Trevally Kahawai Cwt. 9,546 4,032 29 1,826 649 Cwt. 10,485 4,152 1,057 2,509 732 Cwt. 7,459 2,513 1,289 1,219 1,070 Cwt. 6,416 1,459 1,917 1,091 1,029 Cwt. 7,086 2,021 1,998 777 681


Gisborne. —Although the steam-trawler at this port did not operate during this year, the total catch showed an increase of 874 cwt. This continues the steady increase in the quantity of fish landed at Gisborne during the previous four years. This rise is clearly shown in the table below: —

Napier. —The annual increase in the quantity of fish landed at this port during the last four years has been continued this year. Of the total quantity landed (23,525 cwt.), 20,947 cwt. was caught by motor-trawlers. Last year the total for this method was 19,225 cwt. The one Danish-seine boat fished for eleven months and landed 2,001 cwt., showing a decrease of 627 cwt. on last year's total for the same period of fishing. Motor line and net vessels landed a total of 577 cwt., of which 339 cwt. (331 cwt. blue cod and 8 cwt. hapuku) were landed by a Napier boat as a result of two trips to the "Chatham Islands fishing-grounds. The total quantity of fish caught by this method on local grounds therefore shows a further marked decrease, the decrease being from 1,509 cwt. in 1945 to 342 cwt. in 1946 and to 238 cwt. in 1947. The annual landings at Napier over the last five years are given below :

Wellington.—The total quantity landed at Wellington increased again this year from 39,744 cwt. in 1946 to 44,291 cwt. for 1947, an increase of 4,547 cwt. The total amount landed by steam-trawlers shows a slight increase, in spite of the fact that one of these vessels stranded on 19th March and subsequently became a total loss. During 1946, steam-trawlers landed 25,237 cwt., and during this year landed 25,544 cwt. Of this, tarakihi comprised 21,324 cwt. Three motor-trawlers landed at this port during 1947, in comparison with one during 1946. As a result, the catch for this method increased from 1,532 cwt. for 1946 to 3,243 cwt. for 1947. The Island Bay line-fishing fleet again increased their total catch ; in 1946 their total catch was 12,277 cwt., and this year 14,711 cwt., an increase of 2,434 cwt. Out of the total of 14,711 cwt. caught by these line boats, 7,774 cwt. was hapuku and 5,255 cwt. ling. The netting boats increased their catch from 683 cwt. last year to 783 cwt. this year. The annual totals landed at Wellington over the past five years are given below.


— 1943-44. 1944, 1945. 1946. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. "Total quantity landed .. 5,275 7,703 8,236 10,052 10,926 Tarakihi 3,138 5,641 6,308 7,547 6,864 Gurnard 607 1,244 1,167 1,549 1,444 Hapuku 309 289 359 358 775

— 1943-44. 1944. 1 1945. 1946. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed 16,615 17,865 19,194 22,249 23,525 Tarakihi 4,931 8,966 9,744 11,489 16,201 Sole .. -. • - 914 1,710 1,036 2,746 1,297 Hapuku 861 986 1,443 378 715 Gurnard .. .. 4,263 4,621 5,362 5,994 4,180

— j 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1 Total quantity landed Tarakihi Hapuku Ling Cwt. 14,775 855 6,924 2,217 Cwt. 14,019 999 6,714 2,761 Cwt. 31,554 16,857 5,403 3,208 Cwt. 39,744 21,204 7,132 4,046 Cwt. 44,291 22,455 8,017 5,420


Lyttelton.—The total catch landed was 17,387 cwt., which is an increase of 1,987 cwt. 011 the total for last year (15,400 cwt.). Motor-trawlers accounted for 13,542 cwt.. and the one steam-trawler landed 3,421 cwt. Line boats landed a total of 74 cwt. and netting boats a total of 350 cwt. The figures for the main types of fish landed at Lyttelton for the last five years are given below :

Timaru.—This year's totals differ very little from those of last year, but there are some variations in the amounts of the various types of fish landed. This fact is shown in the first table below. The second table gives the total amounts caught by the various methods over the last five years:—

Port Chalmers. —The total amount of fish landed during 1947 at Port Chalmers is. almost double that of last year, the two amounts being 23,250 cwt. for 1946 and 44,849* cwt. for 1947. This increase is largely accounted for by the fact that a modern steamtrawler commenced fishing from this port in February and landed 14,670 cwt. for the year. The motor-trawl total is up from 14,326 cwt. last year to 16,863 cwt. this year. The line boats also show an increase from 8,825 cwt. to 13,264 cwt. The figures for the main types of fish caught over the last five years are given below: —


— 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed 14,050 16,221 11,430 15,400 17,387 Tarakihi 4,614 6,202 4,840 7,094 8,895 Ling 864 1,556 1,447 2,133 2,278 Elephant-fish 2,862 2,611 1,632 1,805 1,413 Gurnard 2,383 2,537 1,203 1,269 1,105 Red cod 451 191 46 200 424

— 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Total quantity landed Red cod Ling Gurnard Hapuku Elephant-fish Flounder Sole .. Cwt. 15,898 1,672 2,887 2,634 1,897 1,149 2,209 2,511 Cwt. 13,022 919 1,568 2,265 1,635 1,795 1,600 2,278 Cwt. 11,386 432 1,047 1,879 1,275 2,155 1,819 1,903 Cwt. 21,223 3,823 3,136 2,946 2,796 2,445 2,367 2,571 Cwt. 21,216 2,630 3,817 2,051 2,560 1,714 4,318 2,652 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Total quantity landed Motor-trawling Danish-seining Line-fishing (motor-vessels) Cwt. 15,898 8,517 2,508 4,873 Cwt. 13,022 8,142 1,804 3,076 Cwt. 11,386 7,880 1,292 2,214 Cwt. 21,223 15,794 5,429 Cwt. 21,216 15,785 5,431

— 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed 21,523 23,264 25,533 23,250 44,849 Tarakihi 3,361 3,166 173 81 9,977 Sole 4,114 4,993 6,282 8,366 10,963 Red cod 4,501 4,033 7,605 3,846 2,536 Barracouta 5,157 | 6,300 7,502 8,171 13,938 Flounder 885 1 1,163 1 1,366 745 1,062


Nelson.—The total quantity landed, 10,040 cwt., shows an increase again this year. Of this total, that landed by Danish-seining, 2,098 cwt., shows a drop of 550 cwt., due probably to the fact that only two of the four Danish-seiners fished by that method for the whole year, the other two changed to trawling during the year. The annual totals for the various methods of fishing during the past five years are given below: —

Exports and Imports Imports of fish for the year amounted to 32,160 cwt. of canned fish such as herring and 2,615 cwt. of fish otherwise preserved, with a total value of £387,309. The total value of New Zealand fish and shell-fish exported in 1947 was £358,218, which represents an increase of £126,984 on the previous year's figures of £231,234. Totals for the principal classes of fishery products exported for the past three years are given below :

The following table shows the incidence of the principal kinds of fish exported during the years 1945, 1946, and 1947 :

A more detailed report than the above figures is given in Table IX.


— 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1940. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed 3,833 5,541 6,372 7,078 10,040 Danish seine 3,250 2,714 3,081 2,648 2,098 Trawl (motor) 93 878 1,888 3,260 7,574 Lines (motor) 475 1,936 1,138 1,043 363 Other methods 15 13 265 127 5

Quantity. Value. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1945. 1946. 1947. Oysters, fresh Fish, frozen Crayfish, frozen Fish, smoked, dried, &c. Fish and shell - fish (canned) Total values .. 640 doz. 22,663 cwt. 1,346 cwt. 4,276 cwt. 371,776 lb. 85,400 doz. 27,698 cwt. 1,487 cwt. 2,602 cwt. 450,0441b. 950 doz. 41,800 cwt. 2,335 cwt. 4,384 cwt. 649,565 lb. £ 18 104,046 6,462 26,390 50,465 £ 2,819 139,065 7,455 15,277 66,618 £ 27 235,079 17,140 27,533 78,439 187,381 231,234 358,218

Quantity. Value. _ 1945. 1946. 1947. 1945. 194G. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. £ £ £ Blue cod 7,644 8,236 15,311 38,682 42,605 91,251 Red cod 3,255 1,407 574 3,255 4,518 3,049 Barracouta 2,369 4,825 3,354 8,883 18,164 13,221 Sole 2,207 3,334 4,243 11,452 17,974 25,204 Tarakihi 1,037 1,886 5,819 4,895 10,740 33,302 Flounder 947 901 754 5,374 5,308 4,801 Snapper 752 844 2,797 1 4,244 5,584 17,113


Sardines The landings of sardines at Picton again showed a decline over the previous year's figures. The figures for the total sardine catch at Picton for the last five years are as follows : Cwt. 1947 .. .. .. .. .. 97 1946 .. .. .. .. .. 1,191 1945 .. .. .. .. .. 1,458 1944 .. .. .. .. .. 4,281 1943-44 .. .. .. .. 5,339 Fish-liver Oil This branch of the industry again showed a steady increase. The fish liverstreated, 698,383 lb., an increase of 27,719 lb., and fish-liver oil produced, 30,427 gallons, an increase of 504 gallons. A total of 27,025 gallons of fish-liver oils was exported, an increase of 7,804 gallons over last year. Whaling Four vessels with a total complement of ten men were engaged in the whalefishing based on Marlborough Sounds and fourteen men were employed ashore at the whale-factory. A total catch of 111 whales was taken, 101 of which were humpbacks, 9 sperms, and 1 blue whale. They yielded 640 tons of oil, 100 tons of bonedust, and 45 tons of whale-meat (canned). Whaling commenced very early, the first whale being taken on 11th May, and the last one on the 6th August. July again was the month in which most whales were taken. A feature of the season was that all whales were below the usual size and in poor condition, with the exception of the blue whale. Seals There was no open season for the taking of seals this year. Two scientific expeditions made to the seal colonies covered most of the known haunts of seals. Primarily the purpose of these visits was to gain information on the composition and population of the seal colonies and to study the breeding habits and factors limiting the population level. This work is to be continued as opportunity occurs. Rock-oysters A total of 5,280 sacks was picked. Picking started on the 28th May and finished on 13th August. The yield of oysters in sacks from each of the various areas was as follows : Bay of Islands, 2,385 ; Whangarei Harbour, 210 ; Coromandel, 370 ; Great Barrier Island, 328 ; Hauraki Gulf, 1,987.



