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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

Sir, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 30th June, 1948. I have the honour to submit the annual report on the settlement of Crown lands for the year ended 31st March, 1948, together with particulars of operations under the Small Farms Act, 1932-33, the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, and the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 194-3. I have, &c., D. M. Greig, Under-Secretary. The Hon. the Minister of Lands.


GENERAL REVIEW Reports from the districts indicate that Crown tenants generally have had another satisfactory year. As at 31st March, 1948, the tenants on the books of the Department numbered 34,633, occupying a total area of approximately 17,245,075 acres. Land for all types of farming has been in very keen demand, and particular care has been exercised by the Department to ensure that any suitable Crown properties becoming available for re-selection are offered with minimum delay. Opportunities for civilian selection of Crown lands have been very limited, as all suitable blocks are required for the settlement of discharged servicemen, and additional land is still being acquired and purchased for that purpose.


Every effort has been concentrated on releasing at the earliest possible date those blocks which are being developed and subdivided for the settlement of discharged servicemen, but operations have been hampered owing to the limited supply of essential materials, particularly fencing-wire. Another delaying factor has been the erection of buildings, especially houses. Details of properties acquired and purchased for soldier settlement during the year, together with a resume of the progress made in landdevelopment operations, are given in a later section of this report. Revaluations of Crown leases and licences, in terms of section 216 of the Land Act, 1924, which were suspended during the war years, are now being undertaken. Up to the 31st March, 1948, 24 cases have been finally dealt with, and reductions in capital values totalling £29,288 were approved. Applications by 14 high-country, pastoral-run holders for a review of their annual rentals, in terms of section 277 of the Land Act, 1924, were also considered. In these cases reductions in rentals amounting to £1,675 were approved. The volume of work associated with the administration of the Discharged Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, is still heavy, and, as will be seen from the information set out later in this report, satisfactory progress has been made in dealing with transactions arising as a result of the operation of the Act. LEGISLATION Land Laws Amendment Act, 1947 t,o certain provisions of various Acts administered by the Department, and alscfsome entirely new provisions, were enacted in the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1947, which contains three Parts. Part I gives servicemen settlers, after three years' occupation of their holdings, the right to apply to the Land Settlement Board for a review of their charges. The legislation also provides that in the event of a serviceman being dissatisfied with the Land Settlement Board's decision he is to have the right of appeal to the Land Sales Court, which is to deal with each case in substantially the same manner as if it were an appeal to the Court from an order of a Land Sales Committee determining the basic value of the land under the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943. Part II contains amendments of a machinery nature to the Land Subdivision in Counties Act, 1946. Part 111 includes an amendment to section 40 of the Statutes Amendment Act, 1945, covering the disposal of Crown land for commercial purposes, and an amendment to section 52 of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, to permit the erection of caretakers' residences on domain lands. An amendment to section 3of the Swamp Drainage Amendment Act, 1928, relating to classification of lands for rating purposes, is also included in this Part of the Act. Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1947 This Act, of thirty sections, makes provision in section 15 for the extension of the term of certain Crown leases which were due to expire by effluxion of time. The necessity for this legislation arose from the fact that the Department, owing to pressure of land-settlement and other business, is not in a position at present to handle the work involved in the renewal of leases. The other sections in the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1947, are of a machinery nature, and deal with Crown lands, reserves, endowments, and other lands.



RECEIPTS The receipts for the year from all sources totalled £3,752,988. The receipts for the previous year totalled £3,249,531. Details are as follows:

POSTPONEMENTS, REMISSIONS, AND ARREARS OF RENT AND INTEREST Rents and interest the payment of which remained postponed at 31st March, 1948, amounted to £4,410. Arrears of rent and interest (including arrears in respect of the current half-yearly charge) totalled £123,344, while remissions for the year totalled £5,601. SERVICEMEN'S SETTLEMENT AND LAND SALES ACT, 19431 Applications Applications for consent to transactions filed during the year ended 31st March, 1948, numbered 41,352, which was 5,643 less than the total in the previous year and 2,547 less than in the year ending 31st March, 1946. Rural lands accounted for 5,466 applications, while those made in respect of urban properties numbered 35,886. It is considered that the present drop in applications is indicative of a return to normal conditions. The two years ending 31st March, 1947, were peak years. During that period the majority of servicemen returned to civilian life, and as a large percentage of them were prospective purchasers of properties they absorbed to a considerable extent any surplus properties available. Despatch of Work Applications disposed of during the year numbered 41,652, which is 300 more than were received. The result of this is that the number of applications outstanding at 31st March, 1948, is 300 less than the number outstanding at the corresponding period last year. The fact that the Committees dealt with more applications during the year than were received shows that the work is being kept well up to date. Reductions in Consideration-moneys Reductions in consideration-moneys directed by Land Sales Committees for the year ended 31st March, 1948, amounted to £2,733,005, which shows an increase of £207,440 on the corresponding figures for the previous year. Appeals During the year 259 appeals were lodged, as against 342 in the preceding year, Appeals which had not been disposed of at the end of the current year numbered 32, which is 2 less than the number brought forward from the previous year.


Heading. Year ended 31st March, 1948. Year ended 31st March, 1947. Rents, royalties, and interest Rates and miscellaneous receipts from drainage areas Administration charges, and other departmental receipts Sales of land, improvements, repayment of advances. &c. Farming receipts from development schemes Miscellaneous £ 1,063,727 52,134 120,262 1,046,513 1,453,660 16,692 £ 906,133 39,843 110,165 1,228,114 955,787 9,489 3,752,988 3,249,531


As will be seen from the table set out in this report, 63 appeals were withdrawn during the year. The reason why so many appeals are withdrawn is explained by the fact that for various reasons the parties concerned do not always reach a final decision by the date fixed for filing appeals. Consequently, an appeal is lodged to safeguard the position and is subsequently withdrawn after mature consideration. Of the appeals lodged during the year, only 196 were proceeded with, which represent less than \ per cent, of the applications dealt with by Land Sales Committees. The Land Sales Court has given a number of important decisions during the year on appeals relative to the interpretation of various portions of" the Act and on other major issues which have been the subject of some doubt in the minds of solicitors and valuers. These decisions of the Court have no doubt had a considerable bearing on the decline in the number of appeals now being lodged. Offences under the Act During tjie year there have been a considerable number of successful prosecutions for offences under the Act and substantial penalties have been inflicted in some instances. The Exercise of Crown Rights under Part II and Part 111 (Section 51) of the Act Details of land acquired under Parts II and 111 (section 51) of the Act are given in a later section of this report under the heading of " Land Development and Settlement of Ex-servicemen."

Return of Applications for the Year ended 31st March, 1948


Registry. Brought forward from Previous Year. Received. Granted without Hearing. Granted after Hearing. Granted subject to Conditions Refused or Withdrawn. Total finalized. Action incomplete. Farm lands — Auckland 152 1,129 496 67 457 94 1,114 167 Hamilton 159 839 604 16 105 130 855 143 Gisborne 9 165 92 7 40 11 150 24 Napier 39 317 209 10 75 25 319 37 New Plymouth 56 400 258 1 102 37 398 58 Wellington 56 511 275 4 182 44 505 62 Blenheim 14 62 28 3 ■ 28 8 67 9 Nelson 28 275 162 86 . 27 275 28 Hokitika 1 67 40 3 14 6 63 5 Christchurch 71 798 515 20 208 51 794 75 Dunedin 96 460 239 7 174 52 472 84 Invercargill 99 443 274 7 124 65 470 72 Totals 780 5,466 3,192 145 1,595 550 5,482 764 Other lands — Auckland 869 9,424 5,341 576 3,205 257 9,379 914 Hamilton 374 3,837 2,815 88 544 252 3,699 512 Gisborne 23 689 470 12 164 22 668 44 Napier 188 1,692 1,071 11 496 75 1,653 227 New Plymouth 140 1,441 827 8 532 98 1,465 116 Wellington 901 7,255 3,793 57 3,086 402 7,338 818 Blenheim 34 476 229 14 222 23 488 22 Nelson 120 1,129 751 1 336 66 1,154 95 Hokitika 34 418 249 4 146 19 418 34 Christchurch 836 5,155 2,659 77 2,582 210 5,528 463 Dunedin 381 2,950 1,391 9 1,270 289 2,959 372 Invercargill 162 1,420 833 14 480 94 1,421 161 Totals Grand totals .. 4,062 35,886 20,429 871 13,063 1,807 36,170 3,778 4,842 41,352 23,621 1,016 14,658 2,357 41,652 4,542


Reductions in Consideration directed by Land Sales Committees for Year ended 31st March, 1948

Return of Appeals filed during Year ended 31st March, 1948


Farm Lands. Other Lands. Totals. T> ' i. iiegistry. | Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. £ £ £ Auckland 428 170,182 3,327 465,6S3 3,755 635,865 Hamilton 238 130,854 1,263 173,721 1,501 304,575 -Gisborne 40 14,450 165 14,258 205 28,708 Napier 72 27,771 496 69,753 568 97,524 New Plymouth .. 102 53,764 532 76,239 634 130,003 Wellington 156 82,114 3,009 530,212 3,165 612,326 Blenheim 28 15,475 222 30,448 250 45,923 Nelson 68 18,974 304 37,885 372 56,859 Hokitika .. .. .. 13 6.664 147 23,767 160 30,431 ■Christchurch 207 107,221 2,582 328,955 2,789 436.176 Dunedin 169 58,737 1,270 176,344 1,439 235,081 Invercargill 124 53,346 471 66,188 595 119,534 Totals 1,645 739,552 13,788 1,993,453 i 15,433 2,733,005

Registry. Number brought forward from Previous Year. Number lodged. Dismissed. Allowed in Part. Allowed in Pull. Withdrawn. Referred back to Committee or adjourned. Total Number Disposed of. Number remaining 1 to be ( dealt with. Auckland Hamilton Oisborne Napier New Plymouth Wellington Blenheim Nelson Hokitika •Christchurch Dunedin Ihvercargill 9 5 3 8 2 1 3 1 2 106 34 4 19 6 39 10 6 11 17 5 2 14 8 6 2 12 2 1 4 3 58 19 4 ii 7 4 2 4 2 3 2 6 2 1 i 22 7 1 9 2 8 1 1 8 2 2 11 1 1 1 3 2 1 108 37 1 20 5 40 12 6 13 12 7 7 2 3 2 1 7 1 1 6 2 Totals 34 259 52 111 15 63 20 261 32



During the year ended 31st March, 1948, the following areas were purchased or acquired for development and for the settlement of ex-servicemen :

The total area purchased or acquired for development and for the settlement of ex-servicemen up to 31st March, 1948, is—

The number of ex-servicemen who have been established on permanent tenure or oil wages or other similar basis with the promise of permanent tenure upon completion of the development programme and the area involved at 31st March, 1948, is—

These figures do not include ex-servicemen who have been assisted by way of rehabilitation loans to purchase established farms on their own account. During the year, development operations have been hampered by the limited supply of essential materials, particularly fencing-wire, and by the difficulty in getting buildings, especially houses, erected. As sections are made available for settlement by ex-servicemen as soon as the development has been completed, it will be realized that the output of developed farms, and consequently the progress made with the settlement of ex-servicemen, is restricted by the supply difficulties.


Estimated —, — Acres. Number of Units. Purchased by voluntary negotiation 137,758 202 Acquired compulsorily under Part II, Servicemen's Settlement and Land 38,465 106 Sales Act, 1943 Acquired compulsorily under section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and 25,429 26 Land Sales Act, 1943, and capable of subdivision Acquired compulsorily under section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and 3,597 27 Land Sales Act, 1943 : Single units Totals 205,249 361

Estimate^ Acres. Number of Units. Purchased by voluntary negotiation 451,391 922 Acquired compulsorily under Part II, Servicemen's Settlement and 75,231 213 Land Sales Act, 1943 Acquired compulsorily under Section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and 84,474 195 Land Sales Act, 1943, and capable of subdivision Acquired compulsorily under section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and 29,692 175 Land Sales Act, 1943 : Single units Totals 640,788 1,505

Land District. Area. Number. Land District. Area. Number. North Auckland Auckland Hawke's Bay Gisborne Taranaki Wellington Marlborough Acres. 9,664 49,295 26,893 24,381 9,237 37,409 16,453 59 305 35 77 63 134 31 Nelson Westland Canterbury Otago Southland Acres. 1,169 73,965 37,810 18,202 12 119 54 50 Total 304,478 939


The following comments are made on development and settlement by the officers in charge of these operations in each district Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland A more liberal supply of fertilizer has resulted in an improvement to the pastures •on blocks, but until adequate fencing, building, and water-supply materials become available, settlement cannot be expedited to the extent desired. The weather in the early part of the season was ideal for dairying, but a dry spell following Christmas had an adverse effect on the farm returns. However, production generally was maintained and the stock carried on the various blocks is in good condition. Araparera (Locality: Kaukapakapa).—Area, 389 acres. Possession date, 20th November, 1941. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. One ex-serviceman was allotted an .area of 180 acres on fixed charges from Ist July, 1947. The balance of 209 acres is totally undeveloped and a full-scale programme of development will be essential before •this area is capable of settlement. Aivaroa (Locality: Ruawai). —Area, 287 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1945. Subdivision, three dairy-farms. A further area of 175 acres is being acquired, •and as all development work on the original area has been practically completed the three -ex-servicemen who have been working on wages will probably have their charges fixed .at the commencement of next dairy season. Bradley's (Locality: Te Kopuru). —Area, 1,249 acres. Possession date, 15th January, 1941. The grassing of the area has been practically completed and an extensive water-supply has been schemed. Provided fencing-materials and water-pipes ■can be obtained it is hoped that the area will be available for disposal in 1949 as dairy units. Brooklands (Locality : Papakura). —Area, 378 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1945. Subdivision, tw r o dairy-farms and one mixed farm. One dairy-farm was allotted •on fixed charges in September, 1945, and the other in July, 1947. Further development work in an endeavour to improve the pastures on the mixed farm is necessary. Cropland (Locality : Helensville). —Area, 3,170 acres. Possession date, Ist April, 1947. Subdivision, five dairy and two sheep farms. Work has been confined to renovation of pastures and fencing. New buildings required on six subdivisions, and settlement is subject to the completion of these buildings and the installation of electric power. The block is being grazed with sufficient sheep to stock the proposed sheep-farms, and cattle with the object of improving the pastures on the dairy units. Edgecumbe (Locality : Edgecumbe). —Area, 7,308 acres. Possession date, Bth August, 1936. Subdivision not yet finalized. Work was practically confined to maintenance of existing improvements. Paspalum sown last year on a trial area has become •established, but it is still too soon to determine its ash-holding qualities. The lucerne area of 25 acres is well established. All live-stock have done well. Orini (Part Edgecumbe Block). —This area was used in conjunction with Edgecumbe for fattening bullocks and cull female stock. Fair view (Locality : Waimana). —Area, 1,978 acres. Possession date, 15th June, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy and three sheep farms. A long-range development project and crushing by live-stock has continued to bring good results. A new access track was completed, and this enabled a good supply of fertilizer to be spread on the back portion of the block. Galatea (Locality : Murupara). —Area, 24,993 acres. Possession date, 1931. Complete subdivision not finally planned. Seven sections were balloted during the year and charges were fixed on two of these sections, the balance being worked on a wages basis. Forty-one ex-servicemen have now been established during the past three years, and it is expected that a further twelve will be settled in 1949. Owing to material shortages,



building progress was again slow. Development work was confined to the fencing of new subdivisions, installation of water-supplies, and the sowing of lucerne, crops, and new grass. The area of 200 acres on Kopuriki Block which was in swedes the previous year was sown in permanent pasture and a further 450 acres was cultivated and resown. A good season was experienced in the early stages, but a dry summer had an adverse effect on production. Hcimurana (Locality : Rotorua). —Area, 252 acres. Possession dates, September, and October, 1947. Subdivision not finalized. An additional area of 22 acres is being acquired and two dairy units will then be possible. Top pastures on this block had been starved and will require heavy fertilizer applications and good grazing management for restoration. New buildings and the installation of a water-supply necessary before allotment. Hillcrest (Locality : Waikiekie). —Area, 661 acres. Possession date, Ist June, 1944. Subdivision not yet finalized. A further 120 acres was prepared for grass during the year. A dairy herd was milked on shares and the production from a reduced number of cows was very satisfactory. Kaitaia (Locality Kaitaia). —Area, 2,305 acres. Possession, date, 10th April, 1934. Subdivision not finally planned. The results obtained during the year were very satisfactory, despite the fact that a fire which encroached on to the area caused considerable damage to pastures and shelter-belts. A mild winter followed by an early spring ensured an ample supply of feed, and good stocks of hay were procured. Pasture control is becoming difficult, as the peat in this area is still sinking and a large amount of timber is showing through. Kapiro (Locality : Kerikeri). —Area, 60 acres. Possession date, 1938. Proposals are being considered to increase the area of this ironstone belt to approximately 150 acres with a view to establishing an economic dairy unit. In addition to the ordinary topdressing, extra lime was applied during the year, and the area was again grazed with dairy stock. Katikati (Locality: Tauranga). —Area, 473 acres. Possession date, 25th October, 1946. Subdivision not finalized. Approximately 300 acres have been brought in from the rough and sown in grass. Maintenance work, including internal and boundary fences, has been carried out. KerepeeM (Part Pouarua Block). —A start is being made with settlement and two sections of approximately 100 acres each are being prepared. Contracts have been let for the erection of farm buildings. Most of the balance of this block is now in fairly good condition, and with the establishment of better pastures on some areas a further four or five sections will be prepared for settlement. The stocking of this area is done in conjunction with the main block and the stock in general has come through the year well. Losses from all causes have not been high, but a mild outbreak of facial eczema late in the year is causing some concern. Komiri (Locality : Pukekohe). —Area, 167 acres. Possession date, 22nd May, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. An ex-serviceman manager is employed on this block, with the promise of an undefined section. A complete new set of buildings for one section is required, but difficulty has been experienced in obtaining a contractor. Draining and fencing work and the installation of a water-supply are under way, and it is expected that one herd will be milked on the block during the coming dairy season. Kumi (Locality: Awanui). —Area, 258 acres. Possession date, 30th September, 1946. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. One herd has been milked on this area by an ex-serviceman, and it is expected that his charges will be fixed in July, 1948. Settlement of the other section is dependent on the erection of buildings. This area experienced a good spring and summer growth and a good stock of hay was harvested. The stock is in fine condition and the production returns were satisfactory.



Lake View (Locality : Ahipara).—Area 796 acres. Possession date, Ist June, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. All the proposed development work was completed by 30th June, 1947, and the two ex-servicemen were allotted their sections with charges fixed on Ist July, 1947. The balance of the area, approximately 540 acres, is not suitable for settlement of ex-servicemen. Mahuta (locality : Dargaville).—Area, 423 acres. Possession date, 24th October, 1946. Subdivision not yet planned, as negotiations are in progress for the purchase of a further 1,155 acres. With the acquisition of this area it will be possible to provide eight dairy units, and it is hoped that four of these will be ready for settlement in 1949. The work of renovating fences and pastures on approximately 223 acres was continued, and a water-supply scheme has been investigated for the whole area. Mamaranui (Locality: Dargaville).—Area, 959 acres. Possession date, Ist May, 1945. Subdivision, four farms. Three farms will be balloted shortly, and it is expected that charges will be fixed as at Ist July, 1948. Work carried out during the year included the provision of a water-supply and the erection of buildings. Mangawai (Locality : Mangawai).-—Area, 1,862 acres. Possession date, 7th July, 1935. Subdivision, eight dairy-farms. Development work consisted of regrassing 60 acres of pasture which was damaged by fires and the erection of subdivisional and boundary fences. Six new dwellings were completed and two others commenced, while all cow-sheds and implement-sheds were finished. The eight sections will be balloted in the near future. Maraetai (Locality : Maraetai).—Area, 3,300 acres. Possession date, Ist August, 1946. Subdivision, not yet finalized. It was hoped that nine sections totalling 1,300 acres would be ready for settlement by July, 1948, but it may not be possible to have the necessary buildings erected, although contracts have been let. During the year a further 1,300 acres were cultivated and sown in permanent pasture, the total area now grassed being approximately 2,300 acres. Approximately 500 acres has been cleared of scrub in preparation for sowing in the autumn of 1949. Boundary and subdivisional fences erected to date total 820 chains, and preliminary work on 360 chains of road has been completed. An area of 30 acres has been set aside as a mill-site. A temporary water-supply has been installed and an electrical reticulation survey of the block made. Matakohe (Locality: Ruawai). —Area, 1,045 acres. Possession date, 30th September, 1947. Subdivision, four dairy-farms and run-offs for these and an adjoining block (tentative). Work carried out since possession date has been confined to the renewing of boundary fences, reconditioning drains, and the control of tall fescue by mowing and heavy stocking. Matanuku (Locality: Tokoroa). —Area, 2,945 acres. Possession date, 3rd May, 1940. Subdivision, twenty farms. Two ex-servicemen, who were working on wages during the preceding twelve months, were granted leases from Ist July, 1947. Eight sections were balloted in June, 1947, on fixed charges. Eighteen sections have now been settled. Development work, including erection of buildings, is being carried out on the two remaining sections, one dairy and one sheep, and these should be ready for allotment in 1949. Matarawa (Locality: Tokoroa). —Area, 334 acres. Possession date, Ist March, 1945. Subdivision, three dairy-farms. Development work having been completed, these sections were allotted on fixed charges in September, 1947. Matarawa (Homestead). —Area, 160 acres. Possession date, 29th July, 1946. Subdivision not yet been finalized. An ex-serviceman has been milking a herd on wages since November, 1947, and he will be allotted a section when a scheme of subdivision is determined. Matariki (Locality : Whangarei).—Area, 334 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1945. Subdivision, three dairy-farms. It is expected that the three ex-servicemen who have been working on wages will be allotted their sections from July, 1948.



Approximately 40 chains of new fences were erected and the main pipe-line for the* water-supply was renewed. Twenty-five acres were cleared of stone, of which 20 acres was grassed and 5 acres cropped. Mihi (Locality: Reporoa).—Area, 26,992 acres. Possession date, Ist August, 1938. Subdivision, not finalized. Additional areas were acquired during the year and these will be developed in conjunction with this block. There was excellent growth on all pastures and very heavy yields of hay were obtained. The trial dairy herd milked on shares again maintained a high production level and on one occasion topped the list in the Reporoa group of the Auckland Herd Improvement Association. An investigation into an apparent deficiency trouble on this block was carried out by the Agriculture Department and it was established that there is a deficiency of copper in certain parts of the area. Steps have been taken to remedy this. Shortage of water is a retarding factor in the closer settlement of this area, but the possibility of linking up these blocks eventually in the Reporoa Valley reticulation scheme is under consideration. Motutapu (Locality : Hauraki Gulf). —Area, 3,606 acres. Subdivision not intended.. The areas in crop the. previous year were sown down in permanent pasture and a further 90 acres cultivated for crops. Fencing-work consisted of dismantling and re-erecting : about 50 chains. Stocking was still arranged with a view to controlling the heavily infested ratstail pastures, and this has produced good results. An excellent wool crop was obtained and stock generally wintered well. Ngutuwera (Locality : Tokoroa). —Area, 1,301 acres. Possession date, 3rd March, 1941. Subdivision, not yet finalized. This block has been grazed in conjunction with Matanuku Block. Okahukura (Locality : Wellsford). —Area, 9,041 acres. Possession date, sth March, 1945. Subdivision (tentative), twenty-three dairy and five sheep farms. Shortages of materials and labour are the contributing factors influencing development operations. To date 625 acres of established pasture has been renovated and 360 acres of gorse and scrub land has been cleared and. cultivated and of this area 200 acres sown in crops. The homestead has been completely renovated and all other farm buildings repaired and painted. An engineering survey has been carried out for the main drainage system and a drag-line excavator engaged to open up approximately 6 miles of drains. Opou (Locality: Ngatea). —Area, 573 acres. Possession date, 30th June, 1947.. Subdivision, three dairy-farms. The formation of the access road was completed by the Public Works Department and is ready for metalling. Since taking possession, 1,020 chains of old fencing has been dismantled, 100 chains repaired and reconditioned, and 698 chains of new fences erected. Five hundred and ten chains of drain bank has been graded and 110 acres of pasture harrowed. On the run-off area of 239 acres, all existing fencing has been renovated, the old cottage dismantled and removed, and the area top-dressed. Both properties have been stocked with cattle from Pouarua, and it is expected that one herd will-be milked during the coming season. Patuamahoe (Locality: Patuamahoe). —Area, 140 acres. Possession date, 31st March, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. This area was grazed during the year and contracts have been let for the erection of buildings. A water-supply is being installed and both sections will be balloted before the commencement of the 1948-49 dairy season. Pouarua {Locality : Hauraki Plains). —Area, 12,147 acres. Possession date, 10th October, 1937. Subdivision not yet planned. This block includes the Pouarua Block proper, 10,483 acres, a deep-peat area being worked on a long-term development plan ; the Kerepeehi Block, of 1,605 acres, which is a shallow-peat area now nearly ready for settlement; and an area of 58 acres which is a dairy-farm being used for experiments in mineral deficiency. On the main block most of the work during the year was confined to maintenance of drains, fences, and care of live-stock. About 70 acres of tea-tree swamp was harrowed and burnt and will be sown. The experiments in mineral



deficiency of peat lands is still being carried on by the Animal Research Division of the Department of Argiculture on an area of about 400 acres on this block. These experiments are yielding valuable results. Further experiments are being carried out by the Soil Fertility Branch on small areas of peat land. On the small dairy unit a herd of 42 cows and replacements produced over 10,000 lb. of butterfat. On account of the experiments, no stock is allowed off this section. PuJceturua (Locality: Putaruru). —Area, 540 acres. Possession date, 14th April, 1946. Subdivision, three mixed farms. Three ex-servicemen have been working on wages this season, and it is expected that the sections will be allotted on fixed charges as at Ist July, 1948. The extremely dry conditions which prevailed in February were responsible for a substantial drop in milk-production. Puriri (Locality : Kaitaia). —Area, 1,403 acres. Possession date, 6th November, 1933. Subdivision not yet finalized. The dry summer of 1947 and a late cold autumn had an adverse effect on the pastures, but the good spring and summer which followed enabled the pastures to make a wonderful recovery. There is now more feed available than has been the case for many years, and the better sward of grass appears to have checked the spread and growth of rushes. In an endeavour to further improve the pastures it is proposed to reduce the number of sheep grazed and replace them with more cattle. The production obtained for the year was satisfactory. Putibi (Locality : Edgecumbe). —Area, 1,326 acres. Possession date, 28th June, 1946. Subdivision, fourteen dairy-farms. Seven share-milkers have been operating over the whole area and butterfat-production was maintained. The new buildings are practically completed and a ballot for the remaining seven sections will be held shortly. Further internal fencing has to be erected, but it is expected that the charges on all sections will be fixed as at Ist July, 1948. Riponui (Locality : Whangarei).—Area, 912 acres. Possession dates, 301 acres on 13th December, 1945, and 611 acres on Ist September, 1947. Subdivision, five dairy-farms. The main work carried out during the year was the erection of one house and one set of farm buildings, drain-construction, and erecting new and repairing old fences. One ex-serviceman employed on wages. Rerewhakaitu (Locality: Eotorua). —Area, 12,067 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1945. Subdivision not yet planned. Maintenance work was carried out on this area and a good swede crop was obtained from 100 acres. A further 100 acres was brought in from the rough and 50 acres was sown in new grass. A heavy yield of hay was harvested from 250 acres and the surplus transferred to other blocks to assist in wintering dairy heifers. Riverside (Locality: Tangowahine).—Area, 3,967 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1946. Subdivision not yet finalized. A certain amount of progress has been made in overtaking deferred maintenance work on fences and pastures. Approximately 50 acres of the easy scrub country has been sown in permanent pasture and a further 200 acres is being prepared for grassing. Te TeJco (Locality: Edgecumbe).—Area, 399 acres. Possession date, 31st May, 1946. Subdivision, four dairy-farms. All work was completed on this block and the remaining three sections were allotted on fixed charges in July, 1947. Thompson's (Locality : Kaihere). —Area, 102 acres. Possession date, 24th November, 1944. Single-unit dairy-farm. Has been milked on wages during the past two seasons by an ex-serviceman, and it is expected that his charges will be fixed in July, 1948. Work carried out included the construction of 17£ chains of drains, the erection of 7 chains of new fencing, and widening and deepening 58| chains of drains. TikoJcopu (Locality: Helensville). Area, 4,600 acres. Possession date, 9th February, 1945. Subdivision (provisional), seven dairy and six sheep farms. About 300 acres of new grass has been sown this year and a further 250 acres is being prepared for sowing in 1949.