The quantities from Hauraki Gulf were obtained from tlie following areas: Brown's Island, 133; Motutapu, 116 ; Waiheke Island, 351; Ponui Island, 455 ; Rotoroa, 147 ; Pakatoa, 95 ; Rangitoto, 610; Pakihi Island, 17 ; South Shore, 63. Area. Oyster-cultivation for the Year ended 31st March, 1948 I. Bay of Islands : 403,000 borers and 3,350 pupu destroyed, 192 square yards of rock cleared of weeds. Cost, £99 ss. 4d. 11. Whangarei Harbour : 80,700 borers and 152 pupu destroyed, 9 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell, 31 square yards cleared of grape weed, and 133 square yards of high-water rock moved to lower level. Cost, £42 9s. 6d. IY. Takatu Point to Gull Point: 38,000 borers destroyed and 80 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell. Cost, £3 12s. 6d. Y. South Shore : 14,000 borers destroyed. No cost. YIII. Rakino : 51,000 borers destroyed. Cost, £1 9s. X. Motutapu : 116,000 borers and 28 pupu destroyed, 43 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell. Cost, £2 16s. XIII. Waiheke : 922,000 borers and 194 pupu destroyed, 1,106 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell, and 83 square yards cleared of grape weed. Cost, £2l 12s. 3d. XIY. Ponui: 468,100 borers and 60 pupu destroyed, 352 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell, and 421 square yards cleared of grape weed. Cost, £ll lis. 3d. XVI. Great Barrier : 804,000 borers and 333 pupu destroyed, 6 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell. Cost, £lO2 os. lOd. Total for all areas : 2,896,800 borers and 4,117 pupu destroyed, 1,596 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell, 192 square yards cleared of weeds, 535 square yards cleared of grape weed, and 133 square yards of rock at high water moved to a lower level. Cost, £284 16s. Bd. Dredge Oysters : Foveaux Strait, 1947 The total catch of 81,518 sacks shows a decrease of 7,838 sacks on last year's total. Of the total catch, two-thirds were taken from the East and Ruapuke Grounds. The condition of all catches landed up till August was good, but from then on they became poor as the oysters began to show signs of spawning. One vessel was under overhaul throughout most of the season having new engines fitted. The totals for the last five years are set out below : Sacks. 1943 .. .. .. .. 73,119 1944 .. .. .. .. 63,949 1945 .. .. .. .. 76,038 1946 .. .. .. .. 89,356 1947 81,518



Toheroas The recovery of the toheroa beds on Mnety-mile Beach from the mortality of .-several years ago is disappointingly slow. A detailed survey of the toheroa stocks on Muriwai Beach formed part of the general programme of maintaining a close watch on the welfare of this fishery. Particular attention was paid to the northern half of the beach, where the stocks are heaviest. In the course of this work over 12,000 toheroa were measured and grouped according to size. The result indicated that, while the stock was in a healthy condition with a balanced proportion of growing sizes, it was nevertheless insufficient to permit of commercial exploitation. Mussels The catch of mussels in the Thames-Coromandel-Auckland area showed a rise this year as compared with last year's figure. The grounds are still holding well, though ■on two occasions the quality of the mussels varied somewhat, but have picked up again now. The table below shows the catch of mussels over the past five years :

Whitebait Fishery, 1947 Season The table given below summarizes the information obtained from the principal whitebait-fishing centres for the 1947 season :

Whitebait Fishery, 1947 Season


— 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Total quantity landed Sacks. 16,741 Sacks. 15,390 Sacks. 13,156 Sacks. 10,568 Sacks. 16,261

Number of Total Quantity caught District. Principal Rivers fished for which Returns were received. Best Period. Fishermen (Approximately). Regular. Casual. (Approximately). Cwt. Auckland Waikato, Paeroa Sept. 127 70 887 Bay of Plenty .. Kaituna, Tarawera, Rangitaiki Aug.-Sept. 8 54 115 Hawke's Bay .. Tukituki, Ngaruroro Oct. 50 50 22 Wairarapa Lake Onoke Oct. 4 10 4 Wellington Waikanae, Waimeha, Mangone, Otaki, Waiotahu, Ohau, Oct.-Nov. 50 50 108 Hokio, Manawatu Marlborough Wairau, Omaka, Opawa Oct. 6 100 Horth Canterbury Hurunui, Waipara Oct. ' '7 8 Christchurch Saltwater Creek, Ashley, Waimakariri, Styx, Avon, Selwyn Oct. 53 99 145 South Canterbury Rakaia, Ashburton, Orari, Temuka, Opihi, Rangitata, Pareora, Waitaki (north bank) Oct. 29 55 97 •Otago Molyneux, Taieri, Puerua, Waipori, Kakanui, Shag, Sept.-Oct. 34 54 116 Tokomairiro, Owaka, Waikouaiti, Catlins, Pleasant, Wainakarua, Waitaki (south bank) Mataura, Oreti, Titiroa, Otakou, Aparima, Makarewa, Sept.-Oct. 46 61 315 Waihopai, Waiau, Waikiwi, Duck Creek, Pourakino and Omit, "Waimatuku, Waikawa, Tokonui 'West Coast— Wataroa Big Wanganui, Little Wanganui, Wataroa, Waitangi, Okarito, Waikukupa, Cook, Saltwater, Karangarua, Oct.-Nov. 226 7 2,568 Jacobs, Mahitahi, Paringa, Blue, Waiata, Haast, Okuru, Turnbull, Waitoto, Arawhata, Cascade Ross Totara, Waitaha, Mikonui Oct.-Nov. 21 21 310 Hokitika Arahura, Three-mile, Hokitika, Mahinapua Oct.-Nov. 208 5 552 Greymouth .. Grey, New, Teremakau Oct.-Nov. 53 80 452 Westport Karamea, Little Wanganui, Mokihinui, Granity, Pair-Oct.-jSTov. 72 240 1,257 down, Orawaiti, Buller, Big Totara, Little Totara 7,056


The season generally was a poor one. It was particularly disappointing in tiie Waikato, Hawke's Bay, and Canterbury districts. The Bay of Plenty, Otago, and Southland, on the other hand, showed a slight improvement on last season. In Otago there was a particularly good run that was not fished at the close of the season. The West Coast again supplied the bulk of the catch. A feature of the season in all districts was the increase in the number of people whitebaiting, resulting in overcrowding on many rivers. The estimated total catch, 7,056 cwt., compares favourably with that of previous seasons. Of this total catch, 3,927 cwt. of whitebait was canned. Quinnat Salmon This season showed a marked improvement over the several preceding seasons, which were very poor. The run commenced on the Waitaki River at the end of January and, moving north, reached the Waimakariri River early in February. The early runs included a greater percentage of males than female fish. This year a total of 983 fish were taken according to licensees' returns, as compared with 324 fish for the same number of fishermen and same methods as were used last year. Canned Fishery Products Only a small quantity of the fishery products are canned in New Zealand, the bulk of the total catch being used fresh or frozen. The fishing products that are canned include oysters, toheroa, paua, mussels, crayfish, kahawai, trevally, herring, pilchard, kingfish, gurnard, marlin, barracouta, mullet, mackerel, eel, whitebait, and whale-meat. The following table sets out approximately the quantities canned: — lb. Shellfish (including crayfish) .. .. .. .. 275,257 Eel .. .. .. .. .. 223,774 Whitebait .. .. .. .. .. .. 438,186 Sea fish generally .. .. .. ' .. .. 626,520 Whale-meat .. .. .. .. .. 100,800 Total .. .. .. .. .. 1,664,537 Fresh-water Fisheries Fresh-water Fisheries Advisory Council.—This Council is fully justifying its establishment. It provides for the discussion between representatives of central and local administration and science of all major questions relating to trout and salmon fisheries. Through it a good team spirit is being fostered and there is, for the first time, real hope of seeing develop a progressive national policy in place of a series of dissociated local policies. Already there is clear evidence of a much more co-operative spirit in fisheries matters between the acclimatization societies themselves and between them and the Department. Trout and Salmon Regulations.—General and local angling regulations and their amendments have increased in quantity over many years and now extend to one hundred and sixty pages or more of printed matter. There is so much confusion between general and local rules, so much reiteration of general regulations in local ones, and somuch variation from district to district that the whole comprises a most untidy body of law, needlessly confusing to local anglers and probably incomprehensible to tourists-