Tokoroa (Locality: Tokoroa). —Area, 5,201 acres. Possession date, 4th Aprils 1938. Subdivision not yet finalized. A start has been made with the subdivision, and eight dairy units were set down for settlement in July, 1948. The building contractor has commenced operations, but shortage of materials will probably delay settlement until the following year. Heavy broom has been grubbed over an area of 500 acres. An area of 200 acres has been brought in from the rough, the old swede area of 60 acres sown in permanent grass, and a further area of 40 acres sown in swedes. All live-stock on this block have been maintained in splendid condition. Waikare (Locality : Te Kauwhata). —Area, 505 acres. Possession date, 31st October,. 1946. Subdivision, five dairy-farms. Except for houses, practically all the development work, which includes fencing, draining, roading, and the installation of a water-supply,., has been completed. The sections will be balloted in July, 1948. Waikite (Locality: Rotorua). —Area, 9,677 acres. Possession date, 10th October,. 1938. Subdivision not yet planned. Maintenance work has been carried out and 1,100 acres were top-dressed, with good results. Four sections on the Whirinaki portion of this block have been set down for settlement and the buildings have been commenced.These sections should be ready for permanent allotment on Ist July, 1949. Sheep and cattle on these areas have come through in good condition. Waipapakauri (Locality: Part Waipapakauri Aerodrome). —Area, 450 acres. Until a decision is reached regarding the areas to be set aside for aeradio stations it is not possible to continue with the proposed development programme. Twenty-three chains of drains were deepened during the year. An area of approximately 160 acres was again used for dairying, the balance being grazed with run stock from Puriri Block. During the spring and summer there was an abundance of feed and an ample supply of" hay was harvested. Waitaha (Locality: Tauranga).-—Area, 168 acres. Possession date, 18th October, 1946. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. The present ex-serviceman occupier has a tenancy over the whole area until the end of the current dairy season. Roading is necessary before the area can be farmed as separate units. New dwelling and cow-shed also required. Waitolci (Locality : Te Aroha). —Area, 296 acres. Possession date, 20th June, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. Good progress has been made in preparing this property for settlement. One new house is almost completed, the old house has been renovated, and a new cow-shed and implement-shed finished. One hundred and ten chains of the main drain have been renovated with the willows blocking the waterway removed. Three hundred chains of fencing has been repaired and 23 chains of new fence erected. An ex-serviceman with the promise of a section has been milking a herd of 68 cows, and it is hoped that both sections will be allotted on fixed charges next season. Whangapoua (Locality: Coromandel). —Area, 23,505 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1946. Subdivision not finally planned. A further area of 217 acres was acquired, and this will be developed in conjunction with Whangapoua. Of the total area, approximately 2,449 acres of flat to undulating country will ultimately be subdivided into dairy-farms and the balance controlled by the State Forest Service. The work carried out during the year included the erection of three implement-sheds, minor renovations to the homestead, the sowing of 345 acres in new grass and 50 acres in crops, the erection of 360 chains of boundary fence, and the digging of 180 chains of drains. Wharere Block (Locality: Bay of Plenty).—Area, 4,941 acres. Possession date, 11th August, 1933. Subdivision not finally planned. The area now being developed is about 2,000 acres, of which approximately 1,000 acres is in grass, while the balance has reverted to swamp growth and blackberry. As this block is very low-lying, it cannot be efficiently drained by gravity alone. One flood pump has been in operation for several years and serves an area of about 400 acres, and a second station is in course of erection...



Two excavators have been operating in the district, one on improving the channel of the lower Pongakawa River and the other on the Wharere Canal and Kaikokopu Stream. Over 2 miles of drains were widened and deepened during the year, 18 miles of drains cleaned, and 3 miles 15 chains of fencing repaired. Other work included crushing blackberry and scrub and heavy harrowing of 438 acres, the formation of 21 miles of cattle and access tracks, renewing and erecting bridges, and the control of ragwort and blackberry. The season, on the whole, was a good one and stock came through the winter in good condition. The dry spell after Christmas had little effect in this area and grass was plentiful at the end of the year. Whenuanui (Locality : Ruawai).- —Area, 176 acres. Possession dates, 30th August, 1946, and 9th September, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. All development work Jhas been practically completed, with exception of the buildings, which should be ready in the near future. These sections will be balloted shortly, and it is expected that charges will be fixed as at Ist July 1948. Whiteside's (Locality : Otakiri). —Area, 97 acres. Possession date, Ist June, 1945. Single-unit dairy-farm. The development work, which included the erection of buildings, fencing, and pasture renovation, was completed. The section was allotted on fixed charges on Ist July, 1947, to the ex-serviceman who had been milking on wages during the previous season. Superintendent op Land Development, Te Kuiti The current development programme is well in hand, although the shortage of fencing and building materials causes some delay. A further nineteen sections will be balloted shortly. Arohena Block (Locality : Te Awamutu). —Area, 4,130 acres. One sheep section of 364 acres is being settled by a small-farm settler on Ist July, 1948. Concerning balance of block, 225 acres are to be cultivated, 145 acres to be sown in crops, 80 acres in grass, and 100 acres surface sown during the year. Water-supply is to be extended, and settlement is anticipated of three sections in 1949. Balance indefinite. Atua Block (Locality: Arapuni).—Balance area, 207 acres comprising two dairyfarms. Development operations were completed, and two ex-servicemen who were milking on a wages basis were established on their holdings as at Ist July, 1947. Ellicott's Block (Locality: Te Awamutu). —Balance area, 1,029 acres. One sheep section of 415 acres will be settled this year. Settlement of the remainder is being deferred pending the acquisition of additional land which is at present under investigation. Foss' Block (Locality: Pukeatua). —Area, 438 acres. Subdivision, one dairy and one sheep farm. Approximately 50 acres is to be cultivated and 100 acres surface sown. Water-supply is being improved and extended. It is anticipated that settlement will be effected in 1950. Henderson's Block (Locality : Otorohanga).—Balance area, 575 acres. The balance of this block has been subdivided into three mixed farms. Drought conditions were experienced, but stock came through in good condition. Development at present being undertaken includes farm buildings, water-supply, fencing, and farm tracks. It is proposed to settle the three subdivisions in 1949. Kaeaea Block (Locality: Aria). —Area, 1,639 acres. Work during year comprised erection of house, maintenance of fencing, and cultivation. Dry conditions were encountered, but stock emerged in fair condition-. A long-term development programme is required for this block and settlement will not be possible for some years. Kairangi Block (Locality : Cambridge).—Balance area, 320 acres, comprising one sheep-farm. Improvements, including fencing, drainage, and water-supply, were completed, and the ex-serviceman who had been working on the property on a wages basis was established on Ist July, 1947.



Karakariki Block (Locality: Whatawhata). —Balance area, 1,435 acres. This block is one of three originally acquired from the Waikato Land Settlement Society, and to date fourteen settlers have been established thereon. A considerable amount of development work is necessary on the remainder of the block and settlement will not be practicable until 1952. Kiri Block (Locality: Te Miro). —Area, 699 acres. Acquired, 3rd March, 1948. Proposed subdivision scheme, two dairy and three mixed farms. Development work will include erection of farm buildings, fencing, cultivation, and water-supply. Settlement proposals are two dairy-farms in 1949, two mixed farms in 1950, and one mixed farm in 1952. The property is being managed by an ex-serviceman with a promise of an undefined section. Kohua Block (Locality : Ngatamahine). —Balance area, 672 acres. Maintenance of fences, sowing down an area of grass, construction of new drains, and widening and deepening existing drains undertaken during the year. Settlement indefinite. Komakorau Block (Locality : Gordonton). —Balance area, 118 acres. The development operations on the remaining section (dairy) on this block have been completed. The ex-serviceman who has been milking on wages during the year will be allotted the area on fixed charges on Ist July, 1948. Kuranui Block (Locality : Morrinsville). —Area, 861 acres. Acquired, 31st January, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy and two sheep farms. Farm buildings are being erected and fencing, cultivation, and water-supply installations are being carried out. Settlement of all holdings will be effected in 1949, but if cow-sheds are completed shortly the dairy sections will be balloted and occupied on a wages basis for the 1948-49 season. Langdon's Block (Locality: Pukeatua). —Balance area, 202 acres. Subdivision, two mixed farms. A wages milker was established on one section last year and development work on the other holding will soon be completed. The wages milker on this holding will be finally settled as at Ist July, 1948. Maihiihi Block (Locality : Maihiihi). —Balance area, 335 acres. The balance of this block has been subdivided and regrouped into one dairy and one mixed farm. The small-farm settler who has been milking on the dairy unit will be established on Ist July, 1948. On the mixed farm, development work comprising erection of farm buildings, installation of water-supply, fencing, drainage, and cultivation is being undertaken. Mangamahoe Block (Locality: Otorohanga).—Balance area, 457 acres. Subdivision, one mixed and one sheep farm. Before settlement can be effected, development comprising farm buildings, fencing, and water-supply will be undertaken. In addition, an area of 27 acres of undeveloped land is to be brought in. It is anticipated that an ex-serviceman will be established on the mixed farm in 1950 and on the sheep unit by 1952. Mangaorino Block (Locality: Te Kuiti). —Area, 832 acres. Early settlement of this block is not contemplated. Work at present being undertaken includes erection of shearers' accommodation, store-sheds, sheep-dip, and cattle-yards. An area is being cultivated for crops and 66 acres is to be surface sown. Mangatea Block (Locality : Te Hoe). —Area, 298 acres. Acquired, 4th June, 1947. Subdivision, three dairy-farms. Improvements completed and being completed comprise farm buildings, water-supply, fencing, cultivation, and tracks. Production on this area was maintained and two herds on share-milking basis were milked by two returned servicemen with a promise of an undefined area. It is proposed to establish these two men and another balloted ex-serviceman on these holdings on Ist July, 1948. Mangati Block (Locality: Pirongia).—Balance area, 542 acres. Consists of two sub-blocks. Puketotara : Balance of this sub-block is one dairy section of 102 acres on which all improvements have been completed. It will be settled by ballot on Ist July, 1948. Te Tahi: Contains 440 acres of partly developed land. Access to centre and southern portion of property has yet to be carried out. Settlement is indefinite.



M afar a Block (Locality, Te Kuiti). —Balance area, 5,355 acres. A big development programme is necessary before settlement of block can be effected. This includes fencing, water-supply, drainage, roading, and the erection of farm buildings. Early settlement is not envisaged, but it may be possible to establish four ex-servicemen on sections within the next three years. Maungakawa Block (Locality: Cambridge).—Area, 958 acres. Acquired, Ist October, 1946. To be subdivided into two sheep-farms. It is anticipated that development operations will be completed in time to enable the two sections to be settled in 1949. The property is being managed by an ex-serviceman with the promise of an undefined section. Ngatamahine Block (Locality: Wairere). —Balance area, 3,353 acres. The subdivisional scheme for the balance of this block has not yet been finalized. A considerable amount of development work is still to be undertaken and early settlement is not envisaged. Despite drought conditions, stock came through the season very satisfactorily and production was equal to that obtained the previous year. Nilson's Block (Locality: Waimiha). —Area, 604 acres. This property, which is uneconomic and in an isolated position, has been carrying dry stock only. In view of these factors, the property was sold to an adjoining settler in April of 1947. Ohakune Block (Locality: Ohakune). —Area, 1,087 acres. Subdivision, five mixed farms. All improvements on the block, which included farm buildings, fencing, watersupply, and cultivation, were completed early in 1947, and four ex-servicemen and one civilian small-farm settler were established in July of that year. Oniao Block (Locality: Aria). —Area, 777 acres. Acquired, 30th April, 1946. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. It is anticipated that settlement will be effected in 1950. During the year fencing was erected and a farm track formed. Work to be completed includes four buildings, 600 chains fencing, 150 acres to be reconditioned, and drains to be widened and deepened. Oparure Block (Locality: Te Kuiti). —Area, 1,939 acres. Acquired, 19th March, 1947. The property will be subdivided into sheep-farms. Development work during the last twelve months included the erection of farm buildings, renovation of 140 chains of fencing and the cultivation of 90 acres. An adequate water-supply for this block is a problem and settlement is not anticipated for some years. Owaikura Block (Locality : Otorohanga). —Area, 446 acres. Acquired, Ist August, 1947. Subdivision, three dairy and one mixed farm. A considerable amount of development work is to be undertaken on the block, including farm buildings, water-supply, fencing, cultivation, drainage, and formation of farm tracks. Two dairy sections will be ready for settlement by ex-servicemen on Ist July, 1948. Pamotu Block (Locality : Wharepuhunga).—Area, 1,869 acres. Acquired, Ist March, 1948. It is planned to subdivide area into five mixed and three sheep farms. Development, including farm buildings and fencing, will be undertaken. Anticipate settling five mixed and one sheep unit in 1949 or 1950. Paratu Block (Locality: Walton). —Balance area, 1,891 acres. Acquired, Ist October, 1943. Subdivision, thirteen mixed and one sheep section. On Ist July, 1947, one settler was established and seven were allotted sections on a wages basis. As all improvements, comprising buildings, fencing, water-supply and regrassing, have been completed on the seven holdings, these settlers will have their charges fixed as from Ist July, 1948. It is proposed to ballot two more mixed farms on wages during the 1948-49 season. Further development is required on the remaining sections (three mixed and one sheep), but it is anticipated these will be ready for settlement in 1949-50. Parau Block (Locality, Oparau).—Area, 692 acres. Acquired, April, 1947. Subdivision, one dairy, two mixed, and one sheep farm. Before settlement can be effected a considerable amount of development work has to be undertaken. This comprises erection of farm buildings, fencing, installation of water-supply, formation of farm tracks,



and the reconditioning of 50 acres of pasture. It is estimated that ex-servicemen will be established on the four sections in 1951. The property is being managed by an ex-serviceman with a promise of an undefined section. Piha Block (Locality: Te Kuiti). —Area, 26 acres. Used mainly as a holding paddock and has been stocked for control purposes. The property was recently disposed of to an ex-serviceman for the purpose of a home and farmlet. Piko Block (Locality: Cambridge). —Area, 104 acres. Acquired, 14th February, 1947. Ex-serviceman was established on Ist July, 1947. Piu Block (Locality: Mapiu). —Balance area, 5,981 acres. A considerable amount of boundary fencing has been rebuilt during the last twelve months, 500 acres has been surface sown, and farm tracks formed. Drought conditions affected stock (with a resultant low percentage of fat beasts). Settlement is not contemplated until pastures as a whole are more permanently established. Punga Punga Block (Locality: Taumarunui). —Area, 617 acres. Acquired, Ist August, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Improvements effected and being effected include erection of farm buildings, fencing, and reconditioning of pastures. Sections will be settled on fixed charges during 1948-49 season. The property is at present being managed by an ex-serviceman with the promise of an undefined section. Pururu Block (Locality : Rangitoto). —Balance area, 1,731 acres. The balance of the block, of which a portion will be bush reserve, will be subdivided into three sheepfarms, subject to additional land being acquired, but the actual date of settlement is uncertain. Raetihi Block (Locality : Raetihi). —Balance area, 1,767 acres. The balance of this block has been subdivided into seven sheep-farms and development of these areas is well in hand. It is anticipated that the holdings will be settled by ex-servicemen in 1949. Rangarangai Block (Locality: Taumarunui). —Balance, 774 acres. Four sheep and four dairy sections have been settled to date. Additional land required to make two sheep units from balance. Rumbles' Block (Locality : Pukeatua). —Area, 379 acres. Good progress was made with development work this year and the operations included the erection of cow-shed, internal fencing, installation of water-supply, and sowing down 28 acres in permanent pasture. This is a mixed farm and will be settled by ballot in July, 1948. Tahaia Block (Locality: Otorohanga).—Area, 770 acres. In three sub-blocks. Work undertaken during the year on the 105-acre area (known as Cooper's Sub-block) includes clearing, cultivation, sowing 14 acres in grass, constructing drains, and erecting implement-shed. Additional land is required to make this sub-block economic. The second sub-block contains 556 acres of unimproved land and settlement is indefinite. The remaining property of 109 acres, which has been recently acquired, is also undeveloped, but will eventually make one dairy unit. It is anticipated that this farm will be ready for settlement in 1951. Tapuwae Block (Locality : Poro-o-torao). —Area, 3,328 acres. Development during the past year included maintenance of fences, stumping and levelling 400 acres, and sowing 40 acres in new grass. The stock are in good condition. Owing to a mineral deficiency in the soil, the use of cobalt in manures and stock-licks is essential to maintain the stock in good health. Settlement not possible at present owing to special management problems and isolated nature of locality. Tauhei Block (Locality: Tauhei). —Area, 200 acres. Acquired, June, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. One section was balloted on a wages basis last year, and as all improvements thereon have been completed will be allotted on fixed charges on Ist July, 1948. Pastures require renewing on the remaining section, the swamp portion of which was badly burnt, and it will be balloted on a wages basis for 1948-49 season.



Te Hoe Block (Locality: Ohinewai).—Area, 284 acres. Acquired, Ist November, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. All development work has been completed and the two ex-servicemen who have been working on wages will be finally established on their respective units in July, 1948. Te Mimi Block (Locality: Morrinsville). —Balance area, 166 acres. Acquired, 31st May, 1946. Subdivision, six dairy-farms. All development work, which comprised erection of farm buildings, renovations to existing buildings, fencing, roading, and installation of water-supply, has been completed. Five sections were settled on fixed charges during 1947-48, and the remaining settler, who has been working on wages, will be established as at Ist July, 1948. TePuningaßlock (Location: Morrinsville). —Acquired, 9th June, 1947. Area, 791 acres. The property has been subdivided into eight dairy-farms and will be settled by ex-servicemen on Ist July, 1948. Houses and cow-sheds have been erected or will be completed shortly and other improvements effected, including fencing, roading, and water-supply. During this season the herd of 480 cows and heifers has been milked under four separate share-milking agreements. Tokirima Block (Locality: Ohura). —Area, 1,613 acres. Acquired, 30th April, 1947. Subdivision, four sheep units. Owing to shortage of fencing-wire, settlement must be deferred until 1949. However, if erection of dwellings is completed shortly, it is proposed to ballot sections on wages. The property is being managed by an ex-serviceman with the promise of an undefined section. Vincent's Block (Locality: Otorohanga).—Area, 196 acres. A single-unit mixed farm. All development operations will be completed to enable property to be settled by ballot on Ist July, 1948. The development work includes erection and renovation of farm buildings, fencing, and cultivation. Waihuka Block (Locality : Waimiha). —Area, 2,539 acres. Weather conditions this year have been fair with no adverse effect on production. The block is carrying breedingewes, breeding-cows, and steers. Careful attention is being given to control of fern, ragwort, and rabbits, and a small area has been sown in grass. Land is subject to a mineral deficiency, cobalt being used in manures and use of stock-licks to maintain stock in good condition. Settlement will not be possible for some years. Waikuku Block (Locality: Morrinsville). —Balance area, 118 acres. Acquired, Ist April, 1946. Subdivision, ten dairy-farms. Improvements have been effected on nine sections and ex-servicemen established thereon. Cow-shed and store-shed are being erected on the remaining holding and an adequate water-supply system is being installed. This work will be completed in time to settle an ex-serviceman for the 1948-49 season. Wairama Block (Locality : Kiwitahi). —Area, 685 acres. Acquired, 3rd March, 1948. It is proposed to subdivide into four dairy and one sheep farm. Subdivisional fencing and farm buildings are to be erected, and it is anticipated that settlers will be established on dairy sections in 1950 and on the sheep unit in 1953. The property is being managed by an ex-serviceman with the promise of an undefined section. Waitanguru Block (Locality: Mairoa). —Balance area, 10,384 acres. Approximately one-fifth of this block is in native bush or otherwise unsuitable for development and a similar area reverted. A considerable amount of fencing is required in order to preserve pastures, but project curtailed due to shortage of materials. Tracks and crossings to be formed to obtain access to partly developed area. It is anticipated that three sheep-farms on this area will be available for settlement in 1949. Balance depending upon availability of fencing-wire. Walton Block (Locality : Walton). —Area, 416 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1948. Property is to be subdivided into three dairy-farms. Fencing, farm buildings, and farm tracks include development work to be undertaken. It is hoped to settle these subdivisions in 1949. The property is being managed by an ex-serviceman with the promise of an undefined section.



Watson's Block (Locality : Te Kuiti). —Area, 1,051 acres. Comprises one sheepfarm of 520 acres, the remainder of the block being set aside as a bush reserve. The sheep section was balloted last year and an ex-serviceman established thereon at 17th July, 1947. Wharepapa Block (Locality : Wharepuhunga).—Balance area, 1,364 acres. Balance subdivision, four sheep-farms. Three ex-servicemen are at present working on wages with promises of sections and it is proposed to establish them in 1949. The remaining section will be settled in 1950. The following development is to be undertaken : erection of fencing, installation of water-supply, 100 acres to be cleared, and 300 acres to be sown in grass. Whatauri Block (Locality: Wharepuhunga).—Balance, 277 acres. Subdivision, two mixed farms. All improvements have been completed and the two ex-servicemen who are at present working on wages will be allotted the sections on fixed charges as from Ist July, 1948. Whataroa Block (Locality : Te Kuiti). —Balance area, 489 acres. Seven dairy sections were allotted to ex-servicemen in 1946 and one in 1947. The balance of this block is mainly swamp and further development depends upon extensive drainage to be carried out by the Mangapu Drainage Board. Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland Batten's Block (Locality: Waipu).—Area, 1,581 acres. An abandoned Crown security, comprises sheep- and cattle-grazing country. A considerable amount of clearing and grassing is required to achieve full production, but it was not possible to proceed with this work over the past few years owing to the shortages of labour and manures. A proposal to acquire additional land to form two units did not prove feasible and the property has now been opened for general selection as a single unit with preference for ex-servicemen. Game's Property (Locality : Matakana). —Area, 246 acres. Single-unit dairy-farm. Acquired, October, 1946. Comparatively minor development was completed and the, property was allotted to an ex-serviceman as at Ist July, 1947. Ngamahanga Farm Settlement (Locality : Pakaraka).—Area, 325 acres. Purchased March, 1946. Subdivided into two dairying units, which were allotted to ex-servicemen on Ist October, 1947. Rtiaivai Farm Settlement (Locality : Ruawai). —Two properties were purchased to form this settlement; one 206 acres of river fiat and the other 322 acres of hill country. A dairying unit of 127 acres was taken from the hill country for the settlement of a Maori discharged serviceman, and the remaining areas were subdivided into three dairying units, each with a winter run-off. Two of these subdivisions were allotted to ex-servicemen as at Ist July, 1947, and the remaining unit will be allotted to an ex-serviceman at the beginning of the 1948-49 season. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland Littlejohn's (Locality : Hikutaia). —Area, 129 acres. Acquired, Ist July, 1946, subject to a share-milking agreement expiring 31st May, 1948. No development required, and the area, which comprises one dairy-farm with a run-off, will be balloted among ex-servicemen for possession on the Ist June, 1948. Ngaupari (Locality: Te Puke). —Area, 216 acres. Acquired, September and November, 1947, and subdivided into fifteen citrus units. These were balloted in November, 1947, and ten have been selected. The remaining five are available to ex-servicemen suitably graded.



Commissioner of Crown Lands, Gisborne Hihiroroa Farm Settlement (Locality: Rere). —Area, 4,476 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1947. Will settle five ex-servicemen on sheep and cattle units. Manager is ex-serviceman with promise of section, and two ex-servicemen have been allotted undefined sections on wages. Hiwinui Farm Settlement (Locality: Rere).- —Area, 7,358 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1947. To be subdivided into six sheep holdings. Manager is ex-serviceman with promise of section, and four undefined sections have been allotted to ex-servicemen on wages. Karewa Farm Settlement (Locality: Ruatoria).—Area, 1,780 acres. Acquired, Ist May, 1946. To be subdivided into two sheep and two dairy holdings. Manager ex-serviceman with promise of section. One other ex-serviceman on wages with promise of allotment. Two sheep subdivisions will be available in July, 1948. Kohanga Farm Settlement (Locality: Manutuke, near Gisborne). —Area, 30 acres. Acquired, 30th March, 1946. This area was acquired for the training and settlement of four ex-servicemen for growing sub-tropical fruits. The training has been completed, and charges are being fixed for 1948-49 season. Mangapeka Farm Settlement (Locality : Tolaga Bay).—Area, 596 acres. Acquired, 15th September, 1946. This block is to be subdivided into six dairy-farms, but still requires considerable development before settlement can be effected. Painga Farm Settlement (Locality: Wairoa). —Area, 2,950 acres. Acquired, 2nd July, 1945. Five hundred and seventy acres of standing bush has been reserved. The balance area will make two sheep units. Two ex-servicemen are on wages with promises of allotments and charges will be fixed for 1948-49 season. St. Leger Farm Settlement (Locality : Hangaroa).—Area, 5,681 acres. Acquired, 4th June, 1946. To be subdivided into four sheep-farms, but requires extensive development before units can be settled. Te Wera Farm Settlement (Locality: Matawai). —Area, 9,922 acres. Acquired, 1927. Has been developed and run as sheep and cattle station. It is expected to subdivide into five sheep units. Three ex-servicemen are on wages with promises of allotments. Waikoko Farm Settlement (Locality: Waerenga-o-kuri).—Area, 6,386 acres. Acquired, 14th February, 1947. To be subdivided into seven sheep and cattle units. Ex-serviceman manager is in charge with promise of section, and three undefined sections have been balloted by ex-servicemen on wages. Whakamaru Farm Settlement (Locality : Opotiki).-—Area, 400 acres. Acquired, 20th June, 1945. Subdivided into four mixed dairy and sheep farms, and all sections have been allotted to ex-servicemen on wages. It is expected to have the settlement of this property completed by July, 1948. Huinga Farm Settlement (Locality: Wairoa). —Area, 1,852 acres. Acquired, February, 1948. Will be subdivided into two sheep and one dairy farm. At present managed by ex-serviceman with promise of section. Managaroa Farm Settlement (Locality : Ruakituri).—Area, 8,169 acres. Acquired, May, 1947. Four sheep sections have been allotted to four ex-servicemen. Mangawehi Farm Settlement (Locality : Hangaroa).—Area, 1,348 acres. Acquired, 25th February, 1948. A single-unit sheep-farm. Rakaukaka Farm Settlement (Locality : Manutuke). —Area, 1,625 acres. Acquired, 27th February, 1948.



Commissioner op Crown Lands, Napier Ahuriri Lagoon (Locality: Napier).—Area, 7,755 acres. Development of this area was commenced in 1934. As in tlie past, all sheep came off tlie shears in excellent order and some very good sales of fat wethers were made in the early part of the season. The number of lambs fattened was a record in the history of the block. The supplementary crops of cattle, pumpkins, and mangels were again satisfactory, and these were fed out with the lucerne baled from the 60 acres on the property. A three-year development period has been formulated which aims to lay down in permanent pasture 500 acres each year and provides for at least three dairy units on the heavier country at the end of that period. A settlement comprising ten market-garden units ranging from 8 acres to 11 acres has been established on the northern end. These ex-servicemen settlers, who are at present on temporary tenancies, are making good progress considering their short period of occupancy. Bushy Range (Locality : Waipukurau).—Area, 2,511 acres. Acquired, 25th March, 1948. This property will provide three sheep-farms. Glenalvon (Locality: Tikokino). —Area, 1,242 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1948. Will give four sheep sections. Gawrie (Locality: Waipukurau).—Area, 1,859 acres. Three hundred and eighty-one acres have been acquired and added to the original 1,479 acres. Development has been delayed by shortage of materials, particularly fencing-wire, and difficulty in letting building contracts. Grasmere (Locality : Havelock North). —Area, 81 acres. Acquired, June, 1947. Subdivided into six economic orchards. The sections were balloted and allotted immediately' the Crown took possession and the development programme is now practically complete, four houses and implement-sheds being under construction and an artesian water-supply for each section being provided. The settlers grade and pack in a community packing-shed, and the cultivation and spraying is run on the same basis. Hampden (Locality: Tikokino). —Area, 929 acres. Acquired, 4th February, 1947. The development programme, except for housing, is nearing completion. Fencing programme is completed and the water scheme is well under way. Will make two sheep units. Hakowhai (Locality: Puketapu).—Area, 1,637 acres. Acquired, 28th March* 1945. Subdivided into two sheep units. Development on this block is now completed and the sections will be balloted at an early date. Hendley (Locality: Patoka). —Area, 4,398 acres. This farm settlement was allotted to the five settlers on fixed charges during the year. Kaheka (Locality: Tutira).—Area, 10,505 acres. Development is steadily going ahead. A new wool-shed was completed and a new swim dip. Some 208 chains of new fencing were erected. Due to a heavy coverage of scrub over a large portion of the run, rabbit infestation remains serious, but this is gradually being brought under control. Future developmental work provides for a considerable distance of bulldozed tracks intended to open up the back country and so facilitate the distribution of supplies to scrub-cutting operations on the block. Kakariki (Locality : Kotemaori). —Area, 19,213 acres. Development comprises giant disking of second-growth country, using this and adjacent cleared country as a base for future development operations. The rabbit menace remains serious, but strenuous efforts are being made to control the pest. Kokomoko (Locality: Wallingford). —Area, 951 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1947. Subdivided into two sheep units. Little development work remains to be done except for the erection of one dwelling, renovations to existing homestead, approximately 120 chains of fencing, and the installation of a small water-supply.



Makarini (Locality : Hastings). —-Area, 1,673 acres (approximately). Acquired, 3rd March., 1947. Subdivided into five steep-farms. The development work on this block is well under way, all the fencing except one section subdivision being completed and the water-supply is nearing completion. A contract has been let for demolition and removal of surplus buildings, and the salvaged materials will be used in the erection, of implement-sheds on other parts of the block. Three dwellings have yet to be built and two existing cottages renovated. This block was affected by the drought during the slimmer and early autumn, but has made a good recovery. One hundred and ten acres have been laid down in new grass. Miller (Locality: Hastings).—Area, 11 acres. Balloted on fixed charges during the year for orchard settlement. Development work included the building of a dwelling and implement-shed, and the construction of a water-supply pumped from an artesian bore has been completed. MoJcara (Locality: Tutira). —Area, 1,723 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1948. With development, this property is anticipated to provide two dairy-farms. Some very rough country at the back will be utilized with an adjacent abandoned Crown leasehold property for soil conservation and afforestation purposes. Mount Cameron (Locality: Puketapu). —Area, 2,009 acres. Subdivided into three sheep units. Housing contracts have been let and the water-supply is completed. Three hundred acres of scrub have been cut, and when manure becomes available this area will be top-dressed and subterranean clover sown. Approximately 30 chains of new fencing has been erected and a considerable distance renovated. Omarunui (Locality: Fernhill). —Area, 1,510 acres (approximately). This property was acquired during February, 1948, and is expected to subdivide into nine dairy units and one sheep unit. There are no buildings on the block, but little development beyond buildings, water-supply, and fencing is anticipated. Oringi (Locality : Oringi).—Area, 344 acres. The development of this area into* three dairy units is practically complete and it is anticipated that they will be disposed of on fixed charges by 30th June, 1948. Pukeatua (Locality: Dannevirke). —Area, 4,151 acres. Subdivided into fivesheep units. Development practically completed and charges will be fixed for 1948-49 season. Raupare (Locality: Hastings).—Area, 47 acres. Possession will be taken in June,. 1948. It is anticipated that the block will provide three orchard units, and approximately 10 acres will be added to Twyford Farm Settlement to help that subdivision. Two houses and two artesian water-supplies will be required. Rakaiatai (Locality: Makotuku). —Area, 1,629 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1948. It is anticipated the block will provide five sheep units. A full range of buildings as well as water-supplies and a considerable distance of new fencing will be required. RawMti (Locality : Napier).—Area, 2,144 acres. Acquired, 22nd February, 1946. Settlement of this area has been retarded by the inability to get contractors to erect: buildings ; however, the contracts are now well under way. Rabbit infestation is very serious in this area, but now gradually coming under control. Over a mile of internal roading has been reformed and reconstructed and a comprehensive water scheme has been completed on the southern area. Approximately 35 acres originally in heavy scrub have been giant disked to be sown in grass mixture this autumn. It is anticipated the block will be balloted as soon as buildings are completed. Salisbury (Locality: Maraekakaho). —Area, 1,500 acres. Acquired, 19th August, 1946. Subdivided into three sheep-farms. Settlement of this area has been held up pending the erection of buildings. Seventy acres of pastures laid down this year. The subdivisional fencing is practically completed.



Te Aim (Locality: Waipukurau). —Area, 3,869 acres. Acquired, sth February, 1948. This will be a fairly-long-term development programme to provide five sheep units. One hundred and twenty acres have been sown down in new grass, and it is proposed to sow 300 acres in crop this spring. Power is being connected to the block and a power water-supply is being investigated. A very extensive fencing and scrub-cutting programme is envisaged. Te Roto (Locality: Takapau).—Area, 1,404 acres. Four sheep units. Two sections have been allotted on permanent tenure. The development on the remaining two has been completed and the sections will be balloted on fixed charges immediately. Twyford (Locality : Hastings).—Area, 103 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Subdivided into two dairy units. To give a better subdivision, approxinately 10 acres is being added from an adjoining property. A contract has been let for the installation of water-supplies, and repair work on fencing has been completed. Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth Ball Road Farm Settlement, near Patea. —Area, 436 acres. Acquired, June, 1947. Five dairying units. Five ex-servicemen in possession on share-milking basis with promises of allotment. Development completed and charges should be fixed for 1948-49 season. Fraser Road Farm Settlement, near Eltham.—Area, acres. One unit for dairying. Possession, Ist May, 1947. One ex-serviceman settled as share-milker with promise of section. Development completed and charges should be completed for 1948-49 season. Normanby Farm Settlement, near Normanby.—Area, acres. Acquired, Ist July, 1947. Two dairy units. One ex-serviceman as share-milker with promise of a section. Development completed and remaining section will be allotted in July, 1948. OJcato Farm Settlement, Okato. —Area, 211 acres. Acquired, Ist July, 1947. Two dairying-units. Ex-serviceman share-milker with promise of a section. Development should be completed in time for allotment in July, 1948. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington The preparation of blocks for settlement has not progressed as well as was hoped, as development has been held up by shortages of labour and materials. The most serious shortage is in supplies of fencing-wire, while the delay in erection of buildings, especially on isolated blocks, is a contributing factor. All blocks came through the winter well and stock were forward. The exceptionally dry summer has had an adverse effect on both stock and crops. Wintering of stock will be affected, while winter crops have in some cases already been used and hay is in keen demand. Wheat grown in the Turakina district suffered badly from rust, resulting in very poor yields ; ravaging by the white butterfly and the aphis on swede and chou moellier crops has been severe. In spite of drought conditions it has not been found necessary to sacrifice any great numbers of stock in store condition —the acquisition of new blocks has in this respect helped considerably. Awawaro (Locality: Kimbolton).—Area, 5,117 acres. Purchased, 30th April, 1947. Subdivision, seven sheep-farms. Development comprises cutting tea-tree scrub, fencing, stumping, and erection of buildings. About 250 acres of scrub has been cut. The country is fairly hard and about four to five years' work will be necessary before settlement can safely be assured.



Auatea (Locality : Tinui). —Area, 5,931 acres. Three thousand one hundred and ninety-six acres were purchased on 28th February, 1945, and 2,735 acres were added on 11th March, 1948. Subdivision is now five sheep units. Development consistsmainly of fencing, scrub-cutting, and new buildings. It is hoped that two units will be allotted on fixed charges this season, the balance to be settled in 1949. Ckerrybank (Locality : Wanganui).—Area, 384 acres. Purchased, 29th March,. 1946. Subdivision, three dairy units (town supply), with some sheep. This was almost a derelict property when purchased, having reverted to scrub, gorse, and other noxious weeds, with a tremendous crop of variegated thistle menacing the district. An energetic development programme has been carried out, consisting of draining, cultivation* fencing, water-supplies, and erection of buildings. Three town-supply herds are being milked by the three ballotees who are installed on defined sections. Charges are to be fixed at commencement of next dairy season. Fairmont (Locality : Masterton). —Area, 538 acres. Purchased, 28th February,. 1948. One fat-lamb unit. Requires only the building of house, implement-shed, and some fencing. Section has been balloted and will be finally settled in 1949. Hurepo (Locality : Linton). —Area, 1,361 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep units. The development programme consisted of new fencing, renovation to existing buildings, grubbing of scattered gorse, erection of one new house,, new implement-shed, sheep-yards, and renovation to wool-shed. Two ex-servicemen on wages, and charges will be fixed shortly. IJiakara (Locality : Levin). —Area, 561 acres. Purchased, 31st May, 1946. Subdivisions, one dairy unit and one mixed dairy with sheep. The development programme has been completed and charges will be fixed in time for the 1947-48 season. The development programme consisted of one new dwelling, one new cow-shed and implementshed, cutting 224 acres scattered scrub and tawhini, roading, water-supply, and sheep-yards. Kahu (Locality : Mangaweka).—Area, 380 acres. Purchased, June, 1945. Single sheep unit. Development comprised new dwelling, stables, fencing, sheep-yards,, water-supply, and a small wool-shed. Final settlement will be effected for next season. Kaimatarau (Locality : Rongotea).—Area, 319 acres. Purchased, 31st October* 1946. Subdivision, five dairy-farms. Development comprised new buildings, draining, regrassing, fencing, reticulating water-supply, and roading. Three heifer herds were milked this season. Charges will be fixed in readiness for the coming season. Karere (Locality: Longburn). —Area, 203 acres. Purchased, Ist July, 1946, Subdivisions, three dairy units. The development programme consisted of renovating homestead, two new cow-sheds, and implement-sheds, fencing, tile draining of some 60 acres, internal roading, and reticulating water. The three settlers are already on the property on defined sections, and charges are now being fixed for the coming season. Kaivhatau (Locality : Mangaweka).—Area, 1,554 acres. Purchased, 6th March, 1947. Subdivisions, two sheep units. This property was settled during the season.. Koneiva (Locality: Pohangina Valley).—Area, 1,836 acres. Purchased, 27th February, 1948. Will subdivide into two sheep units. Development comprises some fencing, reticulation of water-supply, a new dwelling, implement-shed, and renovations to shearers' quarters. Charges should be fixed in time for the 1949-50 season. Kotuku (Locality : Marton). —Area, 480 acres. Purchased, 30th November, 1945. The development plan has been completed apart from the mole draining, which was delayed owing to the dry spring. The area is divided into three dairy units and one sheep unit. Housing, cow-sheds, earth dams, fencing, and draining have jbeen carried out, and the pastures have been well limed and top-dressed. All settlers are on theproperty, and charges should be fixed in readiness for the coming season.



Makirikiri (Locality : Turakina).—Area, 1,453 acres. Purchased in several pieces; initial purchase was made 28th November, 1946. Subdivisions, six fat-lamb units; and two areas of 74 acres and 50 acres approximately were allotted to adjoining exservicemen farmers with uneconomic areas. Two dwellings and implement-sheds have been erected, whilst the homestead is to be renovated and two more dwellings erected. It is aimed to fix charges in time for the 1949-50 season. Sections will be balloted as new houses become available. Manchester (Locality : Feilding). —Area, 152 acres. Purchased, 29th February, 1947. Subdivisions, two dairy units. Some difficulty experienced in letting the building contracts has caused delay in settlement. Settlement to be effected as soon as buildings are ready. Mount Steivart (Locality: Rongotea).—Area, 767 acres. Purchased, 28th May, 1947. Will be divided into three fat-lamb units and two dairy-farms. One cottage has been moved and is almost re-erected, two cow-sheds and two implement-sheds are under way, and the contract for the new dwellings has been let. Access tracks have been formed, fencing is being erected, and everything is in train for settlement for the 1949-50 season. Milson (Locality : Palmerston North). —Area, 347 acres. Purchased, Ist October, 1945. Subdivisions, five dairy-farms, and 58 acres to the Disabled Servicemen's Re-establishment League for farm-training purposes. Charges have been fixed and the five ballotees took over their sections during the season. Newton Lee (Locality : Wanganui).—Area, 3,143 acres. Acquired, 4th June, 1947. Some 1,200 acres of sand-drifts interspersed with lupins and marram grass with rough feed in between. Scheme of subdivision has been deferred in order that the various problems arising from consolidated sand country can be thoroughly investigated. The tentative scheme allows for the establishment of two fat-lamb units, two dairy units, one sheep unit, and a longer-range policy for the development of the sand country towards the coast. Some 3,000 ewes are carried. Fencing-wire is one of the needs to enable development work to proceed. Ngai (Locality : Makerua). —Area, 231 acres. Purchased, Ist July, 1947. Subdivision, three dairy units. The area was originally all swamp in flax, and when acquired was badly infested with tall fescue, and covered with cabbage-trees, stumps, and some blackberry. Some 85 acres has been stumped, ploughed, and cultivated, and is now ready for sowing in grass. A series of drains were put in with a Bay City scoop. Buildings will not be erected until more consolidation is effected. A further two years will elapse before this good land >s ready for settlement. Nireaha (Locality : Eketahuna). —Area, 197 acres. Purchased, 29th October, 1946. Subdivision, two dairy units. Development, which consisted of building one house and one cow-shed and some fencing, draining, and water reticulation, is complete. Both ballotees are on the property and charges will be fixed for 1948-49 season. Okapeci (Locality : Hihitahi). —Area, 3,198 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1947. The scheme allows for six sheep units with a small additional area to be purchased. An ex-serviceman is manager with a right to an undefined section, and three exservicemen ballotees are also on the block. Considerable difficulty is being encountered in letting the building contracts owing to access. Some 60 chains of new roading is in process of formation. Fencing-timber has been split in readiness for fencing-wire when it becomes available. Seven earth dams were constructed and some 27 acres stumping was carried out by bulldozer contract, and one bridge was built. Should be settled 1949-50. Opiki (Location: Opiki).—Area, 81 acres. Purchased, 15th May, 1946. Singleunit dairy-farm. The development programme was completed last June, and the area was handed over to the ex-serviceman ballotee on the Ist July, 1947.



Pakihikura (Locality: Rewa). —Area, 2,0*24 acres. Purchased, 7th August, 1946. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms. The development programme comprising new dwelling, renovations to existing buildings, extensive fencing, internal roading, and some metalling is almost completed, and charges are now being fixed in readiness for handing over. Pamivai (Locality : Martinborough).—Area, 7,724 acres. Purchased, 25th February, 1946. Subdivision, six sheep units. Normal farming operations have been carried on in conjunction with limited development work. Roading difficulties have now been overcome and the new access road and ford across the river to the eastern portion is completed. One new house and implement-shed have been erected, but further progress towards settlement depends on the availability of wire. Final disposal will probably not be before 1950. Pokaka (Locality : Moawhango).—Area, 2,319 acres. Purchased, 20th February, 1947. Subdivisions, three sheep units. The development programme consisted mainly of fencing, tracking, and erecting of sheep-yards, and is practically finished. Charges will be fixed and the areas handed over before the end of June, 1948. Pongaroa (Locality : Pongaroa).—Area, 12,519 acres. Purchased, 3rd March, 1948. Subdivision scheme has not yet been finalized, but will probably cut into twelve sheep units and one mixed unit. Four undefined sections are being balloted forthwith to provide labour. Final settlement will take at least three years. Pukehou (Locality: Bulls). —Area, 1,220 acres. Acquired, Ist July, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy units and one fat-lamb unit. It is hoped to fix charges in time for the coming season. Pukenui (Locality : Ohakea).—Area, 212 acres. This area was handed over by the aerodrome authorities, being surplus to their requirements. The area will subdivide into two dairy units. The programme should be completed on Ist July, 1949. Rangitane (Locality : Opiki, Palmerston North). —Area, 259 acres. Purchased in two parts, 31st March, 1947, and Ist June, 1947. Subdivisions, four dairy units. Three new houses with cow-sheds and implement-sheds have been erected, two new bores sunk, fencing erected, draining completed, one dairy herd of 60 heifers was milked, and balance of property was cleaned up with sheep and bullocks. Three units are now being balloted, in order to hand over each section on fixed charges at the Ist July, 1948. Rata (Locality: Rata).—Area, 1,050 acres. Purchased, 6th March, 1946, and 22nd March, 1948. Subdivisions, seven dairy-farms and one sheep unit. A considerable area has been cleared of stumps and approximately 160 acres has been regrassed. About 100 acres was sown in wheat this year, the yield being 33 bushels per acre. Endeavours are being made to fix charges on four dairy sections on Ist July, 1948. Two houses and implement-sheds have been erected. A large earth dam of 3,200,000 gallons capacity has been completed, and arrangements are in hand to reticulate as soon as piping comes to hand. Raukawa (Location: Palmerston North). —Area, 190 acres. Purchased, 18th March, 1947. One fat-lamb unit. Development has been completed and charges are to be fixed for next season. Riverdale (Location : Linton). —Area, 398 acres. Purchased, 25th March, 1948. Subdivision, five dairy units. Development comprises five new houses, five cow-sheds, five implement-sheds, new fencing, and reticulation of water. A little roading will be required and an extension of power lines for the new buildings. Settlement is aimed for 1949. Ruamahanga (Location: Carterton). —Area, 4,358 acres. Two thousand three hundred and eleven acres purchased 29th March, 1946 ; 2,047 acres added on 28th February, 1948. Subdivision, six fat-lamb units, two dairy, and one mixed. One dairy unit was allotted on fixed charges in October, 1947, while the second will be settled for the 1948-49 season. Development has consisted of repairing fences, drainage, and erection of buildings. Final settlement should be completed by 1950.



Tablelands (Location : Martinborough). —Area, 4,191 acres. Purchased, 31st March, 1948. Subdivision., six sheep units. This is a hilly block requiring considerable access roading. A full range of buildings is required for the six units. Final settlement will take three years. Tangimoana (Locality: Tangimoana, 22 miles from Palmerston North). —Area, 5,664 acres. This is a portion of a larger area which abounds the west coast, and comprises sand-dunes with marram and lupins and a pine plantation of some 900 acres. Some 117 acres is in grass, and a further area of approximately 65 acres has been brought in out of the rough swamp, ploughed, cultivated, and sown in grass, and about 115 chains of new draining and widening of existing drains has been completed. A large area of this land is suitable for development, but adequate supplies of fercing-material will have to be on hand first in order to keep stock from loose sand and planted areas. Taueru (Location: Taueru, Masterton). —Area, 2,026 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1948. Subdivision, two fat-lamb and one store-sheep unit. Needs only a set of buildings for each section and some fencing. Access road is expected to be completed before the winter, enabling the building programme to proceed. Final settlement should be completed during 1949. Tauroa (Location: Pahiatua).—Area, 1,623 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep units. Development has comprised renovation of both dwellings and both wool-sheds and rebuilding of boundary fences and some new subdivisional fencing. Property is in good condition in spite of drought conditions over the summer, and charges will be fixed this year. Tawanui (Locality: Kiwitea, Kimbolton). —-Area, 441 acres. Purchased, 29th March, 1946. Subdivisions, three dairy units. The development programme was completed in time for the 1947-48 season, and charges were fixed and the properties, with stock, were handed to the three settlers. Te Horo (Locality : Te Horo). —Area, 668 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1948. One mixed dairy and fat-lamb unit and four dairy-farms are proposed. Koading, bousing, draining, fencing, and reticulation of water necessary to be effected prior to settlement. Te Maipi (Locality : Masterton). —Area, 2,724 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1945. Subdivision, three sheep-farms. Development of the block was completed and final settlement effected during the year. Tikitapu (Locality : Masterton). —Area, 4,774 acres. Purchased, 27th June, 1946. Subdivision, four sheep units. Development has consisted mainly of a comprehensive building programme which has been carried out by this Department on wages and using rehabilitation trainees —result has been one new house and two new wool-sheds, all built out of salvage. Charges will be fixed on all four sections this year. Turakina (Locality : Turakina). —Area, 251 acres. Purchased, 18th April, 1946. Subdivision, two dairy units. Development programme consisting of one new house, repairs to homestead, two new cow-sheds, new fencing, gorse-grubbing, water-supply almost completed. Both settlers to take over on fixed charges on Ist July, 1948. Upoko (Locality : Masterton). —Area, 3,515 acres. Purchased, 31st March, 1947. It is proposed, with the addition of adjoining land, to settle three ex-servicemen on sheep units, with one small portion to go to an adjoining owner. Block comprises easy hill country —considerable rabbit infestation. Block should be finally disposed of this year. Wainuioru (Location: Gladstone).—Area, 5,493 acres. Purchased, Ist March, 1946. Subdivision, seven sheep units. Developments consisted of a full range of buildings for six units and considerable fencing. A road has been commenced through the southern portion of the block. Progress is sufficiently advanced for two units to be settled this year, and the balance during 1949 and 1950.



Waiohine (Locality: Grey town). —Area, 268 acres. Subdivision, one dairy unit, and four small-fruit units. Charges have been fixed on the dairy-unit, four fruit units, and two workers' home units. Three fruit units have been allotted Waipawa (Locality : Masterton). —Area, 1,176 acres. Purchased, 9th February, 1948. One sheep unit. Development consists of one new house and implementshed, fencing, and water reticulation. Final settlement will be effected next year. Ex-serviceman is in occupation on wages basis. Wairepu (Locality : Mangaweka).—Area, 1,621 acres. Purchased, 23rd February, 1948. Subdivision, two sheep units. The fencing generally is in a very bad state and an extensive programme will be necessary. Two new houses, implement-sheds, and renovated wool-shed are necessary. The country is mostly of a papa formation, with sandstone in parts. About 100 acres has reverted to tea-tree. Settlement probably by 1950. Wliareroa (Location : Paekakarilci). —Area, approximately 2,413 acres. Various areas have been added to the block from time to time, being mostly areas occupied under the Defence Emergency Regulations. The block comprises mostly flat and sandhill country with about 500 acres of steep hill country. This block is not at present available for settlement of ex-servicemen, but is farmed as a dairy unit on portion of the flats and sheep on the balance. No development work is being undertaken meantime, but renovation of fences and drains, reticulation of water for the dairying, and grubbing of lupins. An ex-serviceman milks on a. share basis. The total area includes areas which are available for grazing only. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Blenheim Development is proceeding on all areas as rapidly as possible, consistent with the difficulties experienced in obtaining fencing-materials and having buildings erected. Avondale Farm Settlement (Locality : Waihopai - Avon Valley). —Area, 21,939 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Subdivision, four sheep units. Ex-serviceman manager has been appointed with right to an undefined section. Claverley Farm Settlement (Locality: Claverley).— Area, 3,710 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Subdivision, four sheep units. Two sections were allotted on fixed charges in September, 1947, and remaining sections will be allotted on fixed charges in April, 1948. Only development completed was construction of three farm tracks and fencing of new boundary. Craigloekhart Farm Settlement (Locality : Waihopai Valley). —Area, 7,915 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Subdivision, three sheep units. The main development on this block comprises regrassing, a considerable amount of new fencing, new cattle-yards, and new buildings. Progress on regrassing has been satisfactory, but final settlement will depend oil fencing-material being available. It is anticipated that settlement will be effected in March, 1950. Dashwood Farm, Settlement (Locality: Seddon).—Area, 6,410 acres. Acquired* March, 1948. Subdivision, one sheep unit and two mixed sheep and cropping unitsThe main development will comprise the erection of three houses, three implement-sheds, two wool-sheds, regrassing, fencing, and water-supplies. A manager has been appointed with right to undefined section. Sections will be offered for ballot on completion of buildings. Davidson's Block (Locality : Kaikoura). —Area, 54 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Single-unit dairy-farm. Development work comprising drainage, fencing, water-supply, and farm tracks was carried out. During the season a herd of 23 cows is being milked. Contract for milking-shed and an implement-shed have been let, and contract for house is being negotiated. For allotment on fixed charges in August, 1948, provided buildings completed.