There is urgent need for an overhaul of all these regulations. It is considered, however, that first there could very usefully be a change in the system of making them, At present even an unimportant district regulation altering, say, the amount of lead permitted when bait fishing in a particular part of one stream would have to be made by the fairly elaborate and expensive Order-in-Council procedure. It is considered that, while general regulations should continue to be made in this manner, authority might usefully be given to the Minister of Marine to approve all purely local restrictive variations, if recommended by the local acclimatization society council. An amendment to this effect of Part II of the Fisheries Act, 1908, has been drafted and, if passed, will greatly facilitate the reduction of the existing chaotic series of regulations to a briefer .and more intelligible body of rules. Amending Regulations.—Two significant amendments have been made to general •regulations. One restricts the right of acclimatization societies of releasing fish in their districts to a right of liberating, without special consent, only species already established in particular waters. The aim is to ensure full consultation with specialist officers of the Department before the present distribution of species already established is modified or before any additional species can be introduced. The second change involves a prohibition of unauthorized releases of any forms of aquatic life into rivers or lakes. The purpose is to ensure, as far as possible, that forms of life harmful to fish or to other kinds of animals are not released. Pollution.—The fact-finding survey of the incidence of pollution of rivers and coastal waters and the extent to which it encroaches on fisheries and other aspects of public interest is approaching completion. The full-time services of a Fishery Officer were made available to co-operate with an inter-departmental committee on this matter. The study has already brought to light many facts of economic significance. Present indications are that much pollution arises from the draining into rivers and coastal waters of materials which could profitably be otherwise used. Eel Fisheries.—Commercial exploitation of eels has continued on a small scale in .Southland, Otago, and at Lake Ellesmere in Canterbury. In Southland the work has been actively supported by the local acclimatization society. In some parts, especially in the North Island, there is a possibility of eel-control measures, taken in the interests of trout fisheries by acclimatization societies, conflicting a little with the interests of the Maori people. Commonly it is the case that eel stocks, which in earlier times were regularly exploited by Maoris, have been much neglected .and have in consequence increased, as a wider choice of food has lessened the Maoris' dependence on eels. The position, however, is being carefully watched, and, where necessary, the Department will intervene to ensure that the interests of the Maori people in particular waters still fished by them are not adversely affected. Advisory and Technical Services. —The basic need of councils of acclimatization societies for a fairly comprehensive reference work on fisheries management should be met at an early date by publication of " Trout Fisheries of New Zealand : their Development and Management," which is now in the printer's hands. A sufficient quantity of more cheaply bound copies of the work are being printed for release at a price which will ensure the availability of this work to all anglers. The general advisory services which the branch offers are being used increasingly by societies. Many councils realize that they comprise amateurs and that they can best serve local interests by seeking professional assistance from Fisheries Officers on appropriate matters. Such services, which are free of cost to societies, sometimes involve simply preparation of abstracts from works in the Fisheries Library, and in •other cases necessitate extensive field surveys followed by local conferences.



Wider use of these services is still desirable, for it is apparent that in some districtsfisheries revenue is often spent very speculatively, and could be spent less so if societies, were prepared to ask for the preparation of summaries of evidence on questions at issue. Fishery Officers' Training Scheme. —Hitherto there have been no special facilitiesfor training young men who may desire to make a career as Fisheries Officers of acclimatization societies or of Departments exercising similar functions. Present district employees have acquired some practical experience in hatchery work and as Rangers,, but have not had the adequate basic training which would have enabled them to give the best service and justified their ultimate advancement to more remunerative positions. It has now- been arranged that the Fisheries Branch shall undertake the training, of suitable cadets, seconded by the Department of Internal Affairs, for ultimate employment in the Rotorua and Southern Lakes Districts, and a comprehensive training course has started. There have already been inquiries from individual acclimatization societies to learn if the scheme could be extended to include trainees for their districts. The Department is entirely sympathetic to any move which would assure a standard training for futureemployees of all districts, but at present awaits evidence of more general support from acclimatization societies and further information as to normal staff-replacement needs _ Fresh-water Research With the completion of the reorganization referred to in last year's annual report,,, the research staff have, during the past year, been able to concentrate on the development of the investigations which were then in preparation. The main fields of work have been : Eels.—The ultimate object of the present phase of the work is to determine the extent of the damage which eels may do to trout stocks both as competitors for food and by preying upon the trout themselves. This knowledge is necessary if we are to decide to what extent the resources of fishery-administering bodies may be economically used for eel control. As a first step, data are being collected regarding the quantities, and sizes of eels which inhabit waters of various types in different parts of New Zealand. This work has been commenced in the Southland district, where the results of some commercial fishing were available for study and where valuable assistance was provided by the Southland Acclimatization Society. It will in future seasons be extended toother districts. As a beginning, all the available data regarding the trapping of eels for canning in 1946-47 were examined and yielded useful information regarding the quantities removed from various waters by different degrees of trapping effort. Since the information was often approximate and few of the waters were completely trapped out, it was decided to undertake further trapping in the 1947-48 season to obtain more detailed and accurate results. This was done by an officer of the Marine Department, assisted by the staff of the Southland Acclimatization Society. The results show that the amount of cover is one of the principal factors in determining the variations in abundance of eel populations, both from point to point along one and between one river and another. In order to make comparison between rivers of different sizes possible, all results are being expressed in pounds of eels taken per acre of water. With complete trapping, catches for long sections of river have ranged between 15 lb./acre and 901b./" acre, with local concentrations as high as 400 lb./acre. Commercial trapping in rivers with more abundant cover gave results as much as 500 lb./acre over long stretches.. The highest concentrations of eels have, however, been found in the small inland.



lagoons and have often exceeded 1,000 lb./acre. The average size of eel caught is unexpectedly small, being usually between 2 lb. and 3 lb., while in a sample from the Waiau system only 9 per cent, were over 6 lb. and I*s per cent, over 10 lb. Studies are also being made on. the relative efficiency of various forms of trap and on the amount of trapping required to clean out an eel population; but these are not yet far enough advanced to yield definite results. Erosion and Flooding.—ln this work, studies are being made of the effects of flooding and the shifting of river-beds on both the trout-food and on trout eggs and alevins before emergence from the gravel. The former studies are being made on the Horokiwi River, near Wellington, and the latter on the Ashley River, in Canterbury. In the investigations of effects on fish-food, observations are made regularly at a number of localities as to the exact position of the stream and shingle bed and the quantity of food animals present. From these observations the effects of each flood can be determined. Since the work began, several floods of moderate size have occurred and these have yielded some useful information. While in all parts of the river the floods have caused some destruction of fish-food, the loss has been much greater in the unstable regions where there has been considerable movement of shingle and shifting of the stream bed. As an example may be quoted the effects of two floods which occurred in July and September, 1947. In the unstable parts of the river the average quantity of food animals after each flood was only about one-seventh of what it had been before, while in the more stable parts an average of one-third survived. Although recovery seems surprisingly rapid, 60 per cent, of pre-flood numbers being reached six weeks after the July flood, it appears that frequent floods must reduce significantly the average amount of food present in a river. It is believed this work will ultimately make it possible to estimate the importance of this reduction and to judge how far it is affected by accelerated erosion of the water-sheds. Angling Diaries.—A scheme is being developed for the collection of accurate information regarding the status of fish stocks in as many rivers as possible by means of standard angling diaries and Ranger's reports. Under this scheme printed diary forms are distributed to as many anglers as possible, collected at the end of the season, and carefully analysed to extract all useful information. The distribution and collection of diary forms is being undertaken by acclimatization societies, while the work of analysis and report is being done by the officers of the Marine Department. In the 1946-47 angling season the scheme was only in its infancy and only two societies took part. The limited number of diaries obtained in these cases did, however, yield useful information regarding the waters of these districts. It is understood, however, that many more societies have undertaken this work during the 1947-48 season, and that a correspondingly greater amount of data will be available for analysis. Horokiwi Investigation.—A detailed account of the study of the trout stock of this stream is now in preparation, and it is hoped that it will be published during the coining year. This work, a brief account of which appeared as an Appendix to the 1945 annual report, had as its object the determination of the factors limiting the production of fish in a typical small trout stream. Marine Research Throughout the year there was no Marine Biologist, but a new appointee commenced duty early in 1948. Preparations for certain classes of work with the research vessel " Ikatere " were completed, and this vessel commenced work in the Hauraki Gulf. By arrangement with Victoria University College, a graduate commenced preliminary work on crayfish research. 2—H 15



Legislation The general fishery regulations were consolidated and revised during the year. The previous regulations had been in force since 1939 and had been amended so frequently that a consolidation had become an urgent necessity. The Whitebait Regulations, last issued as a whole in 1932, were also consolidated and revised for the same reason. The 1947 Whitebait Regulations aimed at not only consolidation, but at a much needed simplification of a set of regulations so pieced together over the years that the final result was too detailed and involved for practical use. Staff As has been the case over the last four years, staffing has been a major problem. A gradual reorganization of the staff is taking place with a view to having a better balanced and more highly qualified staff. M. W. Young, Chief Inspector of Fisheries. MARINE FISH HATCHERY AND BIOLOGICAL STATION, PORTOBELLO Sir, — I have the honour to present the report of the Portobello Marine Biological Station for the year ended March, 1948. The difficulties of the times which prevented the Board's plans for the repairs, structural alterations, and additions required for improving and enlarging the laboratory accommodation, as mentioned in last year's report, have unfortunately continued into the present year and the station can still only provide the minimal facilities for the carrying-out of marine biological research, which is, and should be, the most important of the services by which this Station justifies its existence. The laboratory is ideally situated for marine biological research so far as natural environment is concerned, but its material structure and equipment fall very short of what is desirable at the present time. However, the Station has been regularly used during the year at week-ends and vacations by the Zoology Department staff and students of Otago University and by other visitors. It has again been utilized by members of the staff of the Zoology Department of Canterbury College who visited Portobello during the summer to collect specimens and to make observations of the local marine fauna. Among the principal researches conducted at Portobello have been a study of the embryology of the compound ascidian Distaplia by Miss Brewin and an investigation of the biology of Benhamina obliqua, principally anatomy and embryology, by Miss Borland. Miss Richards has worked on the anatomy and food of the brachiopod Terebratella ineonspicua, and Miss di Menna on the anatomy and ecology of Trochodota dunedinensis, a synaptid holothurian. The pipes for the supply of sea-water to the aquarium tanks, which had become very dilapidated and unsafe, have been renewed,, but progress in the restocking of the tanks with sea fish has been disappointing, owing mainly to lack of fishing equipment.. At present there is no means of keeping the acquarium water at a suitable and safe temperature for sea fish during severe winter frosts. The pump, which had been in use for forty years, broke down in March, and the worn-out parts had to be replaced. A row-boat was purchased during the year.