Elms Farm Settlement (Locality : Kaikoura). —Area 2,020 acres. Acquired, August, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy units and one sheep unit. Development work has been completed with the exception of minor work to water-supplies, fencing, and the conversion of an existing building to a wool-shed.. Renovations to two houses were carried out and also the erection of a third house. All three sections for allotment on fixed charges for 1948-49 season to ex-servicemen working on wages with promise of allotments. Old homestead area to be disposed of separately. Estate G. M. Harris' Block (Locality: Kenepuru Sound). —Area, 1,384 acres. Acquired and disposed of, December, 1947. Single sheep unit. No development. Greenhills Farm Settlement (Locality : Kaikoura). —Area, 4,909 acres. Acquired, March, 1944. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Substantial progress has been made on regrassing, renewal of fencing, erection of new buildings, and stock-yards. For allotment on fixed charges in March, 1949. One ex-serviceman on wages with promise of allotment. Molesworth.—Area, 239,600 acres. Mild weather conditions were experienced during the winter months, but heavy snow in late September followed by considerable rain and flooding continued until the end of November. Since then drought conditions have been experienced. No major development works have been undertaken during the year, the employees being engaged chiefly in the care of stock and in rabbiting. Good results have been obtained, although the rabbit pest continues to persist in some localities. The position, on the whole, is good. Pastures continued to show improvement on the hill country, more especially on those areas where considerable reduction has been made in the rabbit population during the last few years.. Stock came through the winter well and the only set-back has been a considerable loss of young calves which occurred during the September snow. The yearlings weaned and branded in September have come ahead through the summer months and go into another winter in good condition. There are some aged cows which are low in condition, but the balance of the cows and heifers are in good condition to face the coming winter. During the year visits were paid to the station and inspection made by the Awatere County Council in connection with access, by the Marlborough County Council, and the Sheep-farming Industry Commission. Visits were also paid by Dr. Allen and his assistants of the Scientific and Industrial Research Department, who carried out further sowings on the experimental area and saved seeds from established grasses for the sowing next spring of a further experimental plot. At the end of the year the cattle on the station consisted of 67 bulls, 1,771 breedingcows and heifers, 785 bullocks, and 624 calves, a total of 3,247 head. A. McDonald's Block (Locality Kaikoura). —Area, 126 acres. Acquired, 29th October, 1947. To be eventually amalgamated with other adjacent areas being acquired for development. Speeds Farm Settlement (Locality : Koromiko). —Area, 797 acres. Acquired, March, 1945. Subdivision, one mixed and. two dairy units. Development comprising stumping, draining, fencing, water-supplies, and new pastures is now nearing completion, but buildings are required on mixed unit before allotment. Two ex-servicemen on wages with promises of allotments. Upton Farm Settlement (Locality: Seddon). —Area, 1,628 acres. Acquired, November, 1947. Subdivision one sheep unit and two mixed sheep and cropping units. Development involves erection of farm buildings, renewal of practically all fences, and pasture. An ex-serviceman manager has been appointed with right to an undefined section.



Valley field Farm Settlement (Locality: Waihopai Valley). —Area, 2,505 acres. Acquired, February, 1946. Subdivision, three mixed sheep and cropping. Development programme completed with the erection of two new cottages, implement-sheds, and renewing and erecting new fences. Charges fixed and sections allotted as from July, 1947. Wairau Farm Settlement (Locality : Wairau Valley).—Area, 15,872 acres.. Acquired, September, 1947. Subdivision, five sheep units. The merino stud flock and the stud farm portion of 4,694 acres will be allotted to an ex-serviceman on Ist April, 1948. Development work of fencing, buildings, and water-supplies is proceeding. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Nelson . Four Rivers Farm Settlement (Locality : Murchison). —Area, 228 acres. Acquired, August, 1946. Allotted on fixed charges in August, 1947. Orinoco Farm Settlement (Locality : Appleby).—Area, 828 acres. Expected to provide three units each of 30 acres of tobacco land and some sheep for each unit on hills. Eight acres tobacco were harvested, the estimated amount of leaf being 2,500 lb. The return for next season should be very much better following the continued workingup of the ground. Since acquisition a full range of buildings requisite for a tobacco-farm have been completed on one unit. The block is stocked with approximately 300 ewes, 22 dairy cows, and young stock. Tobacco area is mainly Grade IV land and experiments being undertaken to ascertain whether ex-servicemen can be established as tobaccogrowers on this land. Saxton Farm Settlement (Locality : Stoke). —Area, 76 acres. Acquired, June, 1946. This has been grazed by two ex-servicemen pending decision on final utilization. Te Namu Farm Settlement (Locality: Karamea). —Area, 430 acres. Acquired, July, 1947. Of this, 124 acres is in bush and will be withheld. Subdivision, two •dairying units. Two discharged servicemen are working on wages. A new dwelling and •extension of the existing cow-shed on one unit is required. It is hoped to fix charges and settle the units at Ist July, 1948. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Hokitika Whitcombe Block (Location : Koiterangi, 20 miles east of Hokitika). —Area, 443 acres. Reconditioning pastures has proceeded. The erection of boundary fences is held up owing to lack of wire. A contract for the erection of buildings has been arranged and it is "hoped to offer three units by June, 1949. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Christchurch Progress with erection of dwellings and farm buildings has improved during the year and contractors now appear more willing to accept country work than they have in the past. However, the lack of buildings is still a big factor in delaying settlement in this district. Fencing-wire is still in very short supply and it is impossible to carry ■out the subdivision necessary for successful settlement of smaller holdings. Fertilizersupplies were again erratic, but little difficulty was experienced with lime-distribution. Ashlyn (Locality: Lyndhurst).—Area, 582 acres. Acquired, 28th July, 1947. Subdivision, two irrigation farms. This property was in a very-run-down condition when acquired and will need cleaning and building up before any new pasture is sown. An area of 261 acres has been fallowed and sown with fodder crops this season. Building -contracts have been let for renovations and erection of a new house and combined store wool-shed. An ex-serviceman manager is employed with promise of permanent tenure.



Barkerjield (Locality : Hinds). —Area, 1,922 acres. Acquired, 21st March, 1947. This block comprises light plains land and is in the Mayfield-Hinds Irrigation Scheme. Under irrigation four or five units should be possible or, alternatively, the block could be subdivided into three sheep and cropping units. It is hoped that irrigation water will be available next summer. Beckleigh (Locality : Winchester); —Area, 376 acres. Acquired, 15th September, 1947. Subdivision, one dairy, one sheep, and cropping. Renovations to buildings are required, also the erection of new milking-shed, combined shed, and piggery. This block will be settled in the coming spring if the building programme is completed. An ex-serviceman manager is employed with a right to permanent tenure. Blytheburn (Locality : Stonvhurst). —Area, 5,084 acres. Acquired, 17th March, 1948. Subdivision, five sheep and cropping farms. Development work required on this block includes four new dwellings, two implement-sheds, two wool-sheds, 463 chains of fencing, and 400 acres regrassing. Ari ex-serviceman manager is employed with a right to permanent tenure. Settlement will depend mainly on completion of buildings. Broadfields (Locality : Prebbleton). —Area, 624 acres. Acquired, Bth October, 1940. Subdivision, two mixed farms. The remaining section of 360 acres was allotted in May, 1947. Charteris (Locality: Diamond Harbour). —Area, 1,763 acres. Acquired, 30th March, 1948. Subdivision, two sheep and cattle farms. The development programme includes two new dwellings, one utility shed, one wool-shed, and access tracks. Immediate settlement of both sections is proposed. Cheviot Hills (Locality : Cheviot). —Area, 5,001 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1946. Subdivision, four sheep, one dairy. Development work was completed in September, 1947, and four ex-servicemen who had been employed on wages were allocated their sections in August. The remaining section is to be offered in April, 1948. Clarl-ville (Locality: Kaiapoi).—Area, 217 acres. Acquired, sth June, 1947. Subdivision, three town-supply dairy-farms. The buildings required are under construction, and if sufficient progress is made it is proposed to allot the sections next December. During the year work has consisted of sowing pastures and lucerne stands for the three units. An ex-serviceman manager is employed with a right to permanent tenure. Cone's (Locality: Rakaia).—Area, 134 acres. Acquired, 7th October, 1947. Subdivisions, one sheep and cropping farm after acquisition of additional area. Minor repairs to buildings are required, also 80 chains of new fencing. It is proposed to allot the section in late autumn, 1948. Graiglea (Locality : Methven). — Area, 237 acres. Acquired, 23rd March, 1948. Subdivision, three sheep and cropping farms on acquisition of further areas totalling 733 acres in April, 1948. Two new dwellings and two combined sheds are required and settlement will depend on completion of these buildings. An ex-serviceman manager is employed with a right to permanent tenure. Drornore (Locality : Ashburton). —Area, 665 acres. Acquired, 2nd December, 1941. Subdivision, one sheep-farm. Charges have been fixed, and a ballot was held on 19th March. Fighting Hill (Locality : Rakaia Gorge). —Area : 3,319 acres. Acquired, JulyAugust, 1946. Subdivision, four sheep-farms. A builder has commenced work and good progress is being made. Final settlement depends on completion of building programme, but it is hoped to allot sections in late spring, 1948, or autumn, 1949. Two ex-servicemen are employed with a right to permanent tenure. Findlay's (Locality : Eiffelton). —Area, 264 acres. Acquired, 28th March, 1947. Subdivision, one sheep and cropping farm. Development has been difficult on this isolated single unit without buildings. A bridge has been constructed over the



Catchment Board drain on the road frontage, a bore has been sunk for water-supply at the house-site, and 4 chains of metalled track have been laid down. Early offering is intended, with temporary accommodation in a cottage nearby pending erection of a dwelling. Henley's (Locality: Lincoln). —Area, 97 acres. Acquired, 15th May, 1946. Subdivision, one dairy-farm. There are no buildings on this block, and it is proposed to acquire an additional area of land with buildings to add to the block. Seventy-five acres are now in permanent pasture. Hilton (Locality: Hilton). —Area, 874 acres. Acquired, 21st August, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep and cropping farms. No development work was necessary on this property and the two sections were allotted to ex-servicemen after acquisition. Holme (Locality: Timaru).—Area, 2,605 acres. Acquired, 14th June, 1946. Subdivision, six sheep and cropping farms. A big building programme, including shifting and renovating of four houses, three new combined sheds, and renovation to two houses, is nearing completion. It is proposed to settle all sections at an early date. Two hundred tons of lime were sown during the year. Three ex-servicemen are ■employed with right to permanent tenure. Kelmont (Locality: Waikari).—Area, 1,766 acres. Acquired, 1947-48. Subdivision, four sheep and cropping units. The development programme includes three new dwellings, two new sheds, one wool-shed, 423 chains fencing, water-supply for three sections, and repairs to existing buildings. Settlement will depend on completion •of buildings and availability of fencing-material. Kenwyn (Locality : Waimate). —Area, 670 acres. Acquired, 28th March, 1946. Subdivision, three sheep and cropping farms. The three ex-servicemen employed on wages were allotted their sections on Ist July, 1947. King's (Locality : Timaru). —Area, 251 acres. Acquired, 18th September, 1946. Subdivision, one sheep and cropping farm. Thirty-four chains of new internal fencing have been erected and 94 tons of lime applied. Settlement will depend on the erection of buildings. Lauriston (Locality: Lauriston). —Area, 329 acres. Acquired, 2nd September, 1940. Subdivision, ultimately one irrigated farm. Irrigation water will not be available on this block for a number of years and temporary tenancies have been granted to adjoining Crown lessees. Leslie Hills (Locality: Hanmer). —Area, 8,312 acres. Acquired, 30th March, 1948. Subdivision, two store-sheep units. Development work required on this block will include two new dwellings, approximately 10 miles of fencing, and 1| miles of access. Settlement will depend on erection of buildings and supply of fencing-materials. Levels Valley (Locality : Timaru). —Area, 639 acres. Acquired, 27th March, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep and cropping farms. Buildings required include a new house, two combined sheds, and renovations to existing house. A contract has been let for buildings, and it is hoped to allot both sections next spring. An ex-serviceman manager is employed with right to permanent tenure. Lowland Lees (Locality : Rangiora).—Area, 670 acres. Acquired, 12th March, 1946. Subdivision, two sheep and cropping farms. The building programme is nearing completion and the block will be settled at an early date. An ex-serviceman manager is employed with right to permanent tenure, and a ballot is being held to decide the other settler in April. Meadowvale (Locality : Pleasant Point).—- Area., 274 acres. Acquired, 28th April, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. Contracts have been let for the erection of buildings, but it is doubtful if the block will be ready for settlement before the spring of 1949. Some necessary creek-protection work has been done by the Catchment Board, and 200 tons of lime have been applied to pastures.



Middlerigg (Locality: Dunsandel). —Area, 523 acres. Acquired, 2nd August, 1946. Subdivision, four dairy-farms. Contracts have been let and the builder is working on the three new houses and other farm buildings required on this block. During the year four bores have been driven, 32 chains of new fencing erected, and 50 acres of new pasture sown. Settlement depends on erection of buildings. Montalto (Locality: Mayfield). —Area, 2,631 acres. Acquired,. 20th March, 1947. Subdivision, four sheep-farms. One section was allotted in August, 1947, and it is hoped to settle the other three sections in September next. Development work during the year included re-erection of 40 chains of boundary fence. Two new dwellings and other farm buildings are required, but as yet it has not been possible to obtain a contractor for this work. Motunau (Locality: Motunau). —Area, 3,094 acres. Acquired, 20th January, 1941. Subdivision, six sheep-farms. Development work was completed during the year and six settlers took over their sections on 13th May, 1947. Mount Paul, previously named Lyndon (Locality: Waiau). —Area, 19,401 acres. Acquired, March-May, 1947. Subdivision, four sheep, five sheep and cropping. An area of 8,403 acres was added to this block during the year. Development work will include the erection of five new houses, six new utility sheds, access tracks, watersupply, and 20 miles to 25 miles of fencing. Building-work at present being undertaken is mainly renovations to existing dwellings and men's quarters to provide temporary accommodation. Four ex-servicemen are employed with rights to permanent tenure. Newlands (Locality : Ashburton). —Area, 369 acres. Acquired, Ist July, 1946. Subdivision, one irrigated fat-lamb unit. Previously part of Winchmore Irrigation Development Block and now used as a separate unit for costing and management information. An additional area of 70 acres was added to the block during the year. The block is fully developed, except for approximately 60 chains of fencing. With a much drier summer, lambs fattened readily on irrigated pasture. It is proposed to carry 750 ewes and replacements and to grow a small area of wheat for the 1948-49 season. Pinevieiv (Locality: Mayfield). —Area, 4,438 acres. Acquired, March-April, 1945, Subdivision, six sheep-farms. The remaining section on this block was allotted on 26th May, 1947. Riverview (Locality: Ealing).—Area, 540 acres. Acquired, Ist August, 1946. It was intended to hold this block with the object of acquiring other land for ultimate subdivision into irrigated units. As irrigation water is not likely to be available for a considerable time, consideration is now being given to settling the block on fixed charges as one " dry " farm. BocTdea (Locality: Lyndhurst).—Area, 525 acres. Acquired, 19th March, 1948. Subdivision, two irrigation farms on acquisition of a further 175 acres to 200 acres. Sixty-four acres have been levelled and bordered and sown down with permanent pasture in addition to 50 acres already bordered by the previous owner. Approximately 300 chains of fencing is required and settlement will depend on acquisition of additional land and supply of fencing-materials. An ex-serviceman manager is employed with right to permanent tenure. Scotsburn (Locality : Geraldine). —Area, 2,632 acres. Acquired, 21st March, 1946.. Subdivision, three sheep-farms. The three settlers on wages were allotted their sections on 30th July, 1947. Sefton (Locality: Sefton).—Area, 508 acres. Acquired, 2nd May, 1947. Subdivision, four town-supply dairy-farms. The building programme, which includes the erection of three new dwellings and four new cow-sheds, is progressing satisfactorily, and it is hoped to settle the block in September-October, 1948. Considerable work has been done in cleaning and widening drains, cutting and repairing fences.



Spring Creek (Locality : Methven). —Area, 337 acres. Acquired, 2nd December, 1946. Subdivision, one sheep and cropping unit. It was proposed to acquire sufficient adjoining land to make two irrigation farms, but this was not possible, and it is now proposed to allocate the block as one unit. Eighty-six acres of new pasture have been sown and 215 tons of lime applied. Forty-seven chains of new fencing have been erected. Stonehaven (Locality : Ruapuna).—Area, 1,285 acres. Acquired, 23rd May, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep and cropping units. No contract has yet been let for the erection of a new dwelling and combined shed and renovations to the existing dwelling, but early offering is intended with temporary accommodation for one of the settlers. Stormlea (Locality : Methven). —Area, 1,017 acres. Acquired, 30th October, 1946. Subdivision, three sheep and cropping farms. A contract has been let for the erection of a dwelling and store-shed and renovations to existing dwellings and buildings. Two hundred and seventy acres of new pasture were sown and 400 tons of lime applied. Eighty chains of new fencing were erected during the year. Three ex-servicemen are employed with right to permanent tenure and it is proposed to allot them their sections within the next few months. StoivelVs (Locality : Esk Valley).—-Area, 570 acres. Acquired, 21st July, 1947. Subdivision, one sheep and cropping farm. No progress has been made with the securing of additional land and it may be necessary to settle this block as a single unit. An ex-serviceman manager is employed. Strathallan (Locality : Eairlie). —Area, 2,341 acres. Acquired, 23rd March, 1948. Subdivision, three sheep and cropping farms. The only development required is extensive alterations to three dwellings, farm buildings, and sheep-yards, and erection of one new implement-shed and 75 chains of new fencing. It will probably be necessary to settle on wages in the first instance. Templeton (Locality : Geraldine). —Area, 184 acres. Acquired, 14th June, 1943. Subdivision, one dairy-farm. During the year a new milking-shed and yard and a new concrete piggery have been built. The block is now fully developed and ready for settlement. It will be offered next spring. Tripp (Locality : Geraldine). —Area, 665 acres. Acquired, 20th May, 1940. Subdivision, one sheep and cropping farm. This block is now almost fully developed. Mole draining over a large area has shown good results. Consideration is being given to the question of suitability of the block for settlement of an ex-serviceman. VaUtta (Locality: Ashburton). —Area, 8,815 acres. Acquired, 1940-47. Subdivision, ultimately twenty-five irrigated fat-lamb units. This, block lies within the proposed Valetta-Tinwaid Irrigation Scheme. No irrigation water will be available for some years and the block is being farmed on a maintenance basis. Vieivbrae, previously named Chambers (Locality: Methven). —Area, 485 acres. Acquired, Ist October, 1946. Subdivision, two irrigation farms. An area of 70 acres to 80 acres is to be added to this block to strengthen the units, and the block will be settled as soon as this is done. Builders are working on the new dwelling and wool-shed. An ex-serviceman manager is employed with right to permanent tenure. Waikakahi (Locality : Waimate). —Area, 766 acres. Acquired, 22nd August, 1940. Subdivision, five dairy-farms. Four sections, totalling 611 acres, were allotted to settlers in August, 1947. The remaining section is to be settled next spring. A builder is at present working on the block and should soon complete the building programme. Waratah (Locality: Fairlie). —Area, 4,743 acres. Acquired, 15th May, 1945. Subdivision, two sheep-grazing farms. The two ex-servicemen employed on wages were allotted their sections on 28th July, 1947.

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Winchmore (Locality: Ashburton). —Area, 4,067 acres. Acquired, November, 1944, to May, 1947. Subdivisions, not yet finalized. This block, within the AshburtonLyndhurst Irrigation Scheme, extends from Lauriston to Dromore. One property was added to the block during the year. This season an area of 245 acres has been borderdyked and sown with permanent pasture and lucerne, bringing the total area to 817 acres. During the summer approximately 500 acres was regularly watered and received up to 2 ft. of water. The dry season resulted in all irrigated pastures being heavily stocked, and they stood the test well. Stock have done well and lambs have fattened and killed at good weights. A builder has started on the erection of three new houses, and a contract has been let for repairs to two houses. Five ex-servicemen are employed on wages with promise of a section, and other offerings on wages are pending. Lack of fencing-wire is seriously impeding development in irrigation areas, as small enclosures are essential to control the irrigated pastures by rotational grazing. Wingjield (Locality : Rakaia). —Area, 1,500 acres. Acquired, 20th March, 1945. Subdivision, three sheep and cropping units. Four hundred acres of new pasture were sown this season with a ton of lime to the acre and 138 chains of new fencing erected. It is proposed to settle the block in autumn, 1949. Two ex-servicemen are employed on wages with a right to permanent tenure. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin The Department has made excellent progress with pasture renewal, but the continued shortage of fencing-materials and the difficulty still being experienced in having buildings erected is delaying settlement. Where possible, however, ex-servicemen are being employed on a wages basis with the promise of ultimately being allotted an undefined section. It is anticipated that five blocks, comprising nine farms, will be settled on fixed charges early in the forthcoming season. The remainder are mainly dependent on buildings being erected. Arclif (Locality : Clinton). —Area, 2,893 acres. This area reverted to the Crown in 1940. Development was completed in September and the two sections were allotted to two ex-servicemen on fixed charges. Awamangu (Locality : Balclutha). —Area, 2,945 acres. Acquired, 18th August, 1944, and 10th April, 1945. Subdivision, five sheep-farms. This block comprises undulating to hilly country suitable for fat-lamb production and agriculture. Extensive pasture renewal is almost complete and the only buildings now required are three implement-sheds. Sor-e fencing still requires to be erected, but it is anticipated that the sections will be balloted on Ist April next. Three ex-servicemen are at present employed with promises of undefined sections. Berivick (Locality : Berwick). —Area, 393 acres. Acquired, 2nd December, 1946. Subdivision, three dairy-farms. This block comprises rich flat on the Taieri Plain near Berwick. Pasture renewal has been completed and provision of buildings and extension of water reticulation is in hand. Two ex-servicemen are at present employed with promises of undefined sections. Brock Hill (Locality : Oamaru). —Area, 672 acres. Acquired, 17th December, 1945. Subdivision, two mixed farms. This block comprises good sheep and agricultural country in the Oamaru district. Development was completed in August and the two sections were allotted to ex-servicemen on fixed charges. Clinton (Locality : Clinton). —Area, 625 acres. Acquired, 3rd April, 1946. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Development was completed in September and the two sections were allotted to ex-servicemen on fixed charges.



Clydevcile (Locality : Clydevale). —Area, 1,156 acres. Acquired in three portions in September, November, and December, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. The development in this case consists mainly of pasture renewal, and a considerable portion of this has already been done. An ex-serviceman is employed as manager with the promise of an undefined section. Cranleigh (Locality : Tuapeka Mouth). —Area, 1,903 acres. Acquired, 28th March, 1947. Subdivision, three sheep-farms. Development consists of pasture renewal and erection of fencing, dwellings, and farm buildings. The bulk of the pasture renewal has been completed, and if buildings can be erected in time this property can be settled on fixed charges this year. Three ex-servicemen are employed with promises of undefined sections. Goodwood (Locality : Palmerston). —Area, 1,720 acres. Acquired, 18th July, 1946. Subdivision, four sheep-farms. Practically all the pastures required renewal, fences were in very bad condition, as were also all the buildings. Renewal of pasture and fencing has progressed fairly well, two cottages have been repaired, the wool-shed has been moved, re-erected, and extended, the stable repaired, two implements-sheds erected, dip and six dams constructed, and a commencement made with the sheep-yards. Two ex-servicemen are employed with promises of undefined sections, and a further appointment on this basis will shortly be made. Invermay (Locality: Mosgiel).—Area, 1,262 acres. Acquired, 11th February, 1946. Subdivision, three dairy-farms and one sheep and agriculture unit. The regrassing of the dairy-farms is completed. Island Cliff (Locality : Ngapara). —Area, 2,504 acres. Acquired, 24th March, 1944. Subdivision, five sheep and agriculture farms. A scheme of water reticulation is in hand, the renewal of pastures has been substantially completed, also the fencing. The development of one unit was completed in September and the section was allotted to an ex-serviceman on fixed charges. Two ex-servicemen have been appointed to commence duties shortly with promises of undefined sections. Kuriwao (Locality : Waipahi).—Area, 453 acres. This area reverted to the Crown in 1941. One sheep unit. Development is substantially complete and it is anticipated that the unit will be allotted on fixed charges this year. Maryhill (Locality : Berwick).—Area, 1,178 acres. Acquired, 15th August, 1946. Single-unit sheep-farm. Development almost completed and the unit will be offered to the ex-serviceman manager who has a promise of the section at fixed charges on Ist July, 1948. Matau (Locality: Inchclutha). —Area, 201 acres. Acquired, 23rd June, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy units. Development consisted of pasture renewal, erection of buildings, and fencing. Pasture renewal has been completed and, provided buildings are erected, settlement on fixed charges can be effected this year. Two ex-servicemen are employed with promises of undefined sections. Moa Flat (Locality : Heriot). —Area, 15,036 acres. Acquired, 17th March, 1947. Subdivision, three sheep-farms, and one farm suitable for fat-lamb production and cropping. Extensive development programme, including pasture renewal, fencing, buildings, repairs to existing buildings, and provision of pumps for water-supply. Fair progress has been made with pasture renewal, fencing, and repairs. Three ex-servicemen are employed with promises of undefined sections. Moeraki (Locality : Hampden).—Area, 3,451 acres. Acquired, 28th March, 1947. Subdivision, ten to thirteen sheep-farms (tentative). Extensive development required. Good progress has been made with pasture renewal, but fencing is held up owing to lack of materials. One ex-serviceman is employed with the promise of an undefined section and a further appointment on this basis will be made shortly.



Moyola (Locality : Heriot). —Area, 973 acres. Acquired, Ist May, 1946. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Pasture renewal is completed, but fencing is held up owing to lack of materials. A start has been made with the building programme. It is hoped to allot the sections on fixed charges during 1948. Two ex-servicemen are employed with promises of undefined sections. Ripplebtirn (Locality : Balclutha). —Area, 733 acres. Acquired, 31st July, 1945. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Good progress has been made with pasture renewal, but fencing is held up because of shortage of materials. It is anticipated that this block will be ready for settlement in 1949. Taipo Hill (Locality: Kakanui). —Area, 468 acres. Acquired, Ist March, 1944. Subdivision, two sheep and cropping farms. All development has been completed except buildings, which are in the final stages. The units will be allotted on fixed charges on Ist Jul}', 1948, to the two ex-servicemen who at present have promises of undefined sections. Te Houka (Locality : Clinton). —Area, 1,462 acres. This area reverted to the Crown in 1941. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Considerable development work has been completed, and it is anticipated that the two sections will be allotted on fixed charges this year to the two ex-servicemen who are at present employed with promises of undefined sections. Thorndale (Locality : Edievale). — Area, 1,766 acres. Acquired, 4th April, 1946. Subdivision, three .sheep and cropping farms. The bulk of the development work has been completed, and if the building-work can be completed it will be possible to allot the three sections on fixed charges this year. Two ex-servicemen are employed with promises of undefined sections. Viewmont (Locality : Waikaka). —Area, 1,175 acres. Acquired, 12th April, 1945. Subdivision, two sheep and cropping farms. Development was completed in September and two ex-servicemen were settled on fixed charges. Waiwera (Locality: Waiwera). —Area, 869 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. One sheep-farm. Development consists mainly of a building programme and a considerable amount of pasture renewal. Wakatipu (Locality : Queenstown). —Area, 1,005 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Subdivision, two sheep and cropping units. Yery little development is required and it is considered that the units can be disposed of on fixed charges this year. An ex-serviceman manager has been appointed with the promise of an undefined section. Wharetoa (Locality: Clydevale).—Area, 872 acres. Acquired, March, 1948. Subdivision, one sheep and cropping farm. Development consists mainly of pasture renewal. An ex-serviceman is employed with promise of allotment. Willowburn (Locality : Clinton). —Area, 4,658 acres. Acquired, 12th April, 1946. Subdivision, three sheep farms. Most of the pasture renewal has been completed, but settlement is still held up pending erection of buildings and fences. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill Satisfactory progress was made with all development operations except fencing. Although the building situation is a little uncertain, lack of fencing-wire is now regarded in Southland as the chief impediment to land-settlement. Weather conditions throughout the year were exceptionally good, ample supplies of feed being available at all times. Stock came through the winter in excellent condition. Difficulty was experienced in obtaining supplies of manure for the spring sowing of crops, and lateness of delivery prevented sowing at the most suitable times. This was particularly the case with turnips for winter feed.