It is with great regret that I have to record" the death, in September, of Mr. J. McGregor Wilkie, who had been a member of the Board for many years. With his qualifications as a harbour engineer and by his keen interest in the Station and never-failing readiness to help, his services to the Board were of very considerable value. Since May, 1946, he also acted as Treasurer. The employment of a marine biologist as a permanent member of staff is much to be desired. It is to be hoped that in the near future it will be possible to provide means for re-establishing this position, which had to be eliminated in 1931 during the financial depression, for without a biologist attached to the Station its facilities cannot be fully utilized nor its proper purpose fulfilled. With the substantial increase of recent years in the number of New Zealand workers in other science it is a remarkable fact that this Dominion, surrounded by seas that are teeming with unelucidated fishery and other biological problems, should still be so peculiarly lacking in proper provision, and consequently in personnel, for the pursuit of this important branch of scientific research. I have, &c., A. E. Hefford, Chairman of the Board.



Table I.—Showing the Number of Fishing-vessels and the Number of Fishermen engaged in the Industry at Each Port for the Year ended 31st December, 1947


Vessels engaged in Fishing for Wet Fish. Vessels engaged in Shell-fishery. 1 Vessels licensed. 1 1st January, 1947, Number of to 31st December, Motor-vessels Mnfnr Motor-vessels -R nwin „ Oyster- Mussel- rv , vfl „ hil .., Fishermen. 1947. Danish- Set-net and dredging dredging Cr^ ng ' Name of Port or seining. trawlers. Line . flsh i ng , boats. Vessels . Vessels. vessels ' District. J=:§! is ,:M ® f ! f i 4JdJ -fi ® .2® *s® 5© ~ v +s® ® « ii ' ■§a ass >§.1 $.§ 5-S JjJ .§! J.| ja jg.§ JI.3 S.I =s| g.§ S.§ ss >25 O O North Island Mangonui district .. .. .. 21 14 7 .. 4 9 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 14 Whangaroa .. .. .. 24 13 11 6 1 3 2 3 6 13 Russell .. .. .. .. 53 27 26 9 16 1 2 16 20 Whangarei .. .. .. 19 8 11 .. 5 3 .. ,. . .. .. 10 7 Auckland .. .. .. 137 77 60 37 3 11 10 .. 2 .. 2 6 7 192 23 Thames district .. .. .. 34 28 6 20 3 1 2.. .. 2 59 10 Coromandel .. .. .. 5 1 4 .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Mercury Bay .. .. .. 6 5 1 .. 1 3 .. .. .. 3 1 6 1 Whangamata .. .. .. 6 2 4 .. 1 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1 1 Waihi Beach .. .. .. 12 3 9 .. 2.. 1 .. .. .. .. .. ., .. 5 Tauranga and district .. .. 38 24 14 1 2 1 7 11 .. 1 2 25 29 Whakatane .. .. 7 4 3 1 1 2 .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 Ohiwa Harbour, Opotiki, and Cape Run- 8 4 4 .. .. 2 1 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 7 away Gisbome .. .. .. .. 16 13 3 7 .. 1 2 5 3 28 Napier .. .. .. .. 33 24 9 1 17 2 2 .. 1 3 4 55 5 Castlepoint .. .. .. 6 3 3 .. 2., 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 5 Wellington .. .. .. 49 33 16 .. 3 .. f .. 17 6 .. 1 6 7 99 4 Makara .. .. .. .. 5 4 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 Paremata .. .. .. .. 12 8 4 .. 6 2 .. .. .. .. 1 14 3 Paraparaumu Beach .. .. 9 6 3 .. 5 1 .. .. .. .. .. 7 1 Manawatu Heads .. .. .. 14 5 9 .. 1 .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 6 Tangimoana .. .. .. 4 .. 4 .. Wanganui .. .. .. .. 12 4 8 .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 New Plymouth .. .. .. 16 11 5 5 5 4 10 10 Kawhia .. .. .. .. 10 6 4 .. 4 2 .. .. .. .. .. 7 4 Raglan .. .. .. .. 6 4 2 1 3 1 3 Manukau Harbour .. .. .. 21 13 8 .. 7 5 .. .. .. .. 1 7 9 Kaipara .. .. .. .. 35 28 7 19 9 28 12 Hoktanga ,. ., ,. ,, 13 5 8 ,. 1 3 1 ,. ., .. ,. ,., .. 1 &



South Island Havelock .. .. .. .. 26 19 7 7 .. 8 4 28 6 Picton .. .. .. .. 24 17 7 1 13 2 3 9 33 2 Blenheim (Wairau) .. .. .. 8 6 2 .. 4.. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1 6 3 Kaikoura .. .. .. .. 30 22 8 1 1 14 2 5 6 30 3 Lyttelton .. .. .. .. 27 17 10 .. .. 1 .. 12 .. 3 .. 1 43 Akaroa .. .. .. .. 21 13 8 3 .. 7 2 7 24 3 Lake Ellesmere .. .. .. 26 15 11 .. 5 3 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 16 Timaru .. .. .. .. 35 34 1 18 1 14 1 64 4 Oamaru .. .. .. .. 12 10 2 .. 8 2 .. ., .. .. .. 14 2 Moeraki .. .. .. .. 14 13 1 11 2 1 2 17 Karitane ,. .. .. .. 14 13 1 1 .. 1 8 5 5 11 9 Port Chalmers .. .. .. 41 32 9 .. 1 .. 17 .. 8 4 .. 57 8 Taieri Mouth .. .. .. 4 4 .. .. 2 .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. 7 Nuggets district .. .. .. 19 16 3 .. 12 .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. 31 Waikawa .. .. .. .. 10 10 7 .. 2 1 18 2 Bluff .. .. .. .. 27 23 4 1 11 3 10* 71 4 Stewart Island .. .. .. 50 38 12 .. 34 4 .. .. .. .. .. 83 6 Riverton district .. .. .. 11 8 3 .. 6 2 .. .. .. .. .. 13 4 Hokitika .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 .. Greymouth .. .. .. 8 7 1 .. .. 2.. 1 2 2 .. .. .. .. .. 12 2 Westport .. .. .. .. 16 5 11 1 .. 1 .. .. 1 2 5 3 Golden Bay .. .. .. 8 3 5 .. .. .... 1 1 1 .. .. .. .. .. ... 5 1 Motueka .. .. .. .. 11 11 .. .. .. 1.. 2.. 3 5 .. .. .. .. .. 18 6 Nelson .. .. .. .. 19 13 6 4 5 .. 2 2 1 23 3 French Pass .. .. .. 30 28 2 1 .. 18 8 .. 1 34 13 Chatham Islands .. .. .. 5 4 1 .. 3 1 .. .. .. .. .. 10 2 Totals .. .. .. 1,128 758 370 44 .. 12 .. 125 6 303 178 8 31 10 4 40 72 1,254 314 * Includes one oyster-dredge which operated only during September owing to extensive repairs keeping the vessel laid up during the earlier months of the season. Whole-time fishing = all boats with the year's catch valued at more than £200 gross; part-time fishing — all boats with the year's catch valued at more than £50 and not more than £200 gross ; not operating = all boats with the year's catch valued at not more than £50 gross.


Table II. —Showing approximately the Total Quantities of Fish and Shell-fish landed at the Fishing Ports For The Year ended 31st December, 1947


Shell-fishery (excluding Toheroa). Quantity landed (Fish). Total I Grand Name of Port or District. Yalue Total Total (Pish). Oysters. J Value. Mussels. . Value. Crayfish. Value. Value (Shellfish). Value. North Island Cwt. £ Sacks. £ Sacks. £ Cwt. £ £ £ Mangonui and district 4,058 4,242 7 14 14 4,256 Whangaroa 904 1,514 583 1,500 1,500 3,014 Russell 4,115 5,751 194 347 347 6,098 Whangarei 1,930 2.928 3 6 6 2,934 Auckland 142,304 186;504 5,280 9,240 11,747 4,099 1,628 4,156 16,712 203,216 Thames district 13,035 22,200 4,514 1,464 1,464 23,664 Coromandel 43 70 70 Mercury Bay 831 1,375 809 2,082 2,082 3,457 Whangamata 213 391 6 14 14 405 Waihi Beach 178 321 2 3 3 324 Tauranga- and district 7,086 9,178 . 91 212 212 9,390 Whakatane 601 925 17 ■ 41 41 966 Ohiwa Harbour, Opotiki, and 301 775 775 Cape Runaway Gisborne 10,926 17,356 1,084 2,338 2,338 19,694 Napier 23,525 46,099 723 1,450 1,450 47,549 Castlepoint 56 219 .48 99 99 318 Wellington 44,291 96,784 3,820 9,389 9,389 106,173 Makara 638 1,379 338 835 835 2,214 7,823 Paremata 2,498 7,651 64 172 172 Paraparaumu Beach 828 2,634 2,634 Manawatu Heads 279 882 " 882 Tangimoana 20 59 • • 59 Wanganui 214 571 571 New Plymouth 2,792 6,576 • * 1 • • i90 532 532 7,108 Kawhia 832 2,189 2,189 jRaglan 212 514 514 Manukau Harbour 1,401 2,607 i • • j 39 208 208 2,815 Kaipara 3,792 9,007 9,007 Hokianga 634 1,121 1,121 South Island ■ Havelock 2,781 8,384 j • • ! 8,384 Picton 3,774 9,225 .. .. 1 2,331 10,453 10,453 19,678 Blenheim 1,293 2,594 * * i 88 190 190 2,784 Kaikoura 3,870 10,495 1,652 3,022 3,022 13,517 Lyttelton 17,387 37,695 96 184 184 37,879 Akaroa 5,136 12,734 729 1,360 1,360 14,094 Lake Ellesmere 940 3,338 .... .. 3,338 Timaru 21,216 55,016 55,016 Oamaru 3,646 10,261 10,261 Moeraki 2,499 7,193 573 543 543 7,736 Karitane 1,361 2,427 2,697 2,578 2,578 5,005 Port Chalmers 44,849 70,583 ; [ 1 44 41 41 70,624 Taieri Mouth 669 2,114 2; 114 Nuggets district Waikawa 6,177 17,480 '23 21 '21 17,501 4,456 12,759 ! 2 5 5 12,764 Bluff 5,054 14,270 81,5i8 61,1.38 61,138 75,408 Stewart Island 14,469 36,354 36,354 Riverton 907 2,234 2,234 Hokitika 1 2 2 Greymouth 2,498 5,725 5,725 6,015 Westport 2,346 5,856 '86 i59 i.59 Golden Bay 618 1,074 4 12 12 1,086 Motueka 4,918 7,310 3 6 6 7,316 Nelson 10,040 19,429 78 162 162 19,591 French Pass 3,293 9,174 9,174 Chatham Islands 5,565 6,948 -■ 6,948 Totals 438,300 802,496 86,798 70,378 16,261 5,563 18,052 42,134 117,292 920,571


Table III.—Showing the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish caught by the Different Methods of Fishing for the Year ended 31st December, 1947


CO Ol • c* •' HU5H© COO tao CO 01 ©I> lO-H Ol O O rH OlSHO • co ©•*»••©•© iH 620 ,386 392 © rH © © rH © t>- O 00 Ol 00I>©CO O © CO rH •© CO *0100 • Ol ' C0TJ< ©© • • rH l> j © '3 3 rH T* rH rH CO rH rH rH of © ©©rHI> © CO t-© ©000© ©rH © OJCO Ol © T* Ol I>I> © >OCO Ol • coca CO © iQ I> rH rH CO 00 © O iO © CD 00 • l> rH • rH rH • iQ < 384 640 1 © £ • O rH © rH rH of 00 CO oo ©coco CO © • •© • 22 *22 6 CO 00 CO CO CO 00 0Q 00 CO VO TH © T* - • •CO • . . . ©or © © 952 i © Row-boat. ctf • • O 0 §3 ~ O Cwt. CO m rH CO ; ;§ ; • • T—1 (M N rH CO CO©© uOrH cor- COOl CO Ol 13 102 1,848 CO Ol CO O tH l> © t- O l> Ol t> rH rH rH iQiQ rH Ol t- O © •CO ©•!>•© 'CO rH 586 ,250 354 rH © © © rH Ol Ol CO © © CD -<* OOI rH •© -0100 . TPOI CO CO .©CD © . T*< Motor. © CO (N T* rH rH CO rH rH rH © 0 Cwt. " 7 1,883 19 1 7,702 ' 19 1,033 7 1,312 *867 48 3 129 344 2,917 591 O |> rH rH © rH COCO O 1> Ttl © lO ©rH 00 • l> © • rH rH • iQ • oo rH 00 1>C0 • coo TH 32,631 cj .9 m O o CO crt • © CO T* CO Ol CO © m T* CO '657 50 " 8 800 20 |871 189 Ol O © O -00 0 CO 131,915 1 n 1 81 *!»AiO CO rH t* lO lO © . . . . O • • • rH CO CO 00 I> oo © Ol O © CO OTJ4 00© © CD I '. CC L°^ 00 o © rH 0100 © © •00© 96,715 1 O TJH CD Ol ©T* - 30 7 7,122 25,550 49 . 14 ,*866 4,486 9,198 1,332 77 5 10,022 195 0 O © O CO I> Ol © © OOl OlrHOlOl !>CO©OlCO©uOO •CO • • OrH • O CO r* .COO© Ol Ol O 01 rH t> CO lO to rH of© Ot> CO rH 376,738 o H COrH • t> CO -g © rH • © © © o rH rH CO CO CO ©©O CO O .0©t00 O CO rH oq © Ol Ol • © rH ©01 ■ I> l>CD01 OT*OrH © ©© CO Ol CD tO CO © Ol Ol © t> rH CO • CO • • O CD »CO © © • CO t}« 01 Ol CO O © TP 0 © O CO CO C- CO rH 01 iO rH rHI> ©O *001 01 t» CO t> T* © Ol £ 247 422 © l>OCDCO C-l CO rH CO OOCO CO 00 CO O -THOOH ©l> COT* CO l> CO • o • © © iOt*CO rH I> © CO 01O © © O Ol t> © rH © Ol ©00© rH • Tt« • • ©O • © CO • O CO CO 01 © i>oi •O 00 01 00 £ Motor. COO 'ofrH© Ol rH l> HIO TP CO CO i-H I> © © TP 00 CO 01 c8 H T*© . I> CO © ©HO(M O CO 00 rH rH O OiOH rH t* !>■ O CO © © t* t>»0 CO rH 05 © CO Ci Ol ©© Ol Ol © rH © Ol rH CO CO CO © co © Cwt 4 1 CO O • © l> 00 CO I> rH rH CO © 00 Tp CO Ol CO ' oTco © rH i 00 Ol <- I>T*© T*C0I> CO rH t* © ©CD . . • CO -T*CO© OlOlCO '772 5 2,089 191 975 576 1,132 '522 41 |422 2,106 72 j 315 1,547 ' "l9 216 264 1,879 1,735 138,256 g 02 COiOiO OON © T*T*C0 l> lO CO CO © rH rH CO rH© CO© rH GO rH © rH © S>01 CO" SS §© S co S S rH Ol Cwt 3,1 • • • CO • © © 01 r-i rH rH -HOI CO CO TP CO © © a j Barraconta Blue cod .. Bonita (Brama) Brill Butterfish (greenbor Conger-eel Elephant-flsh Flounder .. Frost-fish .. Garfish Gurnard .. Hake Hapuku (groper) . Herring .. John-dory Kahawai . .. Kingflsh ... Ling Mackerel .. Maomao ... Moki Mullet Parori Perch Pioki Bed cod .. Sardine .. Shark Skate Snapper .. Sole Swordflsh (marlin) Tarakihi .. Trevally .. Trumpeter Warehou .. Whiptail .. Whiting .. Mixed flat fish Mixed round fish a not specified Totals


Table III.—Showing the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish caught by the Different Methods of Fishing for the Year ended 31st December, 1947— continued


Lines. Grand Total. Motor. Row-boat. Total. Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. I £ Barracouta 12,987 6 ,141 10 11 12 ,997 6,152 16,670 8,117 Blue cod 29,322 73 ,847 40 130 29 ,362 73,977 29,513 74,459 Bonita (Brama) 7 18 7 18 7 18 Brill .. .. 10 30 Butterfish (grecnbone) 1,896 5,351 Conger-eel *170 126 170 "i26 199 148 Elephant-fish 30 62 30 62 3,718 7,185 Flounders .. 19,723 63,045 Frost-fish 2 4 " 2 " 4 69 53 Garfish 22 59 1 i 23 60 43 113 Gurnard 303 339 1 6 304 345 21,291 21,294 Hake 855 2 ,998 855 2,998 2,554 7,484 Hapuku (groper) 29,268 92 ,286 "20 "52 29 ,288 92,338 32,154 101,815 Herring 1,326 1,049 John-dory "l9 '*21 ' "l9 ' '21 965 1,387 Kahawai 167 178 157 178 1,160 951 Kingflsh 239 351 3 5 242 356 295 413 Ling 10,653 24 ,862 2 6 10 ,655 24,868 15,683 34,900 Mackerel 350 302 Maomao "ll ' 16 ' 11 ' 16 11 16 Moki 1 2 "38 "87 39 89 1,763 3,104 Mullet 2,967 4,386 Parori 1 1 1 1 621 393 Perch' .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 42 28 42 28 49 33 Pioki 759 1 ,026 759 1,026 3,522 4,422 Red cod 425 582 " 2 5 427 587 8,212 7,833 Sardine 97 90 Shark .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 707 '720 707 '720 1,129 1,311 Skate 25 23 25 23 50 41 Snapper 12 023 22 ,029 639 994 12 ,662 23,023 129,482 180,553 Sole 25,354 76,276 Swordfish (marlin) 1,131 1 ',100 1 il31 'ljioo 1,131 1,100 Tarakihi 408 755 7 ' "lu 415 770 91,692 157,723 Trevally 130 125 1 1 131 126 6,969 6,115 Trumpeter 28 85 28 85 248 694 Warehou .. .. .. .. . . . . .. 1 1 1 1 613 1,238 Whiptail Whiting 2 3 2 3 267 377 234 264 Mixed flat fish 4,790 17,356 Mixed round fish and all flsh not specified 1,' 929 2, [262 "31 ' '34 1. i960 2,296 11,330 11,200 Totals 101,657 230, ,050 795 1,347 102, ,452 231,397 438,300 802,496