Lambing percentages were good, but weights of drafts off the mother were slightly lower than in previous seasons. On the other hand, with plentiful supplies of lambfeed available, subsequent drafts of lambs were heavier. Hay and oat crops were harvested in splendid condition and much earlier than usual. Balfour (Locality : Balfour). —Area, 1,363 acres. Acquired, 21st January, 1946. Subdivision, three sheep-farms. Regrassing and drainage operations have been completed and the building programme is well advanced. Although some 90 chains of fencing have yet to be completed, it is anticipated that the sections will be ready for permanent allotment in July, 1948 to the three ex-servicemen who have been working on the property since acquisition. Dacre (Locality: Dacre). —Area, 634 acres. Acquired, 10th June, 1946. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Development programme, including extensive drainage improvements and the clearing of 62 acres of bush and scrub, has been practically completed, except for fencing and buildings. Of the two new houses to be provided, one is in course of erection and tenders have been called for erection of the second. Two ex-servicemen have been employed on wages since acquisition, and it is planned to allot to them at an early date. Drumfern (Locality : Dipton).—Area, 7,319 acres. Acquired, Ist October, 1947. Subdivision, three or four sheep-farms. This property consists of approximately 1,500 acres of poor to medium pastures, the balance tussock hills. The preparations of this property for settlement will involve an extensive development programme, including regrassing, fencing, drainage, and buildings, and it is not expected that it can be completed before 1952. Eastern Bush (Locality : Orawia).—Area, 938 acres. Acquired, 14th December, 1945. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Building and drainage programmes have been completed, but a fair amount of fencing has yet to be done. Two ex-servicemen with promises of sections are working on the property. It is planned to allot a section to one of these two men at an early date. The other section is more backward and cannot be allotted until July, 1949. Granvue (Locality: Otautau). —Area, 578 acres. Acquired, 24th April, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. The principal development consists of the erection of one house, one implement-shed, and 130 chains of fencing. Sixty-seven acres have been regrassed, but no progress has been made with fencing. The settlement of two ex-servicemen who have been working on the property since acquisition is planned for July, 1949. Karara (Locality : Tuatapere).—Area, 709 acres. Acquired, Ist September, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Development programme consists of 300 acres of regrassing, 240 chains of fencing, and the erection of two houses, one wool-shed, two implement-sheds, and a dip. Forty-five acres have been regrassed to date and a further 51 acres are at present under cultivation. Sixty chains of fences have been repaired. Property will be ready for allotment on fixed charges to two ex-servicemen in July, 1950. These two men have been working on the property since acquisition. Kenilworth (Locality : Pine Bush). —Area, 3,055 acres. Acquired, 20th September, 1945, 1,736 acres, but an adjoining area of 1,319 acres acquired in March, 1947, was added. Subdivision, seven sheep-farms. In an extensive development programme, 660 acres have been regrassed, 190 chains of main channels have been excavated, and the formation of 128 chains of new road is practically completed. Five ex-servicemen with promises of sections are working on the property. Allotment of five sections in 1949 and two in 1950 will be made, provided fencing-materials become available.



Kinacraig (Locality : Balfour). —Area, 1,186 acres. Acquired, 31st August, 1947, Subdivision, three sheep-farms. Development programme comprises 600 acres of regrassing, 400 chains of draining, and'the erection of 215 chains of new fences, two houses, one wool-shed, and three implement-sheds. One hundred and twenty-four acres have been regrassed to date and a further 92 acres are under crop. Apart from repairs, no progress has been made with fencing. Three hundred and eleven chains of channels have been excavated. Three ex-servicemen have been working on the property since acquisition and allotments to them on fixed charges is planned for July, 1950. Mararua (Locality: Edendale).- —Area, 359 acres. Acquired, Ist July, 1947. Subdivision, three dairy-farms. The development programme consists of the erection of three houses, three cow-sheds, three implement-sheds, and 420 chains of fencing, besides the provision of an adequate water-supply. Two ex-servicemen with promises of sections have been working on the property since acquisition. Allotment of the three sections is planned for July, 1949, assuming that fencing-materials become available. * Robirihood (Locality : Mataura Island). —Area, 1,742 acres. Acquired, 10th April, 1945. Subdivision, three sheep-farms. One section comprising 533 acres was allotted in September, 1945, and it is planned to allot a second section in July, 1948. It is anticipated that the remaining section will be ready for settlement in 1950. Of the area under control during the year (1,208 acres), 349 acres have been regrassed and 296 chains of fencing have received attention, chiefly in the nature of major repairs. One implement-shed and one dip have been constructed, and a contract has been let for the erection of a second implement-shed, and the extension of a small cottage into a normal five-roomed dwelling. RotMe (Locality: Thornbury).—Area, 828 acres. Acquired, 10th July, 1947. An area of 50 acres is being transferred to an ex-serviceman who holds an uneconomic area adjoining. It is planned to subdivide the remaining 778 acres into three sheepfarms. The development programme consists of 170 acres of regrassing, 170 chains of fencing, 230 chains of drains per excavator, and the erection of two dwellings, two implement-sheds, and two sheep-yards. Of this programme, 65 acres have been regrassed, a further area of 91 acres cultivated, and 146 chains of drains were excavated during the year. Allotment on fixed charges will be made in 1949 to three ex-servicemen who have been working on the property since acquisition. Ruahine (Locality: Pahia). —Area, 1,195 acres. Acquired, Ist March, 1946. Subdivision, two sheep and one dairy farm. The extensive development programme planned for this property includes the clearing of 236 acres of bush, the excavation of 250 chains of main channels, 500 chains of tile drains, and the erection of two dwellings, one wool-shed, one cow-byre, and three implement-sheds. Progress to date includes the clearing of 65 acres stumps, bush, and gorse, the erection of 200 chains of new fences (chiefly old wire), and repairs to 338 chains of fences, main house, and cottage. Settlement cannot take place before July, 1950. Southdoivn (Locality : Mataura). —Area, 5,645 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1947. Subdivision, eleven sheep-farms. Complete development programme includes 17 miles of fencing, the formation of 2 miles of roads, the erection of four houses, and the enlarging of three other houses. It is proposed to concentrate upon six sections which are more advanced as regards fencing. It is hoped to have these six sections ready for allotment in July, 1949. Settlement of the other five sections will depend upon the availability of fencing-wire. Spur Head (Locality : Edendale). —Area, 2,223 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1941. Subdivision, six sheep-farms. Considerable development progress has been made to date. The outstanding items include the erection of four dwellings, one wool-shed,



and three implement-sheds, and the erection of 16 miles of fencing. A contract has been let for erection of the four houses, and erection of the other buildings is in hand. Settlement in July, 1949, will depend solely upon the availability of fencing-wire. Strathlane (Locality: Drummond). —Area, -±4O acres. Acquired, 30th April, 1945. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. This property was allotted on fixed charges as from Ist August, 1947, to two ex-servicemen who had been working on the property since acquisition. Tysoe (Locality : Morton Mains). —Area, 669 acres. Acquired, Ist April, 1946. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Allotted on fixed charges to two ex-servicemen in August, 1947. STATISTICAL SCHEDULES AND TABLES Table A.—Contains particulars of the properties purchased by negotiation for the settlement of ex-servicemen and of which possession was taken during the period Ist April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948. Table B.—Contains particulars of the properties capable of subdivision into two or more units which were acquired under section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948. Table C. —Contains particulars of the properties acquired under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948. Table D.—Shows the total number of units and cost of acquisition of single-unit properties acquired under section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948, and the properties acquired under this legislation from Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1948. Table E.—Contains details of the actual expenditure during the year under annual appropriations on the purchase of land and improvements and on development and farming operations. Corresponding figures for the previous year are included. Table F. —Shows the amount of profits and losses ascertained during the period Ist April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948, on the disposal of blocks. Statistical Schedules. —These schedules contain more particular detail and information in respect of the blocks under development at 31st March, 1948. The schedules cover only areas which have been farmed and have been under development by the Department for a complete year as at 31st March, 1948. All the blocks, except the Molesworth Run (Marlborough), which is still subject to the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, are now subject to the Small Farms Act, 1932-33. Such blocks as have been specially purchased or acquired for the settlement of ex-servicemen have their names printed in bold type. Receipts for the year (item 11, Statistical Schedules), cover actual cash received during the financial year 1947-48, and include moneys received during that year for 1946-47 produce. Produce unsold or unpaid for as at 31st March, 1948, has been excluded fiom revenue figures.



Table A.—Return of Properties purchased by Negotiation and Possession taken during Period 1st April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Purchase-price. Type of Farming. Estimated Number of Subdivisions. A. R. p. £ s. d. E. Anderson Estate of E. M. Mclntyre Estate of E. K., J. 6., and T. R. Coates P. E. and E. Y. Le Feuvre Helensville Kaikohe Matakohe Ruawai Grosland Matakohe Part Whenuanui •3,170 1,531 1,044 40 1 1 3 3 06-4 30 37-2 13-3 34,000 12,000 16,500 1,624 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dairy Purchased for Maori exservicemen Dairy Addition to Whenuanui Settlement 2 5 4 R. T. Davies E. E. Vaile .. C. Eieldhouse Estate of J. J. Patterson Estate of W. S. and A. I. Carter W. A. Jefferis Estate of A. 0. Wheeler Maori Trustee Meads and Mills W. J. Alexander A. J. Bradey Estate of H. H. Peake 0. McCutchan Maori Affairs Department Estate of W. Muir S. G. Davies Lichtenstein and Arnoldson Oparau Broadlands Te Aroha Morrinsville , .. Te Hoe Te Kauwhata.. Ngatea Otorohanga .. Taumarunui .. Otorohanga .. Oparau Te Puke Rangiriri Tahaia Rotorua Coromandel .. Rotorua Parau Part Mihi Waitoki Te Puninga . . Mangatea Part Waikare Opou Part Mangamahoe Punga Punga Owaikura Part Parau Ngaupari Part Tahaia .. Part Hamurana Part Whangapoua 487 1,545 296 783 298 46 573 28 617 446 205 100 4,990 109 29 217 3,445 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 3 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 08 30 11 35 25 05 2210 20 00 30 00 3200 00 16 28 2 8 9,128 3,090 9,050 32,916 10,751 1,744 10,761 94 11,130 12,650 2,311 4,925 28,000 492 515 3,700 22,823 0 17 0 3 12 18 14 0 0 0 3 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 6 0 9 6 5 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 / Sheep \ Dairy Sheep Dairy Dairy Dairy Addition to Waikare Settlement Dairy Addition to Mangamahoe Settlement Sheep Dairy Dairy Citrus fruit Sheep Dairy. Transferred from Maori Affairs Department Addition to Hamurana Settlement Addition to Whangapoua Settlement Purchased for Maori exservicemen. 1 1 4 2 8 3 3 2 4 2 8 4 1 Mrs. E. Carter Estate of Spence Wharepuhunga Raukiture Pamotu Mangaroa 1,869 8,169 3 1 33 044 " 34,594 45,000 0 0 0 0 $ Sheep \Dairy.. Sheep .. 5 1 4 H. M. £. de Latour Wairoa Huinga 1,925 0 00 15,000 0 0 / Sheep \ Dairy.. 2 1



Estate of E. H. Williams .. Hastings .. Grasmere .. 81 2 14 18,500 0 0 Orchards .. .. 6 H. Hassell .. .. .. Hastings .. Grasmere .. 0 0 21-4 20 0 0 Addition to Grasmere Settlement A. F. and I. McKenzie .. Waipukurau .. Te Awa .. 3,869 2 00 30,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 5 T. 0. Lowry .. .. .. Puketapu .. Omaranui .. 777 0 00 18,000 0 0 '' " 2 H. Neagle .. .. .. Puketapu .. Omaranui .. 148 0 18 6,700 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 J. H. Winter .. .. Tutira .. Mokara .. 1,723 0 00 6,275 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 Estate of H. H. Pharazyn .. Waipukurau .. Bushy Range 2,509 2 00 24,250 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 3 Estate of E. G. Rathbone .. Waipawa .. Glenalvon .. 1,242 3 02 24,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 4 T.H.Grant .. .. .. Tokirima .. Tokirima .. 1,604 2 24 19,255 16 0 Sheep .. .. .. 4 A.F.Simons .. .. Okato .. Okato .. 211 0 26 8,756 19 9 Dairy .. .. .. 2 J. E. Startup.. .. .. Normanby .. Normanby .. 170 3 15 9,158 5 11 Dairy .. .. .. 2 Estate of C. E. Johnston .. Eeilding .. Awawaro .. 5,117 1 15 48,614 15 4 Sheep .. .. .. 7 D. F. Gorringe .. . . Mangaweka . . Part Kawhatau 55 0 36 552 5 0 Addition to Kawhatau C. J. Dalgety .. .. Mangaweka . . Part Kawhatau 58 0 39 407 14 0 Addition to Kawhatau H. Seifert .. .. .. Palmerston Rangitane .. 259 1 08-2 15,558 1 6 Dairy .. .. .. 4 North J. B. and A. B. Bradley .. Palmerston Mount Stewart 767 2 24 38,382 10 0 Sheep .. .. .. 3 North Estate of F. H. and E. S. Sehultze Turakina .. Part Makiri- 251 0 00 8,785 0 0 Dairy. Addition to Makiri- 2 kiri kiri Morgan Trust .. .. Wanganui .. Part Newton 794 1 00 Not fixed Addition to Newton Lee .. Lee Estate of J. Snell .. .. Carterton .. Part Ruama- 02 31 618 9 Addition to Ruamahanga hanga J. Mol. Sehultze .. Turakina .. Part Makiri- 6 3 07 2,050 0 0 Addition to Makirikiri kiri Estate of E. T. Williams .. Masterton .. Waipawa .. 1,176 2 00 9,412 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 1 Estate of A. Anderson. . .. Taihape .. Wairepu .. 1,621 0 00 18,236 5 0 Sheep .. .. .. 2 F. B. Grotrian .. .. Pohangina Konewa .. 1,836 0 27 21,750 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 2 Estate of B. Speedy .. .. Carterton .. Part Ruama- 1 2 13-5 21 7 9 Addition to Ruamahanga hanga Estate of R. R. Burling .. Pongaroa .. Pongaroa .. 12,516 3 11-6 84,628 0 0 Dairy J. Vogel, P. Savage, and Z. Martinborough Cannock .. 4,191 2 29-9 56,587 15 6 Sheep .. .. .. 6 Riddiford Lady Ferguson .. .. Masterton .. Fairmont .. 538 0 00 9,415 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 1 C. L. Bull .. .. .. Hunterville .. Part Rata .. 412 0 00 10,712 0 0 Addition to Rata Estate of C. F. Johnstone . . Kimbolton . . Part Awawaro 10 0 00 80 0 0 Addition to Awawaro Estate of A. W. Akers.. .. Linton .. Riverdale .. 398 0 00 24,278 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 5 H. E. Eccles .. .. .. Kaikoura . . Part Claverley 46 0 39 416 4 0 Amalgamated with Claverley T. G. J. Watts .. .. Blenheim .. Part Valley- 22 2 05 90 2 6 Amalgamated with Valleyfield field


Table A.—Return of Properties purchased by Negotiation and Possession taken during Period 1st April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948— continued


Name of Owner. Locality. 16 ° f Area. Purchase-price. I Type of Farming. Number of Subdivisions. XXT AO • 1 Al R * P * Sl W. A. Smith .. .. Seddon .'. Upton .. 1,628 1 00 16,893 111 Sheep.. .. .. 3 Instate or G. M. Harris .. Kenepuru Head .. 1,383 3 26 10,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 1 Estate of T. Renwick .. .. Blenheim .. Dashwood .. 6,410 0 00 19,616 5 10 Sheep .. .. .. 3 C. DeV. Teschemaker Shute • • \ m i • i i i f 7,639 0 00 2-1 500 0 0 1 ™ 4 Estate of E. Jackson .. .. J Blenheim •• A von dale q 0 q ' 681 13 0 J Sheep xr F'Jf• • • • Appleby .. Orinoco . . 827 2 35 3,500 0 0 Tobacco and sheep .. 3 Mrs. A. Hill .. .. .. Karamea .. Te Namu .. 355 1 23-3 4,550 0 0 1 n . 2 E.James .. .. .. Karamea .. Part Te Namu 75 1 10 1,150 0 0 / Uair y • • O. G. Blackler .. .. Totara Valley Meadowvale .. 274 0 01 10,549 4 10 Dairy and crop .. .. 2 Estate of J. Findlay .. .. Windermere .. .. 264 0 33 6,076 14 10 Agriculture and sheep .. 1 Estate of T. Mitchell .. .. Lauriston .. Part Winch- 761 1 33 6,860 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 1 more Estate of A. G. Wyllie .. Sefton .. Sefton .. 508 3 26 17,048 11 6 Dairy.. .. .. 4 Estate of John Moore .. .. Mayfield .. Stonehaven .. 1,285 Q 13 14,778 8 7 Sheep.. .. .. 2 E.A.Payne .. .. .. Amberley .. .. 109 1 27 2,500 0 0 Amalgamated with other . _ r , land. , •• •' Ashburton .. Part Valetta . . 199 3 38 1,200 0 0 Irrigation and sheep K K fetowell .. .. Esk Valley .. .. 570 2 03-7 9,466 13 9 Sheep and crop .. .. 1 to •• •• •• L y ndhurst •• Ashlyn .. 582 1 24-8 5,678 0 0 Sheep and crop .. .. 2 to a Geraldine .. Hilton .. 874 0 36 15,736 1 0 Sheep and crop .. .. 2 • i a y ne • • • • • • Amberley .. .. 1 3 00 40 5 0 Amalgamated with other H. H. H. and W. A. Gardiner .. Port Levy .. Charteris .. 1,763 2 37-5 18,915 14 8 Sheep and cattle .. 2 A. W.and G. Taylor .. .. Methven .. Rocklea .. 525 1 00 5,671 19 9 Sheep and crop .. .. 1 D.L.Rutherford .. .. Waiau .. .. 8,312 0 00 19,341 0 0 Sheep.. .. .. 2 Estate of A. McKay .. .. Methven .. .. 237 1 00 4,033 5 0 Sheep and crop .. .. 1 •• •• Methven .. .. 534 3 20 13,906 15 0 Sheep and crop .. .. 1 K.- H. Marshall .. .. Inchclutha .. Matau .. 201 0 00 6,934 10 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 Estate of C. McGovern .. Clydevale .. Clydevale (part) 351 0 20 1,690 0 0 Addition to Clydevale Farm Settlement


Table B.—Return of Properties capable of Subdivision acquired under Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the Period 1st April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948


I<\ Bunn Balclutha 872 1 00 7,850 5 0 Sheep .. . > 1 D. H. Cockbura Queenstown .. Wakatipu 1,005 2 22 10,000 0 0 Sheep and crop 2 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Waiwera Waiwera 869 2 13 4,450 0 0 Sheep 1 Agency J. T. Brass Otautau Granvue 577 3 14-4 11,165 0 0 Sheep o Hon. A. Hamilton Fairfax Rothie 828 1 04 11,749 1 3 Sheep 3 A. E. Miln .. Tuatapere Karara 709 1 04 8,400 0 0 Sheep 2 D. R. McTaggart Balfour Kinacraig 1,186 2 26 11,273 5 11 Sheep 3 Australian Conference Society .. Dipton 7,319 3 10 17,000 .0 0 Sheep 3 Duthie and Rowley Tuatapere 20 0 00 20 0 0 Amalgamated with other land. Purchased, 1947-48 137,758 1 24-6 1,160,928 2 7 202

~ Estimated Nam© of Owner. Locality. Area. Compensation. Type of Farming. Number of ot uiock. Subdivisions. A. K. P. X, 8. d. Estate of W. J. Parsons .. Ngakura .. .. 985 0 00 2,767 0 0 (Sheep .. .. .. 2 S. A. and A. E. Wells .. .. Katikati .. .. 873 3 35-3 5,037 0 0 Daily.. .. .. 3 E. B. J. Watson .. .. Hastings .. Raupare .. 47 2 17 6,158 12 0 Orchards .. .. 3 E. Gower .. .. .. Tokomaru .. Ngai .. 231 3 12 5,336 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 3 Estate of J. Short .. .. Feilding .. Manchester .. 152 0 21 7,302 6 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 Estate of G. F. Watts .. Wairau Valley Wairau .. 15,872 0 08 36,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. .5 D. C. and W. L. Scott .. Winchester .. JBeckleigh .. 376 0 0-4 13,160 0 0 " H. J. C. Harper .. .. Waimate .. Grassy Hills .. 2,893 0 28 22,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 2 Estate of J. Kirkpatrick .. Tuatapere .. .. 3,996 3 00 5,100 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 4 Acquired, 1947-48 .. .. .. 25,428 2 05-3 102,860 18 0 .. 26


Table C.—Return of Properties acquired under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the Period 1st April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Compensation. Type of Farming. Estimated Number of Subdivisions. Estate of J. Henry P. Hungerfoi'd F. Wakelin A. M. and S. M. Bradburn H. L. and E. E. Taylor S. M. Barriball H. J. Crowther A. J., S. B., and H. 0. Murray .. A. V. Baylies. . Estate of 0. K. Watkins Kereone Ltd. Estate of W. McLean Estate of J. Orr Estate of A. P. Hardy G. E. Harvey T.E.Welch .. A. Holden .. Estate of G. V. Pearce W. E. Morgan Trust Eraser Estate R. and P. Gray Mrs. G. M. Robertson (Gear Estate) Patumahoe Waiuku Otaikarangi .. Dargaville Patumahoe Pukeoware Cambridge Atiamuri TePuke . /Ngatea \Matatoki Kiwitahi Walton Awapapa Rakaukaka Havelock North Waipukurau .. Makotuku Patea Wanganui Bulls Martinborough Te Horo Part Riponui Dargaville Kiri Atiamuri Part Ngaupari :: } Wairama Walton Part Gowrie .. Ball Road Newton Lee Pukehou Part Ruamahanga Te Horo A. R. P. 210 0 20-2 127 1 36. 611 2 00 236 1 32 591 . 3 20 242 0 00 698 3 07 .1,098 0 00 116 1 14 214 3 13-3 684 3 25 422 1 00 1,348 2 38 1,625 1 28 24 3 26 380 2 32 1,629 2 00 442 0 00 2,376 0 30-23 1,219 3 33 2,047 2 03 668 1 18 1 Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed £25,257 5s. Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed Dairy Dairy Dairy. Addition to Riponui Settlement Dairy Dairy Dairy Dairy Dairy Fruit. Addition to Ngaupari Settlement Dairy .. J" Sheep \ Dairy Dairy Sheep Dairy Grapes Sheep Sheep Dairy Sheep /Dairy \Sheep Sheep .. / Dairy \ Dairy and sheep 1 1 3 2 5 2 4 7 7 . 2 1 4 3 1 7 3 1 5 5 5 2 1 4 4 1



C. T. Keeble Canterbury College Board A. R. and D. C. Macfarlane J. B. Douglas-Clifford A. Grant I. Jamieson Estate of H. Buckland Estate of D. Macdonald G. D. Fox Acquired, 1947-48 Kairanga Waikari Waiau Stonyhurst Fair lie \ Fairlie . J* Waikouaiti Edendale Waimahaka .. "Part Mt. Paul Blytheburn .. Strathallan Part Silver Peak Mararua Te Peka 374 0 07 428 3 26 8,403 2 00 5,083' 3 00 2,960 2 35 2,685 0 36 358 2 10 1,144 3 28-2 Not fixed Not fixed £42,274 Not fixed Not fixed Not fixed £11,460 Not fixed Dairy Sheep. Addition to Kelmont Settlement Sheep. Addition to Mount Paul Settlement Sheep Sheep and crop Sheep Dairy Sheep 5 5 5 4 1 3 2 38,465 1 37-93 £78,991 5s. 106



Table D. —Return showing Number of Single-unit Properties acquired under Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the Period Ist April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948 Number of properties acquired during 1947-48 .. .. .. 30 Area of properties acquired during 1947-48 .. .. .. 3,597 acres. Compensation paid for properties acquired, 1947-48 .. .. £80,376 Total number of properties acquired, Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1948 179 Area of properties acquired, Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1948 .. 29,692 acres. Compensation paid on properties acquired, Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1948 .. .. .. .. .. .. £654,101

Table E.—Return of Actual Expenditure under Annual Appropriations on the Purchase of Land and Improvements and on Development and Farming Operations

Year ended 31st March, 1948. Total for T , Year ended item. Vote Vote 31st March, " Small Farms " Land for Total. 1947. Development." Settlements." £ £ £ | £ Acquisition of land and interests therein 1,735,369 n 1,735,380 ; 1,480,895 Development operations— Chattels .. .. .. 133,807 937 134,744 116,950 Materials and services 616,509 204 616,713 717,976 Development wages 128,020 260 128,280 126,374 Farming operations— Live-stock 677,874 391 678,265 549,576 Seasonal expenditure .. .. 384,901 3,515 388,416 251,680 Seasonal wages .. .. 280,236 3,693 283,929 217,300 Totals.. .. .. .. I 3,956,716 9,011 3,965,727 3,460,751


Table F. —Return of Profits and Losses on Disposal of Blocks ascertained during the Period from 1st April, 1947, to 31st March, 1948

Note. —(i) Profits and losses are ascertained only after a block has been fully disposed of and the accounts audited. Blocks partially settled are therefore excluded from this return, with the exception of Kohua and Mapara, where one section in each block was set aside for ex-servicemen settlement; the losses on these two sections represent the deficit in value of improvements on disposal to the ex-servicemen. (ii) Subsidies were received from Consolidated Fund Employment Promotion Fund on labour on marginal lands. The profits and losses as disclosed above have been arrived at after taking credit for the subsidies shown in the final column.