Table IV.—Showing approximately the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish landed at certain Ports during the Year ended 31st December, 1947


— Mangonui. Whangaroa. llussell. Whangarei. Auckland. Thames. Coromandel. Mercury Bay. Whangamata. "VYaihi Beach. Tauranga and District. Whakatane. Ohiwa Harbour, Opotiki, and Cape Runaway. Gisbome. Napier. Castlepoint. Wellington. Makara. 1 P-i Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Barracouta 3 1,307 486 Blue cod 7 2 24 "l 85 ' 1 '37 2 '' 2 "6 "2 331 "3 106 17 ' '2 Bonita (Brama) .. 6 Butterflsh 15 3il ii '31 ' ~3 397 130 *67 Brill ,. Conger-eel 75 "9 2 Elephant-fish io 94 Flounder "s 25 88 '38 3,036 4,307 7 ' 6 "l *26 *77 '37 99 249 "l 15 18 Frost-fish 65 2 Garfish *22 "3 17 Gurnard 7 6,199 882 *97 *49 ' '8 1,444 4,180 531 Hake "2 1 6 1 61 1,000 "7 Hapuku (groper) .. i.84 62 433 '47 575 "3 i'28 "6 ' 1 244 ' '2 'is 775 715 42 8,017 '30 2,122 Herring 1,134 148 1 15 John-dory 450 i.22 ' *5 Kahawai 94 *23 'i2 *28 6 201 "7 "3 ' '2 681 ' *2 4 ' "l ' 1 Kingfish 18 14 33 60 1 4 87 1 21 5 3 Ling 1 3 "1 4 5,420 7 Mackerel 1.58 '83 58 ' 1 Maomao 11 Moki 37 i39 1.89 sil 24 22 Mullet 328 ii3 '55 ii 790 ' 2 2 'i9 1 Parore 334 17 51 52 140 "l 25 Perch . .• Pioke "5 868 427 47 2 "4 *33 i9 487 5 '75 lted cod 2 ' ' 2 31 21 833 1 Sardine Shark ,. "3 12 64 400 "i7 33 ' 6 'ii ' '2 Skate 1 44 "l Snapper 727 052 1,734 930 101,470 5,796 34 555 54 '69 2,021 283 143 io7 224 ' "l . 250 31 21 Sole 4 131 1,297 Swordfish 280 2 849 Tarakihi 7 "3 21 ' '4 22,285 ' '2 3 iio 96 1,998 '51 . 6,864 16,201 ' 'l 22,455 'io 14 Trevally 2,228 6 732 2,293 391 777 13 26 183 19 Trumpeter ' 1 3 Warehou 123 349 *80 Whiptail 124 Whiting 377 Mixed flat fish . . ' 6 221 336 ' '4 ' *3 i2 53 Mixed round and un'94 5 251 3 1,635 366 ' 9 5 127 90 '27 1,074 34 "s 2,309 "5 '57 orvnMfln^ bJJcClIltJvl Totals .. 4 058 904 4,115 1,930 142,304 13,035 43 831 213 178 7,086 601 301 10,926 23,525 56 44,291 638 2,498


Table IV.—Showing approximately the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish landed at certain Ports during the Year ended 31st December, 1947—continued


g | § 1 i J d at C8 d S3 § 1 iw 1 1 .4 a a 0 ■s| 9 c$ 1 3 i i 0 gw $ c8 "§> 3 03 H 3 1 M 53 £3 & 1* S 'ci M 1 1 w Pi O s ■S* n 0 M I 1 M < ■ai HI i Barraeouta Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 3 Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 3 Cwt. 221 Cwt. Cwt. 7 Cwt. g Cwt. 21 2 Cwt. Cwt. 2 Cwt. Blue cod Bonita (Brama) .. ' '2 ' 3 5 638 205 24 1 2 7 4i.4 Butterflsh Brill 237 ' '2 1.83 i.58 24 "3 ' 1 Conger-eel i9 34 ' 'ft Elephant-fish Flounder Frost-fish ' 3 *66 ' 3 230 '67 362 1,927 38 17 260 16 79 242 '24 2 1,413 958 275 79 938 l,7i4 4,318 Garfish 2 1 Gurnard Hake Hapuku (groper) .. Herring "5 6 273 1.2 'is 1 "l "i3 7 289 '28 ' 4 ' 1 95 359 12 3 2,431 ' 1 is 21 12 1,599 I,i05 472 640 426 220 1,104 O 2,051 7 2,560 "2 3,126 John-dory *48 ' '2 tt Kahawai ' '2 ' '8 ' 1 ' 1 "2 ' 'l 73 3 Kingflsh 38 9 "l Ling Mackerel "l i.4 "i2 45 1,936 2,278 1 800 3,8i7 *80 Maomao X Moki Mullet io 452 6i2 572 '96 "8 5 91 23 "l Parore 1 Perch Pioke "2 *36 *33 "4 38 28 1 Red cod Sardine ' 'l "5 10 6 4 135 *33 97 699 31 424 246 2,630 *16 Shark Skate "9 'l7 ' '2 5 231 ioe 197 "l 1 Snapper 256 i.29 is i.97 2,420 486 1.32 490 770 21 229 '24 '48 i7 "l 1 2 Sole Swordfish 5 17 5 240 ' '4 327 115 2,052 Tarakihi Trevally ' 9 ii "l 5 "l i6 ' 5 "7 42 21 8,895 1,053 a '47 Trumpeter Warehou '31 ' '9 13 "8 219 Whiptail "Whiting Mixed flat flsh Mixed round and unspecified Totals .. ' '2 'il 15 ' '9 ' '2 8 5 *48 243 396 110 ii2 30 61 43 307 403 261 282 966 440 828 279 20 214 2,792 832 212 1,401 3,792 634 2,781 3,774 1,293 3,870 17,387 5,136 940 21,216 3,646


Table IV.—Showing approximately the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish landed at certain Ports during the Year ended 31st December, 1947— continued


— Moeraki. Karitane. Port Chalmers and Dunedin. Taieri Month. Nuggets and District. Waikawa. Bluff. Stewart Island. Riverton Hokitika. Greymouth. West port. £ W g 2 0 a Motueka. 1 4> £ i € d & Chatham Islands. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Barracouta 3 391 13,938 1 1 79 130 11 55 Blue cod 736 211 365 *50 232 526 4,235 12,8i9 783 '71 'i3 79 24 1,976 5,463 Bonita (Brarna) Butterfish 2 ' 1 2 '62 ' '2 254 Brill "9 ' 'l Conger-eel *54 Elephant-fish iis '30 4 Flounder ie 1,062 644 "l2 *23 5 ' 1 47 305 1 Frost-fish Garfish Gurnard 494 '63 '28 ' '3 448 363 ios 687 1,905 '59 Hake .. ' 'l 731 6 2 1 13 Hapuka (groper) 1,565 iei 1,418 230 333 229 329 788 117 ' 1 394 47 '63 '68 43 399 io2 Herring 5 20 John-dory 15 'is 4 ' '9 237 50 2 Kahawai 1 3' 2 Kingflsh Ling 21 244 972 '20 ii 5 '28 ' *5 ' "l ' *2 Mackerel 4 Maomao Moki *83 'is 209 ' *8 Mullet .. 1 i Parore Perch *30 7 1 Pioke 447 '82 32 331 462 *54 Red cod '35 131 2,536 '38 7 'io '23 52 1 46 192 11 Sardine.. Shark ' 1 ' *4 ' *8 Skate .. .. .. ' '2 1 1 Snapper 1 1 2 '22 i34 383 2,350 6,053 109 Sole 169 10,963 389 4,258 3,608 237 912 17 4 Swordflsh .. Tarakihi 9,977 ' 1 ' '4 579 sis "3 '80 Trevally 3 2 1 248 Trumpeter ' 1 2 ' 1 Warehou 16 "5 Whiptail 142 1 Whiting Mixed flat fish i4 '69 555 '29 15 683 7 '25 730 24 Mixed round and unspecified ' 5 8 1,460 12 6 2io 800 ' *1 571 174 1 52 4 177 Totals .. 2,499 1,361 44,849' 669 6,177 4,456 5,054 14,469 907 1 f 2,498 2,346 618 4,918 10,040 3,293 5,565


Table V.—Showing Total Quantities of Wet Fish landed at each of the Chief Fishing Ports each Month of the Year 1947


Port or District. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Totals. North Island Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Mangonui 435 498 280 399 401 137 211 205 348 863 130 151 4,058 Whangaroa 148 71 44 73 76 72 71 55 65 65 79 85 904 Russell 565 451 392 320 397 258 223 175 314 260 445 315 4,115 Whangarei 250 200 302 188 237 149 162 95 58 92 124 73 1,930 Auckland 8,925 10j291 11,724 8,642 10,159 9,994 12,430 11,828 17,347 14,686 12,811 13,467 948 142,304 Thames district 897 1,113 910 585 910 878 883 963 1,666 2,164 1,118 13,035 Coromandel .. 12 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 7 9 43 Mercury Bay 151 160 138 45 140 ' 57 1 1 6 6 90 36 831 Whangamata 74 35 14 18 19 3 4 6 16 8 16 213 Waihi Beach 54 9 21 23 13 13 2 3 12 10 18 178 Tauranga and district 474 366 1,391 334 383 287 351 *521 574 400 1,188 817 7,086 "Whakatane 108 46 48 62 33 3 13 7 39 98 99 45 601 Ohiwa Harbour, Opotiki, 38 45 48 13 17 15 18 19 17 31 37 3 301 and Cape Runaway Gisborne 588 515 680 529 903 725 1,038 691 1,299 1,174 1,432 1,352 10,926 Napier 1,033 1,070 1,061 820 1,153 1,152 2,754 2,227 3,205 3,476 3,201 2,373 23,525 Castlepoint 23 11 2 6 5 3 1 2 2 1 56 Wellington 2,641 4,536 4,913 2,472 3,778 1,388 5^884 3^466 2,233 2,737 5,939 4,304 44,291 Makara 32 59 94 190 81 15 110 11 4 3 15 24 638 Paremata 187 151 196 120 288 240 968 43 6 27 134 138 2,498 Paraparaumu Beach .. 78 50 68 97 105 70 138 67 1 3 90 61 828 Manawatu Heads 14 16 45 48 59 2 33 13 15 11 3 20 279 Tangimoana 3 1 2 3 7 1 1 1 1 20 "VVanganui 13 17 21 69 27 "ll ' '20 9 2 7 13 5 214 New Plymouth 634 197 297 245 203 70 208 104 46 91 244 453 2,792 Kawhia 124 110 149 108 85 18 3 27 30 21 84 73 832 Raglan 58 18 12 16 1 2 8 4 15 15 16 47 212 Manukau Harbour 85 149 152 134 174 98 136 52 92 85 138 106 1,401 Kaipara 335 291 320 267 406 149 241 333 294 425 396 335 3,792 Hokianga 55 54 61 81 58 60 64 80 8 29 35 49 6,34 Smith Island Havelock 105 161 280 277 421 297 435 117 161 136 228 163 2,781 Picton 432 282 285 307 319 374 379 86 54 180 574 502 3,774 Blenheim (Wairau) 110 90 12 87 319 118 107 40 80 52 154 124 1,293 Kaikoura 218 258 251 246 392 219 353 240 295 510 609 279 3,870 Lyttelton 729 746 1,391 1,806 1,939 1,056 2,477 905 1,747 1,866 1,727 998 17,387 Akaroa 301 211 307 252 645 422 604 224 570 445 738 417 5,136 Lake Ellesmere 25 63 51 75 44 6 34 17 77 156 171 221 940 Timaru 1,336 1,521 2,000 1,746 2,385 1,397 3,377 1,264 1,819 1,204 1,650 1,517 21,216 Oamaru 328 241 494 559 622 116 156 68 191 233 306 332 3,646 Moeraki 123 209 354 251 221 187 260 88 222 173 267 144 2,499 Karitane 231 156 176 253 124 88 36 1 43 38 124 91 1,361 Port Chalmers 3,536 4,798 6,376 4,315 4,088 1,806 3,160 1,738 2,503 2,570 5,054 4,905 44,849 Taieri Mouth 96 42 108 81 59 46 76 47 19 33 52 10 669 Nuggets district 862 596 650 385 127 119 618 362 125 465 846 1,022 6,177 Waikawa 369 260 335 163 190 217 435 198 266 745 795 483 4,456 Bluff 574 678 696 399 374 240 702 203 28 253 357 550 5,054 Stewart Island 938 1,851 2,607 1,967 1,091 1,211 2,926 927 4 539 379 29 14,469 Riverton district 37 78 83 54 23 48 144 105 16 43 163 113 907 Hokitika 1 1 Greymouth i95 ii4 231 '267 '284 i22 240 iio "l9 "i94 '396 326 2,498 Westport 81 129 253 280 210 113 342 246 51 114 292 235 2,346 Golden Bay 144 104 199 17 57 46 7; 4 23 17 618 Motueka 132 94 133 449 603 218 753 480 485 570 668 333 4,918 Nelson 428 432 869 817 1,202 603 950 753 784 1,190 1,167 845 10,040 French Pass 306 345 432 282 484 242 342 224 59 125 252 200 3,293 Chatham Islands 944 776 1,269 763! 270 605 520 418 5,565 Totals 29,670 33,991 42,905 1 31,244 37,118 26,449j45,647 1 j 29,717 i 37,921 39,157 45,299 39,182 438,300


Table VI.— Showing Quantities of the Main Species of Fish landed at the Chief Fishing Ports in each Month of the Year ended 31st December, 1947


— January. February. March. April. 1 June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Totals. Auckland. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Flounder 75 198 44 20 60 22 24 449 761 806 519 58 3,036 Gurnard 515 439 478 395 515 581 532 522 760 563 565 334 6,199 Snapper 5,004 6,178 6,679 5,662 7,249 7,774 8,340 8,333 12,655 12,183 9,702 11,711 693 101,470 Tarakihi 2,185 2,773 3,844 2,178 1,493 977 2,834 1,765 2,076 170 1,297 22,285 Trevally 130 200 . 248 47 177 191 236 221 276 166 158 243 2,293 Thames Flounder 495 1,013 725 287 490 41 58 36 19 26 340 777 4,307 Gurnard 17 2 14 28 31 158 140 101 140 150 77 24 882 Snapper 290 28 84 180 134 511 535 606 1,257 1,712 432 27 5,796 Trevally 1 15 32 34 47 14 37 110 84 14 3 391 Tauranga Kahawai 147 76 147 47 25 55 1 74 53 25 10 21 681 Snapper 188 110 178 122 176 98 91 116 159 115 558 110 2,021 Tarakihi 69 12 384 46 118 36 121 237 94 67 256 558 1,998 Trevally 1 2 4 35 72 66 51 141 116 234 55 777 Qisborne Gurnard 111 55 42 58 167 93 139 94 101 154 263 167 1,444 Tarakihi 322 310 455 347 565 494 647 455 887 784 808 790 6,864 Napier Gurnard 261 381 309 253 371 195 369 290 572 424 352 403 4,180 Hapuku 24 28 22 22 52 31 67 42 38 93 174 122 715 Sole 216 101 84 52 76 30 45 54 165 89 186 193 1,297 Tarakihi 500 493 438 272 615 882 2,268 1,826 2,300 2,732 2,400 1,475 16,201 Wellington Hake 39 63 65 66 39 16 55 17 7 149 254 230 1,000 Hapuku 770 292 377 258 456 317 1,595 649 510 753 1,110 930 8,017 Ling 89 218 564 363 757 501 1,509 321 238 133 405 322 5,420 Tarakihi 1,126 2,473 2,986 1,334 1,863 324 2,037 2,010 1,142 1,024 3,631 2,505 22,455 Picton Barracouta 2 1 2 107 21 47 28 10 3 221 Blue cod 28 4 81 22 2 5 "5 "5 "2 12 12 27 205 Hapuku 290 212 161 96 173 209 303 15 10 120 459 383 2,431 Sardine .. 52 45 97 Lyttelton Elephant-fish 178 87 57 74 60 41 89 67 117 301 164 178 1,413 Gurnard 43 86 284 140 52 29 33 34 202 75 47 80 1.105 Ling 137 153 147 249 150 179 296 112 158 174 301 222 2; 278 Tarakihi 219 62 89 855 1,397 602 1,854 558 904 1,030 972 353 8,895 Timaru Elephant-fish 162 131 84 48 229 40 99 21 92 156 405 247 1,714 Flounder 414 305 176 270 328 464 454 421 512 478 345 151 4,318 Gurnard 30 150 173 85 102 39 515 162 310 118 135 232 2,051 Hapuku 120 162 442 426 295 179 165 21 10 65 269 406 2,560 Ling 164 138 456 327 642 421 1,012 186 71 70 146 184 3,81.7 Sole 74 175 352 146 227 48 643 217 417 116 104 133 2,652 Port Chalmers Barracouta 1,666 2,427 3,701 1,660 1,002 198 224 29 56 34 890 2,051 13,938 Flounder 101 159 85 33 27 47 132 109 138 11 88 132 1,062 Hapuku 61 82 125 158 310 69 101 33 19 138 204 118 1,418 Bed cod 502 285 130 241 268 216 349 146 92 26 106 175 2,536 Sole 687 679 952 1,225 918 414 912 387 749 982 1,936 1,122 10,963 ■Stewart Island, Blue cod 838 1,599 2,290 1,703 953 1,097 2,667 876 1 466 303 26 12,819 Hapuku 53 112 159 151 85 64 116 17 10 21 788 Nelson Flounder 1 45 42 18 120 18 25 4 5 12 7 8. 305 Gurnard 60 140 333 107 145 100 167 180 233 240 139 61 1,905 Snapper 298 101 348 556 726 389 629 412 430 777 815 572 6,053


Table VII. —Showing the Number of Sacks and Value of the Oysters obtained in the Dominion during the Year ended 31st December, 1947

Table VIII.—Showing the Number and Species of Whales taken off the New Zealand Coast, with Quantity of Products, for the Year ended 31st December, 1947

Table IX.—Showing the Total Quantity and Value of Fish and Shell-fish imported into and exported from New Zaaland during the Year ended 31st December, 1947 Fish and Shell-fish imported.