Blocks. District. Profit. loss. Subsidies. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Baker's Auckland .. 1,593 8 0 Nil Hangawera ... „ 554 0 9 Nil Seven Oaks „ 1,601 19 8 Nil Taipari's 3 3 6 Nil Te Tawa ,, 1,222 7 10 Nil Aria TeKuiti .. 5,097 0 0 6,371 7 0 Kohua (Part) „ 399 9 4 Nil Mapara (Part) 530 9 5 Nil Patoto 2,221 16 9 5,009 9 8 Kawai Hawke's Bay I 3,881 15 7 Nil Angerstein's Bertie's Taranaki .. 1,286 13 1 Nil • * 2,368 14 5 Nil Faull's 99 2,229 12 7 Nil Manutahi 99 12,162 12 3 Nil Petersen's • • 2,763 1 8 Nil Sorenson's 99 1,805 2 5 Nil Waitoetoe 99 3.047 18 5 Nil Broomfield Canterbury 235 4 4 Nil Field's 6 13 3 Nil Pendarves „ 29 11 0 Nil Wakaepa „ 199 9 9 Nil Brookstead Otago 171 5 7 Nil Menzie's FerrySouthland 3,392 2 9 Nil Totals 171 5 7 46,632 6 9 11,380 16 8




Superintendent of Land Particulars. < PS w PS < a, < PS < < o PS < is < >» a a < PS « t/> O SB < ►4 X O O PS » O < m O a 0 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 2. Total area (acres) 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, <fcc. (acres) 5. Balance under development (acres) 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) Permanent grass (acres) Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) Fencing' chains) Drains (chains) Dwellings (number) Wool-sheds (number) Cow-sheds (number) Other farm buildings (number) Road bridges (number) Farm bridges (number) Roads (chains) Farm tracks (chains) 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) Improvements (£) Materials and expenses (£) Labour (gross) (£) 20/11/44 209 209 209* 1/2/45 287 '287 '287 "287 500 200 3 3 6 15/1/41 1,249 99 1450 100 940 ' 50 55 5 200f 1,400 150 1 1 6 1/2/45 377 219 158 37 57 64 'ioo 390 1 1 1 1 1/4/47 3,170 1,330 1,' 840 585 1,085 "78 62 30 200 4,000 150 3 1 5 " 2 225 "40 "40 2,900 3,307 13,665 1,622 5 3,738 5,933 7,548 1,732 "39 318 6,027 7,939 354 "lO 3,053 572 Total expenditure (gross) (£) Less subsidies on lab'our (£) 265 21,494 18,951 14,638 3,625 Net expenditure (£) 265 21,494 18,951 14,638 3,625 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) Cows milked (number) Dry dairy stock (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) .. .. .. .. Dry sheep (number) Breeding-cows and heifers (number) Dry run cattle (number) Horses (number) .. .. .. .. .. Wool produced (lb.) Sheep sold (number) Cattle sold (number) Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) Sheep—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) Cattle —Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) Pigs (£) Crops (£) Miscellaneous (£) .. .. ■ ■ 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) Transfers from other blocks (£) Cattle —Cash purchases (£) Transfers from other blocks (£) Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) Labour (£) Miscellaneous (£) .. 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 99 1 44 9 1 7,017 9 682 4 10,839 632 257 670 867 1 j 774 30 1,322 71 "78 3 317 4 1,157 1,210 1,077 3 1,140 1,012 147 5 4 23,268 2,737 363 1 j 755 491 3,105 3 6,065 "59 344 3,142 59 4,481 2,532 1,011 3 6,442 158 1 26 6 5^000 203 4 " 2 1,357 322 103 570 122 *482 18 903 63 ' '36 80 567 15 433 712 443 1 1,667 1,727 186 384 12 35,711 2,425 121 3,'i42 2,981 3,005 423 827 "67 7,150 1,488 3,044 2,410 2,664 1,370 5 * Balance area unsuitable for immediate development. t Temporary supply. J Cow-shed


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)


Development, Auckland. | 9 H £ m > PS < fa < H < iJ ■< O H S ►J s i $ ■3 M J I § H < s P * w > H Ut < ►J 1 < H P X < s P Z < PS < ss < £ I s a 1 8/8/36 7,308 50 164 7,094 15/6/45 1,978 1^978 1931 24,993 5*937 19,056 1/6/44 661 11 '650 10/4/34 2,305 "l4 2,291 1938 60 "60 25/10/46 '473 30/9/46 262 102 "i60 1/6/45 796 541 255 24/10/46 423 'i73 250 1/5/45 959 "78 881 7/7/35 1,862 622 1^240 1,374 5,444 135 110 31 1,560 8,140 1,779 3 ' 45 2 22 320 89 1,628 224 ' '41 85 301 20 2 1 t 4 2,120 14,713 863 1,120 60 180 13,000 19,657 2,827 41 1 38 56 100 446 'ioo 4 150 680 " 2 1 3 1,129 501 633 4 24 '300 2,968 2,299 11 ' 11 34 13 47 'i40 1 149 324 227 1 1 *i58 " 2 "50 632 251 1 2 200 "50 ' 50t 300 1 1 311 570 '300 800 160 1 1 4 70 1,148 22 450 3,013 2,454 7 1 8 8 "l2 '460 50 1,400 "20 "21 "75 1 "50 " 2 "lO ' 12 674 4,447 790 50,785 30-, 815 2,415 12,106 3,812 683 92,340 6,002 184,854 69,691 1,395 4,405 2,929 823 2,771 25 20,190 30,262 1,191 205 1,715 1,795 1,859 268 1,957 663 878 3,605 7,889 643 '979 203 2,238 6,495 2,400 732 466 45,'103 21,825 86,837 17,410 19,016 352,887 9,552 53,248 23,617 1,396 5,637 2,620 13,015 1,182 11,865 67,394 14,056 69,427 19,016 352,887 9,552 29,631 1,396 5,637 2,620 13,015 1,182 11,865 53,338 1,142 80,006 165 7,959 '403 150 1§ 78 151 8 16,047 "l5 750 811 70 128,299 1 55 33 4 14,214 1,162 8 248 187 19 60,695 160 1 41 43 4^944 2^820 '287 419 216 2,406 1,448 848 1,108 12 24,099 5,886 705 48 4,130 82 320 6 25,564 1,089 345 6,347 6,506 1,445 1,290 106 103,433 2,924 2,057 "87 5 iso 160 "l4 '251 1 12 i 2 "26 'i48 '568 '608 622 393 632 ' 11 4 1,841 913 596 290 24 ' 10 4 '274 621 6,894 2,120 5,115 3,963 1,823 1^751 lji23 2,207 362 14,546 9,078 3,728 6,914 5,817 17,289 1,191 1,582 270 201 1,072 211 6,725 '575 '756 492 "59 940||! "22 1,501 75 '299 673 10 5,982 203 1,011 393 1,352 3,887 '491 '413 7,293 "87 "63 ljiei 6 '337 "12 1 9 "40 "28 "33 1,853 2,293 270 4,474 6,559 4,034 2,032 1,620 869 127 3,645 1,168 513 3 j 099 2,082 19,721 12,419 28 120 717 83 854 449 ' 16 1,811 5,324 "25 *13 1,005 283 268 ' '20 431 516 4 55 959 255 17 936 1,374 3,728 633 354 132 2,181 85 '6,513 602 489 18 487 1,499 1,880 719 924 13 4 33 2 13 1 1 1 2 4 destroyed by fire, January, 1948. § Part-season only. || Includes £445 belongi ng to settlers.




Superintendent of Land Particulars. S> *? X D se «: i & < 1 1 E- < H < £ ss c 1 s as £ 3 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 1/8/46 3/5/40 1/2/45 1/8/38 30/11/43 2. Total area (acres) 3,300 3,440 334 26,992 3,606 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) .. .. 2," 800 3,733 300 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) .. *334 23^259 45 5. Balance under development (acres) .. .. .. 3^300 640 3,261 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 8 16,067 Undeveloped (acres) 809 "80 3,007 Permanent grass (acres) 2,311 603 6,818 142 Temporary grass (acres) 240 210 'ios Crops (acres) 'iso 27 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) ' 14 96 Plantations (acres) 2 68 4 20 Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) '768* 167 334 519 Fencing (chains) 820 1,103 720 10,305 1,876 Drains (chains) 1,539 30 Dwellings (number) 2 3 6 4 Wool-sheds (number) 1 3 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) .. 1 7 Other farm buildings (number) 2 4 6 28 8 Road bridges (number) 5 2 Farm bridges (number) 2 1 30 400 Roads (chains) 360 "30 1,194 Farm tracks (chains) 40 5 660 200 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 3,340 18,010 Unimproved (£) 3,995 Improvements (£) Materials and expenses (£) 27987 32,874 67,995 4,988 7,534 27,055 65,045 . 5,594 Labour (gross) (£) 2,458 7,949 1,501 37,672 1,350 Total expenditure (gross) (£1 .. 30,445 112,813 17,363 147,782 6,944 Less subsidies on labour (£) 632 19,585 70 Net expenditure (£) 29,813 112,813 17,363 128,197 6,874 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 77,794 185 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 160 334 112 Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) 1 3 120 1 Cows milked (number) 101 57 Dry dairy stock (number) 7 65 55 Breeding-sows (number) 4 12 6 Butterfat sold (lb.) 6,580 13,592 15,511 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 1,011 5,481 2,327 Breeding-ewes (number) Dry sheep (number) 575 3,343 2,473 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) '500 101 937 461 Dry run cattle (number) 2 1,226 310 Horses (number) 2 6 6 29 21 Wool produced (lb.) 18,418 '200 85,296 45,995 Sheep sold (number) '303 1,653 3,584 1,591 Cattle sold (number) 2,162 64 641 504 Cash crops (type and quantity) .. 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 1,381 1,667 Butterfat (£) 889 Wool (£) 1,177 7,078 2^560 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 1,983 "i99 2,787 2,536 Transfers to other blocks (£) 2,508 2,504 555 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 5,319 '449 5,466 869 3,009 Transfers to other blocks (£) ' 12 15,867 455 1,500 Pigs (£) 676 210 229 Crops (£) Miscellaneous (£) .. "i26 "l8 '230 "86 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 395 Sheep—Cash purchases (£) 7 675 Transfers from other blocks (£) "i22 16 'i09 3 2,649 Cattle —Cash purchases (£).. 60 322 47 Transfers from other blocks (£) 6,199 10,200 1,281 63 126 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 2,433 2,133 1,108 8,171 2 272 Labour (£) 467 3,359 1,001 6,474 l'l89 Miscellaneous (£) .. " " ID. Labour employed (development and farming)— 14 Average for year (item 5) (number) 3 7 3 3 * Temporary supply.


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Development, Auckland—continued Murupara. < os H £ SS H O O Z < K D X 9 as < X 0 W O X < 33 0 < ft, CS 3 f-i « 3 £ < 9 K 9 H H X 9 ft. 'tH 3 PH s H 9 OH 9 as 0 B< 2 . 9 <£ X< S* H OS U K W 0 1 w > a m as 0 to ft, 53 O X H 9/7/33 180 *180 3/3/41 1,301 1^301 5/3/45 9,041 1,500 7^541 31/3/47 140 i40 10/10/37 12,147 50 12,097 15/4/46 544 *544 6/11/33 1,403 ' 13 1,390 28/6/46 1,326 "l3 1,313 13/12/45 912 '912 1/2/45 12,067 300 11j 767 1/2/46 3,967 200 3 j 767 24/11/44 102 *i02 90 90 "20 193 1 1 1 922 329 "25 25 '775 1 1 6,556 625 200 160 400 2,625 400 1 1 " 8 3 ' 40 i40 "*82 324 50 1 " 1 "25 5,457 834 5,830 ""26 4,700 10,722 17,000 1 18 500 1,770 145 464 '*30 50 *544 960 3 *3 3 *3 5 177 ! 1,163 50 1 748 1 1 4 " 3 480 l,'i33 "70 iio 1,326 3,981 ' 14 "l4 16 "20 145 203 564 301 1,225 " 2 4 " 10 10,592 835 98 127 110 5 217 2,263 1 9 " 9 360 380 410 3,185 102 65 5 250 2,852 300 1 7 ' *14 i86 4 52 40 6 *70 350 180 1 1 7 "lO "* 6 90 896 3,564 1,720 1,025 244 10,963 14,037 7,849 2,564 i30 9 7,603 2,972 40,163 75,563 4,492 7,510 4,129 326 3,009 9,029 15,692 23,495 45,618 15,680 1,785 800f 3,600t 4,892 1,294 7,569 11,196 9,322 2,763 4,564 11,679 5,439 1,911 300 1,451 2,289 1,967 2,464 807 6,553 35,413 139 126,301 41,707 16,457 27,730 10,396 86,578 10,586 30,850 23,593 6,007 1,657 6,553 35,413 139 84,594 16,457 17,334 86,578 10,586 30,850 23,593 6,007 305 j 39 ' '49 1 1 58 1 38 125 3 10,826 544 3 206 9 11 1,802 :: 96 1,326 1,135 183 65 210,644 301 1 75 123 4 12,517 102 1 56 14 2 11,930 lji66 264 176 3,206 1,049 82 287 12 15,523 1,257 287 102 182 " 1 1,876 899 859 2,081 5,791 383 2,622 14 42,768 831 907 554 21 6 621 •2,258 318 1,415 504 227 200 7 16,109 1,229 224 '*17 1^257 i45 93 13 6 1,046 3 118 1,322 1,269 97 88 11 34,608 393 75 2,124 j 2,319 ! 308 515 3 38,915 1,598 437 "*49 1,070 *i61 1,568 1,505 3,224 3,585 1,122 153 1,752 2,214 8,037 1,181 3,643 1,556 510 128 180 43 3,068 1,954 3^684 1 ,* 305 1,700 *344 1,391 23,000 1,*821 5,790 2,433 1,447 60 3 I*il3 573 114 26 279 *937 3ji79 155 3,494 100 5,921 1,291 *61 16 113 "io3 "77 "22 *737 * 12 "28 *235 "i48 '*40 ' *53 j '*27 i.25 1 996 1 j 719 83 54 295 1,734 10 1,316 3,406 2,383 123 2,308 1,308 8,687 194 294 3,635 1,099 2,110 9,201 2,944 8,967 131 3,935 2 2,573 2,133 583 6 " 8 623 893 970 6,148 15,761 1,917 *414 1,704 1,085 1,657 694 844 2 1,762 604 | 1,923 | 1,516 : 1,976 j 3,294 I 2,164 j "39 165 468 1 8 1 40 6 3 12 2 3 6 i ! 2 t Compensation for 611 acres not yet fixed.




S uperinten dent of I ,and Dev elopment, Particulars. w •ri 0 < S> a ft. « is K © eS < & < X o V o c >s X s % < X H o is £ I J 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 9/2/45 4/4/38 31/10/46 10/10/38 18/10/46 2. Total area (acres) 4,(00 5,201 505 9,677 4 ,o07 168f 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 1,440 •» 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) • • 5. Balance under development (acres) 4^600 5,201 *505 8*237 450* 168 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 2,138 5,916 20 Undeveloped (acres) .. .. .. 730 430 Permanent grass (acres) .. .. ... 3,650 2,790 505 2,275 140 Temporary grass (acres) .. .. .. "40 8 Crops (acres) '' 70 37 4 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 150 220 6 16 Plantations (acres) 16 240 'i68 Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) .. ■ .. 200 570 505 626 Fencing (chains) 3,460 3,432 227 3,471 750 286 Drains (chains) 80 544 412 832 216 Dwellings (number) 1 2 1 1 1 2 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 Other farm buildings (number) 13 ' 10 3 8 5 6 Road bridges (number) "10 "lO Farm bridges (number) 3 5 Roads (chains) 102 Farm tracks (chains) i.40 ' 23 40 34 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 1,792 2,651 Unimproved (£) 15,430 2,877 8,934 Improvements (£) 12,320 1,917 9,575 29^890 4,861 Materials and expenses (£) 15,996 23,511 3,131 1 j 718 93 Labour (gross) (£) 6,328 18,888 ' 548 18,940 1,609 2 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 50,074 47,193 22,188 50,622 3,327 7,607 Less subsidies on labour (£) 14.127 10,406 38 Net expenditure (£) 50,074 33,066 22,188 40,216 3,289 7,607 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 160 Area occupied (acres) .. .. .. Herds (number) 1 Cows milked (number) 2 93 Dry dairy stock (number) 'i49 315 16 Breeding-sows (number) .. .. .. .. 4 Butterfat sold (lb.) 13,937 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 2,879 2,409 3,064 Dry sheep (number) 1,606 1,143 ' 17 1,345 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 354 414 503 Dry run cattle (number) 304 390 '215 370 Horses (number) 12 8 3 13 2 Wool produced (lb.) 42,074 29,515 28,097 Sheep sold (number) 2,198 1,123 1,832 Cattle sold (number) 89 275 '482 142 ' '90 Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) 1,574 Wool (£) 3^699 1,787 ■ 1^806 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 2,042 1,035 3,299 Transfers to other blocks (£) 2,311 1,000 1,400 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 319 194 2',767 2,428 192 Transfers to other blocks (£) 200. 3,476 2,239 .71 Pigs (£) 98 Crops (£) ' 67 '289 Miscellaneous (£) "i32 ' 43 "ll2 io9 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) 449 167 3 175 Transfers from other blocks (£) 2,109 1,048 8 1,176 Cattle—Cash purchases (£) 338 138 307 1,063 "38 Transfers from other blocks (£) 29 863 7,981 1,444 54 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 3,133 2,937 1,411 1,999 1,073 "24 Labour (£) 2,413 2,226 894 1,962 343 Miscellaneous (£) 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 7 7 2 4 2 * Represents area grazed by Department only. t Total area leased pending decision on subdivision.


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)-continued


Auckland —continued. | Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti. < D P O Ss • < a, X « • < < O M < D o X (6 FH ts X c5 § 1 as ce < X < < H c3 w Si o 'g aS PS S OS X p" 35 s O § as cS "o 0 E> £ 1 £ S w W w M « « 1/2/46 11/8/33 30/8/46 1933-40 1933 1933 1935 1937-40 1938 1935-38 1945 1947 2,449 4,941 176 4,130 2,871 438 776 1,639 2,150 1,094 734 861 413 980 90 10 3 320 1,186 224 527 1,842 201 715 422 616 2^036 4,414 "i76 3*150 939 428 572 1^319 249 448 118 861 640 1,739 994 43 26 46 563 64 57 2: 655 1,503 "i70 2,016 812 379 509 706 141 369 'il8 856631 1,095 110 25 i40 ' '65 "21 "l5 "50 13 ' '22 46 29 6 6 ' 19 2 " 2 2 " 3 2,011 170 500 50 385 100 10 'il8 701^540 9,432 585 5,613 764 898 1,139 1^406 372 1 jo29 368 1,057 522 4,220 300 42 40 709 1,023 30 457 119 371 4 4 2 9 3 1 1 1 1 1 2. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <■> 2 1 3 8 A 3 33 ' 10 4 7 7 2 6 1 3- " 2 4 88 " 2 " 2 3 1 .. 90 116 54 8 280 ' 78 7 i75 '616 ' 80 300 9 "2 T 2,606 'j , 684 1.806 3,423 1,345 438 3,928 1,542 2,589 650 7,043 10,745 9,350 1,280 4,061 3,677 1,572 373 1,588 73 11,067 345 10,747 11,698 10,910 38,854 1,019 26,349 39,817 8,031 12,335 12,147 6,805 11,830 24,462 1,824 3,286 34,086 369 61,820 51,655 9,290 22,816 24,420 14,754 29,062 1,521 332 26,152 77,904 7.255 95,269 94,389 18,132 40,667 38,182 35,215 41,887 43,773 24,599 22,267 42,496 34,001 6,514 15,109 16,029 4,383 19,999 26,152 | 55,637 7,255 52,773 60,388 11,618 25,558 22,153 30,832 21,888 43,773 24,599 12,478 •• 31,289 7,600 16,411 4,891 22j980 :: " ' 118 1 ' 12 2 3 6 2 56 " 3 2 349 23 « 99 7,582 2,010 2,206 4,035 1,272 909 618 922 1 689 1,754 1,304 1,462 706 6,198 772 69 242 831 309 481 155 117 24 98 163 108 50 93 55 6 1,086 373 167 81 1 123 25 50 io7 4 13 18 11 7 3 9 5 ■ 7 2 4 19,570 33,773 75,186 16,609 10,122 9,074 15,040 3,381 11,290 26,884 1,340 1,134 l,'i90 3,715 1,621 979 585 998 338 712 2 4,739 144 424 330 388 252 93 • 250 1 70 54 419 1,001 769 1 j 996 2 j 255 4 j 659 7>44 '634 592 l,"i67 '343 468 1,581 1,858 4 2,741 1,641 1,445 122 232 156 ! 3 j870' 649 693 1,431 747 366 1,234 1,107 687 913 3,223 5,877 37 2,010 869 114 343 266 > ■ - 2,' 280 3^384 2 j ir>6 19 3,198 1,475 1,691 437 1,808 6 259 1 621 3,068 74 6,127 i25 258 22 '274 146 41 ' 93 "l3 ' 56 "38 " 32 551 237 80 102 152 71 : 18 63 424 2,030 609 3,528 5,478 1,874 540 -! iso 'i96 612 550 6,176 221 6,122 38 114 2 2,470 32 20 32 1 16 9361,633 1,578 1,859 2,646 1,134 i90 1,013 225 224 2,965 8,584 3,049 2,630 48 4,286 1,831 1,231 1,625 ljsos 737 517 375 1,849 1,458 4,063 715 4,084 1,153 381 1,006 861 158 554 | 411 942 25 51 90 83 7 16 1 9 3 .1 3 1 ! 1 j 1




Superintendent Particulars. 6 0 o 2 g 2 '43 cS £ tp ci 1 s cS u 5 £P S S 3 3* Sq 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 1933 1936-37 1934-47 1939 1933-38 1936-45 2. Total area (acres) 456 443 562 832 641 5,690 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 29 40 47 32 420 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 254 io8 105 99 335 Balance under development (acres) 173 335 417 785 510 4,935 e! Conditions of area under development (item 5) — 64 410 Undeveloped (acres) 18 53 85 2 225 Permanent grass (acres) 135 235 339 354 354 2'447 Temporary grass (acres) 11 24 12 40 263 Crops (acres) 9 18 21 30 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) " Plantations (acres) 5 2 1 ieo Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) 150 74 66 '794 126 Fencing (chains) 519 645 878 1,127 3,244 Drains (chains) 170 92 48 119 1,193 Dwellings (number) 1 2 2 2 1 7 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 1 "l4 Other farm buildings (number) 1 3 7 4 7 Farm bridges (number) 2 1 1 *52 4 Farm tracks (chains) *10 4 105 220 173 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) 680 600 1,143 1,148 728 3,871 Improvements (£) 753 896 2,728 1,185 65 4,507 Materials and expenses (£) 8,844 5,925 7,536 3,431 12,709 30,481 Labour (gross) (£) 10,233 5,834 13,092 3,811 12,834 43,070 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 20,510 13,255 24,499 9,575 26,336 81,929 Less subsidies on labour (£) 6,960 3,814 9,033 2,493 7,963 29,215 Net expenditure (£) 13,550 9,441 15,466 7,082 18,373 52,714 8. Capital charges oil alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 4,300 2,090 1,985 2,960 6,495 9 .Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 155 74 102 Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) 1 1 1 Cows milked (number) 36 37 " 2 2 30 7 Dry dairy stock (number) 13 89 1 2 Breeding-sows (number) 3 3 4 Butterfat sold (lb.) 8,585 6,533 7,704 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 199 307 803 538 700 .2,277 Dry sheep (number) 5 73 322 578 38 3,013 Breeding cows and heifers (number) 47 56 "60 189 Dry run cattle (number) ' 19 45 122 324 Dry dairy stock (number) *15 Horses (number) 4 8 4 3 9 Wool produced (lb.) 118 2,868 11,280 7,570 8,220 39,236 Sheep sold (number) 612 361 1,205 409 1,029 2,925 Cattle sold (number) 104 204 18 12 77 143 Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) 953 703 908 7 Wool (£) 185 179 770 608 406 3,266 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 405 449 196 63 390 678 Transfers to other blocks (£) 708 1,241 571 743 3,178 Cattle—Cash sales (£) 1,082 "26 1 1,369 1,549 Transfers to other blocks (£) 151 1,697 137 *96 60 Pigs (£) Crops (£) Miscellaneous (£) 181 81 111 "52 " 57 "37 "44 ' *48 209 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) 65 34 105 52 66 I 11 Transfers from other blocks (£) 620 225 747 10 814 ; 232 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) 445 500 32 15 304 1 120 Transfers from other blocks (£) 167 1,512 16 349 507 i 305 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 701 940 915 401 1,469 : 3,190 Labour (£) 472 736 532 599 842 ! 3,163 Miscellaneous (£) 29 14 100 39 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 1 3 2 1 3 6


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


of Land Development, Te Kuiti —continued. < & < X < a X p < S3 § s 1 J) * O < X 0 w PS P OS < 04 0 S> H < « < ft. K> < PS < ft. P S P r-M 3 £ 3 i 1 1 < ca X < K < a X < « jt> s "3 ' 1946 958 58 *900 1934-43 4,661 1,002 1,308 2,351 1946 777 '777 1947 1,939 58 1^881 1943 2,029 'i38 1,891 1947 692 5 '687 1935-41 6,131 1,888 150 4,093 1936-37 3,045 699 1,314 1,032 1936-41 3,133 99 1,366 1,668 1946 3,014 774 1936 379 106 273 1938-47" 770' 56" '7i4 200 636 "64 808 1,472 66 254 475 '*48 89 1,679 113 61 1,810 ' 15 5 1,025 2,645 327 9 1 7 19 25 514 120 28 929 2,905 250 368 424 200 40 ljsn i37 103 636 14 246 ''ll 627 87 "886 1 1 1 5 5 120 4,521 8 1 19 i56 955 443 1 1 2 1 j 817 3 1 ' 10 1,205 " 3 1 2 1 9 5,' 701 578 9 1 "65 O 2,'733 4 1 3 "20 2.071 1,449 8 1 ' 17 Q '662 1 1 80 501 1 1 3 "20 195 67 1 3 *180 197 "ll 115 '275 739 "65 O 176 "49 4,505 8,303 1,831 414 5,637 8,702 44,931 102,632 1,530 7,922 1,585 1,965 4,000 13,476 5,094 2,861 18,278 19,490 48,069 3,816 2,220 9,360 1,022 195 4,870 6,344 31,074 50,408 3,106 2,984 36,051 61,039 15,810 4,644 44.821 103;807 7,150 21,479 9,795 6,555 305 184 3,716 3,363 1,204 132 2,502 4,326 15,053 161,902 70,625 13,002 25,431 89,653 12,797 92,696 34,092 103,180 39,814 169,082 70,435 44,979 7,568 2,182 8,164 2,782 15,053 91,277 13,002 25,431 89,653 12,797 58,604 63,366 98,647 44,979 5,386 5,382 19,175 5,030 2,028 34,310 23,770 32,275 3 2 ' 14 12 2 3 816 7 381 544 28 42,794 " 3 " 6 10 5 10 6 10 ' 15 4 * i27 259 1 36 30 3 5,702 " 2 1,514 1,248 90 143 2,014 3,366 248 365 943 666 108 70 2,040 2,506 185 336 3,850 312 55 98 1,326 667 43 2 2,672 6,509 95 344 1,124 651 28 150 2,949 2,520 219 198 13 82 355 21 3 55 260 126 22 15,091 720 256 "20 48,000 3,231 211 8 16,970 1,526 231 . 6 32,339 1,255 74 ' 18 47,950 5,922 400 " 3 20,522 1,998 70 "20 71,170 2,388 43 9 13,773 1,839 121 8 38,743 3,112 547 3 7,731 4,924 677 " 3 2,988 384 187 3 2,337 409 19 1 j091 275 879 128 2,113 3 j 273 2,211 2,279 253 836 1 j 098 267 1,952 5 1,597 2," 753 107 1,093 1,238 4,328 3,965 8,146 4,740 2,262 4,865 473 1 j 437 943 1,538 '868 7,' 431 538 1,854 283 30 1,'478 2,175 892 713 409 3,379 1,285 3,130 2,331 1,749 520 645 5,701 2,880 4.073 3 j090 110 567 399 592 325 110 1,630 44 'i74 182 340 3 324 "38 '342 "33 75 "i9i "53 '284 "82 304 "49 'i72 "26 140 950 642 58 859 761 146 376 4,309 2,436 94 784 89 437 1,131 775 385 6,513 271 4,151 2,407 972 29 85 4,429 1,822 3,761 3.877 3.878 412 3,886 670 92 1,035 494 689 83 53 2,017 165 2,531 176 338 85 665 1,468 1,198 373 i.46 8 4,007 1,783 418 1,443 30 2,' 459 !,029 34 255 476 1,527 388 427 50 24 315 2 11932!* 1552 7 2 1 11 2 5 3 4 I 1 1 1




| Supi t 1 it of Land Particulars. s w «' | £ g, M S3 O sc S 1 eg < H K H H H H 1 £ 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 1938 1945 1945 1 1946 i 1936 2. Total area (acres) 3,328 200 284 788 1 196 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 28 4 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 622 5. Balance under development (acres) 3^300 200 '284 166 j 'i92 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 15 Undeveloped (acres) -5 Permanent grass (acres) 3^003 i52 278 i.66 172 Temporary grass (acres) 200 Crops (acres) 90 45 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) 7 " 3 1 5 Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) 120 273 "60 164 Fencing (chains) 3 ji>60 527 430 231 573 Drains (chains) 260 240 63 103 171 Dwellings (number) 3 2 2 1 1 Wool-sheds (number) 1 Cow-sheds (number) 2 2 " 1 Other farm buildings (number) ' 11 4 3 2 5 Road bridges (number) I Farm bridges (number) 2 Roads (chains) "80 Farm tracks (chains) 400 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) 3,114 2.668 2,500 11,764 490 Improvements (£) 16,098 3 j 977 2,468 21,596 387 Materials and expenses (£) 10,639 4,360 9,853 11,956 3,590 Labour (gross) (£) 20,707 430 590 495 3,752 Total expenditure (gross) (£) .. 50,558 11,435 15,411 45,811 8,219 Less subsidies on labour (£) 14,860 2,564 Net expenditure (£) 35,698 11,435 15,411 45,811 5,655 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 29,170 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — ' Area occupied (acres) 200 279 166 Herds (number) 1 2 1 Cows milked (number) 4 61 86 58 1 Dry dairy stock (number) 1 26 172 24 123 Breeding-sows (number) 10 Butterfat sold (lb.) 13,'771 14,681 15,' 484 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 3,341 307 Dry sheep (number) 2,025 33 Breeding cows and heifers (number) 335 Dry run cattle (number) 398 Dry dairy stock (number) 14 " 3 Horses (number) 4 2 4 Wool produced (lb.) 44,813 6,335 Sheep sold (number) 1 4,162 '543 1,177 Cattle sold (number) 224 213 179 *866 71 Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) 1,688 1,462 2,363 Wool (£) 4," 891 312 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 1,541 1 j i77 65 Transfers to other blocks (£) 3,525 '815 633 1,386 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 763 161 209 5," 327 243 Transfers to other blocks (£) 924 2,154 1,015 5,865 124 Pigs (£) 96 213 142 Crops (£) Miscellaneous (£) .. "26 "39 'i06 ii8 ' 29 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) 7 2 2 106 Transfers from other blocks (£) 756 963 Pigs—Cash purchases (£) ., ' 95 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) ' 31 '868 '222 859 Transfers from other blocks (£) 14 5,026 2,593 8,066 297 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 2,153 700 640 1,205 290 Labour (£) 2,434 401 612 390 359 Miscellaneous (£) .. 28 78 316 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 3 2 2 1 1 * Compensation not yet fixed. t Compensation not yet fixed ; represents progress payment ou account.