j Locality. Quantity. Value. Dredge Oysters Foveaux Strait .. Sacks. 1 81,518 1 £(N.Z.) } 61,138 Rook Oysters Bay of Islands .. Whangarei Harbour Great Barrier .. Hauraki Gulf* .. Coromandel .. 2,385 210 328 1,987 370 1 )- 9,240 1 J Total 5,280 Grand total 86,798 70,378 * Browns Island 133; Motutaj Kangitoto, 610; Pakihi, 17 ; South I ra, 116; Waiheke Island, Shore, 63. 351; Ponui, 455 : Rotoroa, 147; Pakatoa, 95 :

Whaling-station. Number of Whales Taken. Species. Yield of Oil. Quantity of Other Products. Marlborough Sounds f (Picton) <J [ Total 101 9 1 Humpbacks .. Sperms Blue Tons. y 640 J Tons. /100 (bonedust). \45 (canned meat). 111

Kind of Fish. Quantity. Value. £(N.Z.) Herring (canned) 1,666,965 lb. 120,882 Salmon (canned) 679,4341b. 72,525 Sardines (canned) 1,255,5231b. 159,077 Other fish, fresh, smoked, dried, pickled, salted. 2,615 cwt. 34,825 or frozen 387,309


Fish and Shell-fish exported


Kind of Fish. Exporting Ports. j Quantity. 1 Value. Oysters, fresh Auckland 950 doz. £(N.Z.) 27 Blue cod, frozen Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Dunedin Other ports 4 cwt. 7,021 cwt. 800 cwt. 200 cwt. 7,286 cwt. 29 48,460 4,663 1,150 36,949 Total 15,311 cwt. 91,251 Flounder, frozen Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 106 cwt. 161 cwt. 248 cwt. 239 cwt. 740 1,132 1,530 1,399 Total 754 cwt. 4,801 Snapper, frozen.. Auckland Wellington 914 cwt. 1,883 cwt. 5,219 11,894 Total 2,797 cwt. 17,113 Tarakihi, frozen Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 99 cwt. 3,029 cwt. 1,319 cwt. 1,372 cwt. 691 18,853 6,664 7,094 Total 5,819 cwt. 33,302 Red cod, frozen Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 6 cwt. 90 cwt. 53 cwt. 425 cwt. 26 464 282 2,277 Total 574 cwt. 3,049 Hupuku, frozen Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 1 cwt. 24 cwt. 579 cwt. 666 cwt. 9 126 3,086 3,574 Total 1,270 cwt. 6,795 Barracouta, frozen Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 268 cwt. 740 cwt. 674 cwt. 1,672 cwt. 1,356 3,685 2,324 5,856 Total 3,354 cwt. 13,221


Fish and Shell-fish exported—continued


Kind of Fish. Exporting Ports. Quantity. Value. Sole, frozen Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 25 cwt. 136 cwt. 2,253 cwt. 1,829 cwt. £(N.Z.) 165 907 13,462 10,670 Total 4,243 cwt. 25,204 Crayfish, frozen.. Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 269 cwt. 1,599 cwt. 466 cwt. 1 cwt. 4,170 10,688 2,279 3 Total 2,335 cwt. 17,140 Other kinds*, frozen Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Dunedin Other ports 424 cwt. 3,274 cwt. 90 cwt. 809 cwt. 3,081 cwt. 2,595 18,642 396 4,283 14,427 Total 7,678 cwt. 40,343 Total export of frozen fish (including crayfish) from New Zealand 44,135 cwt. 252,219 Smoked, dried, pickled or salted .. Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports .. ... 370 cwt. 1,138 cwt. 535 cwt. 2,341 cwt. 2,293 8,038 3,319 13,883 Total 4,384 cwt. 27,533 Preserved in tins — Oysters .. Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 5,720 lb. 141 lb. 3,3001b. 32 lb. 537 12 250 4 Total 9,193 lb. 803 Whitebait Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Dunedin Other ports 72,312 lb. 101,7371b. 3,833 lb. 86,8751b. 900 lb. 14,387 19,555 797 17,941 214 Total 265,657 lb. 52,894 Toheroa Auckland Wellington 13,7781b. 329 lb. 1,065 33 Total 14,107 lb. 1,098 * Includes mussels, 74 cwt., £477 ; whitebait, 72 cwt., £1,207.


Fish and Shell-fish exported—continued

3—H 15


Kind of Pish. Exporting Ports. 1 Quantity. Value. Mussels Auckland Dunedin ,. 67 ..392 lb. 95 lb. £(N.Z.) 4,035 8 Total 67,4871b. 4,043 Crayfish Auckland Wellington Dunedin 2,9921b. 32,1231b. 25,236 lb. 457 4,106 3,754 Total 60,351 lb. 8,317 Clam chowder Auckland 1,152 lb. 54 Other kinds Auckland Wellington Dunedin Other ports 6,3121b. 27,0181b. 25,104 lb. 173,184 lb. 471 1,995 1,571 7,193 Total 231,6181b. 11,230 Value of total exports of New Zealand fish and shell-fish 358,218 Re-exports: Fish (canned) Auckland Wellington 809 lb. 231b. 91 6 Total 832 lb. 97


Table X.—Return of Land Engineers', Engine-drivers', and Electric-tram Drivers' Examinations held throughout New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1948, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates


Place. Extra First-class stationary Engineer. First-class Enginedriver. Second-class Enginedriver. locomotiveand Tractionengine Driver. Locomotiveengine Driver. Tractionengine Driver. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. P. F. Auckland .. Christchurch Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hamilton Invercargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth Palmerston North Timaru Wanganui Wellington Whangarei Other places 14 1 3 ' *7 5 2 2 1 1 2 ' 1 2 12 2 5 4 1 1 ' 1 ' "l 1 40 24 16 2 5 24 12 7 6 46 14 6 10 25 1 2 15 3 5 4 2 4 1 18 7 5 6 2 1 "3 2 ' '2 ' 1 2 1 "l 1 4 1 "l "l ' 1 Totals 41 28 240 74 9 5 9 Place. windingengine Driver. windingengine Driver. Electrictram Driver. Electric-tram Driver (Oneman Car). Cable-tram Drivers. Total. "3 O H P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. p - 1 F. a cS <5 Auckland Christchurcn Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hamilton Invercargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth Palmerston North Timaru Wanganui Wellington Whangarei Other places "l 71 45 15 2 43 6 ' '4 "5 "3 "i2 "8 I 1 .. 127 74 51 2 14 33 22 9 7 49 16 8 16 78 1 2 33 5 5 5 8 3 5 1 18 3 5 11 1 2 160 79 56 2 19 41 25 14 8 67 23 11 21 89 2 4 Totals 1 .. 176 10 8 20 509 112 621


Table XI. —Summary of Examinations for Certificates as Masters and Mates for the Year ended 31st March, 1948

Table XII.—Summary of Examinations of Marine Engineers for the Year ended 31st March, 1948


Auckland. Wellington. Totals. Total Class of Certificate. P. P.P. ■ F. P.F. P. P.P. F. P.F. P. P.P. F. P.F. Examinations Foreign - going Masters and Mates Home-trade Masters and Mates Stiver Masters Examinations in Compass Deviation Square - rigged Endorsements Tore and Aft Endorsements 5Tew Zealand Pilots 16 17 7 1 9 6 1 1 6 2 5 25 11 1 4 1 1 14 3 1 i 8 41 28 8 4 2 1 23 9 2 1 7 10 5 76 43 15 4 2 1 Totals 41 15 8 7 43 17 2 8 84 32 10 15 141

Class of Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch. Dunedin. Other Places. Totals. i j Grand Certificate. P. P.P. P. P.F. P. P.P. F. P.P. P. P.P. P. P.P. P. P.P. P. P.P. P. P. P. P.P. P. P.P. Total. I Imperial Validity 1st and 2nd Class Steam 1st and 2nd Class Motor 1st and 2nd Class Steam Endorsement 1st and 2nd Class Motor Endorsement 3 1 1 2 9 10 1 15 6 1 28 1 27 3 1 1 5 1 9 1 3 1 19 7 3 6 45 1 47 4 111 12 6 7 9 11 25 28 30 2 6 9 1 3 1 35 46 51 132 Valid in New Zealand only 3id Class Steam River Steam 1st and 2nd Coastal Motor Uiver Oil 26 1 13 45 7 2 4 29 1 12 4 12 2 5 2 4 2 7 1 2 7 1 2 39 4 67 6 26 94 28 4 9 95 6 30 103 85 13 4-6 14 11 2 10 8 41 4 193 41 234 Totals :. 93 9 13 11 71 28 14 30 13 6 2 9 11 3 8 1 41 4 228 46 41 51 366


Table XIII. —Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1948

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (678 copies), £165

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l94B.

Price Is. 3c?.]


On or near Coasts of Dominion. Outside Dominion. Total Number of Casualties reported. Nature of Casualty. Number of Vessels. Tonnage. Number of Lives lost. Number of Vessels. Tonnage. Number of lives lost. Number of Vessels. Tonnage. Number of Lives lost. Standings— Total loss Damaged Undamaged 1 5 20 748 10,751 1 I 1 5 8 I 20 748 10,751 14 11,519 14 11,519 Fires — Total loss Damaged Undamaged "4 4,779 "l ' 1 4,490 ' '4 1 4,779 4,490 "l 4 4,779 1 1 4,490 5 9,269 1 Collisions— Total loss Damaged Undamaged 1 li: 4 15,958 5,636 1 12 2 4 15,958 5,636 15 21,598 15 21,598 Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas, Lreakdown of machinery, &c. Totals 12 13,214 5 3 1,958 15 15,172 5 45 51 110 1 4 6,448 49 57,558 6

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MARINE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1947-48, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1948 Session I, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1947-48 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1948 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1947-48 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1948 Session I, H-15

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