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Development, Te Kuiti—continued. I Auek- | land. ■ Gisborne. d ,3 [3 & M E> « < * 1 S 1 < O « < H < S3 is « S=> < H < w s 1 03 85 w 0 Ha W ►J H 3 < 0 K O £ £ S | 3 ts $ S < £ a « < 1 j s 55 < ts O « ! < 1 at w Pn < O s 1938-41 2,539 248 2^291 1946 1,053 '935 118 1933-41 10,466 2,066 82 8,318 1938 3,676 250 2,312 1,114 1944 1,256 32 767 457 1944 566 6 289 271 24/10/46 129 129 28/2/47 4,480 4^480 28/2/47 7,357 1/5/46 1,780 1,780 30/3/46 34 "34 15/9/46 | 596 M '596 1,727 468 33 61 2 391 1 1 9 114 4 118 293 4 2 9 2,339 4,396 1,291 280 ' "l2 782 14 3 4 164 876 65 9 663 1,409 4 1 8 326 130 1 ' '24 188 1 36 221 14 'i60 705 2 2 22 107 310 131 1 60 4,363 1 "45 12 2,'i80 50 2 1 1 3 300 7,007 "50 3,'i36 100 1 1 40 1,738 l|354 120 1 ! 4 "30 "30 140 4 4 I 44 'iso '400 | 100 •; 1 i.29 ' 10 4 l^in 1 6 1 3 '240 ' 30 " 1,216 730 11,240 24,730 20,030 24,962 32,798 2,692 5,133 8,689 51,999 88,126 7,131 12,581 37,005 30,007 5,710 12,177 22,809 2,238 1,300 4,374 12,455 4,966 1,770 4,577 23 22* 950 13 38,647t 5 j 336 566 12,000 14,885 j 1,635 j 271 1 1,733 475 6,108 647 7,920f : 1,653 29 37,916 17,340 80,482 153,947 60,596 86,724 16,388 42,934 23,095 6,370 985 44,549 28,791 8,965 9,602 20,576 80,482 93,351 70,336 42,934 23,095 6,370 985 | 44,549 28,791 8,965 | 9,602 41,930 63 34,308 29,625 8,055 * * 2 2 3 ' "l9 1 1^614 235 1 66 17 6 8,839 t + t j t t 12 3 5 8 1 922 603 66 75 ' '38 4,763 10,228 553 1,294 1,463 357 23 207 '496 335 40 4,135 2,787 638 548 5,978 5,820 1,162 818 1,840 ; 1,252 296 j 260 • 1 " 7 15,061 1,168 61 1,449 2,770 1,609 ' 26 107,356 7,234 621 ''ll 15,417 5,813 1,068 "lO 186 1,786 568 99 15 80,070 3,960 '264 47 126,706 3; 909 440 4 30,880 1,464 8 ! '§ ; it , 359 1,151 76 251 "45 10 31 1,586 3,173 9,340 9,432 ' 87 10j 801 7,243 5,423 3,068 3,214 *324 266 789 7,345 3,037 3,907 5,413 96 216 '362 '742 1,890 852 '615 150 122 922 108 "62 1,151 'eon "73 "l72 2,719 3,337 2,805 il9 ' "l4 4,273 1,893 4,269 891 71 1j 204 ; 2,620 ; "95 ! i39 | 'i88 I "l5 3 80 2,427 185 4,468 558 537 14 688 28 461 429 377 168 j ' 10 396 777 1,000 3 1,290 12,826 626 648 231 *339 1,752 7,882 4,786 15 ' 40 3,680 4,827 1,730 2 4 332 64 "43 328 462 484 99 , UUii '259 '371 971 2,339 ' '52 94 1,322 2,037 754 789 556 j 328 j 500 466 2 1 6 3 2 6 5 1 2 i 4 ! J Herd belongs to share-milker. § Assorted vegetables. 11150 acres peas. Bobby calves.




Grisbome —continued. Particulars. S3 OS < - < C5 Ofi a a H (H O * O IS < Z J H >*< < < H < Pl, 0 £ £ 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart ■2/7/4:5 4/6/46 3/1/27 14/2/47 29/6/45 2. Total area (acres) 2,955 5,681 9,838 6,386 400 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 1,864 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) '656' 15 5. Balance under development (acres) 2,299 5,666 7 i 974 6 j 386 '400 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 1,000 Undeveloped (acres) 1.100 Permanent grass (acres) 2^294 4,561 7^931 4,880 '385 Temporal'}' grass (acres) Crops (acres) 3 250 15 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 250 Plantations (acres) 5 5. "40 6 Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) > 400 Fencing (chains) .. 963 2,600 3 j 254 3^400 934 , Drains (chains) .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 30 35 Dwellings (number) 2 1 2 1 4 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) .. .. .. 1 1 1 4 Other farm buildings (number) 3 3 8 1 4 Road bridges (number) Farm bridges (number) 1 9 Roads (chains) Farm tracks (chains) 50 320 560 i70 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) 4,870 8,900 39,453 14,500 3,850 Improvements (£) 10,701 21,233 27,468 20,609 6,671 Materials and expenses (£) 2,188 1,798 19,007 4,996 13,439 Labour (gross) (£) 2,571 2,744 830 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 17,759 34,502 85,928 42,849 24,790 Net subsidies on labour (£) 130 Net expenditure (£) 17,759 34,502 85,798 42,849 24,790 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 15 10 Area occupied (acres) 25 12 400 Herds (number) 4 Cows milked (number) 4 8 5 5 150 Dry dairy stock (number) 5 7 1 8 Breeding-sows (number) .. 1 Butterfat sold (lb.) 19,049 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 2,524 4,638 5,127 5,062 441 Dry sheep (number) 1,131 3,091 5,601 3,603 114 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 308 389 i 969 574 Dry run cattle (number) 267 344 1 980 363 Horses (number) 8 12 35 16 6 Wool produced (lb.) .. .. .. .. 35,714 55,634 85,469 68,147 3,333 Sheep sold (number) .. .. .. .. 2,395 3,233 1,959 1,574 239 Cattle sold (number) 109 102 406 193 150 Cash crops (type and quantity) II 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) 1,949 Wool (£) 1^348 4^870 3,055 'i84 347 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 2,386 2,235 619 204 356 Transfers to other blocks (£) 260 1,848 4,103 2,154 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 800 42 2,869 706 '203 Transfers to other blocks (£) 1,152 1,804 Horses (£) Pigs (£) '207 Crops (£) Miscellaneous (£) .. 332 '407 ' *86 175 "il4 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£).. 270 389 333 458 Transfers from other blocks (£) Cattle —Cash purchases (£) i.07 '277 '366 2^785 575 Transfers from other blocks (£) 2,043 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 570 1^593 2j095 2,669 1,878 Labour (£) 1,162 2,703 2,773 3,676 1,132 Miscellaneous (£) .. 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 3 5 6 9 4 * Includes 2 under construction. t Includes 4 under construction. * Includes 2 : under construction


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)-continued


Hawke's Bay. o c BC cS 1 M M C3 w s 2 £ O O < X £ O < a S5 w a PL, S3 <1 w O Ut 0 S3 0 fcC O « £ S < * < a iz O K H p° 0 S3 s g « 0 < < w « p Cn H i < K 2/3/34 7,755 2,153 606 4,996 25/3/31 19,213 4,402 14^811 1/2/38 10,505 10 ,'505 11/2/46 1,859 1^859 28/3/45 1,637 1 j 637 4/2/47 929 929 28/2/47 962 12 950 3/3/47 1,673 lj<373 19/8/46 2,001 400 ljeoi 28/2/46 344 *344 1/7/45 4,136 "i69 3,967 22/2/46 2,144 200 1^944 2,601 1,902 340 141 6,408 8,209 150 5,635 4,794 "70 8 1,820 "30 1^636 886 "40 949 1*575 "98 1,563 * *32 *336 150 3,689 '107 220 1,674 * : 28 12 4,994 7,114 30,000 2 1 6 2^028 " 44 100 5,753 60 1 1 11 6 40 2,227 15 3 1 1 3 1 20 1,210 50 1 1 1 6 1 200 1,148 2 1 1 5 3 50 1,140 1 1 4 1 *705 20 1 1 1 '200 1,920 210 2 1 2 6 250 1,473 " 4* 1 " 3 " 8 300 647 116 3 "21 500 2,931 250 5f 1 1 16 22 100 1,340 " n 1 1 9 3 155 1 '240 8 " 3 " 1 1 "20 "3 "80 1 1,531 186 123,035 163,819 16,706 7,417 35,008 25,572 34,927 3,083 14,776 8,080 14,050 9,682 2,094 202 8,032 6,745 3,720 438 8,391 9,358 434 165 10,173 5,389 242 47 21,979 20,531 1,517 180 8,837 11,147 687 247 7,366 3,549 7,585 165 21,866 19,239 4,604 820 5,461 11,902 560 57 288,571 143,145 84,703 6,293 60,866 2,953 26,028 18,935 18,348 15,851 44,207 20,918 18,665 46,529 17,980 145,426§ | 78,410 57,913 26,028 18,935 18,348 15,851 44,207 20,918 18,665 46,529 17,980 8,135 3 12 :: 4 " 3 g 4 i 28 4 4,963 6,218 ' 98 4 130,254 15,663 10 If 3,763 3,711 429 357 26 68,884 2,290 247 3,346 6,732 322 644 19 162,457 1,537 465 3,068 920 54 139 35,774 3,083 363 1,960 94 137 201 3 1,220 1,804 215 1 1,907 83 36 2 1 6,715 3,517 1 1,539 72 63 113 1,768 2,187 305 3,859 694 165 154 15 57,537 4,901 282 2,354 1,057 91 4 11,646 2,302 261 'i40 " 1 '518 47 j 126 8,745 864 10 2,066 108 73 50 9 29,136 2,893 21 11,031 29,281 ' '89 68 1,267 376 5,452 3,294 1,919 994 "35 '285 11 ,'020 1,649 1,100 5,547 899 142 3," 289 3,095 2,167 1,120 2,095 ' '68 "81 3,158 789 694 1,059 5 "i34 594 5,287 240 "87 134 2,175 1,063 2,006 14 "77 5,161 4,872 3,051 1,097 2,458 447 1 jl21 1,754 1,450 100 2,463 5 "42 "43 1,783 "68 3,'716 11,138 3,316 5,196 2,130 "68 *222 2," 595 2,040 2,002 . '212 "67 14,834 147 252 909 6,553 6,032 1,473 116 3,765 3,813 3,248 312 1,226 4,528 3,047 24 648 2,514 1,047 2,335 1,509 842 1,265 1,580 672 1,566 1,025 1,038 5 2,784 7 407 32 1,545 757 5 1,516 938 2," 228 655 452 1,523 1,855 1,080 1,255 2,382 914 22 796 1,129 1,018 1,100 21 4 458 1,178 4,794 902 53 29 1,909 534 1,054 3,452 2,029 14 236 94 5 884 12 10 6 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 2 § Includes net expenditure on reclamation, £84,930. || 7 acres potatoes. 2,851 bushels barley.




Hawke' s Bay—continued. Particulars. SB < « o H O PS O « O fa > < H H < « SIps as H a < H £ oa EH < 0 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 19/8/46 5/6/45 3/3/47 17/5/46 29/3/46 2. Total area (acres) 1,500 1,404 103 3,196 384 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 300 25 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 677 1 5. Balance under development (acres) i jsoo 727 io3 2^896 358 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) 5 2," 815 332 Permanent grass (acres) 1,445 712 98 Temporary grass (acres) 65 12 Crops (acres) .. .. .. .. .. 55 ' 14 14 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) 1 ' "l6 Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) 'ioo 8 "50 244 Fencing (chains) .. ... 1,680 750 300 3," 583 812 Drains (chains) 120 191 Dwellings (number) 1 2 1 3 3 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 2 Cow-sheds (number) 1 3 Other farm buildings (number) 4 2 2 12 6 Road bridges (number) .. .. .. .. 1 1 Farm bridges (number) 2 3 Roads (chains) .. .. .. .. .. • • 2 4 Farm tracks (chains) .. .. .. .. .. 5 38 79 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. .. 8,220 15,822 11,171 7,988 7,720 Improvements (£) .. .. .. .. 11,416 9,921 1,180 13,164 5,782 Materials and expenses (£) 895 9,541 45 1,193 10,468 Labour (gross) (£) 130 165 942 2,658 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 20,661 35,449 12,396 23,287 26,628 Less subsidies on labour (£) Net expenditure (£) 20,661 35,449 12,396 23,287 26,628 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 14,198 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) 384 Herds (number) 3 Cows milked (number) 134 Dry dairy stock (number) 2 2 39 Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) * 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 3,132 1,575 593 2,688 157 Dry sheep (number) 824 300 29 1,468 31 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 77 17 111 Dry run cattle (number) 90 40 "35 107 Horses (number) 5 4 2 14 9 Wool produced (lb.) .. .. .. .. 44,156 16,689 5,077 41,564 1,175 Sheep sold (number) 2,251 5,491 2,757 1,370 496 Cattle sold (number) 139 225 23 4 53 Cash crops (type and quantity) Horses sold (number) 4 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) 3,1961 Wool (£) 3 j i23 1,058 '471 3,895 44 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 3,912 7,671 2,085 1,694 728 Transfers to other blocks (£) 1,016 3,235 1,543 397 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 449 1,830 386 33 318 Transfers to other blocks (£) 1,115 33 949 129 Horses (£) 10 24 Pigs (£) .. Crops (£) Miscellaneous (£) .. "67 '473 35 55 "i90 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5)— Sheep—Cash purchases (£) Transfers from other blocks (£) 725 1,619 950 218 520 976 2,366 2,672 12 100 Cattle—Cash purchases (£) 876 30 2 79 222 Transfers from other blocks (£) 367 1,272 564 16 239 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 1,389 1,315 335 2,294 1,611 Labour (£) 1,226 969 267 879 1,013 Horses (£) .. .. .. .. .. 13 29 5 Miscellaneous (£) .. .. .. .. .. "83 13. Labour employed (developing and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) .. .. .. .. 1 2 2 1 5 6 ♦Milk sold, 46,573 gallons. t Milk sold, 5,873 gallons. % 670 bushels barley, 306 bales hay.


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)--continued Wellington. o 04 H K P « < K < < s P X < X (9 < « < H < s < X w ce w cc < P X P H O « s 3 2 3 < s < X < a K £ < H PM < O < CC e> 3 3 < Bk < * p K < i < < W 0 a, 28/2/47 1,389 12 1 j 377 31/5/46 561 5 556 3/3/46 380 3 '377 31/10/46 319 ' 16 303 1/7/46 203 203 30/11/45 491 5 486 28/11/46 1,453 62 1 j 391 8/11/46 197 5 'i92 28/2/47 3,198 25 3,166 7/8/46 2,024 11 2^013 4/3/46 7,724 j 200 j | 20/2/47 2,326 2^319 40 1,312 '540 '377 '293i99 7 461 23 1,315 " 166 3]i65 1 j 991 7,524 2,' 317 ' 18 5 2 27 1,130 2 1 1 6 ' 16 ' "80 629 25 2 2 2 "60 385 1 3 ' 10 *298 873 120 5 5 34 203" 629 50 3 8 ' 'l8 229 854 102 4 1 3 10 ' 50 3 1,458 350 4 1 2 7 "23 3 36 442 82 2 2 2 1 3 j000 2 2 1 8 "lO 12 1 j 752 20 3 1 1 6 3,000 2 10 1,499 3 1 1 8 ' 45 1 ' 30 2 3 3 18 60 7 ' '38 1 115 165 ' 10 "80 1 176 1 10; i60 8,543 10,994 2,207 876 6,188 5,877 2,784 954 3,735 1,650 2,933 1,013 9,545 4,655 8,989 1,837 8,526 6,387 3,399 908 10,541 6,538 11,463 934 27,253 13,285 5,896 1,532 1,970 5,177 1,788 355 21,410 28,185 1,030 741 17,059 14,505 3,288 1,863 26,000 36,334 1,956 1,413 19,093 15,316 1 ,221 1,170 22,620 15,803 9,331 25,026 19,220 29,476 47,966 9,290 51,366 36,715 65,703 36,800 22,620 15,803 9,331 25,026 19,220 29,476 47,966 9,290 51,366 36,715 65,703 36,800 3 100 1 70 24 8 13,640 " 2 180 3 95 23 20 15,033 125 1 72 14j490f 248 2 75 19 4 12,576 197 1 78 15 18 ,'523 5 3 4 ! "l0 •• 3 4 1,681 870 '207 8 24,616 84 93 196 327 "i21 3 4,879 272 40 714 24 78 1 6,732 876 1 93 92 331 "254 1 1,851 560 38 i 666 221 2 9,317 1,584 '§ 1,806 1,155 ioi 11,189 1,059 112 II 6 "51 12 4,574 2,295 183 680 10 75,971 1,636 283 2,631 1,966 66 560 9 45,205 513 21 6,499 4.290 '508 402 22 80,255 2,613 3,172 1,306 95 776 5 51,565 1,366 1 2," 519 155 1,126 787 1,475 1, 5E>3 426 357 773 211 1,964 '892 967 2 570 1,446 135 5," 667 1,845 2,141** 126 827 118 268 3,806 1,233 1,428 2,292 1,356 3^488 1 jo25 1,655 3,254 650 7,331 1,736 "62 ' 51 "290 2,200 4,148 3,905 4,096 653 1,571 182 4,016 3,435 2,590 2," 903 1,536 2,848 14 1,358 i21 'i27 ' '87 "26 '289 "i84 '258 101 112 217 230 i73 286 ' 49 281 '292 "isa *338 356 112 507 2,541 822 667 941 21 308 2,143 1,302 339 782 "36 247 358 208 440 6 601 6,385 1,293 641 1,313 2,173 3,849 1,423 713 1,601 1,320 1,340 1,096 2,479 602 4,528 2,465 4,717 3,242 1,800 • 655 "63 53 1,071 667 975 3,381 3,399 1,338 1,386 716 "i58 3,230 1,008 1,042 1,150 "io7 2 j()21 2,225 9,805 488 5,159 2,501 1,027 1,374 "i07 55 ' 24 *474 "i97 "i63 "57 "i43 10 233 3 3 2 6 4 4 6 2 6 6 6 4 § 1,410 bales hay 11101 sacks wheat, 954 bales straw. If Milk proceeds. ** Includes milk sold.



* Also 417 acres moled. f 25 acres moled. J 31,691 gallons milk sold. § 1,012 sacks 229 bushels oats. tt I>6oo bales hay. }i Milk proceeds.


Wellington— Particulars. < £ 2 Ss S K d e cj '§ < < M < S a Z H != < "&D C < < c! « K K H 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 6/3/46 18/3/47 29/3/46 2. Total area (acres) '212 1,039 190 2,311 117 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 10 2 120 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 14 165 5. Balance under development (acres) '212 1,015 "i88 2,026 "117 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) 10 18 Permanent grass (acres) '212 985 156 1,881 "il7 Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) ' 12 6 ' 41 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 8 8 96 Plantations (acres) 8 Water supplies : Area reticulated (acres) "47 iso "95 Fencing (chains) 300 1 325 3," 605 176 Drains (chains) 140 192 25 135* 63 Dwellings (number) 1 2 2 3 Wool-sheds (number) 1 2 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 1 Other farm buildings (number) 3 "l2 3 6 Road bridges (number) Farm bridges (number) " 1 4 " 3 Roads (chains) 80 Farm tracks (chains) 6 75 "'62 10 7, Capital expenditure to date in land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart—Unimproved (£) 23,099 5,524 19,050 59 Improvements (£) 7,520 5,501 11,878 181 Materials and expenses (£) 1^479 6,858 469 5,668 1,395 Labour (gross) (£) 654 3,185 61 2,023 490 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 2,133 40,662 11,555 38,619 2,125 Less subsidies on labour (£) 79 Set expenditure (£) 2,133 40,662 11,555 38,619 2,046 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 5,590 9. Dairying on areas under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) .. .. .. .. Cows milked (number) 1 Dry dairy stock (number) ' 64 158 55 ioe 73 Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 436 416 591 4,305 Dry sheep (number) 72 867 56 221 *148 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 75 Dry run cattle (number) ' '79 109 i43 Horses (number) 1 2 2 3 3 Wool produced (lb.) 4,873 15,873 6,374 30,386 Sheep sold (number) 315 2,752 762 5,367 'i89 Cattle sold (number) 5 2 30 311 31 Cash crops (type and quantity) § II tI 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) '299 1^382 "34 2^557 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 421 3,806 1,052 8,054 '291 Transfers to other blocks (£) 1,219 1,391 248 60 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 24 10 184 2,782 '481 Transfers to other blocks (£) 4,461 1,537 3,237 926 2,304 Pigs (£) Crops (£) '499 1^486 "420 Miscellaneous (£) 2 41 "33 110 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5)— Sheep—Cash purchases (£) 332 943 569 5,614 Transfers from other blocks (£) 1,274 1,853 1,710 '400 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) 1,749 1,862 2joi5 643 117 Transfers from other blocks (£) 2,191 2,317 2,023 1,676 3,647 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 25 3,114 347 4,448 54 Labour (£) .. ... 229 435 271 872 Miscellaneous (£) 65 30 57 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 1 6 1 5 1


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued

wheat. j| 2,180 bushels wheat, 2,097 bushels barley. 994 bushels wheat. ** 7 tons chaff,


continued. Marlborough. < o 03 => < H S3 Cm < H E-h <" 5 3 < K P H O * O Oh P £3 03 O H-4 & z < is § te >M 63 J K 63 > < J 0 . « Wfj O# O J O < 03 O in 85 O 05 Q > < Q xA S ►J 63 U3 HJ ►J 3 SB 63 , 63 1 03 ! 05 w O 63 63 P* CO 31/3/47 1,623 50 1 j 573 28/6/46 4,773 100 4^673 16/4/46 251 251 28/3/47 3,906 200 3," 706 6/3/46 5,493 200 5 j 293 27/6/45 1,259 1^259 17/3/47 3,710 100 1,630 1,980 24/3/47 7,915 7 j 915 4/11/46 54 ' 54 15/8/45 2,034 320 li714 29/3/44 4,912 505 4^407 30/4/4o 800 160 640 1 j 569 4 30 ■ 2 1 3 4," 668 5 3 j 057 30 5 3 8 230 ' 10 3 74 382 2 1 3^706 lji97 1 2 5 j 289 4 50 2,968 t 1 5 1^223 "23 ' 13 296 2,646 630 3 1 14 1^935 ' 25 "20 1^825 3 1 1 9 7 j 729 126 40 20 2^400 3 1 1 15 ' '54 1.94 70 1 j<598 "l3 3 100 1,778 100 1 3 15 1,240 2,820 "i72 158 17 2,261 1 9 "'43 25 10 1, is3 473 3 3 ' 20 30 1 "32 10 50 ' 10 100 " 3 65 2 "70 ' *30 5 "so "30 1 8,680 11,981 2,542 139 18,310 24,270 2,044 574 4,870 5,307 1,063 585 17,575 14,111 852 32 23,920 48,694 3,260 636 12,500 29,062 6,487 5,153 23,200 10,465 741 200 15,830 11,351 921 164 2,559 320 250 164 9,992 5,985 6,155 1,304 4,432 4,342 7,740 2,658 4,232 2,875 6,432 3,985 23,342 40,541 11,825 32,570 76,510 53,202 1,159 34,606 28,266 3,293 23,436 19,172 17,524 23,342 40,541 11,825 32,570 76,510 52,043 34,606 28,266 3,293 23,436 19,172 17,524 1 __ 14,950 2 6 4 5 4 81 , 933 1 13 328 1 80 55 54 1 16 4^25 393 76 16 15,795 640 1 70 65 17,990 1,697 1,181 197 138 6 616 3,610 3,331 452 186 11 55,174 981 32 286 107 3 5,385 358 2,916 1,303 261 231 5 9,002 1,012 123 7,049 2,806 897 475 12 82,331 2,457 35 1,295 1,681 "92 6 16,400 1,525 228 2,394 757 80 72 3 20,510 5,122 165 1,636 2,618 108 110 39,425 1,320 54 ** 1 888 557 93 24 21,442 1,241 25 tt 2,222 1,178 100 65 12 24,272 1,060 47 5 "68 '883 238 263 135 5,765 1,491 1,371 317 945 175 89 783 574 271 "45 846 1,155 138 770 1,291 ' 36 8,576 3,337 2,380 175 1,282 ' 79 2,442« 1,329 2,935 357 '290 2,1.80 2,909 592 25 13 "54 931 836 176 283 1 ' 61 1,577 1,818 1,739 17 377 329 | 30 161 145 941 754 101 442 iis 1,935 "i22 "io9 "36 132 314 *512 602 5 "92 1,496 9 448 1,432 457 369 814 4,670 1,200 4,483 1,112 810 645 63 1,017 2,430 113 493 1,960 1,609 25 4,537 2,171 1,264 810 1,632 652 14 10,234 84 1,831 1 j 202 1,352 31 3,298 457 2,413 1,131 14 406 "il9 264 1 250 147 l,'i95 1,189 3 103 17 37 329 1,628 1,507 1,292 1,333 18 2 5 3 2 6 6 4 6 2 4 6 5



* Includes allocations to settlers, not yet paid for. 11,031 bushels oats, 5§ tons chaff, and 720 bushels || 550 bushels grass-seed. If 800 bushels oats, 5,935 bushels wheat, 28 bushels clover, and 8 tons chaff, tt 465 bushels rye-grass, 2,036 bushels oats, and 2,357 bushels wheat. §§ 76 bushels oats, 767 bushels barley, rye-grass. *** 877 bushels oats, 28 tons hay, 24 tons chaff, 400 bales straw, and 500 lb. clover. ttt Land Laws


BLOCKS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Marlborough —ctd. Westland. Particulars. a H fC W M s Q w CO i-9 s W o E o K H « H a O 0 m w M > & H O £ K < H tu 0 K a CO 0 O j 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 1/1/40 2/12/46 21/3/47 28/2/46 2/12/41 2. Total area (acres) 239,624 443 1,922 5,001 665 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 90,124 20 100 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, <fec. (acres) 4,173 5. Balance under development (acres) 149,'500 "443 1,902 728 665 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) 5,400 443 198 Permanent grass (acres) 144,088 1^451 440 413 Temporary grass (acres) .. .. .. 28 Crops (acres) 370 50 ' '67 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 43 175 Plantations (acres) .. .. .. . . 12 10 ' '40 10 Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) Fencing (chains) 10,965 613 2 joOO '280 '944 Drains (chains) 90 9 Dwellings (number) 3 1 1 1 1 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 1 Other farm buildings (number) 14 1 8 3 5 Road bridges (number) Farm bridges (number) 1 Roads (chains) 1^660 6 Farm tracks (chains) "30 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) 19,000 2,067 11,856 30,053 2,450 Improvements (£) 4,250 4,621 5,350 10,036 420 Materials and expenses (£) 5,037 485 832 11,017 1,713 Labour (gross) (£) 2,847 200 7 279 289 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 31,134 7,373 18,045 51,385 4,872 Less subsidies on labour (£) 1,589 Net expenditure (£) 29,545 7,373 18,045 51,385 4,872 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 31,430 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) 443 Herds (number) 1 Cows milked (number) 34 Dry dairy stock (number) 12 Breeding-sows (number) 2 Butterfat sold (lb.) 5,589 "i55 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5)— Breeding-ewes (number) * * 2,068 888 718 Dry sheep (number) 127 " 56 1,504 319 351 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 1,771 92 Dry run cattle (number) 1,476 1 2 ' '2 Horses (number) 28 2 2 1 Wool produced (lb.) 1,460 25,268 13^271 7,207 Sheep sold (number) 358 1,893 5,940* 1,508 Cattle sold (number) 395 23 140* 2 Cash crops (type and quantity) 't t 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) 540 44 Wool (£) 9 86 '979 1,866 '852 Sheep—Cash sales (£) .. .. .. 601 1,110 46 1,947 Transfers to other blocks (£) 934 2,115 296 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 13 187 17 Transfers to other blocks (£) 5,380 ' 18 Pigs(£) .. ' 41 Crops (£) • - *406 2," 584 Miscellaneous (£) .. 157 "38 170 '374 59 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) 175 16 338 307 694 Transfers from other blocks (£) 993 39 538 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) i52 '519 133 Transfers from other blocks (£) ' 20 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 3^490 "347 2,244 1,556 2^27 Labour (£) 1,381 553 850 1,096 859 Miscellaneous (£) .. 64 73 94 97 27 3. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 13 3 2 2 2 * Includes allocations to settlers, not yet paid for. 11,031 bushels oats, 5# tons chaff, and 720 bushels II 550 bushels grass-seed. If 800 bushels oats, 5,935 bushels wheat, 28 bushels clover, and 8 tons chaff. li 465 bushels rye-grass, 2,036 bushels oats, and 2,357 bushels wheat. §§ 76 bushels oats, 767 bushels barley, rye-grass. *** 877 bushels oats, 28 tons hay, 24 tons chaff, 400 bales straw, and 500 lb. clover. ttt Land Laws


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued

wheat. t 948 bushels oats and 2,821 bushels wheat. § 67$ bushels grass-seed, and 94 bushels wheat. ** 314 bushels rye-grass and 506 bushels wheat. tt 5 38 bushels oats and 2,846 bushels wheat, and 1,535 bushels wheat. |||| 695 lb. clover. TIH 167 sacks potatoes, 2,620 lb. clover, and 623 bushels Amendment Act, 1929.

3—C 1


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)-—continued Canterbury. I FIGHTING HILL, j i/5 >* < i-J Q iz E | ic >< W ►4 55 H X w £ o X oi O SB 5 ><* < > 2 Ed > W J w pa o z < S o 1-1 i <3 1 0 « w ►J Q O ! s O H < 1 H ! 85 1 O I SS J » < a> s-» SR S3 0 s id a as < £ H X !S w > PS w > K 3/7/46 23/9/46 3,319 3^319 28/3/47 264 3^ 261 15/5/46 97 ' 97 14/6/46 3,172 542 567 2,063 18/9/46 251 6 *245 27/3/47 674 5 35 634 12/3/46 670 1 670 10/8/46 523 *523 25/3/47 2,631 60 556 2,015 27/3/47 19,401 19^401 [ 1/7/46 369 *369 1/8/46 540 50 490 2,046 793 450 "30 2^580 1 1 ' 79 100 "82 350 155 75 ' 22 i32 1,251 350 200 162 100 2,063 3,600 6 1 5 is9 ' 56 415 1 *388 *246 740 1 1 1 '474 "io4 50 42 990 200 1 3 *357 "30 126 10 976 1 1 1 j 567 170 266 *12 45 2 1 1 9 17,226 1,875 *250 30 20 150 8,220 90 5 2 "l2 *238 '*92 45 4 500 1 1 1 345 36 70 36 3 *600 1 1 5 ' 40 1 4 2 5 4 4 6 ' *28 4 100 6 " 3 26,369 4,805 5,219 194 5,850 243 400 4,046 153 317 1 32,897 10,776 4,237 230 5,094 195 484 137 10,617 1,193 544 54 12,961 3,865 1,374 36 15,918 3,136 701 40 19,527 6,932 619 6 83,290 6,400 1,165 256 2,013 60 4,930 603 3,678 2,072 548 61 36,587 6,493 4,517 48,140 5,910 12,408 18,236 19,795 27,084 91,111 7,606 6,359 36,587 6,493 4,517 48,140 5,910 12,408 18,236 19,795 27,084 91,111 7,606 6,359 3,372 591 6,320 3,614 2,424 2 40,464 1,795 7 '§ 'ti 3,400 1,938 72 67 6 45,326 3,775 243 If 419 122 20 13 1 2,108 1,157 25 ** 998 539 2 13,465 1,481 tt 831 110 J 8," 630 1,973 1 tt 870 435 " 36 2 8,799 2,101 §§ 2,420 1,936 15 46 2 20,503 1,197* m 8,845 4,781 156 205 14 83,210 3,693 31 791 563 1 5-j 420 1,024 5 TS 627 301 " 2 6,178 1,414 *** 4^61 1,265 1,590 3,245 2,559 377 2,528 "i90 1,230 456 11 193 *403 1,718 2,668 606 7 *724 2 272 '512 *305 445 3 j 736 43 1,125 272 *960 1,429 1,023 91 12 *523 1,956 126 "67 ' 80 104 441 95 284 *311 53 *i25 75 39 *681 74 **59 89 '*28 *610 96 *719 135 388 ' *23 2 j 369 1,464 179 92 '810 38 12 il8 42 78 646 1,052 107 308 2,997 2,057 353 474 653 14 256 550 266 320 2,371 57 679 79 654 700 61 237 422 *392 612 516 85 4,114 1,214 651 2,535 1,185 114 17,200 1,224 2,725 988 1,981 1,803 503 685 733 14 42 616 184 13 382 504 *836 579 31 3 5 1 2 2 1 3 7 1 1 wheat. \ 948 bushels oats and 2,821 bushels wheat. § 67i bushels grass-seed and 94 bushels wheat. ** 314 bushels rye-grass and 506 bushels wheat. ft 538 bushels oats and 2,846 bushels wheat, and 1,535 bushels wheat. |||| 695 lb. clover. Tlf 167 sacks potatoes, 2,620 lb. clover, and 623 bushels Amendment Act, 1929. 3—0 1



* Kuriwao and Te Houka are subdivisions of Arclif Block, which was transferred from civilian to discharged peas, 763 bushels barley, 2,796 bushels oats, 796 bushels wheat, and 523 bushels rye-grass. J 527 bushels peas, oats. || 228 bushels wheat. 1f 26| tons chaff, 2,332 bushels oats, and 30 bushels lupins. ** 369 lucerne, and 1101b. swedes. tl 6,038 bushels wheat, 2,838 bushels oats, 443 bushels barley, 930 bushels §§ 1,769 bushels wheat. |||| 375 bushels wheat. 1,059 bushels wheat. *** 950 bushels


Canterbury— Particulars. * m a Pi < SB O < r . O m 1 H H >-} O v-< s C"< H 55 « 0H fit O EH CU £ w .S 1 H w < <ZJ | CO H H > 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 2/12/46 30/10/46 14/6/43 20/5/40 1940/41 3. Total area (acres) Area not suitable for development (acres) 337 1,017 184 665 38 8,815 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) .. *627 8 j 815 5. Balance under development (acres) 337 1 joi7 "i84 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 1,748 ■ Undeveloped (acres) 14 516 Permanent grass (acres) 1.96 '635 126 1,150 Temporary grass (acres) 46 60 "40 ' '80 5,269 Crops (acres) 58 130 600 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 32 180 20 "48 Plantations (acres) 5 12 4 11 Water-supplies: Area reticulated (acres) 184 627 7', 881 Fencing (chains) '520 1 j 270 550 1,135 Drains (chains) .. 280 350 6 Dwellings (number) 1 "2 1 3 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 1 5 Other farm buildings (number) 5 13 2 4 9 Road bridges (number) 3 Farm bridges (number) 4 Roads (chains) "10 10 Farm tracks (chains) ' '40 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 928 4,572 24,616 Unimproved (£) 7,132 19,675 Improvements (£) 2,920 4,440 792 1,037 4,927 Materials and expenses (£) 311 1,838 2,634 2,647 6,546 Labour (gross) (£) 62 243 1,105 3,924 2,250 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 10,425 26,196 5,459 12,180 38,339 Less subsidies on labour (£) 1,698 Net expenditure (£) 10,425 26,196 5,459 10,482 38,339 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 184 Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) ' 13 Cows milked (number) Dry dairy stock (number) 24 Breeding-sows (number) 1,'565 Butterfot sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 1,057 3,180 Breeding-ewes (number) 481 1,277 ' '28 Dry sheep (number) 13 1,497 775 1,540 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 2 1 Dry run cattle (number) " 2 7 3 Horses (number) .. .. 4 5 Wool produced (lb.) 3^540 14,469 233 10,445 41,849 Sheep sold (number) 1,088 1,585 706 769 3,188 Cattle sold (number) 4 3 11 Cash crops (type and quantity) t i § if It 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 130 Butterfat (£) 4^873 Wool (£) '231 2 j 038 153 760 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 1,544 2,465 418 983 1,773 Transfers to other blocks (£) 2 96 614 45 2,398 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 10 "28 59 Transfers to other blocks (£) Pigs (£) .. Crops (£) 2i 410 4 592 '210 ' 93 '877 Miscellaneous (£) .. 49 125 15 14 130 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 2,031 42 240 614 Sheep—Cash purchases (£) 68 Transfers from other blocks (£) 182 284 812 465 Cattle—Cash purchases (£) 21 66 5 Transfers from other blocks (£) 212 344 957 718 2*i31 1,299 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) Labour (£) 1,386 458 2ji05 1,182 Miscellaneous (£) .. 49 112 197 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— 6 Average for year (item 5) (number) 1 3 1 2


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued

servicemen's account as at Ist July, 1947. The original Arclif Block was acquired in 1941. f 297 bushels 1,347 bushels barley, 2,884 bushels wheat, 8 tons linseed, and 660 lb. clover. § 6 tons chaff and 309 bushels bushels peas, 335 bushels barley, and 1,016 bushels wheat. "ft •> tons potatoes, 1,427 lb. clover, 200 lb. rye-grass, 714 bushels lupins, 8,139 lb. rape, 1,175 lb. brown-top, 644 lb. clover, and 10 tons potatoes! wheat. ttt 3,776 bushels wheat.


continued. Otago. VIEWBRAE. K < < < £ W « O S w o a? j? O J S <3 S3 fc> O 55 < 5 < 6 < 0 >—< £ PS m « W O w ►J < K 0 O O O £ O O O Cs t* < s (Si w > S3 fa 5 3 0 0 S5 < US O < is w 0 ►J d 3 >• Gfi < £ 15/8/46 1,3.78 736 *442 263 82 ' '95 2 940 33 1 1 1 7 ' 20 1,318 3,437 587 12 1/10/46 485 '485 13 307 10 84 67 4 *710 1 1 9 8,458 3,895 1,265 144 22/8/40 766 '611 155 i.30 10 15 " i.55 303 74 1 1 1 2 4 15 14,440 1,299 16,126 1,477 27/11/44 24/5/45 11/4/47 4,067 23 4^044 1,211 1,216 985 582 50 4^298 9 4 ' 25 12 "50 22,149 15,704 16,071 2,496 20/3/45 1,500 1,500 487 525 240 230 18 1^563 3 1 7 14,456 1,580 9,156 161 18/8/44 2,945 862 2 j083 836 918 324 5 3 j 479 4 5 2 3 11 ' 40 20,879 8,959 12,985 653 2/12/46 392 28 364 192 95 75 2 266 585 295 1 1 1 6 1 4,125 4,010 481 28/3/47 1,904 361 1^543 365 1,011 'i45 21 1 1^570 3 1 2 6 7,284 8,068 1,129 186 18/7/46 1,662 450 1,212 791 76 330 "l5 300 1,740 "4 1 6 ' '40 8,795 6,600 1,638 387 11/2/46 1,262 575 687 139 394 'i24 ' '30 175 920 1 1 1 5 12,029 5,168 1,198 364 24/3/44 2,504 691 393 1.420 501 681 238 500 3,206 5 1 3 8 '220 24,087 2,769 5,756 1.421 1/7/47* 453 39 414 240 109 "64 1 24 543 1 1 1 1,450 1,647 103 64 13,762 33,342 56,420 25,353 43,476 8,643 16,667 17,420 18,759 34,033 3,264 5,354 13,762 33,342 56,420 25,353 43,476 8,643 16,667 17,420 18,759 34,033 3,264 5,354 22,400 5,900 •' 7 7 3 " 3 '" „ 6 3 3 9 75 2 2 3 1 1^530 750 4,616 1,428 4,159 982 2,519 1,594 214 2,046 500 1,248 570 ' 30 3,622 1,133 ! 2,767 1,022 2,510 1,471 507 1,450 396 870 1 25 9 11 1 69 43 3 91 " 8 ' '26 ' '71 38 30 " 1 2 5 7 2 8 1 5 2 5 2 2 3 7,680 540 45,141 13,101 44,188 19,841 31,909 21,239 6,743 25,683 3,264 20,329 1,348 1,735 6,111 1,651 2,759 1,557 27 2,271 3,000 1,692 166 455 1 185 52 3 137 27 207 582 98 ** tt • tt §§ llll HIT ttt 296 1 553 799 6,062 2 j 504 2^013 744 2,657 1^649 '372 2," 040 5 *828 2,206 304 8,925 1,479 3,701 2,328 27 3,014 6,260 2,779 300 344 2,407 13 392 467 263 1,489 547 311 137 ' 13 1,254 280 31 126 665 2,479 8,924 1,508 1,431 348 509 1,715 1,266 192 1^203 1^381 6^916 1,635 371 ' '85 8 400 "589 * iso 64 140 478 41 104 36 "23 23 36 76 35 ' 36 197 2 2,456 253 817 22 6,154 3,170 4,207 800 408 77 354 224 3,420 121 ! 547 47 958 1,141 693 825 2,982 702 ' 32 642 34 2,197 4,405 747 ' *18 441 30 33 12 2,628 496 *270 1 j i65 1,714 6,010 1^341 2^249 900 2^584 1,522 1,584 1,371 746 1,481 469 1,007 3,407 1,248 2,080 540 1,044 1,045 1,098 1,257 320 698 54 106 252 85 11 19 14 150 33 13 1 1 13 I 5 1 4 2 3 1 4 1 ?J 3 1 1 2



* Kuriwao and Te Houka are subdivisions of Arclif Block, which was transferred from civilian to discharged lira of rates 11777 bushels wheat. If 2,328 bushels wheat. ** 2,261 bushels wheat, s-icks oats ' ffl 130 bushels rye-corn, 1J tons chaff, and 488 bales hay. *** 0,000 bushels wheat.


Otago Particulars. H < SM < o 5 < K W O S < >-3 0 >< 0 E I ! E c3 PH £ g H ►J 0k & « 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 17/3/47 28/3/47 1/5/46 1934 31/7/45 2. Total area (acres) 15,035 4,680 972 1,082 733 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, <fee. (acres) 5. Balance under development (acres) 0. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) Permanent grass (acres) Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) Water-supplies : Area reticulated (acres) Fencing (chains) Drains (chains) Dwellings (number) Wool-sheds (number) Cow-sheds (number) Other farm buildings (number) Road bridges (number) Farm bridges (number) Roads (chains) Farm tracks (chains) 7 .Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— Land acquired, including Crown land set apartUnimproved (£) Improvements (£) Materials and expenses (£) Labour (gross) (£) 11,965 3^070 1,390 1,277 '207 170 20 3 j 572 2 1 1 8 10,950 14,252 1,492 140 1,028 3^652 2,611 511 '432 93 1,600 3,588 6 1 3 23 1 *220 25,379 17,101 883 251 44 '928 177 656 "60 "35 991 1 1 1 5,218 4,585 1,126 53 883 199 i99 'i00 1 1 1 1 9,709 3,845 6,948 5,230 176 557 304 160 92 1 *840 1 1 1 4 ' 10 5,630 3,591 1,674 93 Total expenditure (gross) (£) Less subsidies on labour (£) 26,834 43,614 10,982 25,732 4,030 10,988 Net expenditure (£) 26,834 43,614 10,982 21,702 10,988 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) Cows milked (number) Dry dairy stock (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) Dry sheep (number) Breeding-cows and heifers (number) Dry run cattle (number) Horses (number) Wool produced (lb.) Sheep sold (number) Cattle sold (number) Cash crops (type and quantity) .. 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item o) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) Sheep—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) Cattle—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) Horses (£) Crops (£) • • Miscellaneous (£) .. .. .. , 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) Sheep—Cash purchases (£) Transfers from other blocks (£) Cattle —Cash purchases (£) Transfers from other blocks (£) Farming-expenses —Materials and expenses (£) .. Labour (£) .. ■. • • Miscellaneous (£) .. ■ ■ • • • • • • 13. Labour employed (development and farming)- - Average for year (item 5) (number) . ■ • • ■ • 7 4,368 5,763 59 4 11 53,431 *96 ljiis 46 '523 "34 10,051 '878 37 3,042 484 81 5 "l4 2,910 3,815 120 27 16 37,602 3,276 764 *** 6,826 12,*664 2,679 6 142 16,158 714 9,554 2,959 4,195 1,820 210 C 3 6 1,249 802 2 7 6 32,820 1,286 1,712 2,141 "91 98 5 1 j 028 881 10 16,500 9 38 "43 '468 6 i.83 3 4 1,287 916 3 7 21,488 661 2 II *818 905 116 8 293 80 5 47 '932 383 3


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33) —continued

servicemen's account as at Ist July, 1947. The original Arclif Block was acquired in 1941. § Grants in ft 88 bushels oats. $% 416 sacks wheat. §§ Approximately 10 acres oats not threshed. |||] 188 THE Library


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued —continued. Southland. TAIPO HILL. < « p o W w H W < a 2 « 0 SB H US K P m £ 0 p $ as p 0 fc. p < « H » 0 < O SB 09 p « J6 « w H < W SB H K O jS j 2 W * Q O O SB as 3 0 05 H as SB < p « as is 0 Q SB H P O w O < » SB (6 P o, a> 1/3/44 468 93 *375 1/7/47* 1,461 239 1 222 4/4/46 1,766 533 1/233 12/4/46 4,657 3,517 1 jl40 21/1/46 1,363 lj363 10/6/46 634 10 624 14/12/45 938 938 20/9/45f 17/3/47+ l,736t 1,319{ 3,055 10/4/45 1,742 88 533 1,121 1/3/46 1,195 100 1,095 31/3/47 5,645 55 5,590 31/3/41 2,223 2,223 319 "49 221 857 "i36 361 730 i35 155 811 "i54 260 962 141 24 540 "57 3 "i60 550 240 1. 1 1 3 306 590 "42 698 1,768 589 402 602 ii7 699 296 ioo 423 4,419 '666 618 1,224 50 323 7 270 490 2 1 4 8 1^960 1 5 7. 2,i30 3 1 2 4 "20 2^140 1 1 4 297 3 1 1 7 996 278 2 1 2 4 2,572 149 3 2 5 1 jo51 90 1 1 4 '873 281 2 2 2 "82 1,301 11 2 3 24 " 8 491 2,293 943 2 1 3 13 "l8 40 36 "30 2 "l5 ' 29 9 4 8 ' '25 73 13 iao 7,538 920 ' 3,802 510 4'707 1,053 91 7,919 6,176 1,641 168 8,013 7,243 1,096 180 2,919 9,252 6,230 511 3,273 4,039 5,559 1,102 3,515 2,834 7,449 1,061 9,647 17,069 10,434 1,867 4,859 '6,494 5,936 1,313 3,288 6.299 2,271 1,273 11,071 55,124 4,450 514 6,980 6,717 23,4'93 3,991 12,770 11,006 15,904 16,532 18,912 13,973 14,859 39,017 18,602 13,131 71,159 41,181 12,770 11,006 15,904 16,532 18,912 13,973 14,859 39,017 18,602 13,131 71,159 41,181 4,445 3 3 5 3 " 6 6 6 10 3 1 4 " 2 2 " 6 3 5 2 1 "21 24 "ll 7 976 36 4 32 2 8,324 1,515 57 11 2,030 1,664 4 5 12,880 944 4 ** 2,474 1,746 6 8 . 57,478 1,707 3 3,118 2,258 123 88 3 34,538 1,135 30 tt 2,274 1,465 6 22,277 1,116 1 1,390 1,048 1 2 14,224 470 24 1,005 1,169 2 9,441 286 it 3,128 2,866 43 32 6 32,398 1,940 129 1,550 1,032 19 30 4 15,263 820 56 §§ M25 109 120 4 5,739 963 74 llll 10,221 5,465 245 248 23 137,148 7,645 6 n 3,725 1,169 iio 8 43,313 2,024 226 *688 2,544 399 6 910 38 435 2,012 47 52 163 80 1,472 898 5 20 39 74 3 jo95 1,671 170 '240 i58 125 1,881 435 5 "65 120 1 j 449 1,000 128 6 256 "23 343 460 681 13 3 j 558 2,525 55 '493 "78 i;m 1,272 10 465 " 3 40 508 2,466 160 13 936 "49 6,065 1,714 77 205 784 3,600 19 4,181 22 339 419 1,457 *373 599 21 990 4,696 40 70 2,046 1,004 60 564 "14 2 ] 607 1,370 28 214 ' '78 1,638 1,367 200 1,016 65§ 164 30 53 7 1,589 725 51§ 594 795 35 1 j 551 445 47§ 2,766 900 598 343 4,968 1,248 81§ 472 424 1 j 515 605 39§ 2,171 635 289 451 822 577 87§ 27,044 2^549 4,961 201§ 3,8*2 55 2,694 859 3,300 2,855 133§ 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 1 5 3 4 16 8 servicemen's account as at 1st July, 1947. The original Arclif Block was acquired in 1941. § Grants in ft 88 bushels oats. $$ 416 sacks wheat. §§ Approximately 10 acres oats not threshed. |||] 188 UN '^onZ^


ADVANCES MADE TO CROWN TENANTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND STOCKING OF HOLDINGS Amounts advanced for the year ended 31st March, 1948 : £ For improvements .. .. .. .. .. 6,056 For stock .. . . .. .. .. .. 306 Readvances from sales of farm produce .. .. 4,878 Total .. .. .. .. .. £11,240 Number of Crown tenants to whom new advances made.. . . 26 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACT, 1915' The following particulars are supplied pursuant to section 14 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 : Total Area proclaimed since Inception of the Scheme Class of Land. Area (Acres). Ordinary Crown land .. .. .. .. 1,053,157 Land-for-settlements land .. .. .. .. 405,976 Cheviot Estate land .. .. .. .. 3,356 1,462,489 Proclamations have been issued revoking the setting-apart of 258,143 acres of Crown land and 108,419 acres of land-for-settlements land. From the inception of the soldier-settlement scheme in 1915 the total applications received number 15,181 and the allotments made number 4,114 covering a total area of 1,450,887 acres. The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account was abolished by section 6 of the Finance Act, 1937. EXPENDITURE

Summary of Expenditure approved during the Year ended 31st March, 1948

* Includes value of Crown lands transferred to Small Farms Account, £3,657, and Interest on proceeds of sales of Crown lands under section 13 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926, £83,702,


Name of Vote or Account. Amount voted. Gross Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1948. Gross Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1947. Voted Expenditure Vote " Lands and Survey " — Subdivision I .. Subdivision II .. . • .. Subdivision III .. . . .. £ 761,151 361,503 73,010 | £ 729,091 402,041 53,126 £ 636,471 79,333 10,539 Total, vote " Lands and Survey " .. Vote " Land for Settlements " .. .. Vote " Small Farms Development " .. 1,195,664 76,090 5,678,150 1,184,258 47,128 4,039,625 726,343 49,234 3,516,744 Total voted expenditure 6,949,904 5,271,011 4,292,321 Other Expenditure. Land for Settlements Account: Expenditure from capital proceeds of sales of Crown lands Deposits Account expenditure and miscellaneous expenditure 214,045* 32,553 184,212 25,635 5,517,609 4,502,168


STAFF Several officers retired during the year. These included — Mr. W. D. Armit, Fields Director and Land Purchase Inspector, Head Office (forty-three years' service); Mr. G. I. Beeson, Chief Accountant, Head Office, (forty years' service); and Mr. A. W. Craig, Chief Surveyor, Nelson (forty-two years' service). All of these officers have given excellent service, and I have pleasure in acknowledging same and wishing them well in their retirement. In conclusion, I desire to place on record my appreciation of the services of the officers of the Department, who have, as a whole, worked with enthusiasm and zeal.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (783 copies), £l9O

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l94B. Price Is. 6d.]


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DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1948 Session I, C-01

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1948 Session I, C-01

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1948 Session I, C-01

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